Slavic gods. Dazhdbog - Slavic solar God

DADDBOG- God Tarkh Perunovich, God-Keeper of the ancient Great Wisdom. He was named Dazhdbog (the giver of God) for giving the people of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan Nine Santii (Books). These Santii, written down by the ancient Runes, contain the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his instructions.

There are various Kummirs and Images depicting the God Tarkh. In many Images, he holds in his hand a Gaitan with a Swastika.

Tarkh is very often called the wise son of God, the grandson of God, the great-grandson of God, which true *.

Dazhdbog is the giver of all kinds of blessings, happiness and prosperity. Tarkh Dazhdbog was glorified in sacred and folk chants and hymns not only for the happy and worthy life of the Great Race Clans, but also for getting rid of the forces of the Dark World. Tarkh did not allow the dark forces from the Pekelny World to be defeated, which were collected by Koschei on the nearest Moon - Lele, in order to capture Midgard-Earth. Tarkh Dazhdbog destroyed the Moon along with all the dark forces that were on it. This is reported by "": " You, on Midgard, live quietly, since ancient times, when the world was established ... Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koshcheis that were on the nearest Moon ... Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koshchei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya ... Grays, disappeared with the Moon in half a distance ... But Midgard paid for freedom, hidden by the Great Flood by Daaria ..."(Santia. 9, slokas. 11-12). In memory of this event, a kind of A rite of passage with deep meaning**, performed by all Orthodox people, and not only by the Old Believers-Ynglings in every Summer, on the great spring Slavic-Aryan holiday - Easter.

Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich is the Patron God of the Race Hall in the Svarog Circle.

Very often, in various ancient Vedic texts, Tarh Perunovich asks for help to people from the Clans of the Great Race, his beautiful sister, the golden-haired Goddess Tara. Together they performed good deeds, helped people to settle down endless expanses on Midgard-earth. God Tarkh indicated where it was best to place a settlement and build a Temple or a Sanctuary, and his sister, the Goddess Tara, told people from the Great Race which trees should be used for construction. In addition, she taught people to plant new plantations in place of felled trees, so that new trees needed for construction would grow for their descendants. Subsequently, many Clans began to call themselves the grandchildren of Tarkh and Tara, and the territories in which these Clans settled were called Great Tartary, i.e. the land of Tarkh and Tara.

Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich! Glorious and Trislaven Budi! We thank Ty, the giver of all Blessings, happiness and prosperity. And we proclaim great Glory to You for your help in our good deeds, and for our help in the deeds of our warriors, but against the dark gates and all unrighteous evil. May Thy Power come great with all our Clans, now and ever, and from Circle to Circle! Tako byst, tako, wake up taco!

* Corresponds to the truth- although there is an erroneous opinion: Tarkh Dazhdbog is often called Svarozhich in many ancient sources, i.e. Heavenly God, and many researchers of antiquity interpret it so that Dazhdbog is the son of God Svarog.
** A rite of passage with deep meaning- this rite is well known to all. On Easter (Easter), colored eggs hit each other, checking which egg is stronger. The broken egg was called - Koscheev's Egg, i.e. the destroyed Moon (Lelei), and the whole egg was called the Power of Tarkh Dazhdbog.

* Edited on 10/27/2018 (Vedagor)

Mar 21 all day

Yary years (New Years) - Slavic holidays of Rodnovers - March 21 (Berezen) ✅ Yary years (New Years) - Celebrated on March 21. Day wins over night. * Service "Slavic Primordial Holidays" was created with the aim of spreading knowledge about the holidays and is distributed freely

* Information about the holiday of God Dazhdbog at the stage of writing

Hymns and Glory to God Dazhdbog:
Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich! Glorious and Trislaven Budi! We thank Ty, the giver of all blessings, happiness and prosperity. And we proclaim great Glory to You for your help in our good deeds, and for our help in the deeds of our warriors, but against the dark gates and all unrighteous evil. May Thy Power come great with all our Podes, now and ever, and from Circle to Circle! Tako byst taco you, taco wake up!

* Information about how God Dazhdbog was portrayed at the stage of writing

* Information about the sphere of influence of God Dazhdbog at the stage of writing

life of God Dazhdbog:* Information about the lifestyle of God Dazhdbog at the stage of writing

* Information about the symbols of God Dazhdbog at the stage of writing

* Information about the use of symbols of God Dazhdbog in embroidery at the stage of writing

* Information about the signs associated with God Dazhdbog at the stage of writing

* Information about riddles where God Dazhdbog was mentioned at the stage of writing

* Information about the application of ritual songs of God Dazhdbog in the writing stage

* Information about the legend-morality, which mentioned GodDazhdbog at the stage of writing

* Information about the minerals of God Dazhdbog at the stage of writing

* Information about the sacred trees of God Dazhdbog at the stage of writing

* Information about the sacred plants of God Dazhdbog at the stage of writing

God Tarkh Perunovich, God-Keeper of the ancient Great Wisdom.
He was named Dazhdbog (the giver of God) for giving the people of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan Nine Santii (Books).
These Santii, written down by the ancient Runes, contain the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his instructions. There are various Kummirs and Images depicting the God Tarkh. In many Images, he holds in his hand a Gaitan with a Swastika.

Tarkh is very often called the wise son of God Perun, the grandson of God Svarog, the great-grandson of God Vyshen, which corresponds to the truth *.

Dazhdbog is the giver of all kinds of blessings, happiness and prosperity. Tarkh Dazhdbog was glorified in sacred and folk chants and hymns not only for the happy and worthy life of the Great Race Clans, but also for getting rid of the forces of the Dark World. Tarkh did not allow the dark forces from the Pekelny World to be defeated, which were collected by Koschei on the nearest Moon - Lele, in order to capture Midgard-Earth.

Tarkh Dazhdbog destroyed the Moon along with all the dark forces that were on it. This is reported by the Santii Vedas of Perun. Circle One ":" You, on Midgard, have lived quietly, since ancient times, when the world was established ... Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koscheevs that were on the nearest Moon ... ... These Koshchei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared with the Moon in half a distance ... But Midgard paid off for freedom, hidden by the Great Flood ... ”(Santia. 9, slokas. 11-12). In memory of this event, a kind of Rite with a deep meaning ** appeared, performed by all Orthodox people, and not only by the Old Believers-Ynglings in every Summer, on the great spring Slavic-Aryan holiday - Easter.

Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich is the Patron God of the Race Hall in the Svarog Circle.
Very often, in various ancient Vedic texts, Tarh Perunovich asks for help to people from the Clans of the Great Race, his beautiful sister, the golden-haired Goddess Tara. Together they performed good deeds, helped people to settle down endless expanses on Midgard-earth. God Tarkh indicated where it was best to place a settlement and build a Temple or a Sanctuary, and his sister, the Goddess Tara, suggested to people from the Great Race which trees should be used for construction. In addition, she taught people to plant new plantations in place of felled trees, so that new trees needed for construction would grow for their descendants. Subsequently, many Clans began to call themselves the grandchildren of Tarkh and Tara, and the territories in which these Clans settled were called Great Tartary, i.e. the land of Tarkh and Tara.

* What corresponds to the truth - Although there is also an erroneous opinion: Tarkha Dazhdbog in many ancient sources is very often called Svarozhich, i.e. Heavenly God, and many researchers of antiquity interpret it so that Dazhdbog is the son of God Svarog.
** A ritual with a deep meaning - this rite is well known to everyone. On Pastekh (Easter), colored eggs hit each other, checking which egg is stronger. The broken egg was called - Koscheev's Egg, i.e. the destroyed Moon (Lelei), and the whole egg was called the Power of Tarkh Dazhdbog.

*** Dazhdbog-God Tarkh Perunovich, God is the Keeper of the ancient Great Wisdom, the giver of all kinds of blessings, happiness and prosperity. He is the son of God Perun, the grandson of God Svarog and the great-grandson of God Vyshenya, which corresponds to the Truth.
Dazhbog - Dab, Radegast, Radigosh,. These are different variations of the name of the same god. God of fertility and sunshine, life-giving power. The first ancestor of the Slavs (the Slavs according to the text "The Lay of Igor's Host" - dazhdbozh's grandchildren) - "Then, under Olza Gorislavlichy, the life of Dazhdbozh's grandson will perish, the life of Dazhdbozh's grandson will perish;

+ (Dazhbog, God Tarkh Perunovich) - Trisvetloe Sun, Perun's son, Svarog's grandson. The very name Dazhdbog means the Giving God. Revered by our Ancestors as a giver of all kinds of benefits. He was also considered the progenitor of all Slavic peoples: the Slavs are the grandchildren of Dazhdbozhia. Dazhdbog was crucified by Koshchei - Chernobog on Alatyr Mountain, but then resurrected by Jiva.
God of the Sun, giver of warmth and light, God of fertility and life-giving power. His name is heard in a short, survived to this day, address - "Give, God!"

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38, Daylet, Summer 7522 S.M.Z.Kh. The Slavs celebrate the day of the revival of Tarkh Dazhdbog. God Tarkh Perunovich (Dazhdbog) - the Guardian God of the ancient Great Wisdom was called Dazhdbog (the giving God) for giving the people of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan Nine Santii (Books).

These Santii, written down by the ancient Runes, contain the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his instructions ... Dazhdbog is the giver of all kinds of blessings, happiness and prosperity. Tarkh Dazhdbog was glorified in sacred and folk chants and hymns. According to the legends of our Ancestors, we are the grandchildren of Dazhdbog, Veles, Perun and other Slavic Gods (see "The Lay of Igor's Host" where it is said specifically). It must be understood that in Russia we called Gods powerful living beings who, in comparison with us, have tremendous power and knowledge. And the fact that such civilizations existed on our land long before us has long been proven by our archeology.

So many mysterious things have been found in the world at the moment, the age of which dates back to hundreds of thousands of years, but which we cannot reproduce even now, despite the achievements of our technologies (see the book "Forbidden Archeology"). The fact that the achievements of past civilizations (technologies of the Gods) have been lost due to various disasters and cataclysms is certainly a shame, but it is still more important for us to know who we are, where we are from and whose descendants we are. The written sources of our ancestors tell us specifically - we are the grandchildren of Dazhdbog, and not the slaves of some kind there, Yahweh, Sabaoth, Jehovah, Allah and the hedgehog with them. Therefore, we will believe our Ancestors, because at that time they knew better from whom their fathers and mothers trace their ancestry.

A very interesting legend is associated with Dazhdbog. In ancient times, Kashchei (representatives of the dark forces) stole from people their Goddess Mara (Mother Ra - radiance), the patroness of Death (death is literally a change in the dimensionality of bodies, when a person dying, passes into another upper world, which has a greater number of dimensions than our four-dimensional peace). And grief came to earth, the development of people stopped. They were stuck in our Explicit four-dimensional world and could not move on (to the light worlds of Navi and Pravi). Their physical bodies grew old and worn out, they were overcome by incurable diseases, weakness and hopelessness, but they could not die to go to another world, since such a transition is possible only through death. Then Dazhdbog decided to help his descendants, he went through the Gates of the Interworld (which, according to legend, were in the Caucasus) to the Pekelny worlds (worlds intended for the purification of souls) and began to look for Marena there. He found her, rescued her and returned her to the earth to the people, but the Kashcheis, with the help of their technologies, were able to weaken Tarkh Dazhdbog so much that in revenge they chained him to the Caucasus Mountains to the Eagle Rocks.

Later, the Greeks, who visited here and heard this legend, retold it in their own way. Our priests explained to them that the name of the God-hero is Tarkh, but they nicknamed him Dazhdbog because he gave good to people. He told them the secret Vedas carrying the Fire of knowledge. But since the word “give” in Greek does not mean anything, they replaced the Russian nickname of the hero “Dazhdbog” with their nickname “Prometheus” which can also be translated from ancient Greek as “giving-carrying good”. This practice was used everywhere among the Greeks, and the proof of this is the poem of the Vedic author Slavomysl - "The Song of the Beating of the Jewish Khazarin by Svetoslav Khorobre." It was written about the same period as The Lay of Igor's Campaign, but was first published only in 1847 in Warsaw: “But the Scythian is not afraid of the fate of the sacrament and the sorcerer from Nepra (Dnieper) is already dressing up as a Greek as Hellenes. Vseslav the prophetic Anacharsis was called, and Lyubomudra from Golun, when he was summoned, the name of Heraclitus was given ...

This is how our Dazhdbog became Prometheus, but we will continue with a short retelling of the legend. Tarkh Dazhdbog, chained by mystical chains to the rocks, was found by the Goddess Jiva (Virgo Alive, the patroness of the Power of Life), who freed him. The commandments of God Svarog say:

"Honor the people of Holy Week - how our Dazhdbog grieved from the crucifixion in the Caucasus Mountains to salvation by the Swan-Jiva."

Dazhdbog was so weak that the Power of Life controlled by Jiva (Virgo Zhiva) was not enough to bring him to his senses. Then Jiva called for help her own sister Mara, whom Dazhdbog saved, and together with her they performed a ceremony (both side by side) of restoring the forces of the bright God, which, according to legend, was held near the Kudepstinsky sacrificial stone (Sochi), which with its face is directed towards the sunrise. Since then, this sacrificial complex, popularly called the "Throne of the Goddesses" (or "Reviving Suns"), has been dedicated to the ritual of the revival of Dazhdbog.

In the ritual carried out, the forces of dead and living water were used. In modern philosophy there is one basic law, which is called "the unity and struggle of opposites", it reveals the source of the movement and development of the world and its knowledge. This law proceeds from the position that the basis of all development is contradiction - the interaction of opposite sides that are together in internal unity and interpenetration. This same law was the basis for the magical actions of the Slavic Goddesses. Let us recall what is clear from our tales and legends, because when it was necessary (spending enormous force) to heal a wounded or even revive a killed warrior, living and dead water were used together. Only these two opposites in interaction could give power to the force that lifted anyone who accepted it to their feet.

The Goddess Mara brought dead water with her from Hell. She knew that while she was gone, many people on earth fell sick in soul and body. For a further normal life on earth, (and for some, for the transition to another world, so as not to get into the Hell), it is necessary to cleanse themselves of the inflammatory processes occurring in the body (ailments) and soul (bad habits, sins, etc.) ... The place where purification takes place in our universe with the help of an elevated temperature is exactly Hell. A filthy soul there, figuratively speaking, is burned by fire that is why it is called Hell. Likewise, in our body (in accordance with the law "both above and below"), the blood is purified in the liver with the help of its increased temperature relative to other organs (the liver also bakes). Therefore, Mara brought with her from Pekla fire water, named after her Matsesta (Ma - Mother, Mara; Tse - this; Sta - an ancient Russian root meaning approved by the Gods, hence Staslav, Stan, Stanislav, status, etc.). Literally this means Mary is the glory approved by the Gods. And indeed, according to the local Circassian legend (which absolutely coincides with ours), the healing spring is named in honor of a girl who was not afraid to go down to Hell and bring fire water from it to save parents and people of their kind from diseases that overwhelmed their flesh and soul. Matsesta is really dead water (there is no deader), as it is oversaturated with hydrogen sulfide. This water is really fiery, because after taking baths with Matsesta water, the body turns red and warms up, and diseases (especially inflammatory ones) are destroyed. Dead water (which flows out from under the rock and is still not diluted in anything) has a pronounced purple hue, which means that living water should have the opposite color of the spectrum, i.e. Red.

Living water was brought from the light Iriya by the Goddess Alive. How this water was formed on our land is well described in the Vedas of Slovenia (1874, Belgrade). The Goddess Zhiva turns to Perun there and asks him to throw his golden staff up the mountain, to the place where there are three ponds, “after all, there is a white kladenets flowing nearby, and from the fact that Perun throws lightning there, the water will pour out of Surya (saturated with Surya and it will be a reddish hue, red lead is red), and whoever takes this water on Shchurov (Churov) day and carries it to their homes in order to sprinkle themselves and their households, he and his whole family will be alive and healthy all year round. So where can this source of Living Force be located? Most likely not far from both Matsesta and Kudepsta (Ku - kupa, ie together, De - deed, P - ancestors, Sta - approved by the Gods). Indeed, 150 meters north of the Throne of the Goddesses there is a mineral spring of ferrous water. Due to the high iron content, the water and the bottom have a reddish tint. And not far from this place there are small lakes overgrown with mud (next to the gorge the milk river Agura flows - Perun's daughter is called Magura; a little further there is Mount B. Chur, etc.).

Let us now try to restore in general terms the cult practice associated with the Kudepstinsky stone. Obviously, the rituals were necessarily carried out on the days of the solstice (summer and winter) and the days of the equinox (autumn and spring), as well as on the Revival Day of Tarkh Dazhdbog (but possibly on other less significant holidays). At night, five fires were lit in the hearths, marking the line of direction to the point of sunrise. The seats reserved for the two goddesses (Mary and Zhiva) could remain empty, or were occupied by two priestesses representing the great Goddesses. To the right of the southern side, where according to the Vedas we have a passive pole, was the throne of Mary. On the north side, where there is an active positive pole, and a source with living water, there is the Jiva's chair. On the couch lay the priest, a man who embodied the image of Dazhdbog. He was laid on his right side, facing the rising sun. Behind the bed, grain was poured into special recesses surrounding it. In front, food was put on a special platform, flowers were laid around. Near the Zhiva throne there is a special horizontal platform with a large hole and a hollowed out groove from it for preparing living water. Since living water naturally acquired its properties in the spring only once a year (on Churov day), they acted differently to saturate the life force of water on other days. From a spring with ferrous mineral water, located next to the throne of the Goddesses, they took water and poured it into the hole from the side of the Zhiva chair, reading special glorifications to the Goddess. The water flowed down the hollowed groove, where it was collected in a special vessel with Living Water, and then any Leading Mother could use this collected water at home to improve the health of her household. Since the hole is horizontal, only excess water flowed down through the groove, and there was always Living Water in the hole, a sip of which a suffering traveler could take. In our time, an experiment was made with charging water from the Zhivy mineral spring with the help of the Throne of the Goddesses. The water was charged for 30 minutes and the device registered a multiple increase in the water's energy field.

The situation is different with dead water. Firstly, it can be taken from the spring of Mary (Matsesta) on any day and it will have a cleansing power (unlike the spring of Zhivy, when the water of the spring acquires healing properties only on Churov day). But with the help of the Throne of Goddesses, you can also greatly enhance the properties of natural Dead Water. For this, a small hole with a groove was made from the side of Mary's chair on an inclined surface for collecting Cleansing Fire Water. Since dead water cannot be drunk, the hole is made for safety reasons in such a way that no water remains in it after the ritual (this is ensured by an inclined surface). Water is poured into the hole and collected in a special dish. Now she is ready to cleanse not only your body from diseases, but most importantly, she can cleanse the soul of harmful emotions and habits.

Thus, according to legend, the Light Dazhdbog was revived by the Goddesses. The place where this ceremony took place has been preserved and is now known as the Kudepstinsky megalith (stone). The people also call it the place where the goddesses-women revive the sun.

Glory to Tarkh Dazhdbog!

Glory to our Gods and Ancestors!

In this article we will talk about what the Hall of Race symbolizes and who is its patron. We will also find out what kind of people are born under its arches and what kind of amulet they should wear.

Slavic calendar

The circle of Svarog (or Kolovrat) reflects the movement of the Sun across the sky, the most significant luminary for the ancient Slavs. Thus, our ancestors had their own calendar, which was customarily divided not into months, but into palaces. In total, there were 16 halls in a year, each of which was patronized by its own god. Also, depending on the palace in which a person was born, it was possible to determine his character, further fate and what amulets he can wear.

Hall Ras

This palace is located in the 15th segment of the circle of Svarog, taking place almost at the very end of the Slavic year. The representatives of the Race are people who were born in the period from 4 to 28 August. This palace is patronized by one of the most powerful and significant Slavic gods - Dazhdbog.

Palace tree

In addition to the patron god, the Hall of Race also has its own sacred tree. The importance of plants for the Slavs, as well as for many pagans, has always been very great. Trees were endowed with various symbolic meanings, attributed to them various properties and made from them amulets and amulets.

The Rasa tree is an ash tree. Its name can be interpreted as "clarity of mind." In addition, ash is a prototype of which, according to legends, with its branches and foliage reaches the heavens and feeds on its life-giving power. Ash personifies the entire structure of the universe, the power of life, fertility and wisdom. Symbols that are usually associated with this tree:

  • world axis;
  • world mountain;
  • world pillar.

The crown of the ash tree rises above the ground, and its three huge roots go to different parts of the universe, or kingdom:

  • Reveal - the world of people.
  • Rule - the world of the gods.
  • Navi is the world of the dead.

Thus, ash, personifying, is the essence that permeates and unites the entire universe.


Like any palace, the Palace of Race has its own patron among the animals. His symbol is the White Pardus, Ras or the white leopard - an independent proud predator, a representative of the feline family, who does not tolerate captivity and always lives only in pairs. The Slavs revered the leopard as the embodiment of honor, courage, valor, he was called the beast of warriors who are able to save both their homeland and their family, fighting until death, rejecting any idea of ​​surrendering to the enemy.

Legend has it that the god Tarkh (one of the names of Dazhdbog) was first brought to the Slavic lands. Therefore, this animal became one of Dazhdbog.

People born during this period

It is believed that people born under the arches of White Pardus treat nature with trepidation and care, protect it and bring gifts to it. It turns out that the Hall of Race can be called the constellation of the leopard. And those who were born in this palace, where an intelligent and graceful predator is in charge, have rather extraordinary personal qualities.

Patience and discretion

The generous patron in the face of the snow leopard has endowed those born in his palace with incredible tranquility, which helps them cope with the most serious life situations and problems. The Rasa hall (which is described here), however, bestows only external peace. From the outside it may seem that the people of this house look at everything that happens with indifference and indifference. However, this is only a superficial impression, they know perfectly well what is happening around them and are trying to fix it. Only for this they resort to their natural balance and prudence. Remaining calm, they can always find the best way out of the situation, no matter how difficult it may seem to others, without panic.

Wisdom and kindness

The Hall of the Race endows those under his patronage with kindness and wisdom. These character traits help the people of the constellation of the White Leopard to easily find friends and quickly join any team, having everyone present to themselves. This applies not only to friendly gatherings, but also to work. When communicating with colleagues, such people try to maintain sincerity and good nature, which quickly makes them the favorites of the team. Intrigues are never weaved against them, since they themselves are not capable of something like that.

And the wisdom with which all representatives of this palace are born contributes to their rapid career advancement and success in various spheres of life.

But such people prefer to devote their free time to outdoor activities. They often go hiking, skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, mountain climbing, swimming. Sport gives them extra energy and vitality.

Childhood and maturity

Young representatives of the leopard house are distinguished by incredible laziness, which to some extent is a consequence of their natural calmness and equanimity. Nevertheless, it is laziness that prevents them from achieving their intended goal. Therefore, how a small leopard grows will depend entirely on its parents. If they manage to instill in their child a love for work and a desire to work, then a responsive, kind person with excellent leadership skills will grow out of him.

The people of this palace are always ready to help out and, if necessary, will come to the rescue. This can sometimes seem intrusive and annoying. However, if you do not try to repel the leopards and do not deny them the pleasure of helping you, in their face you can find a faithful friend who will never leave you in trouble.

Main character traits

It also grants some character traits of the Palace of Race (a photo of its patron, a white leopard, can be found in this article). The characteristic features of the representatives of this house include:

  • Cheerfulness and incredible curiosity.
  • Despite the fact that common sense and calmness usually prevail in their character, leopards sometimes tend to be impulsive in their actions.
  • They love and know how to carry out the work entrusted to them with high quality and conscientiousness. And the fact that any troubles for leopards seem to be insignificant hindrances only helps them to conquer new heights. That is why very often among those born in this palace one can meet brave warriors, wise strategists, brilliant philosophers.
  • Although there is a significant drawback in the desire of such people to get their way. If they believe that the end will justify all means, then they will go over other people's heads without hesitation. This is the only thing that can turn loved ones, friends or colleagues against a person born in a leopard's house.
  • People of the house of Rasa always adhere to their own position in life, regardless of the opinions of others. This helps them to feel comfortable in any circumstances and company.
  • Leopards are very positive and determined and will always come to the rescue. However, too often they forget that help when you were not asked for it is not always perceived positively, and sometimes it can ruin friendly relations.
  • A person independently chooses a life position for himself and, regardless of the vision of the world, feels comfortable in any life circumstances.
  • Decisiveness and positivity. But sometimes representatives of the house of the leopard cannot understand that good against will turns into importunity and can harm.

Patron god

Grants those born under his arches and the patron god of the Palace of Race. Tarkh, or Dazhdbog, is the god who bestows. According to mythology, Tarkh gave the Slavs 9 sacred texts, the Vedas. According to them, the universe consists of 9 levels, each of which has its own symbolism, meaning and controls the chakra in the human body.

According to legends and ancient texts, Tarkh is the great-grandson of Vyshen, the grandson of Svarog and the son of Perun. However, some historical works mention that Dazhdbog is the son of Svarog. Nevertheless, the first version of the origin of God is considered true.

Dazhdbog, the patron saint of Ras, has been revered since ancient times as the keeper of wisdom, knowledge and material well-being. In addition, he helped a person live a dignified and calm life, protecting him from the forces of evil. Therefore, people born under the auspices of this god most often have all of the above benefits, if they do not violate the precepts of Dazhdbog, which tell them to honor their ancestors, protect their family and act according to their conscience.

People who are lucky enough to be born under the protection of Dazhdbog initially have protection from any trials and problems. From the outside, it seems that they are endowed with incredible luck, but the whole point is in their wisdom, foresight and intuition. Leopards easily calculate situations several moves ahead and very rarely make mistakes when making decisions.

Charm "Hall of Race": meaning

The guardian of the palace, under whose vaults you happened to be born, is a reliable protection under any circumstances and in various life situations. The amulet is primarily the personification of the power of Dazhdbog, who patronizes those who wear a talisman with his signs and observes all of his commandments. Such a talisman can be made independently, ordered or simply bought - today there are quite a few places where they sell such things.

You can make an amulet of ash, which will enhance the characteristics that the amulet of the Palace of Ras gives to the amulet. The amulet in shape is a circle, in which a 9-pointed star is enclosed, in the center of it the Race rune is depicted (it looks like this - R). These symbols carry not so much a religious connotation as a spiritual and emotional perception of the world.

The only thing to remember: the amulet will start working only after it is filled with the energy of the owner. Therefore, you must always carry it with you. If at some point you feel danger, then take the amulet in your hands and seek help from Dazhdbog.

The power of the amulet

The Dazhdbog amulet has the following power:

  • Helps when thinking about problems, makes the mind clearer and more judicious, bestows wisdom on its owner.
  • Gives a feeling of peace and tranquility.
  • Gives determination, courage and strength to achieve the intended goal.

If you wear the amulet all the time, then gradually you will feel that you can remain calm in any situation, make a free choice and choose a direction close to you in later life.

Often make in the form of pendants amulet "Palace of Race". A ring, however, can also be a good solution, but only for a man, as it will look quite massive. And it is also necessary to remember that you must always carry it with you.

Only the Slavs loved and revered their Gods as Fathers of the Family.
Only our Gods did not know arrogance and pride, but were always ready to come to the aid of people.
And how many bylinas and legends have already been composed about Them, but everything is True, but everything was.

Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich! Glorious and Trislaven wake up!

We thank Ty, the giver of all blessings, happiness and prosperity.

And we proclaim great Glory to You for your help in our good deeds,

and for help in the deeds of our warriors, but against the dark enemies and all

evil unrighteous. May Your Great Power come with all our Clans,

now and ever and from Circle to Circle!

Tako byst, tako, wake up taco!

God Tarkh Perunovich, God the Keeper of Great Wisdom, and he is also the Patron God of the Hall of the Race in the Circle of Svarog - this is all Dazhdbog. Tarkh Perunovich is the son of Perun and the grandson of Svarog, the great-grandson of Vyshen. It is he who gives people and the earth the most vital benefits, such as warmth and light, because "even" means "giver". This is the only god whom you can ask for anything and anytime, and we still pronounce his name, saying "God forbid."

Fire, spear and wheel

The element of Dazhdbog is fire, His weapon is a spear, staff, club and sword, and the Swastika is depicted on the shield. The secret animals of Tarkh Perunovich are white horses, a lion or dogs, and birds are a goose and a falcon. All types of swastikas, eight-pointed stars, as well as a wheel with four, seven and twelve spokes are the common symbols of Dazhdbog. The swastika is an ancient symbol that will suit everyone who is called to bring the Heat of Universal Love and the Spiritual Light of Knowledge to the world. It is this light that the descendants of the Gray and Black Gods hate, as well as those who try to hide the Truth from people for their own selfish purposes. A separate component of the Swastika is the Straight Cross, designed to bring the Harmony of Unity into the world, balancing Light and Darkness.

In the ancient Vedic scriptures, Tarkh Perunovich often asks to help the Clans of the Great Race by his sister, the Goddess Tara. Together they always do good deeds, they help people to settle down endless expanses on Midgard-earth. As a rule, God Tarkh told people where to place settlements and build a temple, and Goddess Tara taught which trees were suitable for building houses, and also punished them to plant young trees in place of felled trees. Later, many Clans began to call themselves the grandchildren of Tara and Tarkh, and the lands where they settled - Great Tartaria (the land of Tarkh and Tara).

Dazhdbog, Vedas and the revival of the earth

And great waters rose! ..

Wilds filled with water,

wide rivers overflowed,

the animals rose to the heights.

Ferocity turned into meekness here,

she tamed herself with a strong fear ...

From Slavic legends it follows that Dazhdbog and Zhiva revived the world together after the Great Flood. Lada, Mother Alive, united her by marriage with Dazhdbog, and they gave birth to Aria, who became the progenitor of many peoples - Croats, Czechs, Kiev glades. After the Great Flood, Dazhdbog and Zhiva with their sons lived on Earth, where Tarkh gave people Nine Santii (books). Santii were written down by Runes and contain the Ancient Vedas, as well as the Instructions of Tarkh Perunovich and His Commandments. But, it is difficult to call them books, since these are plates cast from noble metal, on which the Ancient H'Aryan Runes are applied. Between themselves they are fastened by three rings, symbolizing the three Worlds: Reality, Nav and Rule.

Commandments of Dazhdbog

1. Whoever has the blessing of God Perun for the Family Union, let there be neither Rati nor Fatta between them.

2. Whoever gives a part of his Soul to his children, he did not diminish his Soul, but increased it.

3. Whoever squanders Love will lose it, and whoever radiates Love multiplies it.

4. Know, people of the Great Race Clans, that one must treat with love and kindness all living things created on Midgard-Earth.

5. Whoever caresses and warms the orphan child, he has done a little deed, and who, having warmed up, gave shelter and taught us to be industrious, he has done a greater deed.

6. Whoever does not support his Kin and his Faith in the hour of trouble is an apostate of his Kin (geek), and there will be no forgiveness to him all the days without a trace.

7. Let in all your deeds the Conscience and the Laws of the Family be the measure of everything.

9. Reject foreign thoughts and deeds that lead to the Immeasurable Hell.

10. Read the Ancient Vedas, and let the Word of the Vedas live on your lips!

11. Save the life of your relatives and your neighbors and you will find help from your Highest Gods!

12. He who protects his child from creative deeds destroys the Soul of his child.

13. He who indulges the whims of his child destroys the great Spirit of his child.

14. The Vedas are cognized through the living Word, for only the living Word reveals the meaning hidden in the Vedas.

15. Do not ruin your Nature and the blood of your Clans, for these are two Great Forces, which make it possible for your Ancient Clans to continue to exist.