Dream Interpretation giant sea wave covers. Why dreamed that covered with a wave? If you dream that a wave is covering what it is for

Dream interpretation blue sea. Why dream of the sea - clean, dirty, with waves

The sea is a very meaningful symbol. It contains diametrically opposite interpretations in its semantic space. The sea can mean both calmness (the expression "sea surface") and destructive elements. The ocean always symbolizes life with all its contrasts. Therefore, the interpretation of sleep is very dependent on its specific details.

Natural water sources in a dream belong to the sensual sphere. If calm dark stagnant water symbolizes the subconscious (immersion in the pool is often interpreted as "immersion" in the depths of the human psyche), then the moving and agitated water - the sea in a dream - is a symbol of the manifestation of emotions and feelings, instincts and intuitive sensations. If you dreamed about the sea, relatively calm and serene, and the water in it had a pleasant emerald-blue palette, then this is a favorable symbol of the harmony of the inner world, joy and tranquility. If the dream book of the sea is restless, raging, with large threatening waves, then the meaning of sleep will be the opposite. It is a symbol of great unrest and emotional upheaval.

Looking at the sea without plunging into the water means receiving news from afar. If the dreamer in reality expects any important information, then he will soon receive it, and the more harmonious the seascape, the more positive the news will be. It is not uncommon to see the sea in a dream - this is a mirror image of relationships with people, in which case the riot of waves indicates unexpected quarrels and conflicts. For lovers, such a dream portends violent passions that can lead to an undesirable showdown. But walking along a beautiful sea beach or swimming in a calm blue sea together with a lover is a happy dream.

The scale and power of the sea element in a dream allows you to broadly interpret what the sea is dreaming of. If the sleeper is sailing on the sea himself or on some ship, then the size of the waves indicates the level of risk in business. The absence of incidents on the water is a sign of overcoming difficulties thanks to the inner instinct and intuition, quick wit and endurance of the sleeper. If the waves overwhelm him, causing fear and impotence, then the dream predicts a stunning event that will entail a series of additional worries and anxieties. But giant tsunami waves are harbingers of a danger that can be greatly exaggerated.

Drowning in the sea is a sign that in reality the dreamer will face such difficulties that will literally take him by surprise. Saving a drowning person is the business of the drowning person himself, but ... not everything is so bad; in reality, one should act more fearlessly, more actively and boldly.

Dream interpretation - clear and blue sea

Why dream of a clear sea? This dream is considered good. A sea with clear water portends a calm life. Usually, the purity of water is combined with calmness, because a stormy element cannot be transparent.

According to the dream book, a clear sea is not fixed in the mind of the sleeping person if it is not smooth. Waves raise sand and small pebbles from the bottom. Therefore, the transparency of water during a storm is practically excluded.

The ocean in a dream can acquire different color shades. According to the dream book, the clear blue sea symbolizes a happy life. The fidelity of this interpretation is emphasized by the sun's rays illuminating the water. If you dream of a sunny day on the south coast, then you will be lucky.

What is the dream of the blue sea? Additional interpretations of this dream are given by details: sand, trees, seagulls, ships. In your dream, there are birds flying or sitting on the shore. This means anxiety and fear, which implicitly torment the mind. Maybe life scares you. If a ship or a boat is present in a dream, then a journey is ahead.

A calm sea dreams of a measured life without any special events. A somewhat routine well-being awaits you. But it will not be boring, because many urgent matters are waiting for your attention.

Why is the blue sea dreaming? This deep dark color means different meanings. It seems that such a reservoir has no bottom. In the real ocean, huge water bodies are painted blue by nature, while shallow water is green or blue. The vast hidden depths symbolize that problems and their solutions are lost in your brain. You just need to find them. The subconscious signals this in such a complex cipher.

The Black Sea dreams of an unexpected meeting that can bring serious trouble. If the night ocean reflects the moon and stars, it is a good dream. It means a long and happy life. If the night sea is restless and stormy, then the dream portends fears and anxieties.

According to the dream book, dolphins in the sea symbolize the friendship and devotion that you will meet in real life. These are positive signs, they mean goodwill, salvation from trouble and love. The sleeper will be a very happy person.

Troubled sea in a dream

According to the dream book, a sea with strong waves dreams of the beginning of a turbulent period of life. A storm carries a danger to a person if the sleeping person is directly inside the raging elements. If you watch the waves from above, then trouble will bypass you.

If you dreamed of a sea with waves, this means that changes are coming soon. Watching a storm from the shore symbolizes caution and the desire to keep a distance from danger. The farther from the surf line a person is, the calmer he can be.

According to the dream book, big waves on the sea also mean strong emotions and passion. Most likely, the sleeper is in love or is obsessed with another desire, for example, a thirst for revenge. However, this is less likely. The ocean is associated with life, therefore only love is the cause of such a dream.

The rough sea portends anxiety caused by some very pleasant occasion. The reason for the fun fuss can be a vital event, such as a wedding, engagement or christening. If you are sailing on such a sea on a ship, then boredom will not threaten you soon.

As the dream book indicates, a storm at sea can mean different forecasts. If the sleeper swims in the raging ocean and does not feel the bottom under his feet, this means that life will spin him in his millstones. If he is watching the storm from a cliff, a high platform or an embankment, that is, he is far away, this means that danger can be avoided.

According to the dream book, the raging sea symbolizes a storm in the human soul. Boiling feelings do not give the sleeping rest day and night. Love, jealousy, resentment, fear - all this is woven into a tight bundle of ciphers, which the subconscious mind gives out during sleep.

Why dream of a raging sea? This dream warns of the danger of losing control over oneself and circumstances. Don't let your feelings take over your mind. The exception is a dream in which you see a storm from afar. This means that the worst is over.

A tornado at sea dreams of sudden and radical changes that will completely turn the life of the sleeper upside down. You should prepare for major troubles that will dry up all human strength. Only the struggle for happiness can stop the upcoming grandiose problems. Don't give up and you will definitely get through this.

A storm at sea symbolizes the emotional excitement caused by the upcoming life changes. Doubts and anxiety gnaw at the sleeper for a long time. This meaning is reinforced by the foam present in the dream on the crests of the waves.

Why dream of swimming in the sea

As the dream book indicates, swimming in the sea in a dream means that the sleeper knows how to enjoy simple pleasures. If a person feels a clear pleasure from being in the water, this means that everything is fine in his life now. Night bathing symbolizes the unpredictability of twists of fate and uncertainty about the future.

According to the dream book, swimming in the sea means that the sleeper knows how to use circumstances to his advantage. Bathing in calm water portends success and good luck. If you have to overcome the waves, then temporary difficulties are coming.

Swimming across the sea in a dream means being in the process of making an important decision. The responsibility that the sleeper is burdened with in reality, in a dream appears to be an ordeal with an unknown result.

Jumping into the sea means losing control of the situation. Difficult life circumstances or violent passion make the sleeper do things that he will certainly regret. The feeling of dizziness from danger accompanies a person not only in a dream, but also in reality.

Diving into the sea means trusting a stranger. This can result in completely unpredictable circumstances. Everything can end well, or it can get completely out of control.

If in a dream you are carried away to the sea, this symbolizes the need to make an important and responsible decision. Moreover, this must be done as soon as possible, since the matter is urgent. The subconscious fear of the consequences of such a decision disturbs you in a dream and in reality.

What sea did you dream about

Why dream of a frozen sea? Such a dream portends the increased attention of competitors and rivals. In addition, it may mean a cooling of love relationships.

The cold sea portends barriers that prevent reunion with a lover. Swimming in icy water means endangering your health.

The warm sea dreams of improving the weather and mood. Weekends or long holidays are coming. So relax and have a good rest.

As the dream book indicates, a dirty sea portends trouble, gossip and slander. If you do not feel guilty about yourself, then you should not pay attention to empty talk. If your conscience hurts, then it is better to apologize.

Why dream of a dirty sea? You will become the center of gossip activity. Pay no attention, and soon your act will be forgotten. Competitors can fan the rumors for a while. But they will soon run out.

The dark sea dreams of changes that will bring a dubious result. Your actions can turn out to be both good and bad. The future is unknown.

The cold sea, most likely, portends quarrels, jealousy and cooling of relations. A break with a lover is possible. If you value relationships, start trusting your loved one.

Ice on the sea symbolizes jealousy and doubts about the fidelity of a loved one. This will lead to an almost inevitable cooling of relations. Hold back your emotions. Do not blame your lover in the absence of evidence of his infidelity.

The green sea dreams of a successful completion of business and a well-spent vacation. This color is typical for coastal areas with an abundance of underwater vegetation. The transparent ocean and algae at the bottom symbolize the desire for relaxation.

The azure sea in a dream portends happiness. Bright blue color symbolizes air, sky and life. A calm sea, sparkling in the sun like a diamond, will give the sleeping person a bright and joyful future.

Are you firmly convinced that you saw a salty sea in a dream? Then exciting adventures await you. Tasting water means trying to diversify your life with the help of travel and new acquaintances. Swimming in the salty ocean means rejoicing in the upcoming changes.

The dried sea dreams of sad events. Joy will leave your life for a while, but you don’t need to be sad, because it will definitely return. If a dried-up reservoir is gradually filled with water, then a pleasant surprise awaits you. If the pond or lake dries up, then trouble awaits.

The sea is shallow and clear means a cheerful, carefree life. If in a dream you walk along the surf, then happiness, good luck and many pleasures await you. To go from the coast to the sea means to take your chance.

Coast, beach, mountains and sea in a dream

As the dream book indicates, the sea beach and sand symbolize the transience of life and the meaningless fuss that fills it. If you are concerned about problems, think about their importance. Perhaps it's not as serious as it seems.

According to the dream book, the seashore is dreamed of by someone who is in a situation of choice. What's better? Calm and stability or new and unknown? A dream can suggest possible paths for the development of the situation. If you are on land, choose the proven option, and if you are standing in the water, then the unknown awaits you.

Why is the seashore dreaming? In reality, the sleeper is worried about dreams of travel and distant wanderings. Don't be afraid to hit the road. You will quickly get tired of staying on a stable, but such a boring coast.

According to the dream book, a vacation at sea dreams of good luck and fun. If your vacation is coming soon, spend it closer to the water element. If you are immersed in work, then it's time to relax and unwind a little. It's time for you to celebrate.

If you dreamed of mountains and the sea, then serious trials await you. Having overcome them, you can count on a worthy reward. Maybe it will be a promotion.

Gathering at sea means needing rest. You work too hard and get very tired. It's time to relax, otherwise constant stress can lead to serious consequences. Packing a suitcase means leaving an experienced passion in the past.

Vacation at sea symbolizes the onset of a happy period of life. If you dream that you are resting in silence and loneliness somewhere at the end of the world, then you need to listen to yourself and understand your own desires. Sunbathing in a dream means hoping that financial transactions will bring profit.

Sea tides and sunsets according to the dream book

Sunset on the sea dreams of successfully overcoming obstacles. Good luck and success awaits you. If the bright sun shines directly into the eyes, health problems are possible. The scarlet sky above the horizon without a solar disk means high expectations and too high demands. If the setting luminary is partially covered by clouds, then in the future life plans may be violated.

The sea tide symbolizes change for the better. Life will gradually be filled with new attachments, deeds and successes. Such a dream portends great luck if green algae swim in the water. If brown plants float on the surface, then small, but very annoying chores await you.

The ebb of the sea and the exposure of land dream of boredom and routine. The interpretation of a dream depends on whether water leaves sand or stones. If you see stones, then this is a good sign. Your financial position will be strong. If there is sand at the bottom of the ocean, then the efforts will most likely not bring results.

Why did the Sea dream (interpretation of the dream book of AstroMeridian)

The dreaming sea - the water element, boundless and majestic, invariably fascinates a person, beckons with treasures hidden under the endless dance of the waves. Romantics more often than others have a chance to see the sea - apparently, this is how they look forward to a quick trip. However, there are many interpretations for the traditional symbol.

  • The sea is a symbol of the infinite being, the unconscious in you.
  • Raging sea water - you must learn to introspect, delve deep into the roots of your problems.
  • Look at the sea - news from distant relatives will come to you.
  • Standing on the seashore and looking at the surf - your problems will be resolved by themselves.
  • Why dream of the sea, calm, under the light sound of the wind - to melancholy and sadness.
  • Seeing the big sea, according to the dream book, is a symbol of the opportunities that open before you. As you can see, you can do whatever you want.
  • I dreamed of a stormy sea - fate has prepared trials for you that you must pass. At the end of the path, success awaits you if you steadfastly pass all the tests.
  • Seeing the sea with waves - you are subject to strong feelings and worries.
  • If the sea water is dirty and muddy, you experience negative emotions, quarrel with someone.
  • A clear sea with waves dreams of fulfilling your aspirations.
  • What did the transparent sea dream about - the desire for introspection, knowledge of one's own Self.
  • A walk along the seashore, along the beach promises a long journey.

Why did the Sea dream (Psychiatric dream book)

  • If you dream of a raging or roaring sea, this is a symbol of your inner, often unconscious anxiety and upcoming unpleasant fluctuations. Typically, such stories promise business people the emergence of work conflicts, when their well-being becomes dependent on the mood of the leadership.
  • Why dream of a calm and calm sea - you are bored without urgent matters and tired of gray everyday life.
  • Sea waves with dirty foam are interpreted by some psychologists as a symbol of calm, foreshadowing a storm, which means that the dreamer will have a reason to be nervous and certainly will not do without a showdown with threats, squabbles, mutual accusations. After such dreams, it is better to avoid visiting crowded places and ignore the opinions of strangers.

Why the Sea is dreaming (Romantic dream book)

  • Why do girls dream of the sea? For girls, most interpretations are interpreted as a future and inevitable showdown with a lover, when one side is dissatisfied with the “suspense”, and the other with its ambiguous position.
  • If a man dreamed of such a plot, and the sea was simply restless, the dream symbolizes his desire to end the relationship, if it was stormy - this is a harbinger of a remarkable sexual outburst and the coming period of days full of intimacy.
  • Transparent and quiet waves on the sea are a symbol of long-awaited mutual understanding and a complete love idyll.
  • The waves are muddy and dirty - a sign of your dissatisfaction with your partner.
  • In a dream, the sea is dark and noisy, but soon calmed down - expect family showdowns that will end quite painlessly.
  • In a dream, a storm is gaining strength - your soul mate is very unhappy, it's time to appease her with gifts.

Why does a woman dream of the Sea (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

  • Seeing the sea means change. If you have dreams about the sea, they embody vain expectations and dreams.
  • You indulge in carnal pleasures at the sight of the sea, secretly longing for spiritual pleasures.
  • The measured sound of sea waves in a dream portends a tedious, fruitless life, devoid of love and friendly participation.
  • If a girl sees how she glides over the sea surface with her lover, her cherished dreams will come true.
  • Seeing a clear and calm sea portends joy and a successful arrangement of one's affairs; cloudy and slightly agitated portends success in our desires and intentions.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of a completely calm sea, it means a stop in business, and especially in trade; the sea, strongly agitated, portends loss, sorrow and failure in enterprises.

Seeing the Sea, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Seeing a calm sea in a dream portends a calm and measured life.
  • Dreaming of sailing on a calm sea - cooling of relations with relatives and friends.
  • I dreamed of sailing on a raging sea in a dream - a reflection of your life at the moment, which is so full of events that it is sometimes difficult to understand them.

Analysis of the dream in which the Sea dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

  • According to the dream book, the sea that you see from afar in a dream indicates that you are currently thinking about sex as something inaccessible and unreal, not that you can enjoy it. In fact, the reason for such an idea is your attitude towards your own appearance, which does not give you the opportunity to fully relax and enjoy.
  • Why dream of a calm sea that you looked at from the coast or from a ship suggests that you lack the peace that you are looking for wherever possible. Soon the situation will change, everything will stabilize, and you will get what you lack so much.
  • If the sea is dreaming about how someone bathes in it, the dream has a good meaning - you can help the person you saw solve some problem that he could not cope with.
  • You saw yourself bathing in it - it means that at present you feel great, everything works out for you the way you yourself wish, and the reason for this is a full-fledged sex life, although until now you did not attach any importance to it.
  • You tried to enter the restless, raging sea, then wait for such a night of love that you have not had for a long time, and you have completely forgotten that you can make love like this. Don't do anything special for this - everything will happen by itself.
  • Why dream of the sea, swimming under water - you are trying to learn something that you absolutely do not need to know. Your meticulousness will not lead to anything good, and you will only be upset, as the Sea is interpreted in a dream book that you dream about.

Sea - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • You swim along it, then this always predicts some kind of change in life, the road; you can gain wealth, strength and health.
  • Seeing worried is at a loss; fall into the sea - to danger; to swim in a dream on the sea, to see ships on it - to anxiety.
  • Hearing the sound of the surf in a dream means lost illusions, a barren, lonely life.
  • If a girl had a dream that she was sailing on the sea with her beloved or with a cheerful company, good news awaits her, a long-awaited meeting, happy love.

The sea according to the Small Velesov dream book

  • Quiet, clean - joy, success in business, health, get rich;
  • calm sea - a stop in business; cloudy, slightly in waves - success in business, fulfillment of the plan; strong waves - sadness, loss, failure in business, troubled life;
  • stormy - danger, sadness, anxiety;
  • falling into it is a disaster;
  • swim - wealth, fulfillment of desires // loss, poverty;
  • sailing on a ship is a profitable job;
  • washing in sea water is a joy;
  • to go along the coast - the road;
  • look at the water - lead from afar;
  • sea ​​water - a meeting (often - pleasant, desired).

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

  • A dream about the sea is always favorable, for it predicts health, peace of mind, and prosperity.
  • If the sea is slightly worried in a dream, the dream portends your victory over circumstances; perhaps - in your affairs you will be able to restore order after many years of confusion.
  • Too calm or very stormy sea in a dream, according to the dream book, is a warning: fate is preparing a test for you, and you must endure it steadfastly.
  • Why dream of the sea into which you fall - it promises long-term health or recovery to the patient.

Why does the Sea dream in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Hearing the sound of the sea in a dream portends a tedious and fruitless life, devoid of love and friendly participation.
  • Dreaming of traveling by sea - to open new horizons.
  • I dreamed of a calm sea - a calm life, prosperity, peace, stormy - danger, anxiety.
  • I dreamed of falling into the sea, a dream means incurring losses.
  • Drowning in the sea in a dream - you yourself are to blame for your misfortune.

What does a dream with the Sea mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why dream of a boundless sea in a dream - to a great longing for a loved one.
  • If in the summer in a dream you dreamed of a calm sea - to good weather.
  • In autumn, what did the boundless sea dream about - to longing for love.
  • In winter, why dream of a sea covered with surf foam - to some kind of disaster.

Why does the Wave cover in a dream according to the dream book?


If you dreamed that a wave was completely covering you, but you did not feel fear, trying with all your might to get out of the water, it means that you can handle the difficulties that you are currently trying to solve, so it will not be difficult to deal with them.

A huge crest of water covers a person with his head, and he himself is seized by panic and horror, trying to emerge, he goes to the bottom - such a sign does not bode well. The sleeper will face difficult times, financial losses and business failures.

How did the wave cover in a dream?

She dreams that the wave covers her head

They saw in a dream how a wave covers with their heads - in reality, mental upheavals, a serious illness, possibly unpleasant situations at work, await. Any of these circumstances will have a very adverse effect on the dreamer's personal life.

If the dreamer was not afraid, he managed to get to the surface of the water - he will successfully cope with all the troubles and obstacles. We saw the flow of water clean - most likely, this is a sign that the cherished goal is much closer than it seems.

Dream of big waves covering you

I saw very large waves covering you - such a dream portends quite serious changes in fate, warning you - the time for big changes is coming for you. The main thing is what kind of water was in this dream.

A dirty wave is covering - be prepared for various troubles in all areas of your life. It can be gossip about you personally, about your family, deterioration in health, or the business you are doing will have to be postponed for a while.

Washed by a clean, transparent wave - a sign of good luck sent by fate itself. All the things started during this period are accompanied by success, thanks to the purposeful character, fortitude, as well as the dreamer's hidden abilities.

Dreaming that a wave covers the house

The wave covers and then washes away the house - such a dream says: it is necessary to take care of the health and inner state of the soul, which is in danger of disorder. Give up the illusions of well-being, start to look at things soberly.

A wave covers the city in a dream

Why dream that a wave covers the city? The dreamer is given a clear sign - it's time to make a complete reassessment of life values, to choose the most important aspects at the moment, otherwise the blows of fate, deprivation will lead to the collapse of illusions.

How do other dream books interpret?

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I dreamed about the Wave covering, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    I dreamed today that I was at the sea, the water is clear, the sea is calm, I am standing in the middle and I don’t remember someone next to me (whether my ex-husband), and there is a clean, big wave, but calm on the one hand, I feel that she will cover me, but I don’t feel much fear, then another comes right on me from my face, I don’t know how to swim, the one who holds me next to me doesn’t let go, covers me with my head and I emerge, but for some reason the water is warm, somehow soft and all. Why this dream tell me!

    I was driving along the seashore in a shuttle gazelle, I was alone there, there were no more passengers, and suddenly huge waves began to rise and completely cover the transport, but he calmly rode through the waves, we rode through these waves, I was not even a bit scared, then water penetrated the transport and I was slightly wet, then we drove out of the wave and it was all over. The waves were powerful, clean and very beautiful.

    I dreamed that I was sitting with someone but I don’t remember with whom, and then a huge wave covers me, I hold my breath and so many times, then I can’t remember what happened. The wave was a greenish hue of the sea, it was not cold from it.

    I walk along the edge of the embankment parapet, sea water periodically floods the slabs. I sat down to dip my palms in the sea and at that moment the sky, which had previously been blue and clear, turned black and a very strong wind rose, I saw myself standing near the shore knee-deep in water and the waves covered me headlong one by one, but At the same time, I did not experience feelings of fear in a dream, there was surprise at the change in weather that had occurred. The next night, the dream was the same, with the difference that for some reason I found myself in the midst of a storm on a ship (or so it seemed to me) ... in any case, I held on tightly to some kind of net, reminiscent of a fishing net, it is on top rested on something. And as in the previous dream, I again did not have the slightest feeling of fear.

    There are a lot of people on the shore of vacationers ... I approached with my ex-husband ... and they saw a huge wave approaching, saturated, I can’t determine the color ... they realized that they couldn’t run away ... they lay down on their stomachs quickly, held hands, tried to find at least grass, to catch on ... Covered, when the wave receded, I got up alone, there was no one ... I looked, then my ex-husband dug out of the sand ... then people appeared in the sea, and went in groups ... I woke up .. But ... a terrible impression ...

    Good afternoon Tatyana,
    I dreamed of a wide road, suddenly a giant wave was coming towards me, I turned in the other direction, the same wave was coming at me. And so from all sides. Realizing that I can’t run away from them, I hold my breath and dive into the wave without fear. And I swim somewhere.

    Hello. I dreamed that my granddaughter’s cape was lying on the shore, in clothes, apparently they didn’t swim, it’s the sea. fear, even pleasant. What does that mean? Thank you.

    I dreamed of a huge wave on the sea, we were sunbathing on the beach with families and small waves began and gradually they became large, and when I went to the room it was near the sea, I look out the window and see a huge wave like an apocalypse. My family was still on the beach and I started to get very worried. And then this wave covered me, but I was in the room. Then it stopped being a wave and when I wanted to leave the room, it started again. I was very worried about my family. And it ended this wave, I already wanted to leave the room and it started again, this wave! I already thought that the windows would not withstand, but they did. And then I decided to go out and not go to the room, and when I went out I went to my family, they said that everything was fine, I said how could you withstand these waves, my sister answered, I just closed my nose. Everything. But I can say that this wave was not 1 time!

    I dreamed that I was sitting at the pier on reels in the sea, people were swimming nearby, swimming, my stomach was covering my legs with a wave, I didn’t want to get wet and I climbed a little higher to the pier. The waves don't get me there anymore

    My parents and I and someone else are sailing on a yacht, and then a huge wave rolls in, the water is blue clear - sea. I hold my breath, The wave twists like a lamb, I manage to inhale and exhale again, then I hold my breath, the wave covers and then recedes, I see mom and dad, but I don’t see my sister. I don't remember if it was originally though.

    I am with my beloved man, with his son and with my daughter and son on vacation. We decided to go to the sea. The sea was under the roof and suddenly the waves began to rise to enormous proportions. I was scared to go and so were the children. My boyfriend took off my life jacket. He dressed himself and went to sea. But it was covered by a huge wave and disappeared. Soon he was thrown ashore lifeless and I did artificial respiration and he woke up.

    I was walking with a stroller. There was a baby in it. Like a boy. We walked to the beach. We went to the beach and I saw that water was coming from one side. I turned my head and on the other side the water was already near the path where we were standing. I raise my head and see a big wave from all sides. I took the baby in my arms and covered him with a fight. And held my breath. I covered the waves. and I stood where I stood.

    At first I see the appearance of huge waves - it fascinates and even pulls me to surf on one of them. then the number of huge waves increases dramatically and a perfect storm begins. I see him from the window of a house on the very edge of a steep bank. then one of the waves covers the whole house. and it washes away and the house in which I am with another person begins to carry along the coast along these waves, but I see the edge of the earth nearby. I try to save the main thing - the information in the computer and throw it out of the window onto the shore, realizing that we can die. then I decide to jump out of the house and try to jump to the shore. which I do safely, and then I take out the house from the shore and lift it on one arm, looking at the raging sea and the beauty of wildlife and huge waves.

    I, with my daughter in my arms, swim up to some white house, it is either on an island, or right on the water, and right in front of the house we are covered with a turquoise wave, I am very worried that my daughter will drown, but the wave is higher than us and we are getting , as it were, under her visor, then the wave leaves, slightly hitting us with water, and for some reason my daughter and I climb onto the roof of this house ...

    Hello, Tatyana! I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. I swam in the sea with my ex-boyfriend, the water is clear and blue. And we were covered by big waves. I held his hand very strongly and held him. In reality, we broke up about a year ago, but I want to return him, but it doesn’t work (he has another girlfriend).

    Hello. I am swimming in the sea, the sea is calm, suddenly a huge wave appears, I understand that it will cover me with my head, I hold my breath, the wave rolls, but I do not suffocate, but float to the surface ...

    Hello. My name is Elena .... I go down the stairs (something like an underpass) suddenly, because of the turn, a huge wave covers my head, I try to surface and I succeed ... and the wave covers again and I try to surface again - on this since the feeling that the wave itself helped me, I’m on the surface. The water is warm ... bright turquoise color .. But I’m terribly scared that I’ll drown ...

    Good evening! I dreamed that I was swimming in the sea not far from the shore ... and suddenly I saw that a huge blue wave was coming towards me and I realized that I did not have time to hide from it, I lowered my head down and the wave covered me with my head. I have dreams like this from time to time. Please tell me what my dream means?

    As if my husband and I were in a room, water rose right in the room and a wave carried me to another room, I screamed in fright, the water disappeared just as abruptly. I returned to my husband's room, but I was afraid that the water might reappear.

    I ended up on the pier in some hotel, I didn’t understand because I didn’t see the building itself, there were about three of us, and when I looked at the water. there were quite strong waves. looking around, I realized that all my friends were already in the water, I jumped to them without hesitation, the waves turned out to be quite huge and the colors of the waves were mainly emerald yellow and various tints, then the waves became already so huge (about 3 storey building) and my friends tell me, let's dive under the wave, which I did, although to be honest, I was afraid to suffocate, but it turned out that while in the water I pulled my head out by the edge of the wave, it’s somehow not very clear, I don’t know how describe, people walked and I was lying in huge waves under them, constantly finding myself inside a wave where there is air, talking to someone who was not in the water

    Good afternoon! Tell me, please, the meaning of sleep. I had a dream where a big blue wave covered me several times. This brought me a lot of pleasure and excitement, so I myself went out to meet her and held on to the pole so as not to be blown away. I enjoyed the view and the sensations covering me with my head. The waves were horribly gigantic, but clear and blue. They covered several times and left.

    At first, I walked on the ice and the ice began to fall through. Then a dark wave covered me, but it didn’t drag me along, I stayed in place and all the most valuable thing I had (a bag with documents) remained with me.

    I dream that a large transparent wave is covering me near the seashore. The dream is colorful and colorful. then this wave drags me into the sea (and so several times), but I got out, and I dreamed of multi-colored big fish in the water.

    Hello. My name is Julia. Please decipher this dream. The young man dreamed that he was covered by a sea wave, and the deceased mother saved him at the same time, the water was clean, not muddy. I just had a dream on my mother's birthday. What is it for? Thanks for attention.

    I was walking along the shore with a man in the evening, suddenly a huge wave appeared and the sky became night with the moon. She covered us with her head, I felt completely under water and could not breathe, he held my hand .... then it became light and sunny and the water disappeared .... we held hands

    Hello, Tatyana! Soon it will be 2 years since my husband died. Last night I saw him in a dream alive. In a dream, several people were walking somewhere, as if they were looking for someone, I went on the train to look, and when I got out the train drove back, I didn’t have time to get out. The conductor pulled the stop valve, I asked her: “How far have we gone?” She answered 15 km. I walk along the rails and count how long I will return, they are waiting for me. Then the dream is interrupted and I see my husband, he looks good, works at some important jobs, everything is fine with him. I am very glad that he is alive, I tell him everything, and he affectionately looks at me and is silent. Then we lie with him, he hugs me and caresses me in an intimate place, I tell him: “It’s not convenient, people will see.” Then the dream is interrupted and we are lying on the railway tracks hugging, suddenly I see an avalanche / a huge wave / water, I grabbed the sleepers and tell him to hold on. The wave covered us, the water was clear and I could breathe. The water has passed and I feel that another dream will be interrupted. I see my sister, we are walking with her, the seashore is far away, I tell her the sea is here, I show her the coast, but she does not want to look at him / although she loves the sea very much. / woke up.

    I was sitting on the sandy shore with my family and then the first wave covered, the stroller with the child was washed away, my husband tried to catch her, and I looked at it all as if from a height. Then I held on to the rock, and new waves covered me. And it was spinning in my head that there was no one in the stroller, there was some kind of bumbarash (I don’t know what it is)

    I walked along the beach, the beach was pebbly, I was with young people, in real life I don’t know them, but in a dream we communicated very well, laughed, the sea was azure ... then I walk from the sea and hear how they shout to me, a wave, I turned around and saw a big wave, it covered me and retreated, as I walked and walked, she didn’t take me into the sea with her

    i was sitting on the seashore with my sister, the sea was a little rough, but suddenly a wave rose, my sister and I got up and managed to run away, but the wave touched our heads a little, we stood on the shore and suddenly the second wave was just huge, the water was a little warm, but dark dark green, we understood that we couldn’t run away and remained standing still, and now the wave covered us headlong, but we didn’t fall, we remained standing, and when the wave passed over us and sailed into the sea, we went home

    good afternoon
    in a dream I’m standing on the seashore and I see how a black jeep is standing right on the shore in the sea, and my boyfriend is sitting on top of it, and then it is abruptly covered by a wave and starts to rage more and more, I’m standing looking, I want to run to save him and then he comes out and says that the documents were all wet, and I also remember how reporters ran up to me and there was a very strong wind.

    GOOD TIME!! Previously, I often had a dream in which a wave was covering me. In today's dream, the wave was huge, not transparent, it slowly approached and covered. There was a lot of free space under the wave. I don’t remember how it retreated. There was no fear.

    I’m riding in a carriage like in the subway, but along the street I feel a long journey, but I’m driving while standing. there was still a boy riding, he had nowhere to sit, and so did I, but I offered to sit on my feet (on my fingers), I pulled them out in front of I saw red shoes, he sat down. Then I saw a beautiful landscape outside the window, we raced along the sea, there was a tide and the water seemed to cover our car a couple of times and we drove further past the port, Then I looked, as it were, in front and saw the road, trees and wires. Cars of travelers and cyclists were driving nearby, one of the bottom was very tired. I found myself on a forest road with my sister. I saw a spring and wanted to draw water, but it was in the thickets and the ground was too wet. the swamp plunged into the mud up to the knees, just to get water for herself and her sister. finally reached a hard surface and took the vessel. but the water level dropped in the source and I could not get it, at the same moment some strangers appeared, she asked a lot of questions, and when there was more water, she left

    I walk along the red shore cracked under my feet. Turning around, I see a huge wave with a 10-storey building, which, breaking the beog into stones, is approaching me. I start to run away from her and see a child of 3 years old nearby. I shout to him, give him a hand, if you cover us, you will choke. He holds it out. We are covered with a head. We're both trying to get out. The water is transparent. We both emerge, and the wave throws us right onto the stairs of some seaside city of the 15-16th century. The kid runs away, but I can’t understand where I am. The wave is gone, and the sea is calm to the horizon.

    A dark night, a lot of people, we are on the beach near a rock, on the other side there is a sea and a big wave. One is bigger than the other. I hold on to the rock and take deep breaths to get air before the hold. We are waiting for one wave, the second one is just a huge thought in my mind, now it will blow everything away. I breathe, I breathe and nothing happens. The wave did not reach us.

    i dreamed that a wave was covering me and my friends from both sides, while we were in winter clothes. we get out of there and go through the cemetery where a tree falls on us. why this dream?

    Hello. I had a dream, I can’t find the meaning anywhere. I and a few other people (among them my husband) are in a big white house with huge windows during the day, we go out to the terrace on the second floor, sort of like on the seashore, lake, I don’t know. Suddenly, a huge clean light wave comes from somewhere. Everyone runs away, but I don’t have time and it covers me and pulls me along. It washes away from the terrace from the second floor to the first, and some guy catches below ... and I woke up. answer

    Hello, I had a dream that I ended up in some kind of prison, with prisoners, like nothing special, but after talking and how I lay down on the bed. Turning my head to the left, I see how a big wave blows down the wall and overflows right at me and starts to drown, and it seems like I was still breathing in the water and woke up abruptly. What can all this mean?

    I dreamed that I was sitting and talking with friends, and then I was suddenly covered by a large clean wave, I did not have time to escape, and after that the wave immediately disappeared and the water remained clean and calm.

    i dreamed how my friend and I were swimming in the sea and suddenly she told me people a sideways wave was approaching and suddenly she covered me and flowed under a rock and then and again and I couldn’t get out

    Hello! I dreamed just an hour ago that I was swimming in the sea. It was turquoise in color, quite transparent, a little cloudy. I was frightened, but pretended to be drowning so that my husband would save me. Who was nearby, but when beckoning was thrown ashore, a completely different man came up and helped me get up when I was lying on the shore, it became disgusting from some bugs, small worms,

    For a very short moment I remember that I was standing either on a boat or on a raft, the water was calm, but a wave was approaching from somewhere, getting higher and higher and covering us with my head, I was scared. the wave goes away and we are all wet in our clothes. there is no horror, there was just a slight feeling of fear at the moment when the wave covered.

    I remember that I was standing in the sea and a huge wave was rising that covered my head. I love waves and that's why I'm not afraid. But then I saw how the next one rises even more and at that moment the sea sucks me in and I was very scared. The water was not very clean, but not dirty either.

    I'm on the sea, near the children's camp. Many, many people swim in the sea and children come, I go to the sea and somewhere when I was standing, a wave abruptly covers me. My parents drag me to a house on the shore. I see yellow-yellow sand. The sea is blue.

    we were going to go somewhere to rest, we arrived at the recreation area there was a pool there were a lot of people, I was with a guy, we went to swim in the pool and then a wave covers us with him and I’m already standing with a child, then some girl and my boyfriend come up leaves with her, then comes to me again, and I do not pay attention to it. and I think to myself why she constantly interferes with us. and I woke up.

    a huge wave covered my head for a while was under water, then the water disappeared and I ended up in an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar man and two little girls, the place was unusual at home, not like in reality

    Hello. Please tell me what you dreamed about:
    I am with my family on the beach, sitting on sun loungers. My daughter and husband and I are far from the water, and her little son is practically with her. Suddenly a huge wave covers us, departs. The husband holds on to the sunbed and shouts to me to take my son. Our beds are fixed to the ground. I can't even get up. The second wave covers, the son is gone. I look in horror, his sunbed has surfaced, my husband is screaming: “everything has blown away!!”, and I am waiting and looking for him with my eyes that now he will emerge. The daughter is nearby. I woke up in horror.
    Son is 5 years old.

    I saw a dream at night. I am at the top of the waterfall. The water rushes down in a rush. Below the flood and the bay, which includes a sailboat and a magnificent ship. The sailboat is white and the ship is huge and also white. And I need to go through the seething stream to the other side. There is my home. I know it's very old, but I need to go there. I wade in water up to my chest, it is difficult to go, I reach an impassable place. I understand that I can’t go any further and I’m trying to go to the right, because. break on the left. In the distance I see the shore, there are people and even children swimming, i.e. it should be safe… I’m almost approaching them and feel that it’s getting deeper… you can’t swim, because. strong current. It carries some kind of garbage left by people on the shore, broken glass. I move away so as not to cut myself and I just see a huge wave, I understand that I can’t cope with it and this is the end - it will take me down to the rocks ... It covers me with my head, I hold my breath and ... I start breathing under water, I feel myself in security, but I wake up with a terrible feeling and in a cold sweat ...

    I had a dream on Monday afternoon. Huge waves rolled on the high house in which my husband and I were. There was surprise and fear that the house would not withstand this element, and we began to run away from the house on the street, we saw our daughter with her son-in-law and with her grandchildren and began to tell them about huge waves and that it is necessary to leave here woke up with anxiety

    I often have a dream as if a huge wave is covering me, this does not always happen in the same environment and not every night. I'm not afraid of this wave, rather I'm waiting for it to cover me or not to hold my breath.
    I would like to know what this means, because I have this dream quite often

    i dreamed that I went to the sea, with my parents, girlfriend and girlfriend's parents, we sat on a bench with her, and my parents went to bed, we sat and it started to rain, and we went home, then my friend's parents went to the sea, she and I, I swam in the sea, and the waves covered me and carried me away a little from the shore, but I still swam out, and the sea calmed down, my friend’s mother said, “Well, thank God”

    i dreamed of a wave covering me and my mother with my head, next to the sea coast, the water is clean, I felt dry
    and I see that the wave is taking away my mother, I hold out my hand to her and she does not immediately reach out to her, she felt fear for her, there was a feeling of panic!

    I dreamed that a wave threw me ashore, but it was small and I liked it. as if I rode it. Then I saw a sailboat, it was not mine, but some man, and he helped me raise it. I got on a sailboat. It was a beautiful dream.

    Covers with a wave on the beach, completely head over heels, the wave is huge, clean without mud, but foamy, there are a lot of people, everyone is blown into the sea, I try to get out, it blows back several times, but in the end I manage to get out

    at first it was quiet, I was photographed on the shore, and then bigger waves began, while I was happy ... from the beginning it was quiet waves and then they started hitting my back, then I turned around and saw a big blue wave, I smiled but at the same time I was a little scared a little.

    I was walking along a simple sandy field and suddenly a wave of the sea appeared, it just wet me all over, the second wave immediately flew in and covered me with my head, and then the third wave flew five meters high, it passed for me like it’s not noticeable people are floundering in the water and I I know that my daughter is somewhere not far away and I run and fly to save her. She is now 13 years old and in a dream she was five years old and I pick her up in my arms and I woke up

    Good afternoon! I saw a strange dream today. In which I left everyone on the river, got on a boat, big, white, beautiful, but there was no one there. In the room, she lay down on a large sofa and began to look out the porthole. I saw a wave: at first not very large, then more, and the third covered the entire boat. After a short period of time, on the move, very easily and successfully, I jumped off the boat and ended up on the pier, where I was at the beginning of sleep. But I did not see the people with whom I had been before. Never seen anything like it before. I don't remember dreams in general.

    went into the sea (it was calm). And then the waves came up and I was swept by a huge wave. I ended up under water and understood that this was my fate, God's punishment for my actions, I was constantly not satisfied with what I had and I wanted more. I do not resist and do not try to break to the surface. I dutifully sink to the bottom, ready to accept such an end to life, and at that moment, when I was at the very bottom, I opened my eyes, the water was muddy, like during a storm, somehow I instantly found myself on the shore (as if pushed out by a wave).

    I dreamed that my mother wanted to show me something. I followed her. Then we ended up on the shore of a beach, or somewhere, I didn’t really understand. But we stood on the sand and there was water. The water was clear. And I also looked into the distance of the water and saw the dark shades of the water, but they were sooooo far away and there (right in the water) there were trees. So lush. Mom asked me: "Let's go upstairs?" I said: "of course!". And we began to raise the mountain of sand. And somewhere in the middle of the way we were covered with a hard wave. I didn't see her or hear her. I only saw that the water was clear. Mom said: “wow”, and I said: “stunned! If I want to die, I will send you an SMS, ”the last phrase was to the water. We climbed to the top. There were some pipes. Whether fanari, or something. Mom began to pull down sharply. I grab this pipe, she does too, but her hand slips. I manage to grab her. It was hard. Then I nevertheless caught her hand on the pipe and put my legs under it so as not to fall. Everything. Can you please tell me what it all means, or does it mean nothing?

    Hello! For a long time I have been dreaming that I am on the seashore, and I see a huge wave that covers me, but it doesn’t take me away, but it’s scary, and I constantly avoid, I know how to hide from it

    We were walking with a friend and then water began to pour out of nowhere, there was a lot of water under our feet and we saw that a huge wave was coming at us, it demolished houses, it covered us and my house, it began to collapse and my mother with brother ran out of it and we ran from this wave, but it covered us again

    Hello. I was walking along the shore with my youngest and showed that a high wave was approaching, dark dark blue. Suddenly, I find myself dry on the shore, and my youngest is not near me. Everyone panicked, they began to turn to rescuers, I cry, my mother is around me, my husband is running around. Help me understand, please, what did I dream about?

    The dream was not very colorful. Dark shades prevailed: thunderstorm points over the sea and dark sea water. My loved one and I went down to the shore, after which we were covered by a relatively small wave, after which we went up

    I dreamed that I was lying on the beach with someone, I don’t see with whom exactly, people are swimming in the sea, a wave starts, I see it and it comes at us, I managed to bounce and was only wet to the waist, the children and the woman were sleeping on the beach, I got scared and I started to wake them up and flow. I woke up

    I'm on the shore, there are a lot of people around me, adults and children, big waves roll on the shore and people, sometimes I get under the wave, I'm not scared, but surprisingly from the power and inevitability of the waves, I photograph the waves, they are not big at first, then huge, you can hide under a canopy when the wave returns from the shore, half a dream the wave goes from the shore to the sea, the remaining dream from the sea to the shore. There are no drowned people, people are hiding, but they don’t leave, it seems that they are not afraid, but like me it’s interesting and surprising, the water is not completely transparent, but not dirty either, saved the child by pulling out of small pebbles by the legs, but it turned out he didn’t drown, just like his family, they just slept a little. I woke up with a feeling of purity and surprise

    It's as if I'm at home in a hotel and such a high wave rises and it gets, I think, to the 9th floor. But the wave is clean and transparent. Then I immediately see myself as if I’m already at my brother’s house and quickly get ready and are still afraid that a wave will cover us, I start collecting things for a child of my type, we leave the city and start looking for my shoes, I find my shoes here, again I see a wave as if it is flooding everywhere but lies right at my feet without reaching us. Why is this interesting Thanks in advance

    At first, we just rested, the weather was fine, we went to the sea, and a storm began. The wave began to rise very high, I ran from it, and it got stronger ... I tore off the lifeline and when the wave approached, it stopped. The wave was dirty -white

    It all happened in a building, at the exit of which there was a pier and the sea. Adult friends (do not remember mine or relatives of my friends) swam in the sea and created a big wave, and friends, girls, were inside the building at that time. This wave washed away everyone and I alone remained in this building. I was anxious and scared to be there

    Hello. I swim in the sea, I dive. and suddenly I see a huge wave roll over me. I love to swim in a storm and I know that you have to dive under the wave so that it carries you on the crest. In a dream, I did not find anything else, how to dive down into the water column. It was hard to swim out and I woke up. moment swam up or not I do not remember. but the dream is very vivid, unusual. the water was clear, the dream was colorful.

    I dreamed that I was standing on the edge of a stone parapet and saw that a big wave was approaching me (a tsunami with white lambs on the crest). The day was sunny, the sky was blue. I was scared, but there was no time to leave or run away, and a wave covered me. The water was clear and I saw that I was not alone in the water, but also people who were obviously with me on the shore. I was able to take a breath under water and the dream ended because I woke up

    I dreamed that my young man and I were about to go to the sea. Then a sharp change in sleep to the fact that we were already on the bus and the road along which we were driving in the distance was covered with huge waves. I began to hysteria and say that I was afraid of the waves that would cover us and at the same time I looked at the windows to see if they could be broken. We drove on because the driver reassured me with his own words: “You were on the bus before and didn’t drown, so this time we won’t drown.” Not much confidence in words, but in a dream it became easier for me. Having passed further, we were still covered by waves, but we drove on. A terrible sight. me from the bus, but the worst thing was that an unrealistic number of people came from afar, they were saved, but what happened to them is not known. There were so many people that I was already left alone without my boyfriend, but then it was not clear from where mom and dad came to help us, I asked him: "Will you save us?" he didn’t answer anything and they swam with their mother forward between people, and I was just nearby. Then I woke up abruptly.

    I was lying with my young man on the beach, on the sand by the sea or ocean, not very big waves rolled up. But then suddenly came a very large wave of intense blue. We rolled onto our stomachs and held our breath. The wave covered us headlong with all its might. I soon felt how the wave began to return back to the sea, but it did not budge me and my young man. We had enough air to wait for the wave to leave. Then we just sat on the beach, as if nothing had happened. People, when they saw the wave, ran away from it, and when the wave left, there was no one but us.

    I dreamed that I was swimming in the ocean with a little girl. And we saw how simply a big wave was moving towards us. We ran to the beach. At the same time, I ran along a concrete path in the water and dragged the girl along with me.

    I was in the sea, the water was warm and clean, there were people nearby, and on the right was a man, his face was not visible. There was a calm and suddenly a wave rose out of the blue. It happened very unexpectedly and became somehow uncomfortable. But I jumped out from under the wave.

    Goodnight. I dreamed that I was not in a familiar old wooden house. With a mother-in-law. When I went to bed, a wave covers me, I'm scared and I can't breathe. And through the clear water I saw the mother-in-law, she seemed to be worried. The wave covers the 5th time the last one is the heaviest I could not stand without air in the last seconds the water left

    I dreamed that I was at some resort with my husband and two other unfamiliar guys. We walked, went to a local store and the seller offered us to taste alcohol. After that, we went into a cafe and began to climb a very steep staircase. It was very easy to climb it, but it was very scary to go down. all the time in a dream I thought that I would fall on someone’s back, walking in front. At the same time, they always argued with my husband. Evening came and I went outside. It felt like we were in some kind of camp. There was an indescribably beautiful pink-golden sunset, which I rejoiced like a child, and the sea was all around. I wanted to get closer to him, but the guard told me that it was impossible. I obeyed her, but again went to look for a place to get close to the sea. In the end, I was able to reach him. I saw that a lot of people were swimming and decided to go too. After that, I called my husband with me and said that we needed to swim, because. great waves. My husband and I swam across the sea, turned back to the shore and saw how a huge green-blue wave the size of a tsunami covered us with our heads. When I saw her, I started to worry a little, but I took a breath and surfaced back with my husband.

    Then I turned into the sea and saw how some man entered the water, then I turned my eyes back and noticed some strange shadow, and when I turned to the sea, I saw this giant wave 5-7 meters high. But I was more frightened by the fact that I saw my mother and grandfather a few steps away from me, who calmly stood and looked at me. Two seconds before being covered by a wave, I only said “I love you mom”, then the dream ends and something like “5 months have passed” flashed through my head, and I specifically heard it. In 5 months I have no idea what will happen, there are no plans, and people do not plan anything for me in 5 months😅
    Crazy though..

    We were on a trip with a camp organized by my mother (this is her job). We went to classes, master classes and swim in the sea. On the penultimate day of the camp, I decided to swim in the sea for the last time. I asked my mom for permission, she gave me permission. Mom decided to take her friends (mothers of children from our camp) with her, and I called my friends. And so we went swimming: we jumped over the waves and then my girlfriend emerges and laughing, says that she dug under the aolna and everything is in order with her. I was distracted by her, and when I turned to the sea, a HIGH WAVE and a gurgling came at me! When I surfaced, the wave was just moving away and I realized that the wave had reached the stone foundation of the pier and the wave could drag me along and I would have crashed on the concrete piles! I smiled at my friends, letting them know that everything was fine with me and went to the shore.

    I woke up in shock, from impressions and fright with huge, round eyes.

    I walked along a wide and stable wooden road and from the cross there was a vada and along the tanks, but there were camps on the sides, and when we walked back
    The water began to create huge waves
    Fighting off the walls and pouring water on us, and this was constantly repeated, I could not walk, the feeling of anxiety did not leave

    I dreamed that I was on the beach, besides me there were a lot of people. Big waves started. I saw every wave, it seemed to grow up right next to me and fall very sharply. The water was not dirty or scary. She was clean and transparent. I remember that I looked up to see how big the wave was - it was sunny, the wave was huge, like a wall, lingered a little and then fell. And so several times, from a height of about 2 floors and each time higher. But I remained at the same time in my place on the shore .. after several such waves, I managed to escape. At the sight of huge waves, she was afraid.

    The ship was covered by a big wave, it was a little scary, the water was clear and the dream was not gloomy, then the ship surfaced and I talked with the girl from this ship on the shore, she was worried that she had no job and she needed to pay for something, I calmed her down and then she Found a job.

    Hello, I dreamed from Thursday to Friday that I was standing near the house, but it is located outside the beach (right behind the fence) and I see a wave .. big and supposedly my husband is in the house and speaks neatly and I say yes no she will not reach that far and then this wave increases and covers me with my head, but I didn’t feel wet or somehow unpleasant .. The sensations were strange because I was surprised that I was dry and the water was clear and not very cold ... I left and I was in the whole dream ways (like some kind of labyrinths) we had to get out and return home, and throughout the whole dream we were moving somewhere like in a quest (I had a lot of girls with women whom I don’t know) and hid from the waves and I tried to contact my husband to return to him.

    Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was closing the window in the kitchen of my apartment, my mother was next to me. Suddenly, water suddenly appears from the window above and covers me with my head. Mom didn't get into the water. The water is clean and transparent. Then the water disappeared without a trace, I stand dry in my kitchen. Tell me, please, what is it for.

    I went with my father to beoeg from some kind of artificial pool, well, it looked like a sea beach, but in fact it was a pool into it from the top, a river flowed down here, we were on top, we had to go down and my father had clothes on, we went down and there were people they they started yelling at him because he was in clothes, then a small brawl began when we got out of the pool there were a lot of people and some very large screens that covered this pool on the right were having fun, after all this we went to the beach, my father and I had to go along the shore to my mother and began to approach the shore and small waves in the form of bulls began to jump on us and then a wave as high as a ten-story building began to fall on us

    I go to the shore where the guy was standing. And then I see a huge wave covering me from nowhere, my hands were raised to the top. The wave was blue and clear water. Covered 2 times. Right through a dream, I felt how I held my breath so as not to swallow water.

    I am on the bank of the river in the forest, I sit, eat, rest. Suddenly they tell me there will be a wave, I turn around and see a huge wave rise from the river and go to the shore, I turn away and lie down on the ground, the wave covers me, for a while I am under water, then the water leaves, I find myself with my head under a blue flannelette blanket, it’s hard to breathe under it, I get out, throw it off myself and see the foam from the departed wave. our food was not damaged, it was not terrible, there was a little lack of air when I was under the covers.

    I dreamed of a big wave on the beach, at first there was a big wave that passed me, and the second wave hit me, but not with my head, I was already ready that this wave would cover me, I prepared for it, I thought that I would drown, although even didn’t dive, then it was the wave that landed me further on the shore. The color of the water was blue, but not muddy and dirty, just the blue of the sea.

    Hello, the dream was in cold colors, since it was winter. I was with a classmate (with whom I practically do not communicate in real life) and I decided to take a picture of how water would fall from a cliff. The rock was 3 meters high, no more. She was right on the beach near the water. And the wave, at first covered the mini rock, and then fell back into the sea. The distance between the rock and the sea is literally 2-3 meters. I stood between them and turned on the camera on my phone. At this time, my classmate tells me to turn around (I stood with my back to the sea), I turn around and see that the wave is high, like a rock is coming at me. I don't run and she covers me. Because of the water in my eyes, I can hardly see where the shore is. Waves cover me over and over again, but I do not fall and at the same time laugh. My classmate gives me a hand and pulls me out from under the waves. It was winter around, but I was not cold at all, despite the fact that we were both completely wet in winter clothes. Then we went to a cafe and started to eat, other classmates joined us. The dream is over. Thanks in advance for your reply!

    A huge wave covers, but it is clean, warm. Since this is a dream often, there is no more panic in a dream. I know that I need to dive and relax and I emerge very soon. I immediately start looking for children and a husband, at these moments I feel a little panic. Sometimes I find everyone at once. There are still huge waves, but we hold hands and together we know what to do.

    My friend and I were standing in the sea near the shore, and then, for no reason, the waves began, the waves got higher and higher, when the first wave covered, I easily coped with it and swam to the surface, and my friend was hard. When the second huge wave came, I again easily got to the surface of the wave, like surfers on boards, only I was without a board. The wave "thrown" me to the shore, and my friend drowned

    Well, my mother and I were resting on the sea, the sea was blue transparent. At first I was almost swept into the sea, then a blue wave covers me and my mother and only it flies at us and then abruptly disappears. Then we go by car along the path home, but the path was flooded with water, for some reason we rode on slats. But the dream does not end there, then we immediately go and the water freezes and turns into a skating rink, everyone rides but I didn’t have time ... well, and so on ... What can this mean please tell me!!?!?!?

    There was the construction of some sort of railways (it was not a road somewhere, but something like an amusement park), there were a lot of them. I brought people to this place (friends, acquaintances, I didn’t know some people, but in a dream we got along very well) I, in my opinion, was responsible for the construction, something went wrong, it didn’t work out the way I wanted. I started to fix everything, there were some forces. And then everything begins to disappear. Water appeared, the roads disappeared, only people remained, I held a child by the hand, a small wave covered him, he disappeared. I surfaced a lot of people disappeared, in fact, I didn’t see anyone except light blue water, I turn around, and there is another huge wave (I wasn’t afraid of it, I was just preparing to hold my breath for myself and a cat that had come from somewhere (my cat, domestic)) , she reached us, for a moment dispersed in different directions and covered, but under the water I breathed, and so calmly, then I again saw more waves and woke up.

Waves in a dream

A large wave of destructive nature brings a series of unpleasant fatal events, experiences and troubles. Dealing with them will not be so easy, but it is impossible to avoid. Fear in a dream will be transferred to real life, and how it all ends depends on the end of the situation seen in a dream.

  • For a married couple - a series of big quarrels that will arise unexpectedly and end in separation or divorce.
  • For a businessman - loss in business.
  • For work - major checks, troubles.
  • For a public person - shame, hostility, fall.
  • For a child, such a dream promises problems with learning, the collapse of hopes.

Big waves in a dream on a bright sunny day, which you watch with admiration, prophesy fateful moments in your life.

  • For an unmarried girl or guy - a meeting of the second half.
  • For a businessman - a great prospect.
  • For a public person - recognition and honors, glory and success.
  • For the patient - recovery after a severe long-term illness.
  • For a child - the successful passing of an exam, admission to a university.
  • In the intimate sphere - a test of great pleasure.

Dream Interpretation: a huge wave in different reservoirs

Why dream of the sea, waves? What does this dream portend? Large waves at sea are quite normal. On a small lake, river or pool - it is surprising. In other words, something unusual will happen.

The sea means life "on a grand scale", without restrictions and obstacles. Free free life, a large internal supply of energy. For people who live near the sea, sleep will not be so fateful. Another thing is those who have never seen him in reality or go on vacation once a year.

Why dream of a big wave? Such a dream prophesies serious changes in life. Emotional uplift, joy, pleasant surprise. Before making an important decision, a dream with a huge wave suggests that everything will go great, do not worry, success is guaranteed.

A raging element or an azure calm expanse of water can appear in a dream even to those who have never been to the sea. It is generally accepted that such plots reflect not only the environment surrounding the dreamer in reality, but also his inner world. Therefore, it is important to understand why the sea is dreaming and draw the right conclusions.

Dream Interpretation: to see the sea in a dream

The changeable sea element offers a variety of plots, and interpretations from different dream books take into account the details of sleep. At the same time, interpreters make different accents.

Miller's dream book the dreaming sea is interpreted as vain expectations. The sleeper pays too much attention to the intimate side of life, forgetting about spirituality. Not to see the sea, but only to hear its noise - to emotional loneliness, which the dreamer is able to change.

According to Vanga's dream book calm water surface promises well-being. Stormy - warns of the danger of financial loss.

Ukrainian the option after a dreaming sea with running waves predicts an eventful life, Gypsy- a long journey.

Esoteric Tsvetkov interprets the plot as news from afar.

French dream book interprets such a dream as a symbol of prosperity.

According to modern version of the dream book to see a big ship at sea means to worry about solving a problem that seems insoluble. Sailing on deck is a sign that important changes will soon take place.

According to the erotic dream book to see the sea in a dream from afar reflects the lack of confidence in one's own sexual attractiveness.

If you dream of a sunset at the sea, you should take care of your health. The vitality is slightly weakened, it is necessary to support the body with a rational daily regimen and proper nutrition.

The plot of the vision, in which the sea and sand are dreamed, is a reminder that life must be valued. After all, everything in life passes very quickly.

The dreamer dreams that the partner will appreciate not only her appearance, but also her soul - this is what a woman dreams about. Watching the majestic elements next to your loved one - wishes will come true.

A pregnant woman dreams of a favorable process of childbirth. The seething water surface reflects the woman's excessive worries due to her own position.

Most often, a man dreams of a sea for imminent change. Their character is indicated by the details of the dream.

To the fulfillment of the most daring plans dreams woman swim in the sea if the water is warm and clean. Sleeping, you can enjoy your own environment and relationships with family and colleagues. Sigmud Freud interpreted such a plot as getting pleasure from an intimate life, and complete satisfaction with a partner.

Soon there will be a meeting with a person worthy of becoming a companion for life - that's what dreams swim in the sea girl. The meaning of a dream can take on a negative meaning. In the case when you dream of swimming in a dream in a dirty reservoir, you should beware of tricks.

To the insidious machinations of enemies or the betrayal of loved ones - dreams drown in the sea. Such a dream warns that in reality the time has come to lie low and not do anything new. If you managed to escape before awakening, then you will be able to overcome all adverse circumstances with dignity.

man swimming with a familiar woman in the sea is a symbol of fleeting intrigue. To cut through the raging elements alone means to turn your own life into an endless battle.

Swimming under water in a dream is a sign of the sleeping person's excessive curiosity. Some secrets are best left alone. Indeed, sometimes you know less - you sleep better.

For entrepreneurs, swimming in the very cold sea means "off season". It is advisable not to start any new projects, and an existing business should be carefully monitored.

Why dream of waves on the sea

Long held back emotions will get out of control very soon, that's what the sea dreams of and large waves. Feelings are literally overwhelmed.

As a reflection of mental anguish dream huge waves. Most likely, they are associated with relationships with the opposite sex. To correctly decipher such a dream, you need to recall your own emotions. Calm observation portends that liberation will help to find personal happiness. Fear or anxious experiences indicate the need to calculate options before demonstrating emotions.

The desire in reality to radically change something symbolizes tsunami on the sea. This can show remorse for a past action.

dreaming storm at sea warns that in the near future it will not be possible to relax and rest. Ahead is a period of life filled with numerous events.

When you regularly dream raging sea, this is a reflection of the fact that the dreamer is ready for change. If the water is clean, soon fate will reward you with a pleasant acquaintance, or events that can turn your whole way of life upside down. The gloomy atmosphere and dirty waves warn that in the pursuit of change, one should try to avoid mistakes.

Additionally, you should decipher the dreaming inhabitants of the water element. Cute dolphins reflect the desire to feel passionate feelings. The frolicking marine mammals in clear water mean quick changes for the better, the sleeping person will be enlightened about the right way of life. For women, stroking these marine animals means finding harmony in the intimate sphere; for men, a dream also predicts a successful period in love. Dreaming of white dolphins for everyone, without exception, is a sign of unconditional good luck, not overshadowed by absolutely anything.

Whale at sea in a dream means that you will soon have to hit the road. It is also a symbol of completely unexpected patronage, help will come from a completely unexpected side.

dreaming shark at sea signals difficulties in business. The cause of annoying problems lies in envious people, and in order to overcome obstacles, you will have to act decisively. A toothy predator swims nearby - someone from the inner circle is a secret ill-wisher. When in a dream a shark pursues a sleeping person, or, even worse, attacks, in reality one should prepare to repel the attacks of enemies.

If you dream killer whale in the sea (a mammal of the cetacean family, also referred to in the literature as a killer whale), this is a symbolic reflection of dissatisfaction with the events taking place in life. The dream warns: before embarking on drastic changes, it is worth making sure and predicting all the options for situations.

Waking up will be surprised by a person whom the dreamer considered incapable of serious deeds, if he dreams jellyfish in the sea. To swim among them means that there is a streak of bad luck ahead due to ambiguous situations that compromise the good name of the sleeper.

Why dream of a vacation at sea

Sometimes in dreams, the subconscious mind suggests the need to relax, change the situation, at least for a while. One such warning plot is the trip on the sea. Depending on what time of the year and in which company the trip takes place, the dream may have additional interpretations. A trip to the winter sea means a difficult relationship with family and friends. Something in the relationship is oppressive, and this problem urgently needs to be addressed. Sharing the road with a loved one means the couple's cherished dreams will soon come true. A voyage to a seaside vacation in a dream with girlfriends (for females sleeping) or friends (for men) guarantees excellent mood and joy in the near future. Do not be afraid if you dreamed of a trip to the sea with a deceased acquaintance. Soon there will be a need to restore communication with people who have not been remembered for a long time. The path in the company of parents is the desire for independence. This applies to both personal and professional areas. The road to the sea with the boss is a sign that he will soon appreciate all the efforts at work. Therefore, in the near future, do not be lazy. A trip to the sea with an ill-wisher symbolizes a readiness for reconciliation. It may well turn out that in fact the differences are just petty.

If you dream of the sea and dream beach, is a reflection of the waiting period. It is important for the sleeper to quickly learn about any news regarding his relationship.

Coast the sea in a dream, littered with garbage, mud and algae, in reality it is worth suspending the implementation of the plan. All new projects launched in the near future will result in losses. A clean and beautiful line of surf symbolizes harmony in life.

Interpretation of sleep by the sea

In case the sea is dreaming clean and transparent, in reality you can expect a successful course of affairs. Undertakings will be successful, and peace will reign in the family, even if there were disagreements in the past.

Pure water unequivocally interpreted positively. A dream anticipates pleasant surprises. It's a good time in life.

serene blue the sea, stretched out in front of the dreamer, allows you to hope for quick gifts of fate. Most likely, these will be new opportunities that were not even dreamed of before.

When dreaming blue sea, in reality it is necessary to pay attention to all offers and unintentional meetings.

Very beautiful the sea in a dream anticipates new acquaintances. Men will be able to find a good friend, even a friend. For single girls, a dream promises a pleasant gentleman, for married women - family happiness. After such a dream, businessmen of both sexes are more likely to find a bona fide business partner or conclude a lucrative contract.

To harmony in the personal sphere and work dreams azure sea. A happy period lies ahead.

Calm the sea in a dream is always new horizons and opening prospects. The dream hints that it is necessary to use all the chances, because luck clearly smiles at the sleeper. The dream of the opposite shore is a symbol of the upcoming hard work. If the water element suddenly rages during excellent weather, in reality you should be more careful about your emotions in order to avoid quarrels with dear people and colleagues.

To worsen relations dream dirty sea. Also, the mood can be spoiled by troubles at work.

Symbol of a sudden meeting - to see in a dream black sea ​​(by color, not geographical name). The rendezvous will not be very desirable, and may even bring negative emotions.

When dreaming frozen sea, this is a warning sign. Rivals at work want to take advantage of the sleeper's relaxation in order to deprive him of his well-deserved reward and the approval of his superiors.

For those who are unwell in reality, salty the sea in a dream predicts a speedy recovery. This is a sign of good health and pleasant life moments.

The dreamer should prepare to meet happiness if he dreamed warm sea. A cold reservoir warns that many obstacles will have to be overcome in order to fulfill desires.

Depending on the details, dreams about the sea can simply be memories of bright days of rest, a warning of problems, or news of the approach of a prosperous period. You should listen to the signs, and meet each new day with joy!