Strong prayer to the icon to increase the mind. How does the Add Mind icon help?

Prayers for admonition are read in front of the Add Mind icon, turning to the Most Holy Theotokos their aspirations and requests for help. The composition and style of painting the icon are not typical for the school of classical Russian or Byzantine iconography and differ from the common canonical subjects. Soaring over the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Mother of the Lord holds the Son in her arms. Both of them are wrapped in a phelonion, which gives their embrace divine unity. The angels, with their humble appearance and bowed heads, seem to point to the Mother of God - turn your prayers to her and receive mercy by her kindness.

In ancient times, when the Orthodox Church was reformed by Patriarch Nikon, this was rejected by many followers and ministers. The global schism, which added confusion to the believers, delayed the understanding of why the patriarch changed the liturgical rites or introduced new canons. The reform itself had the intent of unification with the rites of the Greek Church, as the closest to the original source. But not everyone was given the opportunity to comprehend the correctness of Nikon's steps. This is the period when the adherents of the old rituals separated from the main patriarchy, for which they were anathematized.

Among the crowd of doubters there was a certain monk-icon painter, whose name has sunk into the age-old haze, but by chance left behind him the greatest mark in Russian iconography. The legend says that the monk fell into mental anguish, fearing to betray the true God and not fall into the captivity of the devil's traps. Having embarked on the path of fasting and prayer, as a true believer, he asked for enlightenment and enlightenment for himself, for only the Heavenly Forces were given the ability to show the correct path. This prayer for the miraculous addition of the mind eventually became the defining power of the icon, which the monk wrote, fulfilling his vow to the Mother of God.

In one of the long prayer nights, the Mother of God descended to a restless person, and he immediately began to earnestly ask her for admonition and a hint, which side to take and which path of worship to choose so as not to fall into mortal sin. She gave hints, restored peace to his mind and promised to direct his fate with her mercy if the monk painted the icon, depicting it in the form in which the Mother of God appeared to him. Having enlightened the mind and took the side of the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, the monk immediately began work on the icon, which he later called "Adding the mind".

Composition icons

Having received divine prompts and the ability to separate the grain from the chaff, the diligent monk depicted the Mother of God hovering over the Heavenly Jerusalem. This is such a promised place from the Book of Revelation - a city of the righteous, filled with the Holy Spirit. Candles in the hands of angelic creatures symbolize the light emitted by the Lord and his faith, and are an important part of our being - without them the sources of knowledge and understanding of the universe will not open to us.

The central figure of the Mother of God with the Child is executed in an image uncharacteristic for canonical subjects. Such images, when the Mother and the Child God are wrapped in a single phelonion, are found only in the sculpture of the city of Loret. This symbolizes the belonging of the Mother of God and God the Son to the Heavenly hypostasis, and the royal crowns on our heads give us an understanding of their divinity. To both of them, we offer our prayers with a request to show us the path of knowledge and to give understanding of our earthly path.

Having clung to the icon in prayers, the Orthodox person sees in front of him the Blessed Virgin, whose fate is to protect the flock of his Son from mistakes and ordeals, from mental anxiety and imprudent steps. A prayer for aspirations to increase the mind, crying out from a suffering heart, will surely be rewarded by the Queen of Heaven.

The power of the icon is to give admonition

Help icons in mental illness

The abilities of any icon are determined by those prayers that ascend to it and receive mercy from the Forces of Heaven. The very prehistory of the creation of the image "Adding the Mind" and its subsequent glorification defines this face as help to the restless and striving for the truth people. And each subsequent prayer is another brick that strengthens the power of faith in this holy face.

Usually, this image is asked for help in such sorrows:

  • A maternal conspiracy whispered by the icon will help a lagging and careless student to approach his studies more diligently. Adding perseverance and staunchness, he will enlighten and direct you on the path of knowledge of science.
  • A strong rite of passage at the icon "Adding Mind" is able to heal a person with mental underdevelopment or congenital dementia. It is in the power of the Lord and the Mother of God to direct the efforts of such a child on the path of his perfection.
  • In case of emotional turmoil, indecision in choosing the right path, misunderstanding of the prospects for one's future, daily prayer at the holy image can reveal the truth and clarify the mind of the one praying.
  • Absent-mindedness and inability to concentrate at certain times can cause problems. Concentration and accumulation of spiritual and mental strength - this is what prayer helps such people.
  • On the difficult path of knowledge and study, the power of this icon has no equal. Often, on the eve of important exams, students resort to the help of the holy image of the Mother of God, so that she would grant them insight and mental strength to overcome all trials with dignity.
  • Also, for those who, in doubts and confusion, fearfully look into their future, having no idea how to proceed in a difficult situation, the image of the Mother of God, which helps in enlightening the mind, will give guidance or otherwise give hints.

It's important to know! The Face of the Mother of God "Adding Mind", in addition to helping to educate ordinary people, is a powerful tool for healing sick people with sorrowful minds who have known schizophrenic obsessions and demonic intrigues. However, they may not be aware of the words and abilities of the Lord, so all efforts for them are assigned to those who take care of them.

Rites and rituals for gaining reason

There is a difference in how to apply the prayer for enlightenment of the mind. In the case when a person constantly requires the care of the Heavenly Queen, prayer should accompany and instruct the Orthodox soul on a daily basis. But when suffering suddenly befell due to demonic intrigues, it is more expedient to apply church ritual and outside help. It can be expressed both in prayer vigils at home with someone close to you, and in a temple service. Usually prayer in the temple is a collective and stronger appeal to the Lord, for your crying voice is multiplied by all those present in the service.

Prayer at home

The holy image "Adding the Mind" is a rather rare image, but its value does not diminish from this. If there is a need to turn to the Mother of God in prayers, do not be stingy and find the desired face in the icon shops. They never use magazine clippings or posters for a home iconostasis, for this is a grave sin and devilish obsession.

  • Be sure to confess every time you begin prayer prayers for mercy. It is difficult for a sinful soul to let the Holy Spirit into his heart, and the mind will be clouded and will not receive the desired enlightenment.
  • The prayer for increasing the mind is usually read in the morning, before the start of the activity, so that it has a beneficial effect on you.
  • It is customary to end the night vigil with prayers of thanks for the fact that the Heavenly Patrons did not leave you with their worries.
  • It is not forbidden for a loving mother to write on a piece of paper a prayer for admonishing her child, so that the word addressed to the Mother of God would constantly accompany and take care of the child. But a mother's prayer written on paper does not exempt from the need to involve the child in independent prayer with a petition for admonition.

The first prayer before the icon Adding the mind.

“O Most Holy Virgin! You are the Bride of God the Father and the Mother of His Divine Son Jesus Christ! You are the Queen of Angels and the salvation of people, a denouncer of sinners and a punisher of apostate God. Have mercy on us, who have sinned grossly and have not fulfilled the commandments of God, who have broken the vows of baptism and the vows of monasticism, and many others that we promised to fulfill. When the Holy Spirit departed from King Saul, then fear and despondency attacked him and the darkness of despair and a joyless state of mind tormented him. Now, for our sins, we have all lost the grace of the Holy Spirit. The mind was bogged down by the vanity of thoughts, forgetfulness about God darkened our souls, and now the heart of every kind of sorrow, sorrow, illness, hatred, evil, enmity, revenge, malevolence, and other sins are oppressed. And, not having joy and consolation, we call to You, Mother of our God, Jesus Christ, so beg Your Son to forgive us all our sins and to send to us the Spirit of Comforter, as He sent Him to the apostles, yes, comforted and enlightened by Him, let us sing a song of thanks to You: Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos, who has added intelligence to our salvation. Amen".

A short prayer

Very often there is a need to receive admonition and instruction at the beginning of some activity. Sometimes confusion and confusion prevent a person from concentrating and making the right decision - for such help, carry a short prayer with you. Read at the right time, it will help you avoid mistakes and, by the grace of the Mother of God, will guide you on the right path.

  • Prayer will help a sincere believer.
  • Only a baptized person will receive the help of the Holy Spirit.
  • The strength of your faith is the key to successfully fulfilling your prayers.

The second prayer before the icon Adding the mind.

“To my abiding queen, my most holy hope, friend to the sire and strange intercessor, help in need and embittered by the veil, see my attack, see my sorrow; from everywhere I am possessed by temptation, but I am not an intercessor. You yourself help me as if I am weak, feed me as strange, instruct me as if she was delusional, heal and save me as hopeless. Not imams of any other help, not imams of other hopes, unless You, Lady, help us, we hope in You and we boast of You, Your God is Rabbi, so we will not be ashamed. We run under Your mercy, Virgin Mary, do not despise our prayers in sorrow, but save us from troubles, One pure and blessed one. Amen".

Prayer for admonition in the temple

Your prayer, ascended in the temple, will always be strengthened by those participating in the service. Going to the temple, people carry their aspirations and requests that overwhelm their hearts. Praying collectively under the pastoral guidance of a priest, each one by his own efforts multiplies the voice of the crying.

  • Apply for a prayer for health for the one for whose admonition you will pray.
  • Confession and Communion is a prerequisite before starting any ceremony.
  • Do not be sad if the temple does not have the necessary image "Adding the Mind". Prayers and spells in the temple to add mind can be performed in front of any icon of the Virgin.
  • Before turning to the Heavenly Patroness, do not forget to make a sacrifice by setting up a church candle so that the light of your faith ascends upward.

The third prayer before the icon Adding the mind.

“The Most Pure Theotokos, Home, Herself has created the Wisdom of God, spiritual gifts to the Giver, from the world to the premium, our mind is elevating and everyone to the knowledge of reason! Receive a prayer song from us, unworthy of Thy servant, worshiping with faith and tenderness before Thy most pure image. Pray for Thy Son and our God, let him grant us wisdom and strength, to judges truth and impartiality, spiritual wisdom, zeal and vigilance for our souls, a mentor of humility, a child of obedience, to all of us the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of humility and meekness, spirit of purity and truth. And now, all-singing, our all-beloved Mother, give us an addition of mind, subdue, unite in enmity and division of existence and put them in an insoluble union of love, convert all those who have gone astray from foolishness to the light of Christ's truth, teach the fear of God, abstinence and diligence, teach the word of wisdom and give psychic knowledge to those who ask, give us autumn with eternal joy, the most luminous Cherubim and the most honest Seraphim. But we, the glorious deeds and the many-wise wisdom of God in the world and our life, see, we will eliminate earthly vanity and unnecessary worries of life, and we will raise our mind, our heart to Heaven, as if by Your intercession and help glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for everything in the Trinity to the glorified God and all the Creator we send, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

The origin of the image of the Most Holy Theotokos "Adding Mind" resembles a detective story in its best traditions. Tradition is intertwined with history - the icon, revered since the 16th century in Russia, had its ancient prototype. Evangelist, physician, one of the seventy disciples of Christ, assistant to the Apostle Paul (you probably heard the Apostle Paul's "Hymn of Love"), the Evangelist Luke was also an icon painter. Several icons of the Mother of God are the authorship of the Apostle Luke, for example, Vladimirskaya (in the Tretyakov Gallery). He, according to legend, created a statue of the Loret Icon of the Mother of God. The same prototype of the "Mind Additions" icon. Later it was established that the statue was sculpted in the XIII-XIV centuries and not by the Apostle Luke, nevertheless, for the Orthodox audience the fact of the creation of the image by the icon painter, the Evangelist Luke is undeniable: "Bless the evangelical secrets of the evangelist of the Apostle Luke to write the most pure image of Your image."


The Loret statue of the Mother of God is a statue with an impressive history that has absorbed millennia. According to legend, the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos sailed to Italy from Nazareth as a result of the Crusades of the 13th century. The statue was located in the Holy House - in it, as the researchers proved, the Mother of God spent her childhood and youth. Leaving Jerusalem, conquered by Muslims, in 1297, the crusaders transported the Holy House to Dolmatia, and from there, in 1294, the Holy House, along with the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, traveled to the small port city of Ankopa, and then to Loreto. From that time on, Loreto became a center of pilgrimages - in 1844 a Russian pilgrim, Archimandrite Porfiry, wrote down in his diary his impressions of his visit to the Loreto Basilica: “A magnificent church was built on the very site of this marvelous event. As soon as you enter it, the sacred cave in which the Archangel announced to the Humble One about the incarnation of the Son of God in Her will be presented directly to your eyes. This cave was inside the house and, probably, constituted the lower floor of it, where the Mother of God was engaged in needlework and divine thinking. It is remarkable that even now the Nazarene women work in the lower parts of the house, and in the upper room they only rest at night. It is also remarkable that even today some houses have caves or, better, houses attached to caves. I saw one such house in passing in the upper part of the city. It is no wonder that Joseph’s house was attached to a natural cave, where there was a workman and a kitchen ”.

Appearance in Russia

In Russia, news about the Loret Icon appeared due to the mutual interest of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. The Russian prince Ivan III, who married Sophia Poleolog, acquired not only a wise wife, but also turned the eyes of the Western world to the Russian principality. The son of his father, Grand Duke Vasily III, aspired to the West, his contacts with the Pope were established as early as 1503, already in 1519 Vasily III puzzled over whether the Orthodox people of Russia and the Catholic flock of Leo X should unite under the auspices of the Union of Florence. Opponents were primarily interested in creating a common "fund" of shrines of the East and West. In 1524, at the invitation of Pope Clement VII, who was once again striving to spread his influence over the souls of the Russian principality, a Russian deputation went to Italy. An excursion to the Holy House in the city of Loreto was supposed to win over the adamant Orthodox delegation to the side of the Pope. Eremey Trusov and Dmitry Gerasimov were amazed at the relic from Nazareth, upon the return of the delegates, Prince Vasily heard the wonderful story of the Holy House and the statue of the Most Holy Theotokos, and the first copies of the Loret Icon of the Mother of God appeared in Russia.

Crazy Icon Painter

In 1547 Moscow was engulfed in fires, from the image of the Mother of God of Lorets the icon "in the Moscow style" "Additions of the Mind" was painted. A legend is adjacent to the facts of the appearance of the icon "Adding the Mind". The authorship of the icon is attributed to an unknown icon painter. The legend tells of a pious man who suddenly became interested in the corrected books of Patriarch Nikon. Trying to understand whether Nikon's faith was true, the icon painter went crazy. In between fits of madness, the man prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos for forgiveness and the return of a sound mind. The Most Holy Theotokos appeared to the icon painter several times, and he painted her image. Common sense returned to the icon painter, and the icon was named "Mind Addition".

Two or more icons

The history of the Loret Icon of the Mother of God laid the foundation for the creation and veneration of its Russian interpretation - the icon "Mind Addition". Both icons are venerated in the Russian Orthodox Church; they come to worship the icons for different reasons. The long journey of the Loreto statue is firmly intertwined with its meaning for believers - travelers come to the Most Holy Theotokos from Loreto, to her Russian list - for the mind. The image of "Adding Mind" is not the only one - with a request for wisdom, Orthodox Christians also turn to the icon "The Key of Understanding".

Riddles of iconography

The Mind Additions icon created in Moscow was not painted according to Moscow canons. The icon depicts Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos - a motif familiar to world iconography. But before us is not a woman with a baby in her arms - the Mother and the Son are depicted swaddled together in liturgical vestments. The heads of the Sagrada Familia are crowned with crowns, lamps flicker in the upper corners, under the portal arch you can see the starry sky. Chiton - a Dalmatic, hiding the bodies of the Most Holy Theotokos and the infant Christ reminds of the prototype of the icon - the statue of the Mother of God of Loret. Depicted together - Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Virgin turn us to Sophia - the Wisdom of God.


Distinguishing the duties of certain saints is not a new custom. To Panteleimon - from diseases, to Spiridon Trimifuntsky - for wealth. The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Adding Mind" is asked to teach unreasonable children, to have successful examinations and to calm the mad. They ask, remembering the history of the unreasonable icon painter. Access to the icon is limited - there are very few lists. A rare icon with a special history - the image of the Most Holy Theotokos "Mind Additions" is located in the Yaroslavl region, in a small town on the banks of the Volga - Tutaev, and performs miracles. Another miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin "Mind Addition" of the early 18th century is located in the Moscow Tikhvin Church in Alekseevsky.

Complete collection and description: prayer before the icon for adding mind to the spiritual life of a believer.

Prayers for admonition are read in front of the Add Mind icon, turning to the Most Holy Theotokos their aspirations and requests for help. The composition and style of painting the icon are not typical for the school of classical Russian or Byzantine iconography and differ from the common canonical subjects. Soaring over the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Mother of the Lord holds the Son in her arms. Both of them are wrapped in a phelonion, which gives their embrace divine unity. The angels, with their humble appearance and bowed heads, seem to point to the Mother of God - turn your prayers to her and receive mercy by her kindness.

The history of the appearance of the icon

In ancient times, when the Orthodox Church was reformed by Patriarch Nikon, this was rejected by many followers and ministers. The global schism, which added confusion to the believers, delayed the understanding of why the patriarch changed the liturgical rites or introduced new canons. The reform itself had the intent of unification with the rites of the Greek Church, as the closest to the original source. But not everyone was given the opportunity to comprehend the correctness of Nikon's steps. This is the period when the adherents of the old rituals separated from the main patriarchy, for which they were anathematized.

Among the crowd of doubters there was a certain monk-icon painter, whose name has sunk into the age-old haze, but by chance left behind him the greatest mark in Russian iconography. The legend says that the monk fell into mental anguish, fearing to betray the true God and not fall into the captivity of the devil's traps. Having embarked on the path of fasting and prayer, as a true believer, he asked for enlightenment and enlightenment for himself, for only the Heavenly Forces were given the ability to show the correct path. This prayer for the miraculous addition of the mind eventually became the defining power of the icon, which the monk wrote, fulfilling his vow to the Mother of God.

In one of the long prayer nights, the Mother of God descended to a restless person, and he immediately began to earnestly ask her for admonition and a hint, which side to take and which path of worship to choose so as not to fall into mortal sin. She gave hints, restored peace to his mind and promised to direct his fate with her mercy if the monk painted the icon, depicting it in the form in which the Mother of God appeared to him. Having enlightened the mind and took the side of the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, the monk immediately began work on the icon, which he later called "Adding the mind".

Composition icons

Having received divine prompts and the ability to separate the grain from the chaff, the diligent monk depicted the Mother of God hovering over the Heavenly Jerusalem. This is such a promised place from the Book of Revelation - a city of the righteous, filled with the Holy Spirit. Candles in the hands of angelic creatures symbolize the light emitted by the Lord and his faith, and are an important part of our being - without them the sources of knowledge and understanding of the universe will not open to us.

The central figure of the Mother of God with the Child is executed in an image uncharacteristic for canonical subjects. Such images, when the Mother and the Child God are wrapped in a single phelonion, are found only in the sculpture of the city of Loret. This symbolizes the belonging of the Mother of God and God the Son to the Heavenly hypostasis, and the royal crowns on our heads give us an understanding of their divinity. To both of them, we offer our prayers with a request to show us the path of knowledge and to give understanding of our earthly path.

Having clung to the icon in prayers, the Orthodox person sees in front of him the Blessed Virgin, whose fate is to protect the flock of his Son from mistakes and ordeals, from mental anxiety and imprudent steps. A prayer for aspirations to increase the mind, crying out from a suffering heart, will surely be rewarded by the Queen of Heaven.

The power of the icon is to give admonition

The abilities of any icon are determined by those prayers that ascend to it and receive mercy from the Forces of Heaven. The very prehistory of the creation of the image "Adding the Mind" and its subsequent glorification defines this face as help to the restless and striving for the truth people. And each subsequent prayer is another brick that strengthens the power of faith in this holy face.

Usually, this image is asked for help in such sorrows:

  • A maternal conspiracy whispered by the icon will help a lagging and careless student to approach his studies more diligently. Adding perseverance and staunchness, he will enlighten and direct you on the path of knowledge of science.
  • A strong rite of passage at the icon "Adding Mind" is able to heal a person with mental underdevelopment or congenital dementia. It is in the power of the Lord and the Mother of God to direct the efforts of such a child on the path of his perfection.
  • In case of emotional turmoil, indecision in choosing the right path, misunderstanding of the prospects for one's future, daily prayer at the holy image can reveal the truth and clarify the mind of the one praying.
  • Absent-mindedness and inability to concentrate at certain times can cause problems. Concentration and accumulation of spiritual and mental strength - this is what prayer helps such people.
  • On the difficult path of knowledge and study, the power of this icon has no equal. Often, on the eve of important exams, students resort to the help of the holy image of the Mother of God, so that she would grant them insight and mental strength to overcome all trials with dignity.
  • Also, for those who, in doubts and confusion, fearfully look into their future, having no idea how to proceed in a difficult situation, the image of the Mother of God, which helps in enlightening the mind, will give guidance or otherwise give hints.

Rites and rituals for gaining reason

There is a difference in how to apply the prayer for enlightenment of the mind. In the case when a person constantly requires the care of the Heavenly Queen, prayer should accompany and instruct the Orthodox soul on a daily basis. But when suffering suddenly befell due to demonic intrigues, it is more expedient to apply church ritual and outside help. It can be expressed both in prayer vigils at home with someone close to you, and in a temple service. Usually prayer in the temple is a collective and stronger appeal to the Lord, for your crying voice is multiplied by all those present in the service.

Prayer at home

The holy image "Adding the Mind" is a rather rare image, but its value does not diminish from this. If there is a need to turn to the Mother of God in prayers, do not be stingy and find the desired face in the icon shops. They never use magazine clippings or posters for a home iconostasis, for this is a grave sin and devilish obsession.

  • Be sure to confess every time you begin prayer prayers for mercy. It is difficult for a sinful soul to let the Holy Spirit into his heart, and the mind will be clouded and will not receive the desired enlightenment.
  • The prayer for increasing the mind is usually read in the morning, before the start of the activity, so that it has a beneficial effect on you.
  • It is customary to end the night vigil with prayers of thanks for the fact that the Heavenly Patrons did not leave you with their worries.
  • It is not forbidden for a loving mother to write on a piece of paper a prayer for admonishing her child, so that the word addressed to the Mother of God would constantly accompany and take care of the child. But a mother's prayer written on paper does not exempt from the need to involve the child in independent prayer with a petition for admonition.

The first prayer before the icon Adding the mind.

A short prayer

Very often there is a need to receive admonition and instruction at the beginning of some activity. Sometimes confusion and confusion prevent a person from concentrating and making the right decision - for such help, carry a short prayer with you. Read at the right time, it will help you avoid mistakes and, by the grace of the Mother of God, will guide you on the right path.

  • Prayer will help a sincere believer.
  • Only a baptized person will receive the help of the Holy Spirit.
  • The strength of your faith is the key to successfully fulfilling your prayers.

The second prayer before the icon Adding the mind.

“To my abiding queen, my most holy hope, friend to the sire and strange intercessor, help in need and embittered by the veil, see my attack, see my sorrow; from everywhere I am possessed by temptation, but I am not an intercessor. You yourself help me as if I am weak, feed me as strange, teach me as if she was mistaken, heal and save me as hopeless. Not imams of any other help, not imams of other hopes, unless You, Lady, help us, we hope in You and we boast of You, Your God is Rabbi, so we will not be ashamed. We flee under Your mercy, Virgin Mary, do not despise our prayers in sorrows, but save us from troubles, One pure and blessed one. Amen".

Prayer for admonition in the temple

Your prayer, ascended in the temple, will always be strengthened by those participating in the service. Going to the temple, people carry their aspirations and requests that overwhelm their hearts. Praying collectively under the pastoral guidance of a priest, each one by his own efforts multiplies the voice of the crying.

  • Apply for a prayer for health for the one for whose admonition you will pray.
  • Confession and Communion is a prerequisite before starting any ceremony.
  • Do not be sad if the temple does not have the necessary image "Adding the Mind". Prayers and spells in the temple to add mind can be performed in front of any icon of the Virgin.
  • Before turning to the Heavenly Patroness, do not forget to make a sacrifice by setting up a church candle so that the light of your faith ascends upward.

The third prayer before the icon Adding the mind.

“The Most Pure Theotokos, Home, Herself has created the Wisdom of God, spiritual gifts to the Giver, from the world to the premium, our mind elevates and everyone to the knowledge of reason! Receive a prayer song from us, unworthy of Thy servant, who worship with faith and tenderness before Thy most pure image. Pray for Thy Son and our God, let us grant us wisdom and strength, to judges truth and impartiality, spiritual wisdom, zeal and vigilance for our souls, a mentor of humility, a child of obedience, to all of us the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of humility and meekness, spirit of purity and truth. And now, all-singing, our all-beloved Mother, give us an addition of mind, subdue, unite in enmity and division of existence and put them in an insoluble union of love, convert all those who are delusional from foolishness to the light of the truth of Christ, teach the fear of God, abstinence and diligence, teach the word of wisdom and give psychic knowledge to those who ask, give us autumn with eternal joy, the most luminous Cherubim and the most honest Seraphim. But we, the glorious deeds and the many-wise wisdom of God in the world and our life, see, we will eliminate earthly vanity and unnecessary worries of life, and we will raise our mind, our heart to Heaven, as if by Your intercession and help glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for everything in the Trinity to the glorified God and all the Creator we send, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Healing prayers have tremendous power for every believing Orthodox soul. Since then, as Christ showed the world miracles of healing from bodily ailments.

Our apartment, our home is what should protect us from adversity, be a cozy and pleasant place for life, and give us a feeling of happiness. For this, our apartment must be not only clean.

Prayer and its wonderful property. The angel announced to the Virgin about the immaculate conception in her blessed womb of the one who. in search of someone to blame, but it is better to turn your prayers and aspirations for reconciliation and admonition to the intercessor of all wives - the Mother of God.

Prayers for help for a family in a difficult time can neutralize the threat of divorce. Asking the Heavenly Father to instruct both spouses, the wife opens her heart to his prompts and instructions.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

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The Icon of the Mother of God Addition of Mind is a rather rare icon-painting image. We see in the image the Mother of God standing with a baby in her arms, at the entrance to the heavenly portal, wrapped in a veil. They are surrounded by angels with lighted candles in their hands. And in the lower part there are small houses that personify the Heavenly Jerusalem. Prayer to this image of the Virgin Mary helps in choosing the right path in life and in achieving success in learning.

The meaning of the Add mind icon

The symbolic meaning of the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary expresses the essence of the sacrifice of Christ's atonement, which opens the way for all believers to the Heavenly Jerusalem. The history of the creation of the icon also greatly influences the meaning of the image. Back in the 16th-17th centuries, one icon painter took up reading church books written before the schism and after, in order to thoroughly understand the Christian faith.

He wanted to understand how to pray properly and avoid sin. On this basis, he had a clouding of mind. During periods of enlightenment, he pleadingly asked the Most Pure One to add reason to him. And then one day the Mother of God appeared to him and said that as he sees Her, so he must write her face and pray to him.

So did the monk, and at the end of his work the Virgin Mary granted him healing, his sanity returned to him. Since then, the prayer for the addition of the mind to the Mother of God saves all the mentally ill, and according to their faith they receive healing of their illness.

Icon Adding Mind, What It Helps

If you need enlightenment of thoughts, when choosing the right decision, turn to the Mother of God for help in sincere prayer in front of Her image. If you have embarked on the path of learning something new, feeling spiritual knowledge, if there are difficulties with comprehending them, a prayer request to the Virgin Mary will help to overcome all obstacles.

  • A petition to the Mother of God in front of this miraculous face will help:
  • If your child is not doing well in school;
  • If the child is very restless and does not want to sit in the lessons;
  • With poor mental development, both children and adults;
  • With mental disorders;
  • Forgetfulness, distraction of attention and inability to concentrate;
  • If you need to master new complex knowledge;
  • When performing difficult work, creating scientific projects, etc.

According to the ideas that have developed over the centuries about the miraculous properties of this image of the Blessed Virgin, prayer also saves from feverish conditions of a person, with the invasion of mosquitoes and midges, from the attack of wild and poisonous animals.

There is also an opinion that in case of strong hurricane winds, which can entail material damage, one should turn for help precisely to this miraculous image of the Queen of Heaven. One should ask the Most Pure One for help from Her image with the following prayer:

Prayer for Increasing the Mind

“O Most Holy Virgin! You are the Bride of God the Father and the Mother of His Divine Son Jesus Christ! You are the Queen of Angels and the salvation of people, a denouncer of sinners and a punisher of apostates. Have mercy on us, who have sinned grossly and have not fulfilled the commandments of God, who have broken the vows of baptism and the vows of monasticism, and many others that we promised to fulfill. When the Holy Spirit departed from King Saul, then fear and despondency attacked him and the darkness of despair and a joyless state of mind tormented him. Now, for our sins, we have all lost the grace of the Holy Spirit. The mind is bogged down with the vanity of thoughts, forgetfulness about God has darkened our souls, and now the heart of every kind of sorrow, sorrow, illness, hatred, evil, enmity, revenge, gloating and other sins are being pressed. And, not having joy and consolation, we call to You, Mother of our God, Jesus Christ, so beg Your Son to forgive us all our sins and send us the Comforter Spirit, as He sent Him to the apostles, so that those who were comforted and enlightened by him, let us sing a song of thanksgiving to You. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos, who has added intelligence to our salvation. Amen".

Where can you see the miraculous face

The original, written by the monk, was in the Transfiguration Cathedral in the city of Rybinsk, but, unfortunately, over time it was lost without a trace. No less miraculous lists can be seen:

  • In the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow;
  • In the Intercession Cathedral in the city of Tutaev;
  • In the Church of St. Tatiana at Moscow State University in Moscow.

And this miraculous image of the Virgin is worshiped only once a year - on August 28 (August 15 according to the old calendar). The celebration falls on the same day with the veneration of the image of the Wisdom of God Sophia, and this date was not chosen by chance. The image Addition of Mind is a symbol of the intercession of the Virgin Mary before her Divine Son and His Father in matters of gifting young children with spiritual enlightenment and reason - that spark that is called Divine Wisdom.

God bless you!

In this video, you will hear a miraculous prayer to the icon of the Mother of God Adding the mind:

Prayer for increasing the mind, helping children in learning and choosing a life path

The image "Adding Mind" is especially valuable for Christians, because it is rare. On it, the Mother of God is presented in a position unusual for Moscow iconography - standing. She has Christ in her arms. They are wrapped in a cocoon-like cloth, decorated with cross ornaments and weaving. The icon depicts the Mother of God standing in front of the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven, angels soar around her. They are holding burning candles in their hands. The symbolic meaning of the flame is the light of truth.

Prayer and the icon for increasing the mind mean the same thing: Jesus sacrifices himself so that believers will find their way to Heavenly Jerusalem. They pray to the Most Holy Theotokos with the baby to take the true path, find happiness in knowledge and achieve success in study and science.

Difficult story

In the Middle Ages, the icon-painter monk, like any other church minister, delved into the secrets of the Christian faith. He read books written before and after the split. The monk wondered how to live a sinless life and find the strength to pray relentlessly. He wanted so badly to find out the truth that in the end he lost his mind.

In moments of enlightenment of the lost mind, the monk asked the Mother of God to add his mind. After one of these prayers, the Mother really appeared to him and ordered him to paint an icon. Since then, before her, people have to say spells and prayers to add mind. But the vision was not permanent - it disappeared into the darkness of madness. At such moments, the monk began to pray fervently, and gradually consciousness returned to him completely. The icon was completed already in his sane mind, and the image became miraculous. The mentally ill and people with mental disorders, as well as their relatives and all sympathizers, pray to him. Over time, the prayer to this icon for increasing the mind has become more common, pupils and students use it.

The original of the icon was kept in Rybinsk, in the Transfiguration Cathedral, but was lost. We only have lists, for example, in the Church of St. Tatiana at Moscow State University. The icon of the Mother of God helping students is honored on 28 August. At this time, the prayers of applicants are especially effective.

Strong prayer text for learners

Perfect knowledge of the material is not the only guarantee that you will pass the exam perfectly. If you are a believer, use all resources to help you learn. Read the prayer in front of the icon for adding mind. To do this, you do not need to go to church, you can buy a small icon and always carry it with you, and say a strong prayer before studying.

The sacred text helps to focus, gather and gain self-confidence. In difficult situations, if the teacher stubbornly does not want to give a good grade, this text will help you out more than once. Make the right decision with divine support. This is not a conspiracy, but a prayer to the Mother of God:

What else does prayer help?

Even if school and university years are long gone, prayer and an icon « About adding mind » help you find harmony with yourself. Feel upset about your own choice or are afraid to make a decision - pray. Before the image, you should pray if you have embarked on a new path, learn new sciences or crafts. Modern life forces us to educate ourselves over the years, which is good. In the matter of mastering the wisdom of life, this prayer will also help you. Your children will definitely learn, and prayer parenting support will help them well.

How does prayer in front of the Add Mind icon help?

  • If you or your child are falling behind in school, you are not able to complete tasks.
  • In the case when the child has a restive character, he does not want to sit quietly in the classroom.
  • If there is developmental delay and mental impairment in both children and adults.
  • For any mental disorder of the most varied genesis.
  • If I began to pass memory, attention and concentration.
  • When you urgently need to master a large amount of information.
  • In scientific work.

And the prayer "On the addition of the mind" can save in strong hurricane winds. God will save you from the material ruin that often follows such a disaster. An appeal to the Queen of Heaven with the text of the prayer should be sincere.

People love the image very much. Although it was not painted according to Moscow canons, the icon has great power. The effect that adds to the mind is also useful for calming the mad, because it has a story with a mad icon painter, but the original meaning of the image is precisely to gain understanding and take the right path.


A strong prayer text helps adults not to rush about in their choice and not to make mistakes. Who among us has not mistook the glitter for the light of truth? He who has increased his mind will never be so cruelly mistaken. We look into the sky, expecting the appearance of an unknown planet or a crushing meteorite, but we need to look into the sky with a desire to gain the Heavenly Kingdom. People are mysterious creatures. They are able to take on faith any nonsense, and the truth will remain covered in darkness for them.

Leave pseudosciences alone, but do not stop developing. A rare and powerful icon "Mind Addition" attracts those who realize that they can be wrong. And since this was revealed to him, then he is not far from spiritual enlightenment. Parents who want to help their children and desperate loved ones of people with mental disabilities go to the icon.

There is also an analogue of the icon "Adding Mind" in Italy. The picturesque town of Laretto is home to the Key to Reason, but Italians admit that the image came to them from Russia. There is no need to find out and search for the truth, just keep in mind that people from all over the planet are coming to add intelligence and spirituality to the corresponding icons. Prayer for increasing your mind will help you and your relatives if you are able to repent of your sins before yourself and God. Follow the Christian path, and the Mother of God will be your guiding star in this.

Love is a breeding ground for prayer. The stronger it is, the more effective prayer is. At the same time, love should be disinterested and all-forgiving, such as Jesus Christ bequeathed to us.

“Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding with all your possessions” - this is how the biblical king Solomon said. According to legend, before the beginning of his reign, Solomon asked the Lord not for riches and power, but for understanding. For this choice, God blessed him and made him the wisest of the rulers, which brought him wealth and glory.

Important! Christians have a great Intercessor before God for the human race - the Mother of God. It strengthens weak faith and inept prayer, bringing them to God. The grace of the Mother of God appears through Her images. One of them - the icon "Adding Mind" - reminds the Christian of the main wealth, the choice of King Solomon.

This rare and strange in writing image makes you think about its meaning, shows the imperfection of the human mind in the knowledge of God. Prayer to the icon "Adding Mind" works quiet miracles: a person sees with his mind and begins to see the main thing - his own sins.

Two legends about the origin of the image

According to legend, "Theotokos the Wise" appeared in Russia in the 17th century. after the split that occurred as a result of the correction of church books by Patriarch Nikon. An unknown artist pondered the old and new texts for a long time, which of them is correct?

Icon "Adding Mind"

Once, praying to the Theotokos for discipline, he saw her wondrous image. Following this, the Lady ordered the artist to paint an icon depicting a vision. For a long time he could not reproduce the amazing plot, forgetting various details. The apparition of the Mother of God was repeated several times until the work was completed.

Having prayed in front of a new image, the artist felt a clarity of mind, which allowed him to understand the question that tormented him. This is how the rare icon "Adding the Mind" was revealed, which also has other names: the Giver of the Mind or Philafeta (Greek. Truthfulness).

The prototype of the icon in Italy

Historical research cites other circumstances of the origin of the image. The source of "Filafeta" could be a Catholic statuette of the Virgin Mary, kept in the city of Loreto (Italy). The wooden figurine of the Mother of God with the Child is placed in the "Holy House" - a stone hut where Mary lived. The hut itself was dismantled and moved from Nazareth to Italy by a Greek family who saved the shrine from the invasion of the Arabs.

Statuette of the Virgin Mary and Child

The sculpture depicts the Mother of God standing with Christ in her arms. All of it is so hung with ornaments that only the heads of Mary and the Baby Jesus remained open. Pearl beads rest on a dalmatic, a sleeveless cloak sewn from fabric, worn over the statue. Based on the sculpture, an icon of the Mother of God of Lorets was painted, where She, together with Jesus, was wrapped in a precious felony (a cloak, accessory to the priestly vestments). At the first glance at the Loret icon, one can see its resemblance to the Russian "Giver of the Mind".

Read about the attitude of Orthodoxy towards other religions:

The image of the Mother of God goes to Russia

At the beginning of the 16th century, Vasily III had close contacts with Italy. At that time, the Orthodox and Catholic Churches had already separated, and the popes of Rome sought to take the Russian Church under their rule, offering Basil economic and political benefits. To do this, it was only necessary to change some dogmas - the foundations of the Orthodox faith.

The idea of ​​the popes was not successful, but Vasily III nevertheless sent ambassadors to negotiations. At that time it was already known that the "House of the Mother of God" was in Italy and the ambassadors wished to see it. Pope Clement IV invited them to Loreto in the hope that the veneration of common Christian shrines would bring the Orthodox closer to the Catholics.

Basilica of the Holy House in Loreto

After visiting the shrine and hearing the stories of the ministers of the House of the Mother of God, the ambassadors returned to their homeland and compiled the "Legend of the Temple of the Holy Mother of God", which has survived to this day. At the same time, a copy of the Loretskaya Virgin was made, which spread in Russia in the form of the icon "Adding the Mind".

Both stories complement each other. The Mother of God came to the Russian land in her “Clever Image” during a difficult period, when every believer had to sort out the multitude of disagreements caused by the church reform.

Modern Italians are so fond of the Russian version of the Mother of God of Loret that even now small images of "Mind Additions" are distributed at the "House of the Virgin" in Loreto.

Meaning of images

The most ancient images are made on canvas, contrary to the Orthodox tradition of painting icons on boards. The origin of the strange form of the Virgin's garment is explained above. In addition, it depicts:

  1. the starry sky is a symbol of paradise, the Heavenly Kingdom. The Holy Virgin with the Christ Child stands at the gates of heaven, and only through Her prayers this path is revealed to man;
  2. white buildings under the feet of the Mother of God - Heavenly, Heavenly Jerusalem. They can also depict the cities where the "House of the Virgin" stayed during its journey from Palestine to Italy;
  3. seraphim - three six-winged Angels above the head of the Virgin and one at the feet. Seraphim are executors of the will of God. A large number of wings means their speed, and their position on the image means the greatest closeness to God;
  4. four angels in apostolic robes with candles depict the four Evangelists carrying the light of truth. They also represent the four main Archangels;
  5. two burning lamps at the gates of heaven - "lamps of wise virgins" from the Gospel parable, which tells about the virgins waiting for the Bridegroom. The wise virgins took enough oil to keep their lamps burning until morning, and the foolish had no supply and were late for the feast while looking for something to support the fire.

Practices associated with the image "Adding Mind"

In past centuries, there was a pious custom among the people to place "vowed icons" in churches. The icon painter was ordered to make an image of the Mother of God with certain saints, to whom the customers had a special zeal in prayer. The icon was donated to the temple, praying for the success of any important cause.

The image "Adding the mind" was also written as vowed icons, and the plot could change. There is an image where the Infant God sits on the right hand of the Mother of God, holding in his hands the symbols of royal power. On the reverse side of the board are written saints who help in the fight against fornication and drunkenness.

Icon of the Mother of God "Adding Mind", 1738. Icon painter hegumen Savvaty

On another votive icon, from Rybinsk, besides the usual images, the holy martyr Antipas is attributed, to whom they pray for a toothache. There is information about the icon "Adding Mind", written in the 18th century in a prayer for the construction of the temple. On it are written the saints to whom the future church was dedicated.

More about Christian customs:

Unfortunately, most of the old lists were lost after the revolution.

Revered icons in Russia

  • The town of Tutaev (Romanov-Borisoglebsk) on the banks of the Volga is decorated with the Holy Intercession Church, which houses the revered icon "Mind Addition" of the 17th century. The icon is recognized as miraculous. Students and those with dementia come to her for help. Once the priest of the church, answering a parishioner's question, said that turning to the Mother of God helps us to find true, divine reason. The possessed woman who was present here suddenly uttered in a voice not her own, with difficulty, as if not of her own free will: "You said that correctly!"

Traditionally, the icon is brought from Tutaev to Yaroslavl by the beginning of the school year.

  • The Intercession-Tervenichesky Monastery in the Leningrad Region has a chapel where the only Russian statue of the Mother of God of Loret is placed. Here it is called "Mind Addition".
  • Moscow Tikhvin Church in Alekseevo. There is an ancient miraculous icon of the 17th century, donated to the temple at the same time.
  • In the museum of Rybinsk there is an ancient image "Adding the mind", made in a picturesque "Catholic" style. Instead of four Angels, it depicts two, one of them with a cross. Before the revolution, the icon was kept in the Transfiguration Cathedral of the city.

Watch a video about Akathist and the history of the icon

Among hundreds of Orthodox images of the Mother of God, there are very special, unique in composition. Such images are rarely seen in temples, but they are still known to believers. Often the history of its origin turns out to be no less interesting than the shrine itself.

The icon "Adding Mind" belongs to such a rare type - they pray to it, as the name implies, if a person needs the support of higher powers in mental work. What else does a rare image help, where is the original, what is the history of the phenomenon?

How the icon appeared

In the 17th century. The Church in Russia was going through difficult times. Patriarch Nikon began church reform, which split the parishioners into two camps. During that period, there was one icon painter, a very pious person. He knew the previous rites well, but he carefully studied the amendments that were made by Nikon.

Thinking about who is right, the unfortunate man became so confused that he began to lose his mind. But he just wanted to understand which order of service is more pleasing to the Lord.

In moments of enlightenment, the poor man began to turn to the Blessed Virgin for help, asking him to return his mind. Then the Mother of God herself appeared and ordered to paint a new icon. It was necessary to depict the Mother of God exactly in the form in which she appeared.

The vision was short-lived, the clarity of mind often left the unfortunate one. With great difficulty, he managed to carry out the assignment. This is how the icon "Adding Mind" appeared - the name was given to it by the master himself. The prayer bore fruit - the Mother of God fulfilled her promise, he became healthy again.

Prayer to the Icon Adding Mind

“O Most Holy Virgin! You are the Bride of God the Father and the Mother of His Divine Son Jesus Christ! You are the Queen of Angels and the salvation of people, a denouncer of sinners and a punisher of apostates. Have mercy on us, who have sinned grossly and have not fulfilled the commandments of God, who have broken the vows of baptism and the vows of monasticism, and many others that we promised to fulfill. When the Holy Spirit departed from King Saul, then fear and despondency attacked him and the darkness of despair and a joyless state of mind tormented him. Now, for our sins, we have all lost the grace of the Holy Spirit. The mind is bogged down with the vanity of thoughts, forgetfulness about God has darkened our souls, and now the heart of every kind of sorrow, sorrow, illness, hatred, evil, enmity, revenge, gloating and other sins are being pressed. And, not having joy and consolation, we call to You, Mother of our God, Jesus Christ, so beg Your Son to forgive us all our sins and send us the Comforter Spirit, as He sent Him to the apostles, so that those who were comforted and enlightened by him, let us sing a song of thanksgiving to You. Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos, who has added intelligence to our salvation. Amen".

Western version of the story

There is another, less poetic version of the appearance of this image. Archaeologist Andrei Titov found a prototype of a Russian shrine abroad, in Italy. He even pointed out where the statue with which the image was taken is located - in the city of Loreto. The famous basilica is located there, and in it there is an unusual sculpture made of wood. The original was dark with age and candle deposits. Unfortunately, it was lost in a fire at the beginning of the last century.

Experts attributed the figure of the Mother of God with the Child in her arms to the 13th century. The head of the Madonna was adorned with a pearl crown, the image was covered with diamonds and other precious stones. Other scholars have also noticed the connection between the two shrines. Now in Italy there is an artificially aged copy made from a Lebanese cedar that grew on the territory of the Vatican.

Composition and meaning of the icon Addition of Mind

The main unusual detail is that the Mother of God and the Infant are almost completely hidden under the felony - this is part of the sacred vestment worn by the Orthodox clergy during divine services. In the old days, it was sewn only snow-white, now it is made in different colors. The phelonion symbolizes the invincible power of the Holy Spirit that descends from heaven. This is not the only image where Mary wears the vestment - the robe indicates the purity of her soul, which surpasses even the angelic nature.

  • On the head of the Infant and His Mother are crowns - a sign that they reign in Heaven.
  • There is a white city under the feet of the Mother of God. This is Heavenly Jerusalem, a city in which the righteous will be with Christ. That is, the icon is a prototype of the future. She seems to say to the believers - you shouldn't worry too much about the earthly, it is better to think about the fate of your immortal soul and where it will go after the end of earthly life.

From under the richly embroidered vestments, the right hand of Christ is visible, with which He blesses His children. On the left is power, as a sign of royal power. After all, Jesus is the King of Kings. As if emphasizing the importance of Christ, Russian icon painters often add Angels to the composition. They float in the air, chanting their Lord and the Virgin Mary, holding burning candles in their hands, as during a divine service.

Cherubim hover over the heads of the Mother of God and Christ. The whole picture of worship is enclosed in an arch (such were previously erected as monuments in honor of great victories), which complements the image of the heavenly city.

Where to bow to the shrine

  • The miraculous copy of the "Adding Mind" icon is today in Moscow, in the church in the name of the Tikhvin icon.
  • There is an image in the town of Tutaev (Yaroslavl region). The icon is brought to the regional center every year before the start of the school year.

The original, written by the artist with the blessing of the Queen of Heaven, has not survived. For home prayer, you can purchase an image at any church store.

What they pray to the icon

There are several types of scholarship. One is the so-called "book", which is taught in institutes, the other is spiritual wisdom. You can comprehend it all your life, but you never master it. Many saints (for example, Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov) did not possess academic degrees at all, but hardly anyone would dispute their spiritual maturity.

  • For the believer, of course, what is important above all is the life of the spirit. What if the Lord did not give the ability to study, but you want to master new knowledge?
  • After all, a person in life now and then has to learn. It is necessary to pray, this is what the image "Adding Mind" helps with. No wonder he is considered the patron saint of schoolchildren and students.
  • What else does the unusual icon help? They pray in front of her when an important decision needs to be made. You can ask for a child who lacks patience during learning.
  • Pray for those who are mentally retarded; when it is necessary to increase the ability to concentrate; in the process of scientific work.

When asking for help in your earthly affairs, it is worth asking for the highest wisdom, which gives rise to Christian love and patience.

Icon Adding Mind - prayer, where it is, meaning and history was last modified: October 9th, 2017 by Bogolub