A strong conspiracy against the offender that can be read from a distance. How to charge water with negative energy in order to take revenge on the enemy How to punish the person who threw you

Complete collection and description: a prayer or a conspiracy how to punish offenders is strong for the spiritual life of a believer.

If you want to punish the offender, the conspiracy is strong, but not harming you and mortal danger to the offender, that is what you need. There are situations when it is possible to call to conscience, to shame a fierce enemy only through magic. In this case, light magic will help you by returning all the bad energy to the one who sent it to you.

Siberian healer Stepanova on guard of justice

You should not think that punishing the offender is terrible sin... And to make various attacks on you, direct resentment, humiliation, isn't it a sin? Do not think that you will do something terrible if you use the advice of knowledgeable people, healers. In the end, a conspiracy against the offender will strengthen and protect you, your family from his evil, dishonest acts.

The Siberian healer and her storehouse of knowledge, backed by God, will help you in various everyday situations without harm to settle the issues:

  1. Building relationships.
  2. Health promotion.
  3. Achievement of financial benefits.
  4. Punishments for offenders.

Many other conspiracies that help with good help are collected in the collection of the Siberian assistant in magical affairs.

Prayer Stepanova to pacify the offender

The secret of the healer is that she uses conspiracies aimed at seeking help from the Lord, which means that they do not harm the physical body, human health. Conspiracies are aimed at emotional shaking, cognition of the soul, evoking a sense of shame, awakening conscience:

Want to punish the offender your own? Use magic words, white magic, backed by actions, will not keep you waiting. Apologies, actions of a benefactor and kindness from the other side will arrive at your doorstep in speed.

So, on the growing moon, get the heart of any animal, bird in a butcher's store: beef, pork, chicken - everything will work for the conspiracy. Boil the meat product in salted water, eat a bite, and read the following conspiracy:

“As I have tasted my heart, so the trouble from you would not have come close to me. Your evil will not be mine. Each will have his own. Lord God, do not allow evil on my doorstep, pacify the servant of God (name), let the insult return to him, not with fierce evil, sword and fire, but threefold divine good. As this good shines, so my offender will be ashamed, will know guilt. He will come, he will obey, he will bow three times at my feet. Live in health, my offender, enemy. May it be so"

In parallel, you can light a church candle in a candlestick and visualize (imagine) the image of your offender. As you can see, the words of the conspiracy are not harmful, trouble does not come from them. So, you can safely use them to pacify enemies.

White magic to help summon - punish the offender

There are times when you need to make it clear to a person that he is behaving extremely badly. In this case white magic help you. You are interested in how to punish the offender with a conspiracy from a distance - read the information. Go to church and light a candle for the health of the person who offended. Sincerely ask the Lord forgive his soul, his sins. The return of bad energies will go through Divine good. Arriving home, fill a glass of running water into a transparent glass and, looking at the surface of the water to the very bottom, imagine the face of the person who offended you. Once you are focused, read the magic words:

“As the water in the rivers shakes, so your evil will return to you. I do not wish anything bad, but I only return your offense. There is nothing forbidden, dishonest, and you are the Servant of God, you will learn a lot of interesting things: how to endure undeserved pain and resentment, while not giving any signs, not showing. May all yours be with you, and mine will remain with me. May it be so. Amen"

After reading, pour the water into the sink and drain the running water from the tap. All bad things will be carried away with the jet. Evil will not approach you.

The offender cannot live calmly, his photo will help you

Punishing people who interfere with your life is a personal matter. If you want, you can call your enemy to shame and conscience at home using a photo. Take a photo of the offending you and the red pepper. Rub the cheeks of the offender with pepper, saying:

“Let your cheeks burn with fire, glow and burn like tea in a saucer. At the same time, remember your deeds, repent and repentance will come. I do not wish evil and grief, but with pepper I return your offense. Amen"

This is quite enough for the guilty person to admit his guilt. Expect an apology call or visit soon.

These are simple, harmless ways to pacify evil people and punish the offender. A strong conspiracy in several copies is always at hand.

Conspiracies and rituals to punish your abuser

Making an enemy is not a tricky business. Envy, mental and moral weakness, hatred corrodes the victim from the inside and one day he strikes the most important areas of the enemy's life. A conspiracy against the offender is committed in exceptional cases, when there is no other way to protect yourself from the ill-wisher. How to punish the offender, and how to speak the subject of the offender or offender? Man is a complex system with its own unique energy. It is not difficult to punish the offender with a conspiracy, but is it worth resorting to such radical steps?

Conspiracy to punish the offender

Why is there a conspiracy?

How to punish the offender with a conspiracy will tell an experienced magician, who over the years of practice has seen many difficult fates of offended people. The bitterness of disappointment destroys the entire spiritual organization of the victim, literally eating away all the good that was in him. A conspiracy is a special type of magical action that helps to get what physical or mental forces cannot get.

The curse refers to conspiracy magic and affects another living creature in the most destructive way. By nature, people are peaceful and compassionate, but the tricks of the offender force them to show a different essence - ruthless, evil and desperate. A conspiracy made at home can work from day one, leaving the enemy no chance of salvation. Poverty, professional failures, problems in personal life, death, simple conspiracies will help to achieve all this, which are dangerous to commit for fun.

Ancient rituals of paganism

Pagan spells are considered the most popular and demanded to this day. Ancient magic, the origins of which a person is unable to grasp, helps to achieve the desired events and situations. Who will the conspiracy help? There is no official collection of instructions on how to properly perform magical rituals in nature. The sequence of actions in the secret rite consists of the advice and recommendations of experienced magicians and sorcerers. The conspiracy does not affect the offender immediately, but gradually taking away all the good that he had.

It is not recommended to pronounce Vanga's spells on the ill-wisher at home, without the help of a strong witch. The consequences of the ritual are difficult to predict in advance. As a result, the customer, the victim, and even the magician may suffer. Conspiracies for enemies to apologize and repent of their own sins are less dangerous, but you must be extremely careful with harmless rituals. Is the desire to punish the offender strong? If no warnings and possible risks stop the customer, then you can proceed to the secret ceremony.

Helping magic in the fight against enemies

A conspiracy to influence enemies acts in both directions as protection from the offender and punishment for the person who harbors anger. Spells for the enemy to send an apology, enslaves the will of the ill-wisher, makes him weak and malleable. Such power is not given free of charge and cannot be unpunished. A spell on a candle or ancient rituals for holy water will help to carry out our plans, but the fee will be taken in any case.

For the offender, magical punishment can become irreversible, the most terrible. Before a conspiracy, it is worth assessing the risks and harm caused by the enemy. If you read the controversial reviews about magic rituals, it becomes clear that jokes are bad with magic. In order for the rite to help, it must be charged with its own inner strength. Experienced magicians say that one who acts cruelly with enemies is unmerciful with his family. Is there so much compassion for forgiveness?

Damage at home

Damaging yourself is very dangerous. A woman who dares to take such a step will face many trials and difficulties. Why do women often resort to magic? Every successful woman, mother, wife, lover, sooner or later, faces such a problem as a rival. Getting rid of a predator is not always easy, and sometimes even impossible. The magic word gives unlimited power over unhappy fate. The woman says "my man cannot be a stranger" and secretly whispers his name during secret rituals. Taking back is not a sin, but a defensive reaction.

Words of sincere prayer filled with despair and sorrow for lost love will become a good helper. Appealing to higher powers, it is necessary to thank, if a woman turns to God, then her requests sound after "Our Father", and at the end the "Amen" always sounds. The order of the rituals is completely different. Before the ceremony, the practitioner carefully prepares and performs secret actions for some time.

The required ritual will be found on its own, without the help of strangers. It will appear, as if at the behest of invisible forces. It is not enough to say the words of a spell, you need to believe in them. Trust the forces that give you what you want. To cast the evil eye on the enemy is a costly business, but doable, but it will not be possible to reverse the spell. What awaits the victim should be thought about in advance.

Punish the offender with damage

To make the pangs of conscience awake in the soul of the enemy is a task for an experienced magician. Only a strong, strong-willed person can harm the offender at a distance. It will also not be possible to remove someone else's energy influence without the help of a professional. Evil lurks in a person, and not in force, and if the customer is not ready for the consequences, then you should not try to induce the evil eye. How are the rites performed? Conditions for the induction of spoilage:

  • a secluded place without strangers;
  • the fighting spirit of the practitioner performing the ceremony;
  • compliance with all the recommendations of magicians or sorcerers (the presence of the necessary attributes and ritual items);
  • a personal thing (in rare cases, you can do without a carrier of energy, but then the damage will be weaker and will not work right away).

Before starting the ritual, it is recommended to clean the house. Cleanse your home and your own mind from all unnecessary. In no case should it be possible to carry out a ceremony without realizing a clear goal. The current rite is carried out to achieve certain goals:

  • for a loved one or a boyfriend to return;
  • for the husband to leave his mistress;
  • for the offender to repent;
  • to return the old relationship by punishing the enemy;
  • so that the evil will be punished.

It is worth remembering that no one else can control a person's emotions, his feelings. If the guy decided to leave, then it is possible to pull him in by force, but there will be little use from such actions. Even the most harmless ritual requires responsibility on the part of the customer. Love cannot be bought or bewitched, but it is within the power of every woman to punish an offender who has ruined a strong union.

Universal conspiracy

If you are offended looking, who should you blame? In the depths of their souls, anger is ripening from injustice. An outwardly healthy person says to himself "I was offended, and I allowed this offense." There is more to punishment than simple vengeance. Retribution helps the victim of betrayal or meanness move on. A spell that should be cast during a universal ritual will save you from mental harm.

A sunny day is chosen for the ceremony, when not a single cloud will gather in the sky. The window in the house or at work (if you have no other choice and the ritual must be carried out urgently) should be opened and fresh air allowed into the room. The appearance of a person that has offended or offended you should literally stand before your eyes. Then you need to forgive yourself, because there was too much pain in the punishment for you. Standing against the window, read:

“Lord my God, everything is in your hands and in your power. Everything is subject to You and controlled by You. You created everything and turned to You. The sun does not rise without You, and the Earth does not live. The wind does not blow in the desert, the stars do not light up over the horizon, if you do not want it. A person is not born and the soul does not leave the body. I am Thy creation, the Lord my God. Your child is unreasonable, but wants to know You through the manifestations of the world. I am Your small reflection! I am in You and a part of You. I walk under the protection of Your protection! Lord my God, restore justice and return all offenses to whomever is due. "

The enemy will have no weapon against such a conspiracy. Protecting yourself and your loved ones with magic is not a cause for shame. Revenge helps you find peace of mind. With the help of a photo, the ceremony will bring on a lot of troubles on the enemy (for his relatives he will become a stranger, aggressive, unnecessary). Black magic from a photo is the most dangerous and powerful conspiracy against your offender.

For such a ritual, the salt that was spoken the night before with the words: “I can no longer find pain, punish the enemy. From me like water off a duck's back, from him, like three times and according to merit. " The ceremony provides the ill-wisher with insomnia, bouts of severe headache and apathy.

Strong ritual on the enemy

Folk rituals guarantee the result, no matter what revenge the one who has been offended may wish. The New Moon ritual will help to return a husband who went to another woman or to repay a vile colleague with the same coin. After waiting for the full moon, a person is left alone, pours a glass of holy water, in which he puts a small onion (the names of the offenders are inscribed with a pen on the bow). Wax from a church candle is dripped onto the onion and they say:

"As the wax melts from the burning candle flame, so also let your hatred and your evil melt, (the name of the offender) from my words!"

"I let go of bitterness, I am no longer afraid of offense."

Consequences of a conspiracy

You can't go through a betrayal that greatly affected your mental balance for a long time. The harm that comes from their own thoughts and feelings should go to the culprit of this state. If I feel bad, the customer of the magic ritual thinks to himself, then it’s good for the enemy not to live. If I feel bad, then the enemy will see no good. This position is dangerous, but fair. The payment is worth any price charged by a higher power.

Magic and conspiracies, how to punish the offender.

Conspiracy on a bad person to get rid of him

What to do when it is offensive, when injustice and on

In punishing the offender, the conspiracy can be strong and even irreversible. Before dealing with magic, you should evaluate your own strengths. If the offense inflicted on you cannot go unpunished, then action must be taken without delay. From the emotional return, other people's words, actions, deeds take on meaning. To take revenge on a person, so much so that he does not have a single happy day for everyone. Tormenting trials, insomnia and constant unreasonable fear will haunt the enemy. An experienced magician or collections of magic spells (books by Natalia Stepanova or other practicing adepts) will tell you how to punish the offender with a conspiracy. Protecting yourself and your loved ones from ill-wishers is simply necessary.

How to punish the offender - conspiracies to fight enemies

If you need to punish the offender, conspiracies against enemies can help. There are special rites of White and Black magic that allow you to get even with those who brought pain and disappointment. You can carry out the rituals yourself, as they are quite simple.

How to identify the abuser?

Before punishing a person, you should make sure that he is really guilty. If there is no way to personally talk to a person and get information from him, then you can carry out a fairly simple ritual that can open your eyes to the true offender. After the ceremony, you will know exactly who is trying to harm.

The main condition of the ritual is it must be carried out before church holidays. There are no further restrictions. On the night before any church holiday, before going to bed, you need to read the prayer:

I, the servant of God (name), will go in rows, I will look with my own eyes. Among those ranks is Saint Samson. In the name of the Lord God, I will pronounce the holy word. Let Saint Samson show me a prophetic dream, let him point out the enemy of my sworn, show his face to me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity will show me the way, Jesus Christ will bless my dream, so that he will reveal my enemy. May it be so. Amen.

In a dream, you will see a sign indicating the real culprit of this situation. In some cases, a person hears the name of the offender or even sees an image of him. After it is known who the ill-wisher is, you can plot against the enemy.

Black magic - a ritual with blood on the enemy

There are many rituals of black magic that help punish the offender. These ceremonies are simple and effective. Some of them are aimed at inflicting damage on the enemy, others will block his power, and still others will turn all his sorcery against him.

If you decide to turn to the dark forces for help, then remember: this magic will cause significant damage to a person's health and his life in general.

You need to make a strong conspiracy against the offender on special days of the month. The date must be a multiple of 6. Otherwise, the effect of the performed ritual will not be. The ceremony is held at exactly 3 o'clock in the morning. Until that time, prepare all the necessary attributes:

  • a sheet of white paper;
  • a needle;
  • church candle made of wax;
  • holy water;
  • a pen with red ink;
  • photo of the enemy;
  • the blood of the enemy.

Holy water picture blood

Difficulties may arise with the last component, but a true witch will always find a way to extract the enemy's blood. For example, a blood napkin will work as well.

At the beginning of the ritual, on a piece of white paper, write the method that you think is best for punishing the ill-wisher. Try not to overlook details to make the ritual more effective. Remember that words can have two meanings. Therefore, write down everything as detailed and understandable as possible.

Then take a needle and heat it over a candle flame. It will be perfect if it turns black. Dip it in blood and attach the photo to your wish sheet. After that, read the plot 3 times:

It is written in blood, sealed in blood. I will correct your life by the power of the dark. I will bring tears and bitterness to her. You cannot hide from my court. May it be so.

The paper and photos must be burned to the end. Ashes are carried away to the enemy's doorstep or scattered in the wind. After the ceremony, sprinkle the room with holy water to drive away the negativity that almost always remains after strong rites of black magic. The effect of the conspiracy will not be long in coming, the offender will be punished.

Strong conspiracies against the enemy

Recurring conspiracies on the offender

If you decide to commit a simple and effective conspiracy to punish the offender, then this ceremony will suit you best. In order for all the evil that the magician is trying to send on you, returned to him, it is necessary to prepare 2 needles (one is ordinary, the other is gypsy).

Insert a small one into the eye of a large needle and tie it with a dense black thread. After that, cast the spell:

Your needle is long, mine is short,

your work is evil, mine is good.

I pierce your evil, I return it to you

everything that he cooked for me,

everything that you've done for me

I got everything back,

now, this minute and forever!

After the ceremony, go to the enemy's house and stick a large needle into the doorframe so that the tip of the thin needle looks towards the doorway. After that, the conspiracy must be said 1 more time.

Rose conspiracy

In order for all enemies and offenders to get what they deserve and no longer bother you, you need to carry out a ceremony on a red rose. Rose is not only a plant of love and beauty. Its thorns have powerful protective properties, with their help they also induce damage. Buy a flower and place it in a large container, such as a glass jar. You will need a knife or scissors. Cut off 1 thorn and put them in a vessel, for each thorn, say:

Every thorn in every evil tongue

for every injustice.

Following the flower, you need to pluck all the petals. They also need to be thrown into the container, repeating:

Lay softly, sleep hard

think about your own, forget about someone else's,

to define everything in its place.

When the ceremony is over, pour salt water into the container in such an amount that it completely covers everything that is in the jar. Close the container with a lid, cutting off the stem of the flower, and wrap it with a thick black cloth. Tie the lid with a strong red thread. You need to tie it into 9 knots.

If you know the abuser, then bring the bottle to the doorstep of his house. If the ill-wisher is unknown, then the container should be buried in the ground next to your home. Such a talisman will protect you for a long time from evil tongues and those who like to appropriate someone else's, acting like a witch's bottle.

Water conspiracy

If you want to further protect yourself from extraneous negative influences from a certain person, then you should do so. You should pour clean drinking water into a jar, put it in front of a mirror, and put a Bible under it. A candle is placed between the water and the mirror, and the magician reads the plot:

He who is with good will remain with good,

whoever is with evil will receive this evil,

who with a filthy word,

he will choke on the same word.

After the ceremony, take a container of water and pour out the liquid at the doorstep of the ill-wisher's house.

Volt conspiracy and photo with the waning moon

Conspiracy on the abuser on the waning moon is very simple. Even a beginner will do it. The magician will need volt- a figurine made of wax or clay. It will be a doll symbolizing an enemy.

If there is an image of the ill-wisher, then you should glue it to the figure. To enhance the effect of witchcraft, you can attach to the volt any biological material of a person on which a conspiracy will be committed. I also need a church candle to buy after dinner.

When carrying out the ceremony, remove the images of saints from the room, remove the pectoral cross. The candle must be lit from the base and the needle must be heated. Pierce the head at the volt and while the candle is burning, say the words of the conspiracy 3 times:

I hit you, (name), with a hot needle! Do not think about me, do not harm me and do not interfere with my life! " Then remove the needle from the head and stick it into the doll's heart. On the flame of a candle, say the conspiracy three times: “I amaze you, (name), with a red-hot needle! Do not beat an evil heart, do not mock me! I hit you, (name), with a hot needle! I crush your thoughts, your heart, your soul! So that you, (name), do not be sad about me, Do not do evil over me. The strength of the evil you, (name), deprives you. I'm sending you to hell.

The candle is extinguished with your fingers. After which it is cut into 3 equal parts, wrapped in dense black cloth and buried in a vacant lot. Leave the volt and the needle in the same place. Upon arrival at the house, fill a bowl with water, wash your hands in it and pour out the liquid at the enemy's doorstep.

How to punish an enemy with an onion

This rite also applies to black... He is very strong and will cause significant damage to the ill-wisher. It is held only on the first day of the full moon.

Before the ritual, the name of the enemy is scratched on the bulb with a needle or knife. Above and below, the inscriptions must be placed along the cross, onto which a little wax from the church candle is poured. The bulb is dipped into a container of holy water, where it should be until sunset. You do not need to peel it.

When night falls, take a candle, light it and place it over a container with an onion. The wax must fall into the water. You should cast the following spell 40 times:

As the wax melts from the burning candle flame, so also let your hatred and your evil melt away, (the name of the offender) from my words!

When this period expires, you need to get the wax out of the cup using sticks and put it on the fabric along with the onion and the tool with which you scratched the inscriptions on it. The fabric can be any, but there is one condition - it must be new, not bearing a trace of your energy. That is, a piece of fabric from a store fits, but an old T-shirt does not. Roll up the ingredients and bury them in the wasteland under a dry tree. Say 3 times:

Here your evil will be and rot. Me, (name), always and everywhere to be healthy!

Pour the water that was in the container under the threshold of your ill-wisher's house. The conspiracy is very powerful, therefore, before implementing it, make sure that this particular person is guilty.

White magic against enemies

This ritual is completely harmless, and there will be no consequences for the one who performs it. But he is strong enough that you will be able to punish your enemies as they deserve. Before starting the ceremony, prepare the ingredients:

  • dry willow twigs - 6 pieces;
  • dried fern leaves - 4 pieces;
  • burdock oil - 1 tsp;
  • ground or dried red pepper - ½ tsp;
  • church wax candle.

The ritual is carried out only on those days whose dates are multiples of 3. The ritual begins at 2 am, with the fact that all prepared ingredients (with the exception of oil) must be put in a bowl and set on fire from a candle. While the ingredients are burning, speak the words:

I will make your heart burn with pepper, I will curse you with a fern. The weeping willow will look at your sufferings. I will unite with the fire of the saints and direct the power. Wash you with bitter tears for forty days and forty nights from my word. Amen.

When the ingredients turn to ash, cover it with oil. With the resulting mass, you need to stain the front door or the personal thing of the enemy, in extreme cases - his photo. The effect of the ceremony will be noticeable in a few days.

What is the danger of revenge conspiracies - black magic

Conspiracies on the offender are powerful rituals, but they do not negatively affect the sorcerer if his actions are justified. Retaliation magic loves justice and, if the victim really inflicted severe damage on you and your loved ones, then rituals can be used to punish the offender.

If you are simply trying to harm a person who has not done anything to you, then the ritual will either not work, or witchcraft may turn against you. Therefore, before resorting to the help of witchcraft, analyze the situation and make sure that the suspect is really guilty.

If you guess that a specific figure is causing the damage, but there is no direct evidence of her guilt, then perform a ceremony that will point to the real culprit.

When you decide to punish the abuser, conspiracies will help you. But first make sure that this particular person is guilty of all adversity. Otherwise, you can harm both the innocent person and yourself.

    • Fortune telling
    • Conspiracies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Corruption
    • Amulets
    • Love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day, there were extensive festivities, people drank and walked. It was believed that it is not a sin to drink a lot if the bins are full. It was not for nothing that they said: "I got rid of it!" On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, St. Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.

  • To perform this ritual, you only need a glass of water, the ability to concentrate and a little patience ... The recipe is surprisingly simple and effective, first I will explain what causes its effect. If this is not interesting to you, then you can immediately skip to the next paragraph, which describes how to charge water using the visualization method.

    With the help of magic, many want to take revenge on their enemies, but only a few know how to do it correctly. The method that I am considering in this article can do a lot of harm - it all depends on your ability to concentrate, as well as on the strength of hatred ...

    Water has the ability to absorb human emotions. Consider this situation: you had a fight with someone in the cafeteria, and then ate a bowl of soup that was nearby. A slight malaise by the evening is guaranteed, and you will not even know what caused it. Now imagine what will happen if you clearly know how to charge water for a disease, and then make sure that the offender drinks it? Magic will help to take revenge, that's for sure.

    How to charge water with negative energy

    If you want to cause maximum harm, then you should wait for the full moon. Take a crystal or glass (but not plastic!) Glass and fill it with settled water. It is not advisable to use tap water - it will take several days for the energy structure to calm down and the water can be influenced.

    The glass is placed in front of you on the table, which it is advisable to cover with a white tablecloth (it shields the energy better). Important! All mirrors and other reflective surfaces should be curtained so that they do not absorb some of the destructive energy. Otherwise, your attempt to take revenge using magic can bring trouble - after the charged water is used for its intended purpose, its energy will affect not only the victim, but also you.

    So, a glass of water is on the table, precautions have been taken. Call up a mental image of your enemy and place it in a glass. Imagine that he is drowning in water, or that he is being eaten alive by sharks, or something like that. It is necessary to preserve this image as long as possible and to saturate the water with the energy of hatred. You can even tell your enemy "a couple of gentle ones" - this will only increase the impact.

    It's time to start casting the spell. There is no clearly defined form for this case, so you can read any text. The main thing is to send an additional one into a glass of water with every word. I will give a sample text, you can correct it at your own discretion. Those who know how to charge water know that intent is key.

    “Fly with an arrow, drive the enemy away, bring tears and pain with you. Poison his blood and take his health. "

    The last thing to do is to put a glass of water on the window at night so that the moonlight falls on it. This finally turns the water into a real energy poison. Water can simply be given to your enemy or mixed into tea or other drink.

    Letting magic take revenge on its enemy is a fact. You may be interested in learning not only how to charge water, but also how to make it harmless. This will require four candles, which are placed on the table "cross" - one on the left, one on the right, one in front and one behind. A glass is placed in the center of the "cross", the candles are set on fire. They must burn out to the end and burn all the bad energy. In principle, any object can be charged using the method described above. It's just easier to work with water ... And don't forget about - sometimes it's better to forgive the enemy.

    Nobody is perfect, sooner or later everyone will have enemies. Sometimes, when resentment obscures their eyes, people are capable of actions that are unusual for them. Enter the stage of irreconcilable confrontation, forgive or punish on the sly, it's up to you.

    In pursuit of the thirst for revenge and personal peace of mind, the idea often arises to deal with the offender once and for all and point at the one who has greatly offended him so that he will be mutilated in 3 days. This is not surprising, Internet resources are full of ads for shamans, fortune tellers, psychics. Such a craze for witchcraft unwittingly suggests the simplicity of working with otherworldly forces. Is this so, and what consequences to fear?

    We punish the offender with a conspiracy at home

    Having stopped at solving the problem with the help of black magic, the first priority is to come to an agreement with your conscience. Remember, magic in the wrong hands can be dangerous and irreversible. Do not use it rashly and over trifles, seek help from God, not the devil. Think of conspiracies not as a means of getting rid of enemies, but as a way to protect yourself from their negative influence.

    If the question of the use of rituals has been resolved, then we will give several simple, proven methods:

    Water conspiracy

    For the ceremony, you need to know who your ill-wisher is. Clean water is poured into the container, placed on the Bible in front of the mirror. A candle is lit between the water and the mirror. Say:

    “Whoever is with good will remain with good,

    whoever is with evil will receive this evil,

    who with a filthy word,

    he will choke with the same word. "

    Pour water at the threshold of the enemy's house.

    With a candle

    Church candles, metal utensils, and clean paper are required. It is recommended to spend at night. Light a candle, write the name of the enemy on paper, read our Father's prayer three times over him. Light a leaf from a candle, put it on a dish. While the paper is burning, say the following:

    “A fiery arrow flies, my anger is full. It is aimed not at the eyebrow, not at the eye, but at the heart. It will stab and cut there, tear up all hopes. Evil will pour out with tears, everything will return to the Lord's servant (name)! Amen!"

    Scatter the ashes in the wind that night, or pour the enemy under the door.

    Recurrent witchcraft

    An effective method to return the evil he did and punish the one who did you bad. Take two sewing needles, one short and thin, the other long and thick. Insert the smaller needle into the eye of the thick needle. Wrap the place of their connection with black thread to make a cross, and say:

    “Your needle is long, mine is short,

    your work is evil, mine is good.

    I pierce your evil, I return it to you

    everything that he cooked for me,

    everything that you've done for me

    I got everything back,

    now, this minute and forever and ever! "

    Stick a large needle into the doorframe of the victim's house, turn the tip of the thin needle to the right, repeat the spell.

    Salt absorbs energy well, rituals with it are simple and everyone can do it. Conspiracy salt is placed at the threshold, or poured into food. The ritual is done in order for the offender to suffer and suffer. Caution: it is not only the victim of the ritual that may suffer, but also her family members and children.

    The words are read over the salt:

    “I am not sprinkling salt, I am sending pain and stealing peace. The crafty devil, take peace from the slave (name), so that he yearns for (name), he knew neither happiness nor fun, so that the ailments would not go away and he endured all kinds of torment both day and night in the dark. May the deed be fulfilled. "

    Rite of passage with a red rose

    Buy a flower and place it in front of you in a large jar. Take scissors or a knife, cut off one thorn at a time and throw it into a container, saying:

    "Every thorn for every evil tongue, for every injustice."

    Then remove the petals from the flower, put them in a container with the words:

    "Lay softly, sleep hard, think about your own, forget about someone else's, define everything in its place."

    Pour salt water into the jar to cover the contents. Close the container, wrap it with a thick black scarf and tie it into 9 knots with a strong red thread.

    If you know who your abuser is, bring the container to his doorstep. If the ritual is aimed at an unknown ill-wisher, bury the bottle near your home, it will serve as a talisman against evil tongues.

    By photo

    This will help punish the offender for meanness at a distance. Take a fresh photograph in which your abuser is shown alone, looking in front of him, his face and eyes are visible. Get red and black candles. The ceremony is performed at night. Turn off the lights, light the candles, place the red on your left, the black on your right. Place a photo between them. The words:

    “In a black mountain, a deep hole, the devil sits, looking into the distance. The Angel of Darkness protects him, does not let him go into the world. I'll beg him with fire, let the devil go free. Go through the valleys and forests, where the Devil sits himself. Take him by the paw, and lead the servant (name) into the mansion of the Lord. Judge there, surround it with evil. Let the blood run cold in his veins, let his fear not leave him. Give what you deserve so that you have no strength to repent! Fire is water, from now on forever! Amen!"

    Heat a needle over a red candle. Prick your finger until it bleeds and draw a cross on the enemy's forehead. Say three times: "Paid with blood!" Take the photo to a secluded place, when revenge is accomplished - burn it.

    Black conspiracy

    If there is no photo, this strong method of exposure at a distance is applied. Conspiracy is made on multiples of six of the month, at 3 am. You will need white paper, a needle, a church candle, holy water, a red pen. Write on the sheet the punishment you wish for the ill-wisher. Describe the details, concretize. Then heat the needle over a candle flame until black. Pierce the ring finger, cross out everything that you wrote on the sheet in a crisscross pattern with the appearance of blood. Say three times:

    “It is written in blood, sealed in blood. I will correct your life by the power of the dark. I will bring tears and bitterness to her. You cannot hide from my court. May it be so."

    Burn the paper, sprinkle the ashes with holy water and spread in the wind.

    Consequences of targeting damage

    The above conspiracies are far from all ways to punish the enemy using magic. There are many others, from the almost harmless to the more serious. However, any one can lead to incurable diseases, misfortune and death of the victim, it breaks through the human biofield, brings melancholy and fear.

    Rely on the help of otherworldly forces only to restore justice when the abuser brought you suffering and grief. Do not use rituals as a first blow, you risk turning your own witchcraft against yourself. At the same time, sometimes retribution overtakes not the sorcerer himself, but his descendants. Never use magic against pregnant women or children.

    Think well, take your time with revenge, pray, ask for protection from the Guardian Angel... It is possible that your enemy will repent, and the conflict will be resolved on its own.

    Thoughts of revenge in a person usually appear after someone seriously offends him. At first, he thinks that thinking about such a response is low, and he should just forget the abuser as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this solution is not always possible to implement. Days pass, and possibly years, after which the realization comes that you are unable to either forget or forgive the insult, and you see the only comfort in revenge. Before taking such a step, think carefully about whether it is worth doing. Perhaps it is necessary to wait a little longer and the ghosts of the past will dissipate by themselves. If you are a conscientious and kind person, then later you will be tormented by thoughts of the evil that you have done. However, if the insult was really strong, and dreams of revenge became an obsession, then it makes sense to try to realize it.

    How cruel to take revenge on the enemy

    Revenge with black magic

    As a rule, people have an ambivalent attitude towards magic - someone sees in it their salvation and a panacea, while for someone any mention of witches, black and white magicians causes only a skeptical smile. If you belong to the first category, then all kinds of rituals can bring you a sense of satisfaction.

    Destroy by curse

    If you have not previously practiced magic, then you are unlikely to have enough strength to destroy someone's life with a curse. Meanwhile, there are many ads on the Web from various clairvoyants and witches who, for a certain fee, promise to inflict an irreparable moral or physical blow on your foe. When deciding on this kind of service, remember that often stories of people appear on the Internet who decided to take revenge on the offender in this way. The enemy was really defeated, found himself at the very bottom of his life, experienced terrible misfortunes and the like. It is not known whether there is a merit of witches in this, or karma overtook the person, but the fact remains - the "avengers" felt very bad after that, believing that they took a huge sin on their souls.

    Conspiracy to the enemy to fail

    Wishing to harm a person with the help of conspiracies, so as not to repent later, you should not choose too terrible rituals that promise a lethal outcome for the offender. It is better to pay attention to conspiracies that promise to throw up problems with money or in love for a while - for example, until the person regrets that he was dishonest with you. Be that as it may, do not forget that many believe that any magic can then go to the detriment of the one who decided to use it.

    Punish a person knowing his phone number

    Knowing a person's phone number, and being sure that it will be very problematic for him to change it, you can use it for your own purposes. Over the years, people have acquired a huge number of contacts, and it is not easy for them to notify everyone about the change of number - especially when it comes to business and sociable people. In this case, the easiest way to piss off the enemy is by placing an ad on his behalf. For example, if we are talking about a boyfriend or ex-husband who left you for another, then you can diversify their relationship by announcing that this man is allegedly looking for a girl "for secret meetings." If revenge is intended for a former boss, then you can place his data in the section of a dating site for people with a gay orientation. Intending to take revenge on your former traitorous friend, you can leave her phone number in the section for women providing intimate services.

    Of course, few people want to take revenge in the open. Firstly, it can drag on for long "military" actions, and secondly, for sure, you do not want to show the offender that you are infringed and his act haunts you. Of course, the best option is to pretend that you have erased any memories of this person from your life, even if you are not. Among other things, we can talk about a petty dirty trick in relation to a person who is present in your life even now. For example, once he seriously offended you, but you continued the relationship (perhaps we are talking about a relative, and this was inevitable). Nevertheless, the grievances of the past torment you to this day, and you cannot calm down until you commit some dirty trick to feel avenged. So what tricks can you use?

    How to ruin a laptop or phone to an enemy

    Telephone. Place the device in the microwave for a few seconds. The main thing is not to overexpose! 5-7 seconds is enough - otherwise, some parts may melt, and it will not be possible to spoil the thing imperceptibly. It is very important to remove the battery from the device before performing such an operation!

    Freezer is no less effective way! The principle is the same, because, perhaps, everyone knows how phones suffer from sudden changes in temperature. So, take out the battery (so that it does not swell, and does not give out extraneous interference), and send the phone to the freezer for two to three hours. Of course, after this it may turn on, but it will not work for long - especially if you repeat the "operation".

    Notebook. In this case, it is more difficult if you are not tech-savvy. The most common way is to fill the keyboard with some liquid (it is better to choose sugary carbonated drinks).

    How to spoil your enemy's clothes

    Of course, in order to subtly spoil clothes, you need to have access to them. For example, you can use a nail to poke holes in the abuser's coat. If you do this with scissors, then he will definitely be sure that someone did it on purpose, but holes of unknown origin (for example, along the hem) will cause him bewilderment. Perhaps you have only scissors with you - in this case, do not make an incision, but, as it were, rip open the fabric a little - as if the person himself was hooked on something and did not notice it.

    Also, many people know that almost any dress or shirt can be ruined by wine. You may well throw a glass of drink on your enemy's clothes, but, of course, this should be done so that he does not think at you - that is, if you live in the same house, such an option is excluded.

    Funny revenge - a lot of salt, pepper or carried in food

    Of course, a penetrating substance will inflict much more damage on the enemy than salt and pepper. However, the second option can be used if you have not stocked up on a more serious arsenal and just want to at least spoil the dish for the person you hate. This can be a second disappointment for your offender, because, most often, there is an opportunity to replace the spoiled food. It's another matter if you're on a hike and food is limited - although in this case, other travelers are likely to share with the upset eater. In general, this method is only suitable when you only want to spoil someone's mood slightly.

    Laxative is another matter. If you know that a person is about to go to an important meeting or make a statement, then such a "trick" can significantly ruin his day, career or personal life. All you have to do is imperceptibly pour the carry substance into the dish of the ill-wisher and wait for news of his embarrassment. However, this option can also be an almost harmless prank if you know for sure that a person does not need to go anywhere on this day, and he will fight his body at home.

    Make bad ex-soulmate

    In such cases, it is said that the best way to hurt an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend who contributed to the end of your relationship is to live a happy life. Surely, the former second half is convinced that after breaking up with her, your life will lose its former colors, and you yourself will be at a loss. However, if you never call and write to your ex (ex) and in every possible way demonstrates that everything is fine with you (on social networks, in conversations with mutual acquaintances), then, for sure, this can offend him (her).

    Although, of course, there are other ways that can harm a person not over time, but instantly. For example, you can ruin his car - scratch it with a nail, fill it with paint. It is important to make sure that there are no surveillance cameras in the area and you will remain above suspicion.

    Do a dirty trick on a traitor friend who humiliated you

    In this case, you can be helped by some dirt on the ill-wisher, which you probably managed to collect over the years of friendship. It's up to you how to use this information - to convey it to colleagues, bosses, relatives or the other half of the offender.

    Harm a colleague for meanness

    You can ruin his reputation. This method should be used only if the person really acted very disgustingly with you, because this can destroy his family or personal life. So, go to social networks on his page, and look for several users with whom not only he communicates well, but also his half. Create a page with a photo of a certain stranger (nice young woman). It is better to find a picture on the page of a user from another country and modify it a little (for example, make it black and white) so that it cannot be found through various search engines. Now write to these people that Valery (any name of a colleague can be here) has stopped answering your messages or calls, you are very worried and want to know if everything is all right with him. When they begin to ask you who you are like "Valery", you intriguingly answer that it does not matter. Be careful not to get caught. Soon after that, delete the page, do not create it on your real data, do not go to it from your work or home computer, so that you are not tracked through your IP address. You can do the same with a female colleague by creating a male profile.

    To annoy the neighbors

    If your neighbors are behaving dishonestly, and you understand that the situation can only get worse further, you have a great opportunity to redirect their attention in a completely different direction. Post a room for rent in your area. Invite applicants to come straight to the apartment without giving a phone number. Of course, the price for a room should be stated as low as possible, but to make it look believable. Surely, many citizens will be interested in such an offer, making your neighbors nervous and less likely to leave the apartment.

    You can also place an ad on the relevant site, according to which your neighbors are looking for a married couple "for meetings." However, a couple can be replaced by a young active man. Of course, it is important to indicate the phone number of the neighbor or neighbor.

    Small dirty tricks on enemies in the distance

    • It is more difficult to take revenge on someone at a distance than in close proximity, but it is possible. If you have an enemy's phone number, the above announcement method may work. Any version can be used - renting an apartment, dating site, and the like. When it comes to a man, you can post his profile with a phone number on a site for gay people, and if you want to take revenge on a woman, send her profile to a site where girls provide their intimate services.
    • You can create a fake page without photos and information about yourself, and write from it to your enemy what you think about him. If you know only superficially, or you are sure that the abuser forgot about you a long time ago, then you are unlikely to be under suspicion. Do not forget to immediately delete the page after splashing out emotions - otherwise you may be calculated.
    • If you have a phone number of an enemy and you really want to hurt him, then you can call him anonymously and try to intimidate. If he knows your voice, then it is better to entrust the matter to another person.
    • This dirty trick will take a lot of time, and there is no exact guarantee that the goal will be achieved. However, you can try. So, to begin with, you must be convinced that you have a subtle knowledge of psychology and know your enemy very well. Create a fake page, fill out a profile, select a photo of a person who will definitely attract the enemy. Add more "friends" (just unfamiliar personalities), for a while you will have to keep the page. As you can see, it is better to start such a revenge at least a month in advance, for credibility. Now you can flirt with the abuser from this page or start from afar - contact him on some business issue, thus establishing communication. Subsequently, when the interlocutor gets used to your conversations and even falls in love with the image you created, just delete the page so that he does not even realize that it was a fake. Before that, you can write that you have lost interest in him, or do not explain anything at all.

    In Christian terms, it is considered correct that in spite of the need to respond with good.

    However, it often happens that, having remained unpunished, evil returns to us with a vengeance.

    Free online interpretation of dreams - to get the results, enter a dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass

    To some extent, conspiracies can protect themselves from the offender.

    The offender's conspiracy without harm to himself

    The most harmless way to punish an offender is ... to forgive him.

    At midnight, you need to open a window or window, turn off all the lights and light a church candle from a match.

    Taking a hair from you, burn it in a candle flame with the words:

    “As my hair burns, so you, servant of God, (name), according to me, servant of God, (name) will decay.

    So that he only lamented for me, did not know a single woman,

    he only wanted me, alone, only thought about me and would suffer only for me.

    As this hair does not grow back, so is the case

    no one will interrupt mine. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

    - Love spell with hair

    Go to church and light a candle in the health of your offender with the words: "God is your judge."

    Vanga's conspiracy on the offender

    Vanga believed that in all life situations one should act as conscience dictates.

    Definition of magical abilities

    Choose the description that suits you best and find out what hidden magical possibilities you have.

    Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

    Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm and no one knows how devastating the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

    All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of knowing the future and seeing the past.

    If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, breaks in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

    Be careful with your gift.

    By all indications - a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

    If the balance of power is disturbed, then the darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and strength that could serve for the good, I will go over to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

    By all accounts - witchcraft. You can study and induce damage, the evil eye, you can make love spells and divination will not be an impossible task.

    But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer with their innocence from your superpowers, bestowed from above.

    It takes at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor to develop inner strength.

    Telekinesis most of all is peculiar to you. With the right concentration and efforts, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small, and over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

    By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that can be overshadowed by going to the dark side if you don’t have the strength to resist the temptations of Satan.

    You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by a higher mind and this is not just so, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

    It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

    Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

    Therefore, even if you are greatly offended by someone, you should not mend this person evil and build retaliatory intrigues.

    If a person is unable to cope with the situation on his own, then you need to turn to the Guardian Angel with words of help.