Salonic acid Application in everyday life. How to clean the toilet from lime-plated? Toilet care products. Start cleaning

The perfect cleanliness in the bathroom is possible, but for this you need to make a lot of effort. This is sure most of the owners. However, if you know the nature of the contaminants appearing inside the sanitary devices and use competently selected funds to combat them, the task is greatly facilitated.

Let's talk about how to clean the toilet quickly, efficiently and without much costs.

Sparkling toilet toilet - the subject of pride of any mistress. Only here, unfortunately, he remains not long. After a short time, unpleasant redhead divorces may appear on the surface of the equipment.

These are rust drums, iron oxidation products or other metal alloys. It seems that it is nowhere to take in the toilet, which is made of ceramics using plastic parts.

However, the reasons for the appearance of rust are several. The first is the deplorable state of engineering communications. Old highways were performed from non-galvanized metal, which over time is inevitably corrosion.

Oxisal particles fall into water, which leaves a rusty trace on the surface of the equipment.

Rust drums are very difficult to remove from the bowl of the toilet without the use of special cleaning products found in the household or purchased in the store.

The frequent causes of rust spots also include water-enriched water entering water supply, and leakage of a tank liquid.

In addition to rust traces on the surface of the toilet leaves. The intensity of its formation depends on the composition of water, which is used in the plumbing system.

It requires various mineral compounds that settle on the walls of the toilet bowl and form a unpleasant hard grayish flare. The larger the limestone in the water, the faster the flight appears.

And the third "enemy" of the purity of the plumbing equipment is a blade. It is formed similarly to a lime fall, the difference only in its composition. The stone is formed from the minerals contained in the urine of a person.

With the inactive use of the toilet or with an irregular flush, the residues of urine are delayed on the surface of the toilet, forming a solid blooming of an unpleasant brown-yellow color.

Ideally, for each type of toilet pollution, the special means should be used, it is easier to cope with them. But universal solutions can also come in handy

Thus, there are three main types of toilet pollution. They differ significantly from each other in their chemical composition, respectively, it will be possible to get rid of them with the help of various means. Although there are also universal methods of purification that will help in all cases.

I would like to celebrate another moment. All types of pollution primarily begin to postpone where the surface of the toilet has become rough or microcracks appeared.

Most often, ceramics loses its smoothness after contacting with too hot liquids or objects. It is extremely not useful for toilet and sharp temperature differences, since microcracks may appear as a result.

We must know that the budget models of plumbing produce from ordinary Sanfeayans with a rather high porosity. Such material is inclined to accumulate pollution. It is better to acquire equipment from a plumbing porcelain, which is characterized by increased smoothness of the surface.

Where to start cleaning?

No matter how much the way to clean the toilet can be selected, we should not forget about the preparation phase. First of all, you should take care of protection. All work should be carried out only in rubber gloves.

They will protect the skin on their hands from aggressive cleansing means, and should not forget about elementary hygiene. Toiletz - a place of accumulation of pathogens of microorganisms.

When working with aggressive chemicals, the use of rubber protective gloves is required. Otherwise you can earn allergies or cut the skin of the hands

For the same reason, it is desirable to wear an adhesive or plastic apron. Well, so that it closes as a large surface as possible. So it will be possible to prevent microbes from entering clothes. If you assume the use of aggressive chemistry, you should not neglect the respirator. The respiratory tract should also be protected.

And a few more safety words. Try so that cleaning solutions do not fall on the skin, and the more the more mucous membranes. If drops of funds still got on them, you should immediately wash off their water.

Working with a harsh odor, always leave the door to the toilet room open. Similarly, it should be treated in the case when gas is formed in the interaction of cleaning agents.

Cleaning the toilet is desirable to start with water removal. It must be deleted from the instrument and pour out. To do this, it is very convenient to use a bucket with a long handle. Only after that you can start applying cleaning products.

We are struggling with pollution by folk remedies

Not all hostesses are ready to use aggressive chemicals in the struggle for purity and prefer to manage softer "folk" means. There is nothing wrong with that, especially since these ways are quite effective.

Especially in the early stages, when the plaque and the stone did not have time to harden too much. Consider how you can wash the toilet with popular gentle methods.

Method number 1 - soda with vinegar

It seems that everyone knows how to clean the toilet with soda and vinegar, but there are some nuances here. First we prepare the food soda, it will be quite enough single packaging. After that, we moisturize the inner surface of the equipment, so we will prepare it for processing.

I fall asleep to the toilet soda. It sticks to a wet surface. If there are areas with a bloom and a stone, be sure to literally miss them with damp soda.

The usual food soda is a powerful cleaner, only it needs to be used correctly. It is effective both in separate use and a pair with vinegar

We leave the toilet in this form about half an hour. During this time, the soda will enter the reaction with pollution and starts to destroy them. After the time we take a container with cutlery. If only essence is available, it is better to dilute it. Gently pour vinegar on the surface of the toilet to the soda. A rapid reaction will begin, which will help remove contamination.

We take the brush and rub pollution, "helping" a rapid chemical reaction. After finishing it, we get a brush over the cup and thicker to the toilet. It will take several flushes or, if you don't want to wait until the tank is scored, you can rinse the equipment with clean water from the bucket.

Method number 2 - mustard powder

First prepare a cleaning mixture. For this, we take two tablespoons of mustard powder, add an equal amount of crystalline citric acid and four tablespoons of starch.

Thoroughly mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. We begin to gradually add clean water. Still in such a way that it turned out Cashier. This will be our cleaning agent.

A homemade tool based on mustard powder will not only be cleaned, but also disinfects the toilet. Components included in the mixture are absolutely harmless to plumbing

Moisten the surface of the toilet, so that the mixture adhered better. Gently distribute the composition on the bowl. Thoroughly rub the remedy for specially contaminated areas and leave in such a form for about half an hour. After that, we rinse with water and at the same time three brushes. Wash clean water remnants.

Method number 3 - vinegar and salt

This method is especially effective for getting rid of the blade. We need one glass of table nine percent vinegar. If it is not, you can breed acetic acid according to the instructions, which is usually present on the bottle.

Pour vinegar to the dishes, which is not afraid of heating, and begin to warm the solution. It is important to remember that at this moment a sharp smell may appear, so the container is desirable to close tightly.

From the simplest ingredients that are in any house, you can prepare a powerful cleaning agent. But it is important to comply with the proportions to increase the efficiency of action.

The vinegar is heated to a temperature of about 40 ° C, after which we fall asleep the halves of the teaspoon of the salt and mix well. The resulting solution thoroughly process the surface of the toilet. In areas with particularly strong pollution, we increase the amount of funds by rubbing it into a stone.

We close the toilet with the lid and leave it in this state for the night. In the morning we remove the solution along with the contaminants, pulling out water from the tank.

Method number 4 - Wood ash

To prepare a cleaning composition, we will need an equal amount of wood ash and crystalline citric acid. Usually two standard lemon packs and the same amount of ash. All mix well.

Moisten the bowl of the toilet and fall asleep it with the resulting means. Leave in this form overnight. In the morning we clean the toilet with the brush and rinse it, flushing the remnants of the means.

Solutions of different concentrations

As you know, the acidic medium very well dissolves lime deposits and the blade. It is effective and against rust, so acids and tools based on them are considered a good choice for cleaning the toilet bowl.

In practice, you can use various acids without mixing with other substances. The use of orthophosphoric acid is the best answer to the question of how to clean your toilet from rust.

The substance can be easily bought in the store, where it is sold in the form of a 85% solution. The tool is a colorless syrup-like very aggressive substance. You can work with it only using protection.

We prepare the cleaning agent: we take half the liter of pure water and dissolve 100 ml of orthophosphoric acid in it, mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Acids are capable of cleaning almost any contamination, but it must be remembered that they are able to spoil plastic parts toilet and pipelines

The bowl of the toilet is degreased by washing any soap detergent. After that, we apply the prepared cleaning agent, process the surface with a brush, better with natural bristles. Leave a bowl with a solution for a while. Depending on the intensity of pollution, it may be necessary to be required from 1 to 12 hours.

After time, we rinse the toilet to the weak soda solution. For its preparation in each liter of water, we dissolve the tablespoon of soda.

A hydrochloric acid is used to remove rust and plaque. But you need to know that it cannot be used for equipment with plastic and rubber parts, as well as its use is excluded if the toilet is connected to the plastic pipeline. Acid solvent plastics.

Approximately half of the hydrochloric acid is poured into the bowl, where it is left for 15 minutes. The surface is then washed with clean water.

It can be used for cleaning lemon and acetic acids. Since their effect is somewhat weaker, the best results gives such a technique. The toilet paper is impregnated with vinegar and laid under the rim and contaminated areas.

Similarly come with citric acid, but since it is crystalline, it can be more convenient to apply on a wet fabric. The remedy is left for several hours, better at night. In the morning is washed with clean water.

Similar to citric acid used sorval. This is an inexpensive tool can be purchased in business stores.

Sorrelic acid is also widely used for plumbing. Powder is applied to a wet cloth and impose into contaminated areas.

You can often hear tips on using an electrolyte for a battery as a cleansing agent. This is really effectively, only you need to remember that the composition of the liquid includes acids, so you do not need to forget about caution and protection. An electrolyte is treated with a bowl, leave for 20 minutes, then wash it off with water.

Abrasives are necessarily present in the compositions of this type. These are very small, but sharp and solid particles, with which mechanical surface treatment is carried out. Abrasives literally rip pollution by removing them by surface. They are added to the composition of cleaning products in different quantities.

In any case, such mixes are undesirable to use on ceramics. This is especially true for plumbing porcelain. Abrasives leave on the smooth surface of traces, similar to scratches. Over time, they accumulate more and more, the bowl becomes crawled, literally "attracting" pollution.

Powders with abrasives are very few, so very popular. However, it must be remembered that solid particles spoil the surface of plumbing equipment

If you still want to use cleaning products of this type, you should read the instructions on the bank. Most often, in addition to abrasives in their composition, there is any bleach. Therefore, most manufacturers advise to apply their products in this way.

Powder is applied to a water-laid sponge or directly to the bowl, after which it is intensively rubbed into the surface. Then it follows for a while to leave the tool to effectively "worked." After that, once again threatening with a sponge and rinse with water.

Industrial production tools

This is a large group of different acid-based compositions or alkalis. The first are more efficient, because acid is better coping with the removal of rusty edema and lime plates.

But alkaline tools are well "work" against the organicists, respectively, perfectly decompose the blade and fats. Consider the most demanded compositions.

Gele-shaped "Cillit Bang" for toilet bowls

All drugs manufactured under this brand have a gel consistency. They are packed in vials with a convenient dispenser in the form of a nose, helping to deliver a solution in the most hard-to-reach places.

The main active substance in the composition of the means is hydrochloric acid. Therefore, it is best to use against rusty stains and lime plates. It does not need to forget about the means of protection.

Cleaning products of industrial production are very effective. You need to know that it is impossible to mix them. There may be unpredictable chemical reaction, which is very dangerous

In the line of funds, you can find the compositions of aimed: against rust, for disinfection, for bleaching or gloss, against a difficult lime-plated. Consumers value the high efficiency of the composition, cost-effective consumption and convenient packaging.

Of the shortcomings, the most significant consider the relatively high cost of the drug. But the gel is very easy to use. It must be applied to the bowl, leave for 15-20 minutes, after which it was washed away.

Domasetos for toilet

Under this brand there is a popular multifunctional tool for cleaning toilet bowls and other plumbers. The drug enters the alkali, well coping with the destruction of the organic. For this reason, the means struggling is not very effective with a limescale.

In addition, the tool contains a chlorine bleach, therefore not only whitens rust drums, but also disinfects the surface.

Several varieties of the drug, differing, are mainly discharged. The latter are necessary to drown out the extremely unpleasant smell of chlorine. Consumers highly appreciate the means for high efficiency, thick consistency and economical consumption. Of the disadvantages, a sharp unpleasant odor of the drug is noted.

Domasestos is universal, in a diluted form can be used as a bleach and as a disinfectant for kitchen surfaces. And in the undiluted form, it and other no less effective means can be used for in sewer pipes.

Tool for cleaning "Toilet duckling"

The liquid preparation produced in the vials of the characteristic shape with a strong curved neck, which allows you to apply gel in the most hard-to-reach places. Duckling contains hydrochloric acid, so it perfectly copes with lime sediments and with rust drifts.

Somewhat worse, but also effectively the drug dissolves the blade. The concentration of acid is large enough, therefore the means aggressively with respect to bacteria.

Toilet duckling is a very effective tool based acid. In addition to the universal manufacturer produces narrow-controlled drugs to solve various problems

The preparation has a pronounced disinfect effect. When working with the composition, necessarily the use of protective equipment. Buyers noted the good effectiveness of the drug, convenient packaging, budget value.

The duckling includes derivatives chlorine, despite this it has a pleasant smell. The disadvantages include liquid consistency, which provokes the rapid flow of the drug.

Cleaning pills and cubes

Many hostesses, reflecting how to clean their toilet from the blade, do not take into account numerous tableted cleaners. They are produced by most household chemical manufacturers. This is an effective multifunctional means capable of not only cleaning equipment, but also to disinfect it and deodorize the air in the bathroom.

Cleaning tablets for a tank - a practical multifunctional means, catering directly with the three main problems of plumbing equipment. The composition of such tablets and the concentration of active substances in them varies depending on the manufacturer.

Famous brands produce funds operating within one or two months. The tablet in the water-soluble shell is lowered into the drain tank. Slowly dissolving, it gradually "gives" active substances into the water. As a result, the details of the drain tank are cleaned. After pressing the flush button, the liquid enters the bowl, it is also cleaned from all types of contaminants.

At the same time, active substances fall freely on the most hard-to-reach areas and clean them. Funds can have the most different fragrance, the user chooses any smell like.

Tablets are quite effective, especially if there are no longer pollution. From the disadvantages of the means it is worth noting a fairly rapid flow of the drug, especially if a large number of people enjoy the toilet.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

With the help of video instructions, we can solve some of the problems associated with pollution of sanitary equipment in the toilet.

If still plumbing has an unsightly kind, you need to determine the nature of pollution and choose the most efficient cleaning agent specifically for them, the benefit of their range is very and very wide.

Are other effective ways to clean the toilet toilet from pollution and you successfully apply them in practice? Please tell us about other visitors to our site in the block with comments. Or have questions about the topic of the article? Specify them, we will deal together.

The appearance of urinary stone and lime-plated - the process is not one day. He hurts his health hardly, but plumbing ceramics is quite likely. In addition, the type of contaminated toilet or sink can spoil the whole picture of your flawless bathroom. Today we will tell both in ordinary, home how to deal with the worst enemies of Plumbing Porcelain and Fayans.

Causes of sediment appearance

In order to choose an effective way to deal with deposits on sanitary ceramics (faience), it is necessary to start find out the reasons for their appearance, the composition, etc. The proverb "Enemy needs to know in the face" is relevant and in our difficult business.

Rock not only spoils appearance, but also destroys the enamel of the plumbing device

The limestone falls is the deposition of minerals that are in excess are contained in tap water, on the surface of ceramic and chromed products. Basically, pollution is formed in places of flush in the form of yellow-orange sublishes. And the more often the water is washed off in the toilet, the faster the flight is formed.

Important! If it does not remove the fooles from the water supply, sediments can cause clogging. Watch out for each of your "home assistants".

The blade is the deposition of minerals contained in the human body. They are derived along with urine and settle on the walls of the ceramic product. Connecting with minerals contained in water, they form a dense and very inesthetical layer of gray-yellow color. Overnight in ceramics coating exacerbate and speed up this process.

If the ceramics is initially poor quality, then the flare on it is formed faster due to the porosity of the material

When choosing plumbing ceramics, check the smoothness of the inner surface of the bowl. An ideal option is to purchase a product from a plumbing porcelain, unlike a cheaper faience, it has a dense structure. This is achieved due to elevated temperatures at which the product is burned. And it is the density that makes the toilets from the porcelain more smooth, and the flare and the stone is not so fast in the structure of the porcelain, so it is much easier to cleaned it.

It should be understood that the sanitary porcelain is a material for the manufacture of elite plumbing, therefore it is much higher than that of models, from the faience. Does this feature attribute to the minuses - to solve each user on their own.

Product made of china

The main reason for the appearance of deposits of any species is the neglect of preventive methods for cleaning ceramics. It should be remembered that the more often the planned cleaning of the toilet room and the cleaning of the plumbing, the longer the toilet remains in its original form.

Cleaning with prudent and folk remedies

To clean the toilet, sink or shower tray from the plaque, it is not necessary to run to the store and spend money on expensive chemicals. In addition, effective substances are expensive, but at least do not want to spend money. In order to get rid of themselves from the extra wasting, and the toilet from the limestone and the blade, you can use the remedies that always have in arsenal at any hostess. So, several ways to clean Plumbers borrowed from the people.

Lemon acid

The main enemy of lime deposits is citric acid. It is very effectively fighting deposits that have not reached their critical point.

Lemon Acid - Excellent Facilities Remedy

For this you need:

  • purchase 3-4 bags of substances;
  • apply to contaminated places;
  • close the toilet lid;
  • wait 4-5 hours (better until the morning);
  • wash off water, carefully processing the rash.

For greater efficiency, you can repeat the procedure several times.

Acetic acid

It works just like lemon. But for its use, acetic essence must be prepared:

  • measure 250 g of acetic essence or food vinegar 9%;
  • to heat the liquid to 45-50 ° C (be sure to cover the capacitance with the lid to avoid the caustic odor);
  • pour the warm vinegar to the toilet;

When working with acetic acid, do not forget to protect the breathing tracks with a bandage

  • for efficiency, you can add some food soda (2-3 tsp);
  • be sure to close the bowl of the toilet with the lid;
  • leave for 2-3 hours or at night.

In the morning thoroughly rinse the bowl with water and rub the rash or another brush.

Oxalic acid

This tool today goes to the background and comes across on store shelves. But if you met it in the modern market - boldly buy t. This is a cheap and effective way to restore the pristine whiteness to your ceramics. It is necessary to apply the tool into a slightly wet soft rag or pour the place of deployment of the blade and plaque. Do not regret the substance. After processing the places of accumulation of minerals, clean the brush and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Sorrelic acid cleanse the surface of the toilet in a short time

Baking soda

This drug is in the kitchen for everyone. With the help of soda, you can strengthen the effect of acid, acetic or lemon. The soda that fell into contaminated sections destroys the structure of minerals and completely removes the flare from the surface of the ceramic products. To clean the toilet, it will take no less than 200 g (1 pack). For greater efficiency, it is better to leave the drug to work for the whole night. In the morning there will be only to handle the enshik bowl, considering the remnants of mineral deposits.

Coca Cola

No matter how strange it sounded, but this wonderful drink can not only quench your thirst, but also to remove the allied lime bloom. To do this, pour into the bowl of 1-2 liters of fluid and leave for the night. How the cola's cleaning properties were unknown, we can only assume that the drink was inserted into the toilet to a caring mother, which later discovered that he "ate" all sediments.

Important! Although the primary means do not have a large concentration of acids or alkalis, it is necessary to work with them in gloves. And when using vinegar, you must take care of the respiratory tract.

Some hostesses are used to remove the plaque even cola

Cleaning Chemistry

Underworked substances can be cleaned with non-critical pollution. When lime deposits are more similar to the coating of the toilet, and the formation of blades has acquired a dark brown tint, folk remedies are useless. Here only heavy artillery in the form of potent chemical cleaners can cope here.

Very important! With caustic chemicals, it is necessary to work only in rubber gloves! Do not neglect security when used!

It is best to use specialized detergents that are intended only for toilet bowls. Before applying, be sure to learn the product label.

Withstand the remedy, be sure to handle the stool with a brush

With critical and extremely abundant growths of mineral sediments, a liquid electrolyte can be used, which is used in car batteries. It can only be used in extreme cases when other funds did not bring results. In its composition it contains sulfuric acid, so do not forget to take care of your own security.

Preventive measures of struggle

Everyone knows that to prevent the appearance of pollution is much easier than to look for means to combat him. In order not to disseminate the sediments of lime and blade, it is necessary to take advantage of several advice:

If the toilet is kept clean, then there will be no need to use caustic chemicals. With proper care, your ceramics will shine cleanly for a long time.

How to wash the toilet from plaque and rust: video

How to remove a flask: photo

Good bona fide owners plumbing always shines cleanliness. However, sometimes, after long-term use and rare prophylactic cleaning under the rim and on the walls of the toilet, it is started to form a limestone raid and urinary stones. This problem is not the most pleasant, but solved. Consider how to deal with pollution and what to do if you "by inheritance" from the old owners of housing got a toilet bowl with a stone.

We are looking for the cause of the appearance

To skillfully solve the problem, it is worth familiar with its root causes. What lime flag? This deposits of minerals contained in the water you are using for washing into the toilet. These minerals are present in both river water and well. Thus, the more often the water was washed, the more existing problem is exacerbated.

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You can not only remove with your own hands headfall, but also prevent his appearance. In particularly launched cases, the flight may cause clogging of the hole (or holes), from which water flows to clean the inner cavity of the toilet. TO You can read in our article.

Urinary stone This is a phenomenon indicating the laziness of the owners, forgetting to wash off the water in the toilet after the malfunction. Drops of urine dried on the walls and lead to the appearance of very ugly divorces, and subsequently - the appearance of urinary stones. It is possible to clear them, but much better - to prevent, producing sanitary cleaning and cleaning plumbing in a timely manner.

On the rough surface of plumbing, the raid is formed much faster. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to acquire a new porcelain plumbing.

How to clean the toilet from stone by folk methods

If your toilet is so "zaros" that the rash does not save anymore, and you and your guests are simply unpleasant to use the toilet due to squeamishness, it is worth arming with knowledge accumulated by many previous generations. at home?

Folk methods can be applied in private houses with a local sewer system (septic) and plastic pipelines.

Attention! As part of safety, the respiratory organs and the skin of the hands should be protected from the contact of cleaning agents and their vapors. Use rubber gloves and respirator. Take care of the eyes from random splashes.

Strong chemistry in the fight against mineral sediments

Attention! Before using a means, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the factory instruction for use, where the amount of the drug is prescribed for one-time use and time. It is necessary to protect organs of vision, respiration and skin of the hands from accidental contacts and alkalis. Most means are unsuitable for cleaning toilet bowls in houses with plastic pipelines and local septic plain installations.

Liquid acids and alkali

  1. . This acid can be cleaned not only to the toilet from the stone, but also the internal parts of the drain tank from the corrosion appeared. For use, about 100 g of acid solution should be pouring into a tank and a toilet, after 10-15 minutes, wash off with water and clean the surface with a brush (enshik). It is not expensive acid, it does not affect the enamel, rubber and plastic. Use, mapping hands with rubber gloves.

  2. - This is a very strong tool for cleaning the toilet bowl, but requires extreme caution when used (take care of the hand and do not breathe pairs). It is enough to wipe the walls and pour about one glass of acid in the toilet to quickly get rid of pollution. Time actions - 15 minutes. After applying, it is necessary to close the toilet cover. Not suitable for use in toilet bowls connected to plastic pipes.

  3. . It is usually used by car owners, but such a super powerful mixture of sulfuric acid with distilled water is capable of rid of your toilet even from a strong lime-plated. The method of use and safety is similar to hydrochloric acid. Not suitable for frequent use.

  4. Chlorine. Based on chlorine, many cleaning products are produced, including domestic "whiteness" and imported "Domasetos". However, chlorine-containing drugs are extremely destructive to health, therefore, despite the effectiveness, it is not recommended to use them. Method of application: Apply to the surface, after 30-60 minutes (rabbit and wash off all the water. Some "specialists" pour "whiteness" into the toilet tank.

    It is also effective, but it is quite dangerous (including for the health of the female reproductive system).

Popular cleaners. In stores you can find a variety of liquid (creams, gels, solutions) of funds created specifically to combat soased lime sediments and blade. Such drugs are applied by 30-60 minutes under the beet of the toilet, after which the surface is cleaned by the rash. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times. Products of popular brands: Cillit and "Toilet duckling" (Preparations based on hydrochloric acid).

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Prices for toilet cleaning agents

tools for cleaning toilet

Powders abrasive

All commercially available abrasive cleaning products are not bad help to solve the problem of cleaning the toilet. However, tiny granules often leave micro scratches on the Sanafayans surface, as a result of which the limestone falls again will appear after a short period of time.

If there are no alternatives to the use of abrasives, they are used as follows: from the bowl of the toilet bowl pumps, after which the powder layer is poured. Next, you can leave a means for exposure to or immediately begin cleaning with a brush / encycle / rigid washcloth. It is necessary to rub until the flare does not completely disappear. The procedure is quite unpleasant and tedious.

Tank tablets are not only a means to remove raids, but also perfectly suitable for the prevention of blades. In addition, the tank funds possess a pleasant aroma, disinfect and disinfect the surface of plumbing, extend the life of its service. It is enough to purchase the packaging of your favorite means and put 1 tablet inside the tank. As soon as the tablet begins to dissolve, the water will turn into any shade. The disappearance of the coloring pigment in the water will indicate the need to add a new tablet to the tank.

In addition to prophylactic cleaning and emergency methods of combating stone in the toilet, it is recommended to adjust the water supply in the tank. After all, excess water for washing is not only financially unprofitable, but is one of the root causes of the emergence of lime deposits. The easiest way to reduce the tank volume is to put 1-2 plastic water bottles in it. This will reduce consumption by 2-3 liters each time. And in the case of the acquisition of a new plumbing, choose a tank with a double button and a mode of economical use of water.

Video - how to clean the toilet from stone

The blade is a resistant yellow-gray raid, which is formed on the toilet with long-term use of plumbing. This pollution is so strongly accurates to the surface, which simply wash it does not work. Many hostesses are looking for a way to wash the blade in the toilet whether it is possible to return the ideal view of the "white friend"? We will tell you the strongest and effective ways to clean the toilet from yellow plaque - from chemicals to home methods.

The blade is a limestone, containing urin particles, feces and rust. It is these components that give pollution persistent and unpleasant smell. The limestone in the toilet is a fertile environment for breeding malicious bacteria, so you need to know what to wash the urinary stone in the toilet, and what causes the appearance of the plaque.

Most often, the urinarystone is formed for the following reasons:

  • Untime and insufficient drain. This problem occurs in homes where there are small children, as well as because of the banal laziness of the owners and guests. We regularly wash off the water after each use, and you do not have to search.
  • Tank malfunction. The poor work of the tank can cause insufficient drain, why urea will begin to accumulate on the walls, and over time, silent yellow stains are formed under the rim.
  • Defects and rough surface of plumbing. The coarse walls with chips and protrusions are excellent conditions for the accumulation of dirt and reproduction of microbes.
  • Old plumbing with a long service life. Rusty pipes, toilet Soviet times and a faulty tank - one of the main reasons for the appearance of blades. In this case, it is worth replacing the plumber to a new one, otherwise the urinarystone will appear again and again.

Cleaning toilet bowl from urinary stone

If your toilet is contaminated so much that he is not cleared by the rash, and you will use plumbing to use and invite guests to the house, do not do without deep cleaning. The best time for cleaning is the end of the day, so that the remedy will affect the night. In this case, you do not have to rub long and scrape the walls from the walls. Before starting work, break the crane from the tank to the toilet and click on the draining. Drag all the water from the toilet to the toilet with a jar or extract the sponge.

During operation, be sure to protect the skin of the hands with gloves - you will have to deal with aggressive chemicals. Put on the respirator and watch the splashes do not get into the eyes.

  • Take the toilet detergent. It can be a special gel ("Domasetos", "toilet duckling") or a paste cooked from the primary means. Apply to the places of cluster of blades and under the rim, then leave for the night. At this time, it is not recommended to use the toilet.
  • In the morning, clean the toilet with the Yershik, while the stone does not begin to disappear. For cleaning plumbing can not be used with metal brushes, as they can scratch enamel.
  • If the flare stays, repeat the procedure several times.
  • During cleaning the toilet, do not allow children and animals to the bathroom, since aggressive cleaning products are dangerous.

Using undergraduate means

You can cope with unsalted pollution with the help of remedies. If you are looking for how to wash the toilet bowl from the blade, use one of these recipes:

Bleach. Chlorine-containing liquid is aggressive, but perfectly dissolves the blade stone. Please note that "whiteness" and other bleachers do not act in water, so the toilet must be dry. Pour the chlorine liquid on the walls and leave overnight.

Vinegar. Such a recipe will help to cope with water stone. Take a slightly acetic acid of 9%, heat up to boiling water, after which dissolve 50 g of soda and a teaspoon of iodine. All thoroughly mix and burst through the walls of the toilet, leaving overnight. Couples of vinegar are quite dangerous, so try not to inhale them during cooking.

Lemon acid. This simple remedy greatly dissolves the blade stone. Pour 3-4 packers powder in the toilet, wait a few hours, then smash. Lemonic acid will not cope with large pollution, but it will easily eliminate small growths.

Antikalk It will help to return the brilliance to the toilet. Take a little powder and pour into the toilet in the evening. In the morning you will notice that the flare will start falling off with pieces. Take the rash and remove the remains of the stone.

The blade is perfectly eliminated roasted drinks. Take a jar of sprite or coca-cola and pour overnight in the toilet. If the flare is ass on the walls, attach a rag moistened with a drink. The next morning the stone will begin to go away with pieces, and it will not be difficult to remove it. Minus such a method - at its high price. Lemon acid is cheaper, but is no less efficient.

Household chemicals will help

How to remove a stone raid in the toilet with the help of shop? In the modern market, you can find a lot of powders, gels and cleaning fluids to clean the toilet, which will cope with the blade quickly and easily. Many such drugs contain convenient dispensers, with which the fluid easily falls under the bezel to the toilet, without touching the skin.

Use industrial means for cleaning plumbing is quite easy. Apply a gel or liquid on the rim toilet bowl, leave for about an hour, then rinse with water. The blade is dissolved, while the pleasant light flavor of the needle or citrus remains.

The most famous and efficient chemicals are "Domestos", "Toilet duckling", "Silit Bang" and others.

Strong chemistry to combat urinary stone

If nothing of the above copes, only heavy artillery can help - strong chemicals. When working with them, observe precautions, and the substances themselves store in places inaccessible for children and animals.

Orthophosphoric acid. The concentrated substance 5-7% perfectly dissolves the aqueous stone without affecting plastic or rubber. When working with it, protect your hands with rubber gloves. Orthophosphoric acid struggles not only with a limescale, but also dissolves rust, so you can save a rusty tank. Pour 100 g of acid inside the tank and as much in the toilet. The tank is empty, the walls of the toilet bowl will pull the brush and rinse the entire system with plenty of water.

Battery electrolyte. This tool can be purchased in automotive stores. The substance is based on concentrated sulfuric acid, so it should be used very carefully. The electrolyte cannot be used often, it is suitable only in very launched cases. When working with it, protect your eyes and skin.

Hydrochloric acid. This strong substance with a 53% active component is dangerous for plastic pipes, because refractors plastic. When working with hydrochloric acid, be sure to turn on the hood so that the pairs of substances do not get into the lungs. A glass of acidic liquid pour into the toilet and the brush distribute over the walls. Close the lid so that the acid pairs do not spread throughout the house, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with water.

Prevention of urinary formation

As you know, the blade is formed on the old and launched plumbing, which is not cleaning for a long time. In order for your toilet to the toilet all the time, it looks like a new, regularly wash it with special means. Household chemicals will perfectly cope with small pollution - from the usual "whiteness" to the advertised "domain".

  • To warn the appearance of the blade and fill the toilet with a pleasant smell can special balls and stickers, which are attached under the rim and refresh the water with each wash. Such adaptations will ensure disinfection and excellent prophylaxis of stone growths.
  • Watch out for the health of the drain tank. If you have hard water, install a special filter in it that warns the appearance of the growths.
  • Use the rash after each wash, follow the walls of feces on the walls.
  • Take care of the surface of the toilet and do not use abrasive means. Damaged enamel is a place where stone growths appear most often.
  • Do not pour hot food into the toilet. Because of this, microcracks may form.
  • Replace old rusty pipes with new ones.
  • If the toilet is too old and damaged, do not take the funds to replace the plumbing. Install the new toilet and regularly follow its cleanliness, so that the urinary stone no longer bothered you.

Maintaining cleanliness in the bathroom indoor is a very difficult case for any housewife. The beauty of toilet bowls and baths are depending on both the quality of the applied funds, and on the periodicity of cleaning. One of the common problems is the appearance of an unpleasant plaque on the inside of the toilet. Therefore, many are interested in how to get rid of a limescale in the toilet.

Causes of the appearance of a lime

Flap lime inside the toilet can often appear due to a large amount of magnesium and calcium as part of water from sewage. It appears on the inner walls due to leaks of a drain tank caused by a poorly configured float. This is very important material from which the "porcelain friend" housing is made. In the event that it has a rough and / or porous surface without glazed coating, a variety of pollution will quickly accumulate on the product.

The most optimal option is porcelain plumbing with a smooth surface. Such products are less than the rest are subject to pollution (and outside, and from the inside), but it is much more expensive. But in this case, you can not think about how to remove a lime bloom in the toilet and where to buy quality funds.

In addition to the lime plates, there are a lot of problems with the blade and corrosion. Therefore, many are interested, how to clean the toilet from the blade inside.

Rust is formed due to the presence of ferrous elements in the composition of the water and due to the unsatisfactory state of the pipeline of the sewer system.

Urinarystone, as seen from the name, is a deposit of substances contained in the urine. The problem is due to the fact that human vital products fall on surface roughness and are not eliminated in a timely manner. As a result, remove the yellow blade In the toilet it becomes very difficult.

In order for the struggle with a limescale to be effectiveFirst of all, you need to regularly clean the toilet. However, if the problem has already appeared, it must be immediately solved. In this case, it will be useful to find out how to clean the toilet from the limetal plaque. You can use special preparations or home recipes. It all depends on the financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Home Methods

There are a large number of simple and affordable ways.which allow you to clean the toilet at home:

Radical way

If there are malnutacies in the toilet and no vinegar and citric acid help, then you can use another cleaning solution, which is based on the use of electrolyte. It is important to understand that it is necessary to comply with certain security measures: to acquire a respirator, rubber gloves and glasses to protect. Pour electrolyte on pollution is required as accurately as possible, avoiding splashing. It is due to the fact that evaporation of this substance is very dangerous for the skin and respiratory tract.

Removal of plaque with a soda

It is enough to buy in the store a couple of bottles of "sprite", "pepsy" or "cola" and pour them into the toilet to remove the dirt. After a couple of hours, the active substances contained in these beverages will dissolve lime or blade, and the contamination can be simply removed using a rigid brush or sponge, and the surface is thoroughly washed.

For the prevention of lime plates, experts recommend using special preparations placed in the drain tank. They allow you to maintain cleanliness and hygiene inside the toilet, and also prevent the appearance of unpleasant odor. The principle of action of these substances is based on the change in the composition of water, which fills the tank. When washed with it, various deposits from the inner surfaces of plumbing equipment are leaving together. Today there are many items of this kind of product. The most popular of them includes:

  • tablets "Domasetos", their average cost - from 100 to 200 rubles;
  • preparation "Bref" cost from 140 to 180 rubles;
  • cubes "Chirton" - from 60 to 80 rubles.

Now on sale you can find a lot of funds that allow housewives to maintain purity in the toilet and bathroom. In composition, these drugs can be divided into the following categories:

Powdensums are distinguished from abrasive cleaning products: "Sorti" and "Pemiolux". They cost from 28 to 80 rubles. Such powders are greatly struggling with deposits, but assume the application of some efforts to remove contaminants. In addition, the use of powder preparation makes the surface more rough and causes the appearance of microcracks, in which bacteria and flare can also accumulate. Therefore, it is still better to prefer tools based on a gel or liquid.

Acid agents very effectively remove the sediments of the lime and blade from the inner surface of the toilet.

The results of one of the market research show that the best and most popular tool among Russian housewives is "Cillit Bang" based on hydrochloric acid. However, this drug is quite expensive.

A much more affordable, but no less effective means is the "Domestos". Its value varies from 160 to 280 rubles. It also contains hydrochloric acid, allowing to wash any dirt and sediment. Many consumers speak very well about this tool, considering it an ideal solution for cleaning the toilet bowl.

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