Sonorous consonants are always in a weak position. Strong and weak positions of consonant phonemes

Russian language grade 2

(The system of D.B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov)

Teacher of the Votkinsk Lyceum Municipal Educational Institution: Mashlakova S.N.

Theme. Strong and weak positions of consonants. Positions of consonants, paired in voiced-voicelessness, before sonorants.

Lesson stage: main.

The purpose of the entire section:the formation of spelling actions at the stage of setting spelling problems.

Educational task: drawing up a table of strong and weak positions of consonants. Letter with gaps in spelling of weak consonant positions.

Lesson objectives:

1) educational- the formation of the ability to identify the position of consonants, paired in voicing-deafness, in front of sonorants;

2) developing - work to improve evaluative independence, reflection;

3) educational- education of love for nature, respect for it; culture of conducting educational dialogue.

Lesson Objectives:

1. to work out the ability to find strong and weak positions of consonants, paired in voiced-deafness;

2. to identify the position of consonants, paired in voicing-voicelessness, in front of sonorants;

3. continue to work to improve evaluative independence;

4. to foster a culture of conducting educational dialogue;

5. to instill love for nature and respect for it.

Lesson type: solution of private educational problems.

UD forms: frontal, steam room, group.

Equipment: notebooks, textbook "Russian language", part 1, S.V. Lomakovich, LI Timchenko, "Workbook on the Russian language" on a printed basis, table "Characteristics of sounds", table "Strong and weak positions of consonants", cards for group work, illustrations for E. Uspensky's poem "Wildlife" , a bell, a poster with a formula for the presentation of group solutions, a poster for reflection, envelopes with colored circles for reflection, felt-tip pens, tables for relieving visual fatigue.

During the classes.

I. Creation of a learning situation.

Working with tables to relieve visual fatigue.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the lesson.

Task 1. Org. moment.

Check it out my friend

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything all right:

A book, pen and notebook?

Is everyone sitting correctly?

Is everyone looking attentively?

Guys, open your notebooks, lay them down. We look at the board, write down the number and the words "Cool work". We put stress and underline the spelling of weak positions.

Open the tutorial p.90 # 85. You see the poem by E. Uspensky. I asked the girls to learn it in advance and, since they are in art school, draw illustrations. Let's listen to them.

Do you have wildlife at home? Who will tell you about this?

Why do people so want to have "wildlife" at home?

And what does the word "nature" mean in general?

What is the important task facing modern man?

The teacher clarifies the conclusion:we must protect nature.

Let's turn to the tutorial and complete the task. Read the assignment.

Take a look at the table. How do you understand what the weak position of sounds is?

Why is it so important to know when the sound is in a weak position? (To write without errors).

So, knowing this secret, you can write without mistakes? Raise your hand, who does it? Wonderful!

Let's check ourselves. We will carry out the task ourselves.

Who would like to complete the task on the board?

Who knows how to do it, he can get to work.

Who needs help, raise your hand, I will help.

Examination. - Let's check the words for the first scheme. Who agrees? Who is different?

Let's read the words for the second scheme. Who has a different opinion?

And words to the third scheme.

What word did you have to write down twice? Why?

Output: have we learned to find weak positions of consonants? Well done!

Establishing interpersonal contact between children and the teacher.

Cognitive interest motivation

Working with the tutorial.

Individual homework.

Implementation of the educational goal.

The conclusion is formulated by the students.

Appreciation praise.

The student reads aloud.

Table "Strong and weak positions of consonants".

Creation of a situation of success.



Individual work with a student.

Appreciation praise.

II. Statement of the educational problem.

Task 2. - In E. Uspensky's poem there is a word “multi-colored”. The paired "z" stands in front of the voiced one, and it is also voiced. But the paired "t" also stands in front of the voiced one. Why doesn't he make voices?

What problem can we face?(Consonants may have other strong and weak positions)

What do we need to learn in class today?(Be able to find them)

Output: Indeed, we may come across words with other strong and weak positions of consonants, we need to learn how to find them.

What needs to be done for this? (Observe the sounds).

Physical minute.

Card on chalkboard.

Students' formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

The topic of the lesson and the goal is clarified by the teacher.

The teacher puts a question mark on the blackboard.

III. Analysis of the conditions for solving the problem.

Task 3. - Let's do it in the textbook # 86. Let's read the task.

Guys, there are a lot of words, but we have little time left. Think about how we can speed up our work? (Work in pairs).

Draw rulers in the margins and write the letters "P" and "K". Don't forget to cross-check with a green pencil.

We observe the noise level when working in pairs.

Which couples want to complete the task on the board?

Examination. - Before which consonants are the first consonant sounds pronounced?

Why, then, do the deaf not make voices?

What is the peculiarity of voiced neighbors?

(They are not paired.) They are called sonorous , which means sonorous. They are louder than other voiced consonants.

We see that the paired sounds in front of them are different. And this means that the position in front of the sonorants will be what? (Strong)

How to fix what we have learned on the diagram?

Did we answer the question posed?

Why do we need to know this? (To write without mistakes).

Well done!

Work in pairs.

Mutual verification.

[n] [l] [m] [p] [th]

Table "Characteristics of sounds"

Model construction.

Appreciation praise.

IV. Working out the found method.

Task 4. - Guys,Please tell me how to check if the students understand what the weak and strong positions of consonants are? (It is necessary to complete the tasks).

Is it easy to do it alone? Maybe you need to consult?

- Form groups... I give cards. Listen to the task: consonants paired in voiced-deafness stand in front of paired voiced consonants. What is this position? (Weak). Circle this consonant position on your cards with a felt-tip pen. Be careful. Think about who will be responsible.

Examination. - The representative of the group goes to the board with a card and answers, observing the rules of the answer. All cards are posted on the board.

Pay attention to the words [ringing], [your].

Why does the deaf [s] not voiced before the voiced [v]? Maybe some kind of "secret" again?

We will talk about this in the next lesson.

Group work.

The teacher writes a diagram on the blackboard.

Getting started and finished by sound bell.

Formula table.

P - "we count."

O - "because".

Pr - "for example".

C - "therefore".

Problem statement for the next lesson.

V. Final reflection.

What question did we answer in the lesson?

(Do consonants have strong and weak positions).

What position of the consonant did we learn today? (Strong).

For all consonants without exception, the strong position is position before vowel... Before vowels, consonants appear in their basic form. Therefore, when doing phonetic analysis, do not be afraid to make a mistake when characterizing a consonant in a strong position: [dach'a] - Yes´ cha,[t'l'iv'i'z'r] - TV´ dawn,[s'ino'n'ims] - sino´ nims, [b'ir'o'zy] - birch, [karz "i'ny] - baskets´ us... All consonants in these examples are before vowels, i.e. in a strong position.

Strong positions in voice deafness:

· Before vowels: [there] - there, [I will] - I will,

· Before unpaired voiced voices [p], [p ’], [l], [l’], [n], [n ’], [m], [m’], [y ’]: [dl’a] - for,[tl'a] - aphid,

· Before [in], [in ’]: [your’] - mine,[ringing] - ringing.


In a strong position, voiced and voiceless consonants do not change their quality.

Weak positions in deafness-voicedness:

· Before paired by deafness-voicedness: [sl'tk'iy] - weak´ wild, [zu'pk'i] - zu´ bki.

· At the end of a word: [zup] - tooth, [dup] - oak.

End of work -

This topic belongs to the section:

Orthoepy. Phonetics. Graphics. Sound classification, transcription

ORPOepiya as a section of the science of language .. orthoepic norms of the Russian language .. verbal and logical stress ..

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All topics in this section:

Phonetics. Graphics. Orthoepy. Accentology
Phonetics (Greek Phone - sound) is a section of linguistics in which the sound side of the language is studied: the sounds of human speech, the methods of their formation, acoustic properties, for

Speech sounds
Speech sounds are the sounds that make up words. Speech sounds are the minimum sound unit that stands out during sequential sound division

The following symbols are used to denote sounds
1. To distinguish a sound from a letter, sounds are enclosed in square brackets -. [a], [o], [l]. The whole transcription is enclosed in square brackets.

Vowel and consonant sounds
Depending on the method of formation, sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. Vocal sounds consist only of voice. When arr

Vowel and consonant sounds
1. In the formation of each specific sound, the movement of the speech organs is strictly individual. For example, when the sounds [d], [t] are formed, the tip and front part

Consonant sounds
There are 36 consonant sounds in Russian, among which 15 pairs of hardness-softness, 3 unpaired hard and 3 unpaired soft consonants

Voiced and voiceless consonants
Depending on the presence of a voice, consonants are divided into voiced and deaf. Sounds consisting of noise and voice are called calls: [b], [c], [g

Hard and soft consonants
Consonant sounds are divided into solid and e. Pronunciation of hard and soft sounds differs by the position of the language. Compare, for example

Speech sounds and letters. Alphabet
Sounding speech in writing is conveyed using special graphic signs - letters. We pronounce and hear sounds, but we see and write letters. A list of letters in a specific order is called

Speech sounds and letters
1. In accordance with what sounds are designated by letters, all letters are divided into vowels and consonants. 10 vowels:

Transcription is a special recording system that represents the sound. In transcription, the following symbols are accepted: - square brackets, which are the designation of the transcription.

Vowel and consonant sounds
Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. Vowels are sounds

The way consonants are formed
Consonants are sounds, when pronounced, the air encounters an obstacle in its path. In Russian, there are two types of barriers: a slit and a bow - these are the two main ways of forming an accord

Voiced and voiceless consonants
According to the ratio of noise and voice, consonants are divided into voiced and deaf.

Indicating the softness of consonants in writing
Let's digress from pure phonetics. Consider a practically important question: how is the softness of consonants in writing indicated? There are 36 consonant sounds in Russian, among which 15 pairs of hardness-m

Place of consonant formation
The consonants differ not only according to the signs already known to you: · deafness-voicedness, · hardness-softness, · method of formation: bow-slit. The last is important, h

Strong-weak positions for vowels. Vowel positional changes. Reduction
People don't use spoken sounds in isolation. They don't need it. Speech is a stream of sound, but a stream, organized in a certain way. The conditions in which one or another finds themselves are important.

Positional changes of consonants for deafness-voicedness
In weak positions, the consonants are modified: positional changes occur with them. Voiced speakers become deaf, i.e. are deafened, and the deaf are voiced, i.e. voiced. Positional changes observable

Assimilation of consonants
The logic is this: the Russian language is characterized by the assimilation of sounds, if they are similar in some way and at the same time turn out to be close. Learn the list: [c] and [w] → [w:] - sew

Simplifying consonant groups
Learn the list: wst - [st]: hello, feel good - [zn]: late hd - [ss]: under the bridle lnz - [nts]: sun

Letters and Sounds
Letters and sounds have different purposes and nature. But these are related systems. Poe

Verbal stress is the emphasis on the greater strength of the voice and the duration of the pronunciation of one of the syllables in the word. In Russian, the accent is free

Stress is the selection of a group of words, a single word or a syllable in a word. In Russian, the percussion element is pronounced with more force, more clearly and with more

Russian verbal stress (in comparison with other languages) has a number of features
1. In many languages ​​the stress is fixed, constant, that is, the stress is assigned to a certain syllable in a word. In French, the stress is always pa

Vowel pronunciation
1. Vowels under stress are pronounced distinctly: bor - [bor], sad - [sat]. 2. In an unstressed position, vowel sounds, ka

Consonant pronunciation
1. Consonants, paired in deafness-voicedness, can change their quality depending on the position in the word. Voiced consonants at the end of a word and before deaf ones are deafened, i.e. pronouncing

Pronunciation of consonant combinations
1. Combinations zh, zzh, ssh, zsh at the junction of the prefix and root, root and suffix are pronounced as long solid consonants

Pronunciation of the endings of -th
In the endings of -th, -th, his genitive case of masculine and neuter adjectives and participles, in place of the letter g, the sound [v] is pronounced: good - good [in

Pronunciation of loan words
1. Before the letter e in many borrowed words, the consonants [d], [t], [h], [s], [n], [p] are pronounced firmly: antenna - an [te] nna, model - mo [de]

Some accentological norms of the modern Russian language
1. For a number of feminine nouns 1 declension with stress on the ending, the stress in the accusative singular is transferred to the first syllable: head

When analyzing the position of a consonant phoneme, it should be remembered that strong position- this is the position of discrimination, i.e. a position in which both phonemes, paired according to a certain characteristic, can be realized, while maintaining their distinctive ability. Position<т>front<о>is a strong position for voice and noise participation as in this position can be paired with her deafness / voicedness<д>, for example:<то>m -<до>m. In the position of the absolute end of the word<т>will be in a weak position for this attribute, because in this position, opposition of phonemes is impossible<д> - <т>... However, the phoneme<т>in the position of the absolute end of the word, it is in a strong position in terms of hardness / softness, because at the absolute end, words can be realized as a solid phoneme<т 1 >, and her paired soft phoneme<т’ 1 >: <т 1 > <сут 1 >,<сут’ 1 >... The absence in a certain position of one of the members of a pair of phonemes allows us to consider the position as weak, since in it the phoneme loses its distinctive ability.

Note: Strong and weak positions are determined only for phonemes that are paired according to a certain characteristic.

A position that is weak in terms of deafness / voicedness, but strong in terms of the presence / absence of palatalization, is indicated by the index 1 .

A position that is weak in terms of hardness / softness, but strong in terms of voice and noise, is indicated by the index 2 .

The position of consonant phonemes, weak at the same time in voicelessness / voicedness and hardness / softness, is indicated by the index 3 .

Deafness / voicedness

Phonemes paired in voicelessness / voicedness are clearly distinguished in position before any vowel phoneme, before a sonoric phoneme and before strong phonemes<в> - <в’>... In these positions, paired consonant phonemes perform a significative function, i.e. retain the ability to distinguish between the sound shells of words, word forms and morphemes, for example: am -<з>am;<к>olos -<г>olos. These positions are strong positions of phonemes, opposed by voicelessness / voicedness.

In the position of the absolute end of a word, phonemes paired in deafness / voicedness lose their distinctive ability, cease to perform a significative function, since voiced consonant phonemes cannot appear in this position, for example: do<г>a - to<к>but but do<к 1 >... The neutralization position, i.e. nondiscrimination of noisy voiced / deaf, is also a position in front of any noisy phoneme, except<в> - <в’>... In a position in front of noisy voiced consonants, only noisy voiced sounds can appear, in a position in front of noisy deaf - only noisy deaf ones, for example: у́<з>ok - y<с 1 >NS; singing<с>ok - singing<с 1 >ki. Hence the phonemes<з>and<с>lose their distinctiveness, being replaced by one weak phoneme<с 1 >.

We summarize information about the positions of phonemes using the table.

Strong and weak positions of consonant phonemes

By hardness / softness

Both phonemes, paired on the basis of hardness / softness, can appear in a strong position, while retaining the sense-discriminating ability. For example, in a position before a vowel phoneme:<лу́к> - <л’у́к>... It should be noted that the position in front of<е>since in this position, both soft and hard phonemes can appear in root morphemes, for example:<ме́>tr (teacher, mentor) -<м’е́>tr. In the position of the absolute end of the word, where voiceless / voiced phonemes are not distinguished, both hard and soft phonemes, paired for this feature, can appear, for example: кро́<фı>-cro<ф’ı>... Before the back-lingual phoneme, front-lingual and labial phonemes retain their distinctive ability, having pairs in terms of hardness / softness, for example: Ce<рг’>she - se<р’г’>е́; ple<т 1 к>a - sy<т’ı-к>a; co<пı к>a - sy<п’ıк>a.

In a weak position in terms of hardness / softness, it is neutralized from the opposition of phonemes on this basis, the phonemes lose their distinctive ability. For example, in a position in front of the dental or palatine-dental anterior lingual phoneme, only a hard labial phoneme can appear:<п 2 р’>ivet; O<п 2 р>os. In a position in front of the hard front-lingual phoneme, only hard dental phonemes are realized:<з 2 на́л> - <с 2 -на́м’и>... In this position, hard and soft front-linguals are not distinguished.

Information about the strong and weak positions of consonant phonemes, paired by the sign of hardness / softness, can be presented in the form of a table:

Strong positions in hardness / softness Weak positions in hardness / softness
1. Before a vowel phoneme, including before a phoneme<е> <да́>ma -<д’а́>dya;<со́>To -<с’о́>To; inter<не́>T -<н’е́>T 1. Position of any consonant phoneme before a phoneme within one morpheme (only soft consonant phonemes can appear in this position):<р’jа´н αı>
2. At the absolute end of the word,<т 1 >- flat<т’ 1 >; mo<л>- mo<л’> 2. Labial phonemes in front of the front lingual (only hard labial ones can protrude)<п 2 р>avo;<п 2 р’>eating
3. Front-lingual phonemes in front of the back-lingual sté<нк>a - Ste<н’к>a; you<рк>a - Ba<р’- к>a 3. Front-lingual dental phonemes in front of dental and palatine-dental phonemes (only soft allophones of phonemes appear in front of soft phonemes, only hard allophones appear in front of hard phonemes):<з 2 л’и́т’>; < с 2 л’и́т’>; <з 2 ло́j>; <с 2 ло́j>... Exception: phonemes<л> - <л’>; <н> - <н’>(see: "Strong positions in hardness / softness", No. 6)
4. Lip phonemes in front of the posterior lingual com<п 1 к>a - sy<п’ 1 -к>a; sta<ф 1 к>a - sta<ф’ 1 -к>a 4. Palatine teeth<р> - <р’>before the labiodental and anterior lingual (only solid allophones of phonemes can appear):<р 2 в’о́т 1 >; <р 2 ва́л>
5. Front-lingual phonemes before labio-labial phonemes<см>oh - in<с’м>Oh; then<рб>a - gu<р’б>a 5. Labial consonant phonemes before labial:<р’и́ф 2 мα 1 >(Im.p.);<р’и́ф 2 м’α 1 >(D.p., Ave.p.)
6. Phonemes<л>and<л’>before any consonant phoneme except NS<лб>a - pa<л’б>a; on<лк>a'-po '<л’к>a; on<лн>th - in<л’н>th 6. Back-lingual phonemes before any consonant phoneme:<к 2 ну́т 1 >, <мок 2 н’ α 1 т 1 >
7. Phonemes<н>and<н’>before phonemes<ж>and<ш>pla<нш>е́т - ме́<н’ш>e; ma<нж>et - de<н’ж>ata

Note: For more details on the weak positions of consonants in terms of hardness / softness, see: Avanesov R.I. Phonetics of the modern Russian literary language. M., 1956, p. 175-182.

A phoneme can be in a strong position at the same time for voicelessness / voicedness and hardness / softness. This position is called absolutely strong, for example, the position before a vowel phoneme:<до́>m -<то́>m;<до́>m - and<д’о́>m. There are positions in which the deafness / voicedness of paired phonemes differs, but hardness / softness does not differ, for example:<с 2 р>azu -<з 2 р>az. In certain positions, the phoneme retains the ability to differentiate from paired ones in hardness / softness, but appears in a weak position in voicelessness / voicedness, for example, in the position of the absolute end of a word: кро́<ф ı >- cro<ф’ ı >, scale<ф ı >- faith<ф’ ı >... Absolutely weak phonemes appear in positions in which oppositions are lost both in voicelessness / voicedness and in hardness / softness. For example, noisy front-lingual teeth in a position in front of noisy front-lingual teeth and palatine-teeth do not differ from their paired ones in deafness / voiced and hard / soft phonemes:<с 3 т>he. Phoneme<с 3 >is in an absolutely weak position, because in front of a noisy deaf consonant, only a noisy deaf consonant can appear, and in front of a hard dental consonant in the composition of the root, only a hard dental one is used, i.e. no discrimination<с>- <з>; <с> - <с’>.


  • handout cards with missing spelling of the weak position,
  • notebooks,
  • textbooks,
  • spelling dictionaries,
  • felt-tip pens.

A fragment from the work of A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything" is drawn on the board, a fragment from the cartoon has been prepared. Children sit in groups of four.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

W. Hello! Today in the lesson we must consider cases when the sound is in a strong position, and when in a weak position. We sit down correctly, put the notebooks with a tilt, write down the number and "Cool work".

II. Calligraphy

D: Look at the board, we write the elements in conjunction with the lowercase letter "o". Write one line in your notebooks.

Children carry out the task in notebooks.

III. Repetition work

D. How do you understand what a dangerous place is, where it can arise?

E. A dangerous place can appear in any part of the word. To check the spelling at the root of a word, you need to choose a single-root word in which a strong one would appear in place of a weak sound.

W. And with the help of related words, you can check spelling only in the root or in different parts of the word?

E. In other parts of these words, such spelling cannot be checked, since these parts in related words may be different. A dangerous place is a place where we hear one sound and write another letter.

D: And what dangerous places do you already know?

E. For vowels when the sound is in a weak position, i.e. it is not stressed. D For consonants, when they are near, there are no "wizards" sounds among them.

D: And what are these magic sounds?

D. These are sonorous sounds [l, m, n, p, y "] and another sound [v]. If a consonant is in front of these sounds, then we can safely write a consonant letter, and if there are two consonant sounds and none of them not a "magician", then there is a dangerous place.

D: For example, in the word shu__ka, two consonant sounds met, they entered the game - the second deaf consonant "commands" - [to] He, as it were, deafens the consonant in front.

W. Guys, let's say this word in chorus.

D. Children pronounce [shupka] in unison.

D. Who agrees with the reasoning?

E. Children record their opinion by pointing with their fingers: yes "+", no "-".

D. All show "+" and one child "-". Why don't you agree with the kids?

D. D I think that if one of these consonants is voiced, then the one in front will also be voiced.

W. Good. Let's do this research work together.

Children write down the sound model of the word [shupka] in notebooks.

D. Can I prove it?

W. Prove. Go to the blackboard.

D. We have, at the root of the word, two consonants met side by side. The second consonant sound [k], it kind of deafens the consonant in front. When we say, we hear the sound [n], it is in a weak position. According to the law of Russian writing - I check the weak position of the consonant by the strong [fur coat], => and in the word fur coat I will write the letter "b", fur coat.

D: And what is this alternation?

D: This is a positional alternation of sounds [b] / / [n].

D: And who can find the word in which the consonant sound is voiced?

D. We are at a loss.

D . I have a note from my mother with a "request ...", it seems to me that when we say this word - [prose "ba], we hear the sound [z"], and my mother wrote to me - a request.

W. Good. In this case, voicing of a consonant occurs. This is a dangerous place. Let's find a related word where this sound will be in a strong position (word change).

D Maybe the word asking is okay? Here the positional alternation of sounds [s "/ / s"].

W. Writing on the board (sound model of words).

[prose "ba], [PRAS" AND T "]

D. What sounds alternate?

D. Vowel sounds [o / / a] and consonants [z "/ / s"].

IV. Work with Study book number 2.

Task number 1. page 11. Add sentences that contain words with opposite meanings.

W. Write it yourself, put the stress, circle the letter you want.

At this time, the teacher distributes an assignment to each team, and the children begin to work in a group.

Group I: "Bitter radish, and carrots ________________".

Group II: "Thick sour cream, and milk _____________".

Group III: "The stone is heavy, and the down is ______________".

Group IV: "The road is wide, and the path is _____________."

Group V: "The moon is large, and the asterisk ______________."

Children completed the task in groups and from each team go to the board, one person with their own cards - answers. The rest of the groups check, complement the representatives from each team.

Have . Did you check all the spelling of the weak position by changing the word?

Only those that are at the root of the word.

U. Why?

D.T. because when you change the word, the stem does not change.

Where can't we check?

E. In the ending, because when the word changes, the ending changes. Our team had the word weak (berry) Weak position in the root of the word, we check with the word sweet, sweet. The second weak position in the ending, one test word is enough, in which the sound in the ending is in a strong position: sweet a I am evil a I am.

Children point fingers "+" (agree).

D: We had the word zh__k_e. Liquid - spelling of strong position and, checked according to the rule: zhi - shi write with and ... The spelling of the weak position at the root of the word, we picked up the test word thin. The second weak position in the ending, we check with a word in which the sound in the ending is in a strong position: liquid_- young.

Children check the first two words, going to the board, the rest of the children demonstrate their agreement or disagreement with special signs.

After working on each word, the teacher pays attention to the way of checking. The guys checked the first two tasks together at the blackboard. And the rest are invited to make a mutual check between the groups.

V. Work on the sound "shell" of the word

D. Draw a diagram of the strengths and weaknesses of the word carrot.

D. The first sound [m], he is in a strong position, tk. after it comes a vowel.

D. The second sound [a], it is in a weak position, because it is not stressed.

D. The third sound [p] - in a strong position, because this is the sound of "magician", he will always be in a strong position.

D. The fourth sound [k], it is in a strong position, because after it comes a vowel sound.

D. Fifth sound [o], it is in a strong position, tk. he is under stress.

D: What about the sixth sound? (say in chorus) children (in chorus) - [markofka]

We hear and pronounce the sound [f], because there are two consonant sounds next to it and the second unvoiced sound [k] subdues the consonant that stands in front of it and deafens it.

D. Who wants to write a diagram on the board and finish the analysis?

D.(at the blackboard) make up a diagram:

V_VVV_V_, m_rko_ka, sound [k] in a strong position, and sound [a] in a weak position. The word mor-kov-ka is written, tk. it refers to a dictionary word and can be viewed in the dictionary.

W. You need to write down the letter model of words, distributing them in two columns. In the first column, write the words where the weak positions are at the root of the word. In the second column, where the weak positions are at the end.

This is the first part of the task that the children do on their own.

Vi. On the blackboard, the sound model of words:[HUD "AND T"], [GR ACH "I], [SH Y N A], [R" EP A], [C V "I CH" A]

D: - Let's check the task.

Two people come up to the board and write down:

D: Words with a weak root position (letter with holes)

X_dit, gr_chi, z_mlya, s_cha

D. Weak endgame position:

D. We wrote in their column the words (lists): walk - walk, rooks - rook, earth - earth, candle - candles. I write the letter for a strong position.

U. Children, do you agree with the work?

D. I got two words: tire, turnip.

W. Thanks.

Vii. Work with an educational notebook.

W. In A. Milne's book "Winnie the Pooh and Everything, Everything, Everything", the owl lived in the magnificent castle "Chestnuts". She had announcements under the bell:

Why are the same words spelled differently in the two ads?

D. (in chorus) Owl does not know the basic rule of the Russian language.

D . H do not agree with Owl. The word [open "ut] is spelled open, a weak position in the prefix. We know the prefix from, you can check the word leave (Corrects the error with a felt-tip pen).

There is still a mistake, it is written Owl, a weak position at the root. We check with the word - owls.

D: Look at the second ad. (Children read carefully).

D .H I do not agree as the owl wrote, I ask you for the floor. Weak position at the root of the word, you can check - please. The letter o is written.

Found another mistake, in the word [pad "orgat"]. Weak position in the prefix, we know the prefix by, you can check the word on top.

D: go to the board and correct mistakes in the announcements (with a felt-tip pen).

Have . You found all the errors?

D . Everything.

Have . Write these ads on blank lines.

Option I - writes the first announcement.

Option II - writes the second announcement.

W. The lesson is over. How did you understand what we were working on?

D . We looked at strong and weak positions for vowels and consonants.

D. We understood: a sound in a weak position is denoted by the same letter that denotes a sound in a strong position in this word.

Vii. Homework.

W. Thank you for the lesson.


M.P. Romaneyeva. L.A. Sukhovershina, Moscow. 2006 Study book № 2 In Russian.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds in a stream of speech varies depending on: 1) on the attitude to the stressed syllable (vowels in the stressed syllable, in the first pre-stressed and in other unstressed syllables); 2) from the position in the word (vowel at the beginning of a word or at the end of a word); 3) on the quality of the consonant sound with which the vowel is combined (in combination with soft or hard consonants, labial or non-labial, nasal or non-nasal), and from some other conditions.

In the words [val] and [vada] - water, the sound [a] is pronounced in the first syllable, but it is not the same: in the first word it is under stress, and therefore it is pronounced with a longer length and more distinctly. In the words [mal] and [m'a l] - crumpled vowels are stressed, but they are not the same, since in the word [m'a l] the vowel ['a] comes after the soft consonant sound [m'] and gets more anterior articulation. Considering the dependence of the quality of vowel sounds on phonetic conditions, linguists have identified the strong and weak positions of the vowel sounds of the Russian language.

Strong position vowels are under stress: [mal], [mol], [mu], [m'e l], [soap], [m'i l]. Stressed vowels are characterized by unweakened pronunciation and the most distinct delineation. However, stressed vowels change somewhat under the influence of the preceding consonants. Especially noticeable changes occur after soft consonants; Wed: [she’t ’] and [s’e s’t’]. Therefore, in the combinations "soft consonant + vowel", shades of vowel sounds (phonemes) or a minor type of vowel sounds (phonemes) appear. Without significant changes caused by the influence of neighboring sounds, that is, in their basic form, vowels are pronounced at the beginning of a word before a solid consonant under stress (island, arch, echo, ear, suit) or as an independent word (sound s, union a , preposition u, etc.).

Weak position occupy vowels in unstressed syllables, where vowels are weakened (reduced). There are two weak positions of unstressed vowels: the first and the second. The first position is observed in the first pre-stressed syllable (water, spring, transition, etc.) and at the absolute beginning of the word (vegetable garden, apricot, echo sounder, etc.). In other unstressed positions, the vowels occupy a second, weak position (patch, chair, etc.). In the first position, the reduction of vowels is weaker than in the second, and therefore there are more vowel sounds in the first position than in the second. The quality of vowel sounds in weak positions also depends on the quality of the preceding consonant - hard or soft. Less than others, in weak positions, vowels of the upper ascent change: [and], [s], [y].

Consonants change in the flow of speech. Their change is caused by the position of the consonant in the word. All consonants in front of vowels have a strong position. It is in these phonetic conditions that the largest number of consonants is distinguished: house - tom - lom - com - som; year - cat - move, etc. In strong positions, consonants can change their quality under the influence of subsequent vowels. So, labial vowels ruin (labialize) the preceding consonant: in words there and that the consonant [t] is pronounced differently (in the second word it is ruined). The consonants before the vowel [a] are most completely different and least of all changed: there - dam, mal - crumpled, sad - rad - chad, etc. The position before the vowel [a] is called an absolutely strong position. In addition to the absolutely strong position, there are strong positions for individual consonant classes. Strong positions for noisy consonants, paired in voicing-deafness, are: 1) position in front of vowels itching - judgment, heat - ball, guest - bone, etc., 2) position before sonorous consonants and before consonants [in], [ в '] (followed by a vowel) - rude - croup, evil - layer, bend (verb) - whip, beast - sir. Noisy consonants occupy a weak position in voicing-deafness: 1) at the end of a word - code [cat] - cat [cat], meadow [bow] - bow [bow]; 2) before voiced and voiceless consonants - wedding [wedding] - grazing [paz'd'b a], buckle [p r'ashkal] - pawn [p'eshk], etc. In these positions, voiced and voiceless consonants are not opposed: at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants, a noisy voiceless is pronounced, and before voiced consonants, a noisy voiced one. The category of hardness-softness is more characteristic, defining in Russian phonetics. Oppositions in terms of hardness-softness are the largest relational series, it covers 30 consonant phonemes: r '] yuk, [m] al - [m'] yal, [n] os - [n '] yos; 2) position at the end of a word: plo [t] - plo [t ’], tro [n] - tro [n’]. The consonants occupy a weak position in terms of hardness-softness: 1) before the front vowels - hay, blue, hand (cf. hand; in native Russian words, consonants before soft: [n '] ate, [b'] ate, [m '] era, [v '] era, [t'] ate, [z '] elena); 2) before the consonants - the shepherd - to graze [pass't'i], the tackle - to remove [s'n'a t '] 3) before the phoneme: [n'j] yu, [b'j] yu, se [m 'j] i, pl [t'j] e, etc. Unpaired solid phonemes sound solid in all positions. Unpaired soft consonants sound only like soft consonants in all positions.