Vanilla and chocolate curtains for the kitchen. Unusual chocolate color in the interior of the kitchen. Curtain-chocolate for the living room

It is easy to see that the appearance of curtains in the interior of the house suggests that the home has a master or mistress. Any environment is illuminated with coziness and becomes alive when curtains appear in it. They say: eyes are the mirror of the soul, books are the soul of the house, continuing the logic of reasoning, we can say that the curtains are the warm embrace of the house. Whatever the renovation and furniture, the interior remains empty and lifeless until it is completed with draperies that frame the windows.

In order for the image of the house to acquire completeness, it is necessary to correctly choose not only the style of curtains, the type of fabric, its decoration, but also to choose the right color of the curtains, the one that is necessary for the harmonious completion of the interior ensemble.

Color combinations

Where do color combinations of curtains begin? What exactly can they be combined with? Are there any rules? There are no special rules, here it is best to rely on your own preferences. In the creation of any interior there is a certain accentuating thing from which the whole situation "dances". For example, you can choose a chandelier, a sofa, a floor vase or a kitchen set with such a basic note if you think over the color of the curtains for the kitchen. This is not so important, the most important thing is that after such a choice of the main motive, you want to be in the room, it becomes easier and you can relax. You can proceed based on classical techniques and set the tone for the curtains in harmony with the walls.

How to choose the right curtain colors

If curtains are selected in harmony with the furniture, you can try a related-contrast combination, or a related one based on natural woody, beige, coffee-milky tones. This choice is practical if you do not plan to change furniture sets frequently enough.

The same can be said about the choice of wallpaper as the main color background. Solid wallpapers and curtains will look wonderful and win-win. What's the beauty? Due to the lack of details on the wallpaper and curtains, they are relegated to the background and make it possible to highlight furniture and other interior decor items. This solution will not fail in any design style from classics to eclectic creative space organizations.

As much as plain curtains and wallpapers are good at home, they will not fail in an office space. And then there is no need to forbid to rampage. The monochromatic walls will be supported by both pilasters and African masks and earthenware jugs.

An interesting option is to combine curtains with large interior items. It is especially convenient to think over the design of the bedroom in this vein, choosing a bed or a chest of drawers as the main party, choosing the color of the curtain fabric for them.

There is always a field of imagination for small design tricks, and with the help of an accent on the curtains, you can hide the flaws in the renovation or furnishings. Correctly using the color of the curtains in the interior, you can completely divert attention from small gaps in furniture and the like. The helpers will be bright colors of curtains, unusual prints, a cage, a strip of contrasting shades.

It happens that a person has inherent doubts about the strength of his own taste, there is no craving for design, and he does not want to go to professionals or there is no opportunity. There is also a way out in this situation. The simplest solution would be to use one or two colors in the interior, or a black and white composition. It is impossible to miscalculate using only two colors. Monochrome interiors always look elegant and sophisticated, even if they are not full of details and creativity. Neat, strict and tasteful.

For the correct use of the space of the room, you can choose between warm or cold tones. According to the laws of color, more precisely, its visual perception, warm tones visually reduce the space, cold ones, on the contrary, increase it.

Spectrum of curtain color and its meaning

How to choose the color of the curtains? Whatever advice the head is filled with when the curtains are selected, one very important detail must be remembered. Curtains are an interior item that you will have to look at every day, and therefore is it worth torturing yourself with too toxic, bright shades, although preferences are the most important thing. After all, the decoration of any house is the state of mind of its owners, and therefore, it is up to them to decide.

1. White curtains enlarge the room and create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. It is important to remember that too boiling whiteness is good for a hospital room, and therefore, when it comes to a nursery, bedroom or kitchen, it is better to dilute the intolerable white with delicate pastel tones - pink, blue, magnolia or vanilla.

2. Yellow is the color of the sun, and therefore such curtains will surely warm and illuminate any room with joyful emotions. Great African design styles begin with yellow. Good yellow for children's kitchens. Solar shades combined with grass green are a related natural combination that is incredibly soothing. Orange and yellow are the colors of a summer sunset, very relaxing and tune in to dreams. Yellow and purple are a bright, contrasting combination. As with any contrast with this combination, you need to be careful and manage to maintain a balance of color. Visually yellow seems more, purple - less, do not forget about this when choosing curtains.

3. Red curtains - an aggressive and very rich choice, which is suitable for the kitchen, study and bright living room. Red is dangerous, very close to bad taste, and therefore you need to carefully approach this choice. It is better to supplement it with related combinations - walnut, oak, mahogany. In combination with black - very carefully, you can turn a cute and cozy kitchen or bedroom into a hellish reception area in two movements. It is better to consult a designer for such an interior.

Correctly selected color of curtains in the interior

It is difficult to call the interior decoration complete, in which the windows are not decorated properly.

Curtains are not just the usual decoration for windows, decisive for an aesthetic function.

With the right approach, curtains enrich the style of the room, truly become its highlight. Today we are free to choose textiles of various colors and textures.

Chocolate curtains will add special nobility and elegance to the decorated space.

Just take a look at the photo of chocolate-colored curtains, and you will understand how aristocratic the decoration of the most modest room can look.

It is not surprising that such curtains are gaining more and more popularity: everyone wants to add at least a drop of luxury to the living space.

In addition, warm colors add coziness to the space. If you spend a lot of time in crowded, noisy rooms, if you have to conduct frequent dialogues at work, you just need to relax at home with your body and soul.

It is the chocolate shades that will help you relax, give you a feeling of pleasure and fill you with energy to conquer new heights.

Reasons for the popularity of chocolate-colored curtains

You won't go wrong if you choose curtains that are appropriate in both modern and classic interiors. And that's why.

The color chocolate makes the perfect match with many of the popular colors commonly used in interior decoration.

This shade has been a symbol of prosperity and stability from time immemorial. So, in ancient Greece, brown was the color of the goddess Hera herself and meant fertility. And, for example, in ancient Egypt, browns were considered shades of birth and life itself. In Russia, clothes of this color have always been the prerogative of respected and wealthy people.

The warm color of chocolate gives rise to extremely positive and pleasant emotions, allowing you to relax and enjoy the cosiness of the decorated space.

Just one detail of the interior, for example, chocolate curtains in the bedroom, is enough to create a serene atmosphere filled with the spirit of romance.

Spectacular decor options

It is logical to assume that a dark shade will look great in tandem with a light one. Therefore, it is better to choose tulle for chocolate curtains in cream or milky shades.

On the other hand, when it comes to dense and heavy curtains for decorating a bedroom or hall, they can look great on their own and do not need to be supplemented with tulle.

The tandem of chocolate curtains with pink tones in the interior will be original. For example, a delicate bedroom decorated in a pink palette will gracefully complement a light curtain in a delicious shade of brown.

More daring solutions, not for everyone - combinations of chocolate-colored curtains with turquoise and light green tones in the interior. If you can successfully choose the shades, you will add a touch of cheerfulness and dynamics to the design.

If you decide that you want to add elegance to your home interior with chocolate curtains, be sure to pay attention to the appropriate decoration of the room with accessories.

For example, you can match your sofa cushions or play with wall designs to find a harmonious combination. If you like unusual solutions, resort to bright contrasts, namely emerald and orange details in the decoration of the room.

If you like the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, we recommend placing curtains in the east - this is the health and family sector.

Any chocolate-colored details help to add luxury to the ambience of the room.

Curtains of such a delicious shade will bring extraordinary aesthetic pleasure to the owner of the house. With such a design of the premises, the whole life will be "in chocolate".

Photo of chocolate curtains in the interior

It's no secret that most women spend most of their time at home in the kitchen. Therefore, it is very important to make this room more cozy and comfortable. One of the suitable options can be a vanilla kitchen, which will make the interior calm and harmonious, moreover, this color will help to visually enlarge the kitchen space.

On a note. In order for vanilla cuisine not to seem boring, it is necessary to bring several bright accents to the interior.

Vanilla in the interior of the kitchen

Vanilla color in the interior of the kitchen is an excellent solution for a small room. Delicate vanilla will help to visually expand the space. This shade will also be an excellent option for decorating a dining room, the windows of which face north.

Advice. Choosing lighting for a vanilla kitchen must be very careful, as lamps with cold light will make it gray and dull.

To make the interior of a vanilla-colored kitchen look more impressive and harmonious, you need to know a few secrets:

  • Remember bright color accents. These can be individual decorative elements: tulle or curtains on the window, chair covers, vases or flower pots, etc. Beneficially emphasize vanilla blue, pistachio, eggplant, malachite or orange peel.
  • It is better to choose a sand or brown shade of a countertop and an apron for a vanilla kitchen.
  • When combining dark brown and vanilla, you need to adhere to the rule: dark bottom and light top. That is, the lower part of the furniture is made in brown, and the upper one is in vanilla.
  • You can safely use artificial stone or sandstone as additional finishing materials.
  • You can experiment with a vanilla tint when decorating the interior of a kitchen room in any style. For a classic vanilla kitchen, fit finishing elements and metal fittings in the colors of copper, brass and bronze. Modern kitchens require chrome-plated parts and accessories, and they can also be made of stainless steel.

Note. Delicate vanilla color has a beneficial effect on a person, causing a feeling of calmness and stability.

A color scheme

Vanilla color is considered neutral, so in the interior of the kitchen it can be easily combined with any shade of the color palette. The following will look organically in such a kitchen:

  • white and beige, as well as all light delicate shades;
  • mocha and cappuccino coffee tones;
  • light green range: pistachio, olive and mint;
  • dark red palette: burgundy, lilac, purple and eggplant.

Advice. Vanilla looks harmoniously and nobly in the "neighborhood" with natural wood. It can be a lighter shade (alder) or a more saturated one (wenge, ebony).

Choosing a headset, table top and apron

In a modern vanilla-colored kitchen interior, a glossy set looks stylish and expensive. For facades, both gentle and rich shades are suitable.

Advice. Vanilla-colored household appliances in the kitchen should not be light. White household appliances against the background of such a kitchen look yellowed and old.

For vanilla kitchens, it is better to choose a countertop and an apron from a darker color scheme. If the bottom of the headset is dark, then the apron with the countertop may be vanilla-colored.

A vanilla kitchen will become the heart of any home. This shade will help make the room cozy and comfortable. It has a positive effect on the human psyche, calms and gives a sense of security.