Sleep mom fell out of the window. Why the window is dreaming: let's look into the dream books. Light from a window or pitch darkness

Why dream of falling out of the Window in a dream from a dream book?

She dreams that her daughter fell out of the window ▼

To dream about how yours fell out of the window - expect stressful situations. There are experiences that you need to deal with on your own.

Have you seen familiar people fall out of the window?

A man fell out of a window in a dream ▼

I dreamed that a person fell out of a window - to the appearance of a person that you will be very worried about. It is not without reason that this personality will take in yours and cause a lot of emotions.

Dreaming that brother falls out of the window ▼

We saw in a dream how it falls out of the window - the dissatisfaction you experience with life is about to result in nervous tension. It is necessary to take action, try to change something.

Were there animals in your dream?

The cat fell out of the window in a dream ▼

The dream where she fell out of the window symbolizes getting rid of. Probably, the ill-wisher was a female person with whom it would be possible to settle scores once and for all.

Video: Why dream of falling out of the Window

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I dreamed of falling out of the Window, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of falling out of the Window in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    three times I was thrown out of the window, but I got back out, but the third time my neighbor saw me, I hung outside the window, holding on to it, the almost naked neighbor promised to help, I refused, but when I got back, she started ringing my doorbell, I opened it and explained the situation that three times it was as if something had thrown me out of the window

    I dreamed I was lying in the hospital with my friends, one of them said run, jump out the window, I jumped out and hung on the windowsill, high, I think why I jumped, I look scared down, climbed onto the neighboring window sill, and there the grate can be easily removed, I climbed back.

    i dreamed about how my two-year-old son, in some instant, found himself sitting on the sill with his back to the open window and suddenly stepped back and now I see how he falls, I run trying to catch him, and in the end I see how he fell and blood rushed on his forehead, I rushed off hysterically down the stairs I take him in my arms and he looks at me and tries to breathe. I woke up from my own cry and still can’t calm down all this doesn’t get out of my head I think I’m going crazy. Please explain what this means?

    I dreamed that I was in the old apartment of the bkbushka. The man is sitting on the table, tidying up things, watches, medicines. At this time, I hear a noise in the kitchen. The ex-wife of my brother, this woman who drinks a lot, climbs out the window on some kind of rag. She climbs with her little son. My husband runs up to her, but this woman is hysterical and drags him out the window. They fall. I run to the window and look down. She lies across my husband and convulses. I scream my husband's name and hope he's alive. Her child and my daughter remained in the apartment with me.

    Good day! I am very worried about two dreams! Especially one, I return to him periodically!
    I dreamed that my husband told my son to jump off the window (the second day, I see it and I’m very nervous and in the end my son jumped and fell right on his head! I see a lot of blood and my son cries loudly! My son is 9 months old

    And the second dream is me and my girlfriend (we have known each other for 24 years) at our obeiah. All hands in fragments and there is blood!
    Thanks if you answer

    Hello! I dreamed that I was in the shower, and at that time the child was playing in the room. I get out of the shower, go into the room, see the wide-open window, hear how something is sliding down the tide with a creak and the fourth floor is falling. I thought that my daughter dropped something, I run up to the window and see how she lies in a pool of blood on the osvalte, and I woke up in horror

    I dreamed about how I was sitting in the room and my younger sister fell out of the window of the second floor, my mother did not pay attention to this, but as a sister I ran out to find out from the doctors what and how, the ambulance instantly arrived, my mother sobbed and looked out the window holding her stomach, and my sister her spine ached and she was shaking and crying and looking at her mother ...

    my colleagues help me with renovations from my mother's old apartment. you need to remove the mesh from the window to close it. Elena pulls on the net, she falls. I try to insert a new frame with the net into the onco. at this time, my diretok Valya climb onto the window and fall into it. I hear her screaming .. we all rushed to call an ambulance and help .. the ambulance arrived. Valya seems to be alive

    I see how my girlfriend falls out of the window, I scream, I see her from the top, I run to the bottom, I run and she is no longer there! I ask the girl something! for some reason, he calls me and says (natasha, don’t cry, I love you very much and I don’t remember something else, but I start screaming at him, here you are, my husband died) and then I don’t remember


    Good day! Today I had such a dream, help me decipher it. The man threw some thin, pale woman out of the window of an empty house, she was naked. The windows of the house were without windows and frames, she flew into one of the windows, the house was tilted / Most likely she did not survive. there was a lot of water below, as if an abandoned high-rise building was flooded by a flooded river or sea. Then the man fell out of the window of another house and injured his head and said that he was in pain. In one night, two falls out of the window. And my husband and I flew by plane to Thailand and it was raining there. Very humid. We were in some tall building with windows, there were people there. Then we fly by plane to a warm place, I saw him from the plane window there very warmly and brightly. What does this mean?

    I dreamed that I was standing on the balcony of the 15th floor and it was my apartment (I live on the 3rd floor). My cat cream scot came to me to flirt and not seeing that the window ended fell out. but I did not have time to catch him and watched him fly. I called the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the ambulance or the police and made them come and save my cat. For some reason I couldn't follow him. a couple of days later they found him. everything was fine with him, as if he had not fallen from the 15th floor.

    I lay on the windowsill, near the open window. A mosquito flew up, I brushed it out the window, and I myself fell out of it. But I managed to catch on. Despite the fact that for some reason I was wrapped in a sheet, like a caterpillar, I got out of there.

    for the second time I already dream about how my husband falls out of the balcony from the third floor! as if a white jeep crashes into our house and my husband and I run to the balcony to look, and at this time when my husband gets up on the balcony, he starts to collapse and he falls out screaming, but in the continuation of the dream he is alive!

    i dreamed how my daughter fell out of the window, and I was lying on the sofa and could not do anything. everything was kind of slow. I went to the window, but I couldn’t look, as if something was holding me and wouldn’t let me in

    i dreamed that my beloved accidentally fell out of the window of the fifth floor, I saw him fall, he began to group himself so as not to crash, but to try to land as safely as possible, but then my neighbor appeared and caught him.

    Some bright red-haired man tried to throw me out of the window, he was all in black. For some reason, I was very scared, this man somehow not outwardly, but with his aura evoked fear. Window on the 2nd floor of my hostel (I'm a student and I'm going home for the weekend)

    i looked in a dream at the windows in my house in real life there is a reshotka and in a dream there is no then I bent down to look down and fell out of the window, but it was real kobutoba and I felt everything when I fell, it hurt my head and woke up and in real life my back hurt.

    I dreamed that my daughter and I were on some kind of carousel and there were no seat belts. And when the swing went up, we were at a height about the height of a skyscraper, and at that moment she could not resist and fell out.

    In a dream, I dreamed that the window was falling apart right under my arms, the ex-husband dreamed as if he had returned, there were many bottles of alcohol, torn linen, and I see a husband leaving with a child in his arms and he takes a wad of money

    as if I have two children in my arms (and in fact I don’t have them, my children are big and three sons) one baby boy and the other older girl and girl suddenly falls out of the window of the 4th floor and I see from above that she is broken. in despair and I’m screaming my husband’s name in fear (and he’s pagip in summer), they say the child fell out, take him to the hospital as soon as possible. Going down herself, she went out into the street and on the street it’s spring wounding without snow and leaves and it’s cloudy, maybe it’s autumn, but there’s nothing like a swept on earth I go out to see my eldest son, I ask where everyone is, he says they left. I see my late father (he also died today in February, and my husband in June, and two weeks later my cousin is killed) I shout dad, find out what's going on with the child, and he suddenly starts to draw a white bold line with something, as if he were deleting the hall -I am with my aunts in front of the line, and my father and other people and my husband and offices are beyond the line and there too like a waiting room - and I hear the conversation of the aunts - they say there is a man (i.e. my father) collects money in return gives marmalade, let's go there - these aunts are talking to each other - I think go, they are waiting for you - and the father goes somewhere else .here is such a dream. and the state is not pleasant and the anxiety remains.

    Hello! Please help me interpret the dream, today I dreamed that I accidentally fell out of the building to the ground several times, then I calmly got up and walked back into the building, while I laughed and everyone who saw me fell out also laughed, once I fell out of the opening whether this was a window, or whether there should have been a door that led to another room, and I went through this opening, but there was nothing there and I fell to the ground right in the mud, in a puddle, got up, laughed and went back into it building. Then people in a dream told me that I had already become famous throughout the city for how beautifully I fall out, and everyone has fun, then I saw children playing on the balcony of one of the houses, then the balcony began to collapse and the children also began to fall from it, but not on the ground, but on some kind of roof, one of the children was merry on this balcony holding on to something. And again everyone had fun watching it, everyone laughed

    I was standing near the window and my mother was sitting on the windowsill, we were talking about something, I don’t remember exactly what, but we seemed to be smiling, then my mother fell out of the window, I didn’t have time to catch her, although I was very close, I looked down what I saw I don’t remember, I was very scared and shouted “mom”, then I was going to go down to her, but for some reason when I was putting on my shoes I suddenly calmed down and changed my mind about going down, I don’t remember the next dream, but this dream scares me very much and my reaction in a dream scares me no less ...

    Hello, Tatyana. Today I dreamed that I was standing on our balcony with my daughter (5 years old) and son (1.11 months) and suddenly it falls down (6th floor). I see him lying on the ground. I quickly run into the hallway and put on slippers, then I change them for some other ones and for some reason I find myself in a white nightgown with tied hair, not made up. Again I return to the balcony, I look down in the hope that he has risen, but alas. I woke up in horror .... the weather in the dream was good, summer Help me solve the dream, otherwise I'm very worried about my baby.

    My sister and I are standing on the loggia in my mother’s apartment and the husband is standing, the daughter is standing on a chair behind her and there is no glass in the frame and looks in there and everything is so fast I look out this window as she flies onto the asphalt and lies in a T-shirt so small I’m scared I'm crying, I'm screaming to call an ambulance, and it's dirty cold on the streets, I even woke up from fear

    I was sitting on the windowsill in the entrance hall on the 7th floor, shouting something to my friends and suddenly slid down. Literally for a moment I looked through the eyes of a falling person, then as if I felt a sharp blow, severe pain and the fact that if I now lose consciousness and surrender to this feeling, it will become easy and good, but I decided to try to wake up overcoming the pain. The next moment she was already in the hospital, but still seemed to be in pain. I still remember how I mentally said to myself the phrase "I want to live"

    I was sitting on the windowsill in the entrance hall on the 7th floor, shouting something to my friends and suddenly slid down. Literally for a moment I looked through the eyes of a falling person, then as if I felt a sharp blow, severe pain and the fact that if I lose consciousness, relax and succumb to this feeling, it will become easy and good, but I decided to try to regain consciousness, overcoming the pain. The next moment she was already in the hospital, but still seemed to be in pain.

    Dreaming the same dream twice
    I was walking down the street, and I see 5 people want to jump out of the window.
    Mom, two children, dad, and even a DOG!
    They were black and white
    And today there were 4 people, they were creepy
    They were in a black hoodie, they had hats on, and fabric hung from the hats.
    What is it for?

    Good afternoon, I rarely have dreams, but today I had a very clear dream that I was in my mother’s apartment, and when I went into one of the rooms in which I secretly kept a kitten from my mother, the window opened and the kitten fell out, I looked down and asked walking children to hold him while I go down after him. The dream was so clear that I woke up with excitement in my heart. As I said before, I rarely dream. Best wishes!

    It was a multi-storey building, and somewhere on the 20th floor, there was a bungee on the balcony, I was going to jump down from it, my beloved was standing nearby, and while I was about to put on insurance, I stumbled and fell down, died. And I saw how mine the soul left the body and looked at everything that was happening around, those who were in the apartment, friends ran out, a panic began, and a loved one sat next to him and hugged and cried

    Good day!
    I was visiting my friends, and I was tied to the back of a complete stranger to me, who wanted us to jump out the window together. When he approached the window with me, I felt that I was no longer attached to him, and pushed him.

    The dream occurred on Wednesday morning. At first I dreamed that my friends and I were going to fly to rest, I see myself and my friends in swimsuits and pareos. I see how I collect my travel bag, for some reason I take food with me ... Then a sharp transition, I see a window in my mother’s bedroom, I’m standing at the window, some woman is sitting next to her, and a little further away from her, my little son is sitting outside the window on the ebb, he is 1.4 months old. We all look down (everything happens on the second floor), there are beds under the window, and two neighbors are standing, one of them is watering the beds, it's summer outside. And suddenly a small one, as if pushing off, falls down, I can’t understand anything, the woman sitting next to him at first wanted to jump after him, and then got off and ran out into the street. I watch with horror from above the picture of my child lying completely naked (why, it’s also not clear) on the ground, face down ... The neighbor turns him face up, his eyes are closed, and his mouth opened at that moment. Another neighbor asks that one. that she turned over: “Is he alive? ” And she replies: “Yes, where at least, no !!! Died …. »I run away from the window with wild cries and tears, run up to it And .... At this moment I wake up. My son is sleeping next to me, I'm crying... It's scary

    My son is 5 years old, he fell out of the window of a multi-storey building, at first he was next to me and suddenly jumped out .... I yell in a hoarse voice in a rage and see how he hits the asphalt ... .. and then the asphalt became wet, but it was not blood ... and slight stirring of the son, but somehow inadequate ....

    I am pregnant, lying in bed by the window. My mother and my son are standing by the window. The son asks him to blow his nose. I want to do it myself, but my mother does it. He bends down, mother holds, and suddenly the son slips out of her hands and falls out the window. At this time, I am in some sort of semi-consciousness and cannot understand whether this actually happened, or I dreamed. I get up and go down to the entrance to understand. Below I see some people and seemingly doctors running to someone lying on the grass. But I have not made sure whether this is my child, because I have no strength. And the thought in my head really sent me a second child instead of the first

    litter with my wife, she stands on the open window holding on to the window frame, continuing to quarrel with me, and accidentally falls down from the second floor. I call for help and run downstairs to her, she has already risen and thrashed slightly. I offer her help, she refuses, I do not pay attention to her refusal, I take her in my arms and take her home.

    i dreamed that I pushed the girl and she fell out of the window of the 6th floor and died. I leaned over to see what was happening to her and almost fell out myself. I hung out of the window. My head and body were outside the window and my legs were in the room. I hung upside down. it was very scary. then I started to fall and grabbed some kind of rag, and somehow pushed off and fell back out the window. I was shaking all over.

    i dreamed I was sitting in a room talking to someone (I don’t remember whom) my child is playing next to the open window, I climbed onto the windowsill, I warned him that you couldn’t play there, I don’t remember the details, at some point I turn my head, and he lies on the window with his legs down, I jump up to him, but before he has time, he slips off and falls down, I rush after him with a cry, run down the porch, go down, do not reach the place and wake up in horror. Sleep from Thursday to Friday

    I'm lying on the couch, watching TV. My youngest daughter runs around the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that she climbed onto the windowsill and falls out the window. I immediately jump up from the sofa, lean out the window (9th floor) and see her lying face down, for some reason she is naked, in a snowdrift, but there was no snow anywhere else and in general it was a warm season. A company of young people stood next to her, but no one approached her close and she did not move. I began to rush around the apartment in search of a phone to call my husband. And woke up.

    I sat down at the bus stop and at a friend I hear a dull stupor, I think that there was an accident because there is a bridge near the houses and then I hear a terrible scream and I see a woman flying from the 5th or 9th floor and her husband’s wild cry, then he starts throwing children away and screaming get bitches I pick up the phone, dial an ambulance, but suddenly I understand that I don’t know the address of that house, but they all lie dead shares and I start to suffocate. I would be very grateful to you if you help me understand what it means

    I’m standing on a balcony, like the 4th floor, and I see how a girl and a child are either jumping or falling out from a neighboring balcony. The girl falls into the snow, and the child is on the road, and I hear his cry. I woke up in a cold sweat, two days shakes everything. That's it.

    Good afternoon Tatyana. The mother-in-law had a dream today (from Friday to Saturday, a dream. That she and my daughter (2 years old) are at some construction site. The daughter is standing high in the window. There is no window itself, only a cutout under the window. Some woman is standing behind her. The mother-in-law is screaming to this woman: “Call the child to you, she will come to you.” And the woman turns around and leaves. She woke up. She told me, she says she is very worried about sleep. She asks to bring her daughter to visit them in the evening. Now, as a mother, I am also very worried, but I didn’t find a normal interpretation on the Internet. Please help.

    Hello! Please, help!….
    Here is a dream.
    An ordinary evening, everything is as always, it's time to go to bed .. in my room the window was open for some reason. the cat is on the table. mother drove him away from the table and suddenly suddenly jumped up and walked along the ledge .. fell /. I saw how she was lying ... dad came in ... I told everything ... he was worried too ..
    I woke up. I can’t sleep and I can’t.. I’m panicking inside… I beg YOU Please help me!…..!!

    lately I have been having very often dreams related to Ukraine ... (now I have been living in Belarus since 2002) the dream was connected with my mother ... supposedly I am on a balcony that is broken and my mother walks along the window paropet and tries to open a bottle of champagne and then she breaks off from the fifth floors and falls... but she landed on her feet and was not hurt.. only her legs turned red from the impact...

    We either repaired the window, or just hung out on the balcony, I was tied to some kind of ropes, not very strong, as a result, I fell out of the window and hung on my leg, it was very scary, swayed, and then, in my opinion, they got me

    I see that my 2.5-year-old grandson is looking out the window in my mother’s apartment on the veranda on the 3rd floor .. I didn’t have time to come up, he falls out of the window down. I look down from the balcony, he is trying to get up there. He is dressed in a bright orange T-shirt and with dark hair on his head (he is blond in real life). I run out into the street and there is no one else. I'm starting to think that my mom seems to have taken him to the hospital.

    Now it’s summer and it’s the same in a dream. I looked out of the window, but leaned out far and began to fall, miraculously caught on the frame and hung. I see again.

    i dreamed from the window of my room (childhood apartment), on the 8th floor, my parents looked out, rejoicing at seeing me as I approached the entrance. I look up at them, I wave my hand to them, and I see from above them the son with a difference wants to see me. And he falls out. Of the parents, mom is alive, but dad has been gone for 8 years. I screamed in my sleep, which woke me up.

    That I’m sweeping the room, there’s a dog next to me, I went up to the balcony and started sweeping and the dog ran up, crossed the balcony and there wasn’t a fence to the statue, and fell out when I looked out for her, she fell and her stomach immediately swelled, she seemed to stand on her paws and her stomach swelled up, someone picked her up, but I understand that she died in her arms, and I immediately woke up

    I dreamed that my middle son was holding the youngest in his arms, he was 1.5 years old and stood on the windowsill. Then I said can you still jump? And he told me yeah. out the window, the brains scattered on the ground, and the youngest turned out to be alive and cried loudly. But the middle one, I was horrified, roared!

    i dreamed that my mother took my sister out and herself and my sister took my little brother and jumped out of the window, then it all happened that I woke up and it happened again, then again I woke up but I already begged her not to do it

    Hello, today I dreamed that the girl and I were looking out the window, she could not resist and fell from the 12th floor. Then everyone said that she had crashed, but it was not clear whether she had crashed or not, because she talked to me as if she were alive, she sat next to me, somehow strange

    I broke up with my boyfriend and didn’t want him to come. And one evening he started ringing the doorbell, I didn’t open it for him, and he began to climb into my closed window. there was a grate on the window, he stuck his head into the grate and wanted to crawl through. When he didn’t succeed, he hit himself on the head trying to push his head out of the grate somehow stumbled and I saw fear in his eyes and he fell. I went out onto the balcony and saw how he lies motionless, then the neighbors gathered and began to cover him. I realized that he was dead.

    I dreamed that I saw a guy standing on the window of the last floor (like the 9th), then he stepped down and crashed, and his whole body and head were shattered and shattered into small pieces. I was standing with someone and saw this from a neighboring building. We are horrified! Then we look, as if the same frame, only the same person falls, but does not break to death. He simply writhes on the grass in pain, having broken one leg. What is it for?

    I dreamed that I fell out of a window, in my opinion, on the 5th floor. Landed softly, saw myself sitting on the ground. I felt bruises on my body, tried to get up. Not far from me I saw people - a man and a woman looking at me. What is a dream? What is it for?

    I dreamed that I was looking out the window and at that moment a girl falls from the upper floors and breaks, then my whole dream is a shock, I was afraid of everything, when I woke up I did not immediately remember the dream. The dream was from Wednesday to Thursday. What does this mean?

    At the beginning of sleep, I leave the house, put on my headphones and go for a walk in familiar places with a smile. When I passed near the school where my ex allegedly studied (in real life, the school that I saw in a dream is not the school where my ex [further Maxim] studied), I noticed Max and his company. I decided to pretend not to notice and walked by singing along to the music. Then I decided to lie down on a bench, not far from the school, in the courtyard of some house ... After 5 minutes, Maxim came up, said something incomprehensible and left. I continued to lie on the bench, looking up, I saw a person being pushed out of the window. And this man fell near my shop. At first there was a stupor, and then I grabbed myself and ran up to the man, it was a girl, about 15 years old, she was still alive, I patted her cheeks, noticed blood on her neck, some incomprehensible scars, then out of nowhere my grandmother appeared . She began to say that get away from here, it won’t end well, it’s you who got into some kind of sect, they are checking you, run away from here. I didn’t listen to her, grabbed the phone and tried to dial an ambulance, the first time I didn’t dial the number correctly, then my grandmother grabbed the phone from me. Then I took the phone from my grandmother, ran into the first entrance I came across, and dialed an ambulance. On this I woke up.

    I dreamed that I was standing with some man on the balcony, and he, as if jokingly, was trying to push me out, and then he said, “Are you afraid, right?” I answer yes. “But I like to sit like that,” he says, I vaguely remember a little, but it seems he was saying something else. Then he just got out and hung, smiling, it so happened that I wanted to help and could not resist, hung and barely held my hands, it was very scary, but I somehow managed to get back to the balcony and after what time he got up. Here.

    I open a window in an unfamiliar room without furniture to see what is around. My house cat jumps on the windowsill. Then I realize that he is not. At that moment, the dispatcher calls the spouse on the phone and says that the cat is lying downstairs. Alive. We're going to the vet. It's all.

    in a dream I saw that my daughter seemed to be small, years old, looked out the open window and fell out, I screamed, my daughter ran to her. Now my daughter is 23 years old, please tell me why you dream if your passport is torn by itself? Thank you !!!

    I had a dream! i dreamed of my brother and father, they were doing something not on the balcony, my brother leaned out and caught some packages from above, and his father held him after his brother fell! I ran down and he seems to be dead in the blood! then i woke up

    I dreamed about my son at the age of 5 (now he is 20) that he threw himself off the balcony (there was space in it that was not fenced), from the 6th-7th floor (we live on the first floor) I ran out into the street screaming, sobbing , and he suddenly stirred, and I grabbed him in my arms, carried him into the house, could not go up to the floor, because. there were a lot of people near the elevator, I don’t remember exactly, but I held him in my arms, and he grew up in my arms. Then I took pictures of other people, distant relatives, but this is just some kind of fuss.

    I dreamed that my mother opened the window and could not resist and flew down, and I ran to the door while I grabbed the phone to call an ambulance, and my husband stood at the window and tried to dissuade. I woke up in a terrible tantrum and when I fell asleep I still saw this dream until I called my mother and asked how she felt. It was only when I heard my mother's voice that I could fall asleep normally.

    washed the window in the hostel. removed everything from the window: yellow curtains, tulle, router. I was afraid to climb onto the windowsill, but then I decided and started washing. after a while looked back at the door and fell

    I dreamed of a former apartment on the fifth floor. In a dream, there was a lattice on the window, but in reality it is not. He got out to the grate and she kind of leaned back and he expressed himself and flew down. then I see how he lies dead and I see his squashed brains around, but the head has not changed shape.

    we live on the fifth floor and I dreamed that for some reason my husband was not inside the room but outside and was trying to put the plastic window back in place as if the window was falling off and the husband could not resist and fell down with the window and I looked out and see my husband lies not moving and eyes are closed. and I see such a dream not for the first time. and those dreams were dreamed when the husband washed the window in a dream and fell out of the window and broke

    I was sitting with a friend on a bench (or something like that), he asked me: - Are you offended? me not. Suddenly he starts to give me money, I didn’t take it from the beginning, but then I changed my mind and took 500 rubles (there was a lot of money, they literally fell out of him and I started collecting it), then my friend moved to the balcony (not familiar to me), pictures moved from one to another .. that is, if we were sitting on the street, we ended up in an apartment. and he went to the balcony.. and i started yelling his name. he fell, I saw how the doctors carried him away on a stretcher.. I remember exactly that he fell from the 3rd floor.. Now in real life, we have not communicated with him for about a month

    Hello! Tell me, please, why is my dream? What should I expect? I dreamed that my dad passed me a dress in a bag through the window, jumping up. And when he flew back down, he caught on the ledge of the balcony and fell. Crashed and died. What is it for?

    Hello, I dreamed that I was going into the room, I was looking at the open window, I looked out the windows and started to sob because I saw my sister there, she lay without moving, they say she washed the windows and fell out, I was very scared. Thank you

    Hello! I had a dream, my daughter and her family came to visit us. Her children played on the windowsill, in the kitchen and fell out along with the window. Seeing all this, my daughter and her husband jumped off after the children ... After that, I woke up with great anxiety ... I didn’t see what happened at the bottom ... What could this dream mean?

    Hello. I dreamed that I fell out of the window, and when I fell down, I asked not to break anything and not to break. When I fell to the ground (it was a cold season in a dream), two dogs ran up to me to warm me. And everything was fine with me.

    I don't remember the whole dream...
    But I dreamed that I was doing something with the window, my roofing felts, or removing something from it.
    there were 2 more people with me: a boy and a girl who was standing on the windowsill ... I watched her so that she stood normally, did not fall .. then I looked at the window again, and then again at her and saw how she was standing on the windowsill, I said you now you fall and she fell ... I looked down, and there was blood.
    I immediately rushed to her, but the dream stopped.

    I dreamed that my husband was standing on the windowsill at home (7th floor), said "I am God!" And he stepped out the window .. After that, he quickly fell and jumped off lying on the pavement 4 times .. I went down to him, and he just lay .. And that's all .. I woke up.

    Nightmare. I usually don't get these. What is it for?

    I dreamed that a close friend, as if playing, accidentally pushed me off the window, I fell frightened, broke my head, there was a lot of blood, but I was conscious. And then she defended her friend, proving that she didn’t intentionally

    It all started with the fact that I went into the entrance with my friend, we started to climb along the way, we saw 3 open apartments on 3 different floors, near two of them there was a telephone (old model) and a camera (digital) near the entrance the third apartment (probably the 3rd floor) immediately drew attention to the gas stove, there were 2 pans and a kettle. Then I saw the back of the girl sitting on the window, I immediately jumped in her direction, I wanted to grab it, but she jumped ... Having comprehended this, I looked out the window there was no one there (maybe there was an ambulance) there were 1-2 people standing and looking at me, then they left and street racers arrived in identical cars with different vinyls, they spun on the spot and left ... (the car was not but what kind of car it is very famous for me and I really like it) This is the end ... I myself live in the village of entrances in my village no, I study in the city looking around from the window of the street I did not recognize not sure where I was.

    I dreamed that there was a thief girl, she had wristbands like my friend. Then she was with her grandmother in the apartment and she stole another wristband from me when I was passed out and went out the window through my aunt's room on floor 9. Me, Grandma and Aunt looked out the window but she was not visible. Then grandmother opened the window and looked and did not see, then Aunt generally bent down to see if she ran into the neighbors window or hung and did not see. Grandmother bent down and did not say that it was necessary to hold her by the legs and she stood up on her toes and her slippers slipped and she fell out of the window screaming if it wasn’t for me, I had time when she fell out the window, I took her by the leg and held her with my left hand and said: her aunt so that she let Uncle and she left and for a long time no, I thought I would call faster, and my grandmother said: what do you think, pull it out, but then I woke up

    We sat in a room with a guy, in the evening, when it was dark. He went to the window to smoke, leaned on the windowsill. At that moment I was busy with something, turned around when I heard a scream, ran to the window, and he was lying below.

    I dreamed that my older sister climbed onto the railing, wanted to sit, and eventually flew to the ground, it was all before my eyes, I called for help, went down and saw her body, and she was also pregnant ..

    A dream where I accidentally pushed my ex-wife from some building from a high place Clearly crashed I even saw how she hit her head and blood splattered on the fall) I’m not angry at my ex even dosi love her help explain thanks

    Hello. I am on the floor above, and the little son is on the floor below. He began to climb out, and I try to reach him, but I don’t have time to grab him, he breaks and falls, but I don’t see how he breaks, because I wake up.

    I have a bed near the window in a dream, it was the same somehow a bag of shampoos appeared there. The window was not curtained and some kind of man with a lightning appeared in it, usually I saw it in a dream when he dreamed earlier in now I just took a bigger shampoo and broke the window. The curtains themselves closed the window and cold air went through the legs.

    It all started with the fact that I just pushed the girl from the chair, she fell and didn’t wake up, then she woke up and went to play with the girls on the sports field. friend, the window opened, I held on, called for help, but as if no one had heard me, it went on for a long time, but I still got out, that's all and I woke up.

    I was walking down the street and a man fell out of the window next to me. (from the dormitory of the Polytechnic University), at the same time, with his body he fell to the ground and with his feet on the curb with tiles, and his legs were beaten off (tear off), I even specially walked nearby and examined him well.

    I am with my son in the closet of my house, I notice that something has happened to him, but I can’t immediately go to him, something is in the way. Then I see how he approached the open window and suddenly falls out of it upside down. I was frightened, the thought flashed that it was very dangerous to fall upside down. Even though it's on the first floor. I ran out into the yard to him and I see that he is lying on the ground, there is blood nearby, but he is moving, he is alive.

    Hello, today in a dream I dreamed that my girlfriend threw me out of the balcony, she straight up picked me up and threw me out of the balcony, I was only in a sheet, and when I fell, the guy caught me. What could this mean?

    I dreamed that my mother fell out of the window. She wanted to look out the window, but then she accidentally leaned too far and could not resist, she grabbed the ledge, I tried to hold her, but she fell. Lying on the visor at home, I sobbed, I wanted to call an ambulance, but for some reason my dad and my brother were not so excited. They understood that my mother had fallen out, but did not do anything special. As a result, after that, my mother remained alive, and did not even lie in the hospital. What does it mean? Can you explain please. Thank you.

    as if my man was with me and decided to joke like he was in the window, I got scared and only to him, and he breaks down and flies down screaming, looked at the body on the ground and woke up in horror with the thought that I need to call an ambulance, like my man and at that the same time is not like

    good day!!!
    i dreamed of an old window, the middle transom was broken, three people fell into it (in turn). I don’t seem to know them, but I know that they are dead.
    Further, in the continuation of the dream, my sister came to me, I warn her that the window is broken and people have already broken, But then I remember and tell her that it was all in a dream, those. it's a dream within a dream. (pun done)

    It was as if I flew out of the window and had to fly, but instead I fell and in a dream it was clearly heard that from the 7th floor, but at the same time I didn’t break anything, I didn’t feel any pain, the only thing I saw in the mirror on the face was a bruise from a blow.

    I dreamed about the entrance of a 5-story building, the last floor and my son decided to slide down the stairs on a sled, but I did not have time to stop him. One flight down and the Sledge broke the window, flew away, and the son, although he fell down before that and did not fly out, immediately reached for them through the broken window, barely managed to save him. And the Neighbor was just getting up and by some miracle managed to pick up the sled, sticking her hand out the window from the entrance and brought them to us intact.

    Hello. I’m 14 years old, and about 2-3 months ago I had a dream that I fell out of the window, now I’m very afraid, I don’t go close to the window, and in general I can’t forget the dream, with all my desire, I can’t forget everything, to school I’m walking, this thought flies out of my head at all, but when I come home, I immediately remember, it’s already scary to live, please help😭

    i dreamed during a quarrel, my girlfriend pulled me by some kind of rope on her chest behind her there was a window (was in the room) the rope breaks and she howls out the window but does not fall, but I hold on to something with one foot, I grab her leg but I can’t pull it out

    I had a dream, a girl I know is trying to sit on the windowsill, and I say inappropriately, because the window was open in a dream, she still sits down and starts to fall, and I grab her hand and try to pull it out, and save her!

    I got on a plane with my parents and, when they took off, I couldn’t cope with the controls and I fell out of the window, but I quickly landed on the trees and went down without getting hurt and was in China. then I met a guy who became my husband, and he had many children. after 7 years, my mother finds me, I say goodbye to my husband, I fly away, I go to the cell network there were a lot of letters, videos of postcards how they miss me, and I started crying, but then I came to some kind of holiday, some did not understand what was happening and continued to have fun and then my husband comes and everything

    I dreamed that two guys called me for a walk (I met them yesterday (in real life)), I went out to the entrance, we sat and then said one of them (the one who showed me signs of attention) went to the second wing to talk on the phone . I climbed to the window, it seemed to be not inserted, I wanted to put it in place, but I didn’t have enough strength and I almost fell out, but still I somehow managed to resist, and this second guy was sitting next to me doing nothing. Then it was as if my mother went out onto the balcony (to smoke) and we went to the stairs, then I somehow ended up in an apartment where my mother, stepfather, neighbor and logs ate borscht. Before, I didn’t dream about this, in principle, some kind of nonsense, but the feeling that there is something important in it.

    I dreamed that my middle daughter, 2.5 years old, fell out of the window from the apartment we rent ... I didn’t have time to do anything. She stood on the windowsill, in a T-shirt and swimming trunks, only I started screaming at her so that she would not move, she stumbled and fell down , disappeared from my eyes ... I couldn’t dare to go to the window and look down, I don’t believe it’s true .. but here I come up, look, and I see her lying on the ground on her stomach, with a pool of blood at her head ... then I wake up

    The dream was short. A familiar guy whom I met this year first stood on the windowsill, and then fell out of the window. My other friend and I cried at all this, you can even say sobbed, and then I woke up

The interpretation of dreams in which windows were present is rather ambiguous. In order to find out why the window is dreaming, you need to remember everything that happened in dreams. Even the smallest detail can significantly change the meaning of dreams.

The interpretation of dreams in which windows were present is rather ambiguous.

Windows in visions most often symbolize duality. Such a dream warns the owner of dreams that his plans will fail, all attempts to realize his plans will be fruitless, on the verge of despair.

Depending on the specifics of the scenario, the value may be as follows:

  • broken - the sleeper will experience the pangs of jealousy;
  • closed - a person feels lonely and useless;
  • look into window openings and see something non-standard - respect will be lost, the dreamer is promised failure;
  • sit quietly on the windowsill - due to recently committed reckless acts, a person will be very worried;
  • climb into the house through the opening in the window - experiences caused by the desire to achieve the goal, no matter what;
  • getting out of the house in the same way - in real life, trouble is already on the threshold.

Window in the dream book (video)

Wash the window, look out the window in a dream

Dreams in which you have to look out the window are most often dreamed of by people in whose house everything is fine, their relatives love them and prove it in every possible way. In the same case, if in dreams you had a chance to look into the window opening of someone else's house, then for interpretation it is necessary to take into account what was seen. Success in all endeavors promises a dream in which what is happening behind the glass was positive. If what you saw had a negative meaning, then in real life failures are expected.

Favorable for couples on the verge of divorce are dreams in which windows are washed

Watching the ongoing action through the glass threatens with serious changes in the business sphere. Depending on the picture behind the glass, the meaning can vary significantly:

  • dull, gray - you should not expect serious changes, life will not change and will be just as ordinary, routine;
  • beautiful - the changes will be significant and positive. It is possible that you will have to change jobs or move to a new house. A new stage will begin in life, at which there will be no more problems.

Favorable for couples on the verge of divorce are dreams in which windows are washed. Very soon they will reconcile and harmony and tranquility will reign in the house. The main meaning of such dreams is getting rid of complexes and changing one's own opinion. Such visions also promise great prospects and the acquisition of new opportunities.

Seeing a broken window in a dream

Dreams in which a broken window is seen are considered an unfavorable sign. Such dreams promise a difficult period filled with failures and disagreements in the family circle. Hopes and all plans will begin to crumble. It is highly discouraged to commit any serious actions both in work and in personal life during this period.

If the glass in the window opening broke during sleep, then it is possible that the dreamer has serious intimate problems. You can also say that stereotypes that have been formed as a result of upbringing will be broken.

Dreams in which a broken window is seen are considered an unfavorable sign.

If the dreamer had to break the window himself, then he is promised fleeting connections that will make themselves felt for a long time and interfere with ordinary measured life.

If the window is dreaming in an apartment or house

Certain difficulties are caused by the interpretation of dreams in which windows were seen in a house or apartment.

For a correct interpretation, even the smallest nuances must be taken into account:

  • put new ones - the dreamer's desire for changes in family life;
  • a house in which there are no windows - to find yourself in a dead end situation, which it will not be possible to cope with on your own. Friendly support should be enlisted to solve all the problems that have piled up;
  • a room with windows - there will be a real opportunity to expand your own horizons. It is possible that a trip is expected that will change the worldview of the sleeper;
  • curtains - if they are dirty, then quarrels are possible soon, if they are beautiful, then new romantic relationships are not excluded;
  • hang curtains - a new sexual partner will appear or the status in society will change;
  • large - the potential of the owner of dreams is hidden, but soon there will be opportunities that will allow you to prove yourself, you just need to believe in your own strengths;
  • a lot - the sleeper perceives life with ease. Thanks to this, he will soon find his life partner, or he will begin to grow up the career ladder;
  • change - a difficult situation will be resolved;
  • clean - in all areas of life everything will turn out in the best way, a feeling of joy and happiness will appear;
  • dirty - you need to sort out your own feelings, get rid of the accumulated anger that prevents you from looking at life correctly;
  • old - surrounded by the dreamer there are people who are trying to impose their point of view on him. It is better to avoid contact with them:
  • insert - an acquaintance that will radically change life.

Seeing in a dream how a child fell out of a window

A frightening dream in which an open window is seen from which a child falls out has a special meaning. Most often, he indicates that one of the dreamer's relatives will have significant problems that will turn out to be a shock to him.

A frightening dream in which an open window is seen from which a child falls out has a special meaning.

If the fall of the baby was not accidental and in dreams one had to witness such a terrible crime when someone helped him fall out, it is possible that the dreamer's child has problems communicating with his peers. It is necessary to devote more time to him and help him cope with even the slightest troubles.

Jump out of the window, climb out the window in a dream

Opening and jumping out of a window in a dream is brought to those people who in real life tend to commit reckless acts. In the near future, they will lead to undesirable consequences.

Opening and jumping out of a window in a dream is brought to those people who in real life tend to commit reckless acts

Watching in a dream how another person begins to crawl out of the window is brought to those who in reality will have to communicate with unpleasant people, on whom their future career directly depends.

Climbing out the window and opening it beforehand is a favorable sign. Such a vision indicates that the dreamer continues to develop spiritually, shows perseverance in order to achieve his goal. He is trying all the time to learn new information and is ready for the changes in life that will happen soon.

Why dream of a broken window

The meaning of dreams in which windows with broken frames or cracked glass are seen is quite non-standard. First of all, it is a symbol of the destruction of stereotypes. If during this period a fleeting romance takes place in the dreamer's life, then we can also say that these relationships will leave an indelible impression. The usual way of life will change dramatically, it is worth taking this seriously.

Window in a dream (video)

Windows in dreams are a reflection of the human soul. The interpretation of such dreams is not difficult: everything seen is taken into account, and depending on this, the meaning of the vision is explained. Most often, it does not bode well. Perhaps you just need to reconsider your attitude to life and not watch it from the side, but become a full-fledged participant in this action.

Attention, only TODAY!

A dream in which a person falls out of a window can have both positive and negative meanings. Therefore, it is recommended to remember all the details of sleep in order to make the most correct forecast of your near future.

If a stranger is dreaming in a dream, then you need to think about your actions, as well as reconsider your attitude to life. This is a kind of warning that a person does not behave correctly in a dream.

If a familiar person falls out of the window, then you need to carefully consider your loved ones and relatives who need love and support.

In addition, such a dream can mean financial losses in real life. These may be unforeseen expenses or losses associated with real estate.

If a loved one falls out of the window, then you need to be more careful about your health. This could mean a serious illness.

If you managed to save a person who fell out of a window, then the person will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation on his own.

In addition, such a dream may mean the presence of enemies who want to harm a person in real life.

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To correctly interpret the dream and find out why the window is dreaming, you need to turn to the dream book. But first, one should carefully recall all the details and nuances of the dream, its plot, meaning and ending, as well as the emotional state of the dreamer in the dream. Such details are very important, because sometimes the slightest inaccuracy in the reproduction of a dream leads to its incorrect interpretation.

Why dream of a closed window

A dream in which a closed window is seen is interpreted by the dream book as a symbol of abandonment, the “closedness” of the dreamer himself. Such a dream may indicate that excessive guardianship of one's feelings and total distrust of all mankind can lead a person to loneliness. Also, this dream may signal that an unfavorable time is beginning, and some opportunities will be closed to the dreamer.

Why dream of an open window

An open window in a dream symbolizes a person’s readiness for a new relationship or the next stage in life. Also, this dream can call on the dreamer to take decisive action, showing that the opportunity to implement their plans is open.

Why dream of a broken window

Such a dream may portend a coming period of failures and difficult relationships with loved ones. Broken glass in the window symbolizes the collapse of hopes and plans, and in the near future the dream book advises to refrain from serious steps and plans, both in personal life and in the work sphere. Also, a dream in which a window is broken can symbolize (according to the dream book) about a person’s problems related to the intimate sphere and sexual relations with a partner. A broken window in a dream can mean the destruction of stereotypes and the way out of the framework that was imposed by upbringing.

Breaking a window in a dream means, according to the dream book, that rash and fleeting intimate relationships will not go unnoticed and someday they will remind of themselves, significantly complicating a well-established life. A bird (dove) beats in a window in a dream, which means that unexpected, but rather pleasant news will come soon.

Why dream of knocking on the window. This dream is interpreted by the dream book as future trials in the dreamer's life, on which his family life depends. Hearing a knock on the window in a dream symbolizes imminent changes and casual acquaintances, if you wake up from a knock, then cardinal changes will be stunning.

Why dream of looking out the window

If in a dream you have to look out the window, then, according to the dream book, in real life a person is surrounded by loving people, and peace and tranquility reign in the house. The meaning of a dream in which you have to look into the window of someone else's house (or apartment) depends on what the dreamer sees in those windows: good means that success in business awaits, bad means future failures. Looking through the window and seeing some kind of action means, according to the dream book, changes in the field of business.

A dream where you have to look through the window can be interpreted by the dream book according to what opens in it. If the view from the window in a dream is a gray and dull picture, it means that no cardinal changes are expected in the near future, everything will remain the same - the same daily routine. A beautiful view from the window in a dream symbolizes big and positive changes in the dreamer's life, which may be associated with a change in place of work or place of residence.

Why is there a dream where a bird flew in through the window

A dream in which birds fly out the window promises a quick meeting with a loved one. If a bird flew out the window in a dream, it means that soon the dreamer will hear important news, what character the news will be, depends on which bird is dreamed of. A dove flew out the window in a dream, the dream book interprets as the approach of joyful and bright events, success in business and happy days in the family. For an unmarried girl, a dream in which a dove flew into the window may mean a quick meeting with her betrothed.

A dream where a crow flew out the window, according to the dream book, means receiving sad news regarding loved ones, relatives or friends of the dreamer. Also, if you dream that a bird has flown through the window, such a dream can reflect the dreamer's inner anxieties for his relatives and friends.

If in a dream a bird knocks on a window, which means that soon you will find out some important news or information that will become useful in the future. A dream in which a dove knocks on a window, according to the dream book, portends good, good news and good news.

The dream in which he sits pigeon on the window, means according to the dream book that the dreamer has several true friends who are able to quit their business, “fly in” and provide assistance. This dream can be interpreted as a meeting with an old friend or meeting a new potential friend.

Why dream of washing windows

This dream, as the dream book says, is a good sign and can be interpreted as the beginning of a new stage in life and the end of the problems and hardships that haunted a person. Washing windows in a dream is considered a good sign for spouses who are in a long and difficult quarrel. Reconciliation will soon take place, which will bring peace, harmony and peace to the family.

Wash windows in a dream, interpreted by a dream book as a deliverance of a person from internal complexes and about changing an inveterate opinion. Also, this dream can symbolize that new opportunities and great prospects are opening up for a person.

Why dream of falling and jumping out of the window

Why dream of falling out of a window. Such a dream may mean an incorrect prioritization of a person. Falling out of a window in a dream symbolizes nervous tension, future stresses and moral fatigue from the events experienced. If you dream that a person fell out of a window, it means that someone will appear in the dreamer's life about whom he will greatly worry and worry. Falling from the window yourself in a dream, according to the dream book, is interpreted as an impending danger or financial instability of the dreamer, which can lead to the loss of property.

The dream in which falling from the window, according to the dream book, may tell the dreamer that he needs to mobilize all his strength to fulfill his dream. And you should not relax and become limp in such a difficult period, because there will be no result. If in a dream a child falls out of a window, it means that in reality you are very worried about your child and not without reason. It is worth listening to the words that the child tells you, even if they seem impossible.

If in a dream someone else's child fell out of the window, according to the dream book, means that the dreamer subconsciously experiences a feeling of insecurity and self-doubt and is in dire need of the support of relatives and friends.

Why dream of jumping out of a window, interpret the dream book. A dream in which you have to jump out of a window is interpreted in different ways and has several designations. The most common interpretation is a person's propensity for reckless actions, which can cause a large number of problems in the near future. Throwing himself out of a window in a dream can mean the dreamer's struggle with stereotypes and family traditions.

If you dreamed that another person was jumping from a window, then according to the dream book, the dreamer will have to take patronage over an unpleasant person or communicate with negative people on whom his future career depends. If in a dream you only think, but do not dare to jump from the window, it means that a favorable time will come soon and your sense of self-preservation will save you from eloquent and negative statements in the direction of people on whom your fate depends to some extent.

Why dream of going out the window. This dream suggests that in order to solve the current problem, a non-standard approach to the situation should be used. And the more creative and incredible the idea, the greater the likelihood of a successful solution to the case. Climbing out the window in a dream can symbolize a person’s struggle with prejudices and prejudices. Also, getting out of the window is interpreted as avoiding a debt hole and other financial obligations.

Natural phenomena outside the window

warm summer rain outside the window in a dream, according to the dream book, it is interpreted as an idyll and happiness in family relationships. A dream where snow is visible outside the window means in reality a change for the better, as well as a feeling of peace and tranquility. A strong wind outside the window may be a harbinger of a lurking threat in the form of ill-wishers who will soon manifest themselves. A dream in which there is a heavy downpour outside the window is interpreted by the dream book as upcoming worries about one’s loved ones and relatives, as well as a person’s subconscious thirst for new knowledge.

Raging Hurricane outside the window in a dream means that serious obstacles and problems will soon appear, which in the end can be solved with great difficulty. The storm outside the window is interpreted by the dream book as a threat to succumb to strong passion; for married women, such a dream can portend a grandiose scandal with her husband due to suspicion of infidelity of one of the spouses.

The dream in which have to watch the blizzard through the window, portends young girls to take the first step towards a new stage of relations, because the young man has taken a wait-and-see attitude and the development of your connection depends entirely on the girl. A tornado outside the window indicates the dreamer's desire to succumb to passionate impulses or change his sexual partner.

If in a dream the wind blows through the window and opens it wide, which means that new nuances and successful ideas will arise in solving a controversial business issue. For married women, such a dream promises a new stage in family and intimate relationships, this new round will be like a breath of fresh air.

Windows house and interior

Putting new windows in your home means, according to the dream book, a person’s desire to change his marital status. For mistresses, such a dream portends an imminent reunion with a loved one in a legal marriage.

A dream where a house without windows is seen, symbolizes a hopeless situation, which the dreamer will not be able to cope with on his own. Only the support of friends and the patience of loved ones will help solve the tangled tangle of intrigues and problems.

Room with windows is interpreted by the dream book as a sudden opportunity for a person to expand his horizons. Also, this dream means an upcoming exciting trip that can change many of the dreamer's ingrained opinions and rules.

Why dream curtains on the windows. The dream interpretation interprets such a dream depending on the state of the curtains on the windows: if they are faded, greasy and dirty - to shameful scenes and unpleasant quarrels on a very delicate topic. If the curtains are airy and beautiful - to secret love and innocent flirting, which will bring fleeting joy and quickly become a thing of the past. Hanging curtains on windows in a dream suggests a change in status (marriage, widowhood, divorce), or the appearance of a new sexual partner.

A large window in a dream is a symbol of great opportunities, as well as hidden personal potential. In order to reveal yourself to people, you just need to believe in yourself.

A dream in which many windows are visible, speaks of a wide soul and ease of perception of the dreamer's life. Such qualities will help you soon find a soul mate, or achieve a promotion.

Changing a window in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a hint in dealing with difficult situations. Try to change your opinion about people, and also take a non-standard approach for you in solving the problems that have arisen, otherwise you will not be able to cope with them.

Why dream clean windows. This dream symbolizes joy, happiness, radiant smiles and good mood. A person is doing well in all spheres, both family, personal (spiritual) and work. It is also a sign that shows that the dreamer is moving in the right direction, names the right goals and is on the right path.

If you see in a dream dirty window, which means that a person should understand himself. The accumulated anger and other negativity obscure a person's eyes, forcing them to look at others through the prism of negative experience and hatred. Such an approach to life will very soon destroy all the plans made and will grow as a huge obstacle on the way to achieving the cherished goal.

old window, with worn and cracked frames in a dream according to the dream book, signals that you should carefully look at your surroundings, perhaps by getting rid of several people who are actively trying to impose their opinions and their meaning of life, you will eventually get your own.

Inserting a window in a dream means changing your priorities according to the dream book and goals. Also, this dream can be read as the appearance in a person’s life of a person who can turn his worldview upside down.

In order to find out in more detail what the dream is about paint windows in a dream according to the dream book, you should pay attention to what paint they will be painted with. White - hope and a cloudless future, black - insurmountable obstacles, red - unbridled passion and vices.

Other variations

Dream in which they saw a man in the window, is interpreted by the dream book as the appearance in the dreamer's life of a person who can affect his future fate. Whether this influence is positive or negative depends on the emotional content of the dream.

If the girls dreamed the male in the window, is interpreted by the dream book as a captious attitude towards them of a beloved young man. The chosen one finds fault with the appearance and behavior of the girl, making her feel ugly and developing her self-doubt. This dream is a sign that advises getting rid of such relationships.

If in a dream I dreamed light in the window, which means that there is a way out of even the most difficult situation. For people who are mired in litigation, such a dream can mean an early resolution of a long-standing issue.

You can find out the interpretation of the window dream, as well as why you dream of climbing out the window, using the dream book. This dream means that you need to take care of your spiritual development, and show all your ingenuity and perseverance to achieve your goal. The dream in which you have to climb out the window denotes the dreamer's craving for the knowledge of something new, unknown (maybe forbidden). If a girl dreams that a man is climbing out the window, then she is ready for a serious relationship and the love of her life will soon appear on the horizon.

Why dream of windows in different dream books

What is the dream of a window in Miller's dream book. This dream is a messenger of the collapse of a person's hopes and desires. All attempts made to stop the destruction will not lead to anything good, but will only lead you into a stupor and despondency. Closed windows are a symbol of neglect and abandonment. To see broken windows in a dream means tormented torment associated with suspicions of infidelity.

sit on the windowsill according to Miller's dream book means that soon you will become a victim of your own reckless and thoughtless actions. To enter a dwelling through a window in a dream is to be caught in dishonest frauds. Running away through the window from someone, talks about the fact that you will become a victim of someone's dishonorable machinations. Looking through the window while passing by is a collapse in your own enterprise, which threatens to lose the honor and respect of even those people for whom you tried.

Why is the window dreaming according to Freud's dream book. Looking out the window in a dream suggests that in real time the dreamer is trying to isolate himself from his partner, preferring not to let him into his soul. Such a reaction may be dictated by the fear of being betrayed and abandoned. In order for the relationship between partners to develop harmoniously, one should begin to gradually open up to the partner, otherwise all efforts to create a family may be in vain.

You had a dream "fall out of the window in a dream", but you don't know what it means?! This online dream book will help in this matter and give the meaning of sleep in various dream books.

Try to recreate the dream completely, perhaps at the same time you dreamed of other objects, as well as events in a dream, they can also symbolize something.

Longo's dream book predictions

In reality, you should know the treachery of a person close to you ..

According to Tsvetkov's dream book

Why dream of falling out of a window in a dream?- If you have a common budget with a life partner, try to take control of cash receipts.

Predictions from Jung's dream book

Why do you dream of falling out of a window in a dream?- You tend to use dishonest methods, blackmail, threats, which can completely destroy them ...

Interpretation according to Loff's dream book

The meaning of sleep to fall out of the window in a dream- There's some trouble ahead.

According to the latest dream book

Fall out of the window in a dream - meaning- Spontaneity can be your trump card.

Miller's dream book predictions

Fall out of the window in a dream - meaning- Something did not work out in your relationship.

According to Vanga's dream book

Fall out of the window in a dream - what does it mean?- A person revolves around some common problems.

Why dream of falling out of a window in a dream?

Interpretation by zodiac signs

Pay attention to the predictions of the zodiac sign.

  • Aries - You have to listen to a lot of gossip, try to do without them.
  • Taurus - A person will always be returned to where he came from.
  • Gemini - Difficulties are easier to wait out than to try to cope with them.
  • Cancer - Get rid of selfishness, which can play a very cruel joke.
  • Leo - A pleasant riddle awaits you.
  • Virgo - The day of manifestation of one's own generosity and communication with influential people.
  • Libra - It is recommended to devote time to learning, not only in youth.
  • Scorpio - Communication with young people.
  • Sagittarius - Inconstancy and frivolity must be overcome, otherwise life will end in loneliness.
  • Capricorn - Your love is mutual.
  • Aquarius - Wedding fun.
  • Pisces - To punishment or punishment.

Interpretation by day

Of great importance is the day when such a dream occurred.

  • Sleep from Sunday to Monday
  • Sleep from Monday to Tuesday
  • Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Sleep from Thursday to Friday
  • Sleep from Friday to Saturday
  • Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

Interpretations by gender

For a woman to fall out of a window in a dream- Bad rumors are circulating around you.

For a man- Some of the ideas will disappear by themselves, because you really do not want to achieve all the goals.

Dream Interpretation Child Fell Out of the Window

The child symbolizes the existing and future opportunities, complacency and innocence. He is like a changed person who was born with the goal of future improvement.

Dream allegory

A kid in a dream, as a promise of a new frontier in the dreamer's life. It can personify a mature person who needs help, or just your ward. But what message do dreams carry if the focus of the plot is on a specific action? Why dream of a child falling out of the window? Let us turn to experts in the field of interpretation of dreams for clarification.

Old sources

If in a dream a child fell out of a window

Interpretations of past years associate this vision with self-doubt, fatigue. Such dreams serve as a call for the correct daily routine, work, alternation of rest and work.

Miller's dream book

If you dream about how a small child fell out of a window, this is a warning about obstacles in the implementation of some ideas, or trouble.

The fall from the balcony, Miller positions as a deterioration in health, or financial loss.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Why dream of children falling from windows upside down? This indicates the dreamer's insecurity in the face of circumstances.

The dream also testifies to the wrong tactics in raising their children. If you take care of its adjustment, you can avoid many problems and resolve the existing difficulties.

If a child dreamed that he fell out of a window, this is a confirmation of his growing up, the formation of youthful views, spiritual growth.

The seer positions the fall from the balcony as the influence of loved ones on the dreamer's life.

Freud's dream book

Why dream that a child fell out of a window

To the question of why one dreams of how a child fell from a window, the master of psychoanalysis answers unambiguously. He believes that this is a reflection of women's fears of conception and pregnancy, uncertainty and doubts about whether everything will be fine. This may be due to children's complexes formed due to any stress.

The image of the balcony, according to Freud, personifies the chest of a woman. When she dreams that the baby falls from the balcony, this is a reflection of her fear of intimate life.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Miss medium interprets the phenomenon of a child falling from a balcony in a dream as impending problems in business. Their reason is the lack of time needed to resolve business issues, because it goes to resolving the teenage problems of their child.

Today's points of view

Current views are highly ambiguous. Some offer formulations that connect this incident in a dream with worries, others, on the contrary, get rid of them.

Loff's dream book

The kid fell out of the window - interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dreams in which children fall from windows indicate the confusion of the dreamer in need of help, as well as the child in care.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

According to the esoteric, if in a dream it happened to see how the baby fell out of the window, this states the precariousness of the dreamer's position in family problems.

But if the child fell from the balcony in a dream? This is evidence of stability in business, getting rid of all current barriers and snags.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

The psychologist points out that when in a dream people who do not have their own children see someone's children fall from the window, this portends the collapse of their hopes.

In the event that one of the parents dreamed of such a plot, this is a warning about the possibility of injuring their own child. In the coming days, we need to strengthen supervision.

If in a dream a teenager falls from a height, who is actually already quite old, this signals his trouble. Perhaps this is associated with the use of drugs.

Algorithms for falling in dreams

In order to more accurately interpret what the phenomenon is dreaming of when babies fall from the windows, one must take into account not only the fact of the fall, but also the cause, the result of the incident. Why did it happen to see a child falling from the window, under the following circumstances:

  • falling from height;
  • collision;
  • fell out by negligence;
  • dropped by mother;
  • played;
  • climbed into the next window;
  • fell while sleeping.

What is the dream of a teenager falling from a very high height, whom you are watching and undertaking priests

A teenager fell out of a window

help. This speaks to the pessimism of your child when faced with a problem. He does not understand the seriousness of what happened to him, so he does not always share everything with you.

When you had a chance in a dream to witness the pushing of a child out of the window, this indicates the problems your child has in the team of his peers. The dream calls for more attention to be paid to him, having conversations on the topics of teenage problems and worries.

Why dreamed of a teenager falling from a height due to the fact that his head was spinning when he washed the window, and he could not resist. This is a reflection of the dreamer's fears and worries for his child, who is approaching the turn of youth. The dreamer is worried about his relationship with members of the opposite sex, the possibility of participating in dubious companies.

If in the plot of a dream, a teenager, standing on the windowsill, slipped or stumbled and fell down from a height, while being injured, then all these worries are not groundless. Perhaps the child is in danger from imaginary friends engaged in suspicious activities.

Did you happen to see a terrible story where the mother dropped the baby out of the window? This indicates that possible problems in her child appeared, in part, through her fault. Instead of carefully observing the life of a teenager and gently, tactfully directing his actions in the right direction, she chose the aggressive tactics of endless reproaches and lectures. Completely forgetting that each age has its own laws in the form of behavior, and nothing can be done about it. It remains only to competently and gradually make adjustments.

An equally creepy plot in which the kid, due to his early age, not distinguishing reality from virtuality, fell out of the window according to the game scenario. This dream can predict events that will not necessarily concern your children. Perhaps one of your relatives will have very serious problems that will greatly shake his psyche. This will instill in him the desire to leave the worldly bustle and go to the monastery.

I dreamed of a teenager falling from a height while he climbed from his window to the next one, the forecasts are similar to those of a fall by negligence. In other words, these are the natural experiences of parents for the growing child. However, this may symbolize some unjustified risks that a young man can take to argue with friends.

Sometimes plots happen when the dreamer sees a baby sleeping on the window, who, turning from side to side, fell down from a height. He fell, continuing to sleep. And when he touched the ground, he didn't hurt anything. A dream testifies to the dexterity, ingenuity and enterprise of the dreamer's child. This is an intelligent, independent teenager who knows how to assess the situation.

Falls from a height in the realm of Morpheus

Child falling from the balcony

Children in dreams can fall from anywhere. The situations listed above can be repeated, but the interpretations are different.

Consider other interpretations of what dreams of falling from a height that cannot be ignored.

Children falling from the balcony

If a teenager fell from a balcony, this characterizes him as arrogant and selfish towards his friends.

If in a dream I had a chance to see how a baby fell from a collapsing balcony, this may be an omen of a disease.

Fall into the water from a height

What dreams of falling into water deserves special attention, because it symbolizes something new in life.

I dreamed about how a teenager fell into the water, which means he will have new opportunities. This can be combined with successful studies, due to which he will be sent to study at a prestigious educational institution at the expense of the local budget.

Fedorovskaya's dream book indicates that falling into muddy and cold water predicts a decrease in academic results, or colds.

If a fall into the water occurred from a tower, this guarantees success from participating in school olympiads or competitions.

I dreamed about how a baby fell into icy water under ice, this predicts a dysfunctional pregnancy. Try not to ignore the recommendations of your doctor leading your pregnancy. It may be possible to avoid irreparable situations.

If the baby tumbled into the water from a fast-moving boat? In this case, the baby was a symbol of hope. You had high hopes for your project, but it turned out to be a failure. The reason for this is that you are ignoring some key points.

The dream book of the sorceress Magnesia indicates that if the baby, having fallen into the water, splashed joyfully, this promises a new passionate romance to the sleeping person.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Window in a dream why the dreamer dreams

Seeing an open window in a dream is a gift or profit. Fall out of it - to a major quarrel, to a fight; a closed window is a harbinger of boredom.

If in a dream you look out the window - such a dream promises you peace, peace, a safe situation; you crawl out of it or fall - to failure from a frivolous undertaking, to a quarrel; do not fit - means careless interference in other people's affairs, a secret that can easily be discovered. To see the lattice on the window - to separation.

Inserting glass into a window is a sign that you should take precautions. If you see a window frame in a dream - to mock you, your intimate life will become the subject of gossip and gossip.

If you dreamed that the wind opens the window during the day, it means that you do not notice changes in life. The curtains on the window are burning - to a swift turn of events. Taping a window for the winter, pulling it with a thick curtain is a harbinger of worldly storms, the need to take precautions.

To be at the open window in the room and be afraid that someone will fit in means to be afraid of the future. If a woman climbs through the window - to a new hobby (both in male and female dreams). To see a window in the web, to look through the cracks of the shutters into the street means to feel spiritual loneliness due to a secluded lifestyle.

Miller's dream book

Why is the Window dreaming in a dream?

Windows are heralds of the fatal end of brilliant hopes. You will see how your most wonderful enterprise will collapse, leading you to despair. Your destiny will be fruitless undertakings.

Closed windows are an image of abandonment. If they are broken, then miserable suspicions of infidelity will haunt you.

Sitting on the window means that you will be a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, recklessness. Entering the house through the window is a harbinger that you will be caught using dishonorable means to achieve a seemingly noble goal.

The dream in which you run away through the window means that you will get into trouble, which will ruthlessly squeeze you in its vise.

Looking out the window, passing by, and seeing strange things means that you will fail in your chosen business and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being.

Idiomatic dream book

Window why dream

"Window to the world", "to cut a window to Europe" - to go beyond the limited; "wait by the window"

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which Windows were dreamed

Can be interpreted in terms of window function in real life. A symbol of the desire to get a solution to a certain problem (shed light on the problem), the desire to get out, run away from an unsuccessful situation (escape through the window), relieve guilt (purify the air). A window is often a symbol of a situation still open for self-realization. Very often, the window symbolizes the female genitals and therefore it is possible to interpret this image in connection with the fear of sexual interaction. The appearance of this image is significant even at a metaphorical level.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

The window means your position in relation to the outside world. If the window is open, it means that you are characterized by openness and gullibility. If the window is closed or curtained, you tend to be secretive and self-absorbed. If the window is dirty, cloudy, then you are looking at the world “through black glasses”: your anger or bad mood prevents you from seeing the world as it really is. If the glass is transparent and clean, then you look at the world and are aware of what is happening, circumstances and momentary moods cannot mislead you about what is happening.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why is the Window dreaming?

  • A window in a dream portends a collapse of hopes, despair as a result of the death of an enterprise important to you. Your destiny will be fruitless undertakings.
  • Closed windows are a symbol of abandonment. If they are broken, you will be suspected of infidelity.
  • Sitting on a window in a dream means waking up to become a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, recklessness.
  • Entering a house through a window means being convicted of using dubious means to achieve an allegedly noble goal.
  • Running through the window is an impending disaster that will mercilessly squeeze you in its grip.
  • Looking out the window, passing by someone's house, and seeing strange things there - to failure in an important matter for you, to the loss of respect of others, for which you risked your health and well-being.

Small Velesov dream book

What is the dream of a window for?

Window - waiting; open - profit, gift, guest // bad deed, trouble, regret, sadness; closed - good // boredom; with broken glasses - loss, poverty; with whole and clean glasses - happiness; look out the window - news; climb out the window - ruin; knock it out and get out - the implementation of the plan; fall out the window - quarrel, unprofitable lawsuit; curtain the window with black - sadness due to illness in the family.

Universal dream book for the whole family


In the subconscious, the window is associated with a way out, sometimes with the last hope. Stand in front of an open window, a symbol of change in life; if you are looking for a way out, and there is only a window in front of you, then there are fewer and fewer opportunities to change the position; a window with broken glass, a symbol of spiritual anguish and disappointment.

Gypsy dream book

What is the dream of the Window according to gypsy traditions

Open to see is a sign of the bad state of family affairs; a closed window to see means a good state of affairs; climbing out the window portends bankruptcy; falling out the window portends an unprofitable lawsuit.

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about the Window

  • In the subconscious of a person, a window is associated with an exit or the beginning of something. In some cases, a window appears in a dream as a last chance or hope.
  • The birth and death of a person is associated with this symbol. A folk sign says that a bird beating through the window brings with it the death of the owner of the house. In the old days, when children had toothaches, their parents warned them: "Don't spit out the window - your teeth will start to hurt."
  • The dream in which you stand in front of an open window symbolizes change and the beginning of a new life period.
  • If in a dream you are trying to find a way out and you see only a window, this is a sign that you have less and less chances to change the situation.
  • To dream of a bird knocking on a window is unexpected news.
  • Seeing yourself standing at someone else's window is an unexpected financial expense due to the treachery of your imaginary friend, whose goal is to bring you to complete ruin. As the saying goes: "Will you stand under my window."
  • A window with broken glass symbolizes spiritual anguish, illness and disappointment.
  • Seeing a closed window in a dream is a sign that an unexpected obstacle will meet on your way.
  • The dream in which you wash dirty and dusty windows means that your diligence will bring you success and prosperity.
  • Seeing a silhouette in the window means that something mysterious or mysterious will happen to you in real life.
  • If you are trying to get into the house through the window, in reality you will spend your time fun and carefree.
  • Talking in a dream with a loved one through a window is a sign that you will not be able to find mutual understanding with the person with whom all your feelings, hopes and thoughts are connected.
  • The dream in which you open a window in the window means hope for better times.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about a window

Seeing windows in a dream is a sign of the futility of your illusions. Your chosen one will not justify the hopes that you placed on him, will cause in your soul a feeling of resentment, hopelessness and despair. Closed windows are a symbol of desolation and loneliness. Even if there is a loved one in your life, he does not understand you, your aspirations are alien and indifferent to him. A broken window is a sign that you will be haunted by humiliating accusations of treason, which are based on gossip.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Window - Waiting; wide open - regret; knock out and go outside - the fulfillment of desires.

Freud's dream book

Why did Windows dream

  • If you dreamed about how you looked out the window, this means that in reality you often fence yourself off from your partner, close up if something did not turn out the way you wanted. In this way, you hope to keep your relationship unshakable.
  • Understand that by doing this you are causing irreparable harm to these very relationships and your role in them, in particular. You cannot bear the entire burden and take full responsibility for what is happening. If you want to keep the relationship harmonious, divide everything in half and solve all problems together.
  • Breaking a window in a dream - a dream means that in reality, intimate affairs will someday greatly complicate your life and you will encounter a whole bunch of problems that will not be easy to solve overnight, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is the Window dreaming?

The window is open - a guest; you will regret something; look out the window - there will be news; illuminated - sums.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see the Window:

Window - A symbol of a situation in which self-realization is possible. The desire to get away from the situation. Waiting for change and cleansing. Female genitalia, according to the dream book - a predictor.

Egyptian dream book

window what does it mean

If a person sees himself in a dream looking out the window - well, this means that his call will be heard by his god.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis

See Window:

One of the channels connecting the top of the head with the higher planes. You saw what happened at this level.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Window from your dream

  • Window - A look at the world or another person, a situation; expectation; the state of the eyes of the sleeping person; premonition, intuition (depending on which side to look at, external or internal).
  • Climbing through the window is excessive curiosity, knowledge of something (possibly illegal) or self-knowledge.
  • Climbing out, getting out of the window is a disaster, a way out of a difficult situation.
  • Open window - the soul is open to the world and other people; regret.
  • Break the window and get out - the fulfillment of forbidden desires; way out of life's dead end.
  • Looking out the window - life perspective and plans, upcoming events, it matters what the landscape is.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about the Window, what does it mean?

A look from the window of the house is a look at the outside world, a search for opportunities. Looking out the window from the street is a desire to better understand yourself or another. A beautiful view outside the window is something good next to you, but separated by some kind of obstacle. A blank wall outside the window - loneliness and longing will seize you.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why did Windows dream about spiritual sources

For news from afar.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of Windows

  • If in a dream you were watching something from a window, then in reality you value yourself too little, because of this your life becomes more and more gray and uninteresting. It is necessary to develop a sense of self-confidence, to learn to appreciate yourself. If you neglect this advice, those around you, noticing your "spinelessness" and desire to "go into the shadows", will use these qualities of yours for their own, not always noble purposes. As you understand, it will be difficult for you in this case.
  • If in a dream you washed a window, then you need to pay all possible attention to what your friends are doing. Probably, a dream warns of danger from some person, but it is difficult to determine who he is; you will have to limit yourself to this vague warning and try not to be too frank in the presence of friends - perhaps your Judas will be among them.
  • Jumping out the window - someone else's point of view is completely unimportant to you; only what you think matters. On the one hand, such an attitude towards yourself and towards life in general is very good, but on the other hand, are you not afraid to fall from a high pedestal erected by your own hands? It is worth thinking about it, otherwise you will really hit hard, which will happen sooner or later. Be more attentive to someone else's opinion, which, oddly enough for you, is far from always wrong.
  • Trying to open a window in a dream for fresh air - you urgently need to get rid of the harmful influence that someone has on you. Perhaps you yourself have already felt that sometimes evil fate intervenes in your affairs - so many unexpected troubles happen to you. Your biofield should be dealt with by a specialist, a professional, but it is not always possible to communicate with a real magician. Then you can give your soul "first aid" - read any conspiracy against the evil eye and corruption.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Dream interpretation:

The window is closed - courage will lead you to the goal; climb through an open window - an untimely enterprise; look out - get news; roof window - well-being.

Esoteric dream book

Sleep Mystery:

There are many windows inside the world of the soul and its high spaces. Enclosed hidden spiritual secrets, one must make an effort to reveal them. A wide-open invitation to break away from earthly affairs and turn your attention to the "higher" world. The view from the window is what is happening in the subtle plane. Looking out the window, being outside to look into the depths of consciousness, you will see something that relates to the subconscious, the psyche. The windows are round, oval, semi-oval you have a "channel" of clairaudience. We must use them. Climbing out the window to show self-will and excessive perseverance in spiritual knowledge. To break a window to break the line between the thin and dense world, to break out into the open space of the soul.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Window - Longing, boredom - closed - the road will lead you to the goal - climb through an open window - an untimely enterprise - look out the window - get news - a window on the roof - well-being.

Modern dream book

What does a window mean to a dreamer

The window is open - Boredom; closed - boredom

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did Windows dream

Symbolic interpretations of what the window is dreaming of are united in the key idea, which is usually associated with the subtleties of the dreamer's subconscious contacts with the outside world. At the same time, it personifies both a source of light (in an allegorical sense) and an implicit threat when events of destructive power are coming.

  • Did you see in a dream a bright window opening glowing in the dusk of the room? Take it as a symbol of the last hope sent to you by some forces, when, as if by itself, there is a simple way out, the last remaining one.
  • We felt a fresh breeze in a dream with an open window - this is a harbinger of positive changes in life, and this image unobtrusively invites the dreamer to look out and enjoy the prospect.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book of Windows

In dreams, windows often carry a special psycho-emotional load when they are considered as the only way out in emergency circumstances.

  • In a dream, a window from which they could not look away? This is a reminder of mistakes: in reality, you are too tightly fenced off from the outside world, and your “closedness”, which creates the appearance of security for you, only cultivates your total distrust and adds to your problems.
  • If the window in the dream was dusty and almost did not let in light, such an image could be dreamed of due to the rapidly declining opportunity.
  • Plots with a cracked or cobweb-covered window foreshadow the onset of depression and immersion in deep spiritual anguish.
  • You deliberately break the window - this is a sign of impending loneliness, although sometimes such a plot portends a separation or official divorce.

Romantic dream book

Window why dream

  • After parting, some recall that the day before they saw a window in a dream, which they unsuccessfully tried to open. And this is not surprising, because such a plot, according to love dream books, symbolizes the appearance of an invisible, but very strong wall between partners.
  • Did you dream of a picture that fell out / jumped out of the window? This is a bad omen, promising a quick breakup, which will be inevitable if you continue to keep thoughts and feelings in yourself, trying to prolong the love affair as much as possible.
  • When in a dream you had a chance to break a window and get hurt by fragments, this is the personification of the harm that your unbridled passion will inflict on the lives of friends and relatives.
  • A vague silhouette outside the window promises the appearance of a potential lover, and an open frame and a fresh breeze mark the beginning of a new relationship.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

A window clogged crosswise - to death.

For those born in May, June, July and August

To dream of a lit window to hope.

For those born in September, October, November, December

To see the opening of a window in an apartment - to the openness of your soul.

How to learn to understand your dreams

Personal dreams and their interpretation