Modern thermal insulation materials for the outside walls. Thermal insulation for outdoor heating pipes: types of materials for thermal insulation of heating pipes Thermal insulation materials for walls

From year to year, prices for energy resources are growing inexorably, and the level of income of the population remains practically the same. Looking at the overwhelming bills for heating a house or apartment, it comes to the understanding that the problem needs to be solved on its own - by warming living quarters.

For this purpose, various types of insulation can be used for the walls of the house from the inside and outside.

Let's take a closer look at the possible options for materials for insulation, their advantages and disadvantages.

It is best to carry out insulation work in the summer, when the air humidity is minimal.

Walls for insulation in the room must be perfectly dry. You can dry them after additional plastering, finishing work to level the surfaces using construction hair dryers and heat guns.

Stages of surface insulation:

  1. Cleaning the surface from decorative elements - wallpaper, paint.
  2. Wall treatment with antiseptic solutions, surface priming with deep penetration into plaster layers.
  3. In some cases, when installing polystyrene foam and electric heating elements, the walls are pre-leveled using waterproof bathroom plaster.
  4. must be carried out according to the instructions prescribed by the manufacturer for this type of material.
  5. Installation of a protective partition for applying the final finish, or covering the surface with a construction mesh, it plastering.
  6. Creation of a single composition with the overall design of the room.

Insulating the walls inside the house is one of the most effective ways to protect your home from the penetration of cold and the negative effects of condensation, the main thing is to follow the technological sequence of stages. You can read more about the technology of insulating a home from the inside in

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Modern types of wall insulation, properties and characteristics:

Tips for wall insulation in an apartment - analysis of common mistakes:

House insulation, made with the help of not even the most expensive materials, is not a cheap pleasure. Now there are many types of insulation for interior work, which are presented in an extensive price range. Therefore, choosing an inexpensive and high-quality material is not difficult.

A warm house in winter and comfortable coolness in a hot season, as well as a reduction in utility bills, will show that the insulation of the premises is done well and of high quality.

What material did you use to insulate the walls of the house? What guided you when choosing and are you satisfied with the result? Please share this in the comments section. There you can also ask a question on the topic of the article, and we will try to answer it promptly.

Types of insulation materials.

To improve the energy efficiency of the building and create optimal conditions for a comfortable stay, there is a set of additional measures. Thermal insulation of each structural element is one of the main tasks. This will help reduce the cost of heating the home and create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the family nest. In order for the task to be 100% complete, you must choose the right one. During the construction process, every detail is important. I would like the insulation not to make the structure heavier, interact with all life support systems, be vapor-tight and absolutely safe for the health of every household. Today, such building materials are presented in a colossal variety, and modern innovative technologies tirelessly surprise us with unique novelties. There is a lot of information on this issue. Each insulation has its own characteristics, characteristics and specific application technology, so it is important to systematize it.

Main characteristics

When choosing one or another material, it is necessary to take into account all the characteristics that affect thermal conductivity and other factors for creating an optimal microclimate in a living room. Haste in such a serious matter is unnecessary, since the properties of heat-insulating materials determine the required level of living comfort. The main task of materials for creating high-quality thermal insulation is to prevent heat loss in the cold season and create a barrier to the penetration of heat in the hot season.

Proper thermal insulation significantly improves the comfort of your home.

A short excursion into school physics: heat transfer occurs in the movement of molecules. There is no way to stop it, but it is quite possible to reduce it. There is a rule: in dry air, the movement of molecules slows down as much as possible. This natural property is the basis for the production of any thermal insulation materials. This means that the air is “sealed” in any way possible - in capsules, pores or cells. Fundamental characteristics:

  • Thermal conductivity. This property is considered basic for each type. This characteristic shows the amount of heat that can pass through a 1 m thick insulation on an area of \u200b\u200b1 m2. Several factors affect thermal conductivity: the degree of porosity, humidity, temperature level, features of the chemical composition, and much more.

Thermal conductivity test of insulating materials

  • Water absorption. The ability to absorb moisture in direct contact with it is an important selection criterion. This characteristic is especially important for rooms with high humidity.
  • Density. The density index affects its mass and the degree of weighting of the structure.
  • Biological stability. The bio-resistant material prevents the development of mold, fungi and pathogens.
  • Heat capacity. The parameter is important in climatic conditions with sharp and frequent temperature changes. Good heat capacity indicates the ability to accumulate the maximum amount of heat.

An important point is also the convenience of working with the material.

In addition to the fundamental selection parameters, there are many others, such as frost resistance, fire safety level, flexibility and much more. The general classification of thermal insulation materials is as follows:

  • organic;
  • inorganic;
  • mixed.

All types of heaters have their own characteristics, the specifics of production technologies in accordance with GOST and the scope of application. Using a comparison of advantages, and knowing about the possible "pitfalls" during operation, you can make the only right choice.

Each material has its own characteristics and characteristics.

Organic materials

Organic matter has been known as a heater since ancient times. Before the advent of technical progress, man began to use natural high-temperature materials, for example, ceramic, to insulate his home. Today, the types of insulation and the corresponding classification of thermal insulation materials are as follows:

  • does not make it heavier;
  • easily disposed of;
  • resistant to mold or mildew;
  • easy to install;
  • tightly fills the cavity of the walls.

Paper, like ceramic materials, has a limited scope in construction.

  1. Cellulose, or wood fiber. The most common type of organic insulation. The production technology in accordance with GOST consists in grinding wood fiber to the state of cotton wool. Manufacturers offer the consumer cellulose in slabs or bulk.

    Cellulose insulation is quite easy to use, while effective.

    The cotton wool insulation fills the gaps easily.

    Its advantages:

  • increased thermal insulation;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • ease of use;
  • the possibility of composting.


In addition to its advantages, wood fiber, or cork, has disadvantages. Such material will not protect against mold or mildew. In order for the material to become refractory, the addition of special substances (ammonium polyphosphate) is required.

In this form, it is also very convenient to use.
  • light weight;
  • convenient form of release (roll);
  • does not lend itself to shrinkage over time;
  • chemically inert;
  • non-flammable (but smoldering) material;
  • natural and safe for the health of households.

Cork insulation is also available in the form of slabs of different thicknesses.

There are practically no drawbacks to this material. It is quite affordable financially, the only “but”: cork insulation is treated with anti-flammable impregnations. In addition to the main types of organic matter, there are ceramic heaters. They are often used in industrial construction, less often in individual construction.

Cork board structure.

Foam glass

For quality thermal insulation, inorganic thermal insulation materials are often used. Foam glass also belongs to them. The uniqueness of the production technology in accordance with GOST standards consists in a combination of two different substances: classic silicate glass and weightless foam, the basis of which is gas.

Foam glass is produced in blocks or slabs.

The main properties of foam glass, like other inorganic insulation materials, are as follows:

  • high thermal conductivity;
  • heat resistance;
  • ease;
  • chemical inertness;
  • water resistance;
  • strength.

Foam glass block structure.

Another important advantage: foam glass is a non-flammable insulation, has excellent soundproofing and acoustic properties. Foam glass produced in accordance with GOST standards is often used in individual construction. There are few disadvantages of such a material, in fact it is only one - high cost. But, making a comparison with other representatives of this class, we can talk about a colossal number of advantages. Firstly, foam glass has a low density, which means that such thermal insulation will not weigh down the structure. Comparing with wood, the density of which is 550-750 kg / m3, foam glass has a density of 100-250 kg / m3. Secondly, the thermal conductivity of such a material is 0.04 W / m * C, which is twice as high as the thermal conductivity of wood. Inorganic foam glass practically does not absorb water, and the vapor permeability indicator tends to zero.

Often, foam glass is used for external insulation of facades.

One of the most valuable qualities that foam glass possesses is environmental friendliness. A criterion such as safety for the health of households and the environment is extremely important in individual construction. Comparing with polypropylene or PVC plastics, we can talk about a high degree of chemical inertness. As for the indicator of biological resistance, the foam glass has better performance than organic materials for thermal insulation. Mold, fungus, rodents and other possible troubles will not find a place in such material. Excellent ratings ensure a long service life: manufacturers claim a durability of 100 years. The coefficient of possible deformation of foam glass is close to concrete or brick, so it can be used for cladding them. Foam glass is produced in block or granular form. The latter can be used as insulation in the wall cavity.

Features and application of foam glass

Mineral wool

Such material is a classic of insulation and represents inorganic thermal insulation materials. It is widely used in many types of construction. The terminology unites all insulation materials that consist of fibers and represent a class of mineral insulation according to GOST standards (stone or basalt wool, rockwood). The base is dolomite or basalt. As a result of the melting of mineral fibers, they are bonded with a special binder, which, as a rule, is phenol-formaldehyde resin.

For internal insulation, roll mineral wool is used.

The advantages of mineral wool are as follows:

  • High thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity coefficient is close to 0.077 to 0.12 W / meter-kelvin, basalt wool has especially high performance.
  • Excellent sound insulation performance, absorbs sound well.
  • Chemical passivity. The material can be used on metal surfaces without fear of corrosion.
  • Good hygroscopic properties. Mineral wool, in contact with water, repels it, ensuring optimal ventilation.

When working with mineral wool, it is important not to forget about protective equipment.

Mineral material for thermal insulation of houses is environmentally friendly and has the ability to “breathe” (allows air to pass through), but only in those cases when the production is carried out strictly in accordance with GOST, without harmful impurities and additives. Another feature: it is non-flammable. On contact with fire, only the fibers stick together, preventing it from spreading further.


In contact with water, the material may lose its insulating properties. Therefore, during installation, mineral wool requires high-quality waterproofing and vapor barrier.

One of the few drawbacks is the low strength, when compared, for example, with foam glass.

What you need to know about mineral wool

Glass wool

Glass wool represents inorganic thermal insulation materials and has been known for more than one generation. Making a comparison, we can say that modern glass wool has undergone some changes, but the GOST technology has remained unchanged. Recycled glass and sand under the influence of high temperatures are drawn into fibers, which are combined with binders into a single canvas, outwardly reminiscent of felt. On sale we see already rolled materials, ready for use. By the way, statistics show that such roll insulation is produced in accordance with GOST and in large quantities, which indicates the demand for glass wool in construction.

You can work with glass wool only with gloves.

The advantages are as follows:

  • Good thermal conductivity. Of course, polymer materials have a higher thermal conductivity. But in its class, the thermal conductivity of glass wool has decent indicators.
  • Affordability. The price for rolled insulation (glass wool) is quite low, which makes the material more attractive than many.
  • Convenience of transportation and use. Roll materials are convenient to transport, they are quite lightweight and compact.

Glass wool structure under a microscope.

Glass wool represents heat-insulating and acoustic materials, has decent sound-insulating properties. Application is possible in any industry and type of construction. Glass wool is believed to be harmful to health. In fact this is not true! The installation of the insulation should be carried out in accordance with safety standards, with the correct organization of work, there will be no troubles. The employee must be carefully equipped: full-body clothing, a respirator mask, gloves and goggles. Glass wool is a non-combustible material, therefore it has excellent fire safety indicators. The main disadvantage is increased fragility, so that the material does not fly apart during work, it is stitched. After installing the insulation, it must be covered with sheets of chipboard, drywall or other finishing materials. After that, glass wool is absolutely safe for everyone who lives in the house.

The difference between glass wool and mineral wool

Polymer materials

In modern construction, polymer thermal insulation materials are often used. They represent the modern generation and are endowed with innovative benefits. There are these types of materials:

  • high thermal conductivity;
  • does not let moisture inside;
  • excellent strength;
  • inertness to chemicals.


In addition to useful properties, expanded polystyrene, which is a polymer thermal insulation materials, has two significant drawbacks. Firstly, it is flammability, which indicates low fire safety.

What you need to know about expanded polystyrene

When burning, it releases toxic substances that are dangerous to human health. In addition, expanded polystyrene does not have the ability to "breathe".

  • low cost;
  • good strength;
  • ease of installation;
  • light weight.

In addition to pluses, foam plastic also has disadvantages: it is “afraid” of fire, does not allow air to pass through, and water can destroy the structure of the foam.

Features of foam

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • high elasticity and extensibility;
  • resistance to mold or mildew;
  • ease of use on surfaces with any geometry;
  • lack of joints during installation.
  • cost efficiency and financial benefits.

The process of applying polyurethane foam in the attic.

In addition, polyurethane foam has good sound insulation performance, a high degree of environmental friendliness and a long service life. The disadvantages of using polyurethane foam include flammability and the need for specialized spray equipment.

Learning to use polyurethane foam

There is no definite answer to the question of which insulation material to choose. Studying high-temperature materials and their types, it is impossible to single out the best of the huge spectrum, whether it is ceramic insulation, mineral or polymers. Each insulation has its own characteristics, specifics and technology of use, is designed for its specific purposes. The choice should be made based on their basic thermal insulation properties, design features, GOST and safety standards, as well as the financial capabilities of the owners.

The need for wall insulation is a consequence of the wrong choice of materials, non-compliance with technology during construction work, or errors in calculations during design.

One way or another, the problems that have arisen must be solved, and this should be done as soon as possible, while the processes of swelling and destruction of walls from exposure to moisture have not gone too far. The first step should be to study the problem, to understand the impacts that should be stopped (ideally, excluded).

Only after that, it is necessary to carry out the necessary operations that can solve the issues that have arisen and adjust the heat exchange at home, exclude processes that destroy wall material.

The choice between external and internal insulation, with equal opportunities for both methods, should definitely be adopted in favor of the external one. From a physical point of view, only he can be denoted by the term "insulation", internal insulation is, rather, cutting off the walls from contact with warm humid air.

Moreover, if the insulation is located, then the wall receives heat from the inside, which makes it less cooled and does not have a temperature that promotes condensation of water vapor. When installed internally, the insulation becomes an obstacle that does not allow heat to pass out.

At the same time, the wall is able to cool down to almost complete equalization of temperatures on both sides, losing its heat-insulating properties and remaining only a mechanical barrier to external influences.

Dew point

Such use of external walls is unproductive, moreover the dew point moves to the line of contact between the insulation and the wall, causing abundant moisture condensation. Such a disadvantage is a frequent consequence of illiterate actions during internal insulation, and, moreover, the consequences are not immediately noticeable.

Internal insulation is done for two reasons:

  • In addition to the outside.
  • If it is impossible to carry out work outside, there is no access, technical conditions or rules do not allow, etc.

If there is no other way out and work is possible only from the inside, you need to understand the causes of condensation and eliminate them with maximum efficiency. First of all, you should remember the basic rule of internal insulation:

The vapor permeability of materials, regardless of the number of layers in the cake, should follow in descending order.

This means that the insulation material must represent a more serious barrier to steam than the wall material. This condition provides the ability to remove steam that has passed through the thickness of the insulation to the outside.

Otherwise, the steam will condense on the wall surface (which is what happens most often)... The problem is that the presence of a heater does not allow the wall to come into contact with the warm internal air, it does not heat up, and the vapor immediately begins to condense upon contact with the cold wall.

Comparison of thermal insulation characteristics of materials

No measures, except for effective vapor protection, work here, and the density of the vapor barrier should tend to absolute... No matter how gradual the accumulation of moisture, sooner or later it will be enough to start destructive processes - several cycles of freezing and thawing can turn the most durable material into dust.

Hence the conclusion follows - to enhance vapor protection, it is necessary to use the most suitable insulation.

Materials for thermal insulation of walls from the inside

For internal insulation, not every insulation is suitable. It must have a set of properties that ensure the fulfillment of the assigned tasks:

  • Low vapor permeability.
  • Lack of ability to absorb moisture.
  • No secretions harmful to human health.
  • Ability to keep shape, rigidity.

These properties are more inherent in these types of insulation:

  • Glass wool.
  • Ecowool, cellulose.

The materials are not listed in random order, but according to the degree of effectiveness and frequency of use.


The record holder for use by a large margin is polystyrene foam (PS). It has such positive qualities:

  • Light weight.
  • Low vapor permeability.
  • Rigid structure, slabs have clear dimensions.
  • Easy to handle.
  • Virtually no water absorption.
  • The cheapest insulation.

The combination of such properties rightfully distinguishes him among the leaders. Unfortunately, the material crumbles a lot and is afraid of fire.


Extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) - chemically similar to polystyrene, but structurally different due to the manufacturing method.

In terms of its properties, it even surpasses foam:

  • Completely impervious to steam and water.
  • More rigid, does not crumble.
  • High heat resistance.

At the same time, it costs significantly more than a conventional PPP, which reduces its competitiveness.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a material that has all the necessary qualities for internal insulation:

  • Close contact with the wall.
  • Does not allow moisture or steam to pass through.
  • Has no organic matter - does not rot, does not emit hazardous substances.

Wherein, the use of polyurethane foam is limited, since its application requires special equipment and qualified workers, plus, when applied, polyurethane foam emits toxic fumes. In addition, the price of the insulation itself, plus the cost of work, sharply reduce its demand.

Polyurethane foam

Mineral wool

Mineral wool, glass wool, ecowool, cellulose - traditional materials, they are of little use for internal insulation... Nevertheless, they are used quite often, which is due to the low level of training of users in theoretical terms and adherence to stereotypes.

The qualities of these materials, good in other cases, lose their effect - any type of cotton wool has a fibrous structure that promotes moisture absorption... There is no required rigidity, high vapor permeability. Such materials are not recommended for internal insulation.

The wetting of the insulation can be stopped by installing a special vapor barrier film, which will not only protect the material from the penetration of water vapor, but will not allow harmful mineral dust to enter the room.

Mineral wool

What kind of insulation is best for insulating walls from the inside?


The most effective insulation - foam and extruded polystyrene foam... They combine all the most valuable properties both for insulating materials in general and for the specificity in question.

The most useful property is vapor permeability. Polyfoam consists of soldered granules, each of which is a sealed capsule with gas bubbles. A slight absorption of water is possible only through the capillaries between the granules, but its value is very small.

What's better?

EPPS is a foam material consisting of a single substance array. It is impervious to neither steam nor water, there is no absorption at all. If the size of the insulated surface is not too large, then EPSS will be the best choice.

How to avoid problems with internal insulation?

In order to avoid internal problems insulation, it is necessary to determine the mode of operation of the wall cake and find the location of the dew point.

Ideally, it should be located either inside the wall, or, worse, inside the insulation.

If the dew point is on the border of two materials, then sooner or later condensation will appear due to a slight penetration of vapors through the side walls, through the insulation, loose areas of vaporization, etc.

This situation becomes possible with a large thickness of the insulation (a complete cutoff of the wall from internal heat is created) or with its low vapor permeability (a consequence of the wrong choice of material).

To resolve the issue, you can give several recommendations:

  • Insulation thickness... Insulation thicker than 50 mm should not be used.
  • Choose only vapor-tight materialsforming the most sealed layer.
  • Organize effective ventilation of the room... This item is desirable in any case, since the withdrawal of air saturated with steam reduces the partial pressure and intensity of the effect of steam on the materials of the wall and insulation. When there is nothing to condense, the issue is automatically resolved.
  • When installing insulation, proceed carefully do not skip areas, do not create gaps... It is especially important to tightly wrap the window opening in the areas of the slopes, window sill and upper cut. The side walls are also a source of steam, penetration through them, albeit to a lesser extent, occurs. Ideally, the entire room should be isolated, but this is not always possible.


Window unit - a source of steam penetration... It has a lot of slots and gaps around the perimeter between the wall and the box. Before installing the insulation, you should remove the slopes and the window sill and carefully fill in all questionable places with foam.

To equalize the steam load, all (not only external) walls can be primed with special compounds that reduce the passage of steam through the wall material. This is especially important for loose, porous materials that tend to absorb moisture.

Is an internal vapor barrier required?

The need for an internal vapor barrier is undeniable. Almost the whole point of internal insulation is to create an airtight border between the steam-saturated air and the wall.

Moreover, if the insulation itself is a good vapor barrier (like EPS or EPS), then the presence of a separate layer of roll vapor barrier is not necessary, especially if there is effective supply and exhaust ventilation.

However, to insure against possible microscopic gaps, gaps or other cavities in the insulation, as well as to cut off adjacent walls, an additional vapor barrier is often installed.

If a looser material that allows steam to pass through is used as a heater, then a full vapor barrier is required. Attempts to do without it will nullify the whole venture with wall insulation - it will get wet, the condensate will saturate the insulation, which will stop it retaining heat and will turn into a moisture accumulator. At this time, the material of the wall will get wet, freeze over and actively disintegrate from this.

Internal insulation significantly loses in efficiency to the external method, and is used only as an additional measure. As an independent measure, this technique is questionable and requires an understanding of the dynamics of the processes occurring in the wall cake at different temperatures and at different times of the year.

Wall cake

The effect of such a technique often requires a lot of experimentation and changes, which in practice means constant repairs. Therefore, you should act very carefully and carefully to try to achieve the desired result on the first try.

In contact with

The issue of building insulation is especially relevant today. On the one hand, there are no big problems with the purchase of heat-insulating material - the construction market offers many options. On the other hand, it is this variety that gives rise to the problem - which insulation to choose?

What it is?

The problem of thermal insulation of modern buildings (especially urban new buildings) is especially acute today. Thermal insulation is structural elements that reduce the heat transfer rates of materials and the structure (unit) as a whole.

Thermal insulation is also understood as a process that prevents the mixing of thermal energy of the structure (refrigeration equipment, heating mains, etc.) and buildings with the external environment. In other words, the thermal insulation layer has a thermos effect.

Thermal insulation provides a comfortable indoor climate, keeping it warm during cold seasons and preventing excessive heat build-up on hot days.

Using insulation can reduce electricity costs by up to 30-40%. In addition, most modern thermal insulation materials have sound insulation properties. A fairly common practice in the construction of a private house is the use of materials that are both insulating and structural element of walls and floors.

Depending on the thermal conductivity, the following classes of thermal insulation materials are distinguished:

  • class A- materials with low thermal conductivity within 0.06 W / m kV. and below;
  • class B - materials with an average thermal conductivity, the indicators of which are 0.06 - 0.115 W / m kV;
  • class C - materials with high thermal conductivity equal to 0.115 -0.175 W / m kV.

There are many ways to install insulation, but they all belong to one of these technologies:

  • Monolithic wall - is a brick or wooden partition, the thickness of which for thermal efficiency must be at least 40 cm (depending on the region).
  • Multilayer "pie" - a method in which the insulation is located inside the wall, between the outer and outer partitions. The implementation of this method is possible only at the construction stage or when facing the facade with brickwork (if the strength of the foundation allows or there is a separate base for the masonry).

  • External insulation - one of the most popular, due to its effectiveness, method, which involves sheathing external walls with insulation, after which they are closed with facade materials. The organization of a ventilated facade allows to increase the thermal insulation performance, when an air gap remains between the wall with insulation and the facade finish. The method necessarily involves the use of vapor-permeable and waterproof coatings and films.
  • Internal insulation - one of the most difficult and less effective in comparison with the external method of insulation. It involves the insulation of surfaces from the inside of the building.


All types of insulation are characterized by certain properties. The following are common:

  • Low thermal conductivity. Thermal efficiency indicators are the main ones when choosing a heater. The lower the thermal conductivity coefficient (measured in W / (m × K) shows the amount of thermal energy passing through 1 m3 of dry insulation at a temperature difference of 10C), the lower the heat loss of the material. The warmest is polyurethane foam, which has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.03. Average values \u200b\u200bare about 0.047 (thermal conductivity index of expanded polystyrene, mineral wool grade P-75).
  • Hygroscopicity.That is, the ability of the insulation to absorb moisture. High-quality insulation does not absorb moisture or absorbs a minimum amount of it. Otherwise, the material cannot get wet, which means the loss of the main property (thermal efficiency).
  • Vapor barrier. The ability to pass water vapor, thereby ensuring an optimal level of humidity in the room and keeping walls or other work surfaces dry.

  • Fire resistance. Another important characteristic of a heat-insulating material is resistance to fire. Some materials have a high fire hazard, their combustion temperature can reach 1000 degrees (for example, basalt wool), while others are extremely unstable to high temperatures (expanded polystyrene). Most modern insulation materials are self-extinguishing materials. The appearance of an open fire on their surface is almost impossible, and if it does occur, the burning time does not exceed 10 seconds. During combustion, no toxins are released, the mass of the material during combustion is reduced by at least 50%.

Combustion toxicity is usually mentioned when talking about fire resistance. The optimal material is that, even when heated, it does not emit hazardous toxic compounds.

  • Environmental friendliness. Environmental friendliness is especially important for materials used indoors. The key to environmental friendliness is usually the naturalness of the composition. So, for example, basalt insulation, considered safe from the point of view of environmental friendliness, is made from recycled rocks, expanded clay - from sintered clay.
  • Soundproofing characteristics.Not all thermal insulation materials can be used for sound insulation. However, most of them have both of these properties, for example, mineral wool insulation, polyurethane foam. But the widely used polystyrene foam does not give a sound insulation effect.
  • Biostability. Another criterion that is important for the buyer is biostability, that is, the resistance of the material to mold, mildew, the appearance of other microorganisms, and rodents. The strength and integrity of the material, which means its durability, directly depends on biostability.

  • Resistant to deformation. Insulation must withstand loads, since it can be located on the floor surface, loaded structural elements, between partitions. All this dictates the requirements for its resistance to loads and deformations. Durability depends largely on the density and thickness of the material.
  • Durability.The duration of operation largely depends on the thermal efficiency, moisture resistance, vapor permeability and biostability of the material. High-quality products (for example, polyurethane foam, basalt wool) are given a fairly long, up to 50 years, guarantee. Another factor in durability is compliance with installation technology and operating conditions.

  • Simplicity of laying and installation.Most of the heaters have a convenient form of release - in mats, rolls, sheets. Some of them are easily fixed on the insulated surface, without requiring special skills and equipment (foam sheets), while others require compliance with certain installation conditions (for example, when working with mineral wool insulation, it is necessary to protect the respiratory organs and hands).

There are also such types of heaters, the installation of which is possible only by specialists with special equipment (for example, polyurethane foam is sprayed with a special unit, the employee must use a protective suit, glasses and a respirator).

Types of jobs

Thermal insulation is understood as the process of reducing heat loss to the calculated values \u200b\u200b(individual for each region and objects). This term is similar to the concept of "thermal insulation", which means the protection of an object from the negative exchange of thermal energy with the air. In other words, the task of thermal insulation work is to maintain the specified temperature indicators of the object.

The object can mean residential and office buildings, industrial and engineering structures, medical and refrigeration equipment.

If we talk about thermal insulation of residential and industrial premises, then it can be external (another name is facade insulation) and internal.

Thermal insulation of external walls of residential buildings is always preferable to thermal insulation of internal parts. This is due to the fact that external thermal insulation turns out to be more effective, with internal thermal insulation there is always 8-15% heat loss.

In addition, the "dew point" with internal insulation is shifted into the insulation, which is fraught with dampness, an increase in the level of humidity in the room, the appearance of mold on the walls, destruction of the wall surface, finishing. In other words, the room is still cold (since damp insulation cannot prevent heat loss), but damp.

Finally, the installation of insulation from the inside takes up space, reducing the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

At the same time, there are situations when internal thermal insulation remains the only possible way to normalize the temperature. Strict adherence to installation technologies allows avoiding the unpleasant consequences of thermal insulation. Be sure to take care of the vapor and waterproofing of surfaces, as well as high-quality ventilation. A standard supply system is usually not enough; it is required to install a forced air circulation system or use windows with special valves that provide air exchange.

To increase the efficiency of external insulation, they resort to organizing a ventilated facade system or a three-layer system. In the first case, an air gap remains between the insulation and the facing material mounted on a special frame. The three-layer system is a wall covering erected by the well method, between which insulation is poured (expanded clay, perlite, ecowool).

As for the finishing, both "wet" (building mixtures are used) and "dry" facade (fasteners are used) facade can be insulated.

Often, a room requires not only insulation, but also sound insulation. In this case, it is more convenient to use materials that immediately have both heat and sound insulation properties.

When talking about insulating a house inside or outside, it is important to understand that walls are far from the only source of heat loss. In this regard, it is necessary to isolate unheated attics and basements. When using an attic, you should consider a multilayer insulated roof system.

When carrying out internal thermal insulation work, great attention should be paid to the joints between the floor and the wall, the wall and the ceiling, the wall and partitions. It is in these places that "cold bridges" are most often formed.

In other words, regardless of the type of work performed, it is important to remember that thermal insulation requires an integrated approach.

Variety of materials

All heaters, depending on the raw materials used, are divided into:

  • organic (have an environmentally friendly composition - waste from agricultural, woodworking industries, the presence of cement and some types of polymers is permissible);
  • inorganic.

There are also products of mixed type.

Depending on the principle of functioning, heaters are:

  • reflective view - reduces heat consumption by directing thermal energy back into the room (for this, the insulation is equipped with a metallized or foil-clad element);
  • warning type - are characterized by low thermal conductivity, preventing the release of a large amount of thermal energy outside the insulated surface.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular types of organic insulation:


It is considered to be cellulose insulation, 80% consists of recycled cellulose. It is an environmentally friendly material with low thermal conductivity, good vapor permeability and sound insulation.

The addition of fire retardants and antiseptics to the raw material allows to reduce the flammability of the material and increase its biostability.

The material is poured into inter-wall spaces, it is possible to spray onto flat surfaces by dry or wet method.


A modern substitute for tow, traditionally used to reduce the heat loss of inter-crown gaps in timber buildings. It is produced in the form of ribbons or ropes, in addition to high thermal efficiency, does not require replacement even after the walls have shrunk.


Insulation, 80-90% consisting of fine shavings. The rest of the components are resins, fire retardants, water repellents. Differs not only in good heat, but also in sound insulation properties, is environmentally friendly, durable.

Despite the treatment with water repellents, it still does not have high moisture resistance.


Heat insulator based on cork oak bark, available in roll or sheet form. It is used only as an internal insulation. Acts as a basis for wallpaper, laminate and other floor coverings. It can be used as an independent topcoat due to its unusual, but noble appearance. Often they insulate panel houses from the inside.

In addition to thermal efficiency, it provides sound insulation and decorative effect. The material is hygroscopic, so it can only be mounted on dry surfaces.


It is a block made of chipboard concrete. Thanks to the wood in the composition, it has heat and sound insulating properties, while the presence of concrete provides moisture resistance, resistance to damage and the strength of the material. It is used both as insulation and as independent building blocks. It is widely used as a material for frame-panel buildings.

The modern market for inorganic thermal insulation materials is somewhat wider:

Expanded polystyrene

There are 2 known modifications - foamed (otherwise - foam) and extruded. It is a set of combined air-filled bubbles. The material to be extruded differs in that each air cavity is isolated from the adjacent one.

Polyfoam is suitable for external and internal insulation, characterized by high thermal insulation performance. It is not vapor-permeable, therefore it requires a reliable vapor barrier. It is worth noting the low moisture resistance of the foam, which makes the installation of waterproofing mandatory.

In general, the material is affordable, lightweight, easy to cut and assembled (glued). For the needs of the buyer, material plates are produced in various dimensions and thicknesses. The latter directly affects thermal conductivity.

At first glance, foam is a worthy option for insulation. However, it should be remembered that during operation it emits toxic styrene. The most dangerous thing is that the material is subject to combustion. Moreover, the fire is rapidly engulfing the foam, in the process of increasing temperatures, compounds dangerous to human health are released. This was the reason for the ban on the use of foam for interior decoration in some European countries.

Polyfoam is not durable. Already 5-7 years after its use, destructive changes in the structure are found - cracks and cavities appear. Naturally, even minor damage can cause significant heat loss.

Finally, this material is quite fond of mice - they gnaw it, which also does not contribute to long-term operation.

Extruded polystyrene foam is an improved version of polystyrene foam. And, although its thermal conductivity is slightly higher, the material demonstrates the best indicators of moisture resistance and fire resistance.

Polyurethane foam

Heat insulating material sprayed onto the surface. It has the best thermal efficiency, due to the installation method it forms a uniform hermetic layer on the surface, fills all cracks and seams. This becomes a guarantee of the absence of "cold bridges".

In the process of spraying, the material releases toxic components, therefore, it is applied only in a protective suit and a respirator. As the toxins harden, they evaporate, therefore, during operation, the material demonstrates complete environmental safety.

Another advantage is incombustibility, even under the influence of high temperatures, the material does not emit hazardous compounds.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out low values \u200b\u200bof vapor permeability, which is why the material is not even recommended to be applied to wooden bases.

This method of application does not allow achieving a perfectly flat surface, therefore the use of contact finishing (painting, plaster) is almost always excluded. Leveling (as well as removing the polyurethane foam layer) is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. The solution will be to use hinged structures.


Universal insulation based on polyethylene foam. The air chambers from which the material is formed provide low thermal conductivity. The main difference between penofol is the presence of a foil layer on one side, which reflects up to 97% of thermal energy, while not heating up.

In addition to high values \u200b\u200bof thermal insulation, it demonstrates sound insulation properties. Finally, it does not require the use of vapor barrier and waterproof coatings and is easy to install.

Among the disadvantages is the higher cost, but it is leveled by the impressive indicators of the heat resistance of the product. Its use can reduce heating costs by a third.

Despite the strength of the material, it is not suitable for wallpapering or plastering. Penofol will not withstand the load and will collapse, therefore the walls treated with it are closed with plasterboard. The finish is already done on it. It can act as a heater not only for walls, but also for the ceiling and floor.

Penofol is an excellent underlay for most floor coverings, as well as underfloor heating systems.

Fiberboard slabs

It is a wood-based board, bonded with a cement composition. Usually used for exterior decoration, they can act as an independent building material.

They are characterized by heat and sound insulating properties, however, they have a considerable weight (it is necessary to strengthen the foundation and supporting structures), as well as a small moisture resistance.

Liquid ceramic insulation

A relatively new insulating material. Outwardly, it resembles acrylic paint (applied, by the way, in the same way), which contains vacuumized bubbles. Thanks to them, a thermal insulation effect becomes possible (according to the manufacturers, a 1 mm layer replaces brickwork 1.5 bricks thick).

Ceramic insulation does not require a subsequent layer of finishing and does quite well with the function of a finishing material as well. It is used mainly indoors, since it does not take up useful space.

The moisture-resistant layer extends the service life of the coating and makes it possible to wet clean. The material is fire-resistant, non-combustible, moreover, it prevents the spread of flame.

Mineral wool insulation

This type of insulation is distinguished by a fibrous structure - the material is a random arrangement of fibers. Between the latter, air bubbles accumulate, the presence of which provides a heat-insulating effect.

Available in the form of mats, rolls, sheets. Due to the ability to easily recover and maintain its shape, the material is easy to transport and store - it is rolled up and packed in compact boxes, and then easily takes the given shape and size. Sheet material is usually thinner than other options.

Tiles, wall panels, siding, corrugated board for external cladding and clapboard or drywall (as cladding) for internal cladding are usually used as a facade coating.

When working, you must take care of the presence of a respirator. During installation, material particles rise into the air. Once in the lungs, they irritate the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Depending on the raw materials used, 3 types of mineral wool are distinguished - based on slags, glass and basalt fibers.

The first type of insulation has high thermal conductivity and the ability to absorb moisture, it is flammable and short-lived, and therefore is rarely used for insulation.

Fiberglass demonstrates the best thermal insulation characteristics, the combustion temperature is 500 degrees. The material does not burn, but decreases in volume under the influence of temperatures above those indicated.

The material, as described by users, is biostable and has an affordable price. Due to its elasticity, it is suitable for finishing buildings and structures of complex shapes and configurations. Among the disadvantages, one can note the low indicators of water resistance (high-quality waterproofing is required), the ability to release toxic compounds (because of this, it is used mainly for external insulation or requires reliable protection).

Thin and long fibers of glass wool dig into the skin, causing irritation. Finally, having an amorphous component (glass) in its composition, glass wool shrinks, gradually becoming thinner during operation, which causes a decrease in thermal insulation properties.

Basalt wool is obtained by melting rocks (basalt, dolomite). Fibers are drawn from semi-liquid raw materials, which are then subjected to pressing and short-term heating. The result is a durable, vapor-permeable insulation with low thermal conductivity.

Stone wool is treated with special impregnations, making it resistant to moisture. It is an environmentally friendly, non-combustible material for a wide range of applications.

Warm plaster

Plaster and finishing mixture, which contains particles of such heat-insulating materials as perlite, vermiculite.

Possesses good adhesion, fills cracks and joints, takes the given shape. Performs 2 functions at once - thermal insulation and decorative. Depending on the place of use, it can be on cement (for outdoor decoration) or plaster (for indoor decoration) bases.

Foam glass

The basis of the material is glass recyclable materials, which are fired in high-temperature furnaces to the state of sintering. The result is a heater characterized by moisture resistance, high fire safety and biostability.

Possessing record strength indicators among other insulation materials, the material is easily cut, mounted, plastered. Release form - blocks.


It is a loose insulation on a natural basis (processed rocks - mica). They are distinguished by fire resistance (melting temperature - not less than 1000 degrees), vapor permeability and moisture resistance, do not deform and do not settle during operation. Even when wet, up to 15% is able to retain its thermal insulation properties.

It is poured into inter-wall spaces or on flat surfaces (for example, an attic) for thermal insulation. Given the high cost of vermiculite, such a method of insulation will not be cheap, so it can often be found in warm plasters. This way it is possible to reduce the cost of raw materials for thermal insulation, but not to lose the brilliant technical properties of the material.

Expanded clay

Loose insulation known for a long time. It is based on a special clay that is sintered in the process of high-temperature firing. The result is extremely light "pebbles" (as well as crushed stone and sand) with high thermal insulation qualities. The material does not deform, is biostable, but extremely hygroscopic.

Expanded polystyrene granules

The same air capsules that form the basis of polystyrene foam boards. True, here they are not fastened together and are supplied in bags. They have the same characteristics as polystyrene foam boards - low thermal conductivity, light weight, high fire hazard, lack of vapor permeability.

For insulation, the material should not be poured into voids, but sprayed with a compressor. This is the only way to increase the density of the material, which means to increase its insulating capacity.


Outwardly it looks like small flakes (the material has a finer fraction in comparison with expanded polystyrene granules, softer). Natural resins are the basis. The main advantages are low thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and vapor permeability, fire resistance. Typically used for walls and ceilings, which are sprayed with special equipment.


A large number of thermal insulation materials are on the market today. Choosing the best products is not easy, especially if you are completely unfamiliar with the brands offered.

However, there are manufacturers whose products are a priori of high quality. Among them is the Danish stone wool manufacturer Rockwool. The product line is quite wide - a lot of materials of different forms of release, dimensions and density. The most popular is 10 cm wool for outdoor decoration.

Among the most famous lines:

  • "Light Batts" - material for insulating private houses made of wood;
  • "Light Batts Scandik"- material for insulating private houses made of stone, concrete, brick;
  • "Acustik Batts" - material with improved soundproofing performance, used for the insulation of office buildings, shopping and entertainment facilities, industrial facilities.

The rating of producers of mineral wool materials is also invariably headed by the French company Isover. In the product line, you can find a fairly rigid material that is laid on flat horizontal surfaces and does not require fasteners, as well as two-layer facade analogues. Universal insulation, options for pitched roofs, as well as mats with improved sound insulation characteristics are in demand.

Most of the products are delivered in 7 and 14 meter rolls, the thickness of which is 5-10 cm.

High-quality heat and sound insulation materials are produced under the trademark Ursa. The following types of insulation can be found on sale:

  • "Ursa Geo"a series of mats and rolls of various hardness for thermal insulation of all areas of the house, including basements and attic rooms;
  • "Ursa Tetra" - slabs characterized by high strength and additional hydrophobic impregnation;
  • "Ursa PureOne" - soft fiberglass with acrylic as a binding component. Due to the environmental friendliness of the material, it is suitable for use in hospitals and child care facilities;
  • "Ursa XPS" represents polystyrene foam plates of increased rigidity.

The German quality known to all is demonstrated by the products of German production Knauf.All the variety of manufactured products can be attributed to one of the series - "Knauf Insulation" (materials for professional insulation of multi-storey residential buildings, hospitals, administrative institutions) or "Knauf Heat" (materials for insulation of private houses).

Brand insulation is considered an excellent solution for organizing a ventilated facade. Izovol... The slabs are rigid enough to withstand loads, have moisture-resistant impregnation, and are additionally reinforced with fiberglass. The most popular are the following product lines:

  • general technical insulation (universal insulation for the attic and roof, walls, floor);
  • technological cylinders and mats with a moisture-resistant foil layer to insulate pipelines;
  • slab insulation for the manufacture of sandwich panels;
  • thermal insulation mats with improved sound insulation performance.

The leading domestic manufacturer of heaters is the TechnoNIKOL company. The main direction of production is the production of basalt wool and polystyrene foam insulation. The material does not deform, withstands heavy loads, and has increased soundproofing properties.

Depending on the type of product, the density and thermal conductivity of the material changes. The following types of TechnoNIKOL products are distinguished:

  • "Rocklight" - slabs with increased strength characteristics and intended for insulation of a private house;
  • "Technoblock"- material suitable for the installation of facades acts simultaneously as a structural element and insulation;

  • "Teploroll" - elongated rectangular mats with reduced phenol content in the composition;
  • "Technoacoustic" - heat insulator with improved performance of sound insulation (reduces noise up to 60 dB), used for sound insulation of offices, entertainment venues.

A worthy place in the rating of manufacturers of materials for insulation is occupied by the Belarusian company "Beltep".The products are only slightly inferior in quality to European counterparts, but they have a more affordable cost. Among the advantages are a special hydrophobic impregnation, increased soundproofing qualities.

If you are looking for high-quality and relatively safe from the point of view of environmental friendliness expanded polystyrene, then you should pay attention to brand products Europlex... The manufacturer's lineup includes both expanded and extruded polystyrene foam. The density of the material ranges from 30 to 45 kg / m³, depending on the type of product.

There are several size options for the buyer's choice. So, the length of products can be 240, 180 and 120 cm, width - 50 or 60 cm, thickness - 3-5 cm.

Extruded polystyrene foam is also distinguished by its high strength and increased moisture resistance "Penoplex"... The experiments carried out demonstrate the frost resistance of the material. Even after 1000 freeze / thaw cycles, the thermal efficiency of the material is reduced by no more than 5%.

As you know, styrene foam is the cheapest insulation, and since both companies are domestic, we can talk about significant savings.

How to choose?

When choosing an insulating material, it is important to focus on the material from which the walls or other surfaces to be insulated are made.

  • For wooden walls, a related cellulose insulation, fiberglass or stone wool is suitable. True, it is necessary to carefully consider the waterproofing system. Jute will help to close the gaps. For frame-panel buildings, you can use fiber cement slabs or wood concrete blocks, which will act as wall structural elements. Between them, you can fill in bulk insulation (expanded clay, ecowool).
  • Styrene foam insulation, mineral wool are well suited for outdoor insulation. When facing such structures with bricks, it is permissible to fill in expanded clay, perlite, ecowool formed between the facade and the main wall. Polyurethane foam has proven itself well.

  • For internal insulation of brick buildings, mineral wool heaters are traditionally used, which are sewn up with plasterboard sheets.
  • Concrete surfaces with the worst thermal insulation performance are recommended to be insulated on both sides - external and internal. For external insulation, it is better to choose a ventilated facade system. Warm plaster or hinged panels, siding are suitable as finishing materials. For interior decoration, you can use cork insulation, a thin layer of expanded polystyrene or mineral wool, decorated with plasterboard.

How to calculate?

Different heaters have different thicknesses, and it is very important to calculate the required parameters of the heater before making a purchase. Too thin a layer of insulation will not cope with heat loss, and will also cause the "dew point" to move inside the room.

An excess layer will not only lead to an unjustified load on the supporting structures and inappropriate financial costs, but will also cause a violation of air humidity in the room, a temperature imbalance between different rooms.

To calculate the required thickness of the material, it is necessary to establish the resistance coefficient of all materials used (insulation, waterproofing, facing layer, etc.).

Another important point is the determination of the material from which the wall is made, since this also directly affects the thickness of the insulation.

Given the type of wall material, conclusions can be drawn about its thermal conductivity and thermal performance. These characteristics can be found in SNiP 2-3-79.

The density of the insulating material may be different, but most often products with a density in the range of 0.6-1000 kg / m3 are used.

Most of the modern high-rise buildings are built of concrete blocks, which have the following (important for calculating the thickness of the insulation) indicators:

  • GSOP (calculated in degrees-days during the heating season) - 6000.
  • Heat transfer resistance - from 3.5 C / m kV. / W (walls), from 6 S / m kV. / W (ceiling).

To bring the heat transfer resistance indicators for walls and ceilings to the appropriate parameters (3.5 and 6 S / m kV / W), you need to use the formulas:

  • walls: R \u003d 3,5-R walls;
  • ceiling: R \u003d 6-R ceiling.

After finding the difference, you can calculate the required thickness of the insulation. This will be helped by the formula p \u003d R * k, in which p will be the desired indicator of thickness, k is the thermal conductivity of the insulation used. If the result is not a round (whole) number, then it should be rounded up.

If independent calculations using the formulas seem rather complicated to you, you can use special calculators. They take into account all important scoring criteria. The user only needs to fill in the required fields.

It is best to use calculators made by reputable manufacturers of thermal insulation materials. So, one of the most accurate is a calculator developed by the Rockwool brand.

  • Modern mineral wool insulation is supplied in rolls, mats and sheets. The last 2 delivery options are preferable, since they are easier to join without creating gaps and cracks.
  • When installing plate heaters, make sure that their width is 1.5-2 cm greater than the distance between the subsystem profiles. Otherwise, a gap will remain between the heat insulator and the profile, which risks becoming a "cold bridge".
  • Insulation, which will be preceded by diagnostics, will be much more effective and efficient. To do this, use a thermal imager to identify the main areas of heat "leak". This recommendation becomes relevant especially for thermal insulation of the internal parts of the building.

  • Having identified the main points of heat loss (these are usually the corners of buildings, the floor or ceiling on the first and last floors, end walls), sometimes it is enough to insulate only them in order to achieve the optimal temperature in the room.
  • Regardless of the method of insulation and the material used, the surface should be carefully prepared - it should be flat and clean. All existing joints and cracks should be repaired with cement mortar, unevenness should be repaired, and communication elements removed.
  • The final stage of the preparatory work will be the application of a primer in 2-3 layers. It will provide an antiseptic effect and improve the adhesion of surfaces.

  • When using battens made of metal profiles, make sure that they have an anti-corrosion coating. Wooden logs for the frame are also subject to processing with fire retardants and water repellents.
  • Mineral wool and felt insulation are stacked in several layers. The coincidence of joints between layers of different layers is inadmissible.
  • Most of the glued insulation (expanded polystyrene, mineral wool) need additional fixing with dowels. The latter are fixed in the center of the insulating sheet, as well as at 2-3 points along the edges.

  • Despite the similarity of liquid ceramics to paint, it should not be applied with a spray gun and similar devices. Thus, you can damage the ceramic shell, and therefore, deprive the composition of its heat-insulating properties. It is more correct to apply the mixture with a brush or roller.
  • If it is necessary to give the treated surface a certain shade, the ceramic insulation can be diluted with acrylic paint. It is necessary to apply the composition in 4-5 layers, waiting for each of the coatings to dry.
  • The fixation of the cork cover can only be carried out on perfectly flat surfaces, otherwise a "cold bridge" will form in the space between the cover and the wall, and condensation will begin to accumulate. If it is impossible to level the walls by plastering, a solid plasterboard frame is mounted on which the "cork" is glued. To fix it, you need special glue.

When using foam, it is important to thoroughly clean the wall surface from traces of old paint and solvents. It is important to exclude contact of the insulation with gasoline and acetone, since they dissolve polystyrene foam.

Each part of the building needs "its own" insulation.

  • For sloped roofs high density basalt slabs are recommended. Polystyrene foam boards can also be used, but in this case it is important to provide high-quality ventilation. If installation speed is important, spray polyurethane foam, a cheaper option is ecowool. The layer thickness is usually 100 mm.
  • For an unheated attic you can use expanded clay or other bulk materials. A more affordable option is dry sawdust mixed with slaked lime in a ratio of 8: 2. Perlite granules, ecowool or slab insulation are also suitable. When using bulk materials, the thickness of the layer should be at least 200 mm, for plate heaters, 100 mm is enough.

  • Wall insulation more often it is made by means of foam, mineral wool, polyurethane foam spraying or ecowool. They should be chosen based on the structural features and their own financial capabilities. The most affordable will be polystyrene, the more expensive options are mineral wool and polyurethane foam.
  • Floor insulation - the question is ambiguous. In a house with a low subfloor, it is more logical to perform thermal insulation along the ground using bulk materials. For concrete screed, expanded polystyrene is suitable, if the height of the ceilings allows - you can fill in expanded clay (for insulation with expanded polystyrene, 50 mm of layer thickness is enough, while when using expanded clay - at least 200 mm). Any material is suitable as insulation between the lags. The technology is similar to the thermal insulation of the attic.
  • For foundation and plinthpolyurethane foam and polystyrene foam are applicable. An important nuance - both materials are destroyed under the influence of sunlight, which must be taken into account when insulating the basement.