Dream interpretation long toenails of a woman. Dirty toenails. What will the dream books say

Well-groomed long toenails and hands in a dream symbolize excellent health, profit, success on stage, victory over competitors. Modern dream books give a mostly positive interpretation, they recommend boldly starting new business. Especially if you happen to see a beautiful and impressive manicure. But what dreams of dirty nails in a man, woman, or even a child should be considered taking into account the details of the dream.

According to psychologists, long nails can be seen in a dream by self-confident people who know how to achieve goals. If you dreamed that they were in excellent condition, this means that the dreamer will soon find what he wants. Running, dirty and broken symbolize powerlessness, difficult experiences.

In the dream book of Gustav Miller, the moments are well covered, what they dream of in various interpretations:

  • on hands - to prosperity, the ability to captivate the opposite sex;
  • on the legs - to move, travel;
  • for a man - to expand the business;
  • for a child - to a pile of household chores, organizing celebrations.

Passionate romance and new hobbies

Long nails testify to the temperamental nature of the dreamer. Especially if you dreamed that they were covered with bright varnish. Italian dream books generally take them for a phallic symbol. The Italians reduce the interpretation of sleep to an erotic background. At the same time, it doesn’t matter who had a beautiful manicure in a dream - you have it, or you admired it from the outside.

Marigolds of different lengths indicate a large number of partners. For both women and men, such a dream promises a surge of romantic feelings, a fresh stream in relationships. Readiness for intimacy, passion for the opposite sex - exactly what well-groomed fingers dream of.

Success in business, career

To build up long nails in a dream on hands and feet - to an instant take-off in the field of creativity, profitable deals, building relationships with superiors, older relatives. If you dreamed that you had a chance to see a manicure of different lengths, be prepared to make your way to the heights of glory through a number of problems, pushing your competitors away. A dream means a difficult but confident progress towards the goal.

Traditional dream books describe in detail what dreams of taking care of your fingers and toes on your own. It turns out that in the near future you will have to organize a big celebration at home, apply for admission to a higher educational institution, or move to a new place of residence.

According to the state of the nail plates, one can assess the character of a person, his desire for cleanliness and grooming. They were also used in magical rituals. As the Russian folk dream book says, nails in a dream can suggest upcoming events related to money, relationships, and some kind of life changes.

Since nails in a dream can turn out to be a sign of a wide variety of events, you need to understand why you are dreaming of such a vision. Try to remember what kind of nails you dreamed about:

  • Neat and tidy.
  • On the arms or legs.
  • Broken and dirty.
  • Long or short?
  • Nails could break.
  • Have you cut your nails or your child's?
  • I dreamed of doing a manicure.

If you do not remember any details, but only know about the subject of the dream, says the New Family Dream Book, nails in a dream mean that you have a lot of work to do. You won’t be left with a loss, but you won’t have to count on big profits either.

Beauty and neatness

Neat and well-groomed nails in a dream are a symbol that your health is in order, as well as relationships with others. Clean nail plates tell the sleeper that in society one should not forget about good manners - this can help further life advancement.

Polished shiny nails on the hands, says Tsvetkov's dream book, can dream on the eve of important news. But the same vision may mean that you are not completely sincere with your friends (or they are with you).

Nails in a dream turned out to be varnished - in reality joy and good luck await you. A beautiful manicure is a dream if you are guaranteed a good attitude from others.. If it so happened that you quarreled with a friend or family member, then after a dream where the manicure was with red varnish, you will easily and quickly be able to make peace.

Marigolds can be dreamed not only on the hands, but also on the legs. Vision has the same meaning, with one exception: seeing broken toenails is a warning. The dreamer should be extremely careful in handling money.

As opposed to clean nails, dirty, bitten or broken nails in a dream indicate that you need to take care of your health. The sleeper may be threatened by a disease that he does not yet notice in reality, but the body is already sending him alarming signals - this is what sloppy and unkempt nails dream of.

To see that it has crammed under the nail plates - such a dream warns: you need to very accurately assess the situation. Simply put, think seven times and express your opinion once, otherwise you can ruin relationships with both colleagues and friends. But if you follow the advice of your dream, nothing will threaten your reputation.

Nails in a dream turned out to be sick - this is already an occasion to think about the state of health of your entire family. Pay attention to the well-being of home - especially babies. If you had to see sick nail plates on your hands in your dreams, try not to provoke domestic conflicts in order to keep the family calm.

A sick fingernail is dreaming, and during sleep it falls off - in reality it will be possible to end relations with a person with whom you have long been a burden to communicate. To see that someone else's nail fell off - in reality, you need to devote more time to your family, because household members need your care and attention.

Short and long

Why dream of fingernails if they are neat, but cut short? The noble dream book says that the dream in which you saw yourself with short nails encourages the dreamer to “grow claws” in order to learn how to better defend their positions in various kinds of conflicts. Still short nails on the hands indicate that the dreamer needs to more carefully fulfill his official duties in order to have grounds for promotion or increase.

Seeing long nails in a dream, according to Madame Hasse's dream book, means that luck is on your side, and an improvement in your financial situation will not take long. The noble dream book believes that long, neat marigolds can be seen in a dream on the eve of public recognition. Long varnished nails in a dream promise a pleasant pastime.

It is a dream that the nails are excessively long, which means that you need to be less arrogant towards others in order to maintain a good relationship. A broken nail warns that disappointments are likely, so do not overly trust others. Breaking long nail plates means that in reality the test strip ends for you.

Broken nail plates or one torn nail in a dream urge the sleeper to be very careful and careful on the upcoming journey. If you comply with this requirement, your discretion will pay off, and the trip will be useful for you.

To see that broken fingernails are long and sharp - such a dream calls for gentleness in dealing with friends and relatives in order to avoid quarrels and conflicts. If you dream of a stranger with long nails, in reality he may turn out to be your opponent. Such a vision warns you of a possible danger.

  • Dreaming that you had to cut your nails - a vision foreshadows the sleeper: you will have to work hard so that your family lives comfortably.
  • Cut nails in a dream for - soon she will leave her parents' house.
  • The young man dreamed of cutting his nails - dream books say that it is time for him to start earning his own living on his own.
  • Trimming your own nail - such a dream signals that it is time to clean up the accumulated everyday affairs. Also, the vision in which you had to cut your nails suggests that you are trying to figure out your aspirations and desires, but have not yet completely gone this way.

A married lady had to cut her nail plates in a dream - her family life will soon have a “second honeymoon”. But if a woman had to cut her nails to someone else, the dream symbolizes her fatigue from everyday household chores and advises to be distracted and rest.

For a self-sufficient and well-to-do man, cutting his nails in a dream should be a warning - you have ill-wishers who can interfere with promotion. It is in your power to identify and neutralize them. If a man had to cut his nails on someone else's hands - career growth will not be long in coming.

I dreamed of biting my nails - in reality, the solution to some problem does not let you go. I dreamed of biting my nails - try not to get hung up on one issue in order to avoid losses in other directions. Gnawing groomed nail plates in a dream means that in reality you need to not give ill-wishers the slightest chance to ruin your reputation.

What else does the dream say about biting your nails? If even in a dream you put your fingers in your mouth and cannot overcome the desire to gnaw them, the 21st century Dream Interpretation advises you to stop “nibbling” yourself for past mistakes and start living life to the fullest.

Nail salon

The most favorable explanation of why nails dream in a dream is accompanied by a vision when you had a chance to do a manicure and take care of your hands. I dreamed of building up or painting false nails - such a vision warns against participating in adventures for the sake of enrichment.

If in a dream you just put your nails in order, then you will have a noble activity. It may not bring big profits, but it will raise your authority in society.

To paint the nail plates with red varnish - such a vision speaks of the sleeper as a person who cares about his image. To paint short and neatly trimmed nails - dream books are advised to leave the image of a modest or modest woman. Be more natural, and then you will be able to achieve more.

Dreams can not only talk about what is happening to a person at the moment, but also predict what will happen to him in the future. Often they describe the character traits and emotional state of the sleeper, as well as his demeanor and attitude towards others.

Nails seen in a dream can have very different meanings depending on the situation. In order to understand why toenails are removed, you need to remember the smallest details of sleep, and then look at their interpretation in various sources in order to get a complete picture for yourself.

What will the dream tell about?

Dreaming toenails, as a rule, portend some important events in the sleeper. At the same time, they are often associated with his work activity and financial condition. Also, such dreams give an assessment of his behavior and attitude towards others.


A dream in which you had to do a pedicure to yourself can have a large number of interpretations. It may indicate that in reality the dreamer is trying to put his thoughts in order and sort out the details of his life. It can also portend the occupation of some small, but very important matter.

If a young man had such a dream, then he should not wait for help from relatives and friends, he can only rely on himself. For a young girl, a dream may portend in the near future, for some reason, leaving home. If the sleeper carefully cares for his toenails in a dream, then in reality he is a noble person.

If a sleeper cuts his toenails in a dream, it means that in reality he feels powerless in the current life situation. He can also predict some kind of mild illness in the near future.

Some dream books offer a different interpretation of such a dream. They believe that a married woman who cuts her toenails in a dream will actually be able to restore a damaged relationship with her husband. And if a man has such a dream, then he should be more careful at work. Perhaps detractors are intriguing him to interfere with his career growth.

Cutting toenails in a dream can speak of serious quarrels and resentments against loved ones, a loved one or business partners in reality. Moreover, if the nails are cut shorter than usual, the sleeper is threatened with a complete breakdown. His energy will be so weak that he will not be able to emerge victorious from a conflict situation and will not be able to adequately resist his enemies.

He should just calm down and stop fighting them to save his health.. Such a dream may also indicate that the dreamer is dissatisfied with his life and demeanor. It can also portend a loss of reputation due to some unsightly act.

If in a dream the sleeper sees how he cuts ingrown toenails, then in reality in the near future he will suffer big financial losses. Also, such a dream can portend big conflicts or parting with a loved one. A dreamer who dreams that another person cuts his toenails will often quarrel and conflict with relatives and friends in reality in the near future.

A dream in which the sleeper cuts the toenails of another person speaks of a possible illness, but it will not cause much harm to health and will not leave complications.

For a young girl, such a dream means that in order to secure a decent life for herself, she will need to work very hard and hard. For a young guy, a dream where he cuts someone's toenails portends a successful completion of business and exciting love adventures.

If such a dream sees, then in the near future he will have good luck and success in work or business. A woman who in a dream cuts someone's nails, the dream warns that in reality she is very tired and experiences moral and physical exhaustion. She needs to urgently take a break for a good rest.

Color, condition and length

If the toenails seen in a dream have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, then a prosperous life awaits the sleeper. Also, such a dream promises the dreamer good health. Shiny toenails, which are neatly shaped, indicate that the dreamer is an adherent of good manners and tries to maintain good and friendly relations with others.

If the nails were dirty, then the dreamer does not think about what his actions will lead to and does not bother to assess the state of affairs. But the negative attitude of others around him will make him think about his behavior and change his lifestyle.

Also such a dream may portend a long and unsuccessful trip. Toenails, which have a sloppy condition, speak of some kind of danger that threatens the dreamer or of his loss of respect from others. Also, such a dream may indicate that the dreamer neglects both his appearance and his health.

A dream in which toenails were broken, crooked or crumbling may portend some kind of illness.. Also, such a dream may indicate that the dreamer is experiencing severe fatigue or some kind of anxiety. If they are damaged in a dream, the sleeper needs to be very careful not to get into a traumatic situation. Nails breaking in a dream portend problems in or financial loss.

Dreams in which the sleeper sees himself with long nails usually have a positive meaning. If in a dream they have a beautiful shape and a well-groomed condition, then in reality one can expect financial income and business strengthening in the near future, their financial situation will improve significantly.

Also such a dream speaks of complete satisfaction with one's life. If the nails in a dream are longer than in reality, then success in various areas of life should be expected.

Dreams of long toenails may indicate that someone who is sleeping will provide the required assistance.. And maybe it will help someone. If the nails in a dream are very long and repulsive, then the sleeping person, on the contrary, is a tough person.

For the interpretation of sleep, the color of the toenails is of great importance, if they were:

  • red- to resolve various conflicts and misunderstandings, as well as to restore relations with those with whom they have quarreled for a long time.
  • yellow- to hard and low-paid work.
  • White- to good health.
  • mother-of-pearl- to receive unexpected news.

The dream in which the sleeper sees toenails is negative in most cases. But do not panic, because dreams are only a warning or an explanation of the current situation. You need to try to interpret them correctly and draw conclusions for yourself. Perhaps the dream you see will help you change your behavior and lifestyle for the better.

The more amazing the dream, the deeper the meaning is in it. Why dream of fingernails? Agree, it is not often possible to see your hands in a dream, and even remember the shape and condition of the nails. As the dream book says, fingernails or toenails can have many different interpretations. It all depends on the specific details of your dream. Remembering them as accurately as possible, you will get the most reliable prediction.

Why do you dream of toenails or fingernails - dream books say that the interpretation of sleep depends on the condition of the nails seen.

Sleep is a necessity for a person, like food or air. At this time, our subconscious is resting, and the body is actively recovering to continue coordinated work. This whole period is accompanied by colorful images of vision pictures, which are actually encrypted clues from our subconscious.

You saw your fingernails in a dream

Why do you dream of your fingernails - such a dream is considered a positive omen in various areas of life. This may be a state of health, position in society, new possibilities of the body and physical form, labor activity. The length of the nails can characterize the duration of the favorable period, which is referred to in the interpretation.

If you dreamed of fingernails, this can be interpreted in different ways:

  • For girls - good luck in the love direction;
  • For married ladies, harmony in family life and harmony in everyday matters;
  • For business people, this is the need to get together, apply all their possible potential and make a “jump” towards profit and success;
  • For young people - a meeting with the only one.

Also, the dream in which you remember the nails on your hands can be interpreted as an increase in work, the maximum load in human activity. Sometimes, such a dream can be interpreted as a warning against quarrels and an opportunity to protect yourself from conflict.

If you dreamed about your toenails

Why do toenails dream - on the contrary, they symbolize negative, negative moments and emotions. Any part of a person's life can be affected: friends, health, work environment, social advancement. As the dream book says, toenails can even portend sadder events.

The dream in which you remember the toenails can be regarded as a kind of warning about a threat or danger:

  • People with "position in society" should think about reputation;
  • The younger generation needs to reconsider their behavior so as not to bring shame to the family;
  • Girls should be more careful with rivals;
  • Family people should not show cruelty towards loved ones and smooth out differences;
  • People who are making a career should moderate their vanity a little and hide their intentions a little more.

You saw clean and well-groomed nails

Since childhood, we know that clean nails are the key to health. In a dream, this rule is preserved. If you dreamed of clean nails, then everything is in order with your health. Seeing healthy and well-groomed nails in a dream can mean only one thing - you are on the verge of important and amazing events that please you. Good news and good luck await you. The wheel of fortune will turn to you the winning side. You need to take what is happening seriously and not frighten away that large-scale pleasant event that is approaching you.

See dirty nails with black border

Why dream of dirty toenails or hands - you should expect trouble on all fronts:

  • Diseases are already on the threshold, both for you and your loved ones;
  • Most likely, you are in trouble at work or on the way to it;
  • If your field of activity is finance, then you should wait out the unfavorable moment and not make dubious transactions. Fortune is not on your side today.
  • It is also necessary to pay special attention to teenage children, they can be involved in trouble or succumb to someone else's influence.

What do yellow unhealthy nails mean in a dream

Yellow color in a dream is aimed at drawing attention to small details in real life and the ability to solve specific problems. Yellow nails can mean experienced troubles and individual negative moments that prevent you from living in the present, constantly returning consciousness to the past. Moments like this need to be let go. In addition, it would be nice to undergo a medical examination in order to avoid psychological disorders and possible depression.

You saw broken nails - what is it for

Why dream of broken fingernails or toenails:

  • Artificial - to unexpected problematic troubles and long life obstacles, about which rumors and gossip may creep;
  • Real ones - dream of unexpected and prolonged illnesses;
  • If the nails were long before the breakdown, then the volume of the problem increases many times, acquires a more global dimension.
  • If the nails were cut short before the breakdown, then the problem lies much deeper, not on the surface;

An important moment is how exactly the nail is broken:

  • If at the very root, then the problem is long-term;
  • If at the very top, then the problem can be solved in loyal ways, without going into details;
  • If it is broken obliquely, then most likely the problem will affect you “tangentially”;
  • If it is broken with blood and pain, then it is worth preparing for decisive action and taking on important responsibility.

The number of broken nails, often, no one remembers, but they were all broken or partially, also plays a role in the interpretation of sleep:

  • All nails are broken in a dream - the turning point is already close, you just need to properly motivate yourself for action;
  • Partially broken - the tipping point is still far away, there is time to prioritize.

Seeing your toenails or fingernails in a dream can mean stress at work.

You saw your nails in a dream

If you see your nails in a dream, then everything indicates that you will have to work, work and work again. Moreover, the reward for this will be minimal, and the reward even less.

  • If your nails were on your feet, then the labor will be physical;
  • Seeing fingernails in a dream is a moral labor, but it will bring satisfaction;
  • If your nail is cracked, it speaks of self-doubt and inability to live fully;
  • If the nail tears, a “black” stripe will soon come.

You dreamed of another person's nails

In reality, we often celebrate such trifles as a manicure or hairstyle. In a dream, it is not always possible to remember who exactly belonged to the nails, but this is necessary for a more subtle justification of sleep:

  • If the owner of the nails is a woman, then this is a sign of deceived hope, most likely your dreams will not come true;
  • If the owner is a man, then there is a chance for rapid career growth, as well as recognition and glory that has “fallen” on his head;
  • If the carrier of nails is a deceased person, to the loss of additional income;
  • If the baby is nursing, this is a warning against the possibility of accidentally committing a crime;
  • If the child is your own - a warning against unnecessary pursuit of dubious income;
  • If the child is a stranger - a warning against the possibility of meeting with a hopeless situation;
  • If the child is dead - to intrigue and various gossip, short-lived and almost painless for you.

Manicure and nail polish

Why dream of painting nails in a dream? Due to the large number of options and plot details, this is one of the most controversial dreams. To paint nails in a dream, what is it for, the interpretation is always associated with specifics.

Here is how the dream book interprets to paint nails with varnish on the hands:

  • yourself - to be on the eve of the appearance of important news;
  • to another person - to get location and a good attitude from the authorities and the team;
  • red color of varnish - predicts health, respect and honor;
  • scarlet - a call for caution and distrust of unfamiliar people;
  • lilac - to intrigue and gossip;
  • beige - to a great loss;
  • colorless - to an empty attempt to return success;
  • multi-colored - there is a risk of disgrace in public;
  • sparkles - to depression.

Trim your own or another person's nails

Interpretation of dreams in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since the first attempts to create dream books. Ancient Greek philosophers became the founders of scientifically based theories of the interpretation of dreams based on the knowledge of human psychology. Years passed, one century succeeded another, but the interest in dreams moved people to describe more and more voluminous interpretations. Each author endowed his interpretation with distinctive features.

What are nails for? Dream books know the answer to this question.

Miller's dream book - a lot of work

This dream book is rightfully considered the most voluminous and most truthful option. It was compiled based not only on practical knowledge, but also on the foundations of psychology and astronomy.

  • To see nails in principle is to produce voluminous work for a small reward.
  • Put your nails in order - do a very modest but necessary activity.
  • To see broken or neglected - unsuccessful business ties and premature illness;
  • To see dirty or untidy - if certain steps are not taken, then there is a possibility of dishonor and shame on the whole family.

Wangi's dream book - a bright streak in life

Compiled on the basis of the seer Vanga's own dreams, who in her entire life has not been mistaken in a single prediction.

  • On the hands - a positive omen;
  • On the feet - a negative omen;
  • A long nail is a long light streak in life;
  • Short, broken or dirty - to big trouble;
  • To varnish - to do unnecessary work, useless and fruitless;
  • A sick nail (fungus, dark color, clumsy) is a harbinger of a strong and prolonged illness, an unexpected injury or a long feeling unwell;
  • Lengthening (building) the nail - improving well-being and sudden wealth. The longer the length, the greater the wealth.
  • If the nail breaks at the very root - financial collapse, lack of money;
  • A smooth and long natural nail is a bonus for good work and material wealth.

Freud's dream book - desire for intimacy

Created on the basis of psychoanalysis, taking into account the practice and medical histories of various people, and of course, direct observations and thoughts of the psychiatrist himself. Nails in a dream are nothing more than an association with contraceptives in various versions and a condom, specifically.

  • The cutting process denotes safe sex, once or many times, respectively;
  • Varnishing shows your attitude towards contraceptives and the desire to choose proven and super reliable means;
  • Barbs to see, cut, bite) - this is a warning about the ineffectiveness of contraceptives;
  • Seeing dirt in oneself - there is an opportunity to get a venereal disease;
  • Seeing dirt in another person is “dirty” thoughts about you;
  • Clean, even nails - desires of a sexual nature, dissatisfaction;
  • Gnawing - the desire for sexual satisfaction without the use of a condom;
  • Seeing toenails is an irresistible desire for perverted unprotected sex.

Modern dream book - good luck and luck

The existence of a modern dream book does not cross out the regalia of others. Of course, some interpretations for people of the 21st century are clearer and closer. However, it also carries the experience of its predecessors.

  • Well-groomed nails are a sign of luck and further prosperity. Perhaps you will open a literary gift and will certainly be lucky in your studies.
  • Beautiful nails in all respects portend honor and wealth;
  • Unusual length - expect trouble and violent quarrels with loved ones;
  • Gnawing - to receive something as a gift, a gift;
  • Paint in a brilliant color - get unexpected good news;
  • Doing a manicure for yourself - portends good shopping, new outfits and jewelry will delight you;
  • If a man sees a woman’s bright manicure in a dream, this is a danger;
  • Pure - success with the opposite sex and fortune;
  • Dirty - to chagrin.


Whether it is worth taking night dreams seriously is the decision and choice of each of us. However, since ancient times, people have honored dreams, taken them seriously, studied them and described them in dream books. Information has been accumulated and supplemented for centuries. It is probably worth listening to the call of the roots and periodically looking into the dream book in order to be fully armed. In any case, everyone makes their own choice: someone lies down and inspects dreams, and someone goes to bring them to life.

Video "Why Nails Dream"

Why do nails dream

Miller's dream book

Seeing nails in your dreams indicates that you will have to work hard for little pay.

Tidying up your nails means that you will do noble work, even if it is very modest.

To see running or broken nails means illness and failure in business.

Seeing your dirty nails in a dream promises shame, dishonor that will fall on your house if you fail to critically assess the real state of affairs.

Why do nails dream

Freud's dream book

Nails - are a symbol not only of the condom, but of all contraceptives in general.

The process of cutting nails - symbolizes safe sex.

Varnished nails - symbolize your desire to use reliable and proven products.

Nails with burrs - warn of the possible inefficiency of the means used.

Dirt under the nails - symbolizes the possibility of a sexually transmitted disease.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Long fingers - help in trouble; short - sadness; pull out - need; trim - spores and stagnation.

Why do nails dream

Family dream book

Dream about nails - indicates that you have to work hard for little reward.

If in a dream you put your nails in order, it is worth doing noble, but modest work.

Running or broken nails - dream of illness and failure in business.

We saw dirty nails - get ready for the shame and dishonor that will fall on your head. There is only one way out: critically assess the real state of affairs.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The condition of the nails in a dream - symbolizes the character of a person and his behavior in society.

To dream that someone you know has neat, clean nails means that in reality you can safely deal with this person.

The cleanliness of your nails in a dream indicates that good manners and social etiquette can greatly help you in life.

Dirt under the nails is a sign of shame. It is possible that gossip or intrigue of ill-wishers will lead to a serious conflict.

Painted nails in a dream - symbolize cunning and cunning.

Long, sharp nails - warn of the possibility of a quarrel.

Broken nail in a dream - indicates that some kind of conflict can leave a very painful mark.

Bitten nails are a sign of impotence and hard feelings.

Cutting your nails in a dream means that it does not bother you to tame your character somewhat by learning how to properly behave in society.

Why do nails dream

Spring dream book

Cutting nails in a dream - to illness, biting nails - to confusion.

Why do nails dream

Summer dream book

Biting your nails in a dream - to impotence to fix something.

To dream about how you weed a garden without gloves, and then to see your dirty, broken nails is a great misfortune.

Why do nails dream

Autumn dream book

Cutting nails in a dream or doing a manicure - to take care of your image.

Biting your nails in a dream - to think about some situation in reality.

Why do nails dream

Dream interpretation from A to Z

The dream in which you see your fingernails has a positive meaning, on your feet it has a negative meaning.

Too long nails - mean distress when you need the help of friends. Short bitten nails - portend sad events that you yourself will serve as an excuse.

Cutting nails in a dream means a difficult situation, an almost hopeless situation. To do a manicure - you will have to agree to unfavorable conditions for you, a pedicure - work will not bring you joy, much less material wealth.

Broken nails - mean that you will be misled about a matter in which you will not be completely devoted. Sick, fallen nails - portend that you will face need with your own eyes. Nails covered with bright scarlet varnish are a sign of reconciliation with relatives after a long quarrel.

A dream in which your nails are pulled out or needles are driven under them - success in business and revenge on your offenders await you.

If someone scratches you with their sharp nails, this is a sign of failure and illness in the family.

Running nails with dirt crammed under them predict a worsening situation in business and entrepreneurship, a discord with a loved one.

Seeing cat claws instead of nails indicates that in pursuit of dubious pleasures you can succumb to bad influence.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Clean long nails - good luck, profit; dirty - longing, chagrin; long on the fingers - help in trouble; short - sadness; pull out - need; cut off - spores, stagnation.

Why do nails dream

Esoteric dream book

Nails are a test on the way.

Break - you choose the path of testing.

Broken nail - tests passed.

Long - a long path of testing, you have to "climb a sheer cliff."

Clumsy, dirty - very unpleasant situations from which you need to get out with honor.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Seeing nails in your dreams is a lot of work for a small reward.

Putting them in order - to perform a modest but noble work.

Running or broken nails - portend illness and failure in business.

Seeing your dirty nails in a dream is a shame and dishonor that will fall on your house if you fail to critically assess the real state of affairs.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Nails - Cut fingernails A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will part with your friend; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will inadvertently harm someone and will regret it; and dreaming on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it means that you will soon forget about troubles. Cut toenails A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will try to restrain your desires; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that you will make peace with your enemies; and seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday - this dream is to improve well-being. To see large nails on the hands - to grief.

Why do nails dream

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Long nails - deceived hopes; short - haste; brilliant - unexpected news, a deceitful friend; cut - to failure; cling to nails - to glory; suddenly grew - money, wealth.

Why do nails dream

Modern dream book

Well-groomed nails are a sign of prosperity. You will also have a penchant for learning and literary activities.

Dirty nails - portend shame in the family due to the unworthy behavior of the younger generation.

Why do nails dream

Eastern dream book

Beautiful well-groomed nails are a symbol of well-being.

Seeing dirty, untidy nails is a shame in the family due to the unworthy behavior of the younger generation.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

long, clean - good luck and profit; short and dirty - longing, poverty and chagrin.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Nails - you see your nails in a dream - you will have to work a lot, but you will get crumbs for your work; you will be dissatisfied with your position; you, after suffering for a while, will undertake the search for a new job. You seem to have dirty nails - you are not very worried about the consequences of your actions; but the shame and humiliation that you will find will make you reconsider your own behavior. Your nails are broken or crooked in a dream - you will soon get sick, you will not be busy; the thought of having to see a doctor will not scare you. It is as if you are taking care of your nails - noble thoughts will visit you, you will be busy with noble work.

Why do nails dream

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Nails - to marry.

To have long beautifully trimmed nails - wealth, honor, unexpected money.

To have long nails is a nuisance / cruelty to commit or in thoughts to have a cruel / in some way spiritually become like a corpse.

To have short cut nails - there is no strength to fight / resistance and conflicts pose a great danger to you.

Trim nails - resentment, quarrel, irritation.

Cut a stuck nail - need, loss.

Biting your nails is a gift.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Nails are a symbol of acquisition, conflict.

Dirty - shame.

To cut - the loss of money or a lover.

Beautiful, long - for money or a new connection; business acumen.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

Nails - long - help from the outside, to do a manicure - to convince others of their importance. Trim nails - to controversial issues. Cleaning your nails is a stagnation in business.

Why do nails dream

Ladies dream book

Nails are an idea of ​​yourself. Long, clean - satisfaction; short or gnawed - fatigue; dirty nails - treat yourself with disdain; break a nail - anxiety over trifles; do a manicure - work on yourself, your image.

Why do nails dream

Islamic dream book

What the Nail means - indicates the content of victory over enemies. They also say: to see your nails in a dream means that in life it is good to imagine your capabilities. Seeing that your nails are broken promises death. White nails indicate a good memory and quick memory. A missing nail in a dream promises bankruptcy. If the nails seen in a dream correspond to their size standards in life, then their owner is sincere and pious in religion and in life. And cutting nails is following the Sunnah.

For a woman to paint a nail means that her husband will treat her well. Moderately long and beautiful nails - to increase the amount of money and clothes. Too long nails in a dream mean that their owner can ruin the work they have begun with their excessive strength and ability.

Why do nails dream

Big dream book

Nails - Long - deceived hopes; short - haste; patients - deceived hopes; pulling out nails - reconciliation with relatives. The fingers are very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing a finger is a big change; an extra finger is an inheritance; lost - litigation; scratching a finger - profit; cut off - trouble with a friend; burn - enter into a second marriage; hand without fingers - lose children.

Why do nails dream

Astrological dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book: Nails - healthy - to good health. Sick and dirty - to a contagious disease. Cut nails - to loss, loss.

Why do nails dream

Christian dream book

Cut nails - To minor troubles. Imagine your nails growing back.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Nails - Warning of danger, someone's or one's aggressiveness. Also a symbol of protection. Beautiful manicured nails reflect safety. (See also Fingers.) Cut, bite nails, have short cut - loss, impotence, disagreement. See long nails, cling to nails - show vanity, cruel behavior. To do a manicure is to hide your intentions.

Why do nails dream

Women's dream book

What does it mean to see nails in a dream - Seeing nails in your dreams - to great work for little reward. Putting them in order - to perform a modest but noble work. Running or broken nails portend illness and failure in business. Seeing your dirty nails in a dream is a shame and dishonor that will fall on your house if you fail to critically assess the real state of affairs.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation Dasha

symbolize health, but can be a means for magical manipulation.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

According to the legends of grandmothers, people with "rising suns", or transverse dashes on their nails, will be lucky.

Seeing white dashes on the nails is a sign of new clothes, fortunately.

Pay attention to the nails of a stranger, on which “rising suns” are clearly expressed - to envy, an unkind attitude from people you don’t even know.

Seeing a child who carefully cleans his nails - this dream testifies to pedantry and panache that cannot be overcome; to a person who will make a lasting impression on you.

Why do nails dream

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good value If you dreamed that you were painting your nails, then in the near future you will find something of value. To make it happen quickly, cut your nails, put them in a glass, fill them with water and leave them in a dark place for a week, then pour them under a birch.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were cutting your nails, then now is a very unfavorable time for new beginnings. To find out that this time has passed, pour half a glass of water and add corn oil on top and set it on fire. When the glass is empty, then the unfavorable time is behind.

Why do nails dream

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

NAILS, CLAWS - “to scratch out a place for yourself”, “to sharpen claws on someone” (hatred, anger); "Scratch someone's eyes" - revenge, rivalry; "grab onto something (someone) with claws." "Press to the nail" - expose, put in a hopeless situation.

Why do nails dream

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Nails - Due to their shape, nails are a phallic symbol. The most common image is the insertion of nails into something or, conversely, the extraction of nails from something. If a man sees that he is embedding his nails into something, then this symbolizes his desire to be sexually active, and also reflects some elements of aggressive behavior and violence.

If a woman sees that a man is embedding his nails into something, then this reflects the desire of a woman to have sexual contact with this man. If a woman sees that she is digging her nails into something, this is due to her desire to be more masculine, that is, to have more strength, and perhaps aggressiveness. This may reflect some homosexual tendencies, as well as feelings of hostility and destructive tendencies.

If a man sees that he is having difficulty trying to embed his nails in some object, this image can symbolize the fear of losing attractiveness to women and the fear of impotence.

If a woman sees a similar image, then this reflects her hidden desire for impotence for a man and the loss of his attractiveness for other women, I feel. that she is sexually frigid.

Nails - If a person, regardless of gender, sees an image of extracting nails from something, this is a reflection of sexual guilt, a desire to step back, get out of sexual or emotional contact. If a person sees that he is scratching himself, then this image speaks of an aversion to sexual contact and negative emotions in connection with sexual activity.

The image of nails may indicate the existing difficulties caused by the suppression of the inner essence of a person's insho through alien interventions, influences. In some cases, in the presence of this image, close attention should be paid to the state of the body and the presence of somatic pathology.

Why do nails dream

Old Russian dream book

long - deceived hopes; short - haste.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Long nails - for profit.

To cut nails in a dream - to a loss, illness, trouble.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of the Future

Nails, if they are beautiful and clean - this is a success in business, good luck and profit; if ugly and dirty - to melancholy, poverty and chagrin.

Why do nails dream

Idiomatic dream book

“Scratch your place”, “sharpen claws on someone” - hatred, anger; "Scratch someone's eyes" - revenge, rivalry; “grab onto something (someone) with claws”, “press it against the nail” - expose, put in a hopeless situation.

Why do nails dream

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Nails because of the shape - are a phallic symbol. The most common image is the insertion of nails into something or, conversely, the extraction of nails from something.

If a man sees that he is embedding his nails into something, this symbolizes his desire to be sexually active, and also reflects some elements of aggressive behavior and violence.

If a woman sees that a man is embedding his nails into something, this reflects the desire of a woman to have sexual contact with this man.

If a woman sees that she is digging her nails into something, this is due to her desire to be more masculine, that is, to have more strength, and perhaps aggressiveness. This may reflect some homosexual tendencies, as well as feelings of hostility and destructive tendencies.

If a man sees that he is having difficulty trying to insert his nails into some object, this image can symbolize the fear of losing attractiveness to women and the fear of impotence.

If a woman sees a similar image - this reflects her hidden desire for impotence for a man and the loss of his attractiveness for other women, I have the feeling that she is sexually frigid.

If a person, regardless of gender, sees an image of removing nails from something, this is a reflection of sexual guilt, a desire to step back, get out of sexual or emotional contact.

If a person sees that he is scratching himself - this image speaks of aversion to sexual contact and negative emotions in connection with sexual activity.

The image of nails - may indicate the existing difficulties caused by the suppression of the inner essence of the “in sho” of a person through alien interventions, influences. In some cases, in the presence of this image, close attention should be paid to the state of the body and the presence of somatic pathology.

Why do nails dream

Online dream book

According to the dream book, fingernails promise you happiness.

If you saw them on your toes, expect problems and troubles.

If they are healthy and with a good manicure, this portends your material well-being.

Seeing them untidy and dirty - one of the youngest relatives will tarnish the reputation of your entire family.

She dreams that your nails are very long - beware of all sorts of problems and aggression.

If the nails are cut short, you will have a lot of trouble and worries, get tired of the mass of everyday problems that will fall like snow on your head.

False nails are removed - your titanic efforts will not be appreciated, you will not receive the expected reward for overwork.

If the nails are affected by some kind of disease, serious trials and hardships await you, you will have to ask for assistance from people close to you.

See in a dream that the nails are not well-groomed or exfoliate - a warning that disappointments and health problems await you, but everything is not so scary and you will quickly return to normal.

Cleaning nails - the one who does this is very vain and narcissistic, self-love absorbs completely, and nothing can be done about it. Perhaps soon you will meet an extraordinary person who will amaze you to the core.

You shorten them - someone will upset you, misunderstandings and conflicts are possible.

Gnawing them - someone will give you a present.

You are being tortured by tearing them off or driving needles under them - restore justice in the fight against competitors and succeed.

Cut off an ingrown nail - be prepared for lack of money and losses.

According to the dream book, doing a manicure, in particular filing your nails, is a sign that you will have to do unsightly work for the benefit of others, over time your efforts will be rewarded.

They are stabbed into your skin - the state of health of one of your relatives may deteriorate sharply, and you will struggle with a huge number of problems.

You cut your nails - a sign that you are striving to achieve inner harmony. Now for you there are no trifles, the slightest nuance is of great interest to you and is significant to you.

Women have a dream in which she cuts her nails

If you dreamed of your own hands, on which the nails are very beautiful - influential people will provide you with their assistance and patronage, you will be incredibly lucky in all areas of life.

The dream interpretation interprets beautiful, long nails as a symbol of your speedy enrichment, which will happen as if by itself, without your efforts.

According to the dream book, to cover your nails with varnish - in reality you will receive an unexpected, but very pleasant and expensive gift from a fate favorable to you.

If in a dream your nails are varnished - you should think not only about your appearance, but also about your inner content, you lack spiritual development.

Seeing them break is a sign that something is wrong, all your plans may collapse or health problems arise, but at the same time it means that everything in your life depends only on you, confidently step towards your goal.

A dream in which nails are unkempt and broken off portends unforeseen circumstances that will greatly harm you, and they can arise in any area of ​​​​your life, you will have to work hard to cope with them.

If you dreamed of dirt under your nails - perhaps you are acting unseemly, think about your current lifestyle. Or someone's evil tongues can call trouble on you, dishonor you or quarrel with others.

It seemed that the nails fell off - to the strongest remorse, you will understand that you have done something really terrible, and you will be afraid of the upcoming retribution.

Biting your nails - big problems and losses await you, you can lose a lot, and you will be unable to fix anything, so take action before it's too late.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing beautiful, well-groomed nails - to health; crumbling, twisted nails - to the disease.

Why do nails dream

Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs

If a person sees himself in a dream tearing out his nails from his fingers - bad - the work of his hands will be taken away.

Why do nails dream

Lunar dream book

Long - deceived hopes; short - haste; dirty - annoyance; gnaw - have a grudge.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Cut nails - loss; big fights.

Why do nails dream

Russian dream book

Nails - symbolize health, but can be a means for magical manipulation.

Why do nails dream

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

To see nails in a dream - to feel your own desire to fight and dominate; nails are a symbol of action, struggle, resistance to someone; fabric, with the edge of which you can painlessly part if necessary.

Long nails are a state of inconvenience and limitation, constraint in actions inside and obstacles from the outside (the claw is stuck - the whole bird is abyss - a proverb).