Currants with sugar without any cooking to preserve the maximum benefits of the berries. Blackcurrant for the winter without cooking - the best recipes for blanks

Blackcurrant is the queen of berries, which has no analogues in terms of chemical composition and taste. This miracle berry is saturated with B, E, D, K vitamins, ascorbic acid, pectin, glucose, organic acids and other useful substances. When processed, currants do not lose their beneficial properties and tolerate freezing well. However, when boiled, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is destroyed, while the taste becomes even brighter.

It is necessary to cook currants immediately after harvesting, because when lying down, the berries become sour and tasteless. Also, currants can quickly ferment. Fortunately, there are various ways to save the berry for consumption in the winter. A great way to save a berry for the winter is "live" blackcurrant jam or currant jam. Jams, jellies and jams prepared without heat treatment are perfectly stored at home for at least six months, while the berries do not lose their fresh taste, and most importantly vitamins and nutrients. And there are a huge number of them in blackcurrant - this is vitamin C, and pectin, and trace elements.

Today we have collected for you the best and simple recipes for blackcurrant blanks for the winter. Each of these recipes uses only blackcurrants and sugar.

Blackcurrant for the winter - simple recipes without cooking

One of the most delicious and healthy sweet dishes from this berry is blackcurrant prepared for the winter with sugar without cooking. This simple harvesting method does not require much time. Such a delicacy can be used both as a separate dessert for tea, and as a filling for pies and cakes.

The three most popular recipes for harvesting blackcurrants for the winter without cooking:

  1. blackcurrant twisted (mashed) with sugar
  2. whole black currant
  3. blackcurrant jelly without cooking

So all the recipes are in order.


  1. blackcurrant - 1 kg
  2. granulated sugar - 1.5 kg

Currant berries should be sorted out, cleaned of twigs and roots, washed and discarded in a colander to drain the water. Use only ripe berries, otherwise the jam will be sour. Place the berries in a deep bowl and blend thoroughly with an immersion blender until smooth. You can use a regular blender or meat grinder. Add the required amount of granulated sugar and mix the mass thoroughly. Leave the currants with sugar for 12-24 hours until the sugar is completely dissolved. From time to time, stir the currant mass with a clean spoon. Prepare sterile jars. Spread the finished currants, grated currants with sugar in jars with a clean spoon. Pour a 1 cm layer of sugar on top of each jar. You need to close such a “live” jam with clean plastic lids. Such jam can be stored in the refrigerator or in a cold cellar for at least six months. In order for blackcurrant mashed with sugar to be stored at room temperature, it is necessary to put sugar in a ratio of 2: 1. That is, for 1 kg of currants, you need to take 2 kg of sugar.


  1. blackcurrant - 1 kg
  2. sugar - 125-150 gr

Put the washed blackcurrant berries in a bowl, add sugar and heat to 60 ° C. If there is no thermometer, you need to watch the berries: when the mass starts to stir, mix it from the edges to the middle and remove from heat. You can not bring the mass to the appearance of foam. Arrange the jam in sterilized hot jars and roll up with canning iron lids. Store in a cool place. This method of preparing blackcurrants for the winter is also useful in that it does not require a large amount of sugar, which makes this delicacy less caloric.

Delicious blackcurrant jelly without cooking

Jelly is one of the most delicious and beautiful blackcurrant treats. Currant berry jelly retains a maximum of useful substances, such as vitamin C, A, B, pectin, glucose, fructose, flavonoids, trace elements - magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium. And according to the content of vitamin C, blackcurrant is a champion among other berries. To make the jelly a homogeneous delicate consistency, use powdered sugar for cooking. You can make it in a coffee grinder or buy it ready-made in a store.

To make blackcurrant jelly, you will need the following ingredients:

1 kg blackcurrant

1 kg of granulated sugar or powdered sugar

Sort and rinse the berries thoroughly, and then grind in a blender until smooth. Then put the mass in a colander with small holes. Grind the currant mass to separate the juice from the skins and seeds. After that, pour powdered sugar into the currants in small portions, constantly stirring the mass. Put the mass on the fire and heat it to 60 ° C (in no case bring it to a boil). Transfer currant jelly to clean pre-sterilized jars. Banks must be rolled up with sterile canning lids.
Blackcurrant jelly may not be heated on fire, but in this case it will be necessary to store “live” jelly only in the refrigerator and not for long. Close jars with plastic lids or baking paper.

Blackcurrant jelly for the winter - a hot way

Another way to harvest blackcurrants for the winter is to make hot jelly. Such jelly can be stored for a very long time in a rolled up form. Dessert prepared in this way has a unique color and taste.


  • 1 kg blackcurrant
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1-1.5 glasses of water

Pour the washed blackcurrant with sugar and then crush with a crush, leave until the sugar is completely dissolved for about 10-12 hours. After that, grind the whole mass through a small colander or sieve. Transfer the mass to an iron pan, add water and bring to a boil. Boil blackcurrant jelly for 5-7 minutes, then place hot in sterile jars, roll up with iron lids and let cool. You can store such jelly prepared in a hot way not only all winter, but also until the next currant harvest. Such jelly can also be stored in the refrigerator, closed with plastic lids.

Blackcurrant jam jelly-like

We offer another recipe for preparing blackcurrant blanks for the winter - jelly-like jam. Gelated blackcurrant jam is also easy to cook, you just need to be a little patient. We will measure the ingredients with glasses.


  • 8 cups black currants
  • 8 glasses of granulated sugar
  • 1 glass of clean boiled water

Sort currants, rinse and dry. Transfer the berries to an iron container, pour in a glass of water and boil over low heat for about 5 minutes. During cooking, currants must be constantly stirred. Then add sugar and continue to cook for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Ready-made jelly-like blackcurrant jam in jars and roll up. You can store such jam in any cool place and even at room temperature.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam (recipe in glasses)

We offer you the best recipe for perhaps the most popular five-minute blackcurrant jam among housewives, which is perfect for long-term storage for the winter.

In this recipe, we will measure the ingredients not by weight, but by glasses, because this method is more convenient if there are no scales.


  • blackcurrant - 7 cups (about 1 kg)
  • sugar - 6 cups (about 1.2 kg)

Cooking time - 30-40 minutes, output - 4 half-liter jars.

Currants need to be cleaned of twigs and leaves, rinsed thoroughly and put in a container, then covered with sugar. Leave the mass for 14-24 hours to form the juice. We put the container on the fire and wait until the mass begins to boil. In the process of cooking, you need to constantly stir the jam and remove the foam. Cook jam for 5 minutes. We pour the prepared sterilized jars into the hot mass, after which we roll it up and wrap it with a blanket for a day. This five-minute blackcurrant jam can be stored for a long time even at room temperature. You can enjoy these desserts all winter and until the next currant harvest.

Making preparations for the winter from summer berries is not at all troublesome if you like to cook. In fact, it just seems that it takes a lot of time and work to prepare delicious berry desserts for the winter. If you have never made blackcurrant jam, jellies or jams, try it once and you will love it. You will definitely do it again next year.

Bon Appetit!

- This is an excellent vitamin preparation. It will strengthen the immune system and will not let your body weaken. Be sure to cook it for your family.

Blackcurrant for the winter with sugar

Berries must first be prepared: peel the leaves with twigs. In order not to do additional work, it is necessary to collect it as carefully as possible. Wash in running water, spread on a towel. You can proceed to the cooking process itself. The recipe only needs 2 ingredients. And they are in the title. If you plan to store jam in the room, then the ratio of products should be as follows: 2 parts of granulated sugar to 1 part of berries. If you choose a freezer for storage, then products in a ratio of 1 to 1 will be enough.

Pour currants into a deep bowl, layer with sugar. Using an immersion blender, puree until smooth, leave for about an hour. Currants can also be twisted in a meat grinder, but after contact with metal parts, the berries will lose some of their vitamin C.

Rate the simple cooking option described. It turns out the preparation is amazingly tasty!

Currant grated with sugar for the winter

Prepare plastic containers: wash them and dry them well. Pour the sweet mixture here, cover with lids. Freeze containers of berries in the freezer. If there are no free containers on hand, use ordinary cups. After freezing, they should be wrapped in a plastic bag.

Take berries and granulated sugar in a ratio of 1 to 1. Twist the fruits, sprinkle with sugar, arrange in jars, cover with a clean towel, leave in the kitchen for a couple of days, stirring from time to time. You need to do this to prevent fermentation. In addition, sugar crystals will completely dissolve. Arrange in sterilized jars along the very edges. Do not reach literally 3-4 cm to the edges. Be sure to pour 2 centimeters of sugar on top. Cover with clean nylon caps, tie the neck with twine. Now you can put it away for storage.

Prepare and.

Currants with sugar for the winter recipe

You will need:

Sugar - 2.1 kg
- black currant - 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Sort the fruits: tear off the tails, fill with cool water, rinse thoroughly, catch with your hands, wait until the water drains, and the currants are a little dry. Grind the contents with a wooden spoon, putting them directly into a plastic or enamel pan. It is undesirable to use an aluminum bowl and metal spoons for stirring. Metal destroys vitamin C. Grind the fruits with the fruits poured in. If there is absolutely no time for rubbing with a spoon, use a meat grinder. Add sugar to the berry puree, arrange in glass and sterile jars, screw tightly with lids.

Do not fill containers to the very top, be sure to leave a few centimeters of free space. This is necessary so that the delicacy does not escape. It is not necessary to store the workpiece in the refrigerator. It is enough to store seamings in a dark room. The blank is suitable for making delicious tea or filling for a pie.

Currants with sugar for the winter with cooking

You will need:

Filtered pure water - 1.6 cups
- currant berries - exactly 1 kg
- sugar sand - 1.6 kg

Cooking features:

Wash the currants, sort, blanch in boiling water for a couple of minutes. From some water with the addition of sugar, make a sweet filling, boil, dip the berries into the container. Boil the syrup again, but with berries, cook for another 5 minutes. Pour the prepared delicacy into sterilized jars, screw on the lids.

How about you?

Currants with sugar for the winter without cooking

Required products:

Half cup of granulated sugar
- ripe currant - 1.1 kg
- plastic puddle with a lid

How to do:

Wash the berries, grind through a colander under a stream of water, free from twigs and leaves. Wash the berries again. Lay on a terry towel to absorb all the moisture. Put dry fruits in a saucepan, gradually add sugar, stir with a spoon. Berries should be completely covered with sugar. Arrange the candied currants in plastic containers, place in the freezer.

And the last recipe

Collect currant fruits, wash in a basin, dry on a separate paper towel for about 20 minutes. If excess water does not drain, then the taste of the workpiece will be spoiled. Sort the berries as carefully as possible, remove the leaves, various debris. Throw away any spoiled fruit. At 5 st. currants you will need 6 tbsp. granulated sugar. Before weighing, be sure to grind the mass. The workpiece will turn out much tastier if you grind it not in a blender, but in a wooden mortar. Additionally, the berry mass can be ground through a mortar to get rid of the seeds. Connect the components, wait for the dissolution of sweet crystals. This will take approximately 2 hours.

Currants mashed with sugar: a step by step recipe with a photo

This bright berry is not only beautiful in appearance. Delicious. Fragrant. And how useful! What is not cooked with her participation. These are dumplings, and compotes, and casseroles. But, wanting to prolong the pleasure and transfer all the vitamins for the winter, we try to cook something like that. Including jams and preserves, etc. But currants mashed with sugar are especially relevant for people who prefer to eat right and healthy in the cold. In a word, harvesting red currants with sugar is ideal for the winter!

Cooking time: 1-1.5 hours to process a kilogram of berries


1.5 kg fresh red currant

2-3 kilos of sugar

A step-by-step recipe for making red currants grated with sugar for the winter:

The first thing to do is prepare the container. After all, currants are not subjected to heat treatment. We sterilize jars and lids.

Before grinding the currant, it must be carefully prepared. And these are several stages. The first thing to do is to first sort them out, removing the excess - garbage, unripe berries.

When the spoiled berries are removed, they must be washed with water. In this case, do not remove them from the branches yet. Otherwise, the juice will go away!

Almost immediately, you need to drain the water. And pour again. And so - 3-4 times. Then the berries are removed from the branches. And quickly, but very carefully washed.

The next step is grinding. That is, grinding in a convenient way. If you grind currants with sugar through a sieve, you get a little more waste and less currants themselves. Because the blender is the perfect option here.

Blackcurrant is famous for its high content of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, which helps to strengthen the immune system, is a recognized antioxidant. However, when foods are cooked, vitamin C is destroyed in them, so many housewives prepare berries for future use in the form of so-called “cold jam”. Such a “jam” is also blackcurrant, mashed with sugar for the winter.

Technology features

The main advantage of blackcurrant mashed with sugar is, as already mentioned, the absence of heat treatment. But this is also its drawback: if the technology, recipe, storage conditions are not followed, such a “jam” will quickly deteriorate. Therefore, when preparing blackcurrants mashed with sugar for the winter, certain rules must be followed.

  • The berries should be carefully sorted out, since one rotten berry that has fallen into the jam can ruin it completely. Currants should also be washed well, removing the stalks, which are also unacceptable to get into the workpiece.
  • After washing, the berries must be dried, since the ingress of water into the “cold jam” creates an environment in it that is favorable for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. This can adversely affect the safety of the workpiece.
  • Sugar is a preservative, so you can not reduce its amount relative to that indicated in the recipe. It is also undesirable to increase so that the jam does not sugar.
  • Banks defined as blackcurrants rubbed with sugar must be sterilized. It is desirable to close them hermetically; to achieve tightness, the use of metal covers rolled up with a special key, or of the “twist-off” type, that is, twisting, will allow.
  • Store blackcurrant, mashed with sugar, in the cold: in the cellar, unheated pantry, in the refrigerator. The lower the temperature, the better the “cold jam” will keep.

Blackcurrant can be ground for the winter, combining with other berries, such as raspberries. Such a preparation will be especially useful for colds.

Blackcurrant mashed with sugar: a classic recipe

  • blackcurrant - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.3-1.5 kg.

  • After sorting, washing and drying the berry, chop it. The best result can be obtained by rubbing the currants through a sieve with a wooden spoon or a pusher. In this case, the consistency of the jam will be tender, it will not contain pieces of the skin. However, this method of grinding berries is also the most time-consuming. To simplify the process, you can use kitchen appliances - a meat grinder or a blender.
  • Grinding the berry, sprinkle it with granulated sugar. Grind everything, mix and put in the refrigerator for a day. During this time, mix the sweet mass 2-3 times.
  • Arrange in sterilized jars, roll them up and immediately put them in a cold place where they will be stored all winter.

Preparing blackcurrants mashed with sugar for the winter, according to the classic recipe, takes quite a long time, but allows you to use not too much sugar. Sweet tooth can use a simpler recipe.

Blackcurrant mashed with sugar: a quick recipe

  • blackcurrant - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.
  • Pass the prepared (sorted, washed and dried) berries through a meat grinder, sprinkling each glass of chopped currants with sugar.
  • Mix well, put in sterilized jars. Seal the jars and place in the refrigerator.

"Cold jam" made according to this recipe is thick and resembles jam in consistency.

Blackcurrant, pureed with a little sugar

  • blackcurrant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.3–0.5 kg.
  • Mix the mashed currants with a small amount of sugar (a glass is enough).
  • Arrange the berries in plastic containers, sprinkle with the remaining sugar.
  • Close containers and place in the freezer.

In the freezer, currants will be stored for a long time and with a small amount of sugar. If there is not enough space in the refrigerator and freezer, you can use another recipe that allows you to store jam simply in a cool room.

Pureed blackcurrant in syrup

  • blackcurrant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 0.3 l;
  • alcohol - 20 ml.
  • Wipe the currant.
  • Make syrup from water and sugar.
  • Strain the sugar syrup through several layers of cheesecloth.
  • Boil the syrup, cool to 60 degrees, fill it with currants, mix.
  • Sterilize the jars, spread the currants over them.
  • Dip parchment paper in alcohol and cut out circles the size of the jar. Cover the jam with parchment. Roll up the banks.

You can store this blank for the winter in any unheated room. In an apartment, this is most often a pantry.

Blackcurrant mashed with sugar and raspberries

  • blackcurrant - 0.5 kg;
  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • Rub the berries through a sieve, alternating currants with raspberries, sprinkling each serving of berries with sugar.
  • Put in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 days.
  • Stir, arrange in jars, close them and put away for the winter.

This jam is good to eat with tea during a cold, as it not only strengthens the immune system, but also lowers the temperature.

Blackcurrant mashed with sugar is tasty and healthy, as it is prepared using a technology that does not involve heat treatment.


Not only very tasty, but also one of the most useful and easy-to-prepare supplies for the winter is currants mashed with sugar. After all, this cold jam, unlike the traditional one, does not need to be boiled for a long time, that is, subjected to heat treatment, during which most of the vitamins are destroyed. Well, and who still prefers a boiled dessert, so that it turns out to be more useful, we recommend preparing five-minute jam, which is cooked for a minimum of time, due to which it has maximum benefit.

How to sort berries, do they need to be dried?

As we have already noted, the main advantage of cooking red and black currants mashed with sugar and five-minute jam is the absence of a long heat treatment. However, this is also a serious drawback of these methods of harvesting berries, especially for long-term storage. Berry grated with sugar remains fresh. If the nuances of preparation and storage are not observed, the workpiece will quickly deteriorate. Therefore, follow all the rules and recommendations below.

Currant berries need to be sorted out and dried

Let's start with the berries. This must be approached very responsibly. It is in no way allowed that at least one rotten or crushed berry, as well as any garbage, gets into the jam being prepared. After all, if a "carrier" of microbes or bacteria gets into the blanks, they may soon deteriorate. Then briefly soak the selected berry. And then first I wash it and only after that we cut off all the tails (stalks) from it. We also remove branches from red currants.

Next, the currant should be dried. Designed for grinding with sugar is especially good. Ideally, it should be completely dry. Moisture in cold-cooked food is completely useless. It will contribute to the creation of a favorable environment for the life and development of microbes in the workpiece. And this will affect the duration of storage.

Then the berry must be crushed, grind. For five-minute jam, it is usually left whole. The best, but also the most time-consuming way to grind currants is using a wooden spoon and a sieve. The resulting mass will be tender, since the skins and seeds of the berries will not fall into it. We throw the currants into a sieve and rub it over an enameled dish with a wooden spoon. An easier and faster way to grind berries is to use a meat grinder or blender.

The easiest way to grind currants is with a blender

Next, we prepare jam (cold or five minutes) in an enamel bowl according to the selected recipe. Moreover, we make both black and red currants mashed with sugar according to the same recipes. Five-minute jam from these berries too. If necessary, you only need to take into account that red currants are sourer than black ones, and accordingly adjust the amount of sugar offered in the recipe, up or down. In the general case, further preparation of cold jam consists in adding sugar to the grated berry, which is then thoroughly mixed with it.

Sugar in this type of preparation is not only a sweetener, but also a preservative. Therefore, do not forget that not only taste, but also the duration of storage of jam depends on its quantity.

The following recipes provide approximate storage times and recommendations for storage (depending on the amount of sugar used). Then we lay out the finished jam (cold or five minutes) in jars (preferably with a capacity of 0.5–1 l), which must be thoroughly washed, sterilized, and then dried beforehand. Lids for closing must also be prepared in the same way. How to clog a berry grated with sugar and what to do with it further is described in the proposed recipes.

Pour the dessert for five minutes and immediately roll it up still hot, just removed from the stove. And then, turning it upside down, we install it on a dense and preferably warm thing spread out in any room on the floor, and wrap the same one on top. Then we transfer the five-minute cooled down to room temperature to a place intended for long-term storage: a cellar, a basement or a refrigerator, if there is room in it. In the recipes proposed below, cold jam and five minutes are prepared only from currants. But you can add other berries. It will also need to be carefully prepared (sorted and washed), and if rubbed, then along with currants. The amount of sugar in the recipe is left the same, and the berries - then it will be common.

Video: Red and black currant jam

The ratio of berries to sugar can be any. It is selected based on how sour the canned currant turned out to be, and according to one's own preferences for the degree of sweetness of the jam. Below are 3 main, one might say basic, options for preparing a cold currant dessert, which practically cover the entire spectrum of sweet tastes. If necessary, they can always be corrected.

The ratio of berries to sugar can be any

A classic recipe. You will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2–1.5 kg.

We grind the prepared currant berries, and then fall asleep with sugar. Then we mix everything thoroughly, after which we cover the currant-sugar mass with something and put it in the refrigerator for one day. During the time the jam is in the refrigerator, it will need to be thoroughly mixed 2-3 times. Why is it necessary? During the day, the sugar will completely dissolve and will be mixed with the secreted juice, and will also soak the grated berries. And this will later avoid fermentation during storage.

Then we lay out the berries grated with sugar in prepared jars, and if we want this jam to stand longer, be sure to cork it with metal rolling lids, and store it only in a place intended for long-term storage, including a refrigerator. In this case, the shelf life of a healthy dessert reaches 6 months or more.

Recipe with a ratio of currants to sugar 1:2. Useful jam turns out to be sweet, for some to cloying, but it is stored much longer. This recipe is great for harvesting fresh currants with sugar for the winter. You will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Grind the prepared currants, sprinkle the grated berries with sugar. Then we mix everything thoroughly, after which the currant-sugar mass is immediately laid out in jars. It is enough to cork them with tightly closed plastic or metal screw caps, because there is a lot of sugar in this cold jam. A healthy dessert prepared according to this recipe will not ferment, and it can simply be stored in a cool, dark place. But if we want it to stand for a year or longer, then it is better to close it with rolling lids and send it to be stored in a refrigerator, cellar, basement.

Recipe for an invigorating sour and most healthy cold currant jam with a minimum amount of sugar. You will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.2–0.5 kg.

Grind the prepared berries, and then add almost all the sugar (leave a little). Then we mix everything thoroughly, after which we lay out the currant-sugar mass in plastic containers. Sprinkle the jam on top with the remaining sugar, close the lids that come with the containers, and put it in the freezer. There grated currant will be stored for a very long time, but it is better to eat it within a year.

Jam "Pyatiminutka" currant

Under the name of five minutes, it will take not much more time than preparing the previous options from grated berries. But you get a blank that at the same time differs little from cold jam in terms of the amount of vitamins it contains, and from traditional (long-cooked) - to taste. For the simplest recipe you will need: berries - 1 kg; sugar - 1.5 kg; water - 2/3 cup.

Cooking five-minute jam will take quite a bit of time

Heat water with sugar, stirring, until boiling. Then we throw berries into the resulting syrup. We heat everything until it boils and then cook for exactly 5 minutes. Stir the jam occasionally throughout the cooking time. Everything is ready! We wish you good luck in the culinary arts!