Specialty "state and municipal management": who to work with? Municipal government. State and municipal administration. Municipal government system

Institutions of municipal and state service function in the system of power of the Russian Federation. What are their features?

Civil Service Facts

Under civil service it is customary to understand the labor activity of citizens in various government bodies - mainly those representing the executive branch. That is (if we talk about the Russian model of the civil service) these will be ministries and their subordinate departments.

State power in the Russian Federation functions at 2 levels - federal and regional. At the same time, the institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are directly subordinate to the structures in Moscow and are accountable to them. In turn, the civil service is also actually represented by two levels - federal and regional.

It should be noted that civil servants are not persons who receive their positions in the power system following the results of elections or due to the significant influence of their results. In particular, these are the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government, ministers, and deputies of the State Duma. Judges are not considered as civil servants (while ordinary employees of the apparatus of the judiciary may well be in the civil service).

There are 4 main types of positions in the Russian civil service system: managers, assistants, specialists, and also supporting specialists. At the same time, they are also additionally classified into groups: higher, main, leading, sometimes senior and junior.

A distinctive feature of the civil service is the ability of a person holding a position in a particular authority to receive a class rank. It is assigned to a person upon successful passing of the qualifying exam or in accordance with the norms for assigning class ranks for some top positions (in particular, managers, in some cases - assistants).

Municipal Service Facts

Under municipal service in the Russian Federation, it is customary to understand the labor activity of citizens in local authorities - administrations and councils of cities, districts, settlements. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, municipal power is separated from the state. This is what largely determines the delimitation of the considered types of service. As in the case of the civil service, persons who have received their position by election cannot become municipal employees.

Positions within the municipal service are classified into senior, chief, leading, senior and junior. Their specific lists are fixed in legal acts adopted by the authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Municipal employees can also receive class ranks. As a rule, their assignment depends on the level of the position occupied by the person, as well as on the length of service of the employee of the local authority. In addition, the level of professional training and experience of the employee affects the prospects for obtaining a class rank within the framework of the municipal service.

The qualification exam in the municipal service is rather an optional condition for obtaining a class rank - in contrast to the civil service, where successful completion is considered as the main condition for acquiring the corresponding status. The need for this exam must be recorded in the local regulations of a specific authority.


The main difference between the municipal service and the state is that the first is the labor activity of persons carried out in local authorities, the second - at the level of regional and federal structures. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the municipal and state authorities in Russia are independent from each other. Therefore, municipal employees are not accountable to government agencies.

However, these services have a lot in common:

  1. the qualification requirements for potential civil servants and persons hiring for municipal service are generally the same;
  2. length of service in the civil service is taken into account in the municipal service - and vice versa;
  3. the principles of remuneration, as well as social guarantees in the civil service and municipal service in general, are very similar.

Both types of service have a classification of posts into similar categories. But as for the assignment of class ranks, this procedure in the civil service in most cases involves a qualification exam. In municipal service, it is optional.

Thus, the differences between the civil service and the municipal service are reduced mainly to the legal delineation of the levels of functioning of the authorities in which people who carry out the types of work in question work.

Having studied the difference between municipal and public service, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.


Municipal service Public service
What do they have in common?
In general, the same qualifications for employees
Similar job classification principles
Similar principles for calculating wages, providing social guarantees to employees
What is the difference between them?
It is a type of activity of citizens in municipal authorities, legally independent from state structuresIt is a type of activity of citizens in state authorities - at the federal, regional level, to which municipal structures are not accountable
Granting class ranks without a qualifying examination is the norm for municipal serviceSuccessful passing of the qualification exam is usually a prerequisite for the awarding of a class rank for a civil servant.

Municipal government, being a form of public authority, provides for the presence and activity in the system of various types of officials and officials who provide solutions to problems of local importance. In the current state of the household, socio-cultural and economic infrastructure of all settlements, it is impossible to ensure effective management of the economy without the involvement of professionals from the relevant authorities in the administrative apparatus. Next, let's take a closer look at what municipal government is.

General information

The Constitution, delimiting state and municipal government, formed the preconditions for the creation of relevant institutions. Local power is implemented through the activities of specially formed services. State and municipal government cover different areas. However, both of these institutions exist in the public interest. The concept and general criteria for the formation of local government, the legal aspects of the activities of employees are formulated in the Law No. 25 "On Municipal Service".

Basic concepts

Municipal government is a professional activity carried out on a permanent basis in a relevant position. It is not elective. According to the law, a position should be understood as an official position provided for in the charter of a municipality within the framework of regional regulations of the subject. It presupposes certain powers relating primarily to local issues. Municipal posts are provided for in the respective local government bodies formed in accordance with the charter of the MO. For each official position, its own terms of reference are established to ensure and fulfill the powers of this instance, as well as responsibility for their implementation.

Job classification

All of them are divided into elective and others. The former can be replaced on the basis of municipal elections, in accordance with the decision of a representative or other local authority. Election concerns, for example, deputies. Substitution of other municipal positions is carried out through the conclusion of an employment contract. The law provides for a general classification. According to it, positions can be:

  • Higher.
  • The main ones.
  • Leading.
  • Elders.
  • Younger.

Special registers are approved by regional laws. They provide a specific list of the names of municipal government positions in this subject. They are classified according to functional characteristics, groups, election commissions, authorities. When differentiating, historical and other features of the territory are taken into account.

Joining the service

For citizens wishing to get a particular position, certain requirements are established. Persons who have reached the age of 18, speak the state language of the Russian Federation and have the appropriate qualifications can enter the service. Requirements for professional training of citizens are established in Federal Law No. 25. Persons who do not have the restrictions specified in Art. 13 of this law. When accepting citizens for positions, as well as in the process of professional activity, it is subsequently not allowed to establish any direct or indirect advantages or limits depending on race, gender, origin, nationality, beliefs, place of residence, membership of social groups, official or marital status, and other circumstances not related to the professional and business qualities of the employees.

Legal status

A citizen is recognized as a municipal employee who, in accordance with the procedure established by the relevant acts within the framework of the Federal Law and the laws of the region, performs duties according to his position for pay. It is paid from the local budget. Persons who provide technical support for the activities of local authorities, election commissions of the Moscow region, cannot fill these positions and are not employees of the relevant institutions. The law establishes a special legal status for persons exercising municipal administration.


Local government regulations establish the duties and rights of employees, as well as guarantees for their activities and restrictions related to the performance of work. In the process of holding elections and referendums, officials cannot use their status and involve subordinates or those in other working dependence to carry out activities during the performance of their duties that would facilitate the election or nomination: collection of signatures, campaigning during business trips. Municipal employees are not provided with a preemptive right of access to the media; they cannot use the organizational, technical and material means that ensure the execution of their powers when conducting election campaigns and collecting signatures. Officials registered as candidates are exempt from professional activities for the period of their participation in the election campaign.

Municipal government: bodies

Local authority is implemented in the MO. It is a rural, urban settlement, their parts, several points that are united by a common territory, or another locality with residents in which municipal administration is carried out. Local authorities are elected and other formations that are empowered to solve problems of local importance. Municipal authorities are not part of the system of state institutions. The list of local authorities in each specific MO is determined by its charter.

Representative municipal bodies may form extra-budgetary trust funds on the conditions and in the manner established by the legislation. Local authorities, in accordance with the norms of the law of the Russian Federation, can issue lotteries and loans, issue loans, form banks and other financial institutions. The head of the MO acts as a coordinating element of the structure of municipal government. Its tasks include, among other things, ensuring the coordinated activities of the lower levels of the system. Structural units are governing elements. They form the lowest level of administration and carry out direct interaction with the executive local authorities. The latter are unitary enterprises. They perform certain functions: produce any product or provide services. The complex and purposeful activity of the executive elements of the Ministry of Defense is the basis of its functioning.

Role in the socio-economic system

The local government exercises municipal property management. It includes budgetary funds, reserves of off-budget funds, natural resources, and land. It also includes municipal organizations and enterprises, their property, cultural institutions, health care, sports, etc. The local budget includes taxes, fines, fees, as well as deductions from federal, regional and other payments in accordance with the regulations of the Russian Federation. In the cases provided for in the legislation, the municipal property management is carried out directly by the population itself.


At the municipal level, it includes housing and communal services, consumer services, the construction industry, catering, trade, and so on. Homogeneous industries form the corresponding industries. The functions of enterprise management, depending on the content, are divided into cross-sectoral and sectoral. The former include the organization of labor and its payment, long-term forecasting and planning, material and technical support, accounting, and so on. Functions of an intersectoral nature in their content practically do not depend on the specifics of enterprises. Municipal property management is carried out by the respective committees. They are in charge of shares (stocks, shares) of mixed economic companies, as well as joint-stock companies formed in the course of privatization. Municipal management of property presented in the form of investments from budgetary funds, as well as attracted from individuals and legal entities, is carried out by the head of the MO.

Cultural sphere

This area of ​​activity includes solving problems of health care, education, culture, social protection and other industries. Culture is an area of ​​spiritual life. Its system in the MO is made up of such institutions as theaters, museums, libraries, cinemas, clubs. Municipal education administration is a relatively independent, territorially separate part. It interacts with other industries. The municipal administration of the city provides for the activities of health care and social protection institutions.

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A service is of an economic nature, defined as types of activities or works in the process of implementation of which a new product is not created, but the quality of the existing one changes. (The benefit is not in the form of things, but in the form of activity). .KRF-8st and 74st Tax Code of the Russian Federation-Service is an activity, the results of which do not have material expression, but are sold and consumed in the process of carrying out this activity. Budget Code of the Russian Federation - State (mun) service is a service provided in accordance with the state (mun) assignment by state authorities. authorities or local authorities, budgetary institutions and other legal entities. Presidential Decree 314 - public service - provision of fed. OIV directly or through subdivisions or luga bodies, free of charge or at the sale of prices, are pleased with citizens and health care organizations, social services. Protection of the population, education. ФЗ №79- official regulations of the state. civil service includes a list of state. services provided to citizens and organizations in accordance with the administrative regulations of the state body. Federal Law No. 210 - state service - activities to revise the functions of entities, state non-budgetary fund, IOGV sub. LSG bodies, which are carried out at the request of applicants within the limits established by legal acts. 2 concepts for the analysis of public services:

1) The theory of public goods Considers public services as a form of public goods, provided to citizens and organizations. Public goods - public services, high social significance, public interest in their provision by non-commercial. And non-exclusion.

2) Normative approach - i.e. state mun services - this is the interaction between the applicant and the executor of the State service - activities to fulfill the request or demand of citizens or organizations for the recognition, establishment, change and termination of their rights, as well as obtaining material and financial means of their implementation, as well as the establishment of legal facts or providing information on issues within the competence of the IOGV and included in the register of state. services. Classification of services: Extra-budgetary and voluntary services (passport, change of driver's license) By function value:

  • material-socio-cultural
  • By structure: -elementary -composite
  • Accessibility is the ability of citizens to receive services without hindrance.
  1. Physical accessibility (ramps for disabled people)
  2. Temporary (convenience of the operating mode)
  3. Territorial (transport, pedestrian accessibility)
  4. Informational (sufficiency and convenience of information about the service)
  5. Financial (the amount of financial costs associated with the receipt of services)

Classification: - fully automated -automatically partly (part by hand, part in electronic) - non-automated (by hand)

The process of transferring state. services in electronic form includes a number of stages:

  1. Placing information about the service in the consolidated register of state and municipal services Free register consists of 4 sections: - Fed. Register of state services - register of state. subjects - register of mun. Services - reference information section
  2. Placement on a single portal of application forms and other documents necessary to provide services and fill them out in electronic form
  3. Enabling applicants to submit documents electronically through the portal.
  4. Providing opportunities for applicants to monitor the progress of services provided
  5. Ensuring the possibility of obtaining the result of the service through the portal.

Translation problems:

1. Signature (Federal Law No. 63 on e-Signatures)

2. The need to provide a significant number of documents for obtaining services (UEC universal electronic form)

Service delivery registers:

1) Consolidated Register: Federal Regional Municipal Reference Information

2) Admin. regulations of state and municipal services FZ 210 Creation of an electronic map (npa - strategy for the development of the information society by 2015 and FZ 210)

Provision of services in electronic form using information telecommunication technologies, including using the portal, MFC and UEC, the introduction of an electronic signature (fz63) UEC (FZ210) is a tangible medium containing information about the user to receive services. Administrative regulations for the provision of services Before the reform, there were no uniform standards for the public sector. services. The terms for the provision of services, an exhaustive list of documents, restrictions on the grounds for refusal were not established. The logic of reforming the system for the provision of state. services required standardization. Standardization has eliminated multiple conflicting instructions and departmental orders, eliminated duplication of actions by government officials, and automates the relevant administrative processes. In this sense, standardization is a necessary step for the translation of state. services in electronic form. As a basic element of standardization, administrative regulations of the state. services were supposed to: - ensure the minimization of time and other resources of the recipient of the state. services; - provide for the possibility of making a request to a body providing a public service, in writing or using information and communication technologies; - to ensure the minimization of actions, the number of documents required from the recipient of the services; - fix the measurable parameters of the requirements for the quality and availability of state. services; - take into account the opinion and interests of state recipients. services. The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has carried out a complete inventory of the state regulations subject to regulation. services provided to citizens and entrepreneurs by federal IoT bodies. The results of this work are detailed information about the provision of each state. services - formed the basis of the information system of the register of state. services, information from which is available to citizens using the Internet portal of the state. services gosuslugi.ru. Currently, the administrative regulations are the main document containing all the necessary information provided for by legislation, necessary for both citizens and officials:

  • terms of service provision,
  • list of documents,
  • grounds for refusal,
  • administrative procedures,
  • responsibility and procedure for appealing against actions (inaction) of officials,
  • Contact Information,
  • comfort standard and more.

Administrative regulations of state (municipal) functions and services made it possible to systematize the powers of state bodies. authorities, to fill the regulatory legal gaps in the legislation of the Russian Federation, to streamline the admin. procedures. The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has organized regular independent monitoring of the quality of the provision of state. and mun. services. First of all, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia checks the compliance with the standards for the provision of state documents enshrined in administrative regulations. services.