Dream Interpretation: What dreams Star Night Sky, Interpretation of sleep for men, girls and women. Why according to the interpreter dreams of a starry sky

Light - success. Blue - expect good. Red - quarrel. Star - fulfillment of desires, great inheritance. Darkless without stars - danger. In fiery clouds - great joy. In the red, crimson clouds - severe disease. Rays of light in the sky - to ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of the sky

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If the sky in your dream is clear and clean, it means that there is no need to worry about your personal life - everything is going as not better. You are happy in sex, but this time can quickly end. Cloudy sky without the Sun means hidden ...

Dreamed sleep "Sky"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Clear and clean sky - a sign that you will have all sorts of honors or you will go on a fascinating journey. Blue sky - the foreskins of your success, a sign of overcoming difficulties. Star sky - to joy Red sky - to a quarrel. Sky with ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of the sky

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see in a dream that the sky falls, means your fear of unknown (your hopes and dreams were destroyed). It is possible that you have too idealistic views on life itself. Blue, bright sky, without clouds and clouds in a dream to see - To the merry ...

Sky - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In real life, the sky symbolizes the purity, peace and grace. Clean sky and in dreams foreshadows calm, measured, without cataclysms and upheaval life, appearance of hope. The sky tightened the sky dreams to the intact of your aspirations. If it dreamed that lonely clouds float across the sky, ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of the sky

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sleep about the clear and clean sky - promises an exquisite society, honors and exciting travels. Sky sky - promises broken hopes and female resentment. Bagher sky - insight and excitement sign. Star sky - foreshadows the beginning of a successful struggle for the right of self-realization. ...

Which means sleep in which the sky is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The symbol of what is given, descends over. Depending on the type of consecutive, it is: troubles (the sky in black or dark bloody clouds) or gifts, the fulfillment of desires (starry sky). Expectancy (dark) or opening good features (pure, light blue, sunny sky). Sun, Moon, Month, Clouds, Stars, ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of the sky

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The symbol of what is given, descends over. Depending on the type of imaginary, it is a misfortune (the sky in black or dark bloody clouds) or gifts, the fulfillment of desires (starry sky); Expectancy (dark) or opening good features (pure, light blue, sunny sky). Sun, Moon, Month, Clouds, Stars, ...

If in a dream to see "Sky"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If the sky in your dream is clear and clean, you are waiting for fame, respect and a fascinating journey in the very exquisite society. Otherwise, this dream foreshadows broken hopes and resentment on you from other people. See in a dream Bagher sky - sign ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of the sky

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbolizes the purity of higher spiritual forces. If you have seen a clean sky in a dream (also starry), you can congratulate you - the spiritual measurement approached. You should not expect pleasant events or dividends after this sleep, although they often come. When such dreams are shot, man ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of the sky

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The dreams about the sky characterize the state of the soul. The day sky symbolizes simple, clear feelings. Blue sky and light clouds - peace. Dazzling blue, cloudless sky - joy. Lonely bright cloud over head - honor. Curish clouds - a mystery of light sadness. Fly in ...

What does dream mean - heaven

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sky bright - success. Blue - expect good. Red - quarrel. Star - fulfillment of desires, great inheritance. Darkless without stars - danger. In fiery clouds - great joy. In red crimson clouds - severe disease.

Seen sleep - sky

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Clear see meant to expect good. Gloomy sky means a sad incident. With zipper means a happy case. Starny means joy, red means a quarrel.

If the sky is dreaming, what is it?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sleeping about the sky promises exceptional honors and a fascinating journey in the very exquisite society, if the sky in your dream is clear and clean. Otherwise, this dream means broken hopes and women's resentment. If you dream that you fly across the sky ...

Correctly deciphering what night starry sky is dreaming, you can find out which events are expected in the future. Dream Interpretation most often explains this image as something favorable because the sky symbolizes what is given to us above. According to the circumstances, as well as the mind of heaven in a dream, interpretations are not always positive.

Snowstation with starry sky

What dreams to look at the starry sky? Often this is the sign of the future material well-being, the onset of his rapid growth. Probably the person to whom it dreamed awaits a significant inheritance. In addition, such an image can be considered the forefront of the fulfillment of the cherished dream. Moreover, it will come unexpectedly.

Miller's dream book interprets the starry sky at night in a dream as the beginning of the struggle for finding his place under the sun. It will be completed successfully. But if the sky will bother, it means that the struggle will be very complicated, and the outcome is unclear.

To see him for many people often means the possibility of implementing their abilities. At the same time, when the sealing vision causes some alarm, anxiety is likely unpleasant news, the dream book indicates. For those who live a spiritual life, sleep is very favorable. He foreshadows the peace, filling out the soul, and therefore, greater joy.

What dreams night starry sky? It prophesies a promising romantic meeting. Success it depends on your ease, on how much you relax and can delight such communication to yourself and partner.

What were the heavens in a dream

Miller's dream book explains: dreamed of illuminated heavens with clearly prominent stars - you should make efforts when working on your spirit. Then you can return to nature, which will perceive wisdom, consolation.

To see in a dream, bright stars and constellations at the pure sky at night - the foresology of the best change for the dream. It is awaited good news, happiness, the more, the more stars the man sees. True, this will not happen immediately. By dreams, businessmen dream predicts considerable income.

What dreams winter skyscoon with luminaries? This is not a very good sign that foreshadows business failures, completing relationships. If they immediately fade, disappear - it means, ahead of trouble, losses, sadness. Dream interpretation sometimes interprets such a vision as the head of death with patients or beggar. However, fraudsters dreams predicts success in concealing their affairs from strangers.

Pure star sky without clouds in a dream marks: waiting will come true, hope will appear. Life will be peaceful, calm, without shocks, catastrophe. Tighted by the clouds - the desires of the dream are not implemented. Another symbol means threatening serious danger. By dreams, the fiery clouds predict great joy, the bugs - you should be afraid of a serious illness.

Which foreshadows

Constellations at night heavens in a dream mean a hint regarding the search for an important question. When the person to whom they had had, would try to use it, perhaps there is a solution to the ever-arising issue. Then comes confidence.

Sky - image of the soul, picture of her life.

The sun in the sky is the center of the life of the Spirit, your mind.

Shares flew into the gray sky - temporary collapse of all hopes.

Day Sky - always symbolizes such phenomena in the life of the soul, which you can clearly realize.

See clear, clean sky or light clouds without the sun - the quiet clock and internal collens are coming; can be used for spiritual development.

Beautiful clouds in the sky, their slow motion and shapes game - the harmonious life of the soul.

See one bright cloud in the sky - something good.

And above your head - honor.

Running cloud running around the sky is a symbol of interference from the outside world by your spiritual development / unpleasant and rapid change of mood, fuss, everyday troubles and care.

Curish clouds are secret, souls towering soul.

Bulky on the horizon and the coming clouds - your fears / fears; Alarm feeling.

Gloomy, closed with closed sky - call for patience / temporary difficulties.

Thunderstorms, storms high in the sky - disharmony in the life of the soul.

The sky is unnatural - strange, sometimes dangerous conditions in the life of the soul.

Red sky - quarrel, disagreement.

Yellow or greenish - malice, envy, etc.

Crane into the sky - to live in incessant works.

Being in the clouds - news / new position.

The night sky - symbolizes the phenomenon of the life of the soul, which is beyond the wakeful consciousness, which is for him a mystery.

The night sky, gloomy and without stars - the time of the test comes, to live only by the "higher world", the time unfavorable for calm spiritual work.

The sky with the stars - the execution of the cherished secret desires, joy, the sign that your soul is in your hands of your highest.

Brightly burning stars - a happy future.

Blurred, filled with light haze - secret sadness.

A bright Milky Way to see - the hopes are not the strength of the soul and the help of over / inseparable bonds of exterior life with otherworld.

Interpretation of dreams

Stars in the sky attract their beauty, mystery and mystical. Since ancient times, the future has been predicted from the stars, the horoscopes were horoscopes and determined the route of ships. What dreams the starry sky and falling stars? This image in a dream carries a positive meaning, however, the accuracy of interpretation depends on the characteristics of the picture seen.

To see the starry sky in his dream promises good fate and well-being. However, there should be no clouds in the sky: the sky closed by clouds foreshadows the failure and disorder of all plans. If at the same time the sky was painted in the crimson color, Ahead is awaiting difficult tests.

Pure clear sky, covered with stars, Says a real chance to safely implement the conceived. If the clear sky began to tighten the clouds, the plans cannot be implemented.

If at the sky bright constellations shineThis speaks about the strength of the spirit of a dream, clarity of mind and success in life. Right up In a dream - you will be a chance to rise in the workfield, to achieve great success.

Rise on stairs to stars - To glory and honor. Let success be smooth, without obstacles and obstacles. The same applies to the personal life of the dream - the dream of promises a complete harmony with the second half. All disagreements will disappear, conflicts will be allowed by themselves.

What dreams of falling stars? If the star fell to the roof of the house, soon a fascinating journey will have. If you wanted to change housing, your desire is realized.

Winter starry sky He foreshadows cooling the feeling between lovers and an ambulance separation, for those who work this plot promises troubles and losses. If the stars went out before our eyes, wait for the loss of valuable in your life.

Miriad star clusters At the pure chaise, they say that soon you will find a randering and get a hint. This will make it possible to find a way out of a predicament.

To look at the stars - To the coming difficulties and experiences. Fly across the sky on an unknown beast - the secret treason will be revealed.

Values \u200b\u200bby day of week

  • from Sunday for Monday - foreshadows depression;
  • from Monday to Tuesday - the patient will quickly recover;
  • from Tuesday on Wednesday - all wishes will be fulfilled;
  • from Wednesday to Thursday - sleep blank, ordinary day;
  • from Thursday to Friday - to monetary success;
  • from Friday to Saturday - to victory over enemies;
  • from Saturday to Sunday - sleep foreshadows trouble.

Other interpretation of the dreams of the starry sky

If you dreamed that watching the night sky in the telescope, Soon expect a meeting with an old friend. Recalculate asterisks In heaven - to the upcoming planning of events.

See dark silhouette of a bird on the background of the moon - The enviousness fell on you and try to harm. A bright star in the sky - boldly implement a planned plan, you have a chance for success.

Meaning by dreambooks

Dream Miller It believes that the dream is expecting one of the best periods in life. Pay attention to the details: the stars must be bright, not dull. Light of stars should be smooth and non-moving, without a red shade.

If the contemplation of the sky causes an alarming feeling, the stars flicker or painted by a bugger tone, - misfortune is coming ahead. A lonely falling star foreshadows sadness and loss, starfall promises joy and happiness.

Falling the star on the roof of the house - to the loss in the family. If you saw the accumulation of stars and planets, quickly rotating around the globe, wait for a global catastrophe or hostilities. To see the eight-pointed star in the sky - to get a reward.

Dream of flowers Sees in the image of the starry sky, the fulfillment of desires, getting an inheritance. Dark night sky without stars foreshadows danger, evening - unrequited love. To see the bright constellation in the sky - a special mission of serving people is awaiting ahead. The dreams were elected by the highest forces, a special way is intended for him.

Esoteric dream book It warns not to turn off the selected path if the Milky Way and a big cluster of stars appeared in a dream. Falling star will fulfill the desire if there was no place of fall in a dream. The extinction of the falling stars on Earth prophesate to someone's death. Catch the falling star - to strong unrest and experiences. Evening sky in the stars promises sadness and tears.

Dream Longo He considers the vision of a clean night starry sky with a symbol of prosperous life. If in a dream, the image of the sky is alarmed with something - the strange location of the stars, flicker, the criminal outblock - wait for trouble. Falling stars promise the fulfillment of desires. However, if you saw the fading of the star on earth, it foreshadows a loss.

Dream Nostradamusa He considers the vision of the starry sky in a dream the sign of over, falling from the starry sky, a star - a dream of a dream. A lone bright star in the sky promises fame and glory a dream.

Dream Khasse it believes that this dream promises fame and glory. If the star fell in the courtyard at home or on the roof - unfortunately. If during the fall of the star you managed to make a desire, it will come true.

Modern dream book It believes that the vision of the moon and stars in the sky speaks of the spiritual work of the dreaming, consolation in grief and wisdom.

Female dream book Warns: You are waiting for a successful struggle for the realization of life potential. You will be able to establish in new quality and prove your viability and independence.

Dream Vangu foreshadows the girl disclosure of the mystery of a non-cucitive act. Another dream will tear the temptation.

Dream interpretation of sexual dreams It will prophete a romantic meeting, however, the outcome of the date will be entirely dependent on the dream and his partner.

Dream of the XXI century He believes: the sky, covered by the stars, foreshadows joy.

Online dream book Sees in the exercise of the night sky, the symbol of the loss of the soil under his feet, however, the stolen star of the sky foreshadows a sudden illusion.

What dreams star in the night sky? Dream interpretation suspects that it will suddenly overtake you incredible insight. For a more accurate interpretation, it is necessary to take into account other nuances of what happened to see in a dream.

Forecast Miller

According to the dream of Miller Star at night, symbolize a completely new way, where you have to fight. If the asterisks were sparkling and clear, then it guarantees excellent health and prosperity. The dull sign of troubles and misfortunes.


What is the night starry sky at all? You will find a long struggle, during which you have to prove our advantages.

Did the night starry sky dreamed? Soon you will find confidence. It is also a forerunner of successful self-realization and the correctly elected path.

Sometimes in a dream, the chaise with bright stars promises a pleasant romantic meeting. But further relations depend solely on the correctness of your behavior.

Get the inheritance!

Did the night skill dreamed of sparkling points? Dream interpretation guarantees incredible prospects and good luck from the sacrifice.

If in the Gresses the night sky brightened with stars and month, then you are prepared spiritual enlightenment and gaining wisdom.

A completely dark, no single asterisk, the sky symbolizes the inheritance that literally falls on his head.

Specific decryptions

See how the sky in a dream is illuminated by rare floors, means that family life will be filled with small joys.

If the chosquice has highlighted the falling meteorite, then you will have fun in the company of friends in nature. A more accurate interpretation of sleep will give the stars themselves in the night sky.

  • Clear - happiness, love.
  • Dull - danger.
  • Falling - an unexpected luck.
  • Furious - the death of a relative.
  • Flashing - strange changes.
  • Flickering - mysterious events.

Leadership or complete peace?

What dreams of a star at the night sky, which established in the constellation? This is a symbol of a successful purchase, amazement and proper solution.

In addition, the dream book advises to pay attention to the features of stellar structures. Did the constellations have sharp corners? In reality, we will take a leading position.

If in a dream, the asterisks formed straight angles, then your position is stable, and fate is definitely defined. The presence of smooth lines and rounds marks the need for spiritual peace and harmony.


What dreams star in the night sky, which in a dream it was so much that it is even difficult to catch specific outlines? This means that a huge number of events will soon occur, the nature of which is difficult to say anything in advance.

Dream interpretation only advises to gather with the forces and adopt the pre-soldered with humility and courage. This is another lesson that needs to go and assimilate.

What are you dreaming about?

What dreams of starfall? Dream Interpretation believes you that a certain dream is moving by you, requiring a huge amount of material and spiritual resources.