Download a drawing of a metal step-ladder on the roof of the autocad. Materials. How to make a drawing of a metal staircase

When not one floor is planned in a residential one, but two or three, it is imperative to think over a structure that will lead to the upper tiers. A drawing of a metal staircase, created on the basis of measurements, will help to facilitate the work and make the arrangement process available.

Schemes and drawings of metal stairs

The construction of a metal staircase has all the necessary safety and durability parameters. That is why they often rely on this type of product. The metal is practically not subject to corrosion, it favorably emphasizes the style of the room and brings severity and elegance to the design. Looking at the wide variety of offered metal stairs, one can understand that even a person who has no experience in such incarnations can make them with his own hands.

Dimensional drawing of a metal ladder

The most important thing is to choose a structure that can be drawn, prepared and installed in the space of the room or outside it.



  1. One of the disadvantages is the bulkiness of the gangway and railings. But thanks to the skills of modern developers, you can easily choose a circuit that will best match the load for a particular room.
  2. Some curves and decorative elements are difficult to bring to life without special skills.

Based on the priorities and disadvantages of material and construction in general, you can bet in favor or against such a decision.

Metal staircase on kosoura

It is much easier to make a drawing of a metal staircase if the structure is equipped with the help of stringers. This is due to the fact that you need to calculate the distance for each step and prepare the material, which will subsequently be fixed to the base. Kosoura is a base (base) in the form of a future staircase.

It can be made from different materials and fixed as required by the room. Of course, in order to acquire suitable kosour, measurements are still required.

After all, the design must match the parameters of the space allocated for the staircase. A ladder on metal stringers will help even inexperienced craftsmen to complete the installation task.

The main thing is to correctly mark the place where the gangway will be located. And also have on hand the tools and materials necessary to translate this idea into your own home.


Metal staircase design option

Due to the fact that the gangways, equipped with the use of stringers, have earned a vocation, the positive aspects of this solution are obvious:

  • This makes the work process easier;
  • Allows you to easily organize the order of actions;
  • Such structures are strong and durable;
  • Thanks to kosoura, even an inexperienced specialist or just the owner of the house will be able to realize what was conceived and translate it into reality;
  • This element allows you to devote more time to details and design experiments that will decorate.

These are not all the positive aspects of stairs on kosoura, each owner of a private house finds its own independent advantages.


It is necessary to correctly determine the size of the base for the steps so that the structure fits clearly into the interior. It is not difficult to make such calculations. It is easy enough to measure the height, angle and width of the desired installation.

How to make a drawing of a metal staircase

It is quite simple to independently make a drawing of a staircase made of metal with your own hands. To do this, you need to measure the space in which the steps leading to the second floor will be located.

Required materials for measurement

In order to carry out the measurement of the space, you should have the following accessories on hand:

  • Tape measure with maximum length;
  • Surface level meter;
  • Chalk or a special felt-tip pen that can be used to make the necessary marks on the wall, floor and ceiling.

This is the minimum set of accessories that will help you quickly and efficiently carry out the measurement process.

Required materials for the drawing

To make the diagram as accurate and correct as possible, you should also prepare a number of stationery. Namely:

  • Sharpened pencil or fine black marker;
  • A sheet of paper or whatman paper;
  • Ruler;
  • Compass.

The diagram should be drawn carefully and accurately in order to avoid errors that are difficult to correct during the direct installation process.

What parameters need to be measured

In order not to miscalculate and correctly make a drawing with your own hands, you will need to make the following measurements:

After taking measurements, you can transfer the recorded parameters to a sheet of paper, forming a diagram of future gangways.

What nuances must be taken into account in the process

When taking measurements, be sure to pay special attention to the following factors:

What are metal stairs

It can be different, but each of them is worthy and often we choose. Metal staircase structures are:

Screw Such gangways will help to preserve the maximum usable space in the room. The steps will favorably emphasize the sophistication of the design and add a spark to the overall picture of the interior space. The only thing that can stop is the difficulty of self-implementation of the drawing.
Without special skills, a person cannot cope with the measurements necessary for such a complex structure. And also the direct process of installing ladder structures requires some dexterity and skill.
Knowing all the features of a spiral staircase, a person will be able to implement the idea with the installation of such a gangway structure. After the realization of the conceived, the interior will immediately sparkle with new colors.
Marching This option is most often used to implement the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe installation of staircase structures. For such an array, it is easy to draw a diagram, even for those who have never encountered such a task before.
Marching stairs are straight, leading to the second floor or with turns (this helps to save space). It is very simple to measure the parameters required for drawing any type of such gangway. It is enough to have the necessary tools and devices at hand.
Direct installation of the structure is also elementary. You just have to adhere to step-by-step actions, which you can read about in any thematic literature.
Hinged There are structures on the wall leading to the second floor. Supports are not installed under such structures. The main load-bearing and load-bearing structure is the wall.
Therefore, before proceeding, you should make sure that the walls are strong and ready to withstand such a high load. If so, then you can safely equip a hinged metal ladder.
Such a staircase will help save space, make the style of the room sophisticated.

Stairs are load-bearing structures of a building that serve for vertical communication between floors. When designing a staircase from inlaid reinforced concrete steps along steel stringers, it is important to pay special attention to the connection of individual stair parts to each other.

If channels are used as the supporting structures of the staircase and the interfloor area, then they can be connected using a mounting element from a hot-rolled corner, to which the supporting structures are attached by welding.

With the help of standard parts from the GraphhiCS SPDS database, you can quickly draw a node junction of the stairs to the interfloor platform (If you have not yet installed this program, then this can be done by). The drawing created in this way in AutoCAD will be dynamic, that is, it will be easy to make changes.

For more details, see the video.

In this article, we will get acquainted with the interface of the LIRA program, as well as perform the calculation of a beam on two supports with a uniformly distributed load. The commands of the lira program, considered in the lesson: Selecting a schematic attribute Creating a new file Arrangement of nodes Creating bars Setting fixings Assigning stiffnesses Applying loads Static analysis Reading calculation results Saving a calculation file. See the video tutorial for more details. […]

In order to carry out a competent, correct calculation of the stairs, it is possible to use a special program AutoCad, which will greatly help and save time.

Construction of a metal staircase with a platform - dwg drawing

The use of specialized design programs significantly saves time on the process of preparing drawing documentation, as well as in calculations. In addition, using the programs, you can be sure that the design is made in accordance with existing building codes and GOST standards.

Thanks to AutoCad, even a beginner can design a metal staircase for any purpose, without special knowledge of the program. Systems and equipment AutoCad includes ready-made assemblies for the design of metal staircases, industrial and domestic purposes, fire escapes, and also contains information on installation and installation.

Based on the given building parameters, using AutoCad, you can make a drawing of a metal structure of any configuration, and, which is important in accordance with fire safety standards.

Staircase components

The staircase structure will be "built" from ready-made blocks offered by the program, which can be edited by setting the required parameters.

A metal staircase consists of several basic elements:

  • Type-setting steps;
  • Area;
  • Railing;
  • Fencing.

Elements, nodes

In the program, the drawing will be created by drawing up and selecting the parameters of each specific element. Due to the versatility of such computer software, it is possible to perform and calculate in advance absolutely any metal staircase with or without a platform.

The entire drawing will be presented in a section so that you can view the selected element more closely. Each selected and approved element in the drawing is presented not only structurally, but all the main dimensions, flights of stairs or spans are taken out.

The set of ready-made documentation made in the AutoCad system will include not only a longitudinal section of the constructed objects, but also a transverse section, as well as a specification with the necessary fasteners and the corresponding GOSTs.

Stacked steps, stair flights

Stairways in the program are performed in accordance with GOST 9818-85 and can be of the following types:

Flat and ribbed views have one significant difference, some are installed on a slab, and others on a stringer. LMP staircases are larger structures that are joined together by a slab.

For each type of staircase, according to the articles included in the program, a staircase is selected, for example, a marching type or ribbed.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the turn of the staircase - it can be made in two versions: right and left.


AutoCad has its own data library, which includes regulatory documents and construction rules. Such documentation, on the basis of which the drawings are built, is called a series. The series of normative acts includes not only the foundations for building a specific metal structure, but also GOST for the material used, fire safety and rules for elementary urban planning.

For example, to build metal stairs with a platform, it is worth taking as a basis Series 1.450.3-7.94 Metal stairs, platforms, fences. Issue 2.

There are 0-2 releases, which characterize the material used, so release No. 2 - implies the design of structures from hot-rolled profiles.

Documentation - series, regulate the basics of construction and construction of steel stairs, fences for them, and the necessary knowledge for their proper installation and operation, as well as a set of additional elements.

Railings, fences

Railings and railings are used in the construction of stairs, which are installed with floor heights from 3 to 4.5 meters, erected under the condition of standard construction.

Also, staircase railings are applicable for the renovation of residential buildings with a floor height of 2, 8 meters.

Specialized march fences are designed taking into account the standard sizes of buildings in the 1.251.1-4 series, issue 1 and series 1.252.1-4, issue 1 and stairs from individual steps in accordance with GOST 8717.0-84 and GOST 8717.1-84.

Also, the products of this release provide for the fencing of staircase structures for the entrance to the basement.

Arrangement of a metal fire ladder

A fire escape, in contrast to standard metal structures, is carried out in accordance with certain norms and standards, based on where it will be located:

External stairs are most often lightweight, small-sized structures, the steps and railings of which are made of special reinforcing steel. This is done in order to exclude possible troubles with accumulated snow in the winter, and also in order to facilitate the structure. Without fail, fire escapes installed on the streets must be treated with a special anti-corrosion compound. This is due to the need to extend the service life of the metal structure.

Metal fire escapes installed inside the house are mainly designed to evacuate the population, so handrails and steps should be as safe and fireproof as possible. For this purpose, use a special refractory coating, paint.

Requirements for drawings

A drawing made in AutoCad must comply with certain standards:

    The beginning of the construction must begin with the centerline and bearing lines that run in the middle of the stairs.

    The section of the staircase must be made in such a way that all bevels and bends are visible.

The staircase must be tied to the walls.

    It is necessary to mark (with dimensions) the line of the level of the floor, ceiling, second floor, attic floor.

    Outside the outline of the main drawing, the dotted markings of window and door openings are drawn.

    If the drawing is done "for yourself", for the independent production of the stairs, in the future, such simple foundations will be enough to work with the program.

To start building the staircase, you need to set the initial parameters:

The advantages of modern technologies include significant time savings on the execution of drawings, diagrams, plans, as well as on the necessary calculations. In addition, the program allows you to see 3D projections, consider all the corners of the staircase, its location relative to the space of the room.

Not only professionals, but also beginners can use such a program. Having started making the stairs on your own, it is worth resorting to the help of computer technology.


When designing the stairs, materials of Series 1.050.9-4.93 were used. The width of the flights of stairs is taken as 1.2m. The steps are taken according to STB 1169-99 L = 1500mm.

Dwg format

Description of construction

The stringers are adopted according to Series 1.050.9-4.93, issue 3, wall and frontal beams - according to Series 1.050.9-4.93, issue 3

Elements of conjugation - according to Series 1.050.9-4.93 issue 0-1.

In the order for the steps, it must be stipulated that all the main steps of the LS-12 and LS-15 must have M 1 embedded parts for fastening the racks of the stair railing, taking into account the option of stairs with a clockwise ascent. The staircases are designed according to Series 1.050.9-4.93, issue 0-0. BNB 5.03.01-02

Fasten the stringers to the platform beams with M16 bolts. After checking the correct position of the mounted structures, the bolt nuts must be secured by welding them to the bolt rod, or by driving the threads.

Welding with electrodes E-42 hshv. = 6mm in accordance with GOST-5264-80.

Cover the stringers and beams with steel wicker mesh 1-R-12-1.6 GOST 8536-80 and plaster with cement-sand mortar M50 25 mm thick.

The beams are supported on the h / d installed along a monolithic belt