Sleep when they shoot at you. Why dream that they shoot at you in a dream. Dream Interpretations of the World Interpret - What to Beware of

Depending on the result.

Shoot someone, hit the target- success.

They shoot at you- business or love contacts (to be under someone's close attention); ill-wishers; guests or waiting for a visit.

Are killing you- victory, victory.

Shot (sound)- unexpected news.

Be under the gun- you are interested.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

If in a dream you shot at someone, then in reality you will find relief in your soul. The dream in which you were shot at and you felt the approach of death promises a meeting with the great selfishness of friends. To fall under terrible fire means that in reality you will find yourself in a very difficult position. But for a young girl, such a dream promises a violent declaration of love, perhaps from more than one fan. If you suddenly woke up and thereby escaped death, then in the near future there will be reconciliation with friends. A dream in which a priest shot at you promises the outrage caused by your friend. Hearing a shot is a dream of unexpected love. Hearing individual shots is important news. Continuous shooting dreams of worldly storms. If in a dream you were injured during a shelling, then in reality you will suffer in a dishonest game or from the intrigues of enemies. For a woman, such a dream promises an unsuccessful love affair. A dream in which there is fire on the city from the air promises you negative feelings from communicating with friends. If you participated in the shelling, then in reality the circumstances will turn out so that you will have to use all your physical and mental abilities. For a woman, such a dream promises the awakening of passion. A dream in which armed people shot at each other promises disagreements between lovers and spouses, the cause of which will be the selfishness of one of the partners.

A dream in which you shot someone promises you closer dishonor. If in a dream you were shot, then in reality you will find anxiety that will be caused by ill-wishers, or illness. Shooting a hare in a dream means that you will have to use cruel measures to restore a tarnished reputation. To shoot a quail dreams of ugly treatment of friends. If in a dream you were shot at and you were dying, then in reality you will be offended by your friends angry at you. Hearing the sound of a gun shot is a dream of a possible loss of work. If in a dream you saw brightly lit figures of people and animals in the sky, at which someone shoots and they fall from heaven, then in reality you will have great worries. To deal with these anxieties, you will need all your determination and fortitude. Shooting with your pistol means that you will envy what a simple person and will do a lot to avenge the supposed unkindness. A dream in which you shot a bird of prey promises you a bold fight and victory over your enemies. Shooting a bird of prey means that you will overcome all difficulties on the way to happiness.

Miller's dream book says that the dream in which you see shooting is completely unfavorable. If in a dream you see a shootout of two or more persons, soon you will have a series of troubles that will not be easy to deal with. If, under in a dream, you hear only the sounds of shooting, you should prepare for misfortunes that crept up on you. Very soon they will catch up with you, so you must prepare for their meeting. You need to be careful at every step so that misfortune does not take you by surprise. If a girl sees shooting in a dream, in reality she may have problems with her boyfriend or husband. The case may end in a breakup or divorce. Seeing shooting in a dream portends misunderstandings between work colleagues in the future. Seeing a shooting man in a dream means that it is time for you to gain strength and energy in order to achieve your goal. You must stop being selfish, otherwise you will be in trouble in your personal life.

According to Vanga's dream book, to see several shooting people or one shooting person in a dream means that severe hunger will soon catch up with people, as well as the likelihood of large masses of people dying out. Also, to see shooting at Vanga's dream book in a dream means the onset of difficult times in family life. If in a dream you see yourself as a participant in hostilities, shooting at the enemy, trouble will soon catch up with you and your family. If in a dream you come under fire, very serious troubles await you and your loved ones.

If in a dream you shoot from a bow or from a firearm, expect sexual intercourse with a partner in the near future. If in your dream a stranger shoots at animals or birds, this dream suggests getting rid of the complexes associated with the inferiority of your reproductive system as soon as possible.

I was in the building. It looks like a shopping mall. And suddenly I saw a lot of men with weapons, I started to run to the exit, but they blocked it. And they started shooting and I was lying on the floor. First they shot in the air, and then on the floor and they shot me in the hand. But I didn't feel pain. And then everything quickly ended and I wanted to go out, but it started to rain heavily with hail outside. And then it turned into snow. And I couldn’t go home because of the weather. When it started to snow, I decided to go. But I woke up and the dream ended. And before the shooting, I dreamed of a field on which there was one grave. And a woman came up to the grave and she told me that evil spirits lie here. She put the barrel at her feet, took a stake and plunged it into the heart in the grave. Well, then I ended up at the mall.

Shot at people and shot at a woman. And then she saw a small child in her. I ran up and told her that I would take care of her child and take him to me. And I have two children myself. The youngest is also the same age as her child. I started crying, I'm sorry and I saw this gypsy. And she told me that I would become rich and happy. I then forgot the conversation. As a result, it turned out that she did not die, and the child had to be taken away from me. I asked her for documents for the child in order to obtain custody of the child. And then I saw a huge scar on the child's head. And I asked her this. She said that he did not obey and she punished him ... I became his Shalkiya and I started to shit on his head ... After that I woke up.

It is worth paying attention to the modern dream book - you need to expect trouble and danger when you are shooting. The answer is encouraging - a person who dreamed that they were shooting at you is not in danger. And here are some interesting details of the interpretation of this dream. I dreamed of participating in a shootout or a race, which means that a person is active in life and loves to take risks, he is enterprising by nature. Such a dream tells a person that the time has come for serious decisions, and if you take a risk again, you can stay with a good profit, or achieve a promotion in your career. The most unpredictable act will turn out to be correct and useful.

According to Miller's dream book, if a person dreamed that he was on the verge of death because he was shot, this is the possibility of suffering from an unexpected insult from hardened friends. But if death is avoided by a sharp awakening, then a person will have a good ending of reconciliation with friends. According to the same dream book, shots are heard or to see a person who shoots - a quick discord between lovers or spouses is possible, due to their high selfishness. Quick failures in work and dissatisfaction with one's position are possible, however, this is a consequence of one's indiscretion.

Esoteric dream book. I dreamed that you were shooting a warning in a dream, someone from your environment was aiming at you. You need to be careful this is an opportunity to suffer from a blow (both physical and astral), you need to take all possible measures to protect yourself from the aggressor.

Dreams are our constant companion, and when a person wakes up in the morning, he wants to understand what his dream meant. For this, for a long time there have been many dream books. If a person dreams about being shot at in a dream, this is a disturbing dream and is common among people.

Hello, I'll tell you better about him in full, he's rather strange. I am in some kind of hall, and several people from the next room come at me with guns, I close the door, and climb on the furniture that is above the door. The head of this team trying to kill me comes in first, I am above the door and cannot reach the knife to kill him. I push off the wall and fall on it along with the furniture. He dodges, but I still manage to stick the knife in his stomach, and hit him several times with the knife in the same place and in the neck. Then the second of them starts shooting at me (I begin to understand that I am at home), I grab a gun from the dead man, run back to my room, and shoot back. I ran out of balls into him, and we don’t kill him for some reason, he hit him so many times ... the bastard doesn’t die. He runs away, I follow him. Running by the veranda, I notice the murdered brothers and daughters-in-law, I go up. And it turns out they are sleeping ... well, they told me so.) I go out into the city, and there is an SUV, white. And mother comes through the gate with some relatives. And I travel back in time. By this dream, I just get into an accident and move in time with friends, with one of my friends in the car.

I am standing near my car in which a person who is repairing it is sitting at the wheel, a robber runs up from the other side and shouts to get out of the car. He starts shooting, I count how many balls he spends 12, while three four bullets hit me in the buttocks. He runs away through the snow along with his accomplices, there are three of them. As a result, there are three of us and we catch them around with hammers. Which I caught, I start to choke with one hand, then a hammer is born in my hand and I hit him in the face, not as much as I scare, I ask why it's all his mother appears and I'm everything to her. I turn around, but I still ask the car of nearby acquaintances who saw who they stole, they laugh at me and do not tell anything. I find myself in my old apartment in which we have lived since childhood and there is an interrogation and torture of these three who tried to steal my car, me and strangers, I see blood, and two are dying from torture, but not from my hands, I I don’t feel any fear, because I didn’t kill them without realizing that I took part in this, I want to know where my car is. Then everything is vague

I go with my family and a friend to the grocery store, but it looks like a warehouse. We return around the corner - there is a man with a paintball gun in the distance. Shoots at me 1 time - missed. I understand that I need to get there. I move closer to neutralize it. Shoots more - already close, but past. I'm even closer. Shoots more - struck. I get even closer. Shoots already queue - hits. Unpleasant, red paint stains, but tolerable. I understand that I will not have time to approach - it will kill. I remember that I have a gun, but only a real one. I shout to my friend and mother to serve. Give. I take off the safety, aim. The enemy understands that he has nothing to do here and tries to escape. I shoot aiming 1 time - the bullet flies like a plastic toy and does not reach. I shoot for the second time. I can’t say whether I hit it or not, but the enemy was gone, and inside it became calm. And the passage was free. Everything. There were no paints, the only color in the dream was paint from paintball bullets. Please tell me what does that mean?

I’m riding with a friend in an empty minibus, standing up, it suddenly stops, the back doors open, there are 2 traffic police officers, they give pistols and start shooting at us! everything went well here a sharp change in the situation new year as this field is huge there are a lot of people and for some reason in the summer I meet a lot of friends who are serving time in places not so remote I communicate with them again a sharp change in the situation I at work with colleagues break away from the GUARD they catch us I agree with them, everything is fine, they let us go, we go to Mitsu's bathhouse here, on the way I meet a very beautiful girl, she tells me to erase us on the road, the guards almost crush us in their car, everything is fine, we go into the bathhouse, I'm soaped, they tell me to you, I go out into the street there is mine the ex-girlfriend is standing and wants to tell me something, but she grabs my goods by the arm and takes her away from me. »

A dream in which a person dreams that they are shooting at him can be interpreted in different ways. Sometimes such a dream warns of impending danger or an important event. Much depends on what type of weapon was fired from, what part of the body they hit, in what state the dreamer perceived the dream. Different dream books offer different interpretations, and sometimes it is difficult to say whether such a dream has a positive or negative meaning.

The weapon that was fired

Depending on the type of weapon from which they fired, such a dream has the following meanings:

  • Frompistol- threat comes from the enemy.
  • From the machine- depends on the mood of the dreamer. If in a dream and upon awakening he feels lightness and joy - the discovery of new opportunities, the ability to reveal his potential, to complete the main thing. If a person experiences fear or aggression, serious troubles, slander, blackmail, threats await in reality.
  • From a bow or crossbow- the dreamer did not bring the important matter to the end for a long time, saved up strength. It's time to use them and finish what we started.
  • From a gun- the dreamer's enemy will lose to him in the fight.
  • From a heavy machine gun- bullets fired from this weapon mean mental exhaustion, a large amount of accumulated stress, unresolved problems.

Do not forget that the interpretation largely depends on the emotions and actions of the dreamer himself. For example, if after shooting in a dream and upon waking up one feels unusual relief, there will be reconciliation with a loved one, a loved one. This will lead to a strong, passionate, but temporary relationship.

What part of the body were they targeting?

Depending on which part of the body was shot in a dream, there are such interpretations:

Part of the body

The meaning of sleep

One of the most annoying. In a person's life, a stealth blow, betrayal, slander awaits

Something important for the dreamer will happen soon

There will be trouble with someone from relatives, relatives, loved ones. The likelihood that the dreamer himself will become the culprit of the event

The emergence of new desires, goals, intentions

For a while there will be loneliness. Solving problems without outside help

The enemy is trying to deprive the dreamer of his strength, to prevent the achievement of an important goal

If they hit this part of the body, unexpected changes will occur, events

Susceptibility to frequent self-deception. You need to get rid of this, otherwise serious trouble awaits.

The appearance of an illness or a quarrel with a loved one

Interpretations of various dream books

Different dream books have their own interpretations of the case when a person dreams that they are shooting at him:

dream interpretation Interpretation
Miller's dream book The dream suggests that the person is secretive, distrustful. He tends to accumulate negative emotions in himself. He should be more open, stop unreasonably suspecting people, blaming others for his problems, becoming the most honest
Modern Sleep brings good luck in all directions. If a person faces trials, he will overcome everything
Esoteric Lack of self-confidence, some kind of attachment: to a person or to a career. If a large amount of blood is present in a dream after a shootout, the dreamer does not approve of some of the actions of loved ones.
Felomena Waiting for bad news related to the illness of the dreamer himself or his relatives. If, upon awakening, the part of the body that you hit in a dream hurts, you should examine it.
Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer This is a positive sign. Soon there will be an important meeting with a person with whom certain strong relations will be connected. This applies to all areas: love, work, spirituality
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov To see shooting at yourself in a dream - in reality, people whom the dreamer has not seen for a long time will soon come to visit. Nothing bad, but it doesn't have to be positive either.
Idiomatic The dream warns that you should be ready for an attack from the enemy or someone from your inner circle. Someone is able to betray, slander, interfere at the most inopportune moment
English Conflicts, contradictions with loved ones. If you stay alive - reconciliation with them

To draw a correct conclusion about the meaning of sleep, you must first remember if there were any action movies or other films with shootouts the day before. If not, then you should first of all listen to your intuition.

Dreams are the result of subconscious brain activity. They can reflect memories, desires, as well as symbols relating to the future. In order to obtain important information, it is important to correctly interpret the dream, taking into account other details.

Why dream that they are shooting at you?

Such a dream may be an indication of the arrival of guests. Many dream books consider such a plot to be a negative sign that promises unpleasant news and meetings with enemies. To dream that you are being shot at and this leads to death means that soon you can expect victory in an important matter or over enemies. Another such plot may mean that soon there may be a set-up on the part of a loved one. A dream where someone aims a gun means that someone is interested in the dreamer in reality. Let's figure out what it means if I was shot in a dream and wounded in the heart - this is a signal of the existence of health problems. If the shot hit the back, then the dreamer can be betrayed by loved ones.

Night vision, where the dreamer is shot from around the corner, indicates the existence of danger from enemies. If you are shot in a dream, it means that in the near future it will be possible to solve all material problems. A dream where they shoot at me, but they don’t hit me, is a good sign indicating the ability to resist enemies and cope with all existing problems. If a person was injured, but he was able to survive, it means that in reality someone will greatly offend and humiliate. A duel in a dream serves as an indication of the presence of potential competitors in various areas of life. A loud shot is a harbinger of important and shocking news. A dream where a sniper shoots at you warns that someone is plotting. For a woman, a dream of shooting represents her bad

Did you have to shoot a person in a dream? In reality, you will make a fierce enemy or deftly complete some task. Why dream of the indicated aggressive action yet? The dream interpretation suggests analyzing the plot and considering various interpretation options.

You are being watched!

Had a dream that someone was shot? This is a sign of discontent, irritation and aggression. Beware: you can break loose at any moment.

A point-blank shot means an insult in a dream. Why dream about how ruthlessly they shot someone? In reality, you can get even for an old grudge. But if they were aiming at you, then this is a sign of close observation by ill-wishers or fans.

Were going to shoot at the dream character, but there was a misfire? The dream interpretation is sure: radically change your mind about a bad person by getting to know him better.

According to Miller

In a dream, did you decide to shoot at a person, carefully aiming? Only competent preparation and accurate calculation will ensure the success of the planned business.

Weapon Features

The dream book believes that you should definitely consider the meaning of one or another weapon that you used to shoot a person.

  • Combat - energy, purposefulness.
  • Sportswear is the right choice.
  • Hunting - a love affair.
  • Gas - tears.
  • Traumatic - a waste of time and energy.
  • Laser - destructive emotions, behavior.

Do not hurry!

Why dream if it happened to shoot a person with a pistol? Haste and suspicion are bad advisers: do not jump to conclusions.

Did you dream that you were aiming at someone with a pistol? The dream interpretation prophesies envy, unreasonable revenge or retribution. Seeing an attempt to shoot a character with a pistol means a serious offense or a major scandal.

If a lonely man decided to kill someone in a dream, then in the real world he will have a pretty, hardworking, but very quick-tempered wife.

Stock up on patience!

Why dream if you had to shoot a man with a gun? This is a sign of anger, profit and boredom at the same time.

In addition, the dream book predicts a loud quarrel with obligatory reconciliation. Did you dream of a murder with a gun? Get ready for serious experiences due to a strange case.

Seeing an attempt to shoot someone with a gun means that in order to achieve the goal, maximum patience and endurance should be shown, and at the right time - integrity and determination.

Duel or order?

If in a dream you had a chance to participate in a very unusual hunt and shoot a person, then real circumstances will force you to take extreme measures and even cruelty.

Lucky to see an enemy killed? Get ready for a tough confrontation, the outcome of which will be prompted by the correct interpretation of the dream and its atmosphere.

Why dream that you have become a killer? In fact, go on an interesting journey or make an acquaintance that will change your whole life. Had a dream about how they fought in a duel? The dream interpretation warns: you will find yourself in a funny and even ridiculous situation.