Curtains on the doorway instead of the door. Curtain on the door - features of use in modern interior design (116 photos) Modern door design with curtains

Have you installed a new door and ask for a new accompanying design? Or, on the contrary, do you want to refresh the old one, which is already useless to paint? Or maybe you just need to throw out the door, refine the opening and close it with a curtain? In general, there is more than one reason to choose solid curtains for the doorway (or light curtains directly on the door) hung on a solid cornice.

A bit in common

It should be noted that curtains for a door are an effective tool that allows you to create your own individual style in the interior in your home or office. The design of the interior space of the room with a curtain on the doorway is carried out according to the universal design canons adopted in different countries. The basic techniques, in general, are simple and are suitable both for spacious apartments of a modern layout, and for compact housing built 20 - 40 years ago.


Curtain made of twisted cords with inserts

Are interior doors really necessary? If the absence of such does not cause inconvenience, then instead of them it would be good to hang curtains on the doorway, namely:

  • hanging curtains (see photo);
  • 2 - 3 heavy curtains on the doorway;
  • an exquisite designer curtain;
  • combined curtain.

The curtain covering the opening (instead of the door) can be made of almost any material. The main thing is that the design in the form of a curtain on the doorway does not irritate the eyes and does not impede freedom of movement.

Do you need a kitchen door?

If it was possible to put an efficient hood above the stove, then instead of a door for the kitchen, a simple curtain made of hygienic material that is easily washed will come down. It is even better if the curtain on the kitchen doorway tolerates frequent washing without losing its appearance, and can revive the kitchen and kitchen interior for a long time.

Victorian designer curtain

A hanging solution for the kitchen will work as well. Moreover, the material of such a "curtain" on the doorway can be almost any:

  • synthetic resin tape;
  • twisted cord (rope) made of white or colored polypropylene;
  • twisted cord made of natural material - abaca (sesal rope), agave (manila), hemp (hemp), linen or cotton
  • metal chain;
  • combined "chains", for example, "wood + metal" or "glass + metal" or "plastic + metal".

All of this is easy to install and just as easy to remove from time to time for cleaning or washing.

Combined curtain "fabric + chain pendants"

For a built-in wardrobe, the same solutions are perfect as for an interior doorway or for a kitchen. For a built-in bookcase-niche, the standard solution is curtains on the door made of lightweight dense fabric or translucent tulle. If you prefer a solid Victorian interior design, then heavy plush curtains with fringes and other delights will be appropriate. A structure made of hard fabric strips or a simple but stylish "sackcloth" can be used as a curtain for the doors of a clothing chiffonier.

It is appropriate to decorate a kitchen cabinet-pencil case with many curtains - for each shelf its own. Various design options are possible, but in general there are no aesthetic restrictions. In particular, luck depends on your taste and ability to use different materials.

It only remains to add: your more or less voluminous cabinet-niche does not matter. The main thing is that the curtain does not interfere with the use of objects folded into the built-in furniture.

Curtains on the door

Large curtains on the doorway effectively complement the overall design of the room and, if anything, hide the aesthetic imperfections of the door. Even if you hang small curtains on a double-leaf glazed door, they will add their own flavor to the overall mood of the interior (see photo), depending on the color and texture.

Blinds on a double-leaf glazed door

It happens that in a room you want to radically change the style, but at the same time, it is still irrational to replace a door (for example, a balcony), because:

  1. the previously installed metal-plastic door will not fit into the new style in color,
  2. metal-plastic will not fit into the new style either in shape or color;
  3. it takes too much money to replace the door,
  4. the door cannot be painted.

In this case, it is enough to hang curtains corresponding to the new design and hiding the "defect" of the old door. Sometimes the whole decoration is a light curtain (even a tulle curtain) on the same light (easily-assembled) string cornice. There are no style restrictions - door curtains are welcome in minimalist Japanese, luxurious Victorian, cheerful Mexican, and laconic Scandinavian interiors. In general, when choosing a curtain for "non-stylish" doors, focus mainly on its compliance with the new style.

Full-fledged, exquisite curtains for doors are inappropriate except for a kitchen (especially a small one), but if you are lucky to acquire a spacious kitchen-dining room, then the neat curtains on the door shown in the photo are what you need. And, if the door is more solid (or even double-leaf), then, perhaps, for its luxurious design, you will have to hang a new cornice. As in the case of windows, above the door, the cornice is placed above the opening at a distance of 7 - 13 cm. On the sides of the doorway, the edges of the cornice should protrude 15 cm plus or minus.

Do you want curtains for the doors of a built-in wardrobe, but doubt - is it necessary? The decision is very strongly influenced here:

  1. Your personal taste,
  2. general design of the room,
  3. structural and decorative features of the door to the closet,
  4. user habits.

Depending on the design of the room (room, hallway, kitchen), the curtain for the closet doors can be hung either on a special cornice or directly on the door frame. That is, it is possible to realize the plan with little effort.

Curtain door

They are appropriate in any interior, so they will not spoil even the exquisite Mediterranean or rich Victorian design. In the Art Nouveau style (and also in the laconic Scandinavian or minimalist Japanese design), sliding doors are what you need.

Modern curtains-doors successfully complement the classic interior

In general, quite different designs fall under the definition of "Curtain-type doors":

  • folding ("accordion") of rigid elements;
  • folding curtain made of soft material;
  • roll (roller shutter / roller shutter);
  • sliding doors-walls (like Japanese shoji or fusuma).

Perhaps the least versatile are roll-up designs, since they are usually not very convenient for a closet (but quite suitable for a wardrobe room). In addition, the installation of a rolling door can be difficult and you will have to call a specialist. The rest of the listed "curtains" close the doorway of the room or kitchen (as well as the hallway, loggia and built-in wardrobe) rather reliably. At the same time, using them is as easy as using an ordinary swing door, and the installation of such a curtain can be within the power of an ordinary person.

Prompt service and quick installation of almost any type of curtain door is now possible in many medium-sized and all large cities of our country. Residents of the province may have to pay for the arrival of an installer or hang such "curtains" on the doorway themselves.

For every apartment or house, the entrance hall performs many functions and plays no less important role than the living room, bedroom or kitchen.

The first impression of an apartment is formed by the design of the hallway, therefore, the design of its design must be taken with full responsibility.

In many interiors, when decorating the hallway, special attention is paid to curtains, because they play the role of an important decorative element.

The design of the curtains in the hallway plays an important role. The main thing is to choose the material and colors that will be in harmony with the overall design of the room.

Usually, in most houses, the presence of windows in the hallway is not provided, but stylish curtains look great when decorating doorways. The presence of a window greatly simplifies everything.

Appointment of curtains in the hallway.

As described above, curtains are added to the decor of the hallway to enhance the aesthetic level.

The curtains in the hallway in a private house are hung to fill it with coziness and create a more homely, warm atmosphere.

Another function of the curtains in the hallway is to visually separate the street from the hearth, and this will once again emphasize the presence of a unique home warmth in the apartment.

How to choose the right curtains.

Correctly selected curtains for the interior of the hallway will create an atmosphere of calm and a feeling of peace. If you remember a few main aspects, then when choosing curtains, there will be no problems:

To make the hallway more spacious and visually add lightness to the room, use light curtains, such as a voile or tulle;

For a room with a low ceiling, material with vertical lines is well suited, with their help it will be possible to visually raise the ceiling. And in order to visually expand a narrow room, use curtains with horizontal stripes;

In a small hallway, it is best to buy casual, ordinary curtains, and in more spacious rooms you can show your imagination and experiment plenty;

For shaded hallways, choose curtains from a material that transmits sunlight well;

To protect fabric from fading, purchase lined curtains;

Interior selection.

Today, the market provides a huge selection of curtains, all kinds of colors and made from different materials.

Correctly selected curtains can transform any hallway for the better.

Usually, standard curtains are not placed on the sides of the window in such rooms. But if the hall is spacious, then the curtains with garters will look quite elegant.

The most common types of curtains for the hallway:

Roman curtains - can be decorated with small, graceful designs, but it is worth hanging them only if the wallpaper on the walls has a restrained style and a monochromatic color. For wallpaper with an ornament, one-color curtains are best suited;

Japanese curtain panels - look great in any style. Buying Japanese curtains for the hallway, you can experiment with the colors of the textiles and create an original design for your hallway;

French curtains - suitable for those who seek to create an elegant and solemn atmosphere in the hall;

For any curtains, you can pick up additional accessories that will make them even more attractive.

To emphasize the window space, it can be decorated additionally. A good addition to stylish curtains will be covering the window slopes with mirror materials.

When decorating a hallway, a large list of possibilities opens before you. Be brave, experiment and then achieve the desired result.

Photo of curtains in the interior of the hallway

An entrance hall in a private house often combines the functionality of different rooms. Sometimes it is a wardrobe room, sometimes an interior corridor, or even part of a men's office with a workplace or a women's "beauty salon" with a dressing table. There may be a pantry here for storing bulky things like a bicycle or a sled (in a private house there is not always a balcony where they are usually stored). In country houses, it is not uncommon for the kitchen to play the role of the hallway.

Curtains in the design of the seating area in the hallway

All these moments leave an imprint on the choice of window textiles.

However, often the entrance hall is a room that, due to its location, most likely does not have windows. But the curtains are still needed in it, otherwise the room will not look residential. In this case, doorways or the door itself are decorated with textiles. In a private house, this is especially appropriate and justified by the atmosphere itself.

Narrow corridor zoning

Today more and more housewives prefer to sew curtains with their own hands - it is cheaper. In addition, it guarantees individuality to the interior.

What can curtains do for a hallway?

  • Zoning the space by positioning in the doorway instead of doors. It all depends on the chosen interior style. For many of them, thread curtains, or muslin, are suitable. A weightless, airy structure separates the hallway from other rooms, without hindering the penetration of light and air. Curtains made of bamboo sticks look more solid. The curtains on the hooks are cozy and practical here. And lambrequins will hide the cornice and make the room higher. The conceptual laconic interior is also impressed by Japanese canvas curtains.

    Curtains can change the trajectory of gaze and energy in a narrow, straight corridor

  • Refine the front door. Decorated with well-chosen textiles, it can become the main accent on which the entire interior will be tied.

    A clearly decorative, fundamental role in this hallway is played by the curtains on the doorway, setting the tone for the entire room.

  • Visually expand a small room. For this, light transparent materials, curtains of restrained models made of light fabrics are suitable. Such curtains for the hallway are easy to sew with your own hands.

    Simple curtains are easy to sew with your own hands

  • Give the room height or volume. Here fabrics with vertical or horizontal patterns in the form of stripes will help out.

    Decoration of a boring corridor in an apartment of an ordinary panel house - note that horizontal lines visually expand the cramped space of tangled corridors

  • Protect from prying eyes, create an atmosphere of privacy. Therefore, if there is a window in your hall, there should certainly be curtains on it. Roller blinds, roman blinds, blinds will be good for him, asymmetric models.

    For some cases, curtains in the hallway of a private house are extremely important, especially if the doors are also windows.

What to consider when choosing textiles?

The main thing to remember is that the hallway is the place where dust and dirt accumulates faster and more often. Therefore, curtains in the hallway need to be chosen or sewn with your own hands from fabrics that are practical to clean and durable.

Please also note that you should not choose long curtains (especially from beautiful expensive fabrics) if you have small children or restless animals (especially cats). The curtains will be endlessly painted, cut with scissors or torn with claws. The zoning of rooms with textiles will also have to be canceled and doors installed. If you choose a model with glass window inserts, small curtain-screens will suit them (they can be draped). Such screens are also easy to make with your own hands.

Front door curtains as protection from light and prying eyes - utilitarian purpose, practical fabric

When the window faces south, it is better if the curtains for the hallway are on a dense lining so that the main fabric does not fade.

If you are the happy owner of a large spacious hall, massive curtains, lambrequins, French, English curtains are appropriate in it, which can also be do it yourself, and other complex curvy designs. But such models are contraindicated in a small room.

Blackout curtain for the entrance door in Provence style

And of course, a private house is the most suitable place for creating an interior with a rustic flavor: the unity with nature is felt here to the full, and it is a sin not to emphasize this additionally. If you decide to sew such curtains with your own hands, read see the article on rustic curtains.

Asymmetric curtains also look spectacular here.

Curtains on a narrow window in the corridor are illuminated by built-in lamps - a variant of asymmetric curtains

What role does color play?

Color can fill a room with a certain mood and slightly adjust the nuances. For example, a cramped room with a small window or even without it will become lighter if the textiles are selected in pastel shades closer to white, with a light transparent texture that transmits light rays.

Door decoration with curtains in the corridor of a private house

If the window faces the south side, fabrics of cold shades will do (this will visually give coolness), if to the north - on the contrary, warm ones (to “warm” the space).

Most often, a hallway is a place where a person is for a short time. But even here it is better to avoid "flashy" color spots that hurt the eye even with a casual look. Bright red curtains will get on your nerves (and even complete with other red decor even more so). Black will plunge you into despondency. Inexpertly chosen "dirty" tones of any color make the interior look sloppy and dreary.

A thick curtain on the front door delays the invasion of excessive aggressive chi energy

Hallway curtains are a design element that can create a vivid impression on the entire home, because this is the first room a person enters. The main thing is to correctly associate their style, color and function with the rest of the environment.

Gallery of photo of curtains for hallways in private houses and in city apartments

Beautiful stylish curtains that fit well into the interior of any room are the final detail in the design of the entrance hall, corridor, hall. They add comfort and sophistication to any room.

The choice of curtains for the hallway

It is necessary to choose beautiful curtains for the hallway, as their elegant appearance helps to make a favorable impression on the guests. They are part of the overall interior and create a sense of completeness. They must be selected taking into account the stylistic orientation of the room design.

Curtains in a private house on the windows in the hallway must necessarily be functional, as they create convenience, sometimes replace the doors to another room, create home comfort, and protect from prying eyes.

Long options for curtains will fit in a large hallway with high ceilings, which has almost no furniture. You can choose curtains for a spacious hall with decorative fastening methods:

  • Models with ties: original bows, cords, braid;
  • On hinges (with open cornice);
  • On eyelet rings that are threaded into the base of the cornice.
  • When choosing curtains for the hallway, which is small in size, it is important to adhere to some rules:

    • Unpretentious curtains are ideal - without complicated ornament;
    • Curtains with a vertical pattern are the best option for a low hallway. They will help to visually increase the height;
    • Models with a horizontal pattern can be used to expand the space;
    • It is better to hang transparent airy tulle in a narrow room;
    • Curtains that let in light are a great option for a shaded hallway.

    Hallway curtain models:

    • japanese curtains-panels are the perfect solution for any style;
    • roll: can be plain or patterned;
    • roman blinds with horizontal folds - a stylish option;
    • french curtains: allow you to create a more formal atmosphere.

    Curtains in the hallway

    The corridor is the hallmark of the house. It displays the style of the entire room, gives visitors an idea of \u200b\u200bthe tastes of the owners. The design should aim to create comfort in the room.

    Corridor window curtains correctly chosen allow:

    • Make the room spacious, light;
    • Hide wall flaws;
    • Visually expand the space.

    When choosing curtains, you should pay attention to what material they are made of. Products for the corridor are ideal, which are easy to iron, do not absorb various odors, and do not collect dust. Curtains in a private house for the corridor should complement the colors that are used in the interior of the room. The ideal option for curtains is models in soothing light colors, made of natural materials.

    Airy tulle looks great in a room with small windows.

    Stylish curtains for the hall: features of choice

    When choosing textiles, it is important to remember that curtains should at first glance attract attention with the quality of the fabric, fittings, color, shape, pattern, ornaments.

The entrance hall is one of the important premises of a house or apartment, as it creates the first impression of the home, evaluates the taste of the owners, and evaluates the style of interior decoration. Therefore, the hallway is chosen no less carefully, the hall or the dining room. This furnishing element often becomes the central detail of the entire interior. Elegant ones can smooth out existing flaws and even visually expand the modest space of the corridor.



In order for the hallway window to look harmonious in the interior, when choosing curtains, one should be guided by the following principles:

As for the materials, here the choice is only for the owners, since both natural and synthetic fabrics are equally appropriate in the hallway. Of course, textile models look more impressive, the design of which is selected for a specific window opening. For example, when decorating windows of the correct shape with curtains, you can emphasize the contours by placing the curtains inside the opening. At the same time, you should not choose the traditional option in the form of canvases located on the sides, since one-piece curtains look spectacular in such a room (if desired, one side can be tied with grabs).

Design options

Curtains in the corridor and hallway look good when choosing one of the following options:

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To make the tulle and curtains in the hallway look complete, you can provide additional decor in the form of lambrequins hiding the cornices.

Decorating arched openings

As already noted, the curtain in the hallway is a great opportunity to decorate the door arch that separates the entrance room with the rest of the house or apartment. Correctly selected curtains help not only to delimit the space, but also to hide the defects of the door frame, if any.

Curtains for the arch in the hallway, you can choose in the form of thread models that cope with several tasks:

  • They hide from those who entered the space of the room divided with the corridor by means of an arched opening;
  • decorate the interior;
  • provide unhindered air circulation in the house.

Due to the wide range of colors and the presence of decorative accessories, threads are selected for a specific corridor.

The original design of the corridor arch is obtained by decorating the opening with natural curtains made of bamboo or wooden elements. The basis on which they are strung is a strong synthetic thread. Lovers of the classics will find traditional fabric curtains made from light fabrics of peach, light green or pale yellow color.