A strong character. Strength of character and features of his upbringing

A strong character is not formed overnight, they are not born with it, although the makings from birth may be initially. A person who has formed a strong character set difficult goals for himself and achieved them, and all difficulties for a strong personality are only a way to deeply know oneself.

What does strong character mean?

Strength of character in what is it expressed, why can we say about one person that he has a strong character, but about the other not? Everyone has a character by itself, but a strong character is a set of human qualities that allows him to have his own firm position in life, not to deviate from what was planned, to be able to overcome difficult periods in life with faith in himself and not to give up.

Strong character traits

All strong character traits of a woman or a man mean all those positive properties and traits that are inherent in a person as a whole. This is not to say that some specific qualities, and only they, form a strong character. Each person has his own set of life circumstances, thanks to which he becomes strong. But in general, the following qualities can be listed that contribute to the formation of a strong-willed character:

  • purposefulness;
  • courage;
  • high motivation;
  • ambition;
  • striving to become better and change the world.

A strong character in a man

The strengths of a person's character do not come by themselves out of nowhere. How a person builds his life path consciously or simply floats with the flow, the formation of his character depends on this. Men are characterized by purposefulness, straightforwardness and great activity, they are more sharpened for severe life trials than the beautiful half of humanity. Male strong character, in what way it is expressed:

  • follows its purpose;
  • achieves success in the chosen field;
  • respected in society;
  • contributes to the development of society by his dedication and personal success, being an example to follow;
  • possesses courage and iron will;
  • compassionate to the misfortunes of others;
  • honest with himself and others;
  • loyal to his goal, ideal, family.

A woman with a strong character

Who is a woman or a girl with a strong character - psychological portrait:

  • she is independent;
  • focused on cooperation with others, sees strength in this;
  • knows how to take care of their needs in time;
  • trusts his, thoughts, feelings;
  • understands and accepts that others have the right to be themselves;
  • appreciates the help of others;
  • endures difficulties with dignity and supports others in difficult times.

A child with a strong character

How to recognize a child with the inclinations of a strong character and will? Strong character of the child - behavior:

  • difficulties arise when you need to force the child to do what he does not want until he decides to do it himself;
  • seeks to make decisions himself;
  • and anger as character traits;
  • if the child is busy with some business and does not succeed in reacting very emotionally, but seeks to understand and bring it to the end.

Strong character - examples

Strength of character and strong will allow people to perform heroic deeds, change society for the better and leave a memory of themselves for many centuries. In the history of mankind, there are many examples of such people with a strong character:

How to cultivate a strong character?

First you need to set yourself the goal of developing your strengths. You do not need to immediately start moving mountains, so the motivation will quickly burn out. How to become stronger in character, recommendations of psychologists:

  • remember an important rule: "all responsibility for your life lies entirely with you";
  • develop a positive outlook on surrounding events and phenomena;
  • believe in yourself in any scenario of the situation and be above your fears;
  • understand that difficulties and obstacles are the next step towards development;
  • maintain your physical shape: moderate physical activity, proper nutrition are an integral part of the formation of a strong character;
  • gradually, step by step, turn your weaknesses into strengths, ruthlessly saying goodbye to bad habits.

Strong character quotes

Aphorisms and sayings of famous writers and philosophers for many people become a motto in life, helping to overcome difficult periods. Quotes about strong character:

  • A firm character must be combined with the flexibility of the mind (L. Vauvenargue);
  • Man himself is the ultimate creator of his character (L. Lopatin);
  • A strong character, like a strong stream, encountering an obstacle, only gets irritated and intensifies even more, but at the same time, having overturned the obstacle, it makes a deep channel for itself (K. Ushinsky);
  • Character consists in the ability to act according to the principles (I. Kant);
  • Talents are formed in peace, characters in the midst of everyday storms (I. Goethe).

Movies about a strong character

All people have ups and downs, but the strong differ from the weak in that they consider obstacles and difficulties an integral part of their path, while weak people quickly give up at the first difficulties Films about strength, character, watching which will help you get out of the line of despair and start acting :

  1. Cast Away... He, the main character, who lived an ordinary human life, had to face a different reality of being, when every day is a struggle for survival. So in a difficult test, the hero's strong character flourishes and courage and stamina come to the surface.
  1. Soul Serfer... An autobiographical film about a girl Bethany Hamilton, a surfer at the age of 13 during a training session who lost her arm as a result of a shark attack. This ordeal did not deprive her of her desire to compete on a par with healthy surfers.
  1. "Jobs: Empire of Temptation / Jobs"... This name needs no introduction. The film is about the formation, life twists and turns and the strong character of the founder of Apple.
  1. The Pursuit of Happyness... The biography of Chris Gernett is a millionaire and philanthropist who has gone from a homeless single father and aspiring sales representative to a successful broker.
  1. Gone With the Wind... Strong character and independent Scarlet O'Hara accepts all trials as a challenge to fate, because she is the mistress of her life.

Strong character - books

Books about strength of character give readers an example and inspire them to achieve their goals. Books about strong-willed character:

  1. “A guide to life. How to achieve your goals, learn to overcome obstacles and forge a strong character ”B. Grills. The famous traveler and conqueror of difficult mountain peaks shares his experience on how to become a strong and purposeful person.
  2. "Born with character" E. Belonoshchenko. A book for parents, how to recognize in a child the will to overcome obstacles, his desire to know himself.
  3. The Hunger Games S. Collins. A fictional trilogy about a strong girl Katniss who has become so due to harsh life circumstances.
  4. An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth. What 4000 hours in orbit taught me ”K. Hadfield. A bestseller about perseverance, fortitude and character with humor and kindness of the author.
  5. "Frida Kahlo" by H. Errera. This amazing woman, artist, little fragile, went through difficult ordeals of fate and became a strong famous person.

Examples of strengths of character.
How to build character.

Word Character of Greek origin (χαρακτήρα), originally a stamp for printing an image (profile of the monarch) on coins. Initially, this word was associated with such aspects of a person as honesty, courage, perseverance, determination and loyalty. Today the character can be soft, stubborn, adventurous, and so on. But this is no longer a character, but a person's shortcomings. Character is closely related to a person's temperament and abilities. In humans, it is formed in childhood, adolescence. Therefore, sometimes as a result of improper upbringing or under the influence of difficult life situations, a weak, weak-willed character is formed in a person. This character is characterized by indecision, problems in communicating with people, susceptibility to temptation and excessive sensitivity. As a rule, a weak-willed person himself suffers from his temper, he cannot achieve success in life, often makes incorrect, unreasonable decisions, suffers from depression and low self-esteem. But it's never too late to change. By changing your character, you will change the world around you.

1. What constitutes strength of character.

Strength of character consists of those qualities that allow a person to exercise control over their instincts and passions, to resist the hundreds of temptations that we constantly face. In addition, strength of character lies in freedom from prejudice and prejudice, in tolerance, love and respect for others.

2. Why strength of character is important for a person:

Strength of character allows you to freely exercise your will, helps to cope with problems. Being strong in character is a means of achieving success in accomplishing the assigned tasks. A strong-minded person will always find the courage to admit his own mistakes, shortcomings and weaknesses and will not complain about life, as many tend to do.

3. A seasoned person is able to empathize.

Do not think that a strong character is always toughness, inflexibility, and sometimes rudeness. Often, behind such qualities, a person hides his complexes and weaknesses. Only a person with a strong character (it doesn't matter whether a woman or a man) is able to empathize, sympathize with another. A weak person, as a rule, is selfish, he thinks, first of all, of himself beloved. Empathy includes, in addition to compassion, support, help and love for someone in need. This quality echoes the New Testament commandment of Jesus Christ: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

4. The bearer of a strong character is always looking for truth and root cause.

A person with a strong character will consider all facts using the intellect, not the heart. To figure out the root cause of an event, your mind must prevail over emotions.

The solution to most questions must be found, avoiding entanglement in the chaos of feelings, guesses, prejudices, likes and dislikes.

5. A person with a strong character not a pessimist nor an optimist, he is always a leader. The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist expects that unfavorable weather conditions will change and the wind will blow in the right direction, and the leader takes measures for the ship to reach its destination in any weather.

6. Counteracting irrational impulses.

Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas believed that there are seven human passions: love and hate, desire and fear, joy and sadness, anger. These emotions and desires are common for every person, but they prevent us from making reasonable decisions in our destiny, or even enslave us in everyday life. There are a lot of sayings about this. For example, love is evil, you will love a goat, or anger is a bad counselor. Fear has big eyes. Sadness and discouragement can be the result of prolonged depression. Weak people are led by their passions, while the strong in spirit are able to counteract psychological self-destruction.

7. Be content with what you have.

A strong, strong-willed person does not envy. There is such an ironic aphorism: "It's good where we are not!". In fact, you cannot know for sure. And where we are not, they argue the same way.

8. Be decisive enough when you need to take reasonable risks. If you avoid fighting, you are giving up victory and the joy associated with it.

9. Don't let strangers impose one's will, and do not impose your will on others.

How many people, so many opinions, you cannot please everyone. Your actions and your actions will cause approval from someone, and dissatisfaction from someone. The main thing is the inner confidence that you are doing the right thing and common sense, which you are guided by. At the same time, a strong-willed person must respect someone else's opinion, even if he does not agree with it.

10. Learn to do good and avoid evil.

The strength of the spirit is not in going headlong towards your goal, humiliating or destroying those who are weaker than you. At first glance, charity and helping one's neighbor have nothing to do with strength. But remember yourself as a small child.

Our parents always took care of us, protected and protected us when we were defenseless. For a child, mom and dad are strong adults you can rely on. Therefore, by helping people around you, you become stronger in the eyes of others and increase your own self-esteem.

11. Learn to manage your feelings.

Do not let anything other than common sense influence your actions and deeds. We are all real people, and it can be difficult to make decisions and soberly assess the facts, not succumbing to emotions, especially in a critical situation. But remember how much you have already "broke the wood", being in a state of emotional chaos.

12. Always and in everything, look for the golden mean.

Greed and wastefulness, gloom and recklessness, nihilism and tolerance, elevated to the absolute - all this is the lot of weak people. Youthful maximalism is permissible for adolescents. A person with a strong character never rushes to extremes.

13. Try to stay calm at all times.

Calmness is a prerequisite for a strong character. A balanced state will allow you to focus and make the right decision. Inner contemplation leads to ideas, ideas lead to opportunities, and opportunities lead to success. Just don't confuse calmness with indifference. Indifference leads to degradation.

14. Focus on positive emotions, and don't screw yourself up because of the negativity. Agree, the character of a person who constantly whines and complains about his fate cannot be called tempered.

Keep track of your successes, not your troubles. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, because our life is what we think about it.

15. No fatalism and doom.

Everyone is responsible for the development and course of his life himself. The fatalist believes that everything in his life is already a foregone conclusion, and he cannot change anything. This implies lack of initiative and refusal of all attempts to influence your destiny. Fatalism and willpower, strength of character are incompatible. The prophet Jonah, who, according to the Bible, spent three days and three nights in the belly of a whale, at the command of God, doomed the inhabitants of Nineveh to death for their sins. But this prediction did not come true! The enlightened inhabitants repented and thus changed their fate.

16. Learn to wait.

Have patience, a person with a strong character does not give up, faced with obstacles, he will go to the end. Learn to postpone the pleasure of victory until a later date; if it takes a long time to achieve it, learn to wait.

17. Conquer your fears.

Shyness, cowardice, shyness, these character flaws are the stumbling block to success. Of course, there are fears that you cannot get rid of, you can only overcome them. For example, fears associated with the instinct of self-preservation: fear of heights, fear of confined space, etc. Only fools are not afraid.

In everyday life, everything is much more prosaic, people may be afraid of public speaking or openly express their opinion different from the majority. Stepping over, through his fear, a person strengthens his character and acquires respect, first of all, for himself. Each such small victory over oneself gives strength and determination to act until victory.

18. Just as a gardener must remove all weeds in order to grow fruit, so must you get rid of thoughts, which act as weeds, undermining your strength and self-confidence. First of all, you need to get rid of self-doubt. In no case should you exhaust yourself with idle thoughts: "Who will think of me, or yesterday I was (a) not up to par."

20. Always try to be truthful. in all things and in all aspects of life. When you lie, you are, first of all, dishonest to yourself. If the deception is revealed, then you look pitiful in the eyes of others, what kind of strength of character is there?

21. Avoid idleness and indolence like the plague. The habit of work, no matter whether physical or intellectual, disciplines and hardens character, strengthens willpower. A person with a strong spirit cannot be a bum.

"Some, when they see an abyss, think of an abyss, while others imagine a bridge over it."

In our environment, people always stand out with a pronounced weak or. It should be noted that such people are not common. Most, as a rule, combine in their character the traits of both strong and weak personalities, while the character of each person has distinctive features and individual characteristics.

Let's try to describe a person with a strong character.

Steve Jobs

A person with a strong character in any situation seeks to see not a problem, but an opportunity. Steve Jobs, Apple founder said:

“I am the only person who knows what it is like to lose a quarter of a billion dollars in a year. It shapes personality very well. "

A strong person is distinguished by perseverance, desire and desire to achieve their goals, perseverance and patience. These people usually know well what they want to achieve in life in general, as well as in each specific situation in particular. They are confident in their abilities. For all their actions, they take responsibility for themselves, and do not blame the people around them, circumstances, fate, etc. This helps them to confidently move towards their goal, they are not stopped by obstacles. As a rule, their actions, their actions are well thought out in advance, planned and aimed at solving each specific problem, since a strong person perceives difficulties as tasks that can and should be solved. In a difficult situation, he does not give up, does not whine, does not complain, but seeks to find the most optimal solution. His motto:

"When it seems that the whole world is against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind."

An example of a strong character is the so-called ““.

With a representative of a weak character, everything is exactly the opposite. The owner of this character has features that are directly opposite to those described above.

If a strong character is perseverance, purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance, then a weak character is uncertainty, weakness, unpredictability of actions and behavior in general, a desire to shift responsibility to others. A person with a weak character does not have enough strength and will to achieve his goals, he is easily exposed to someone else's influence, is not able to defend his opinion, cannot resist anyone or anything. As a result, his behavior is often unpredictable, as he is driven by the environment and the people around him. Unable to resist the environment, a person with a weak character chooses the path of least resistance, even to the detriment of his desires and his comfort.

Such a division of characters into weak and strong, of course, is very conditional. Moreover, most often in everyday life, the phrase "a person with character" means a person with a strong character, capable of behaving independently, consistently, purposefully, regardless of the people around him and the circumstances.

Those who have enough strength in character get to dreams and real success, and weaklings remain on the sidelines. Only a firm and strong character helps to achieve the goals in life. How to develop stronger character and stronger moral discipline?

How to develop a strong character

Know what makes character tough

Strength of character consists of the qualities that allow you to control your instincts and desires, control yourself and have the ability to keep yourself from the many temptations that you constantly meet in everyday life.

Moreover, strength of character is freedom from prejudice and stereotypes, and includes the ability to show and feel tolerance, love and respect for others.

Understand why strong character is important to you.

Strength of character allows you to freely pursue your goals and at the same time builds your resilience to failure. It helps you achieve your goals.

Being assertive allows you to analyze and investigate the causes of failure, instead of just complaining about them like other people do.

A strong character gives you the courage to admit your flaws, lightheadedness, and weaknesses.
It allows you to withstand any changes in the situation and keep moving forward, regardless of obstacles.


The most important step in developing a strong character is learning to empathize with other people, especially those weaker than you, and to love other people as you love yourself. This skill can cost you dearly, as you will have to carefully examine your motives in order to be able to empathize unselfishly.

Empathy differs from empathy in that empathy requires your direct participation in the lives of others (enter the person's life and help him clear the path), while empathy implies an emotional but passive response without active participation and dedication.

Look for the truth

Prefer reason over ordinary emotion. A person with a strong character explores all the facts with his head and does not succumb to prejudices and emotions. Solve most questions only by reasoning. Avoid the chaos of your sensations, realizing that although "tastes are not controversial," reason must always prevail with factual evidence and argument.

Don't be pessimistic or optimistic

Be a leader. The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist awaits the end of the storm, and the leader rebuilds the sails and prepares them for any weather.

Beware of Irrational Motives

Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas believed that there are seven human feelings: love and hate, desire and fear, happiness and sadness, and anger. While not bad on their own, these emotions often overwhelm our intellect and cause us to attach ourselves to the wrong things: overeating, being irrationally afraid of something, or letting sadness or anger consume us.

In fact, the answer to any question can only be found in the rationality of decisions and in the practice of good habits aimed at releasing emotions. Excessive and sensual appetites are a sign of a weak character, while the ability to delay (suspend) gratification and practice self-control indicates strength of character.

Be happy with what you have

Appreciate your own worth. The idea that the grass is always greener somewhere else will ensure you have a miserable life; remember that this is only a projection of your ideas about how other people live. Better to concentrate on how you live.

Dare to take (calculated) risks

If you avoid battles, you are depriving yourself of victory and all the benefits associated with them. Do not be cowardly, alienated and do not shy away from your responsibilities, but be brave to make your contribution to the development of humanity.

Each person is driven by their own interests, whether subconsciously or consciously. Do not force anyone to do what you want, but also do not allow others to impose their opinion on you. Understand and accept the fact that different people will offer you different solutions to the same issue, and that you cannot please everyone. Find the right path and follow it without turning either to the right or to the left. Manage yourself and never go astray.

Learn to do good and avoid / avoid evil

Seek peace and strive for it sincerely. Do not pursue personal goals that trample the needs of others, but noble and worthy motives that will benefit the whole society. If you pursue your personal goals, you will get involved in conflicts with other people and, in the end, you will definitely fail. Working for the common good will benefit everyone, and you can satisfy your personal goals at the same time.

Learn to master your emotions

Don't let anything other than common sense influence your day-to-day decisions and actions. It can often be difficult, sometimes almost impossible, not to succumb to emotions, but you can learn to suppress and transcend them with manifestations, relying on prudence and common sense.

Be neither wasteful nor stingy, but find a middle ground

The ability to find a middle ground is a sign of a strong character that can withstand extremes.

Always keep calm

Calmness is a state that allows you to concentrate and redistribute your divergent soaps and meditate with benefit. Reflection leads to ideas, ideas lead to opportunities, opportunities lead to success. Calmness is the sine qua non of a strong character. There is no willpower without calmness. Without peace of mind, desires can catch fire very quickly, turning into an invincible passion and hindering sound thinking. Calmness is not the enemy of emotions, but a regulating force that allows them to be expressed correctly.

Concentrate on the positive things in life.

One day a doctor, to whom a young girl came, complaining of a variety of illnesses and praying for a cure, said to her: “Don't think about them; it is the most effective of all drugs. " Physical and mental pain can be alleviated with one effort of will, directing thoughts to other channels, or intensified, continuing to think about it.

Resist fatalism

Each person bears full responsibility for his own development and destiny. If you accept fatalism, that is, if you believe that fate is somehow predetermined and unchanging, you will dissuade yourself from any attempts to improve your life and your character. Fate is blind and deaf; she will never hear or see us. Better to remember that correcting mistakes and changing your own destiny for the better are the right steps towards developing a strong character and improving your life in general. Strive for your own happiness; don't wait for something or someone to bring it to you, because it won't happen if you don't persist.

Have patience

Have the patience to enthusiastically set, pursue and achieve your goals, be they short term or long term: making progress (success). Success is progress, not the final destination. A person with a strong character will not give up when he meets obstacles on his way. He will be persistent to the very end and overcome all obstacles. Learn to pause the rewards in life, learn to wait as you progress, and understand that time can be your friend, that it can be used to learn and grow. Also know which battles you should get involved in, and when it is better to retreat; sometimes backing down means accepting the gift of life rather than clinging to a sinking ship.

Defeat all fears

Indecision is a major obstacle to success. Avoid superficial prejudice in your life. Accept facts based solely on common sense. Do not lay your foundation on sand, but rather build on solid rock. As you overcome fear, you will gain the strength of character that will enable you to think, make decisions, and act like a true winner.

Root out weak thoughts

Just as the gardener must clear the weeds from the ground to allow his garden to grow, so you must eradicate all weak thoughts that, like weeds, shatter your strength. Beware of being overly emotional and only give emotions their true significance. When you notice that you are tormented by some kind of overwhelming emotion, immediately engage yourself with something for fifteen minutes, preferably an hour. Many great wars lost their lives due to the fact that they reacted too boldly to grievances and went too early to fight against their offenders, without proper preparation, acting extremely hot-tempered and thoughtless. Learn to overcome these weaknesses over time, remembering that anger is a common vice among people with weak character.

Be smart

Practice calmness, discretion, discernment, and prudence in business. Develop logical thinking and use it in your work.

Be truthful in every aspect of your life.

If you are not truthful, you are lying, first of all, to yourself, and this will certainly affect your character.

Be the best

Be the best, wherever you are, and always try to do your best. Work hard and avoid idleness like the plague. At the same time, learn to value good rest for its ability to rejuvenate you and inspire you to return to your good business every time.

  • Be disciplined and in control. Run away from bad impulses (including habits and behaviors that you will later regret) - and obsessive behaviors that become habit and character deform.
  • Be a man of your word and avoid the temptation to lie; honesty maintains a strong character. Also learn to make decisions without fear.
  • Be happy. Happiness is health. Happiness gives you the strength to overcome monotony and boredom in life. It allows you to take the best out of any situation. Happiness is a state of mind. It has been observed that poor people smile much more often than rich people on Wall Street.
  • Exercise to build endurance. The mind and body are interconnected. Train your physical stamina to build your mental stamina.
  • Be a good friend. Dedicate yourself to your friends and be willing to make sacrifices for them. Never hold a grudge and ignore minor incidents. Live in harmony with other people. Don't be selfish: always take other people's interests into account.


Admit to yourself that certain qualities are holding you back from achieving your goals. This is a very important step, because if you know what you need to fight with, it will be much easier to change. List your strengths and weaknesses. You need to develop strong, positive qualities even more, and those that you lack, to develop.

Start working on adjusting your character. For example, if you think you're too gentle, work on self-esteem and self-love. If you think you are lazy, you may be lacking in motivation. You can fight the inability to defend your point of view by developing oratory. If you easily go on about other people to your detriment, prioritize your life.

Think about what exactly you need a strong character for. Surely, there is an area in life that is most important to you right now. Set yourself a small goal to improve your situation. For example, if you want to get promoted, make it your task to get a lead on a small project.

Work hard to achieve your goal. When you're done, chart the next step. Don't stop and spray. When you have a clear goal and a clear understanding of what needs to be corrected in yourself to achieve it, success will not take long. Take the initiative in your own hands, because you are protecting your interests.

Get rid of bad habits. This is the best thing you can do for yourself. In the process of dealing with them, your will will become stronger. In addition, the realization that you have overcome your weaknesses will give you confidence and enthusiasm for new achievements. Going to the fitness club regularly can be a good exercise in self-discipline.

Many people have long given up on their lives with its hopelessness and hopelessness. For some, the reason is numerous disappointments, for others it is constant pain. And the result is the same - unwillingness to see your life from the other side. You want fate to change itself, without making any efforts on your part, but you yourself do not want to change. But, first of all, you yourself need to change and change internally, change the course of your thoughts. And then change will come.


First, realize what you are in yourself and why you need it. Choose what you want to change the most. Start with one habit or personality trait. After all, changing is completely impossible task. Having accustomed to gradually change your consciousness, it will be much easier to change other qualities. You have to decide what you want to become.

Analyze your actions that you do under the influence of an unwanted trait. What emotions do you experience at the same time, what thoughts arise under the influence of these emotions. Find the reason, the root of this behavior. Sometimes, to get rid of it, you just need to see where the problems came from.