Blue color and wood in the interior. What colors are combined with blue in the interior? Features of the use of blue in interior design

Most people find blue to be too dark. But if you combine it with different tones of other colors, you can achieve luxury.

Blue, like the color of the sky and the sea, will never get bored, because it is compared to nature.

This is why it is used to create your living room.

Blue living room interior

Tones of blue in the interior of the living room set the person up for peace and creativity. Tenderness is associated with light shades, and darker shades excite someone, and strain someone.

If you make a blue living room, then its windows, which are on the south side, should be painted in blue shades. They will refresh the room and bring a light coolness.

If you want to turn your living room into a relaxation room, then you should pay attention to the darker tones of blue. So that the room is not very dark, you can dilute it with light shades.

Walls and ceilings in the living room in blue

If you are the owner of a small living room, shades of blue will help make it more comfortable. They help to visually increase the size of the room.

You don't have to make the whole room blue to do this. Having made at least one wall in blue, you can already notice changes in the size of the living room. To make the room appear a little taller, use blue for the ceiling and light, delicate shades for the walls.

Having a large living room doesn't need to be painted entirely blue as it can make the room a little empty and cold. But if you are a fan of this color and want to make the walls blue, then the furniture should be chosen in light shades.

Combination of blue

In order to choose the right combination of colors for blue, use the following recommendations for the combination:

Light colors are more suitable as a background for various accessories, and rich dark ones for furniture decoration.

After decorating the room with more blue, do not forget to add some warm shades to keep the room cool. The blue room looks amazing with a little yellow.

A room decorated only in shades of blue will seem a little gloomy. The solution to this problem is to cover the floor in light colors.

Gray and gold look good with blue. But they should be used as an accent for the room.

Furniture in a blue living room

It will not be easy to make the choice of furniture for the blue interior of the living room. To improve it, you should heed the advice of professional designers.

1. If you have chosen furniture with light blue upholstery, the furniture, in turn, should be delicate shades - walls in gray and white, and furniture in blue.

2. The best choice is not to oversaturate the blue in the room, but rather to use light colors for furniture.

3. If the furniture in the room is blue, then the presence of light items of the accessory is simply mandatory.

Blue living room accessories

Curtains in the living room with ceilings and walls in blue shades are chosen from light colors - white, beige or golden. Well, if you want to focus on blue, then it is worth making the curtains polished blue, they can also shade the room from the sun.

In the design of the living room in blue tones, curtains in a shade of turquoise will be good, as they will add a little lightness. You can also add blue pillows, rug, or vase.

The marine theme will bring a little subtlety and originality to the room, for example, various corals or sea shells.

For the correct design of the living room in blue and in any other color, you need a competent approach. In order for your room to be luxurious and chic, it is worth using design services.

Photo of the blue living room

It is not the most popular in relation to the interior, since many are repulsed by its coldness. But when we find ourselves in the blue interior, we feel peace, tranquility, it disposes us to reflection. By the way, this color has been proven to normalize heart rate and blood pressure. It also reduces appetite, so it is perfect for people who want to lose weight in the kitchen.

A small note.Since blue belongs to the cold palette, it is refreshing and somewhat cool. This suggests that this color is perfect for rooms with east-facing windows. But for those rooms whose windows face north, blue is not very suitable, it will make them too cold, as well as small dark rooms.

But, in principle, blue and its shades are well suited to any room, the main thing is to choose the right tone and choose a combination with other colors.

Add white to blue

In terms of combination with blue, designers often advise taking white. Two tasks are solved here at once. The first is a visual increase in space due to the white color. And second, blue brings freshness to the room. So what follows from this? This combination of white and blue is perfect for small rooms that need freshness. And for very small rooms, this union will be simply salutary. Moreover, white is recommended for walls and ceilings, and blue for furniture and windows, but there may be other options. It is also important in this color scheme not to draw attention to the color of the floor, let it be neutral.

The blue and white combination is very often used to create. The union of these two colors brings us associations with sea foam, the endless smoothness of blue water and the eternal sky overhead. This design will suit not only lovers of seascapes, but also just romantic natures who love to reflect in a calm and quiet atmosphere.

However, do not forget that this combination is still very cold and if such an atmosphere is welcomed, then you can safely choose rich shades of blue.

And if you want the interior to be not too cold, but only refreshing, then it is better to prefer soft shades of blue, close to blue and turquoise. And white, by the way, can be chosen from a sweet palette: cream, the color of coffee with milk, and so on.

For blue interiors, it is perfect both as a material and as a color. They complement each other perfectly, creating a certain sophistication. After all, they both personify nature: a tree is a tree, and blue is the sea, sky, wildflowers. So, blue can be presented in any shade, but it is better to select a tree for it in rich tones: cherry, dark walnut, mahogany, dark oak, chestnut, teak.

Related colors: blue and green

On the color palette, blue and are located side by side, such colors are called similar, they are low-contrast, and therefore calm. This combination has gained popularity not so long ago, before it was feared and was simply forbidden to be used both in the interior and in clothes. But in our time there is no place for prejudices, and in fact it is clear that this union of colors is simply magnificent, it brings depth, harmony and liveliness.

These colors are very fond of children, in addition, this design is great for a room for both boys and girls, and even if both live in the same room.

Interiors in blue-green design have a very positive effect on a person: they do not tire, do not irritate, on the contrary, they cool, reconcile and calm. It's all about the association with nature, since green personifies the earth (more precisely, grass), and blue is the sky. Due to this, such interiors become fresh, cool and light.

We already said at the beginning that the blue interior of the kitchen promotes a moderate appetite, so blue-green environments have the same qualities, but in addition to reducing appetite, they also quench the desire to consume sweets.

In the bedroom, such a duet has a beneficial effect on sleep, in its environment it is easy to relax and fall asleep quickly. With regard to shades, we can say that the basic rules apply here: saturated colors - a cooler atmosphere, soft - a calm atmosphere.

Brown accents in a blue interior

Neutrality relaxes the intensity of blue, softens its coldness. But such a tandem will be appropriate only in a spacious room, and a small room in this design will become too gloomy. Based on this, shades of these colors are also selected. That is, in a large room, you can safely take rich tones of blue and brown. But in a room with more modest dimensions, it is better to take muted shades of both colors, then you can avoid the feeling of gloom.

Reconciliation of irreconcilable colors: blue and red

This is a union of two very strong colors. The properties of blue are the opposite of those. Red is an impulse to action, increased heat sensitivity, a decrease in space, but blue, on the contrary, is the color of calmness, reflection, a decrease in heat sensitivity and expansion of space. Why, then, use these colors together if they are in clear antagonism? Everything is very simple. Creating such a duet, their qualities and properties are combined. For example, the costumes of Hollywood superheroes are made in this combination (and there is more blue). What does this mean? About the fact that the hero is reasonable, calm, kind, but at the same time brave and courageous. Roughly the same can be said for the blue and red interiors.

By the way, in order for blue and red to get along better together, white is added to them, which passes like a catalyst and balances their strength.

One more subtlety. Do not take these colors in the same quantity, then their struggle will become too obvious. It is better if one of them is dominant and the other complementary. Which role to give depends on the temperature preference for the room. If the task is to make the room warmer, then the main one should be red. For a cool atmosphere, give the solo to blue.

Blue with orange and yellow

Blue and is a rather bright and bold combination, very catchy and even immodest for some. These colors are complementary shades that result in extreme expressiveness and balance. Most often, this combination can be seen in clothes of a strong-willed, denying authority, preferring freedom of choice and a desire for adventure. But in the interior, this tandem also found its application: rooms with a sporty slope, where orange and blue stimulate the imagination and development of children.

Also, with the help of this combination, beautiful Mediterranean, beach and. To do this, they take mainly warm shades of blue and natural tones of orange (sand). And to create purely nautical styles, blue can also be in the classic form, but it is better to take blue-green, aquamarine and pale blue.

The combination of blue is called not just bright, but piercing. These colors have nothing in common; they represent one of the few strong contrasts. This is appropriate for impressionism, where the most conflicting feelings and sensations are combined. The blue-yellow union is very noticeable, but not annoying, thanks to the calmness of the blue. Therefore, it is better to use more blue for interior decoration, and less yellow, as designers advise 1/3. Also, professionals note that with the help of this combination you can make the room expressive and unusual. And for a child's room, these colors are perfect, children really like this duet with their brightness, it's not for nothing that Snow White's dress is blue and yellow. As for other rooms, only creative individuals, thrill-seekers and adherents of tolerance dare to make them blue and yellow.

Blue and pastel palette (beige)

The entire pastel palette, and, in particular, beige and sand make the blue warmer and softer. For a small living room, which you want to make cozy and light at the same time, this is the best option.

This combination is suitable for almost any room (except for the nursery), giving lightness, simplicity and at the same time grace.

This interior will never be boring, it will have a friendly mood and tranquility.

With the help of this union, any modern one can be, which manifests itself in the color selection.

If we take the more saturated shades of blue, and in the dominant version, then the room will acquire notes of severity and solidity, not devoid of a disposing influence.

Blue and black

This is a very rare combination, it seems too gloomy to many. Black, as it were, enhances the cold intensity of blue, and therefore it is undesirable to use such a union for small rooms. But in spacious rooms, you can take a chance.

Https: //www..min-20.jpg 608 919 Administrator https: //www..pngAdministrator2014-07-20 15:24:49 2015-01-25 16:23:58 Blue color and its combinations

The main purpose of the bedroom is to provide good comfort and good rest.

To achieve these goals, the design of the bedroom in the house plays an important role, and the choice of the main color should create a peculiar mood.

For a good, pleasant and restful sleep, you can choose a blue bedroom. This shade helps you relax after a hard day and detach yourself from everything.

What is better to emphasize in the room in blue

If the main color in the interior of the bedroom is blue, then blue furniture will look very elegant in it, and the surfaces will be decorated with blue elements.

The design of the blue bedroom must be kept in a certain range. You should not get carried away with blue, it will not look beautiful. It is better to start creating an interior from the ceiling or walls of the room.

For a bedroom in blue tones, a floor of a natural shade is very suitable, it can be parquet or laminate, but linoleum will also look good.

If you want to make the ceiling blue, then it is better to give preference to stretch ceilings, this will visually make the room taller.

And white windows will be well decorated with airy light tulle, you can use shades of light blue or pure white, and blue curtains in the bedroom are also suitable.

It is better to glue the walls in such a room with wallpaper of light and delicate colors or paint. But if the blue wallpaper is in the bedroom, then it is better to make the ceiling beige or white.

Best shades of blue

Blue can be cold or warm depending on the saturation. But in the right proportions, light blue colors can give tenderness and lightness to the interior of the bedroom, this will contribute to the best relaxation.

When designing a blue bedroom, it should be borne in mind that different shades of blue in the bedroom interior can play differently depending on the location of the room.

If the windows face south, then you can choose a cold range of shades of blue, and if to the north, then it is better to give preference to bright colors closer to green.

What shades are best combined with blue

The best combination is blue and white. This interaction of colors gives the interior a clean and fresh look. White makes blue less cold.

In this design, it is better to use white furniture, and use blue tones for the walls of the room. Textiles will also look better in white. A bedroom interior in bright whites and blues can seem very cold. This will be especially noticeable in the dark blue bedroom.

But if you use more gray, it will give the interior more elegance. Such a bedroom is more suitable for a man, gray color adds masculine energy to the interior and adds to the atmosphere of a rest room.

For lovers of bright accents in the interior, it is recommended to add green and yellow shades.

Some interior elements, such as bedspreads and pillows, can be used in orange and green colors. They will give a bright accent and, if necessary, they can be changed to other, calmer colors.

When decorating a room, designers always adhere to their own rules, according to which it is better to use three colors in the interior. The third color is applied in dosage to make a kind of accent.

A bedroom in blue and white with elements of green or orange will look so good, and the interconnection of blue, white with the addition of brown elements will add elegance to the interior.

These color combinations can be seen in the photo of the blue bedroom.

Proper bedroom lighting

If the window in the bedroom is large enough, then for the evening, it is recommended to use suspended ceilings, with mounted spotlights, in addition to the main chandelier and lamps next to the bed.

Blue bedroom design photo

Blue promotes relaxation and peace. It is a symbol of success, self-confidence, stability. Recently, blue has become the most fashionable trend in interior design.

Blue has many shades and can be either very light or very dark, almost black. Therefore, a living room in blue can look very different, depending on which tone is chosen for decoration.

The color blue is considered cold, it gives a feeling of coolness, and is more appropriate in southern rooms than in those whose windows face north.

If, nevertheless, despite the "northern" location, you want to decorate the room in shades of blue, add to them the colors of the warm part of the spectrum - pink, yellow, orange, red. A room that has too much bright light can be “chilled” by adding turquoise and blue to the blue.

If you use dark shades in the living room in blue tones, they can make the room gloomy, so it is worth adding white. The more diluted, whitened tones are used, the softer the mood in the room will be.

Lighting plays a vital role in interiors that use blue. Usually one central light is not enough to evenly illuminate an entire room, which can make its corners look gloomy.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to prefer perimeter lighting, built-in ceiling lamps, or supplement the central lamp with wall sconces and corner floor lamps. In this case, the living room in blue will turn out to be bright and give a positive mood.


Blue goes well with a variety of color shades. But this does not mean that this color can be mixed with anything.

For example, dark tones of any color are not suitable for complementing blue - the room will look uncomfortable, cause anxiety, a feeling of anxiety. Remember also that a dark background visually reduces the size of objects observed on it, and makes them visually “heavier”.

Blue is best combined with the following colors:

  • White. One of the most harmonious combinations. It is especially often used in minimalism, Mediterranean and nautical styles. A living room in blue tones with the addition of white will look austere and classic, and at the same time you can relax in it.

  • Beige. The combination of blue and beige is soft and cozy. Beige can be either very light, almost milky, or active, sandy. This combination is appropriate in a nautical style, in classics and in various Mediterranean styles.


  • The color of chocolate, coffee, cinnamon goes well with blue and blue shades. Living room in blue with brown tones in furniture, decorative leather elements looks very advantageous. Suitable for ethnic styles.

  • Red. Blue with red is a bright, active combination. Red is best used only as an accent, and white should be added for balance.

  • Green. Various shades of green combined with blue tones create a classic and sometimes even conservative interior. It is always beautiful and graceful.

  • Yellow. A living room in blue looks great in combination with additions of a yellow shade. The main thing is to keep the proportion, and not to overdo it with yellow.

  • Grey. The combination of blue and gray is classic, a modern interior decorated in these colors will look austere and ceremonial.