Wood putty: surface control. Wood putty: choosing the most suitable material Wood putty Layer thickness

Many years ago mankind made one very useful discovery - people learned to use gypsum, preparing mixtures from it, which we today call putty. This material is actively used in interior decoration and repair of various surfaces.

Wood processing was no exception, for which many compositions with special properties were invented, which will be discussed in this article. We will also tell you how to prepare a do-it-yourself wood putty.

As already mentioned, the assortment of putties is very large, which makes it very difficult to navigate when buying. Therefore, let's analyze in which cases we need a putty, as well as determine the areas of its application and the optimal composition, since it may differ for each specific case.

Scope of application

Wood putty is used in the treatment or restoration of various surfaces. It is used for decorative finishing of MDF claddings (see Wall cladding with MDF panels: doing it right) or plywood, in preparation for painting new parquets, as well as when restoring door panels, window frames and repairing old wooden floor coverings. And these are just the most common areas of application.

Let's list the properties that a surface treated with wood putty acquires:

  • The putty gives the wood moisture resistance, which has a beneficial effect on the service life of the coating;
  • All types of compounds perfectly hide various defects and cracks. Moreover, some of them are suitable for fairly large damage to the structures of frames and doors;
  • Wood putty emphasizes the natural texture of wood, since some mixtures have a transparent structure;
  • A surface treated with such compounds is perfect for painting, or applying a transparent or decorative varnish layer;
  • Wood floor putty has excellent adhesion to the surface, and easily fills all the irregularities and cracks that form during operation.

Advice! To make the putty last longer, thoroughly clean the surface from dirt, dust and oil stains before applying to the floor, and then be sure to treat the wood with a primer.


It is easy to find mixtures of any varieties and manufacturers on store shelves, of which there are many today.

There are brands produced by both domestic and foreign companies on the market, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • "Tikkurula" Is a Finnish company specializing in the production of mixtures and paints. The price of putty from this manufacturer is often higher than that of direct competitors, but it is worth remembering that the cost is justified by the quality. These mixtures are capable of imitating wood color, have excellent adhesion to the surface, and are suitable for all operating conditions, even with high humidity.
  • "Lacra"- the putty of this company has proven itself as an inexpensive and very high-quality option that is suitable for any type of parquet.
  • "VGT"- mixtures of this manufacturer are excellent for painting, have a homogeneous structure and a good choice of colors.
  • "Eurotex"- inexpensive formulations with good quality.
  • "Tex"- the leader of the domestic market, which offers almost the cheapest mixtures. But do not think that the quality of these products is lower than that of competitors - this is not at all the case.

The range of mixes above is not complete, and when you come to the store, you will see many other formulations. But how not to get confused when choosing? To do this, read the next chapter, in which we will focus on this issue.

Choosing a mixture in the store or preparing at home

All wood treatment compounds are divided into two types: water-based and solvent-based. In the store, you will most likely be offered the first option, since the second has a high toxicity and is used in industrial production. But if you approach the problem correctly and apply the necessary safety measures, then you can use solvent mixtures at home.

These mixtures have several advantages over aqueous options:

  • a very large selection of natural colors and shades;
  • resistance to sudden changes in temperature;
  • high adhesion and fast drying.

Since the choice of shades is very rich in aqueous formulations, let's call this advantage conditional (see photo below).

Now let's take a closer look at the features of each type of putty.

Acrylic putty

It is used for covering smooth decorative surfaces and floors. It has high elasticity, which makes it easy to fill all small cracks. Convenient and practical to work with. If you need a plastic malleable material, then choose this option.

Additional advantages of acrylic putty include its versatility - in addition to wood, it goes well with other materials. For example: suitable for sealing ceramic tiles, chipboard, OSB, plywood and linoleum. Acrylic compounds are fire resistant, have short drying times and are moisture resistant.

The disadvantage of this option is the thickness of the applied layer. It should not exceed 2-3 mm, otherwise the putty starts to crack. This does not allow it to be used when sealing large cracks and potholes, but if you apply the composition in stages with intermediate drying, then, in principle, you can do with them.

Polymer putty

One of these compounds are latex mixtures.

They also have quite a few advantages, namely:

  • Polymer putties do not have a pungent odor, which is convenient when working in residential premises;
  • Drying time is not much inferior to acrylic analogs;
  • These compositions perfectly level surfaces;
  • They are environmentally friendly materials and are non-toxic.

This tool is suitable for processing both natural wood (floor, doors, parquet, etc.) and laminated surfaces (if the desired shade is available). In principle, it has no drawbacks, except for the cost.

Epoxy putty

Here is a tool whose main purpose is to repair wooden surfaces. It is used for capital restoration of wooden doors, window frames, columns and other structures. It is impervious to moisture and has a very high strength after hardening.

Epoxy putty, like other analogs of this type, has two active components that are mixed with each other immediately before application. After this, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which a rapidly hardening mass is obtained. Detailed instructions on the can will indicate the exact time of development and hardening of the composition.

After drying, an incredibly durable surface is formed that lends itself to sanding and painting. It does not have an unpleasant odor and does not shrink during drying. The resulting surface is resistant to both aqueous and chemical solvents.

Stains must not be applied to the epoxy putty, which can be attributed to the lack of this composition. The thing is that the treated areas are not burned, forming "bald spots".

Oil based putties

Linseed oil, chalk and varnish are added to the composition of these mixtures. Some brands also contain PVA glue (see Oil glue putty: what it is and what it is used for), which increases the strength of this material. In general, strength is the main feature of these putties. But this is not all - they are easy to grind and impervious to moisture, as a result of which they are excellent for outdoor work (windows, fences, facades, etc.).

Advice! If there are no antiseptic additives in the putty you purchased, then such processing should be performed before applying the mixture. This is important for wood used in high humidity conditions.

Gypsum compositions

Despite the fact that gypsum universal mixtures are afraid of moisture, and the strength and elasticity of the resulting surface is much inferior to modified analogues, many still use them. Such popular love is fully justified, since gypsum materials perfectly let steam through, which contributes to the creation of a natural microclimate in the room. But the main plus is the low cost, thanks to which you can process a large area without ruining your wallet.

We prepare wood putty ourselves

Imagine that you have built a beautiful country house out of wood. And you plan to plant the area around it with gardens and alleys of beautiful unfading flowers. But before you start ennobling the site, you need to finish finishing. And this is where the question of puttying becomes.

What to do when it is necessary to spend a lot of mixture to process such areas, and its price strongly hits the budget already depleted by construction? In this case, our advice is to cook it yourself, while spending a minimum of money and effort.

The simplest recipe includes only two components: crushed chalk and PVA glue. Pour the glue into a container, and with constant stirring, add chalk to it in small portions. The putty will be ready as soon as it begins to resemble thick sour cream in its consistency.


  • If the surface to be treated has large cracks, chips and irregularities, then add some more fine sawdust or wood dust to the composition - they will give the putty additional strength. The full drying time for this mixture is 24 hours.
  • The following recipe has a water soluble varnish as the main binder for chalk. For these purposes, absolutely any, the cheapest option is suitable.
  • Mix both elements until a thick elastic mass is obtained. If you made a mistake and the mixture came out too thick, then add a little water to get the desired result.
  • Similarly with the PVA formulation, when processing large cracks, add sawdust to the composition.

Advice! In order for the sawdust to absorb moisture, prepare the mixture a day before the proposed work.

And finally, the most difficult, but at the same time, the best recipe for making "Extra" class putty:

  • Linseed oil - 280 gr.;
  • Turpentine oil - 60 gr.;
  • Pumice or perlite powder - 30 gr.;
  • Casein - 20 gr.;
  • Gelatin - 20 gr.;
  • Ammonia solution (18%) - 20 gr.;
  • Water - 300 gr.

For cooking, mix pumice or perlite with oils. After that, add water and mix thoroughly. Next, add all the remaining ingredients and stir again.

The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath with continuous stirring, until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Then remove the putty from the heat and leave to cool. As soon as the composition has cooled to room temperature, you can begin to putty.

This concludes the article. In addition, let's just say that if you need wood putty for outdoor use, then choose a solvent-based compound. If you are interested in the process of making putty at home, be sure to watch the video in this article.

Restoration of wooden surfaces can be carried out using a wide variety of types of putty. In order for the floor, doors or window frames to retain their attractive appearance for a long time after renovation, it is important to choose the right product. When buying a putty, you should pay attention first of all to what types of work it is intended for, to its composition and brand of the manufacturer.

Main types

Currently, when carrying out various kinds of repair work, wood putty is most often used:

  • alkyd;
  • waterproof;
  • non-shrinking;
  • colorless;
  • acrylic.

According to the purpose, putties are divided into those intended for external or internal work.

Alkyd agents

This is mainly used for the restoration of surfaces for paints, varnishes and enamels. It can be used to repair both doors and window frames, and plank floors. This product is usually a pasty consistency and is sold in jars, tubes, or special syringes. It is applied to the wood in such a way that it protrudes slightly above the surface. When sealing large chips, the alkyd putty is applied in several layers. After drying, it is treated with sandpaper so that it is level with the wooden surface.

Waterproof putty

It is also a fairly popular variety. Waterproof pastes are usually made on an oily, adhesive or polymer base. Most often it is external wood putty. These products are not afraid of moisture and severe temperature changes, and are also very resistant to abrasion.

The type of waterproof putty is chosen depending on what kind of finishing you want to see. If, for example, after the restoration of the porch, it is supposed to be painted with oil paint, you should use an oil-based product.

Shrink-free putty

Such funds are usually used to eliminate all sorts of serious defects: deep cracks, large chips, dents, etc. This is actually a high-quality, good putty for wood. For floors, walls and other wood surfaces, it is just perfect. The main advantage of this type of putty is the ability to maintain its original volume after drying and a high degree of adhesion to wood. This means that after the repair, the adjustment layer will not crack or lag behind the surface.

In such putties, special pigments are often added to match the color of the surface to be treated. If you wish, you can choose a tinting for larch, oak, walnut, birch, mahogany, wengo, etc.

Colorless funds

Wood putty of this type is good because it can be used on absolutely any species. The natural shade of wood will not be disturbed when using a colorless putty. By far the most popular is a water-based acrylic product. This putty is usually used for interior work. Its main advantages are a high degree of adhesion, environmental friendliness and crack resistance.

Acrylic wood putty

Means of this type are usually used to seal all kinds of small defects. Very often they are used, for example, when restoring a floor for linoleum, laminate or carpet. The main advantages of acrylic-based putties include plasticity, ease of application, harmlessness and short curing time. This variety is just perfect for processing log or chopped walls. The fact is that such a putty does not allow water to pass through at all. Therefore, fungus will not form on the wood. The advantages of acrylic putty also include the fact that it has absolutely no smell.

Top manufacturers

The most popular at the moment are putties:

  • Tikkurlia;
  • "Extra" VGT;
  • Eurotex;
  • "Rainbow";
  • Parade S50.

Wood putty "Tikkurila"

At the moment, this is perhaps the most popular remedy in Russia. The reviews from buyers about him are just excellent. Tikkurila putties are especially praised for the fact that, after drying, they are able to “adapt” to the color of the wood. You can use the products of this manufacturer for the restoration of any surfaces: doors, handrails, floors, frames, walls, etc.

Quite a high cost - this is what distinguishes this putty for wood. The price for a half-liter jar of "Tikkurila" fluctuates around 450-500 rubles. For comparison: for a tube of domestic putty you will have to pay no more than 30-100 rubles.

Putties "Extra" VGT

Products of this brand are produced in Russia. Their main advantages include, first of all, resistance to high humidity and strength. Most often in stores there are acrylic-based putties from this manufacturer. If you wish, you can choose a tool designed to work both inside and outside the room. It is possible to apply Extra putties even in a very thick layer. The advantages of this tool include low consumption (0.5 kg per 1 m 2).

Wood putty allows you to give the surface a look close to ideal. It is no secret that during processing you have to deal with various flaws: knots, minor damage, chips. Therefore, when preparing products for painting, it is required to correct all existing shortcomings. Elimination of irregularities is carried out in several stages. For example, for a wooden floor, you have to fill in the grooves several times, and then sand the place of repair.

We sand after complete drying

Types of putty mixtures

There are several types of putty for wood:

  • solvent-based filler is one of the most common materials for eliminating flaws, there are several types of such filler;
  • water-based mixtures use the properties of the components to harden after the introduction of water into them, they are quite convenient to use, a spatula and water are needed to work;
  • acrylic putty for wood is a modern material, it is used by professionals and amateurs;
  • oil putties firmly adhere to the base, are used for outdoor products;
  • glue putties are convenient for sealing gaps;
  • two-component mixtures based on epoxy or polyester resin are the most reliable materials to use, they are used where it is necessary to obtain a high surface quality.

Which putty to choose in a particular case depends on the processing area. If you need to prepare a small product, then you can use the filler in a small container. And if you have to putty the floor, then the material consumption is calculated in buckets.
Experienced craftsmen say that the amount determined "by eye" should be multiplied by three. Then it may be enough not to run to the store for a new portion of the working solution.

Solvent-based putty

Similar solutions for wood processing have been used for more than a century and a half. Many of them are called putties, since the first purpose was not to level the surface, but to seal cracks and leaks in the joints of window frames, door frames, pieces of furniture and others.
Solvents are alcohol-based or based on acetone. The binders are dissolved in the carrier fluids, and the filler is also present. After filling a gap or other damage, the solvent evaporates, the binder base forms a "framework" in which the filler is held in the form of a monolith. The composition is polymerized.
The disadvantage of such putties is that polymerization takes place where solvent evaporation is possible. When a thick layer of putty is applied to the wood for painting, complete polymerization does not occur. Repeated filling in thin layers is required so that they have time to dry.
Another disadvantage is the noticeable shrinkage of the mortar. It is rarely possible to perform high-quality processing at a time.

Water-based mixtures

Gypsum or alabaster is the main component of such materials. Putty on wood is quite simple. The dry component and water are mixed in a container. A thick mass is formed, similar to sour cream. It is filled with a gap or other damage on the surface. Then they wait for the solution to set. After a few minutes, the plastic material turns into a solid.
After complete drying (depending on the conditions where the work is done), the surface is mechanically leveled. Then the product is finished.
Many craftsmen prefer water-based mixtures. They are satisfied that it is easy to prepare a working mixture. The service life is very long. Sacks of alabaster are easy to deliver to any site.

Oil formulations

The binder in such mixtures is drying oil. Chalk is used as inert materials. The range of offered fillers for wood floors and other products is extensive. The treated surface is not afraid of moisture, does not crumble in the open air. The filler with the base forms good adhesion.
Various manufacturers sell oil putty, which has its own original properties:

  • "Bostik" sells oil putty based on varnish from soflora. The solutions dry pretty quickly;
  • Tikkurila produces a great oil blend using flaxseed oil. The quality of paints and varnishes is high, the company is a leader in the European market;
  • Synteco uses Oksol drying oil. It does not allow the imposition of thick seams;
  • "Smes" focuses on hemp and alkyd drying oil. It is possible to fill in large irregularities, the solutions are homogeneous. After polymerization, amenable to mechanical processing;
  • PHZ uses an alkyd base. This putty is a good base for subsequent painting with alkyd paints.

Domestic manufacturers are also quite active in the domestic market. Their products are not inferior in quality to imported manufacturers. There is a significant price gain.

Polymer putties

Acrylic is used as the basis of such putties. When thickening, it can be diluted with a little water. When the polymerization process is completed, the resulting mixture is not afraid of moisture and lasts for several years.
Users note:

  • high pliability of the finished solution and the mobility of the aggregate, the mixture penetrates even the thinnest cracks;
  • uniformity of consistency, no inclusions, quite pleasant to the touch;
  • high level of adhesion, allowing the product to be used for more than 10 years;
  • attractive price of putty for wood, popularity is deserved among consumers and this important indicator;
  • the color choice is extensive; you can choose an acrylic putty for any type of wood.

After preparing the wood, acrylic paints are most often used. There are many amenities, the main thing is the absence of harmful fumes during drying.

Other species

Furniture makers in their production prefer to use putties based on polyester resin. The price attracts here. The two-component mixture has a low cost, it is sold in buckets. Small amounts of putty are required for processing furniture items. It is prepared immediately on the spot. Wood dust from grinding machines is used as a filler.
Wood putty for interior work based on polyester resin is also produced by industrial enterprises. Ready-made mixtures are sold in cans of 500 g or more.
Wood putty for outdoor use is made on the basis of epoxy resin. The price is slightly higher, but the quality of sealing flaws is an order of magnitude higher. Powder obtained after wood polishing is also used as a filler. The mixture is characterized by extremely high adhesion.
There is only one drawback - long-term polymerization (24 hours according to the instructions for the epoxy). But mechanical processing allows you to get a mirror surface. Therefore, the restorers of antique furniture have adopted this type of putty.

Information for thought. Antique furniture is imported from abroad in large quantities. It is often unusable. They are taken to restore, and then proudly show them to visitors. Many products date back to the 15th… 17th centuries. Only epoxy-based putty can return the furniture to the look it had during the life of the heroes of A. Dumas.

Wood putty, how to do it yourself

Self-preparation of the putty is not difficult. Many can cook for themselves. For example, a homemade acrylic-based putty.

  1. A small amount of acrylic paint is poured into a small container.
  2. Add chalk while stirring. Experienced craftsmen use paint cans, a drill, and a bent nail.
  3. Stirring is carried out until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, similar to thick sour cream.

The resulting acrylic filler is used for large processing surfaces. It can be stored in a closed jar without air access.
Craftsmen who make pieces of furniture for their home may be interested in a recipe for making do-it-yourself wood putty based on epoxy resin.
You must have epoxy adhesive. Waste obtained during the operation of a belt sander is used as a filler.

  1. A solution is prepared according to the instructions for epoxy using a hardener.
  2. Powder is added to it and mixed thoroughly. The solution must remain sticky.
  3. The ready-made mixture must be used within an hour, then its mobility decreases.

After a day, you can start machining and painting.

How to putty wood surfaces

When purchasing putty in a retail network, some users turn to different sites with the question of how to properly putty wood. Others are looking for other knowledge, for example, how to putty a wooden floor with their own hands. Still others are interested in how much the putty dries. There are many questions, there may be enough answers.
A small algorithm of actions when filling the floor.

  1. Surface defects need to be assessed. The largest flaws and chips are outlined with a pencil.
  2. Prepare the putty for use. Pour into a small container for ease of use. Prepare spatulas (experienced craftsmen use several spatulas with different blade widths). Mix the components of the mixture if necessary.
  3. It is necessary to evenly apply the putty to the existing pits noted earlier.
  4. After the first (bottom) layer, putty the previously plastered wooden surface. The surface layer is applied as a leveling layer.
  5. After complete drying, a second check is carried out to identify the remaining defects on the treated various surfaces of the product.
  6. Mechanical stripping and pulling out.
  7. Finishing putty is applied.
  8. The preparation for painting is completed by treating the surfaces with sandpaper with the finest grain.

After a series of trainings on simple wooden objects, the home craftsman gains experience and can move on to more complex work.


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No matter how noble the wood looks in the finish, its strength is not as high as we would like it to be. Sooner or later, cracks, holes, and other defects become noticeable on the wood. The HomeMyHome editors will tell you what to do with this, telling about an excellent tool - wood putty. This is what will be discussed in our review today.

Good faithful remedy for hiding surface imperfections

The main function of this material is to hide defects. But, since the violations of the base are different, as are the types of wood, and the operating conditions of this or that product are also not similar to each other, there are also different types of putty mixtures. Let's get acquainted with their types in more detail.

Plaster based putties

As you know, gypsum is not friendly with moisture, therefore, in terms of strength and elasticity, the gypsum composition is inferior to other mixtures.

The advantages of gypsum compositions are in their vapor permeability, which will preserve the microclimate in the room, and the cost of the material is low in comparison with others.

If the question is, how to putty a wooden surface in a dry room, then you can safely buy a gypsum composition.

Acrylic wood putty

Acrylic putties are not afraid of moisture and temperature jumps, they are not afraid of mechanical stress either. This is ideal for floors, but mixes can also be used outside the building.

Acrylic is highly elastic, it is a good wood filler for filling deep defects, small cracks, wood pores. There is no shrinkage: how the mixture was applied, it remained so after drying.

Epoxy putty for wood

Epoxy is used to repair wooden surfaces: doors, window frames, columns, beams are restored with this mixture. The epoxy putty does not react to moisture and is a high strength inclusion once it has hardened.

In the composition of this material there are two elements that must be mixed before work: they allow the mass to quickly set. The surface with epoxy is easy to grind and paint, it does not scare it with water and chemical solvent.

But you should not apply the stain, the appearance of the treated area will be spoiled.

Oil-based glue putties

It is clear that the composition contains oils and solvents. The products are used to treat the surface of building facades prior to painting.

It is suitable for outdoor use due to its characteristics: water resistance and resistance to adverse environmental influences.

Such a surface will not crack, will not crumble. Thanks to the manufacturers, you can find a mixture of the desired color, even with the ability to imitate a wooden texture.

Other varieties

Wood putty is safe for health if it contains no solvents. We are talking about an aqueous composition that can boast of plasticity and elasticity, as well as the absence of a pungent odor. Excess material is wiped off with a damp cloth.

It is a highly adherent compound and is therefore effective on a variety of substrates.

In addition, you can add that when finishing they use nitro-putty, glue, latex.

Leading manufacturers: tested by time and users

On the modern market, there is a wide range of good domestic and imported mixtures produced by eminent and reliable brands.

Wood putties from Tikkuril are in demand. This is a Finnish company offering its products at high prices, which are fully justified by the quality.

The firm "Lakra" is famous for its high-quality products. Their products are inexpensive, but the quality does not suffer from this.

Wood putty from the domestic manufacturer "Tex" is cheaper than many compositions from competitors, but the quality of the supplied products is quite at the level.

The manufacturers "VGT" and "Eurotex" are considered worthy of a good mention.

How to choose a putty for wood: do not waste money

How to putty wood, that is the question. We select suitable formulations for indoor and outdoor use.

Wood putty for outdoor use and its effect

For outdoor work, they prefer to use a heat and moisture resistant putty for wood. The walls of the building are exposed to alternating temperatures, atmospheric precipitation, and ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, in this case, compositions are considered not only with easy application, but also with elasticity.

Two-component epoxy putties based on petroleum resin, pigment additives, and plasticizers. These are mixtures that fill defects qualitatively and are resistant to deformation and destruction.

The oil mixture will hold back oils, chalk, water and plasticizers. For outdoor coverage, this is a fairly resistant material, durable and reliable. Those who are wondering how long the putty dries on wood should read the instructions directly on the container. The oily composition dries out for more than a day.

Wood putty for interior work

Not only walls are putty inside houses and apartments. It is a material for floors, ceilings, doors, allowing for basic finishing of an element. Any putty must meet a number of requirements: plasticity, suitable consistency, strength, good adhesion to wood, gradual hardening and the elimination of cracks.

Deep defects are closed with epoxy, surfaces are smoothed. No special tools are required for the job, and sanding is easy and effortless. If you are faced with a dilemma of which wood filler to choose for the floor, then you should, first of all, think about epoxy.

Polymer compositions are universal, they mask seams, close up deep cracks, perform finishing work for subsequent coatings with paints and varnishes. This is the very composition that is good for correcting defects on the frames, ceiling, door frame and the door itself. This composition is not used for working with the floor.

Waterproof mixes are intended for use in the bathroom and kitchen.

How are putty materials used

Let's consider the main areas of application of this material. This is the elimination of defects on the wooden floor, sealing all kinds of cracks, imitation of the texture of wood on the surface.

Wood floor putty

Putty for wooden floors should contain components that will not allow the material to quickly wear out from mechanical stress.

For the floor, water-based, pasty and gel-like compounds are suitable. If the product contains fiber, the durability of the finished coating is guaranteed.

The nitro-based putty will also be resistant. In the composition, you need to look for ether cellulose components, acetone,. Products with wood flour are distinguished by a high level of adhesion to any type of wood. Nitrospatters, for all their positive qualities, have a rather pungent odor.

Putty for wood: what to use to seal cracks

A small gap in a wooden floor is sealed either with a putty of a suitable color, or with a composition of any shade, followed by a primer and painting of the floor.

Gaps 3-4 mm in size are sealed with acrylics, larger defects should not be touched, the finished material will crumble and fall out.

The solvent is well suited for patching cracks up to 1 cm, and can even repair underfloor heating.

Oil compositions to eliminate narrow gaps should be mixed with chalk, and for wide flaws - with wood dust.

Imitation of wood from putty as a way to decorate the surface

A number of tools are required to simulate a tree. You need to get a palette knife, a textured roller, a roller with a saw cut, a rubber spatula of several types, a stencil.

Acrylic, gypsum and silicone substrates are suitable for interior decoration.

DIY wood putty recipes

If you wish, you can make a putty mixture with your own hands, which will not be inferior in quality to the purchased ones. It's all about good, quality ingredients.

The most popular component is crushed chalk, which must be mixed with PVA glue to a state of sour cream. It is permissible to add small sawdust.

The second method is to dilute the chalk with a water-soluble acrylic varnish. The paste should be moderately liquid.

Important! Homemade mixtures are not prepared in large volumes, and bumps and smudges are removed immediately.

What other materials are used for woodwork

In addition to puttying agents, other compounds are used for working with wood. Their list includes primer and plaster. Each tool has its own functions and characteristics.

Wood primer

The primer is a must-have material in many surface treatments. It is designed to hold substances together on different layers of the surface, which creates a waterproof varnish film. This is the protection of the tree from the negative effects of external factors.

Important! The primer significantly saves material consumption, and, therefore, finances.

But all this will only work if the primer is of high quality and suitable for woodworking. Soluble primer protects the material from deterioration, and waterproof from moisture.

Plaster for wood

The plaster protects the wood from decay, but the condition is to first coat the surface with antiseptic compounds, which must be completely dry.

A plastered wall resists the growth of mold if the initial humidity threshold is less than 12%. The plaster protects the surface from termites and rodents.

Wood processing often requires sealing cracks, chips, holes, leveling the surface. For these purposes, a putty is used - a composition that levels the surface and creates a base for further painting or varnishing of the material. Such a putty can be prepared from a suitable raw material at hand, or you can buy it.

The dispute about the name - "putty" or "putty" - is easy to resolve. Both options are suitable for the same medium, the difference is not in composition, but in spelling and pronunciation, since the word has a foreign origin. The term "putty" is more commonly used by professional builders and appears on product packaging.

Purpose of the putty

Filling is necessary for the restoration of old wooden door panels, parquet flooring, window frames, beams, fences, decorative finishes, and various products. The use of high-quality and correctly selected material solves several important tasks at once:

  • fills in all cracks, joints and seams, smooths out irregularities, masking unnecessary relief;
  • forms a protective layer that prevents the penetration of moisture, dust and dirt;
  • prevents early wear, decay and drying out of wood;
  • evens out the color for painting or emphasizes the natural wood pattern under a transparent topcoat, gives an aesthetic updated look to old materials;
  • provides better adhesion to colorants.

The main requirement for wood filling is to create a perfectly flat surface, otherwise all the efforts spent lose their meaning. You can do the job flawlessly by choosing a tool that has the necessary qualities:

  • with plasticizers in the composition, ensuring normal distribution;
  • high adhesive properties;
  • the absence of components harmful to health;
  • fast drying.

For the convenience of users, many putties are available in a liquid, ready-to-use form. High-quality dry mixes for wood processing do not contain large particles.

Types and qualities of compositions

The range of fillers in retail outlets is so wide that many are lost. In fact, it is not so difficult to choose if you know their main characteristics. Depending on the type, the products are made on the basis of water, glue, oils, resins, nitro varnishes with fillers, thickeners, pigments dissolved in them. Synthetic formulations have advantages in color range, but are more toxic than aqueous or oily ones. They are used indoors with caution, protecting the respiratory system and in the absence of people and pets. After finishing the work, the rooms are thoroughly ventilated..

The most popular and practical are the following types of putties:

  1. Acrylic - elastic, heat and moisture resistant, do not shrink, dry quickly. They connect the joints of any materials, mask small cracks and defects. Acrylic wood putty has no strong smell and is easy to apply. It is used for grouting joints between tiles, linoleum sheets, for finishing, when a thin - up to 3 mm - coating is required. This is the inconvenience of acrylic. If you need to put a thick layer, choose a different type or apply in several stages, otherwise the surface will crack.
  2. Polymer (latex) putties. Perfect for indoor use, non-toxic, odorless. They can handle not only wood, but also other surfaces. Having picked up the desired shade, they are applied to the door leaf. The only drawback is the price - this type of material is more expensive than the others.
  3. Epoxy. They are considered the most practical for woodworking. The composition includes two components, which are mixed before use. This putty can be applied in a thick layer. Once fully cured, it forms a durable moisture-resistant coating that can be sanded. The epoxy layer does not lend itself to adverse natural conditions, chemicals. This tool is best suited for the restoration of old window frames, external street doors, stairs. The disadvantages include the inability to paint the epoxy putty, they simply do not absorb.
  4. Oil and glue. In addition to glue and, the composition of the product includes chalk and varnish. They are used before coating with enamel and oil paints. Compositions can be used for both external and internal work.
  5. Nitrofillers - produced on the basis of synthetic resins, cellulose ethers, pigments and other fillers. Such compositions do not contain water, therefore they must be diluted with special solvents. Dry quickly, moisture resistant, well suited for outdoor use. The main disadvantage is a strong chemical odor during application.
  6. Plaster. Produced more often in dry mixes, they are used only indoors with low humidity, as they are afraid of water. Advantages of gypsum: practicality, odorless, low cost.

The most famous manufacturer of putties on the European market is the Finnish company "Tikkurila", which provides the widest selection of its types. Of the domestic brands, "Tex" and "Lakra" have proven themselves well - budgetary, but high-quality options. Quite good and relatively cheap compositions for painting, having a rich color assortment, are produced by the "VGT" company.

Before starting work, dust and dirt are removed from a wooden surface, greasy stains are removed, dried well, etc. For filling, use the metal rubber or plastic tool of the same name. The mass is evenly applied to the wood in one or several thin layers, spreading over the surface.

The time for complete drying of funds depends on the ingredients. Usually it takes from 2 to 8 hours for fillers on synthetic bases and slightly more for adhesive and aqueous solutions. The exact information is indicated on the packaging.

For working on parquet, furniture or laminated surfaces, a polymer-based composition is chosen that has high elasticity and creates a colorless smooth coating that hides imperfections and emphasizes the pattern of the material. Putty for a wooden floor for painting with enamels can be colorless or pigmented, but the main requirement for it is water resistance and abrasion resistance.

For wooden objects located on the street, epoxy or nitro compounds are suitable.


A large area of ​​wooden floor or walls often requires a considerable amount of putty mixture, which is quite budget-sensitive, since most professional products are expensive. For processing a whole house or fencing a large area, utility rooms for painting, it is more practical to choose inexpensive gypsum mixtures or try to prepare the product yourself. This is not a big deal. The main thing is to carefully combine all the components so that you end up with a homogeneous substance.

  1. Homemade glue putty is made from PVA and crushed chalk. Chalk needs fine grinding, before cooking it will not hurt to sift it. Glue is poured into a deep plastic dish, then chalk is gradually poured into it. It is difficult to manually stir a large amount of putty, it is better to use a construction mixer. The finished mixture should be viscous enough, not spread, resemble sour cream in appearance... If the solution comes out too thick, dilute it with a little water. Self-made putty is used as the main or finishing finish, not only for wood, but also for plastered surfaces.
  2. To fill pronounced deep defects, the strength of the chalk putty can be increased by adding fine sawdust or dust to the composition. Instead of PVA, a water-soluble varnish is required as a binder. First, chalk and varnish are mixed, then a little sawdust is added to the mass. To bring to condition, the mixture is left alone for a day so that the sawdust has time to swell. The time for complete drying of such a putty is about 24 hours.
  3. The oil-perlite composition is suitable for creating a durable surface with excellent adhesion on a wooden canvas. It requires a mixture of linseed and turpentine oils. For 350 g of raw materials, 300 ml of water, 30 g of perlite or pumice powder, 20 g of gelatin, casein and ammonia are needed. Stone powder is carefully mixed with oils, then other components are added to them one by one. The workpiece is heated in a water bath, stirring constantly. When the solution becomes homogeneous, it is put to cool. The cooled mass is used for puttying.

Successful processing transforms the appearance, extends the service life of old wooden surfaces, protects against destruction for a long time and decorates new ones.