Socrates about what to say. Socrates - quotes, statements and aphorisms of great people. Steal well if it is profitable

Socrates can be considered the investigator of European philosophy. He was the first to speak about the need to change a person as such and his lifestyle. Before him, the philosophers argued about the nature of the world, built different "scientific" conclusions, and he made a turn of 180 degrees and most importantly approved what was happening inside a person.

Several interesting facts about the life of Socrates:

- Approximate date of birth of 469 BC, Date of death 399 BC.

- He was married twice. The first wife of Xantippa on the evils of which went legends and on which Socrates honed his unshakable patience. Second - Mirta. Total had three children (sons).

- The first began to teach the art of rhetoric. And the fees with students did not require.

- Socrates was a Plato teacher, an equally well-known and outstanding ancient Greek philosopher. But their lifestyles were different. Socrates were primarily interested in the practical side of philosophy, morality of lifestyle and behavior, and Plato - theoretical models.

- Like Christ, he did not make any records of his speeches and teachings. And I did not read much at all. All the well-known quotes and statements were later recorded by students, - mostly Xenophon Athenian and Plato.

- had an extremely highly developed intuition with whom mercy with all his actions. If a purely rational case seemed to be 100% true, but the intuition opposed him - Socrates refused him. And this happened regularly.

- It was eager for an exceptionally simple, cheap food (again, like Christian monks), and rarely and in small quantities, he tried to refrain from sex, went barefoot and regularly practiced physical exercises. As the result, he made his health is unusually strong, and the Spirit is resistant. It was part of his philosophical life program.

- At one time he was engaged in a trade "business", buying and reselling goods.

"It was so strong as a strong speaker that as a result, Tirana even forbidden to teach his art.

- Pythia, the appearance of the famous quotation that "Socrates above all in his wisdom."

- Socrates from Socrates received not only at home from xantippa, but also from defeated in verbal disputes. Also, the training for the sake of the sake of golden places where the women of easy behavior were insulted.

- did not like to travel (perhaps it was part of his practice of a philosophical lifestyle).

- Generous gifts of friends of Socrates with gratitude rejected, considering the independence of higher benefit.

- Of the visible vitality, most of all appreciated friends.

- I did not hesitate to learn something new. So in old age studied the art of the game on Lira.

"When he was already going to drink a poisonous Cickuit (as a death sentence of the court with the court), a friend of Apollodor offered him a wonderful cloak to die in it. "Is my own raincoat suitable to live in it, and not good to die in it?" - Socrates said.

Famous quotes and statements of Socrates

Without good mutual feelings, communication between people has no benefit.

Self-education occupation is difficult, but there is nothing more important in life than a reasonable upbringing of yourself and its loved ones.

In clear distinction of the useful and harmful - the root of wisdom.

/ This quotation is parallel to the statement by the knowledge of the greatest human property. /

The word of a virtuous person is firmly and expensive. In his cases, loud promises and oaths are completely unnecessary.

Each decent person must be guided in his actions by a simple criterion - whether I'm going to do, and whether it will bring it to people.

When a person carefully and carefully treats his health, then not to find a doctor who will determine better than him, which is useful for his health.

Wisdom is the greatest benefit, stupidity is a terrible misfortune.

If you want to marry - marry. With a good wife you will be happy, with a bad - learn to philosophize.

So that I understand what you are a man - spoke!

As you can not cure my eyes, forgetting my head, it is so impossible to cure the body, without taking care of the soul.

Is it possible to be a healthy body and the Spirit while remaining a slave of pleasures?

/ What is our health go away as not passionate attachment to curd and sex?! /

Kohl want the world you change,
Himself first recycle.

How to live in shame and disgrace
The destruction is better to avail.

Maiden love is much dangerous male hostility. The poison is worse than it is pleasant.

In wealth, pleasures and luxury people see the sources of happiness. But it seems to me that the lack of desires is genuine happiness, which is where the Divine Usland. Therefore, a person who needs the least of all the best - is the happiest.

The fire is unpacked by the wind, and passion is proximity.

The tricks made are rarely done qualitatively.

I think the richest one who needs less than others.

Good friend is more expensive than any treasure.

/ In this quote, Socrates says that friends can replace money, and the money of friends is not. /

The less you need a person,
He is closer to gods.

/ Quote free. He spoke, of course, not in poetic form. /

People live to eat, and I eat to live.

It is pleasant to eat when he was hungry.

For me, a loose spouse is the same as for riders wild stallions. Obtained them, they easily cope with others. So I am in communicating with Xantippy study the art of interaction with other people.

Health is not all - but without him, everything is nothing.

Be satisfied with what is. But for the better strive.

The implementation of our most passionate desires often leads to the largest trouble.

/ In modern religions, a lot of quotes with a similar meaning. Even there is folk wisdom - "Fear of your desires."

The deception is not only disgusting by itself, but he also adversely affects the human soul.

It is better to experience evil, better than to do it yourself.

To become multivalued, be inquisitive.

How much is there in the world of different things,
Easy without which you can live!

/ Aphorism calling us for moderation, as opposed to consumer culture. It is seen another 2.5 thousand years ago she flourished quite well. /

Wealth and fame do not make a person better. And sometimes even on the contrary.

- Your favorite fellow citizens condemned you to death.
- Well, nature condemned them to death.

It's funny that we didn't look like a missing slave, and the search for a virtue let's go to the mercy of fate.

Everyone of a person will easily say how much sheep has, but not everyone can call, how many friends he has friends, - so much they are not in price.

A good start is not a trifle, even though starts with the little things.

/Reminds the statement from the fact that the long path begins with one small step./

When he was informed that someone speaks badly. "This is because he was not taught to speak well."

When Antisphen turned to put a hole in a raincoat, he said Antisphen: "Through this cloak you can see your vanity."

When someone informed him that Antisphen was born from Frakianka, Socrates replied: "Did you think that such a noble person could be born only from full citizens?

/ Quote Indicating that Socrates was a tolerant person (at the time of prosperous slavery). And the dedication of democratic values \u200b\u200bis reliably known. /

Mathematics should be studied only in such an extent to be able to use it in everyday life and trade.

Once Socrates called to the dinner of the rich guests, and Xantippe was ashamed for his dinner. "Do not be afraid," he said, "if they are decent people, they will be satisfied, and if empty, then we have no business before."

How does the antique philosopher Socrates intuitively reached the Christian understanding of God as truth? Why did he believed that people do evil only from ignorance? Why not afraid of death, and even waiting for her? For what thoughts did the pagan compatriots executed him? The head of the Department of Philosophy of Philosophy, the teacher of the Sretensky Spiritual Seminary, Viktor Petrovich Leg, is talking about this.

Socrates versus. softers

Socrates lived in the V century before. This is an era when the sophists were very popular, and it is impossible to understand Socrates without spurs - this is a single system.

Who are such sophists? These are people who were ready to learn anything, the main thing - to pay well for it. To justify this activity, they came up with the doctrine of the relativity of Truth - this situation defended Protagors, the most famous of the sophists.

The famous phrase of Sofists sounds like this: "Man is a measure of all things." In other words, to whom it seems to be, so it is! There is no objective truth that does not depend on the person, but there is a subjective truth, relative, depending on time, from the space, from personality, from the state of health and so on.

Sofists were very popular. And therefore their activity cannot be estimated unambiguously: they were really wise. It was they who first put an education on a wide leg, made it popular, fashionable and most importantly - affordable, not elite. Their era - the Epoch of Greek Enlightenment.

To their mass formation was not at all. If you want to learn - look for a teacher who, maybe, is over a hundred kilometers, you will have to go from a Mileta to Syracuse, or somewhere south of Italy, or to Egypt to learn, and the teacher will still think about whether to take you to His disciples. And the sophists offered education here and immediately: pay, if there is money, come, we will teach anything!

However, Socrates was sure that they were not taught what it should, and therefore entered into them into an irreconcilable struggle.

He made an objective truth.

Steal well if it is profitable?

Softers were taught: if the truth is subjective, then the morality is subjective. But there is nothing more dangerous for society!

The main danger of sofics, which Socrates saw, is that if the truth is subjective, then the morality is subjective. And there is nothing more dangerous for society!

If the criterion of truth, as Sofists said, practice, the benefit, it turns out that if I find it profitable for me and they will not go to jail at the same time, then I will steal. You do not like to steal - do not carry. And I like to steal - that's all. No objective moral installations.

It was one of the reasons, the external reason, encouraging Socrates to activities. But there was another, internal - the desire of Socrates itself to this truth. And the conviction that the truth is, she is objective, it is eternal and therefore - is not in our material world. In fact, Socrates opens the existence of God.

Sofists were materialists, and, based on, argued: the truth is not. Today it is cold - tomorrow is warm. Today I am sick - tomorrow I am healthy. Today I can go outside in T-shirt - tomorrow I put on a warm sweater.

If the truth is one - it means that there is God

Socrates says: No, there is one, objective truth. If it is objective, if it is unchanged, eternal, then it does not apply to the world material. It can only relate to the world, in which there are no changes, that is, to the divine. And if one is alone - it means that it is God. God is one.

Actually, this is Socrates and judged by the Athenians who saw in his teaching the danger for their city, who worships the goddess of Athena and other gods.

The accusation on which Socrates was tried and executed, sounded very simple: he preaches new gods. In fact, Socrates preached one God, but for Athenians it meant to preach some new gods. What was considered a state crime in ancient Greece.

Socrates wanted everyone to teach this desire for the truth. For him, the main thing was not just in itself the desire for the truth - he was not an abstract scientist, he understood that the truth and benefit was the same thing! And the person does evil just because he does not know that it is evil. From ignorance, he takes evil for the benefit.

If people knew what about evil, and what about Fortunately, they would only do good. This Socratic thought of many embarrassed: Well, how so! How many smart, but evil people who make evil deliberately develop poisons, commit crimes! .. Socrates answered: no, they are smart, but not wise: they know the part of the truth, and the whole - do not know.

It seems to me that this thought of Socrates is close to Christian - because we are talking about God as truth, about God as love, in which truth and love are connected.

I think he walked along the path of knowing God through the world around.

Sculptor, Son of Sculptor

We do not know who has learned Socrates. But something about his life is known.

In his youth, he was a sculptor-artisan. His father was also a sculptor and taught him his skill. They even say that some statues in Parfenon are made by Socrates.

In young years, Socrates was a very strong man and fought as a heavy warrior, that is, Goplita, with Persians. The brave warrior, as they write about him: during the retreat, he left the last and saved the colonel of Alkiviad.

When peaceful time came, Socrates began to lead a strange life. He did not work. He had a Xantipp's wife, which for it he was constantly scolded, three children - sons. He spent all the time on the Market Square, on Agora, in conversations with his students and with all sorts of counter people who wanted to teach the truth.

This is an amazing quality of Socrates: he is absolutely not from the world of this! It is absolutely not interested in material benefits. How and what he lived - it remains only to guess. Probably, students somehow imperceptibly helped. But Socrates refused to take money, considering that teaching for money is immoral. Therefore, he scolded sophists who were ready to teach anything for money.

Proving the rightness of Socrates, I usually bring students such an example. Imagine that you went out for the gate of the Sretenskoy seminary, there is a certain young man to meet you and says: "Oh, that's great! I just wanted to know about God ... And you, apparently, study in the seminary. Tell me, is God or not? " And you say to him: "Good. Now. Thousand rubles, please ... "How do you like this turn?

About truth, about God can only speak from the completeness of the heart. And for Socrates, truth is some ideal. Therefore, it is impossible to teach anything for money, he considered. Such a paradoxical person.

I know that I know nothing

How was the famous formula born: "I know that I don't know anything"?

How to know the truth? Socrates says that - and, by the way, it is in his defensive speech on the court, about which we know thanks to his student and his work "Apology Socrates," - what he knows that he knows nothing.

How did this famous formula appear: I know that I don't know anything?

Someone asked his friend from the prophetus, the appearance, which was sitting near the temple of Apollo in Delfa, who is the wisest of people. The priest - and through her, the Greeks believed, the God of Apollo himself said - replied: "Socrates." Socrates found out about it from each other and surprised. I, says he never considered himself the smartest. I began to go to different people whom he thought smarter. I think I'm not smart, but God can not be mistaken. I went to the state husbands - after all, they manage the country - and they turned out to be so pompous, proud of their power, that it was impossible to talk with them. They do not understand anything! And do not even understand that they do not understand anything.

Then I went to artisans - these are people who know how to make concrete things, unlike me. Of course, they are brilliant masters, but suddenly they have impaired themselves that, dealing with in their carpentry, leather or other skills, disassembled in everything! That is, they also know nothing.

And then I realized that all people just think that they knew something. They do not even know that they do not know anything. And I know that I do not know anything. And on this little knowledge I am smarter than all other people.

And only God knows, only God can be a sage. A person can only be a philosopher, that is, a fan of wisdom that knows that he is like an infinity to God. Therefore, he should know that he does not know anything.

Vladimir Soloviev compared the formula of Socrates with the Evangelical Commandments of Bliss

By the way, the famous Russian philosopher Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov made an interesting comparison. In the work of the "Life Drama of Plato", he compared with the commandments of bliss. "I know that I don't know anything," "Blessed Spirit". "I want to know the truth" - "Blessed are the accurauous and thirsty truths." "I pay that I don't know the truth" - "Blessed crying, for they will console" ... These are the parallels. Interesting thought at Vl. Solovyov.

"Overweight grandmother" truth

How correctly notes VL. Solovyov, Socrates considers not enough to say: "I know that I don't know anything." And calm down on it. Like, I'm not God, and all, leave me. No, he strives for the truth! He understands what can and should learn the truth, because it is the only way to good, to morality, to human perfection.

But as? Here Socrates and makes a decisive coup in philosophy, after which we divide the entire history of philosophy to the Diskratov and Songokratovskaya. He gave philosophy her subject. The subject of philosophy is a person. Physics is engaged in nature, biology - living beings, astronomy - stars, and philosophy is engaged in man, his intellectual and moral inner world. She helps him become kinder, better, smarter and understand who he is so, why he lives what evil, which he does, how to do good, and answers other questions that other philosophers will put other philosophers after Socrates.

So how do you know the truth? Reflecting on this, Socrates recalls the profession of his mother. His mother was a hanging grandmother, that is, in our opinion, midwife. He says: "I am the same overwhelming grandmother, only my mother became an overworn grandmother in old age, giving birth to children and knowing how to give them. Being an old one, she can no longer give birth, but helps young fevering with advice. Also, I, becoming old and stupid, I cannot give birth to the truth, but I help young young people to give birth to truth. "

Of course, there is some Yaren or irony of Socrates when he says that he does not know anything about the truth. But it turns out to be an important point. The truth can not be taught, the truth can only be known for himself, she is in the soul. You can teach sawing or chop firewood, showing: do, like me. And to say: "Thoughts, like me" - is impossible.

How to teach a person to think?

And then Socrates resorts to his famous conversation method, questions. You need to be able to interest a person, to make him talk to you, he says. How do you do it - no matter. The main thing is to catch a man on the hook. And then skillful questions to make him think. And then he, answering questions himself, will come to truth - only you need to send it in time in the right direction by these smart questions.

These questions are the answers of Socrates, we are known thanks to Plato, which recorded them in the form of some dialogues. In fact, many of them are real historical conversations of Socrates with various students or foreign people.

Irony and humor Socrates

We all love to teach. And catching this important psychological trait of man, Socrates resorts to this method: Specifies the questions, pretending that he does not know anything. "Explain to me, a friend, what is beauty ..." "What is the courage? .." "And what is justice?"

And anyone is immediately ready to teach this man, who probably does not understand anything! Socrates thanks him: "What are you smart! What a brave warrior you! What a sophist you are! Explain to me this, explain to me that. " And after half an hour, in an hour, a person understands that in the grandfather, Socrates teaches him, and not the opposite.

Many this was extremely not like - especially if we consider that such conversations occurred in the square, in the presence of many people. Many considered all this in some insult. So, the Holy Vasily Great in the "Word to the young men on how to benefit from the pagan works" writes that these conversations were often ended with the fact that the solesterol Socrates was allowed to go into the course of his fists without making me shame. Saint Vasily reminds us of one case.

"This act of Socrates is similar to the commandment, according to which I hit the lany should you substitute the other." Saint Vasily Great

One day, Socrates also disgraced one interlocutor, he went into the course of his fists and beat a philosopher so that all his face was covered with bruises and abrasions. The next day, Socrates came to the city with the inscription on the forehead: "Made such something." When he was asked why he wrote it, he said: "You see, I have been a sculptor by profession in my youth and accustomed to sign my products. Anyone who yesterday this is telling, forgot to subscribe, I did it for him. " And St. Vasily's Great writes: "Since it indicates one almost with our rules, then I argue that it is very good to imitate such husbands. For this act of Socrates is similar to the commandment, according to which you hit the lany should you substitute the other. "

Therefore, Socrates not only Vasily Great, but also Augustine, and Justin Martyr, and Alexandrian Clement was actually called Christian to Christ. He not only taught about one God and the need to know him as truth as good, but also lived in fact as a Christian.

Socrates life ended sadly: he was condemned and executed. We know about the last conversation with the disciples, we know from the Dialogue of Plato Fedon, where Socrates, having learned that it is executed today, it is extremely rejoiced. Pupils do not understand this, and he says: "How not to rejoice? You see how the philosopher I actually always sought to death in my life. After all, the truth is eternal, and when I strive for her knowledge, I actually try to get rid of my body, which I prevent this truth to know. It is tied to a temporary, changeable, so I strive to get rid of the body ... "

And what is death? This is the deliverance, the liberation of the soul from the body. Therefore, philosophy is the desire for death, as many Fathers of the Church often repeated after Socrates. In particular, in St. John Damaskina in his "philosophical chapters" we find such a definition: "Philosophy is the desire and care of death."

Blessed Augustine notes that after the execution of Socrates, the Athenians woke up: "The indignation of the people appealed to his two prosecutors to such an extent that one of them died from the hands of the crowd, and the other was able to avoid the same punishment only by voluntary and eternal reference."

The doctrine of Socrates quickly became very popular, we know about the many pupils of his students, and the most significant one is Plato. According to the blissful Augustine, Plato and his students closer to all approached our Christian philosophy.

Truth does not tolerate compromise

Socrates seeks to know the truth - and how to know this truth? The most difficult discovery that Socrates does, concerns the question: What is thinking?

Before Socrates, no one question did not even raise. And he puts his task to know itself, and after all, "I" is, first of all, "I am thinking."

What is thinking? Socrates gives the answer: Thinking is operating with concepts. It first draws attention to the fact that there are both atoms, bricks of our internal intellectual world, which are called concepts. I can connect them correctly, saying that birch is a tree, and I can wrong, saying that birch is a stone. In one case, I told the truth, in another case, I said a lie. It means that it is necessary to establish the criteria of truth, we must generally think about it, that is, the concepts, and here the main thing is to correctly determine things and phenomena, because often the dispute is being done because we misunderstood the concepts. That is, this is a dispute about words. Therefore, Socrates pays great attention to the definitions. Almost all conversations recorded by Plato are on this and are built.

It goes like an innocent, light conversation: "Tell me, a friend, what is the courage. Here you are a prominent commander, you participated in many battles ... "And the pompous commander says:" Well, what courage ... The courage is to stand in the ranks, reflecting all the enemy attacks, without making a step back. " Socrates responds by playing by him: "You are a wonderful commander, a courageous warrior. And I heard, there are such warriors, Scythians ... "He answers:" Yes, fought with them, courageous warriors. " - "How courageous when they start in a pretended flight to dispel the army, and then kill the enemy alone?" "Yes ... Courage is probably the ability to defeat the enemy by resorting to different means." - "It's great! It can be seen that you are a commander, yes ... my friend recently sick. Heavy illness was, and he did not score ... "-" Yes, Socrates, you have a friendly friend. " "How courageous, he did not fight with anyone?"

Here is such questions, he directs the interlocutor to understand the fact that the word "courage" - or in other dialogues the word "beauty", the word "truth", the word "knowledge", the word "justice" - actually requires the most serious understanding. That is, the definitions.

"What is beauty?" - Socrates asks. - "See, here is a girl going?" Beautiful, yes? " - "Yes, of course, a beautiful girl. And I heard you bought a horse yesterday. " "I bought a beautiful horse." - "So wait, you said that beauty is when the girl is beautiful ..." and so on. It turns out that there is some general concept that can be applied to the girl, and to a horse, and to a vase, and even maybe to the theory - "beautiful theory." Beauty is an optional sensual concept.

Aristotle draws attention to the fact that Socrates made two greatest discoveries: it is necessary to give definitions and be able to bind these concepts. That is, in fact he gave the impetus of all philosophy as the theory of knowledge, logic as a methodology of scientific research.

Socrates gave impetus to the study of morality, because if there are moral laws and they are objective - it means they must be investigated

And what, above all, Christian philosophy draws attention: he gave impetus to the study of morality. If there are moral laws, they are objective - it means they must be explored.

On the eve of the execution of Socrates, his student was in prison and said: "Here is a cloak in which you will not recognize you, and the guard is already bribed." Socrates replied: "I will not go anywhere. I am ready to die for my words, because I say the truth. Truth does not tolerate some compromise, it requires a complete consent from us. " This is also the most important position. As Augustine writes, the most important in Acts of Socrates is that he turned philosophy into an active region. Pythagoras developed the contemplation of philosophy, and Socrates developed active. And the greatness of Plato, in August, is that he connected an active philosophy with contemplative.

(470-399. BC)

philosopher, student of Anaksagora, from Athens

No one can learn anything from a person who does not like.

In prayers, he [Socrates] simply asked God's gods to bestow, because the gods know best of all, which is good.

[Socrates] advised to avoid such evits who seduce a person eating, without feeling hunger. (...) He joked that both Kirk [Cirque] must have turned people in pigs, treating them with such evacuations into abundance; And Odyssey (...) was kept from excessive use and therefore did not turn into a pig.

Those who wish and himself have a lot of trouble and others to deliver them, I (...) would put in the category of suitable to power.

If, living among people, you do not want to rule either to be subject to and will not become voluntarily to serve the rulers, then I think you see how strong (...) and whole communities are able, and everyone is brought to keep in slavery.

Not very easy to find a job for which you will not hear reproaches; It is very difficult to do something so that nothing to be mistaken.

Envious (...) Only those who believe about the happiness of friends.

It is difficult (...) to find a doctor who would know better than a person himself (...) What is useful for him for health.

[Before the start of the trial, Socrates, one of his friends asked:] "Shouldn't (...) think about what to talk about in your defense?" - Socrates (...) answered: "But didn't all my life be prepared for protection?"

Hotly devotee Socrat, but an innocent man, a certain Apollodor, said: "But I am particularly hard, Socrates that you are senior to death." Socrates, they say, stroked him on his head and said: "And you (...) It would be nichelle to see that I am sentenced right?"

I walked to poets (...) and asked them, what exactly they wanted to say that, by the way, and to learn something from them. I am ashamed (...) tell you the truth, but to say still follows. (...) Not everyone there was better to explain what was done by these poets than themselves. (...) No wisdom can create what they are creating, but some kind of burning ability and in a frenzy, like forties and prunerators; After all, these too say a lot of good, but do not know what they are talking about.

The wisest one who, like Socrates, knows that nothing really stands his wisdom.

There is no such person who could survive if he became frankly opposing (...) Most and would like to prevent all the many injustices and lawlessness, which are committed in the state. No, who in fact destroy justice, he, if he is destined to survive for a small time, should remain a private person, and should not enter the public field.

[Socrates] used to say that he himself eats to live, and other people live to eat.

If somebody had to take the night in which he slept so that he didn't even see sleep, compare this night with the rest of the nights and the days of his life and, thinking, to say how many days and nights he lived in his life better and It's nicer than that night, then I think, not only every simple person, but the great king himself would find that it is not worth counting such days relatively with the rest. So if the death is such, I (...) I will call it acquisition, because it turns out that all the life is no better than one night.

Think about Socrates, but mostly about the truth.

[Last words:] We must ask the rooster. So give up, do not forget. (Rooster brought asclepia, the god of healing, recovering. Socrates believed that death for his soul was recovery and exemption from earthly adversity.)

They say, Euripid gave him [Socrates] Essay of Heraclitus and asked his opinion; He replied: "What I understood is beautiful; What I did not understand, probably also. "

Often he [Socrates] used to say, looking at many market goods: "How many things are there, without which you can live!"

Surprisingly: every person will easily say how much sheep has, but not everyone can call, how many friends have many friends, - they are not so in price.

[Beauty -] short-lived kingdom.

[Socrates] said (...) that he knows only what knows nothing.

A man who asked, marry him or not to marry, he [Socrates] replied: "Do what you want," you still repent. "

When he [Antisphen] began to put a hole in his raincoat, it Socrates, noticing it, said: "Through this cloak, I see your vanity!"

Socrates once had to admonish (...) [Alkiviad], who Robel and was afraid to speak with a speech before the people. To encourage and calm it, Socrates asked: "Don't you despise that shoes?" - And the philosopher called his name. Alkiviada replied affirmatively; Then Socrates continued: "Well, and this walker or master, sewing scarves?" The young man confirmed again. "So," Socrates continued, the Athenian people consist of such people. If you despise everyone separately, you should despise all the checkout. "

When he [Socrates] said: "Athenians condemned you to death," he replied: "And nature condemned them themselves."

Seeing that the Government of Thirty [Tiranhans] kills the most glorious citizens and pursues those who have significant wealth, Socrates (...) said: "(...) There was never such a brave and daring tragic poet, which would lead to the scene doomed to death choir ! "

When Socrates snapped in old age and someone asked him how things are going, the philosopher replied: "It's great in every sense: if I manage to recover, I will sell more envious, and if I die - more friends."

It is not difficult to praise Athenian among Athenians.

Socrates, when he was already sentenced to death and was concluded in the dungeon, having heard how one musician sow under the accompaniment of the verses of Stsisikhor, asked him to teach it while there was still time; To the question of the singer, what he from this benefit, when he has to die the day after tomorrow, Socrates answered: "To get away from life, knowing a little bit more."

At the Sun there is one drawback: it can not see himself.

I only know what I don't know anything.

The smaller the person needs, the closer he to the gods.

Who wants to move the world, let him shift himself!

A good start is not a trifle, even though starts with the little things.

Education is a difficult thing, and improving its conditions is one of the sacred duties of each person, because there is nothing more important as the formation of his neighbor himself.

There is one good - knowledge and one only evil ignorance.

Higher wisdom - distinguish good and evil.

Wisdom is the tsar's sky and land.

People are easier to keep hot coal in the language than the mystery.

A good adviser is better than any wealth.

Good people should be trusted with a word and mind, not an oath.

Corresponding to me see you.

It is better to dare to die than to live in a shame.

Without friendship, no communication between people has values.

It would be good that a person would examine himself as he stands for friends, and to try to be as expensive as possible.

Love women should be more afraid than hate men. It is poison, the more dangerous that he is pleasant.

Unpacked the flame wind, and the attraction is proximity.

Beauty is the queen that rules very long.

Marriage, if we tell the truth, evil, but the necessary evil.

Marry, no matter what. If a good wife comes, you will be the exception, and if bad - you will become a philosopher.

In clothes, try to be elegant, but not a scoop; Sign of grace - decency, and a sign of scope - an excess.

When the word does not hit, then the stick will not help.

What a person, being a slave of pleasure, will not deny his body and soul.

That is the most rich, who is pleased with the Small, for such a contentment testifies to the wealth of nature.

I want with the help of gymnastics of the whole body to make it more balanced.

The best seasoning to food is hunger.

It is impossible to do the body, not doctor's souls.

If a person himself follows his health, it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better useful for his health than he himself.

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (C) by Brocgauz F. A.

From the book everything is in science. Aphorisms Author

Socrates Plato, dying, praised his genius and his fate for the fact that, first of all, was born by a man, secondly, Helin, and not a barbarian and not in short animals, and also for the fact that he had to live during Socrates. According to the story of Plutarch, Euripid gave Socrates an essay

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (CO) author BSE.

Author Avadyaeva Elena Nikolaevna

Socrates I know only what I know nothing Socrates attitude to philosophers in our world has always been ambiguous. On the one hand, due to the most etymology itself, this word was recognized that these people are carriers of terrestrial wisdom. On the other, it was silently meant that not

From the book Aphorisms by Yermishin Oleg.

Socrates (470-399 BC) philosopher, student of Anaxagora, from Athens No one can learn anything from a person who does not like it. In prayers, he [Socrates] just asked God's gods to bestow, because the gods know best What is good. [Socrates] advised to avoid such

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From the book everything about everything. Volume 3. by Likum Arkady

Who is Socrates? Socrates are considered to be the ideal of a wise man, although he himself claimed that genuine wisdom is aware that she is worthless! He was born in Athens in Greece around 470 to n. e. There is very little about his childhood and parents. He did not leave behind himself

From the book of the Formula of Success. Desktop Book of the leader to achieve a vertex Author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

Socrates Socrates (approx. 470-399 BC) - an ancient Greek philosopher who has become an embodiment of the ideal of the sage for subsequent epochs. * * * To find yourself, think on your own. A good start is not a trifle, even though starts with the little things. Who wants to move the world, let him shift himself! I do not

From the book of thought and saying the ancients, indicating the source Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

Socrates Socrates (470-399 BC), philosopher, student Anaxagora. Born and lived in Athens, participated in the Peloponnescent War. He was sentenced to death and executed on charges of corruption of young people and worship the false gods. Socrates for the first time made a conversation (dialogue) the main method

From the book 100 great executions Author Avadyaeva Elena Nikolaevna

Socrates the attitude towards philosophers in our world has always been ambiguous. On the one hand, it was recognized that these people are carriers of earthly wisdom. On the other hand, it was silently meant that not every wisdom is needed by the people. Many Roman Caesari, expanded excessive

From the book of 100,000 Aphorisms of the Great Wise Author author unknown

Socrates OK. 470-399 BC e. Ancient Greek philosopher, one of the founders of dialectics. The doctrine of Socrates has become swivel in philosophy - the scientist came from the consideration of nature and the world to consider a person. Without friendship, no communication between people has values. Bracia if

From the book the newest philosophical dictionary Author Gitsovanov Alexander Alekseevich

Socrates (approx. 470-399 BC) - Antique thinker, first (at birth) Athenian philosopher. Believing that the "writings are dead," preferred to the oral reasoning during the dialogues in the squares and in the Pestrafficers. Due to the absence of text copyright heritage Philosophical teaching S.

From the book of the catastrophe of consciousness [Suicide religious, ritual, domestic, suicide methods] Author Revyako Tatyana Ivanovna

Socrates Socrates (470/469 - 399. BC) - an ancient Greek philosopher. Sokrat was sentenced to the death penalty on the official charges of "Introduction of new deities and for corruption of young people in a new spirit", that is, for the fact that we Now we call dissent. In the process of NAD

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Who is Socrates? Socrates are considered to be the ideal of a wise person, although he himself argued that genuine wisdom is aware that she is worth it! He was born in Athens around 470 years BC. e. There is very little about his childhood and parents. He did not leave anyone

From the book a large dictionary of quotes and winged expressions Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

Socrates (470-399 BC), ancient Greek philosopher 320 If somebody had to take the night in which he slept so that he did not even see sleep,<…> And, thinking, to say how many days and nights he lived in his life better and more pleasant than that night, then<…> The great king himself found

From the book Worldwide History in the sayings and quotes Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

Socrates (470-399 BC), an ancient Greek philosopher's full life was not preparing for protection? According to Xenophon, before the start of the court over Socrates, one of his friends asked: "Shouldn't you think about what to talk to His defense? " Socrates answered: "But is it

The teaching of which gave rise throughout Greece disastrous immorality. Replacing the former right and religion of arbitrary whims, it puts personal benefit to the law, inspired the desire for tyranny, as the most enviable happiness, created a foreign rhetoric, who embarrassed the cunning technical means to justify any thoughts, proud of what he knew how to deliver the victory to the wrong case . And indeed, the hottest opponents of democracy, heads of aristocratic conspiracies of critical, teraman, alkiviad and Pyfodor, came out of Socrates. archon-Epony, whose name was the year of lawlessness, the year of the rule of thirty. And now another student of Socrates, the famous Xenophon, served in the troops of mercenaries, which led to the Persian Tsarevich Kiru younger Spartan warlord.

Great ancient Greek philosopher Socrates

The educator of such students was supposed to seem restored democracy with a dangerous teacher. It was natural to come to the thought that it is necessary to eradicate an evil suppression of sophistic teaching. Democrats decided to show on Socrates an example that would scare others. There was no concern to disassemble whether the accusations were suitable for it, which were at all new sophistic philosophy. He fell a victim of a democratic reaction. Socrates was sentenced to death not for his political convictions, because he never showed hosts to democracy, neither breathing her; And not for personal malice, he was elected a sacrificent, but only because it was necessary to strike the adherents of new religious ideas, and this blow should have been severe; And he was certainly the harder, the higher the person was who was sent. Moreover, in the teachings of Socrates there was an element truly opposite to the concepts of the whole ancient world. Socrates said that a person should not submit to certainly the laws, customs and concepts of his state, and to follow his own thoughts, to lead in its political activity with his own concepts. In particular, it was dangerous to seem to be the founders of the New Athenian democracy. She could not allow a person to have the right to shy away from his civil duties; Could not allow the exercise that insisted that the authorities should belong only to the knowledgeable philosophical truth and that the replacement of posts on the lot thrown by all citizens (as was done in Athens) - absurdity. Democracy could not allow a citizen to obey how publicly spoke of himself Socrates, his inner voice (demon) more than the Athenian government. All these reasons and led to the death of Socrates.

Court of Socrate

The craft of the basemen was then in great development; Therefore it was easy to find materials for the accusation. Led by the above-listed anitis, one of the leaders of the democratic party, which grouped around Trazibul, together with Anita, the poet of Meltel and Skonon's speaker introduced a prosecution against Socrates to Restored People's Court. It was argued that the activity of Socrates is dangerous to the state that he inspires the harmful rules to young people, teaches them to despise morality and laws and seeks to introduce new gods instead of the state religion.

Anit, who suffered with tyranny thirty large property losses and now correcting his upset money trade in leisures, had except political motives and personal hostility against Socrates for the fact that Socrates inspired his son aversion to the sessions. Melt and Lacon probably belonged to the number of people who had previously insulted Socrates his irony, and, perhaps, they now wanted to take revenge on his resentment. From "Memories of Socrate", written in defense of their teacher Xenophon a few years after his death, we see that the prosecutors brought a number of thoughts taken from the conversations of Socrates, to the proof that he undermined in young people respect for parents, love for his relatives , I put funny replacement of posts on the lot, proved the superiority of the aristocrats over commoners and so on. That part of the accusation that he despises the people's Greek gods and introduces new things that looked reasonable: Socrates rejected the anthropomorphic elements of the Ellin mythology, and spoke of his "Demon" in such expressions, of which he had that he puts himself as an unconditional judge of truth.

Socrates in court

Despite the severity of these charges and the mood of Heliasts unprofitable for Socrates, he would hardly be sentenced to death if he had not been annoyed against himself judges that speech that had justified himself. Obviously, he himself wanted to be sentenced to death, wanted to save himself from the most impossible heavens and suffering from old age: he was then almost 70 years old. Conscious of the honesty and nobility of his life, Socrates did not prepare for protection, and instead of refuting the arguments of the prosecutors or, as it was commonly done, to ask the court with complaints of plenty, bring children and relatives to softening judges. Socrates pronounced his speech at the court of proud tone of confidence in its rightness, with fearlessness exhibited its activities immaculate, said that he performed the command of the Delphian Oracle, who immediately immediately, the study of the truth, the awakening of the consciousness about her in himself and in others. In his speech, he argued that he had deserved the appreciation of the Athenian people, which if justified, then would continue its former activities entitled to him by the Divine; He spoke to the judges, which protects himself not for his own, but for their use, because, condemning it, they would have made the great harm to the Athenian people and they would have sinned before the gods. - This judicial speech, the essence of which was preserved by Plato in "Apology Socrates," was a worthy completion of his noble activity, the best monument to him.

But also by tone, and in content speech Socrates should have made an extremely bad impression on judges, many of whom saw in him Aristofanovsky Depravant Youth, others hated teachers and a friend. Critting And alkiviad, some had personal hostility against him. Socrates stood before the judges not as accused, but as a lord; Instead of defending himself, he gave them to the instruction. Under such circumstances, it is surprising not that he was convicted, and the fact that the advantage on the prosecution was so insignificant, was only five or six votes. "Socrates could easily acquire an excuse, if he wanted to flatter judges or beg for them," says Xenophon. So, the verdict who declared him guilty corresponded to his own desire. This can also be seen from how Socrates came after a court vote that recognized him guilty. According to Athenian laws, recognized as guilty had the right to offer that the punishment he should undergo in the law was replaced by another, less severe. But Socrates took advantage of this right so that his words had to increase the irritation of judges. In his new speech, after the sentence, he said:

"So, I have to tell you what punishment I deserve, in my opinion. In my opinion, I diligently and disinterested care to make citizens with wise and virtuous care, I had such a favor to the Athenian state, which deserve to get a life-long right to dine for the state account in trust, as the winners at the Olympic Games and other people who deserve appreciation, the state. Yes, I can't admit that I did something bad. And it would be unreasonable, "Socrates continued," if I asked my expulsion or imprisonment to a prison, that is, no doubt, "instead of death, which I don't know, disaster, or good. If I were rich, I would suggest to subjected me with a cash fine; It would not be a disaster. But all the money I have only one silver mine; And I suggest pick me mine. Here, however, Plato and my other friends tell me that I raise the figure to thirty min, and want to take advocacy. Therefore, I suggest that a fine of thirty min be imposed on me, and I submit to your sentence. "

To call yourself a dinner in trust, the highest honors, which could be received by the Athenian citizen, - it was due to the senses of convicts seem to judge a mock on the court, and they condemned Socrates to death, at the suggestion of Meleta. The sage took this sentence with the greatest calm: his demon's voice was silent, did not deviate him from the intention to die; Therefore, Socrates believed that death was not disaster for him.

Death of Socrates. Artist J. L. David, 1787

How Socrates died

Creation of death sentences were performed immediately. But the execution of the sentence above Socrates was delayed for thirty days, because in the meantime, as he was pronounced, the sacred ship sailed with the embassy to Delosky's holiday, and for an ancient custom did not have to desecrate the city by the execution of death sentences. Socrates spent these days before his death in the dungeon. He was kept in the skies; But his friends and students were allowed to visit him, and he still defeated his mentor conversations with them. Some of his friends, the main thing in this matter was a rich Citizen Criton, "they wanted bribing the prison caretaker, deliver the prisoner to run. But no matter how they convinced you to escape, he strongly rejected their request. Socrates believed that the flight would be disagreeable with his teaching, would disgrace him.

When a delay time passed, he, chatting with friends about the immortality of the soul, drank the Cup of the poison, and died with imperturbable, light tranquility. The essential content of the sublime suicide conversation of Socrates is set out in the Dialogue of Plato "Fedon". "Dying, he told his friends:" We are all obliged to bring a rooster to sacrifice gratitude to God Asklepia for my healing: I ask you, perform it. " The meaning of these death words Socrates is interpreted in different ways.

Death of Socrates. Artist J. B. Reno, 1785

So UGAS is an ardent light that illuminated contemporaries and the offspring of the path, leading a person to the true, not ghostly happiness. As the sun under the tropics, Socrates to sunset saved the entire brilliance of his greatness; He died in the full strength of his genius, with the imperturbable nobility of the soul, as a hero after the victory, like a martyr, who captured his death to the truth of his teaching. Death was easier for Socrates, with the blissful consciousness that he constantly cared to improve himself and his friends.

Socrates, squeezing his teeth and gathering the will in the fist, sterple the bullying and anosis kick. When the sages were asked about restraint, they heard the original answer: "Is it submitting to the court to the court, when that the lacarounds touches the passers-by his heavy hoof?"

It is useful to look at young people in the mirror: beauties, to see the charm of your soul, and the freaks, so that the disgrace to brighten up the upbringing and kindness of the heart.

True happiness has nothing to do with ecstasy, pleasure, wealth and luxury. Bliss of Gods - this is what you need to strive for the whole soul or at least approach the ideal, even though Iot.

Stupid live to fill the stomach, kingny and getting drunk, smart eat and drink to be meaning to live.

The Great Profit for himself and humanity is the study and borrowing of the ancient manuscripts, foliants and rarities, which are overwhelmed with wise thoughts and common sense. - Socrates

If a person values \u200b\u200bhealth, protects and cherishes him, the ECCLAP is not required. For he is better than any healer knows what harms and what is useful for health.

I do in accordance with my individual understanding of philosophy, principles, morality, ideology, while becoming part of ideological knowledge.

Continuation of beautiful quotes Socrates read on the pages:

A good start is not a trifle, even though starts with the little things.

Higher wisdom - distinguish good and evil.

There is one good - knowledge and one is only evil - ignorance.

There is only one good - knowledge and only one evil is ignorance.

How much there is in the light of things that I do not need!

Unknown life is not worth being lived.

How much, however, there is a thing that I do not need.

Nothing over measures.

Hunger - the best seasoning to food.

Without friendship, no relationship between people has values.

It is better to undergo injustice than to make it.

I only know what I know nothing, but many do not even know that!

Drunkenness does not give birth to vice: it discovers them.

Corresponding to me see you.

The smaller my desires, the closer I am to the gods.

There is only one good - knowledge. There is only one evil - ignorance.

In clothes, try to be elegant, but not a scoop; Sign of grace - decency, and a sign of scope - existence.

Health is not all, but everything is no health.

It would be good that a person would examine himself as he stands for friends, and to try to be as expensive as possible.

In every man the sun. Just let him shine.

We live not in order to eat, but just in order to live.

Corresponding to me see you.

I want with the help of gymnastics of the whole body to make it more balanced.

Kindness does not come from ownership by many things; On the contrary, only a kindness turns the ownership of a person in dignity.

Health is not all, but everything is no health.

That is the most rich, who is pleased with the Small, for such a contentment testifies to the wealth of nature.

Beauty is the queen that rules not long.

How many things are there, without which you can live!

Death is the greatest illusion of humanity. When we live - it is not yet, when we died - she is no longer.

Just as one person gets pleasure from concern for his land, the other is from care of his horse, so I enjoy every day what I get better.

It is impossible to live better than leading life in the desire to become more perfect.

Wisdom is the tsar's sky and land.

Beauty is the queen that rules very long.

The best seasoning to food is hunger.

An evil person harms others without any benefit.

It is better to dare to die than to live in a shame.

Good people should be trusted with a word and mind, not an oath.

Marry, no matter what. If a good wife comes, you will be the exception, and if bad - you will become a philosopher.

What a person, being a slave of pleasure, will not deny his body and soul.

Education is a difficult thing, and improving its conditions is one of the sacred duties of each person, because there is nothing more important as the formation of his neighbor himself.

People are easier to keep hot coal in the language than the mystery.

There are many ways to overcome the dangers, if a person at least is ready to talk and do.

Love women should be more afraid than hate men. It is poison, the more dangerous that he is pleasant.

Education is a difficult thing, and improving its conditions is one of the sacred duties of each person, because there is nothing more important as the formation of his neighbor himself.

What I understood is fine, I conclude from this that the rest, which I did not understand, is also fine.

That is the most rich, who is pleased with the Small, for such a contentment testifies to the wealth of nature.

Beware also so that people, noticing your inconsistencies to parents, did not know how to despise you, and so that you would not stay at all without friends, because as soon as they wanted your ungratefulness to parents, no one can be sure that by making you Good deed, get gratitude.

Nature has endowed us with two ears, two eyes, but only one language, so we watched and listened more than they said.

I only know what I don't know anything.

If with friends, looking at the treasures of the ancient husbands, which they left us in their writings, we will meet anything good and borrow, we consider it a great profit for yourself.

As we do not know what death is, to be afraid of her illogical.

The only thing that every honest person should lead in his actions is true or unfair what he does is true, and whether it is an act of a good or evil person.

Nothing can damage the kind person, nor in life, nor after death.

Let's marry or do not marry - you still repent.

The sculptor should express the state of the soul in his works.

The smaller the person needs, the closer he to the gods.

At the Sun there is one drawback: it can not see himself.

In every person - the sun. Just let him shine.

Marry no matter what. If a good wife falls - you will be an exception if a bad is a philosopher.

There is only one good - knowledge and only one evil is ignorance.

In clothes, try to be elegant, but not a scoop; Sign of grace - decency, and a sign of scope - an excess.

It is impossible to do the body, not doctor's souls.

People are bad living in order to eat and drink, people are virtuous eating and drink in order to live.

A good adviser is better than any wealth.

No one can learn anything from a person who does not like.

In clothes, try to be elegant, but not a scoop; Sign of grace - decency, and a sign of scope - an excess.

Marry, no matter what. If a good wife falls - you will be an exception if a bad is a philosopher.

You marry you or not - you still repent.

There are many ways to overcome the dangers, if a person at least is ready to talk and do.

Who wants to move the world, let him shift himself!

I eat to live, and other people live to eat.

Without friendship, no communication between people has values.

If a person himself follows his health, it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better useful for his health than he himself.

Unpacked the flame wind, and the attraction is proximity.

It is better to work without a certain goal than not to do anything.

Wealth and knowledge do not bring any dignity.

The exact logical definition of concepts is the condition of true knowledge.

When the word does not hit, then the stick will not help.

Who wants - looking for a way who does not want - is looking for a reason.

Beware also so that people, noticing your inconsistencies to their parents, did not know how to despise you, and so that you do not stay at all without friends, because as soon as they wonder your ungratefulness to parents, no one can be sure that by making you good The point will receive thanks.