How much epoxy is needed on the table. DIY epoxy tables. Epoxy table manufacturing technology

In an effort to make the interior design of a house or apartment original and unique, many owners tend to use non-standard solutions and specific materials. An interesting option is to decorate rooms with epoxy resin tables. This substance, related to oligomeric compounds, is distinguished by high technical and operational properties. In this article, we will look at the best ideas on how to make an epoxy table and how to construct them.

Manufacturing features

In the manufacture of furniture items, epoxy resins are used not in pure form, but in combination with special hardeners. The consistency of the resulting mixture depends on the proportions of the individual parts.

Decorating tables with epoxy requires coating the wooden base with a pre-prepared compound. Subsequently, when the product hardens, careful polishing is required. The resulting tabletop is characterized by increased wear resistance, as can be seen in the photo of the epoxy resin tables.

Precisely selected ratios of components determine the quality of the composition and the manufactured furniture product. If this condition is violated, then the strength may decrease, and the resistance to external factors will not be too high. The generally selected ratio of resin to hardener is 1: 1 or 1: 2.

In the production of tables and other pieces of furniture in a domestic environment, a cold-curing epoxy is used.

However, at the same time, it must meet a number of requirements:

  • low cost of material without loss in technical characteristics, since the costs will be high;
  • low viscosity of the composition without the presence of bubbles after stirring;
  • preservation of volume during curing;
  • the hardening process should proceed slowly, which will create patterns;
  • for visual effects, it is advisable to choose transparent types of resin.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you decide to make a table from epoxy resin with your own hands, then you need to take into account the main advantages of this material:

  • no serious shrinkage during drying, preservation of shape and color;
  • not susceptibility to deformation and mechanical stress;
  • the ability to create original designer table models;
  • resin compatibility with other decorative elements - coins, stones, shells, rubber, corks, etc .;
  • the possibility of using dyes and paints of the phosphorescent type;
  • moisture resistance and impermeability;
  • resistance to the action of chemical components and detergents.

The main disadvantage of making tables from epoxy is the high cost. Up to several tens of liters of the mixture are spent on the manufacture of one product. You should also take into account the possibility of bubbles appearing on the surface of the composition.

Manufacturing technology

To get a quality product, it is important not only to properly dilute the mixture, but also to follow the instructions on how to properly make a table from epoxy resin. First, the surface to be treated is thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. The wooden surface is primed. Ignoring this requirement leads to the formation of bubbles when the mixture is absorbed by the porous structure of the wood. They will spoil the look of the table.

After that, you can prepare a mixture of resin and hardener in the required proportions. Dyes and decorative components are added to the prepared solution. Then the mixture is covered with a wooden base.

Decorating the table with decorative elements must be thought out in advance. All the required parts are laid out on the surface of the wood before the epoxy is poured. Lightweight parts, such as shells, must first be glued to prevent them from rising to the surface of the mixture. The resulting bubbles are removed with a stream of air from the building hair dryer.

The first setting will begin in a quarter of an hour. However, this is not enough to start grinding. Grinding should be done only after complete drying. The product is aged for 7-10 days, after which it can be used.

It is important not to forget to cover the surface with protective varnish after finishing the sanding work. Moreover, it is desirable to do this in several layers. This will prevent even the smallest release of toxic components.

Varieties of products

Many craftsmen are interested in the question of what kind of epoxy table can be made. There are no particular restrictions - it all depends on the imagination. We will consider some options.

Crack simulation

The tabletop and the body of the table will look original if they are decorated with a bark beetle or simulate damage by a fungus. Filling cracks with epoxy creates unique patterns, and you can make holes and crevices yourself.

The cavities can be filled with a brush and a spatula. After hardening, the excess is smoothed out with a grinder, since the composition should only be in the cracks. On top of the coating, a protective varnish is applied, which will also provide brightness.


Transparency or monochrome

The workpiece must be cleaned and degreased. Before applying the resin, the wood is primed. This prevents the formation of bubbles. The diluted epoxy is placed in a mold. The desired pigment is added for the color effect. The color combination is provided by several dyes.

The poured countertop is kept for 15-20 minutes, and the bubbles that appear are removed. After two days, the table is sanded and polished, and in a week the product will be ready for use.

The use of fillers

First, you should choose the right items as decorative fillers. These can be lids, pebbles, shells. The surface of the workpiece is degreased and, if necessary, treated with paint.

Dry fillers are placed on the workpiece and, if necessary, glued to the surface. Epoxy is poured in one layer, if the parts are small in height - up to 5 mm. In the case of large sizes, in the presence of large grooves, the resin is stacked in several layers with a break in application between them for 2 days.

To make a piece of furniture aesthetically pleasing, you must follow the rules for pouring the table with epoxy resin:

  • cover the workplace with plastic wrap;
  • limit the possibility of dust entering the workpiece;
  • the presence of water and its penetration into the mixture can damage the countertop;
  • with a large amount of material, the solidification rate is higher;
  • acceleration of curing is possible by increasing the temperature;
  • grinding and polishing the product affects the quality of the table.


Designer models of tables can be created by simulating natural landscapes on the countertop using epoxy. These can be rivers, seas, lakes.

Photoluminescent paint provides a green glowing effect, and making a geographical map on the tabletop will help to make the interior unusual. It is only important to be careful and attentive in work.

Photo of epoxy tables


On sale there are different options for kitchen tables - classic and original, made of wood, MDF, glass and other materials. You can make such furniture with your own hands. The table made of epoxy resin looks incredibly beautiful, because this material allows you to create unique designs, real objects of art.

Material features

Epoxy resin is often used in workshops for making jewelry, crafts, sculptures and interior items. The most popular is transparent epoxy, which has a huge scope for imagination. The composition of epoxy for filling includes synthetic compounds of oligomers, alcohols, and a number of other components. To obtain the desired properties, a hardener must be poured into the product - only then can the resin harden.

Depending on the amount of hardener, the introduction of other substances, the resin for products can acquire different characteristics. It is capable of hardening or turning into glue, heavy duty or rubber-like. For the filling of dining tables, it is necessary to use solid resins, both for creating new furniture and restoring old ones. It is such a coating that will be resistant to abrasion and durable.

Advantages and disadvantages of epoxy countertops

A huge advantage of the products is their unique design. The table top can have any appearance the user desires. Different materials are used to decorate chairs, coffee tables, kitchen tables and even desks - pieces of wood and glass, stump cuts, stones, foil and glitter, sawdust and sand. Shells, marble chips, pebbles, souvenirs and money, dried flowers and leaves are also used. The resin can be painted in any color, up to the most intense tone, to achieve the effect of landscape, sea, river, etc.

Other advantages of the products are as follows:

  • complete waterproofing, washable;
  • portability of many household products;
  • no shrinkage during operation, preservation of shape, initial color;
  • lack of deformation and reaction to moderate mechanical stress.

When choosing this technology, you need to take into account its disadvantages. The cost price of a table in the kitchen, in the living room, countertops in the bathroom will be high. Consumption per 1m2 of epoxy is large, it can take 10-20 liters of resin or more. If the sequence of actions is violated, at the slightest oversight, air bubbles will appear inside, which is difficult to get rid of.

Types and design features of tables

Usually countertops are made using epoxy. It is better to make the legs of the table from a different material, although they can also be poured. There are different table options:

  • transparent without base;
  • with a base of saw cuts, boards, other parts of wood;
  • combined;
  • with different filling.

Constructions without support surface

If we make a massive or miniature transparent tabletop without support, you need to make a shape for it. Her appearance can be anything, even bizarre. It is in such tables that LED backlighting, glowing neon elements, "lightning" are often used. The filler table with the addition of water looks original - real space objects will turn out on the surface. The disadvantage of baseless tables is the need for careful operation.

Wood and epoxy countertops

The combination of oak, elm (elm), pine and other wood with epoxy is very popular. The resin can be applied transparently or colored as desired. Matte substrates look worse because wood inserts are not visible. You can paint a wooden saw cut, make it brighter or more luminous.

Another option, how to make a table, is to fill the wooden base with resin, boxes, old boards will do. For the base for the table, you can take a plywood surface painted with paint, marbled chipboard. You can even set a painting, still life, drawing as a basis.

Epoxy coated wooden tables

Such products imply the manufacture of a full-fledged wooden table - round, square, original. Decor is scattered on it (colored pebbles, shells, plants, cones, painted bolts and nuts, coffee beans, buttons). A saw cut hemp with moss, bleached pieces of logs looks beautiful. Next, the table is poured with a thick layer of epoxy mixture, along the edges by imposing sides.

Slab and epoxy tables

Slab (blind) is called a solid massive slab of wood, stone. A stone table filled with epoxy resin will turn out to be too heavy, but a product from a wooden slab will be successful. It is required to prepare a slab with the following characteristics:

  • tree thickness - 5-15 cm;
  • saw cut - longitudinal, without a processed edge;
  • the array is solid, there are no gluing points;
  • drawing - beautiful, rich, with knots, interesting texture.

A ready-made slab can be bought or ordered from a woodworking company. How much it will cost depends on the size, type of wood, quality of the material.

River table

The river on the table is an interesting decor option, often adjacent to volcanic lava. In the center of the tabletop there is an insert that resembles a river that flows through a mountain gorge. The insert has a blue, blue-green color, the base is usually made of solid wood. At the bottom of the "reservoir" you can put pebbles, shells. Any shape of the table can be made - rectangular, oval, round or square.

The choice of resin for making a table

Which resin to choose for creativity? Epoxy grades are varied, the best one that has a long period before curing and is completely transparent. If the properties of the material are different, the time for layer-by-layer pouring will increase, the resin itself may boil - overheat and deteriorate. Base resins such as ED-20 are not suitable due to their density. After curing, air bubbles will be replaced on the table. The transparency of cheap base resins leaves much to be desired, and their strength is not always up to par.

Which resin is best for the table? A number of tools are suitable for the production of furniture:

  1. Art-Array. Low-viscosity composition based on modified epoxy resin. Allows to fill a layer with a thickness of 60 mm.
  2. "Epoxy Master". This resin hardens easily in a layer of 5 cm, perfectly fills in hard-to-reach areas. The reactivity of the product is average, so you can work with it on large items.
  3. "Art-Eco" from Ekovann. This material is poured only in thin layers, but it is resistant to the formation of cracks, and allows the use of acrylic colors.
  4. Epoxacast 690. Transparent jewelry resin, excellent for pouring small items on the table.
  5. PEO 610KE. Russian resin does not turn yellow, does not grow cloudy, it does not have darkening from ultraviolet radiation.

Counting the amount of epoxy

In order not to be mistaken, you need to carefully calculate the amount of resin consumed. Each manufacturer indicates the exact consumption of material, but the differences between brands are small. 1-1.1 kg of mass is consumed per square meter of surface per 1 mm layer. You need to multiply this amount by the estimated thickness in millimeters and squaring, adding a little material for the error.

DIY table - technology

To make a table, you need to read the instructions and follow all the points step by step. It is important to remember that epoxy hardens quickly at room temperature, so you should work with it faster. Some people wonder if it is possible and why to heat the resin with a burner? It is forbidden to heat the fill from above, it will immediately deform. Other rules for working with epoxy:

  • do not forget about safety measures, use a respirator, gloves, glasses so as not to harm your health;
  • work only in a well-ventilated area;
  • do not expose to sunlight until the resin hardens, it may turn yellow;
  • do not make sweeping movements when mixing the two components (resin and hardener), otherwise air bubbles cannot be avoided;
  • do not freeze the countertop until it is completely ready - the material will delaminate;
  • do not forget about polishing, covering with a protective varnish.

The composition hardens poorly at high humidity, therefore it must be adjusted in the working room. To increase the rate of curing of the solution, the temperature in the room is increased, but without heating the product directly.

Necessary materials

Depending on the model chosen, different accessories may be required for the job:

  • resin in the right amount;
  • acrylic paints, interior;
  • masking tape;
  • wooden sticks for dividing the countertop into sectors;
  • jars (containers) for mixing resins of different colors;
  • a spatula for spreading the resin over the countertop;
  • fine sandpaper for grinding or sander;
  • construction level, laser;
  • the desired decor;
  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws, screws for wood;
  • stain;
  • plywood for the form;
  • individual protection means;
  • hacksaw for wood;
  • cellophane to cover the poured product.

Drawing up a sketch

To complete a sketch, it is better to contact someone who has experience in modeling if you decide to prepare a complex product. For beginners, it is better to start making tables with simple designs. It is necessary to calculate the size, all sides of the product, draw them on paper, not forgetting to mark the location of the decor.

Support structure fabrication

The step-by-step instructions for building a table begin with creating a support. When the technology does not provide support, this item is skipped. Usually the frame is made of plywood, wood, less often metal. In the latter case, a welding machine is required, therefore this technique is rarely used. The shape and size of the structure are chosen taking into account the dimensions of the future table.

Formwork and filling preparation

The table top can be whole or consist of separate parts. Depending on the needs, formwork is prepared, the edges of which should be as smooth as possible. All joints are sealed with silicone so that resin does not leak through the holes. The formwork is installed on the base, decorative elements are placed inside. Then they are individually carefully glued to the base, not allowing the glue to protrude, otherwise it will be visible in the transparent resin.

Before pouring the countertop, the mold must be degreased. How to cover the support so that the resin does not stick? For this purpose, special primers or wax compositions are sold. Also, the inner surface can be covered with a transparent polyethylene film.

Epoxy preparation

Epoxy resin is kneaded strictly according to the attached instructions. Any composition is two-component. Colors are added only to the resin before the introduction of the hardener, mix well. The paint should be preheated to + 30-35 degrees, so that it better interferes with the composition. Do not heat more - this can spoil the resin!

Next, a hardener is added to the main component. Usually the ratio is 10: 3.5, but may vary depending on the brand of resin. The mass is thoroughly kneaded, but without sudden movements, so that bubbles do not appear. If present, gently blow on the epoxy with warm air from a hair dryer, while stirring. The composition should be poured within 5-7 hours, it has a limited shelf life, therefore it will not work to mix the mass into several layers at once.

Correct fill

Pouring should be started depending on the thickness of the solution and the needs of the master:

  • liquid texture - used to fill multiple depressions, corners, such a mass easily flows off the stick;
  • "Liquid honey" - a more viscous epoxy, allows you to create drops, lenses, small decor, is also used to fill round tabletops;
  • "Thick honey" - better suited as glue, not very suitable for pouring;
  • "Rubber" resin is already a half-hardened material, but it can be used to sculpt products like plasticine.

Epoxy is poured into one layer up to 5-6 cm thick. Otherwise, you will have to do the work in several passes, but only after the first layer has completely cured. The resin is poured in a thin stream from the center, for which a wooden stick is dipped into the solution. Then they force the mass to flow over it. From above, the solution is leveled with a spatula.

Sanding and varnishing

Some resins do not require sanding; others need to be finished. Only the finest sandpaper is useful for polishing; coarse material cannot be taken. The work is carried out at a slow pace so that the surface does not overheat. It is better to add a little water at all for the timely removal of heat. To complete the work, the base is covered with a protective varnish.

Countertop care

Do not put hot pots on the countertop, dishes - they will melt. For care, use only soft fabric - wool, flannel. Strong dirt is removed with a damp cloth, then wiped dry. Do not use abrasives, aggressive agents, acetone, alcohol. Heavy objects are also harmful to the countertop - if dropped, the product may deteriorate. If you follow these tips, the table will serve for a long time without complaints!

Modern and non-standard furniture manufacturing techniques are becoming more and more popular. For example, a table made of wood and epoxy resin can be an excellent alternative to conventional products. With the right approach, you can create real designer things. This can be a great idea to start your own business. First of all, you need to figure out how to make a table from epoxy resin and wood with your own hands and where to start.

Our business valuation:

Initial investments - from 100,000 rubles.

Market saturation is medium.

The complexity of starting a business is 4/10.

Features of wood and epoxy resin tables

Epoxy resin furniture is unique in appearance and transforms the home environment. The working surface of the table made of epoxy material has the following advantages:

  1. Excellent performance.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Resistant to moisture.
  4. Easy maintenance.
  5. Variety of design solutions.

Epoxy resin is a transparent substance with a 3 D effect. When solidified, this substance solidifies and retains the desired shape. Epoxy comes in a variety of states. Some are suitable for working flat surfaces. When dry, the composition retains its original volume. The advantage of the material is its price. Approximately 200-280 rubles per kg.

Varieties of epoxy tables

Various types of wood can be used with epoxy. These can be saw cuts, board trimmings, logs and old wood. The design of the product can be supplemented with spruce branches, pebbles, shells, corks and coins.

The following design options are worth noting:

  1. To make a luminous table, you can add luminescent powder to the resin.
  2. Resin is used as a finishing option for countertops to fill imperfections.
  3. The epoxy table-river looks spectacular. The role of the coastline is played by wood of an unusual configuration. The result is the effect of a river flowing over the surface. This uses a cast resin insert between two pieces of wood.
  4. An interesting solution can be a table filled with epoxy resin. In this case, resin is used as a canvas, and wood as an additional decor.

Tables - rivers were first invented by Greg Klassen, but the designer uses glass and black walnut as materials. Epoxy resin technology requires meticulousness and meticulousness.

How to make a table?

To make money on the manufacture of unusual tables, it is worth understanding what the technology of their production consists of. To make a table out of wood and epoxy, you need a base.

The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. You can take a piece of wood or plywood as a base. In the latter case, the product can be given any shape. The future tabletop can be round or oval.
  2. To keep the fill on the surface, the sides should be attached to the base. They can be plastics.
  3. The substrate must be dry and clean. Then on the surface you need to lay out the design blanks.
  4. Then the table is poured with epoxy resin. If the thickness of the countertop is not more than 0.5 cm, then the liquid mass is poured immediately.
  5. If the thickness is greater, then the filling is done in several stages.
  6. After pouring the first layer, you need to wait two days. Then the procedure is repeated.

If bubbles appear in the process, then they are dispersed with a hot hairdryer. To avoid the formation of bubbles, it is necessary to treat each workpiece with resin. After the layers have hardened, the sides must be removed and sanded off the edges and surface.

Old furniture can be refurbished with epoxy. To do this, you need to clean the surface, remove the varnish, apply a layer of paint, and then fill with resin. The complete polymerization process takes a week.

You can make a partial fill. Defects in wood can be natural, that is, the surface is corroded by bark beetles and fungus. They can also be made artificially. When pouring the mixture, the holes on the back side can be sealed with mounting tape so that the resin does not leak out.

Features of the business of making tables based on epoxy resin

Before starting a business in the manufacture of epoxy resin tables, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the specifics of this production. First of all, you will need to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 50 sq. M. There are no special requirements for the premises. But it is important to take into account that it will often be necessary to manufacture countertops with a non-standard configuration.


Therefore, you need to choose the right tools and equipment. It is worth stocking up on the following inventory:

  1. High power milling cutter.
  2. Jigsaw for cutting sheets.
  3. Grinder.

The compulsory equipment of the mini-shop is an assembly table. To make a table from solid wood and epoxy resin, you will also need a certain consumable. These are sanding pads, glue gun, trimmers and clamps.


Raw materials and suppliers are also important. You can purchase chipboard panels, plywood or wood sheets. It is worth considering different offers and choosing the most acceptable option. Elm cuts, as well as ash and oak boards are suitable for production. In addition to wood suppliers, you need to find good sellers of resin, varnish and oils. For some structures, you may need the services of a welder and carpentry, where basic processing is performed - sawing and grinding.

Despite the seeming simplicity of such furniture, special skills and knowledge are required for the manufacture of countertops. You may need to take a special course in carpentry. The sales market deserves special attention. Manufacturers often work directly with furniture companies.


The amount of costs depends on the volume of production. The price of a table made of epoxy resin and wood is most often three times higher than its cost.

At the stage of starting a business, the costs can be as follows:

  1. The purchase of materials is 50-200 thousand rubles.
  2. Payment for renting premises - 15-20 thousand.
  3. Conducting an inexpensive advertising campaign - 3-10 thousand rubles.

The approximate cost of finished tables for one running meter varies from 12,000 rubles. By calculating the number of products manufactured in meters per day, you can find out the revenue and profitability. The approximate value of profitability is not less than 40%. You can buy a table made of epoxy resin and good quality wood at a price of 30 to 100 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the material used and the workmanship. A small coffee table may cost 25-30 thousand, and the price for a dining table may exceed 110 thousand.

You can find customers through social media. networks or ads on Avito. In case of large production, you can create your own website. Not the best option to sell products through furniture boutiques, where they can get lost among the variety of all kinds of products.

Nuances of making tables at home

Before you start making tables from epoxy and wood at home, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the intricacies of the process. It is important to decide on the choice of epoxy resin. These products must be transparent and have a low viscosity. This will provide excellent fluidity and tight filling even in hard-to-reach areas. Due to the transparency of the resin, different effects can be achieved:

  1. Pour all kinds of decor items - dry leaves, stones, pictures and shells.
  2. Organize original lighting.
  3. Tint the resin.

The room must be well ventilated. You can create forced ventilation. The temperature should not exceed 22 degrees. Dust and high levels of humidity can ruin a slab and epoxy table.

For the formwork, you will also need a certain material. The form or formwork is made of plexiglass, plastic or plywood. You will also need release agents such as wax.

To mix epoxy, you will need a special vessel, a stirring stick and two measuring containers. Read the instructions before mixing. The proportions of the components may vary depending on the manufacturer. First you need to measure out the resin and then the special hardener. Then you need to wait until the resin has reached a suitable consistency. Liquid formulation is suitable for filling all corners and cavities. The thick consistency is used as an adhesive.

To make a high quality epoxy table, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  1. The resin hardens poorly in high humidity. Condensation can escape from the air. To prevent an unpleasant phenomenon, you can hang a film over the countertop.
  2. The mixture will harden faster if the worktop is placed on top of the battery. It is impossible to heat from above, as the surface may become uneven.
  3. It is necessary to prepare personal protective equipment - respirator, goggles and gloves.
  4. The tabletop may turn yellow from exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  5. All horizontal surfaces in the "resin attack" zone must be covered with polyethylene.
  6. If the bubbles do not come out well, then it is recommended to warm up the surface with a construction hairdryer or inject acetone from a spray bottle. These manipulations will reduce the surface tension.

In the modern design of rooms, extraordinary and exclusive interior items are increasingly used, capable of focusing on themselves all the attention of the people present in the room. This original interior solution includes tables decorated with epoxy resin.

You can do this interesting thing with your own hands, turning an ordinary piece of furniture into a genuine work of art.


In furniture production, epoxy resins are not used in their pure form, since the magical qualities of epoxy are manifested as a result of its contact with a special hardener. By changing the ratio of these two parts to be joined, you can get a composition of different consistency. Depending on the purpose for which it will be used, it can be:

  • liquid essence,
  • stringy or rubbery substance;
  • solid;
  • high-strength base.

The process of making any furniture with decor using epoxy resin involves coating the wooden base with this polymer and thoroughly polishing the product after the resin has hardened, as a result, you will get a product with high wear resistance. The general properties of the entire composition will depend on the correct ratio of ingredients. The wrong amount of hardener can significantly reduce the strength of the finished product, as well as its resistance to the environment and household products. Therefore, it is so important when preparing a mixture for work to comply with the ratios recommended by the polymer manufacturer, most often these indicators are 1: 1.

According to the method of use, epoxy can be hot cured or cold cured. When creating pieces of furniture at home, the second type is most often used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compared to conventional natural wood tables, epoxy treated tables have a number of advantages:

  • the resin composition, when dried, has practically no shrinkage, holds its shape well, retains its original color, does not deform and is not subject to mechanical damage;
  • the exclusivity of each product and limitless design options;
  • the ability to use various additional materials for decoration (coins, tree cuts, shells, stones, starfish, etc.);
  • the ability to add multi-colored dyes to the mixture, including phosphorescent paints;

  • impermeability to moisture and dampness;
  • excellent tolerance to cleaning chemicals.

The main disadvantage of these tables is the very high cost of the product. To cover one copy, depending on the size and shape of the product, it can take up to several tens of liters of polymer substance. Another possible unpleasant drawback is the presence of air bubbles, which are formed in the epoxy mixture as a result of non-compliance with instructions and technologies during production.

Manufacturing process

The very first and one of the most important steps in preparing a wooden structure for epoxy resin casting is the thorough removal of dust and all other contaminants from the wood surface. After that, the surface of the table, which will be poured, must be primed. If this is not done, then the resin, absorbed into the porous wood, forms air bubbles, which will spoil the appearance of the product.

Only after the preparation stage is completed, the required amount of a mixture of epoxy resin and hardener is prepared. At this stage, the most important thing is strict adherence to the proportions indicated in the instructions for use. Depending on the chosen design, dyes or additional decorative materials can be added to the finished mixture. Next, the resulting mixture is applied to the prepared wooden surface.

If a certain design from additional materials is conceived on the tabletop, then they must be placed on the table surface even before pouring. Moreover, light materials, such as wine corks or shells, must first be glued to the surface in accordance with the intended pattern. It is necessary, so that during pouring the mixture they do not float, thus turning a thoughtful composition into a messy and uninteresting structure. If unwanted air bubbles appear during the filling process, they can be removed with a construction hair dryer, directing a stream of hot air to the problem area.

The mixture will begin to set in fifteen minutes, but the final stage, namely the grinding of the product, can be started only after the resin has completely hardened. It is advisable to keep the product for a week, since after this period it will already be completely stable and will be ready for use.

After sanding, it is advisable to cover the product in several layers with a protective varnish. This will prevent the release of toxic substances into the atmosphere, which in small quantities may be contained in resin compositions.

Variety of options

To create a table with an original tabletop decorated with epoxy resin, you can take absolutely any tree species, including a variety of debris, saw cuts, chips and even sawdust, as long as everything, even the smallest particles of the future tabletop, are thoroughly dried. Old and rough wood looks amazing in epoxy resin. For decoration, you can also successfully use sea and river shells, pebbles, dry herbs and flowers, coins, and other inclusions that can give the product a special originality or a certain theme. And by mixing luminescent dyes with epoxy resin, you will create a magical glow effect.

A tree eaten by bark beetles or damaged by damp looks very unusual in resin. Natural damage, filled with epoxy with the addition of dye or luminous paint, can create unrealistically beautiful cosmic patterns on the countertop. All kinds of holes, cracks and paths in the wood can be created artificially, creating your own pattern. All small holes are filled with the prepared mortar using a construction trowel. After hardening, remove excess resin using a sander.

The process of making a tabletop using the pouring method is the most expensive and time consuming, and also requires special care in work. It is used in the manufacture of countertops with attachments, as well as to create original designs with fantastic ideas and unusual solutions. For example, a famous American designer Greg Klassen, which creates original models of tables with "natural landscapes". The "river" or "lake" frozen in the tabletops of his amazing tables amaze with their grandeur and incredible beauty.

For information on how to make a wooden table with a river from epoxy resin with your own hands, see the next video.

Epoxy resin table

The epoxy resin table is the pinnacle of the modern furniture industry. For many years now, such tables have been a luxury item that can truly decorate any interior. The 365news editors worked in this direction, collecting detailed information about what an epoxy table is, what types it can be, and how you can make it yourself from scrap materials.

The depths of the sea in miniature

The pros and cons of epoxy tables

Looking closely at this or that building material, you always wonder how good it is, and whether its advantages really outweigh all the disadvantages. The positive qualities of epoxy are as follows:

  • increased strength to mechanical damage and moisture resistance;
  • long service life;
  • ease of care;
  • the ability to implement various design solutions;
  • availability for independent work - only a little skill and knowledge of a certain technology is required;
  • low cost - epoxy resin for pouring countertops is relatively inexpensive when considered on a par with concrete, solid wood or stone. And in terms of quality characteristics, they are in no way inferior.

Epoxy is not an ideal material in every sense. Products made from it also have disadvantages:

  • sensitivity to processing with any abrasive compounds - unpleasant scratches remain;
  • improperly prepared resin can subsequently compromise the quality of the final product;
  • some types of epoxy resins are not resistant to ultraviolet light and over time they begin to give off yellowness;
  • release of toxins. They begin to be released into the atmosphere only after prolonged contact with high temperatures, so you should not be afraid to put a hot dish or a cup of coffee on an epoxy table. But soldering on such countertops or burning them is highly discouraged.

Note! Epoxy resin is non-flammable and non-melting even when in contact with an open flame. But here it will poison the air pretty much.

Types of epoxy tables and their features

Looking closely at the purchase of an epoxy resin table and considering the prices, you come to the conclusion: in fact, they are all similar to each other. And such products can be divided into several groups.

Epoxy resin worktops without support surface

An epoxy worktop is a separately manufactured element that can become both a part of a table and a work surface in a kitchen set.

You can simply buy an epoxy countertop and place it on your support base. The only thing left is to choose the right size and an advantageous design.

Countertops made of epoxy resin, wood and other supporting elements

Also, epoxy resin countertops are made on any supporting structures. Most often it is a base made of timber, metal, plastic or solid wood. Someone manages to adapt the bases from old stools and chairs as a support for countertops.

As a rule, craftsmen, for greater reliability, make the supporting elements and the tabletop a single whole, pouring epoxy directly onto them into the pre-installed formwork.

Wooden table with extra filling and epoxy resin

Tables made of wood and epoxy are incredibly popular today. At the same time, in many designer models there is nothing extraordinary - just beautiful (sometimes ugly beautiful) pieces of wood, whole wood blocks, filled with resin. For example, like the tables made of wood and epoxy resin in the photo below.

Other decoration elements can be added to such interesting tables: phosphorus for night glow, sea pebbles, glass, sparkles, shells - only the imagination of the creators will be a limitation here.

Note! Light objects must be sure to stick to the base, otherwise they will float when pouring!

Slab and epoxy table - style and incredible beauty

Making tables out of wood, or rather from slab and epoxy resin, is the trend of the season. First of all, because a slab - a cut from a tree - has a unique texture, shape and pattern. It's like fingerprints: there are no identical cuts, each is unique in its own way. Therefore, products made from them are very highly valued by both aesthetes and manufacturers.

Making such a table or tabletop yourself is not so difficult. You just need to choose the right slab and fill it with transparent or colored epoxy.

River table based on epoxy resin

Special attention should be paid to the table made of liquid glass and wood, the so-called "river". In fact, these are two slabs, between which a blue epoxy is poured, perfectly imitating the waters of a clear river. Some models also have glass that completely covers the entire surface. Here, as they say, the taste and color.

Some craftsmen add phosphorus to the epoxy, which turns such a table into a kind of night light. Tabletops with the so-called multi-stage slab look especially interesting, giving mystery and depth. You can also buy tables with fish, reefs and whole sea colonies inside an epoxy filler. But such products are rare. It's easier to make such beauty yourself.

If you decide to buy a table made of wood and epoxy resin: we focus on the price overview and the main quality criteria

Oh, to love - so the queen, to steal - so a million, to buy a table - so from epoxy! If you are an adherent of just such views, then pay attention to the small nuances when choosing such furniture, so that later you do not complain about armless craftsmen.

"River" for every taste

It should be noted right away that any epoxy furniture is handmade. Therefore, the risk of marriage is great. Still, the human factor plays a decisive role in the manufacture of such furniture. What should be a quality epoxy table:

  • no chips, cracks, scuffs or other defects - even the smallest ones. Do not hesitate and look under the countertop;
  • we look at the thickness of the table top - it should be the same on all sides. No slopes and distortions;
  • we carefully look at the epoxy - no bubbles, no matter how the seller explains that this is all the way it is needed for greater decorativeness. Air bubbles in the hardened epoxy resin are a sign of an incorrect technology for working with it, this dramatically reduces the quality of the final product;
  • whether you need glass on the surface or not is up to you. Keep in mind that glass on a countertop is the most fragile element, unlike epoxy and wood.

As noted, epoxy tables are handmade. This means that such an exclusive will cost a lot. For example, small coffee tables can be bought in the price range from 11,000 to 30,000 rubles - or more. Dining and office tables cost from 50,000 rubles - it all depends on the model and the prices of the master. Prices shown are current as of September 2018.

Epoxy table manufacturing technology

For those whose hands itch to make a table from epoxy resin on their own, we will show you how to do it correctly and inexpensively.

Having watched a bunch of videos about how easy and simple it is to work with epoxy resin, I just want to make a tabletop with my own hands. But from what? For a beginner in this field, the choice of epoxy can be confusing. What types and brands do not exist!

"ED-20" Is one of the popular and inexpensive resins used both for pouring furniture and for decoration. Popularity has earned its low cost. This plus is balanced by a minus - the yellowness of the products. Of course, yellowness is not acquired immediately, but over time, and only if the filled resin was exposed to direct sunlight. It is also characterized by increased ductility, which is not good when working with resin, especially for beginners. To solve such problems, you can purchase an epoxy plasticizer - for example, EpoxyMax DBP.

"Art-Eco"- crystal clear and transparent resin, designed to work with thin products, including countertops. It is recommended to use hardeners during work. Of the negative aspects, yellowness is noted on transparent products under direct sunlight. This drawback is eliminated by the use of dyes, which can also be purchased from this manufacturer.

"QTP-1130"- ideal for pouring tables and worktops, provided that the epoxy layer is no more than 3 mm thick. It is easy to work with - no additional plasticizers or hardeners are needed. Self-leveling, which is very convenient for beginners.

"EP-SM-PRO"- inexpensive composite epoxy resin. Good for working with wood. Mixes homogeneously, practically no bubbles appear, transparency is good, solidifies to the end and relatively quickly. It has a liquid consistency, which must be taken into account when forming the formwork - it can leak even through small cracks.

PEO-610KE, EpoxyMaster 2.0, EpoxAcast 690. Products made from these resins are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation and have crystal transparency. It is pleasant to work with such compositions - they are not viscous, they quickly and completely freeze, they have a slight tendency to self-leveling.

"ArtLine Crystal Epoxy"- suitable for work with both jewelry and tabletop fillings of small thickness. Liquid, transparent, well leveled with a spatula. The products are transparent and distortion-free. Bubbles are practically not formed and are easily removed. Does not react very well with some types of dried flowers. If you work with just such a filling, determine in advance whether there is a conflict between the epoxy and the herbarium. Feedback on the use of a similar epoxy resin is below.

"MG-EPOX-STRONG"- a universal epoxy resin, more recommended for pouring countertops and tables. It has excellent quality and performance characteristics. It's a pleasure to work with her. Suitable for pouring thick tabletops and for working with various fillers - from weightless phosphorus to heavy stones and coins. At the same time, there is no yellowness, high mechanical strength and resistance to high temperatures.

  1. A drawing is made, according to which the supporting structure, formwork and fillers, if any, are worked out in detail.
  2. Depending on the type of epoxy selected, the consistency and the appropriate dilution proportions are selected for further work.

Note! Some formulations are not diluted, you can work with them almost immediately - and this leads to an increase in the cost of the final product.

Support structure fabrication

In our small master class, we will consider how you can make a simple coffee table from materials available to everyone, and as a result, you will receive designer furniture.

Formwork and filling preparation

We do the first fitting - we spread the filler around the perimeter of the countertop in order to understand how thick to glue the furniture tape.

Illustration Description of action

It all depends on the thickness of the decor, you need it to be buried in epoxy at least half.

Gently glue the tape on the tabletop, since this is not just a formwork, but a part of our table.

We lay out the decor on the countertop exactly as it will look in the final version. We remember the location and remove everything.

We take the glue and apply it to the back of the lid.

We glue all the covers to the countertop. We do this carefully, as each glue drip will be visible on the transparent surface.

Epoxy preparation

How to prepare epoxy resin - the instructions on the package will tell you. In our case, we used Epoxy Master 2.0. It is a two-component formulation. If you need to add colors, add color only to component "A" until you get the desired shade. Mix thoroughly.

Note! To better dissolve the pigment, we put it for a while to a battery or in a water bath, the temperature of which will not be more than 40 ° C, but not less than 30 ° C. If the resin overheats, it can be thrown away.

Add component "B" - hardener, in a ratio of 100: 35, as indicated in the instructions. Mix thoroughly. If bubbles suddenly form, then the resin can be heated with a hairdryer, while stirring until they evaporate. The shelf life of the resulting solution is approximately 7 hours.

How to properly fill the countertop with epoxy resin

The most important stage of work is pouring with resin. The most important thing here is to follow the instructions exactly. Gently pour in the diluted composition from the middle. Under the weight of its gravity, it will begin to level out. If the area of ​​the table top is large, then expand the fill radius. When the entire volume is filled up to the edges of the formwork, smooth the epoxy with a trowel as carefully as possible. If the surface is not leveled with the thickness of the formwork, fill up the missing grams as accurately as possible and level it again. We leave our tabletop to solidify until the end.

Ready table

Basically, we got a final product that you can use for your own pleasure. The use of "Epoxy Master 2.0" does not imply final grinding of the product. But if you still need it, we recommend watching the video on how to make a table from epoxy resin with your own hands.

Epoxy resin, although harmless in a cured state, can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes in the working state. Therefore, we work with it only in good quality rubber gloves - without the risk of sudden gaps. These gloves will need to be discarded immediately after one priming session.

Also, do not forget about glasses, a respirator. The latter may not be worn - it all depends on the type of epoxy used. We carefully read the instructions before buying. We also cover all parts of the body with clothes - no open skin. Be sure to work with epoxy only in well-ventilated rooms where you and your household do not sleep or stay in a row for more than 5 hours. If the curing time of the resin is more than 3 days, it is necessary to purchase a dust and organic filter.

Note! Liquid epoxy can be easily removed from any surface with warm water. Not with a wet cloth, but directly with water.

As we have seen, working with epoxy is really quite simple. You just need to choose the right composition, both in terms of characteristics and the level of complexity of working with it. And there - forward, to the creation of masterpieces!