Demolition of the wall in the apartment. What walls can be demolished in a panel house? Implement options

Demolition of walls is a quite common procedure when something grandiose is started, like redevelopment or renovation of an apartment. But it is usual only in words, with a closer look, piquant nuances appear.

Wall dismantling prices

Options for the proposed workunit of measurementPrice for 1 unit in rubles
Dismantling work with brick partitions in 1/2 brickssq.m260
Dismantling work with brick partitions in 1 bricksq.m360
Dismantling work with brick partitions, 1.5 brick wallssq.m520
Dismantling work with partitions made of gypsum plasterboardsq.m160
Dismantling works with gypsum partitionssq.m110
Demolition work with reinforced concrete wallssq.m2100
Dismantling works with plasterboard plumbing cabins without a floorsq.m4100
Dismantling and cladding works with walls around the carcass without GARDENsq.m410
Work to remove paint from wallssq.m110
Work to remove wallpaper from the wallssq.m60
Ceramic tile breaking workssq.m160
Removal of plaster from the wallssq.m180
Dismantling work with wooden built-in wardrobes, mezzaninessq.m660

Why and how they carry out the demolition of walls, including the dismantling of load-bearing

Firstly, before starting work, all communications and electrical wiring must be removed from the partitions. You will also have to take into account the fact that it is you who intend to demolish. If we are talking about, then this work should be performed exclusively by professional workers. Because if you simply remove it without any preparation, then nothing will support the ceiling, and the load on the foundation will decrease. Further more - the collapse of a floor, if not the whole building, is possible.

Therefore, most often they get by with the partial demolition of the wall. The part that transfers the load to the foundation is not touched. When demolishing a load-bearing wall, auxiliary supports are used, onto which the weight of the upper elements is transferred. After carrying out all the work, these elements are removed.

Demolition of the walls will also be needed if it itself is slowly collapsing. In this case, they are simply replaced with new ones. Before choosing a craftsman or company to demolish walls, make sure that this craftsman or employees of the company do the following work:

  • Demolition of brick walls, as well as wooden, concrete;
  • All known safety standards are adhered to;
  • Meet the deadlines

Prices are also of great importance when choosing performers. Do a little research before choosing. Just write down those companies whose prices for demolition of walls are very pleasant, but also have a lot of already completed orders. And already among them, choose the most suitable one for you.

Remember that the price of demolishing a wall depends on the material, its thickness and length. Wooden partitions are the easiest to demolish. They are found in log cabins and Stalinist houses. In such cases, the demolition of the walls is needed to replace them with more durable ones.

Demolition of a brick wall is carried out using a hammer drill or a jackhammer. Work starts from the top. If you need to demolish only a certain part, then use a puncher. It will take more time, but the work will be done more accurately.

When demolishing a concrete wall, they are most often used. Because the use of a rock drill or a jackhammer will lead to cracking.

In conclusion, we note that the demolition of walls is one of the services of our company, the prices for which you can find in the section "" or contact us at the specified contacts.

Sooner or later, each of us gets tired of the familiar atmosphere of a house or apartment and comes a natural desire to somehow change it by redeveloping the living quarters. This event involves a partial modification of the walls or their complete demolition. In this lesson we will tell you about how to break a wall right depending on the material from which it is made, and what tools are needed for this.

Having chosen, in your opinion, the ideal option for redevelopment, you must obtain permission for its implementation from the relevant government agencies. Without their written consent, redevelopment will be considered illegal, which in the future may complicate the sale or re-registration of housing.

Remember that changes in the walls during redevelopment can cause their displacement, which can lead to a violation of the stability of the house and other unpredictable consequences. In any case, you should seek the advice of a construction professional before breaking a concrete or brick wall.

Choosing the right tool for the job

The main reasons for deciding to demolish or modify the walls is the need to combine two adjacent rooms (for example, a bathroom with a toilet or a kitchen with a balcony), as well as create a through opening. Professionals categorically do not recommend touching load-bearing walls! This has implications for your safety.

Bearing walls are somewhat thicker than usual, however, to accurately determine them, you must first look at the project documentation or instruct demolition work specialists.

If you decide to break the wall yourself, then after receiving permission for redevelopment, you just have to choose the method of dismantling. Despite the material from which the wall was erected, in practice, 3 main methods are most often used for demolishing a wall partition:

  1. the use of a jackhammer;
  2. use of a grinder;
  3. with a powerful hammer drill or impact drill.

The choice of a specific tool will directly depend on the complexity of the work performed and the inconveniences arising from this. Since you will not be able to break the wall without construction dust and debris, it will not be superfluous to put on overalls and protective equipment (glasses, helmet, respirator).

How to break a wall in an apartment quickly and correctly

Whatever tool and method is used to dismantle the wall, it is necessary to comply with a number of rules for carrying out work:

  1. If there is a doorway in the wall to be dismantled, it is necessary to remove the door from the hinges, and then remove the door frame.
  2. Be sure to turn off the electricity in case there are wires in the wall. Also remove sockets and switches from the wall, and insulate the ends of the wires on adjacent walls.
  3. Dismantle other types of communications, which can also be hidden in the wall.
  4. If possible, remove the floor covering and put in a plank flooring that will soften the impact of falling pieces of the wall.
  5. Before breaking the wall, you need to mark the wall into small pieces. All work on demolishing the wall must begin from the top!
  6. To take out debris and dismantled pieces of the wall, prepare in advance a sufficient number of construction bags, which are sold in any hardware store.

The most accurate and least noisy way to remove a wall is to use a grinder. With its help, small pieces are cut out in the wall according to the previously applied markings, which are then knocked out with a sledgehammer. For this type of work, the power of the tools and the diameter of the concrete circle, which will be installed on the grinder, are of great importance. A significant disadvantage of this method is the large amount of dust during operation. Therefore, if the repair is not carried out in the entire apartment, it is advisable to refuse this method. Dust will be everywhere! The only way out is just to use a construction vacuum cleaner.

The fastest way to break a wall is to use a jackhammer or a heavy-duty hammer drill that is equipped with a special chisel. It will not be difficult for you to disassemble the wall using this method. A significant disadvantage in this case will be the high cost of work and loud noise during operation. However, the DIYer can do without a hammer drill or hammer drill. Therefore, before breaking the wall, think about it.

The work begins with the fact that it is necessary to drill through holes along the marking lines with a tool, spaced close to each other. Next, a piece is gently knocked out of the wall with a sledgehammer, preventing it from falling to the floor if possible. Thus, you can disassemble the wall almost independently.

As you can see, you simply cannot break a wall, especially one made of concrete, without dust and noise, so do not forget to warn your neighbors. The best option in this case would be to attract specialists with professional equipment. Only the price of the question, how much it costs to break the wall, will depend on the material from which the wall is made and the amount of work to dismantle it. Below is the video how to break a concrete wall... It is possible that the information provided will help you with the repair.

In recent years, in the process of renovation work, many have decided to redevelop their home. For some, this is an opportunity to rationally use the resulting space or to give the room a more modern look. In any case, regardless of the reasons for redevelopment, this process involves important and at the same time dangerous procedures. We are talking about the demolition of walls in an apartment. This is what many resort to when creating a new look for an apartment. Accordingly, the demolition of a wall in an apartment is a rather delicate matter.

Redevelopment of the apartment! What is needed for this?

All redevelopment work deals with two important aspects:

  1. Obtaining the relevant documents and permits.
  2. Demolition of walls.

At first glance, everything is quite simple and consistent. Moreover, many people know the principle, do not break, do not build. But as for the demolition of load-bearing walls or partitions, then the whole thing is different. Demolishing the walls is very exhausting and arduous.

Before starting work, you need to think about what the project of the future apartment will be.

In the planning process, consider whether this or that wall can be demolished! Not every wall can be torn down.

Each apartment has two types of walls:

  1. Partition.
  2. Carrier.

As for the latter, these are the walls, which are an integral part of the entire building. For the ceiling, it is the wall that is the support. You can't touch such walls! As for the other walls, these are partitions that divide the entire area of ​​the apartment into functional zones. They are built from lightweight materials. When they are removed, the redistribution of the load from the overlap does not occur, so they can be safely demolished, but only after the appropriate permission. So, partitions are divided into the following categories:

  1. Concrete.
  2. Brick.
  3. Stone.
  4. Wooden.

In each case, the technique of demolishing the walls will be different, but not much. Demolishing a wooden wall requires less effort and time than demolishing a concrete partition.

If you do not know which wall can be demolished and which one can not, then consult a professional for guidance. They will draw up a detailed project of your apartment and point out exactly the partitions that are allowed for demolition.

Break not build! We start the process

Before starting work, make sure that all important communication networks are disconnected or cut off. For example, it could be:

  • Gas pipeline.
  • Television.
  • Internet.
  • Electricity.
  • Radio and the like.

The tool may be required very different, depending on the material of the wall, for example:

  • Crowbar / pickaxe.
  • Jackhammer.
  • Steel wedges.
  • Sledgehammer.
  • Hammer.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Hacksaw.

From this list it follows that a chainsaw or a simple hacksaw will be enough for wooden walls, but for concrete walls you need a more serious tool. For example, a bonding material such as reinforcement is usually located inside a concrete wall. In the process of dismantling the walls, it will need to be cut off with a grinder. As you can see, when demolishing walls, you may need not one, but several construction tools at once.

When everything is ready, and you have decided on the choice of tool, you can proceed to the long-awaited changes - to the demolition of the walls!

The process of demolishing a wall should always start from top to bottom so that the top of the wall does not collapse on your head.

To begin with, it is necessary to remove the finishing material from the wall, it can be plaster, drywall, etc. As for the drywall walls, you should additionally remove the frame, which was the basis for the drywall. If the wall is brick, then one brick is knocked out from above and so on.

If there is a door in the brick partition that is to be demolished, then the wall should be demolished from it.

During the dismantling process, it may be tempting to save material that is being dismantled, such as brick. But this should not be done. Why? The thing is that this material has been lying under different loads for more than a dozen years. Accordingly, this led to the fact that he would no longer have sufficient strength and quality.

If you have concrete partitions, you will have to work with a grinder, a chipper and even a hammer drill. With the help of a puncher and a grinder, successive grooves can be made in the wall. This is necessary in order to immediately divide the wall into several pieces. With a grinder, you can cut through the reinforcement passing through the body of the wall. With the help of a bump stop, you can speed up the work process, since its impact force is much higher than the power of the hammer drill.

Sometimes you have to deal with high-strength concrete, which a chipper, grinder and perforator cannot handle. What to do in such cases? In such a situation, you will need the help of a specialist who will remove the wall to small pieces using diamond equipment.

Although you may have a desire to demolish the walls with the help of diamond equipment on your own, it is better not to risk it, but entrust the work to professionals.

What is achieved by the demolition of walls

In most cases, redevelopment is carried out in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. Although there are cases, it is rare when redevelopment occurs in residential premises. Demolishing walls and installing new ones allows you to redistribute work areas and recreation areas in your apartment. You can also save space. For example, a bathroom will be combined with a toilet, so that one room will perform several functional tasks at once. But, despite all this, it will not be possible to solve the problem of lack of living space in this way. After all, if the apartment has forty square meters, it will no longer be after the demolition and installation of new walls.

So, as you can see, redevelopment is directly related to the demolition of the walls and their movement. In some cases, you can use the services of designers who will tell you how you can do this work most efficiently.

Do not rush to demolish the walls. You can always break at any time. First of all, plan everything carefully and calculate all your expenses so that you can complete the repair. If you nevertheless decided on such drastic changes, then you should carefully prepare. For example, consider where and how you will dispose of all construction waste. Remember that you cannot throw garbage into containers; you will have to hire a car.

We hope that this article will help you cope with such difficult work as demolishing walls and partitions in your apartment. If you already have this experience, then write to us about it in the comments to the article.


A noiseless and dust-free way to demolish a non-capital partition in an old building:

Recently, it has become quite popular to carry out a variety of re-planning of an apartment. They do this sometimes in order to somehow change the lifestyle, or as a tribute to fashion. And someone makes redevelopment in the apartment in order to arrange it more comfortably. Whatever the reason, wall demolition is sometimes required to create a new apartment layout. Therefore, the question arises, how to demolish a wall in an apartment on your own?

Apartment remodeling

The whole procedure can consist of two stages:

  1. Obtaining permission and other documents.
  2. Demolition process.

Although the well-known proverb says that breaking is much easier than building, demolishing walls is a very difficult and time-consuming job. In addition, the process takes a long time, the room becomes dusty and very noisy. If you are not afraid of this reality, you can proceed with the demolition yourself.

Premises project

First of all, you need to decide what the interior of your house should be after renovation. Taking a piece of paper, you can plan all the rooms in the room yourself.

This is very important as not all walls can be removed. There are two main types of walls:

  • Carrier;
  • Carrying.

Distinguishing one from the other is easy enough. A load-bearing wall is considered to be an integral element of the entire building. For a ceiling slab, the load-bearing wall is considered to be the supporting element. It is not recommended to demolish the load-bearing walls, as because of this you doom yourself to the constant threat of the destruction of the building.

The curtain wall is usually a simple partition. Such partitions are made of lightweight materials during construction. When you remove such a wall, there is no load transfer and you do not endanger your life.

Partitions that can be removed are divided into the following types:

  • Brick
  • Wooden
  • Stone
  • Concrete

Each of these types of walls has its own demolition force. For example, in order to dismantle walls in a wooden apartment, you need to make less effort than when you need to remove a concrete wall.

If you cannot determine where which wall is, contact a specialist. They will make a professional project for your premises, conduct research and determine which wall in your apartment can be demolished.

Demolition process

When all the permits have been received, and the floor plan is ready, you can proceed with the demolition. It is important to make sure that all communications in the house are turned off. For example, the following should not work:

  • TV
  • Gas pipeline
  • Heating
  • Water pipes
  • Sewerage
  • Radio
  • Electricity
  • Hot water supply.

Tools for the job

Each type of wall needs its own set of tools. For example, for a brick partition you need to use:

  • Pickaxe or crowbar
  • Jackhammer
  • Steel Wedges
  • Chisel
  • Sledgehammer or hammer

For wooden walls, you can use a good chainsaw instead of a jackhammer. But for a concrete partition, you need to try to purchase such a set of tools:

  • Bulgarian
  • Puncher
  • Jackhammer

There is usually metal reinforcement inside the body of a concrete wall, so a grinder is needed to remove it.

Let's start dismantling

So, everything is ready to get started. If you do decide to demolish the load-bearing wall in the apartment, be very careful. Before making this decision, evaluate how the load will be distributed after one retaining wall is gone.

To understand how to remove it, let's imagine a cardboard box that has a partition that you want to remove. Chances are, you would just grab a pair of scissors and cut out a partition around the perimeter. Can this principle be used in a real room? Of course not! After all, if you cut it around the perimeter, the middle of the concrete wall, which weighs several hundred kilograms, will fall right to the floor. After that, you won't be able to put it anywhere at all. Based on this, we can conclude: you can never dismantle a wall in one big piece.

Video on how to demolish a wall in an apartment

There are several ways how to dismantle partitions in an apartment:

  • It is best to break up the block in parts. Determine for yourself what size, how much weight a piece of concrete or other material you could lift. Break the partition into such pieces. Using a grinder and a special disc for concrete, you can simply and easily cut the wall. To make your work easier, sketch out the wall with a pencil or other drawing tool into pieces. Later along these lines you can cut the wall. Using this method, you will understand that it is the simplest and almost noisy. But at the same time, it is very dusty.
  • You can also dismantle the wall by chiselling. To do this, use a hammer drill, in which a special chisel is installed at the end. This method is very fast, but also very noisy and sloppy. When holding the hammer drill in your hands, be careful not to break anything nearby.
  • The third method is to drill holes with an impact drill or the same perforator. This method is recommended by experts. First, you need to draw lines that divide the wall into pieces. After that, drill holes along the lines, they should be located close to each other. Now you can simply break off the drilled piece with a hammer or chisel. You need to lightly tap the places where the wall is drilled.

Although it is considered a safer way to demolish a partition, calling a professional craftsman, removing the wall yourself, you will significantly save your money. Do not be afraid to fantasize and transform the apartment to your liking, so that it is comfortable and cozy.

Remember what the hero of Gary Oldman said in the movie "The Fifth Element": "If you want a job done well, do it yourself." Is it realistic to dismantle the walls yourself? Quite, says our expert Andrey Lyamin-Borodin.

1. Obtain permission for redevelopment

If dismantling involves any manipulation of internal walls and partitions - making or sealing openings, partial or complete disassembly - before starting work, make sure that the redevelopment does not require preliminary. It is not required in cases where the device of openings or even complete dismantling touches the curtain walls.

Then the redevelopment is made out according to the work performed. The exceptions are houses with wooden floors and houses with the status of architectural monuments - in this case, the housing inspectorate will request a technical opinion on the condition of the house structures and the safety of the planned work. Of course, it needs to be prepared before starting work.

If planned, permission can only be obtained after the submission of the redevelopment project. In this case, it will only be possible to agree on the device of the opening, and not the complete dismantling of the load-bearing wall.

On the BTI plan, load-bearing walls are often thicker than non-load-bearing ones. But not always. Therefore, measure the thickness of the walls yourself. In most panel houses, curtain walls are no more than 120 millimeters thick, in brick - no more than 250, in monolithic - no more than 200. But you cannot rely on the value of the wall thickness either.

Firstly, there is a large degree of error due to the finishing layer, and secondly, it is quite difficult to measure the thickness of some walls. Look for information on the type of partitions in the network, using the house series (indicated in the apartment's registration certificate), or get advice from the housing inspectorate.

2. Decide on resources

Permission, if necessary, was obtained. Now to the point. Disassembly requires tools. How much they cost you will affect the whole venture. If you are an economic person, but your inventory is incomplete, start crowdsourcing: ask your friends, neighbors, relatives for help. This is the best option.

Otherwise - purchase (possibly on the secondary market) or rent. At a minimum, you will incur the cost of protective equipment: masks, respirators, goggles, gloves, window coverings, and garbage bags (many will be needed!). Do not forget about safety precautions - be sure to use closed shoes.

Depending on the situation, you may need: a spatula, a jackhammer, a sledgehammer, a chisel, a nail puller, a crowbar, a hammer drill, a grinder, as well as a shovel and a construction vacuum cleaner for garbage collection. Do not try to remove construction dust with ordinary household dust - you will ruin the device, and you will not achieve the result.

3. Prepare the work front

For safety reasons, you need to de-energize the apartment during dismantling. Power the hammer drill and other power tools from the shield, throwing in the temporary hut. Dismantling works are carried out from top to bottom - from the ceiling to the floor. If you only have cosmetic repairs in your plans, the finishing materials are dismantled to be replaced.

Sockets and switches, windows and doors, built-in wardrobes and mezzanines, screed fly into the garbage. Old wiring must be carefully removed and temporarily left in place. As a result, you should end up with bare walls and ceilings without plaster and bare floor slabs. As a rule, an old toilet remains during the repair; it is important not to break it during dismantling.

4. Get started!

Dismantling brick walls begins from above at the junction with the ceiling with a hammer and chisel or a punch, walls made of foam blocks - with a hammer and a punch. Partitions made of plasterboard or plasterboard are the easiest to dismantle; a hammer is enough to destroy them.

What is found under the finished floor depends on the house, its series, year of construction. Wooden logs are examined - in some cases they may not be replaced with new ones. But sand or debris that lies between them will have to be removed. Dismantling of the cement-sand screed is carried out in a percussion manner using a powerful perforator.