Rare flower message. The rarest plants in the world. Sexy Orchid Drakaea glyptodon

Everyone knows that rare species of plants and animals are included in the Red Book. This is done so that they do not disappear forever. The study of this book helps to preserve our flora and fauna, and businessmen to determine the price of We bring to your attention the top 10 of the most rare trees and flowers.

It is grown in many countries, but its true homeland is in Sri Lanka. It is quite unpretentious, but it is considered one of the, and all because it very rarely blooms, and, most interestingly, dies immediately after flowering. According to legend, when Kadupul blooms, Nagas descend to Earth to present a flower to Buddha.


Located in the Bahrain Desert, away from any vegetation and water. Scientists still cannot say with certainty how this tree could live more than 400 years without a drop of moisture and still not lose its greenery.


The Methuselah pine is one of the rarest and oldest plants on Earth. Its age is about 4850 years. The homeland of the pine is the USA, more precisely, the White Mountains. The exact location is known only to those scientists who have been observing the tree for a long period. This information is not disclosed, since there is a possibility that a single copy will be destroyed by people. If you look at the photo, you might think that the tree has already died, but in reality it lives.


This name has a rare flower, which is native to the Canary Islands. It looks like, as you might guess, on the beak of a parrot. There is a theory that this flower has long disappeared from the face of the earth, but optimists and botanists think otherwise.


Jade vine is a favorite treat for bats. The uniqueness of the plant is in its original colors, which have a red-green hue and are shaped like a nail. The flower is on the verge of extinction due to the cutting down of its permanent place of growth.


Gibraltar smolens - grows on the rocks of Gibraltar. Until 1994, it was considered extinct, until climbers accidentally stumbled upon it. Today the plant is grown artificially in the Gibraltar Botanic Gardens and the Royal Botanic Gardens of London.


There are only two copies of this flower in the world. One of them is in the garden of the United Kingdom of Britain. It looks very much like a scarlet rose.


A flower that many consider not so beautiful, but rather even terrible. Its name completely coincides with its appearance: it feels like a bat is sitting on it, ready to take off. And to the touch, frankly, it is not very pleasant. Even more impressive are the "tentacles" that grow directly from the flower.


Edelweiss is a beautiful and very rare flower that can be found in Switzerland, high in the mountains at the very edge of the snow. Not everyone can see him: according to legend, he is only the one who carries true love in his heart.


Puia Raymonda is the rarest and most unusual plant. It lives for 150 years, gains strength, and then dies in a few days, but only after it blooms. The place where puja grows is the Andean mountains in Peru and Bolivia. It is often destroyed by fires and humans, therefore it is considered an endangered species.
If you look into the most remote corners of the globe, you can find representatives of the flora, about which we still do not know anything. Although, given the human tendency to vandalism, lack of understanding of the importance of natural resources and unwillingness to preserve the world around us, it is perhaps even better that somewhere else there are plants, the existence of which we do not know.

There are unusual plants that live for 150 years and only at the end of their life give amazingly beautiful flowers. How can the representatives of the terrestrial flora surprise?

Rare flowers

Edelweiss is a flower of loyalty and love. Its name alone sounds like music. The most touching and tender, about which there are many legends. Italians call it the silver flower of the rocks. The French are an alpine star.

The flower loves the sun, but grows high in the mountains at the very edge of the snow. Not everyone can see him. Legend has it that only a person in whose heart is pure love like dew can find this mysterious flower. It is not enough to be dexterous and strong to climb the top of the mountain. One must love sincerely and selflessly, be loyal to one's beloved.

There were so many people who wanted to get the flower that already in the 19th century it was almost impossible to see it. There were only a couple of dozen specimens left that were on the verge of extinction.

In Switzerland, where this flower grew, a special law was issued that prohibited the collection of this plant. Violators faced an impressive fine. There are special posts at the mountain borders that do not allow tourists to visit the habitats of this flower.

The Chinese mouse flower is the creepiest and most disgusting flower that Mother Nature could create. Even at close range, when its petals are closed, it resembles a bat that perched on a branch for the night. For an even more eerie appearance, it has long, ornate tentacles 30-40 cm long that resemble black snakes. The first impression of those who saw him is horror.

It is grown only by extreme florists, since not only the appearance, but also the touch to it causes a feeling of disgust in most people.

Middlemist red is the rarest flower in the world. There are only 2 copies all over the world. British gardener John Middlemist, traveling in China in 1854, was fascinated by a scarlet rose, which he accidentally discovered. He dug up a flower and brought it to Britain to plant in a United Kingdom greenhouse. He could not even imagine that thanks to this he saved the last instance of a flower in the world. This scarlet rose was named after him.

Our world is unusually rich in various types of plants, flowers of incredible beauty and mighty century-old trees, which are taken under protection all over the world. It depends only on the person to have as few pages as possible in the Red Book.

Rare tree species

The Methuselah pine is the oldest tree in the world. Its age exceeds 4850 years. And she received the name in honor of the biblical character, who was the only long-liver in the whole world.

This majestic tree grows in the USA, in the White Mountains at an altitude of 3000 meters. Only botanists who observe the pine tree know its exact location. Such secrecy is connected with the fact that to protect this guard from vandalism. After all, there are thousands of tourists who want to take a picture with him or tear off a piece of the bark for memory. Many go to the mountains to find this mysterious tree, but all their attempts end in failure. The Methuselah pine tree is not a tree, it is a symbol of eternity, which looks like dead, but life is hidden in each of its branches.

The tree of life is the loneliest tree in the world. Probably, like life itself, reminiscent of loneliness among a crowd of people. It is the only one on the sands of the endless desert of Bahrain, a hundred kilometers from any vegetation.

He is 400 years old, but the most important thing is not his age or the fact that this is a rare specimen of trees. Scientists are wondering how you can live for so many years in the desert, in the land of which there is absolutely no water, while "radiating" vital energy.

If you "move" from distant corners of the world to our lands, with green meadows and the noise of birch groves, you can discover amazing and rare plants that are on the verge of extinction.

Interesting plants from the Russian Red Book

The Japanese beard is a beautiful and graceful plant with a large pinkish flower, which is popularly called the Spirit of the Meadows. It got its name because of the petals, which, bending at the bottom of the flower, resemble the beard of a dwarf.

The Little Bearded is a miniature orchid. The same gentle, graceful and beautiful. The flower can grow alone, modestly "peeping" out of the arrows of green meadow grasses. But most often the plant forms placers of flowers, where there can be up to 60 of them per 1 square meter. The plant is listed in the Red Book and is protected by law.

Rhododendron Fori is a plant with large pink flowers. Up to 15 delicate flowers with slightly curled petals can grow on one brush. It is called the flower of the gods. Its beauty is compared to the Greek goddesses - graceful, slender, gentle. You can endlessly admire its beauty, but only the lucky one can see it.

Legend has it that this flower was presented to a man by the Gods who wanted to win the heart of his beloved. The flower was as beautiful as the girl for whom it was intended. When the betrothed took her to distant lands, rhododendrons blossomed in the fields so that people would remember not only her beauty, but also believe that unearthly love exists in the world.

We can say about this plant that seeing it is to know the existence of life. To understand that life and death are far from each other, but at the same time, they are also inseparable, like two sisters.

The rarest plant in the world

Puia raimondi is a plant that lives for 150 years to gain vitality and die. Die forever, giving the world the unearthly beauty of your flowers.

Growing out of a round and huge ball, the plant reaches a height of up to 10 meters. From a thin stem, a powerful trunk develops, resembling a tree. But the huge "bump", prickly in appearance, resembles a huge flower that slowly grows in height for 100 years. After living for 150 years and gaining vital energy, it gives the world a scattering of a thousand flowers and dies. Dies forever.

This plant is truly beautiful, but there are other amazing representatives of the flora. ...
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The jade vine is best known for its impressive blue-green claw-shaped flowers. The pollination of the flower is "produced" by bats that love to drink its nectar. Due to climatic changes and the systematic deforestation of the natural habitat of such rare flowers, the jade vines are endangered.


This resin grows only on the high cliffs of Gibraltar and has long been considered a completely extinct species. But in 1994, one specimen of this plant was accidentally discovered by a climber. Now the seeds of this plant are in the seed bank of the millennium, and the resin itself is grown in the Gibraltar Botanic Gardens and in London's Royal Botanic Gardens.

Parrot beak

A very rare plant, this flower, like two drops of water, looks like a parrot's beak, which is why it got its name. Many consider him gone, although there are some enthusiasts who think differently. The homeland of this plant is the Canary Islands. Their only pollinators were sunbirds, which have long since disappeared.

Chocolate space

The homeland of this flower is Mexico, for 100 years it has been considered extinct from the wild. In our time, you can find only a sterile species of this plant, which was bred in 1902. Its flowers are 3-4 cm in diameter and smell of vanilla in summer.


Kokyo is one of the rarest types of flowers that bloom on a particular type of Hawaiian tree. These trees were discovered in 1860 and already in 1950 they were declared extinct. However, 20 years later, one tree of this species was found, which, unfortunately, died during a natural disaster - fires in 1978. Nevertheless, one of the branches of the tree was saved and even grafted into other Hawaiian trees.

Cadupul flower

This flower is considered very rare due to the fact that it blooms very rarely, although it is quite easy to grow. It grows on the islands of Sri Lanka, but blooms only at midnight and dies immediately after flowering. There is a belief that when a flower blooms, Nagas (semi-mythical characters) descend from heaven to earth to give this flower to Buddha.

Ghost orchid

The ghost orchid is a very interesting and rare plant. For 20 years it was considered extinct, but more recently it has reappeared. Due to their rare nature, their natural reproduction is considered almost impossible. Ghost orchids do not feed like all plants, i.e. not at all from the process of photosynthesis, since they have no leaves. The roots of the plant are nourished by a special type of mushroom that attaches to the roots.

Yellow and purple lady's slippers

Previously widespread throughout Europe, the species of this flower is currently a rare species of orchid. In 1917, several copies were found on a golf course in Great Britain. They are very expensive and the price for one of its offshoots reaches $ 5,000. The initial development of these shoes is similar to the development of ghost orchids: at first, the sprout that sprouts through the seed needs a special mushroom with which it feeds. And only after a while, the plant begins to grow its own leaves.

Yutan Poluo

A unique find and discovery of a Chinese farmer. This happened when he was cleaning steel pipes. Yutan Poluo is a flower that does not need soil and grows on any hard surface. For a very long time, there was such an opinion that it grows only in Buddhist temples on gold-covered Buddha statues.

Corpse flower

The scent of this flower is as disgusting as the rare species of this Sumatran flower. The flowers of this plant are up to 2 meters high. This is a very vulnerable flower, its growth depends entirely on the special liana that feeds the plant. The pollinators of this plant are flies and beetles, attracted by the smell of rotting flesh.

10. Campion (Silene furry) Red Campion

Found in Gibraltar. Since 1992, the campion has been considered extinct in the scientific community, since all traces of the existence of this plant have disappeared. Then, in 1994, one specimen was discovered by a climber while hiking on the high cliffs of Gibraltar.

Subsequently, the seeds and specimens were distributed to the Botanical Gardens of Gibraltar and the Royal Botanic Gardens in London. But somewhere on the lonely rocks of Gibraltar, rare flowers still grow. Campion is one of the 10 rare flowers in the world.

The Jade Vine, a flower known for its stunning blue-green, claw-shaped flowers, forms dangling inflorescences, a color rarely found among other flowers. The flower is pollinated by bats, which have to hang upside down in the air to drink nectar. Rare flowers can now be found in the wild.

They are believed to be threatened with extinction due to deforestation in their natural habitat in the Philippines. Due to their beauty, the flowers are attractive to botanists and bats. The Jade Vine is ranked 9th among the world's rare flowers.

8. Parrot beak (Lotus with berthelotii) Parrots beak

Since 1884 it has been classified as an extremely rare flower. The parrot's beak is considered extinct in the wild, although some scientists believe that it may still be found in hard-to-reach areas of its natural habitat. The plant is native to the Canary Islands.

It is assumed that it was originally pollinated by sunbirds, which have become extinct long ago. Experiments were carried out to find new pollinators. Since 2008, these experiments have been very successful. For all the efforts made by humanity with the aim of " domesticate a flower", the parrot's beak is number 8 on the list of the rarest flowers.

7. Chocolate Cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguineus) Chocolate Cosmos

The flowers are native to Mexico and have become extinct in the wild for over 100 years. The flower is a clone created in 1902 by artificial propagation. The flowers are deep dark brown in color and reach about 3-4 cm in diameter. As the name suggests, Chocolate Cosmos emits a vanilla aroma in summertime. The smell of a flower makes you want to taste the flower, it tastes like chocolate.

Another rare flower from trees in Hawaii. Discovered in 1860, Koki Etoo proved to be difficult to reproduce and was declared extinct in 1950. However, 20 years later, the only surviving flower was found, but by fateful coincidence, it was on the brink of destruction during a fire in 1978. But one of the specimens was rescued and grafted into 23 different trees at different locations in Hawaii. The tree grows up to 10-11 meters in height and has hundreds of bright, red flowers.

5. Kadupal Flower (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) Kadupal Flower

The flower is easy to grow but rarely blooms. It is found in the wild in Sri Lanka and has spiritual significance to Buddhists. When flowers bloom, and they bloom only at night and then mysteriously wither at dawn, according to Buddhists, it is believed that it is the Nagas (semi-mythical tribes of Sri Lanka) descend from the heavenly abodes and present flowers as a gift to Buddha. The flowers are very fragrant and produce delicate, white flowers. The flower has a rich history in Japan, where the name can be translated as “ beauty under the moon.”

4. Ghost orchid (Epipogium / Dendrophylax lindenii)

Not only rare but fascinating, the Orchid Ghost has been considered extinct for 20 years and has only recently been discovered. The plant is so unique that it is almost impossible to propagate it. It has no leaves and does not use photosynthesis to produce life support. The need for this flower is close contact with the root system of other plants for nutrition.

The ghost orchid can live underground for many years and is only found in forests in Cuba and Florida. The flowers exude magical scents and bloom from June to August. They can only be pollinated by moths, provided that the seeds have fallen on a certain moss. The flower is very selective to the conditions of existence. The ghost orchid is at number 4 on the list of rare flowers.

3. Lady slippers (calceolus)

Rare wild orchid. Found in Europe. The lady's slipper is now growing in the UK, but only in one particular place: on the golf course. Guarded by the police since 1917 in order to keep from people. One copy can be sold for $ 5000... Flower seeds provide food for growing plants and therefore the flower lives in symbiosis with the specific type of fungus that feeds it. For rarity and symbiosis with fungi, the yellow-violet Lady's slipper is listed at number 3.

2. Youtan Poluo

Discovered by a Chinese farmer named Mr. Dean. He found it growing in a steel pipe, and then a Chinese monk named Lushan discovered this flower growing under a washing machine. Mysterious Youtan poluo has a scientific name which consists of 28 letters. White fragrant flowers are 1mm in size.

The flower is mentioned in Indian mythology and is believed to bloom when the sage king visits our world. Translated from Sanskrit, the name means “ auspicious flower from heaven”. The flower is mentioned in Buddhist scriptures. Botanical experts say the flower only blooms once every 3,000 years. Youtan poluo - pretty interesting. It is numbered 2 in the list of rare colors.

1. Rafflesia (Amorphophallus titanic) corpseflower

Native to Sumatra, this rare and striking plant has flowers that grow up to 2 m in height and a meter in diameter. The flower is found in tropical rainforests in Indonesia. Another name - Cadaveric flower... It emits a pungent odor of rotten flesh that attracts flies and beetles for pollination. The flower blooms for about a week.

Our planet is amazing. There are amazing plants on Earth that simply amaze with their beauty. Today we'll talk about the rarest plants.

Rare flowers

Rare flowers Edelweiss are a flower of loyalty and love.

Its name alone sounds like music. The most touching and tender, about which there are many legends. Italians call it the silver flower of the rocks. The French are an alpine star.

Edelweiss is an amazing rare flower growing in the mountains

The flower loves the sun, but grows high in the mountains at the very edge of the snow. Not everyone can see him. Legend has it that only a person in whose heart is pure love like dew can find this mysterious flower. It is not enough to be dexterous and strong to climb the top of the mountain. One must love sincerely and selflessly, be loyal to one's beloved. There were so many people who wanted to get the flower that already in the 19th century it was almost impossible to see it. Only a couple of dozen specimens remained, which were on the verge of extinction. Due to the fact that edelweiss are rarely found, they are forbidden to pick. In Switzerland, where this flower grew, a special law was issued that prohibited the collection of this plant. Violators faced an impressive fine. There are special posts at the mountain borders that do not allow tourists to visit the habitats of this flower.

The Chinese mouse flower is the creepiest and most disgusting flower that Mother Nature could create.

Even at close range, when its petals are closed, it resembles a bat that perched on a branch for the night. For an even more eerie appearance, it has long, ornate tentacles 30-40 cm long that resemble black snakes. The first impression of those who saw him is horror. The Chinese mouse is a rare flower of dubious beauty. It is grown only by extreme florists, since not only the appearance, but also the touch to it causes a feeling of disgust in most people.

Middlemist red is the rarest flower in the world.

There are only 2 copies all over the world. British gardener John Middlemist, traveling in China in 1854, was fascinated by a scarlet rose, which he accidentally discovered. He dug up a flower and brought it to Britain to plant in a United Kingdom greenhouse. He could not even imagine that thanks to this he saved the last instance of a flower in the world. This scarlet rose was named after him.

Middlemist red is considered the rarest flower in the world.

Our world is unusually rich in various types of plants, flowers of incredible beauty and mighty age-old trees, which are taken under protection all over the world. It only depends on the person to have as few pages as possible in the Red Book.

Rare tree species

The Methuselah pine is the oldest tree in the world.

Its age exceeds 4850 years. And she received the name in honor of the biblical character, who was the only long-liver in the whole world. The rare Methuselah pine is considered the oldest tree in the world.This majestic tree grows in the USA, in the White Mountains at an altitude of 3000 meters. Its exact location is known only to botanists who observe the pine tree. Such secrecy is connected with the fact that to protect this guard from vandalism. After all, there are thousands of tourists who want to take a picture with him or tear off a piece of bark for memory. Many go to the mountains to find this mysterious tree, but all their attempts end in failure.
The Methuselah pine tree is not a tree, it is a symbol of eternity, which looks like dead, but life is hidden in each of its branches. The tree of life is the loneliest tree in the world. Probably like life itself, reminiscent of loneliness among a crowd of people. It is the only one on the sands of the endless desert of Bahrain, a hundred kilometers from any vegetation.

The tree of life in the Kenyan desert

He is 400 years old, but the most important thing is not his age or the fact that it is a rare specimen of trees. Scientists are wondering how you can live for so many years in the desert, in the land of which there is absolutely no water, while "radiating" vital energy. If you "move" from distant corners of the world to our lands, with green meadows and the noise of birch groves, you can discover amazing and rare plants that are on the verge of extinction.

Interesting plants from the Russian Red Book

The Japanese beard is a beautiful and graceful plant with a large pinkish flower, which is popularly called the Spirit of the Meadows.

It got its name because of the petals, which, bending at the bottom of the flower, resemble the beard of a dwarf. The bearded is a miniature orchid. The same gentle, graceful and beautiful. The flower can grow alone, modestly "peeping" out of the arrows of green meadow grasses. But most often the plant forms placers of flowers, where there can be up to 60 of them per 1 square meter. The plant is listed in the Red Book and is protected by law.

Japanese beard in Russia is on the verge of extinction

Rhododendron Fori is a plant with large pink flowers.

Up to 15 delicate flowers with slightly curled petals can grow on one brush. It is called the flower of the gods. Its beauty is compared to the Greek goddesses - graceful, slender, gentle. You can endlessly admire its beauty, but only the lucky one can see it. Legend has it that this flower was presented to a man by the Gods who wanted to win the heart of his beloved. The flower was as beautiful as the girl for whom it was intended. When the betrothed took her to distant lands, rhododendrons bloomed in the fields so that people would remember not only her beauty, but also believe that unearthly love exists in the world. We can say about this plant that seeing it is to know the existence of life.

To understand that life and death are far from each other, but at the same time, they are also inseparable, like two sisters.

The rarest plant in the world

Puia raimondi is a plant that lives for 150 years to gain vitality and die.

Die forever, giving the world the unearthly beauty of your flowers. Puia raimondi is the rarest plant in the world. Growing out of a round and huge ball, the plant reaches a height of up to 10 meters. A powerful tree-like trunk develops from a thin stem. But a huge "bump", prickly in appearance, resembles a huge flower that slowly grows in height for 100 years. After living for 150 years and gaining vital energy, it gives the world a scattering of a thousand flowers and dies. Dies forever.