Compatibility in the relationship of a scorpion woman and a scorpion man. Sex for a scorpio woman

Representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio have the most controversial characteristics in bed. Some prefer sublime and unselfish love, others indulge in base and vicious inclinations. Among Scorpios, you can meet both diligent family men and desperate bachelors. The variety of personalities in this sign of the zodiac is represented most vividly.

Scorpio - sex for inspiration

Scorpios use sex for more than just physiological needs. Sexual energy is important for strengthening their social status, creative inspiration. Do not hesitate, after a stormy night, the real Scorpio will go to make the final strokes on his picture or, at worst, finish the business plan. This zodiac sign has almost erased the border between love and hate. Scorpios perfectly remember all the insults caused by a loved one, and thanks to iron restraint they hide their true feelings in order to take revenge at the first opportunity. Literally anything can infuriate them, including refusal. Scorpios often leave their partners without bothering to explain why.

No matter how romantic Scorpio is, know that his vicious inclinations always dominate. Their sexual preferences are constantly changing, transforming under the influence of the years lived, the experience gained. Scorpios do not tolerate monotony in bed, the phlegm of a loved one. If they have to live with a person who is indifferent to bedtime fun, they will definitely make a connection on the side. Scorpios will only be faithful when they meet a partner who meets all their requirements. Then they will completely refuse to communicate and flirt with the opposite sex.

Scorpios are secretive, never expose their feelings, jealousy for show. Self-confident. Even thoughts do not allow that a partner can cheat on them. They cause sexual addiction, because they can accurately determine the inclinations and secret desires of a loved one in bed. They like to experiment, look for new sources of sensual pleasure and pleasure.

Despite such a vivid characteristic, among the representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio there are individuals who are indifferent to sex. Instead of indulging in pleasure, they prefer to direct all sexual energy to creativity, work and business.

Single Scorpios can go without sex for a long time. Those who have a regular partner need regular sex. When choosing a partner, they prefer a single type. This can be easily noted by learning more information about Scorpios past relationships.

Sex as a means to an end

From an early age, Scorpios are prone to spiritual transformation, mystification of everything that happens. Sex for them is a kind of mystical ritual. Since sexual energy affects almost all areas of Scorpio life, they cannot live without sensual pleasures. Representatives of this sign are selfish. Even delivering pleasure to a loved one, they pursue their own goals. Scorpios do everything in order to get maximum pleasure. They provoke a partner to liberation, they force them to do what they want. Use a strong emotional connection to manipulate a loved one.

Those Scorpions who are dominated by base passions use sex as a means by which you can get what you want. Receiving and delivering sensual pleasure, they, first of all, manipulate their partner. Under such pressure, everyone will do whatever Scorpio wishes. Such people are easy to notice in the crowd - the voice, movements, manner of clothing are incredibly sexy, and attract the views of the opposite sex.

Statistics say that it is difficult for Scorpios to maintain relationships throughout their lives. They often change partners, legally marry and file for divorce. Only those partners who are patient, indulgent and wise will be able to live with Scorpio all their lives, and will not resist the dominance of Scorpios. If a partner understands that he cannot satisfy all the sexual ambitions of a loved one, he must give Scorpios the opportunity to do this on the side. Any jealousy, distrust, restrictions will only cause a storm of anger.

There are several rules in dealing with Scorpios. To begin with, you will have to come to terms with the dominance in the relationship of representatives of this zodiac sign. Any manifestations of control, restriction of personal freedom will lead to a cooling of relations, their further rupture. Do not be jealous openly, do not compare your loved one with previous partners. Do not flatter them, Scorpios accept only frank admiration.

It is dangerous to refuse sex to a loved one, especially if he belongs to the zodiac sign Scorpio. A few refusals and he will think about at least getting someone on the side. Interestingly, a stable union is easier to wit with people of mature age who know how to control their desires.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

The alliance with Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn will be successful. Love relationships with Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo will be complicated by conflicts.

Secret relationships with Scorpios can continue throughout life. A stable union can be built subject to the recommendations of communication with Scorpios, mutual respect of partners from the first days of meeting.

The material was prepared with the help of service experts.
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You do not need to be a psychic to determine that in front of you is a scorpion woman, since this extraordinary lady can be seen with the naked eye. A woman of this zodiac sign attracts like a sorceress - she combines external coldness and seething passions in her soul, a fiery look and refined speech, elegant manners and militancy. A Scorpio woman does not use typical ladies' "things": she is on her own, knows her own worth and knows what she wants.

This person is not easy to win. She does not flirt, does not play with men and chooses only the most worthy. She cannot be turned or confused by compliments and romance, the lady of this zodiac sign looks like a snow queen, and in men she appreciates real qualities, and not the ability to charm young girls. But she is faithful, it is comfortable and good with her. Because if a scorpio woman chose a chosen one, then she did it wisely, and she won’t change her opinion so easily.

In bed, this sign is a godsend for everyone. She knows how to adapt to her partner and drive him crazy, she can be gentle and obey, she can become a passionate fatal lover, there are no boundaries and prohibitions for her, she is resourceful, original and bold. If the lady of this sign has found her partner, he will be crazy. A scorpio woman is an excellent wife and mistress, a strict and reasonable mother. Everything is always in perfect order with her, she knows how to do many things at once, and do everything flawlessly. She has an ideal family, educated children, a complete order in her career, and this lady will always find time for herself.

Sexuality of a Scorpio Woman

A Scorpio woman is distinguished by self-confidence, innate sexuality, capable of filling her walk, conversation and her appearance with amazing eroticism. Even the most skeptical person in sexual terms is able to react to passion in her appearance, voice and look. A woman can impress with her sexuality and magnetism without uttering a word. Energy, combined with a good manner of entertainment and a desire to work, will open up new facets of pleasure and impressions for a partner.

In a love relationship, a lady born under the sign of Scorpio takes it with complete seriousness. A woman is a prisoner of her own passions and dreams, which, combined with skillful exactingness and the desire to go clearly towards the intended goal, gives the woman a sense of purpose and allows her to subjugate everyone and everything. Not always male partners are able to understand this approach and recognize the true causes of amazing sensuality and attractive eroticism.

In bed, a Scorpio woman is demanding, and only a certain part of the partners is able to fully appreciate this and satisfy all her fantasies and needs. If the partner does not meet her requirements, desires and emotions, the woman will not reckon with the feelings of the man and is distinguished by amazing intolerance. Such partners quickly leave her environment. On the other hand, if a man is subject to psychological prejudices, such a woman becomes too good for him. In some cases, a Scorpio woman can easily and simply solve many problems of a sexual nature, including male impotence, if it was caused by psychological problems. On the part of a woman, this will not act as an altruistic principle or a desire to help a neighbor. She only cares about herself and her sexual well-being. A woman cannot be in a love relationship with boring and unpretentious men. In everything, including in love and sex, a scorpion - a lady strives to occupy only the best positions.

Ladies born under the sign of Scorpio have a sharp mind and amazing intuitiveness. She effectively uses these qualities when choosing partners and men in her environment. It is subjected to prolonged scrutiny, excessive criticism, but carefully selected men will be able to fully appreciate its qualities and advantages. The main advantage of the sexual behavior of these ladies is that she effectively penetrates the lives of other people, leaving her life "behind seven seals."

The main and main drawback of a woman - Scorpio is jealousy. In her opinion, her partner in sex and love should fully and completely give the lady her admiration, respect, while she can find hidden subtext and intrigue in her partner's behavior in places where they simply do not exist. With an insignificant and fleeting conversation between a partner and another woman, the Scorpio lady is convinced that he sets her time for love meetings. However, she will not quietly wait for the development of events, but becomes furious, intolerant and destroys everything that comes her way.

In relations with partners, the lady - Scorpio despises pity and weakness, does not perceive people who can bend and adapt to anyone. She cannot protect or support them, while she can still deliver collateral strikes to the weakest places. If a man longs to stay with a woman - Scorpio, he must come to terms with all her passions and manners in behavior and perceive her as such.

However, if a man can fully satisfy all the desires and needs of such a demanding lady, she will be the most faithful and sympathetic mistress. She will be able to protect her partner in any situation and will be able to provide the most necessary assistance in difficult situations, without taking into account the views and beliefs of others.

In marriage, women born under the sign of Scorpio are able to give not only a fairy tale and paradise, but also a real hell. With such a lady, there is no intermediate or middle option. It is always formidable, and only this sign is most prone to falling from one extreme to another. People with an unprotected or weak psyche should avoid mistresses - Scorpions.

Every couple's intimate life is different. Harmonious relationships are influenced by many factors. Warehouses of character, habits and upbringing, temperament - all this is reflected in sex. However, astrologers say that the location of the stars also makes its own adjustments. Today we decided to lift the veil of secrecy and tell the reader what the sign of the Zodiac can mean. In total, there are 12 of them, and each has individual features. But the most interesting, perhaps, is Scorpio. A bright, extraordinary personality, difficult in relationships, but extremely attractive to others - this is just about him. Did you know that Alain Delon and Leonardo Di Caprio were also born under this sign? In general, the image has developed, and now let's talk about what Scorpio is in sex.

Characteristics of the sign

Getting to the astrologer, many want the specialist to look at their cards and runes and tell everything that he saw there. In doing so, an interesting phenomenon occurs. You can name completely neutral qualities, but this information will be perceived by a person as an accurate diagnosis. But, despite the fact that all astrological horoscopes are not 100% reliable, there are certain traits that can really be traced in many people, seemingly united only by birth in the same month.

The Scorpio man in sex is a tireless machine. He doesn't know the word "enough" and his needs are limitless. Characteristic features are purposefulness and stubbornness. Sometimes they are prone to violence, but will be sensitive to not go beyond the game. Very rarely, one of them will make concessions or compromises, this also applies to the intimate sphere. The Scorpio man in sex is the undisputed leader, and you will either have to put up with this, or not enter into a relationship at all.

Features of the male character

Believe it or not, the placement of the stars you were born under can, in a sense, determine your destiny. The Scorpio man is very good in sex. This is a great lover and macho. This sign is ruled by Mars and Pluto. They are characterized by pride, prudence and wit. They can flash in front of the female representatives, driving you crazy and charming at first sight.

Beautiful ladies are drawn to a strong and self-confident man, as if to a magnet. His inexhaustible energy and energy field become a trap for many. Scorpio is unpredictable and passionate in sex, it is unacceptable for him to make love every day in the same position, in the dark and under the covers. Get ready for experiments and fantasies. Women like his bright sexuality, which he does not think to hide. If he was overcome by attraction, then such a man will not stop until he achieves his goal. However, adventures and adventures are the main reason why a Scorpio marriage is rarely successful. Therefore, you will have to direct all yours in a peaceful direction and spend it only on the marriage bed, unless, of course, the partner is ready for this.

Relationship with a Scorpio man

Despite the fact that Scorpio is great in sex, finding a common language with him in everyday life is quite difficult. This is a real volcano, its reality is a firework of ideas. A woman will have to be constantly on the alert. It is difficult for him to control his emotions. In this regard, there are "excesses" in He can be a professional lover or an unbridled "animal". However, it is important for him that the woman enjoys it. Otherwise, the whole meaning of the process is lost. This person is very vindictive, so you need to calculate the words you said in advance. If he was offended, he will plan revenge for a long time. However, the kindness shown to him is also not forgotten. Therefore, the more attentive you are to your partner, the more harmonious the relationship will be in bed.


Among all representatives of the astrological circle, there is no other like it. Scorpio is a sex sign. Women have been interested in him since childhood. He usually gets his first experience quite early, with partners older than himself. He knows how to please, his mysterious magnetism acts on them better than any aphrodisiac. Often, Scorpio falls in love strongly and passionately, but it can also cool down just as quickly. Therefore, it is very important to work on your relationships, not leaving them to chance.

In sex, Scorpio feels like in his native element. He will definitely try all the ways to experience new experiences. Areas of sensuality, passion and desires attract Scorpio. He knows how to make love long and bright and expects significant skill from his partner. He can teach an inexperienced girl a difficult science. But at the same time, Scorpio is still selfish, he believes that his very presence in bed should elevate his partner to the heights of pleasure.

Scorpio woman

This is also quite an interesting character, which is worth talking about separately. If such a lady appeared in the team of your spouse, then you need to be on your guard. The Scorpio woman in sex is very resourceful. But even in ordinary life, she always stands out from the rest. This is a fatal beauty, whose sexuality attracts men like a magnet. Even just walking down the corridor, she collects the glances of men whose heads turn on their own to appreciate the charm of swaying hips.

At home and at work

She does not have an obedient character and will always defend her own opinion on any issue. Cooking and home comfort is definitely not their forte. Scorpios have a masculine mindset, which is why these women are more likely to be found in an entrepreneurial club than knitting in front of the TV. Their ambitions are extremely high. The motto is never give up and never lose confidence. Self-discipline is also not the strong point of the Scorpio woman. She believes that if she did just that, it means that it was impossible to do otherwise.

This is a rather secretive nature, she experiences all the feelings deep inside, and it can be difficult to earn her trust. Before letting you in, she will arrange a series of checks for you. Outwardly, she looks impregnable, although, like everyone else, she longs for a long and lasting relationship.

Love and sex

A lot of interesting things await you if the choice is a Scorpio woman. We will consider compatibility in sex a little lower. It's amazing how they can share relationships without confusing one with the other. Burning with pure love for you, she may well agree to know the caresses of another man. Sensual and passionate, they are most women. The bedroom for her is a place for a sexual marathon. If a man cannot maintain the same pace, then this union will not last long. Before you is a reckless experimenter who will stop at nothing. Invite another woman or man into the bedroom, pick up toys, have sex on the street - there can be a lot of ideas. Sex with a Scorpio can be unforgettable, but not every man can withstand her pressure. Many, having experienced vivid impressions, decide to find a more feminine partner.

Union of Scorpios

On the one hand, what could be better? They understand each other perfectly and are ready to spend every minute in bed. Just perfect compatibility in sex: Scorpio man + Scorpio woman. However, it is impossible to build relationships only on violent passion. There will come a time when carnal pleasures will bother you. Having had enough of bodily contact, the partners will realize that they are not able to give each other anything else. They are just too similar. Therefore, it is best if this couple remains lovers, and family relationships are created with representatives of other star signs.

However, here another problem arises. Sex between Scorpio + Scorpio is a stormy outburst of emotions and passion that constantly boils in their souls. And they are not going to share the object of their desire with someone else. Therefore, scenes of jealousy, screams and quarrels ending in bed are provided for you. Two leaders fundamentally do not want to give in to each other in anything, which, of course, is not conducive to long-term relationships. Therefore, most often such couples have to be content with one or two meetings, and go in search of new adventures.

Scorpio and Pisces

Such relations can develop quite promisingly. Both signs are passionate, so the intimate side is a very important component. If you see a couple who have been together recently, and the partners do not take their eyes off each other, then it is quite possible that this Sex between them is full of understanding and harmony, but in everyday life everything is not at all so cloudless. Therefore, as soon as the first passions subside, the relationship will begin to fade.

Soft Pisces finds a reliable patron in Scorpio. In turn, he sees in them a devoted partner who not only submits to primacy, but can also withstand his sexual passion. This union is useful in terms of gaining experience for both. Scorpio teaches the more reserved partner to express feelings during intimacy. This makes the process passionate, having no boundaries in fantasies. Sometimes it is the bed that becomes the key to reconciliation of this couple.

However, such relationships do not last too long. Gradually, both realize that they were trying to tolerate each other's "flaws". For one, this is excessive impulsiveness and energy of the partner, for the other - softness and passivity.

Scorpio and Aries

Water and fire are two opposites. Despite the fact that these are passionate natures, it is not at all easy for them to get along together. Their relationship is built on emotions, they need them in order to maintain a sense of novelty, something unknown. What does the sex horoscope say about this couple? Scorpio + Aries is a union in which both partners need to show passion, jealousy and violent sex. However, this is only at the very beginning of the relationship.

As people get to know each other, the first charm disappears. Now we can already say that compatibility is unpredictable. They are different, which makes it difficult for them to understand each other. Scorpio is very purposeful, tough and aggressive. He always achieves his goal. His temperament has everything for this: pride, self-confidence. This is a very strong sign. But Aries is able to suppress him with his leadership talent.

Scorpio and Taurus

Between these partners there is a powerful, mutual physical attraction. It is probably difficult to say otherwise when it comes to such a bright sign as Scorpio. Compatibility in sex is ensured by his temperament. Their intimate life will be diverse and rich, seething with emotions. However, Taurus is quite capable of spoiling the whole thing if he neglects the initiatives of his life partner. His excessive conservatism clashes with Scorpio's need for new experiences, and nothing good will come of it. Usually, because of boring home sex, parallel connections appear.

Complete harmony: Scorpio and Cancer

The intimate relationship between the representatives of these two signs is just perfect. Scorpio lives by instincts, the bed is his native element. And Cancer is madly attracted, in return he gives his partner a sea of ​​​​sensuality and emotions. This relationship has everything that Scorpios love about sex. Joint life is full of passion, which is fueled by inner strength and energy. It is difficult to imagine a more harmonious couple.

Scorpio and Gemini

In fact, this union is very complex. In such a pair, it can be traced, but this will become a vivid example of the fact that not everything is decided by physical passion. Fickle Gemini regularly test the nerves of a jealous Scorpio. As a result, the relationship is passionately tied, but the flame quickly goes out.

Scorpio and Leo

These are two bright and strong leaders who can experience significant attraction to each other. They are prone to excess in all areas of life, and sex is no exception. They are both very passionate, and want to get as many vivid sensations as possible. However, they are unlikely to succeed in building a strong union on physical harmony.

Scorpio and Virgo

The union between them is possible, but rarely durable. Scorpio can take on the role of a teacher and help Virgo loosen up in bed. If the result is good, then he may well be satisfied with what has been achieved and find himself a new partner. If it doesn’t work out, then Scorpio will get bored and go on adventures. Virgo will find it difficult to withstand the sexual energy of a partner.

Scorpio and Libra

Usually this couple experiences mutual passion, which allows them to have fun in bed. At first, the relationship can be quite harmonious, but the cloudless period does not last too long. Libras are known for their fickleness. Scorpio is very jealous. He simply cannot bear it when the object of his adoration communicates with someone else. If Libra can cope with this character trait, then the union can be harmonious.

Scorpio and Capricorn

It's not like they're the perfect couple. Capricorn cannot answer Scorpio with the same passion, however, he does not refuse sexual pleasures. He takes a passive position, which pleases a partner who seeks dominance. However, Scorpio needs a long love game, and his pragmatic partner, on the contrary, is eager to finish sex and get to work as soon as possible. However, after the revelry of passions, there is a lull. Here both partners will definitely find a common language. They are both purposeful, ambitious, determined and responsible.

Scorpio and Aquarius

One of the worst unions ever. Completely different in temperament, they will not be able to be together for a long time. Scorpio is a passionate, bright nature. He values ​​sex most of all in a relationship and constantly strives for it. And Aquarius does not get hung up on the intimate side of relationships and openly emphasizes this. Already on the first dates, both will understand that they cannot become a couple.

Thus, the stars tell us how to choose a partner for ourselves. You can use this knowledge, but remember that the secret of building harmonious relationships is in trust, support and attention of partners to each other.

The Scorpio man is an experienced lover, as he begins to hone his love skills at an early age. He knows a lot about the body, so he can always give pleasure. But he must want to give his woman pleasure. Otherwise, he just wants to enjoy himself. For a harmonious relationship with him, you need to demonstrate humility and a desire to always be the first in the manifestation of feelings. He will also maintain the image of a cold and reserved person, but this is only until the first kiss.

For women, men born under the sign of Scorpio are a kind of magnet that attracts ladies with their inexhaustible energy and charm. Romantic women will surely find him heartless, as this man is unlikely to stop at anything that will prevent him from satisfying his desires.

His behavior in bed

Scorpio men have an innate sexuality. These are passionate natures, whose behavior is often unpredictable. If someone aroused desire in Scorpio, you can be sure that he will definitely achieve his goal. Scorpios tend to be constantly on the lookout for intimate entertainment. On the way to their goal, representatives of the sign can sweep away anything. Scorpio will do everything in his power to get the object of his desire.

He is the undisputed leader who will never allow a partner to take this place. He shows all his talents to seduce. At the same time, the maneuvers are so unusual and interesting that the partner has no choice but to give up. He will be insatiable and passionate, but at the same time his partner may not be afraid of rudeness and vulgarity. In relationships, he is extremely delicate. He can realize cruel fantasies, but this is possible only with her consent. Otherwise, he will be able to restrain his cruelty.

Relationship with a partner

He treats a woman the way she deserves it. To do this, she must be delicate, never show her leadership. Even with experience, she should not demonstrate it. If her wisdom can help her overcome her desire to show her superiority, she can become more than just another mistress to him. He will love her modesty, tenderness and lack of experience. He treats such a partner with special trepidation, he will try not to offend her, to give her pleasure, before himself.

A tireless lover, ready to realize any desire of a partner, as well as what she could not think of even in her wildest dreams - this is how you can briefly characterize the behavior of a scorpion man in bed. First of all, they are ideal connoisseurs of the female body, and they know perfectly well how fast to move, where to press, where to kiss and what to touch. To trust them means to get an unforgettable pleasure.

What is your role?

The role of his partner is immediately determined, on the first intimate date. She must follow him in all desires. Her desire to experiment must be covered with delicate hints, soft gestures. Only this approach will allow her to become the only woman for him. By adopting this line of behavior, she will be able to enjoy his ability to please. She will like everything that he offers with her words and gestures. Such a role will be to his liking, and she will have to learn this - the ability to be soft, gentle and inexperienced.

Scorpio does not need preludes and time to build up at all. He is ready to get down to business at any time, for him passion flares up not from light sparks, but immediately from a bright and hot flame. With such a man, you can forget about timid kisses, awkward movements and problems with potency. Scorpios are always excited, and they are ready to excite women with just one look. Men born under this sign are used to dominating, subjugating and controlling a woman during lovemaking. However, do not be afraid, since a woman will receive only bliss from all actions.

The most important!

For the sake of being next to this man, the desire to experience love techniques in full, she should learn a little. She must become completely submissive to his desires. Of course, she will be able to refuse his unusual desires, but otherwise it is worth sticking only to his power. Then she can become his only woman with the hope of continuing the relationship in a serious way. This is due to the fact that the intimate sphere means a lot to him and he tries to embody all the most intimate in it.

A Scorpio man in bed is the conquest of unprecedented heights, this is a real art. Scorpio men are passionate lovers who will give their partner maximum pleasure, because the more satisfied his woman is, the more satisfaction Scorpio himself receives.

In sex, Scorpios are one of the most controversial signs. Among the Scorpios there are individuals with both base and vicious inclinations, as well as monogamous, striving for sublimity and the ideal of selfless and eternal love.

According to astrologers, the sexuality of Scorpios is at the peak of the zodiacal circle. The variety of personalities within one Zodiac Sign is presented as brightly as possible.

Scorpions in sex: general characteristics

Scorpios use sexual energy to realize their creativity and strengthen their position in society. Experiencing sensual physical pleasure, in sex, Scorpios always receive nourishment of spiritual forces and draw inspiration. The border between love and hate among the representatives of this Sign is very conditional. They are very vindictive and vindictive, but at the same time they have iron restraint. As a rule, Scorpios leave their partner without explanation. They do not tolerate rejection and can violently take revenge on the one who rejected them. Deep vicious inclinations always dominate and take precedence over sublime romanticism. Scorpios are constantly transforming throughout their lives, so sexual preferences and desires are changing rapidly. They do not tolerate monotony in sex and phlegm. If the chosen one does not meet the requirements, Scorpions have an intimate relationship on the side in order to fully satisfy their desires. Having met a worthy partner, representatives of this Sign remain faithful, refusing to communicate and flirt with representatives of the opposite sex. Scorpios are very secretive persons, so even the feeling of jealousy is carefully masked. They are so confident in themselves that they do not allow the possibility of a partner cheating. In sex, Scorpios very quickly determine the inclinations and secret desires of their partner, instinctively and unmistakably. That is why they use the "weak point", causing a kind of dependence on sex. In intimate life, Scorpios love to experiment and are constantly looking for new ways to get pleasure and enjoyment. Among the representatives of this Sign there are asexual personalities who completely transform sexual energy into work or creativity. Scorpios, having a permanent partner, need frequent sexual contact. Being alone, they can go without sex for a long time. When choosing a chosen one, Scorpios subconsciously focus on a certain fetish. If you follow the former partners of Scorpio, you will definitely find one thing in common for everyone.

Scorpio in bed: sex as a way to achieve goals and manipulate

From birth, Scorpios have a penchant for mysticism and constant spiritual transformation. It is for this reason that sex is always a kind of ritual act. Sexual energy governs all areas of Scorpio's life, which is why they are so eager to receive sensual pleasures. Since Scorpios are overly selfish in bed, giving pleasure to their partner, they, first of all, pursue their goals. By liberating a partner and arousing an irresistible sensual desire in him, Scorpios always get what they want in sex. At the same time, knowing for sure that the partner, experiencing a strong emotional passion, will not be able to leave or build a parallel relationship.