How much fat is in an avocado. Avocado useful properties, calorie content and contraindications. eggs in avocado

Avocado is very beneficial for the human body, so many doctors and nutritionists advise eating it. However, it must be borne in mind that this fruit contains a large amount of fat (about 30% of the total mass), which means that it is very high in calories.

Avocados are incredibly useful (calorie content, benefits and harms, composition, nutritional value - later in the article)

How many calories in one avocado (calorie content of avocado 1 piece or 100 grams)

Fortunately, those fats that are contained in avocados are not deposited on the hips and sides. These are polyunsaturated fats, the so-called "good" ones. If you do not abuse them, then you can not only not gain weight, but also improve your health, for example, lower cholesterol levels.

Energize, strengthen cell membranes, improve digestion - all this can avocado

However, if we talk about numbers, the calorie content of one avocado will be about 250-285 kcal. In fact, a fifth of an avocado already contains 50 calories., about the same amount is contained in 100 g of fresh cabbage soup with potatoes. If taken in terms of the weight of the product, then 100 g of fresh fruit contains approximately 208 calories.

Calories in 1 fresh pitted avocado

You can independently calculate the calorie content of any fresh avocado fruit, knowing its weight. The pit and skin of an avocado together weigh about 30 g, i.e. 30 g should be subtracted from the weight and you get the weight of pure pulp.

Remember that 100 g = 208 calories, and count. If there are no weights, then we estimate the calorie content as follows: we subtract the weight of the stone from the average weight of the avocado (170 g), we get 140 g - this is the weight of the pulp.

We multiply 1.4 by 208 (calorie content 100 g), we get approximately 290 calories.

The chemical composition of avocados and nutritional value

When it comes to the nutritional value of avocados, it is immediately necessary to note the fact that the avocado fruit is particularly nutritious due to its high fat content.

Fat accounts for 20 g or 180 calories. In addition, 100 g of fresh avocado contains 2 g of protein, which equates to 8 calories. And finally, carbohydrates - 5 g, which is 20 calories.

The usefulness of avocados is due to the content of more than twenty different vitamins and minerals.

We list the main ones, in descending order of mass: vitamin B4, vitamin C, vitamin PP, vitamin B5. Smaller amounts contain vitamins: B2, E, B9, B6, A.

As for minerals, avocados are exceptionally rich in potassium (485 mg), significant content of phosphorus (52 mg), magnesium (29 mg), calcium (12 mg).

Note! Avocado also contains folic acid, so necessary for patients with diabetes and pregnant women.

The benefits and possible harm of avocados for the body

Due to its composition, avocados are endowed with special properties.

As for the possible harm, then it all comes down to individual intolerance. Avocado peel and pit are especially dangerous. It is there that toxins are contained that can disrupt digestion and cause allergies. Here, even with a strong desire, you will not be able to enjoy this wonderful fruit.

It's important to know! With extreme caution, avocados should be consumed by those who are obese.

Use of avocado for weight loss

Those who want to get rid of extra pounds should pay attention to avocados. Nutritionists do not suggest completely abandoning this product.

  1. Although avocados are very high in calories, all this energy does not then go into fat folds., so you can add avocados to any diet salad, however, in small quantities. Half an avocado a day can be safely eaten.
  2. Thanks to the oleic acid contained in this fruit, breakdown of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. As a result, so-called plaques do not form.
  3. Regarding nutritional properties, then the avocado surpassed even the meat. So don't worry that you won't eat. Vegetarians, for example, successfully replace meat with avocados, and get everything they need for the body.

Some believe that avocado helps to get rid of the stomach specifically due to potassium. But this component is also present in banana and beets. However, there are no such legends about these fruits.

Interesting fact! Whatever it was, but local weight loss is not possible.

It all depends on your physique. Fats will build up and disappear in the order that was determined by nature. When the extra pounds go away, the fat folds on the abdomen will also evaporate.

Avocado Recipes

Thanks to the exceptional beneficial properties and taste qualities, avocados have created many recipes for dishes, including salads, pates, sauces, smoothies.

Avocado salads: calories and features

One of the simplest salads is avocado, cucumber and tomato salad. All are taken in equal proportions, cut and mixed. Sweet and sour sauce is used as a dressing.

Calorie content per 100 g will be 65 calories. Or another salad with chicken breast.

Take chicken breast fillet - 200 g, celery stalk - 4 pcs., 0.5 tsp. curry, 1 apple, natural yogurt - 3-4 tbsp. Breast, celery and apple, cut into cubes, must be mixed, seasoned with yogurt and sprinkled with curry. Salad ready.

Calorie content of 100 g - 67 calories.

Avocado paté on toast (calories)

For cooking, you will need an avocado, salt, freshly ground pepper, 1 tomato, herbs and spices. All this is ground in a blender.

Whole grain bread is essential for toast. In this way, you can prepare a real nutritious breakfast or snack.

100 g of such a breakfast will contain 50 calories.

Pasta with creamy avocado sauce (calories)

To prepare this delicious and easy dish, use spaghetti, the pulp of 2 avocados, a clove of garlic, a little shallot, lemon juice (from one fruit), a quarter cup of olive oil, as well as finely chopped parsley, salt and pepper to taste for adding last strokes.

While the pasta is cooking, all the ingredients, except parsley and salt and pepper, are placed in a blender and chopped.

There are 160 calories per 100 g of this dish.

Eggs Benedict on avocado (calories)

Avocado in its solid form can be an alternative to bread in many cases. For example, why not place poached eggs on top of one strip of avocado and top with another.

The egg is carefully broken so as not to damage the yolk. Spread cling film over a bowl and carefully pour the yolk into the middle, make it look like a bag and lower it into moderately boiling water.

Boil 4 minutes. When the poached egg has cooled, it should be placed between the layers of avocado.

The calorie content of such a dish is 70 calories per 100 g.

Avocado smoothies: calories and features

A smoothie is a thick drink. The main ingredients of such dishes are berries and fruits, which were previously chopped in a blender. When it comes to smoothies with avocados, there are different options. For example, with the addition of cucumber.

The combination of cucumber and avocado is very harmonious and tasty.

This option is ideal for those who want to keep their figure, but want to continue to receive vitamins and minerals.

For cooking, they take a couple of large cucumbers, 2 small avocados, mineral water - 1 tbsp., A bunch of greens, a little lemon juice, sea salt, pepper. Everything is ground in a blender.

The calorie content of the total volume of the prepared smoothie will be 140 calories.. There is also an avocado and banana smoothie option. The drink has real healing properties and will definitely be to your taste.

In addition to banana (1 pc.) And avocado (2 pcs.), You will also need honey (1 tsp), milk (150-200 ml), a pinch of cinnamon. Everything is ground in a blender.

There are 128 calories in 100 g of smoothie.

Nutritionists are sure that a day started with such a breakfast will help you get rid of heart problems (heart attack and stroke are definitely not something to be afraid of).

Avocado plus blueberries

Such a cocktail should be consumed in autumn or early spring. It is during this period that the human body more than ever needs natural vitamins to strengthen immunity.

In the end, this smoothie option will help you improve your mood, as the nutritional value of the product is quite impressive.

In addition to the main components - avocado (1/2 pc.) And blueberries (150 g) - the composition of the smoothie includes kiwi (1 pc.) With banana (1 pc.), Wild berries (150 g), spinach (50 g), water or coconut milk (250 ml).

First, spinach with water is loaded into the blender, then fruit comes. Calorie content: 62 calories per 100 g of product.

Avocado is an amazing product that is widely used in nutrition. Despite the high calorie content, it can be consumed by everyone without exception, if there is no individual intolerance. It is useful for health and strengthening the immune system, especially during periods of general beriberi.

Useful videos about the benefits of avocados and how to use it

In this video, you can find out what nutritionists think about the calorie content and benefits of avocados:

A very popular video with over half a million views on why you should eat avocados:

How to cook and eat avocados for health and weight loss (counting calories) in this video:

Alligator pear - so called avocado in English because of the pimply green skin. Pear-shaped, smooth large stone, rough skin of different shades of green, which quickly turns black from the moment the fruit is fully ripe. And oily flesh with a bright color - from green to light yellow.

The evergreen tree belongs to the Laurel family, being a cousin of Laurel, a noble, sacred plant in ancient Greek mythology.

There are many varieties, the external characteristics of which are different. So, a ripe fruit can be from 5 to 20 cm in length, and in weight - from 50-60 g to 1.5 kg.

Avocado cultivation has been actively expanding since the 1960s - where the warm climate allows. Which countries grow avocados for export? Mexico, several countries of South America, USA, Spain, Rwanda and Kenya are the main exporters from 100 thousand tons per year.

In Russia and Ukraine, many varieties of avocados can be found on sale. The most common summer ones are Bacon, Fuerte, Reed, fat Pinkerton. Among the winter - Gwen, Hass, Ettinger, Ryan, Ardith, low-fat Pinkerton.

All varieties combine the main advantages of avocados - the richest composition of vitamins and minerals, useful fatty acids and biologically active compounds.

Already know how useful avocado is, and want to immediately learn how to choose the right one?

Click #6 in the table of contents below for tips with illustrations!

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Composition and calories

Due to its high nutritional value and diverse composition, avocados can be put in the TOP 5 superfoods for youth and health. Judge for yourself.

Avocado nutritional value and calories per 100 g

For example, we describe the average data for the most common varieties in the United States, which are grown in California and Florida. The average fruit weight ranges from 150 to 250 grams.

Here is what is contained in 100 grams of pulp avocado according to the US National Department of Agriculture, based on a menu of 2000 kcal, where DN is the average daily nutrient requirement:

  1. Calorie content - 160 kcal - 8%
  2. Carbohydrates - 8.53 g - 3%
  3. Of which dietary fiber - 6.7 g - 27%
  4. Proteins - 2 g - 4%
  5. Fat - 14.7 g - 23%
  • Saturated - 2.1 g
  • Monounsaturated - 9.8 g
  • Polyunsaturated - 1.8 g

The glycemic index of avocados is only 10 units. Fruit is allowed to be added to salads even in strict phases of protein diets (Montignac, Kremlin, Atkins, Dukan).



  • Pantothenic acid (B5) - 1.39 mg - 28%
  • Vitamin K - 21 mcg - 26%
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.257 mg - 20%
  • Folic acid (B9) - 81 mcg - 20%
  • Vitamin E - 2.07 mg - 14%
  • Niacin (B3) - 1.738 mg - 12%
  • Vitamin C - 10 mg - 12%
  • Riboflavin (B2) - 0.13 mg - 11%
  • Thiamine (B1) - 0.067 mg - 6%
  • Vitamin A - equivalent to 146 IU - 3%

From carotenoids: beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin.



  • Potassium - 485 mg - 10%
  • Magnesium - 29 mg - 8%
  • Manganese - 0.142 mg - 7%
  • Phosphorus - 52 mg - 7%
  • Zinc - 0.64 mg - 5%
  • Iron - 0.55 mg - 4%
  • Calcium - 12 mg - 1%

Other components:

  • Water - 73.23 g
  • Fluorine - 7 mcg
  • Beta-sitosterol - 76 mg

*Source: USDA Nutrient Database. The percentage (%) indicates the proportion of the daily requirement for a nutrient in an adult, with a diet of 2000 kcal.

Composition and calorie content of 1 pc. avocado oscillates depending on the weight and fat content of the fetus. For example, the relatively low-fat variety Ettinger, and extremely saturated with Rayan fats.

In America, a popular portion of an avocado at one time is half a medium fruit of the widespread Fuerte, Bacon, etc. Portion weight is about 70 grams.

What is contained in such a half?

113 kilocalories, 6 g of carbohydrates, of which only 0.2 g is sugar, and as much as 4.6 g of dietary fiber, 10 g of fat. And also (in brackets - percentage of DN):

  • Vitamin K - 14 mg (19%)
  • Vitamin B9 - 60 mg (15%)
  • Vitamin C - 6 mg (12%)
  • Potassium - 343 mg (10%)
  • Vitamin B5 - 2 mg (10%)
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.4 mg (9%)
  • Vitamin E - 1.3 mg (7%)
  • Magnesium - 19.5 mg (6%)

What is useful avocado

The richest composition forms many of the beneficial properties of avocados. Get ready for numerous and justified delights.

Monounsaturated fats

The unique difference of avocado is its powerful fat composition. It provides up to 75% of the calorie content of the fetus (!) and relies on monounsaturated fats. Avocado and oil from it are one of the leaders in the content of monounsaturated fats.

Oleic acid predominates - the same beneficial omega-9 that is so attractive in olive oil. Entering the body regularly, it reduces low-density lipoproteins and at the same time increases the level of “good cholesterol” (high-density lipoproteins). There is a normalization of the lipid profile or, in simple words, the use of products with oleic acid reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

In addition to valuable fats, an exotic fruit is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals at once.

Nutrients for health

The richest composition in terms of B vitamins: there is almost everything! Their common primary function is the proper functioning of the nervous system. And the vitamins B6 and B9 present in the fruits are also tireless workers of methylation, which are involved in DNA synthesis. Each of them is at least 1/5 of the daily value in just 100 grams of avocado.

The well-studied properties of folic acid (B9) are the prevention of neural tube defects in the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy and the reduction of the likelihood of ischemic stroke in people over 50 years of age. There is also vitamin B1 in avocados, it directly affects the reduction of protein glycation, which prolongs our youth.

Impressive composition of antioxidants- again a full range of substances in a tangible amount - vitamins A, C, E, zinc and a little selenium. Only in synergistic interaction, these substances provide the body with high-quality protection against oxidative stress. Prevention of oncology and vascular accidents is the main advantage of a diet rich in antioxidants. By including avocados on the menu, you can get all the participants in one serving of fruit.

Another advantage of an unusual fruit is vitamin K, which is important for calcium metabolism, fats, which are needed for the absorption of this vitamin, and a little calcium itself.

So, neuroprotectors, DNA synthesis, antioxidant complex, skeletal quality and cardiovascular activity - an impressive list of benefits in just 100 grams of fatty pulp.

But that's not all the benefits of avocados!

Dietary fiber and sterols

A whopping 7 grams of fiber, or almost 30% of the Daily Value, is the amount of dietary fiber that an avocado contains, while being low in total carbohydrates.

Thanks to dietary fiber, avocado helps stabilize blood sugar, nourishes the intestinal microflora and creates conditions for timely cleansing.

One can single out the benefits of the most famous of plant sterols - beta-sitosterol (beta-sitosterol). Scientists attribute several health benefits to it:

  • Reduces harm from bad cholesterol by reducing its absorption in the intestine;
  • It is used in European countries in the treatment of breast cancer, adenoma and prostate carcinoma.

In healing the heart and blood vessels in atherosclerosis, our goal is to remove sugars, get omega-3 fatty acids, reduce omega-6, and also saturate the diet with omega-9 fatty acids and fiber.

Avocados are a source of healthy fats and fiber.

Just 200-250 grams of fruit per day helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels by up to 22%. A nice bonus will be a decrease in average daily blood pressure and a general decrease in markers of systemic age-related inflammation.

For the prevention of senile brain diseases, primarily in people with a family risk for Alzheimer's disease, it is beneficial to use three products daily from the age of 45-50 - fresh avocados and natural beef.

If you have a high risk of developing metabolic syndrome (when excess fat is concentrated on the abdomen and torso, while pressure jumps and low glucose tolerance) be sure to include avocados on the menu! The fruit will spur the healing processes that a therapeutic diet can start. The cardio-healthy composition and low glycemic index are guaranteed to work for your health.

From the described composition, it is also obvious that avocado is a welcome participant:

  • Anti-cancer diet at any age and status;
  • Nutrition during recovery after infectious diseases;
  • When preparing and during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

In addition, avocados will help reduce the risk of degenerative diseases of any localization - from the eyes to the nervous system.

How many avocados can you eat per day?

From 70 to 250 grams depending on the purpose and health status.

Harm when consumed

Fortunately, the list of concerns about the dangers of avocados is much shorter than the list of its benefits. Three contraindications apply to people with fruit allergies, nursing mothers and children under 3 years of age. Although the latter is true only for our latitudes, where avocados are exotic and therefore are removed from the children's menu for reinsurance.

It is logical if you decide not to abuse the fruit on a calorie restricted diet. Although on a protein diet, restrictions are not needed. Avocados will not do harm even in a standard daily amount (100-150 grams). The fruit is low in carbs and can easily be incorporated into a carbohydrate-restricted menu. At the same time, he will significantly add fiber to the menu - a substance that is difficult to obtain when you strictly reduce vegetables and cereals.

For the same reason, it is not forbidden to eat avocados in type 2 diabetes. And in reasonable daily portions (about 150 grams per day), the fruit will be very useful for people with prediabetes - those lucky ones who can still avoid the disease through healthy dietary changes.

What does a ripe avocado taste like?

You had no luck with buying fruit: were they not ripe or overripe? Or have you never tried an avocado before?

What it tastes like is easy to explain: neutral, oily, depending on the variety with a very slight nutty or grassy aftertaste. Like butter of vegetable origin - without milky flavor and tenderness, but noticeably oily on the tongue. Because of this, some people may find the fruit unpleasant.

But if we do not eat fruits alone, but use them in combination with sour, salty or sweet foods, the problem of strange taste goes aside. Furthermore! Avocado, most likely, you will like it, because its important plus is the ability to set off and prolong bright flavor accents from neighbors.

How to choose a ripe fruit

Avocado beckons with useful properties, but confusion in front of the exotic keeps you from buying?

Simple tips on how to choose a ripe fruit and enjoy the taste and benefits

  1. We examine the skin: no spots, uniform color, dense and rough;
  2. We probe by pressing with a finger: the fruit gives in to pressure, and a small dent remains on the surface. But we do not choose a very soft fruit, it is overripe and tasteless;
  3. Let's shake the avocado next to the ear: if the bone knocks, you can buy;
  4. We examine the place where the fruit is attached to the branch: it should be yellow with orange speckles without a protruding stalk (it’s not a sin to pick up the stalk for the sake of a sure purchase);
  5. When in doubt, buy an unripe avocado and store with an apple to ripen as described below.

How to distinguish an overripe fruit at the point of attachment of the cutting We determine the degree of maturity of the fetus by its softness when pressed

The final maturity test of an already made purchase. Spread avocado pulp on bread. Yes, yes, we will! In a ripe fruit, the pulp lends itself to the knife almost like butter.

Unripe avocados are bad!

It contains the fungicidal toxin persin, which causes allergies and poisoning up to acute forms with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and severe dyspepsia.

Secrets and recipes

How to store an avocado so that it ripens?

Put the fruit along with a ripe apple or banana in a paper bag (or tightly wrapped in foil) - for 12-48 hours, at room temperature. Many Americans specifically buy unripe fruits so that they can easily store a supply at home in a cool, dark place, and bring to ripeness a few pieces thanks to the night neighborhood with an apple.

What to do so that the tender pulp does not darken in contact with air?

Cut the fruit into slices for salad, sprinkle with lemon juice. Or very quickly combine with other ingredients and sauce.

Let's take a step towards health: prepare the perfect avocado sauce instead of mayonnaise!

For 2 servings of sauce we need:

  • Ripe avocado - 1 pc. (200-250 g)
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - to taste
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves (small!)
  • Olive oil - 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice - 2-3 teaspoons
  • Drinking water - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

We combine the chopped ingredients in a blender and turn into a puree. We add water in portions - 1 tablespoon each, so that the sauce does not turn out to be too fluid.

You can fill the sauce with different herbs: wild garlic, reducing the garlic, and cilantro instead of parsley. Or add crushed nuts, seeds. We especially love the combination of pumpkin seeds and parsley.

The calorie content of the sauce is noticeable: about 190 calories per serving. But the benefits are universal and great, unlike mayonnaise, especially purchased.

How to clean for different purposes

How to properly peel an avocado depends on the dish where you are going to put it.

And if we do not need intricate serving, we cut the fruit into 4 parts and carefully remove the skin, as shown in the video from the chef.

Three main ways to cut an avocado:

  1. Half-moon slices - for salads with herbs, laying on pizza or sandwiches;
  2. Medium cubes - for salads with seafood, chicken, vegetables and fruits;
  3. Large pieces - for sending to a blender (for sauces, smoothies, etc.).

For a long time the presence of avocados in our menu, we have decided on favorites. We will devote several materials to our favorite recipes.

How and with what to eat avocado

Almost neutral in taste, but hearty fruit goes well with seafood, eggs, turkey, bread and rice. It's great in salads with vegetables and fruits and subtly adds healthy calories to them. Its buttery texture will enhance the beauty of crispy toast or ruddy pizza and delight with uniquely valuable substances in any of the sauces.

Avocados are eaten in many parts of the world - from Mexico to Australia, with stops in Africa, Israel, Europe and Russia. Culinary surprises with a creative approach - what foods go with avocados! In some countries, preference is given to compositions with meat, bread or cereals, securing the glory of the main dish of the meal for the avocado.

In other parts of the world, they do not spare sugar, making the fruit a dessert or a viscous smoothie-style drink. Chocolate shake with banana and - everywhere there is a place for a unique fruit!

Avocado oil is rare and expensive, it is actively used in elite cosmetics and is deservedly appreciated by cosmetologists.

Homemade masks with avocado gruel can also be effective if the ingredients are combined correctly - according to skin types and purposes of the procedure. Avocado with oatmeal nourishes dry skin, and when combined with lemon juice, it heals oily skin. Moisturizing, nourishing and drying inflamed pimples can be entrusted to a mixture of avocado and honey. And to add strength and shine to the hair will help the traditional mayonnaise in half with mashed fruit pulp.

We will be very happy if you are seriously interested in avocados. The benefits and harms to the body from eating an exotic fruit are perfectly balanced. This fruit has a remarkable wealth of nutrients with minimal health risks.

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The Russians are accustomed to the fact that some new, exotic fruits constantly appear on the shelves, arriving from distant countries. It is difficult to surprise us with anything, but the avocado fruit, which has a specific taste and unusual appearance, raises doubts: is it worth trying it and in what form is this “pear”? However, the useful properties of avocados have been proven, and we just have to try and fall in love with an unusual fruit.

Botanical description

The fruit ripens on an evergreen tree from the Laurel family and belongs to the relatives of Laurus nobilis. The cradle of the fruit is the Caribbean and Mexico, where the Aztecs were among the first to try the exotic fruit. The birthplace of avocados is a supplier to the world market. Latin America, USA, Spain, Rwanda and Kenya are also exporters of avocados, producing up to 100 thousand tons of this fruit per year.

The fruit has a blistered green skin, rough to the touch. After full maturation, it darkens. Inside the fruit contains a stone surrounded by an oily pulp, changing its color as it ripens from green to yellow. For the unusual appearance of the avocado, it received a second name - the alligator pear. And indeed - this is a pear covered with crocodile skin!

The shape and size of the fetus can vary significantly. The fruit is oval or pear-shaped, with a glossy or bumpy surface. The weight of avocados is also different: from 100-150 g to 1 kg. It depends on the variety and climate zone.

For a long time, disputes about whether avocados are a fruit or a vegetable have not ceased. Indeed, there are some controversies on this issue. On the one hand, it is a fruit, because the fruits ripen on trees. The fruit contains a stone in the center of the pulp, which also indicates its fruity origin.

On the other hand, the pulp of the fruit contains substances that are more characteristic of vegetables. It tastes like an unripe pumpkin or pear. During ripening, the taste and texture of the pulp becomes different. Ripe fruits taste like butter with an aftertaste similar to nuts or greens. Such taste qualities cannot be called fruity in any way.

The avocado belongs to the fruit, but neither jam nor desserts are made from it. It is more used for salads, appetizers, pates, minced meat. Mostly fruit "pear" is part of the second courses.

In cooking, the main companions of avocados are lemons. They retain the flavor and color of the alligator pear and keep it from oxidizing before the fruit is eaten.

Composition of avocado

The benefits of avocados are quite high. As an example, let's take data on varieties from the USA. Fruit varieties imported from other countries may have slight differences in terms of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

For 100 g of product there are:

  • proteins - 2 g.
  • fats - 20 g.
  • carbohydrates - 7.4 g.

avocado calories

The fruit of the avocado is full of contradictions. The calorie content of avocados is high and this is not in doubt due to the high fat content. But the “other side of the coin” is that it contains mainly monounsaturated fatty acids. They are well absorbed and have many useful properties.

It is difficult to say how many calories are in one avocado, which is related to its weight, fat content and variety. There are 208 kcal per 100 grams of fruit, and without peel - 150. Avocado oil is very healthy, but has a high calorie content, which is 884 kcal.

The avocado is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most nutritious fruit. Its calorie content is higher than milk and meat, so it is not recommended to consume more than one fruit per day.

It is easy to calculate that if the fetus weighs 200 g, then the body receives 416 Kcal at one time, and if its mass is greater, then this indicator increases accordingly. But it is not necessary to eat fruits en masse, it is enough to consume half a fruit and get only 80 kcal, which will not lead to weight problems or obesity.

The chemical composition of avocados and nutritional value

A huge set of useful components provides the nutritional value of avocados and beneficial properties. This incredible fruit contains a “vitamin cocktail”: groups B, K, C, E, A. It is important that almost all B vitamins are included in the composition. From the periodic table, avocados contain macro and microelements: potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iron, calcium, fluorine. Other substances are also present:

  • Avocado contains protein, which is well absorbed and is a building material for cells. It can be used in the menu of vegetarians.
  • Monounsaturated, they are also the most healthy fats enrich the fruit. It occupies a leading position in such important components. Most of all in the composition of oleic acid, which controls lipid metabolism and reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol. This reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • B vitamins play an important role in maintaining the tone of the body. They normalize the work of the central nervous system, prevent fetal development problems in pregnant women, reduce the risk of ischemic stroke, and perform many other "useful things."
  • Antioxidants, which include vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium. Their combined effect helps to stop the oxidation processes, pushing old age "into the background." This composition is an excellent prevention of oncology and vascular problems.
  • Dietary fiber and sterols, which make up 30% of the daily value, despite the fact that the total amount of carbohydrates is quite low. Fibers regulate the amount of sugar in the blood, normalize the intestinal microflora, perform the function of cleaning toxins.

It contains the substance persin, which is poisonous. It acts as an allergen and causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The crushed bone is used in folk herbalists, since, in addition to harmful, it also contains useful components.

The benefits of avocado and its properties

Alligator pear due to its composition is very useful. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of avocados for the human body. It is based on the ten most important properties that help the body work stably:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. This is due to the significant content of potassium, which prevents the development of myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, ischemia, and stroke.
  • It has a diuretic effect, ridding the body of excess fluid and reducing swelling.
  • Lowers cholesterol due to the presence of folic acid and unsaturated fatty acids. Avocados have been proven to be beneficial for liver health.
  • "Works" as a prophylactic against cancer. The risk of malignant tumors helps to reduce the presence of folic acid in the composition.
  • Normalizes blood clotting. This beneficial property is associated with the content of vitamin K. Wounds heal faster and bleeding gradually stops.
  • It acts as an antioxidant due to the presence of glutathione in the composition, which is called the "elixir of youth and health." It will destroy free radicals, removing toxins, microbes from the body.
  • Reduces excess weight, contributing to the loss of unnecessary kilograms. This is possible when using the product in small quantities.
  • It slows down the aging process due to the presence of vitamin E in the composition, which pushes back the diseases that accompany old age.
  • It stabilizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, since it contains dietary fiber and has an oily consistency, which allows the intestines to work well, relieving constipation and other unpleasant consequences in violation of the function of the digestive tract.
  • The activity of the nervous system is normalized. Depression and anxiety subside, sleep improves.
  • The benefits and harms of avocados for the body have been studied, and it is obvious that the beneficial qualities predominate significantly.

The benefits of avocados for women

An exotic fruit protects women from breast cancer. The fruit will not harm expectant mothers, as it helps the normal course of pregnancy and is beneficial for the health of the mother and the unborn baby.

For women during pregnancy, the fruit performs three important functions:

  • prevents the development of congenital malformations in the unborn baby
  • forms a healthy immunity of the fetus, which, even before birth, gains the nutrients necessary for growth and development
  • makes mom's skin more elastic, which helps to avoid stretch marks after childbirth.

Avocado intake while breastfeeding is best limited. It increases the fat content and nutritional value of milk and the "baby" may develop diarrhea.

Fresh fruit is actively used by the fair sex as masks. The fruit removes oiliness and shine on the epidermis, helps with dryness and flaking, is used as a soft peeling. Avocado oil is beneficial for the skin around the eyes. Due to fatty acids and vitamins, it smoothes crow's feet well.

Diets: Nutrition Tips

The benefits of avocados in dietetics: despite the high fat content, with the right approach, it can reduce body weight. One fruit per day is enough to start the process of burning fat and normalize metabolism.

3 day avocado diet

  • Breakfast: half a fruit and 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: Salad, which includes 1⁄2 cucumber, 1⁄2 avocado, egg and greens, seasoned with lemon juice.
  • Dinner: 100 g boiled lean beef and avocado with cottage cheese.

You should not eat unripe fruits: they have firm flesh and practically have no smell and taste. Only ripe fruit has benefits and taste (for an amateur). It is one of the components of salads and sauces. Consumed in combination with herbs, vegetables, sour fruits, red fish.

The benefits of avocados for men

The fruit is a natural aphrodisiac and has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. Avocado for men benefits in three ways:

  • During the treatment of impotence and infertility. The extract is additionally introduced into medicines aimed at solving this problem.
  • To increase muscle mass. The benefit of the fruit lies in the composition of vegetable proteins, therefore, during sports training, active muscle building occurs.
  • As a means of preventing cardiac pathologies. One of the important chemical elements in fruit is potassium. Due to it, blood pressure returns to normal and the possibility of heart attacks decreases.

Harm when consumed

Avocado is a neutral fruit, the beneficial properties of which are obvious, and the negative impact is minimal. The harm of exotic avocados manifests itself in the form of individual intolerance to the product and frequent diarrhea. Consuming excessive amounts of the product can lead to unpredictable consequences, since the fruit is rich in fats.

Children are allowed to taste healthy food in small quantities, since the fruit is unusual in our diet and avocados should be tasted with caution. If after the first serving there are no problems and the child likes the innovation, then a quarter a day (or use in salads) will be quite enough. Allergy to avocado does not occur.

In order for the fetus to be truly useful, its correct choice is important. With a moderately green shade of fruit, you can be sure that after 3 days it will be ready to eat. When an avocado is dark green and soft, it is already overripe. If at the same time the flesh under the handle is light yellow, then the product is ready for use. A strongly overripe or unripe fruit can be harmful, causing an upset gastrointestinal tract.

Avocado does not belong to the mass favorite product due to its specific taste. This is an amateur fruit. But the beneficial properties of avocados are beyond doubt, and the composition pleases with an abundance of components necessary for the body. Therefore, after trying an avocado, try to fall in love with the fruit, introducing it into your diet at least in small quantities.

If you don't already know, avocado is a fruit. Here is such an unusual and unusual fruit for us, which completely falls under the characteristics of a vegetable. Some even consider it a nut, but this, as you already understood, is not so.

Avocado is an exotic fruit, but unlike many imported “plastic” fruits and vegetables, it is rich in vitamins and microelements. Due to the dense skin and the fact that the avocado is harvested slightly underripe, it tolerates transportation well and does not need to be treated with chemicals. Even if the fruit has been sprayed with something, its fleshy skin will not let in harmful chemicals, as well as will not allow moisture to evaporate and will remarkably retain all the beneficial substances. We can say that this overseas product comes to our table in a natural and natural form.

The peculiarity of avocado is its fat content., it can be felt both when cutting the fruit, and after tasting a piece. We can say that avocado can replace butter - it is often used as a spread on bread or salad dressing. And the avocado salad does not need olive or sunflower oil, for taste it can be sprinkled with lemon or lime juice.

Since this fruit is healthy, but fatty, it should be used with caution, especially for those who are on a diet. It is only in taste that it looks like a cucumber, but in terms of calorie content and nutritional composition it differs significantly.

How many calories in an avocado

One hundred grams of a fresh avocado contains about 160 calories. The calorie content of one fruit can be approximately, without weights, calculated as follows: weigh an avocado in a store. Subtract from this figure 30 grams (the weight of the stone and peel) and get a clean pulp yield. One avocado weighs 180-220 grams.

Also, one hundred grams of avocados contain 2 grams of protein, which account for 8 calories, 14.7 grams of fat, which account for 132 calories and 1.8 grams of carbohydrates, which account for 7.3 calories.

In addition, the main composition includes: water (73 g), dietary fiber (7 g), saturated fatty acids (2 g), monosaccharides and disaccharides (0.5 g), starch (0.1 g) and ash (1 .5 gr).

When it comes to the nutritional value of avocados, the main vitamins found in avocados are: vitamin C (10mg), choline (14.2mg), vitamin B5 (1.389mg), and vitamin PP niacin equivalent (1.7mg). Also present in smaller proportions: beta-carotene, vitamin A, all B vitamins and vitamin K.

Avocado is an exotic plant that, having come to the Russian market, quickly became popular among Russians. This plant grows in Indonesia, Chile, Spain, Mexico. In Russia, on the Black Sea coast, it is found as an ornamental culture.

Interesting fact: Avocado belongs to the laurel family and is called "American Perseus".

From this article, the reader will learn not only what an avocado is, but also what is its calorie content and nutritional value (how many calories are in one fruit or per 100 g of product). We will also talk about the medicinal properties of this subtropical plant and introduce you to some culinary recipes from it.

How many calories in one avocado (calorie content of avocado 1 piece or 100 grams)

Avocado contains a high percentage of fat in relation to proteins (16%) and carbohydrates (17%) - fat contains 67%. Therefore, avocados are the champion among fruits in terms of calories - 100 g of the product contains 160 kcal.

Few have tried the exotic avocado. But the calorie content and nutritional value (how many calories per 100 g - read in our article) of this fruit allow you to get enough and enrich your body with a mass of useful substances, while not gaining extra pounds

Calories in 1 fresh pitted avocado

The average weight of one avocado without pit and skin is 180 g, therefore, the calorie content of the product is 290 kcal.

Despite this high calorie content, avocado fats are very well absorbed by the body, a person does not get fat from eating the fruit on the contrary, it can even lose weight. Therefore, avocado diets are so popular among women, which can be carried out once a month for 3 days.

The chemical composition of avocados and nutritional value

It should be noted that this tropical fruit has many vitamins. Vitamin A contributes to the preservation of vision; B vitamins - strengthen the nervous system, vitamin C and other important vitamins are necessary for the body.

In addition, it contains various microelements, for example, selenium and iron necessary for the body, which our earth is often poor in, and hence its fruits. Iron is especially necessary for people suffering from anemia.

Avocado is recommended for people suffering from anemia

The benefits and possible harm of avocados for the body

Regular consumption of avocados reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, stroke, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, vision, and others.

However, in addition to benefits, this fruit can also bring harm. Avocado is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from food allergies. since it can provoke an allergic reaction.

It is important to remember: you can not eat the bones - they are poisonous.

Overeating avocados can lead to disruption of the stomach and intestines, flatulence may increase, diarrhea or constipation may appear.

Use of avocado for weight loss

As already noted, even with a high calorie content, avocados are recommended for weight loss, as they contain easily digestible fats that are not deposited in the body.

When using this fruit, you should limit yourself to sweet and starchy foods, lead an active lifestyle, do exercises in the morning.

Avocado Recipes

There are quite a few recipes with avocados, you can cook delicious salads, pate, smoothies and other dishes with it.

Note: avocado does not have a strong and specific taste, it is almost tasteless, therefore it is suitable for consumption with fish and other seafood.

Salads with avocado (calories)

The nutritional value (how many calories) of a subtropical fruit, as we have already found out, is quite high. Therefore, most often with avocados, salads with fruits and vegetables are prepared, which have a low calorie content.

An example of such a salad is a recipe with tomatoes, sweet (bulgarian) peppers, onions and cucumbers in equal amounts. Mix everything and add any vegetable oil to taste. Salad has about 100 kcal.

Diet salad for weight loss with shrimp and avocado (calorie content of salad - 110 kcal)

Salad Ingredients:

  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 st. l. cilantro, coriander;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lime juice;
  • 500 g shrimp:
  • 200 g cherry tomatoes;
  • 1 avocado;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Preparing the salad:

  1. Wash the fruit, cut, remove the stone, remove the skin and cut into thin slices.
  2. Finely chop the washed cilantro.
  3. In a salad bowl, whisk together vegetable oil, cilantro and lime juice.
  4. Add boiled shrimp, cherry tomato slices and avocado slices to the mixture.
  5. Mix everything gently and serve immediately.

This salad should be consumed immediately.

Salad "Boat"

This salad is not only tasty, but also beautiful:

  1. Wash the avocado well, cut and remove the pit.
  2. Remove the pulp from the fruit with a spoon, mash it or cut into pieces.
  3. Boil rice.
  4. Boil 5 pieces of shrimp.
  5. Mix boiled rice (50 g), shrimp and fruit pulp and put in the middle of the fruit.

100 g of such a dish has 185 kcal.

Avocado paté on toast (calories)

Avocado can be used as a breakfast pate.

For 4 people, it is enough to take 1 piece of avocado. Wash, remove the bone and skin, mash to a puree. If desired, you can add ketchup, pepper, salt, garlic, 2 tsp. lemon juice and season everything with sunflower oil.

Put the mass on a dried loaf. Eat right away.

The nutritional value (i.e., how many calories) of 100 g of pate is about 225 kcal.

Avocado pate with smoked fish

It is enough to have:

  • smoked fish - 1 pc;
  • avocado - 1 pc;
  • homemade cream - 100g;
  • soft cheese - 100g;
  • garlic - 5-7 cloves;
  • sesame;
  • add greens and herbs if desired.

How to cook:

  1. Clean the fish and grind in a blender.
  2. Wash the avocado, peel it, remove the pit and grind it to a puree.
  3. Mix the resulting mixture with cream, cheese, crushed garlic, sesame seeds and finely chopped herbs.
  4. Add pepper and salt.

Put the resulting pate on bread, toast or soft loaf. The calorie content of such a sandwich is about 230 kcal.

For those who want to lose weight, you can cook a low-calorie sandwich with avocado pate (50 kcal per 100 g). To do this, mash the pulp of the avocado, add 1 tomato without the skin. Season with herbs and spices to taste. Spread on soft or toasted bread.

Pasta with creamy avocado sauce (calories)

In Italy, the most popular product is pasta, which is called pasta there, regardless of its shape and size. The nutritional value (how many calories per 100 g of product) of pasta, by the way, is also high.

It is important to know that for Italian pasta it is correct to cook it to the state of "al dente". This is when the product is soft on top, but not so much in the middle.

It should not be boiled and sticky, but should retain its shape.

The cooking time is always written on the packages, you need to know it and remove it from the heat 1-2 minutes earlier. For a change, all kinds of seasonings and sauces are added to these products, which make ordinary pasta unusually tasty.

Often fruits are used for this, in particular avocados. Various sauces are usually prepared from it.

The easiest to prepare is a creamy sauce. It requires:

  • avocado 1 ripe (pulp);
  • yogurt without additives or heavy cream - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • to taste and desire - salt and pepper.

Mix all the above ingredients until puree.

Cooked pasta is mixed with cooked cream sauce. To improve the taste of this dish, you can add 10 g of nuts, 10 g of raisins, a little chili pepper (dried). This dish has a calorie content of 165 kcal per 100 g.

Cream, as you know, is a high-calorie product, so those who want to lose weight can prepare a pasta sauce with cream flavor. This will require:

  • avocado - 2 pcs.;
  • finely chopped 1 clove of garlic;
  • finely chopped 1 shallot;
  • juice from one lemon;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • finely chopped parsley - 0.5 cups;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • 400g spaghetti or other pasta


  1. Cook pasta (pasta) until al denta.
  2. Prepare the sauce.
  3. Drain water from cooked pasta, leaving 100 g of broth.
  4. Put the pasta on a dish and mix with the sauce, if necessary, add a decoction of pasta.
  5. Sprinkle parsley or other herbs on top of pasta (paste) if desired.

In 100 g of cooked such a dish there are about 150 kcal.

Eggs Benedict on avocado (calories)

All over the world, eggs Benedict, where the basis is bread, are very popular for breakfast. But instead of bread, you can use avocados. For this sandwich, a poached egg is placed between thin slices of avocado.

This breakfast is low calorie. Nutritional value - only 70 kcal per 100 g.

The poached egg cooks very quickly. To do this, an egg without a shell is thrown into hot water, but so that it does not boil, and after 2 minutes they are taken out.

eggs in avocado

For 4 servings, take 2 ripe avocados, 4 pcs. eggs; chopped green onion - 2 tbsp. l.; salt to taste; pepper as desired.

Cooking process:

  1. The avocado fruit is cut, the pit is removed, the pulp is removed so that a whole egg can fit there.
  2. An egg is driven into the halves of the fruit, salted and sprinkled with spices.
  3. Halves of the fruit are placed tightly together in a deep frying pan or in a baking dish. Put in the oven, heated to 210 degrees for 20 minutes.
  4. The finished dish is sprinkled with green onions.

Avocado smoothie (calories)

Smoothies first appeared in America in 1920. This is a diet cocktail, quite satisfying, but low in calories. The consistency is thicker than yogurt.

A drink is prepared from mixtures of berries, vegetables, fruits with the addition of greens, seeds, nuts, oatmeal, green tea and dairy products (kefir, yogurt without impurities, cottage cheese, etc.).

It should be remembered that in order to maintain the dietary properties of avocado smoothies and its low calorie content, nuts and honey, which have high nutritional value, should be added in a very limited amount.

Exotic fruit lovers prefer avocado and banana smoothies. To do this, put in a blender:

  • 2 washed, peeled and finely chopped avocados (the fruit must be ripe, if it is soft when pressed on the fruit, then this is what you need);
  • 1 washed, peeled and finely chopped banana;
  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

All this pour 150 g of milk. Beat at maximum speed for 0.5 minutes. Calorie content - 128 kcal per 100 g.

According to the American Dr. Oz, avocado and orange are an excellent combination for weight loss. Orange reduces stress hormone levels and avocado has unsaturated fats. According to the American, smoothies made from these fruits are especially suitable for those who want to lose weight.

To do this, mix and beat in a blender: 1 avocado, juice from 2 oranges, 1 medium carrot, 100 g of water and milk, if desired, you can add honey for taste.

Avocado is a fruit that until recently the Russians did not know anything about. But today it is already known that this southern fruit, which has a low calorie content, but at the same time good nutritional value, improves health, thanks to its richness in vitamins and minerals.

Unsaturated fats are almost completely absorbed by the body and satisfy hunger. Therefore, they are a good diet for weight loss.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

How to make a healthy avocado breakfast - see recipes for low-calorie toast, but with high nutritional value: