Curtains for very high windows. Making a narrow window with curtains - which option is right for you? We hide the eaves for curtains

In houses of modern construction, high window openings are not common. But the owners of country houses or apartments built in the 17th century have to deal with the design of such windows. After all, these designs most often adorn apartments built in a distant century or cottages built according to an individual project. Of course, there are some nuances in this matter. Curtains on high windows should emphasize the grandeur and beauty of the openings. Curtains should be perfectly matched in color, size and texture. Only if the requirements are met, tall windows will look amazing.

About appearance

To understand which curtain is suitable for decorating a high window, you need to remember that the openings themselves look majestic. Therefore, the fabric design should not be pretentious. Such windows do not need frills. Carved cornices loved by many, decorated with multiple details in combination with heavy curtains and lambrequins, will look out of place. The luxury of this finish option will interfere with the perception of light and space. And since the main function of the window opening is to let in enough natural light, the fabric should be light, without unnecessary decorations. Such a minimalist curtain style will turn any room into an aristocratic and discreet room.

Otherwise, curtains for a narrow high window are similar to window textiles, which are selected for typical window openings. Curtains can be classic in the photo, consisting of two canvases or one canvas, neatly gathered in the center with a beautiful tie. Fastened, such products can be different: on ribbons, rings, hooks.

Aligning the proportions

Agree, if window openings reach 7 meters, long curtains to the floor will visually lengthen them and create an awkward visual picture. To avoid this situation, it is better to place the eaves below the opening. Then it will seem that the window is much lower than it actually is and the proportions will not be violated.

If the window opening has a height of 5 meters or more, but at the same time its lower part is raised high above the floor level, the curtains should in no case be short. Insufficient length of textiles will turn windows into an awkward interior detail. In this case, curtains for high ceilings should start from the floor. Ideally, if the colors of the textiles are gradient with a transition of colors - from a light top to a dark bottom in the photo. A dark section of fabric will visually bring the floor level closer. To enhance the effect, the wall under the curtains can be painted in the same color as the bottom of the curtain.

If one wall has several high but narrow window openings, it is better not to focus on each of them. It is more expedient to combine the openings into one composition. The unifying element can be a lambrequin. And each opening can be decorated with the same pair of curtains. At the same time, side curtains can be decorated with tiebacks that will complete the composition.

Types of curtains

Having decided on the appearance and proportional ratio of curtains to windows 3 meters high or higher, you need to choose the type of curtains. To decorate a window opening, the following models are suitable:

  • Classic.
  • Italian.
  • Austrian.
  • Roll.

For rooms decorated in the classic style, it goes without saying that the curtains will be made in the same style. But, in order not to make a mistake in choosing, it should be remembered that this style has the following features:

  • Curtains should consist of sliding rectangular canvases.
  • From decorative finishes, the use of pickups, lambrequins is allowed.
  • Window classic textiles should reach the floor in length.
  • Without fail, the curtain is combined with a light tulle curtain.

Italian models of curtains are universal. They are perfect for any style of interior design. A distinctive feature of Italian curtains are the edges treated with a special seam. The edges of the fabric are gathered into folds and overlap each other. Then a special mechanism is installed to lift the finished product. The slats complete the composition, helping to make even folds.

Austrian curtains will help to create coziness in modern interiors. The design of high windows with curtains in the Austrian style gives the room a special charm. In an elevated state, such products lie down in beautiful, lush folds, creating a solemn, cozy atmosphere.

A modern option for decorating window openings of 5 meters is the use of roller blinds. As a rule, these types of curtains are made from light-colored natural fabrics that are easy to install. When assembled, roller blinds do not take up much space, without disturbing the appearance of the window opening.

Thus, you can decorate a window with a height of 3 meters, 5 meters or 7 meters with a variety of types of curtains. When choosing a suitable model, consider the appearance of textiles, the features of the proportional ratio. Curtains on high windows should not be too pretentious, decorated with a large number of decorative elements. To decorate a window opening, both classic and rolled, Austrian or Italian curtains are suitable.

Narrow and high window frames - as a rule, they are installed in private houses with high ceilings. Such windows can turn any room into a majestic auditorium, or a design creative.

A narrow and long window opening brings some inconvenience to its owners:

Design options

So, what can be done with curtains for a narrow window, depending on the needs of the owners:

Ways to Change Proportions

It is known that large things in a room, located in a vertical plane, not only take away the feeling of free space, but at the same time give it a sense of scale. This is because everything larger is perceived as more significant. To give significance and expressiveness to a living room with a narrow window, you can only hang volumetric curtains, as for a regular window.

In our case, both curtains should hang on the sides of the strip of light that the window lets through. This will require a wider cornice (three window widths).

If you need to increase the width as much as possible, use 2 more tricks:

1) Cashing the door frame - a contrasting color in relation to the walls of the room

2) Curtains of the same color as the walls of the room. In the same way that beige shoes seem to continue the legs, so the curtains that match the walls of the room do not once again cut the space into pieces.

Proportion number 3.


Antique style is always associated with luxury. You can give the room a sense of pomp and exclusivity to the guests entering it, if you turn to this style. Use Italian curtains for this, picked up with a brush or a tourniquet in the upper part (above the middle).

Among all models, the best curtains for narrow windows are those that have a vertical profile: bishop's sleeve, Italian blinds, Roman, Austrian, roller blinds. Ordinary curtains are the least suitable. If they are placed inside the window opening, they will take a lot of light, and if you try to make them narrower in width, then the edge of the canvas will not hang evenly. Moreover, it will definitely look cheap.

Narrow curtains in the interior of the living room, on the wall of a flight of stairs in a private house, in a room of classic design and creative direction will certainly attract attention. For such windows, extraordinary proportions and originality of performance are suitable, since ordinary curtains in this case are suitable only if the canvases are located on the sides of the window, and on a wide cornice.

A distinctive feature of many buildings created by architects of the 18th century can be considered window openings that are unusual in their parameters. Their proportions are stretched upward, as if they are stretching towards the sky. In modern buildings, the ideas of such an unusual execution of window openings are often borrowed.

Such narrow, but high window structures become an adornment of any interior, they can be beaten in any style and give them any image. But the happy owners of such dwellings often face the question of how to choose curtains for tall but narrow windows.

Design Features

Curtains on high bay windows

Designers almost unanimously argue that it is almost impossible to spoil such window structures with an unsuccessful design of curtains. But in order to choose the right frame for the window opening, you will have to study some information related to home decor ideas. In specialized periodicals and, of course, on the Internet, you can find a lot of advice on choosing the type and material of curtains, as well as photos of successful design solutions.

Luxury or minimalism

Tall windows in themselves look festive and solemn, so they do not need excessive decorations. In this case, carved cornices with many decorative details and luxurious curtains can look awkward and interfere with the perception of space and light. Do not forget that, first of all, the function of window openings is to let natural light into the room, so even such windows should not be cluttered with unnecessary elements and excess fabric. Such a window design will look most advantageous just next to strict but elegant curtains without fashionable frills. Such a noble minimalism will transform the whole room, make it discreet and aristocratic.

Otherwise, there are no special restrictions when choosing curtains for window structures that have a significant height:

  • they can have a classic look and consist of two canvases;
  • but they can represent one wide canvas, neatly assembled and directed diagonally across the window opening.

It all depends on the taste of the owner and the general style of the room.

An important role for the holistic perception of such tissue compositions can be played by correctly selected:

  • cornices;
  • lambrequins;
  • rods;
  • as well as rings and ribbons used to fasten curtains.

Visual equalization of proportions

  1. Sometimes, if the upper part of the window opening is too high, any curtains visually lengthen it even more, adding disharmony and even absurdity. In such cases, the cornice can be mounted a little lower, partially overlapping the upper edge of the window structure. This technique will help visually align the proportions and make the window opening more attractive.
  2. If the window opening has a small width and starts at a great distance from the floor, in no case should short curtains be used. They will bring even greater disharmony and make the window “torn off” from the rest of the room. In such a situation, you should choose curtains to the floor. Even better, if they are two-color with a smooth gradient transition from top to bottom from lighter to darker. Dark color will visually reduce the distance to the floor. To enhance the effect, the wall under the window opening can be painted in the same color as the dark section of the curtains.
  3. If there are several narrow windows along one wall, their decoration can be combined. For example, create one common lambrequin and put on one curtain on both sides of each window opening, as shown in the photo. Visually, such a composition will look more harmonious and attractive. The outer sides of the curtains can be beautifully gathered in folds and tied with a decorative cord, which will emphasize the completeness and integrity of the picture.

Summing up

Curtains for tall but narrow windows are selected based on the preferences of the owner and the decorative design of the entire room. There are just some nuances, the knowledge of which will help to avoid stylistic and visual errors. If everything is done correctly, an unusual window will not only harmoniously fit into any interior, but will also become a real decoration of any room.

Custom-shaped windows and various bay windows are a real decoration of the exterior of any home. Such architectural techniques make the facade of the building very attractive and cardinally transform the interior space of the interiors. But all the original design solutions for window openings require stylish and unusual solutions when decorating them. Curtains for non-standard windows is not only interior decoration and traditional functional protection of premises from external factors. These are, first of all, complex constructive and textile solutions that should be trusted to true professionals, experienced designers who create a holistic, harmonious ensemble in any space.

Curtains for non-standard windows - a variety of choices

It is customary to refer to non-standard windows many different types of window structures: arched, bay window, narrow and wide, high and round. picking up small window curtains or facade glazing, professional designers take into account several important factors: the shape of the window, the cut of the curtains and their textile content, the type of cornice and the way it is fastened. Additionally, at the project development stage, specialists determine whether the unusual shape of the window opening is an advantage of the rooms or their disadvantage, which should be organically masked. For instance, curtains for a large window can be solved in a win-win scenario - as curtains with tiebacks, or in the form of an original design that combines several types of curtains.

Curtains for tall windows stylishly decorated with a lambrequin. Visually reduces the height of any window opening asymmetrical textiles, complemented by exclusive drapery, pleated or uniform folds. Curtains for wide windows, as a rule, is divided into several separate segments, symmetrically repeated in textile decoration and separated by cornice structures.

Bay window curtains - the main features of the configuration

A bay window is an original architectural technique, structurally consisting of multi-part windows protruding significantly from the facade of the building. Such a solution visually and actually increases the area of ​​​​the premises, making them brighter and more original. However, the presence of bay windows obliges a lot, forcing the owners to pay considerable attention to this element of architecture. Curtains for bay windows must be carefully selected, including the system of their fastening in detail.

Eaves for bay windows use a plastic design, bending under any radius. Modern manufacturers offer decorative bay window cornices with swivel adapters, suitable for any angle and bend. Mounting of the eaves can be both wall and ceiling. The final configuration of the fastening system depends entirely on the type of selected textiles, the design of the curtains and their style.

An important selection factor bay window curtains is the shape of the bay window. If this part of the room has the shape of a triangle or a trapezoid, then it is possible to make a separate textile decoration for each individual part. Curtains for bay windows of a semicircular shape can be decorated with a single curtain fixed on a semicircular cornice.

There are no universal methods for decorating bay windows. The effectiveness and originality of the design may depend on the purpose of the room, the size of the window openings and the design features of the bay window. Curtains for a living room with a bay window can consist of light drapery with beautiful flowing pleats. If you combine several textures of textiles and colors in one bay window space, you can achieve spectacular spatial depth. Multifunctional and practical Roman curtains for the kitchen with a bay window are not only beautiful and spectacular, but very convenient to use, especially when the working surface of the kitchen set is located along the window opening.

The final design and selection of curtains for non-standard windows depend on the design features of the opening, interior decoration and location of the apartment, personal preferences of the owners and other important factors.