Sports corner for children in the apartment: configuration options, DIY installation instructions. Sports corner in the children's room Sports corner in a private house

To realize a child's dream of your own corner for games and sports, it is not enough to place a wall bars in the room. To do this, you need to create a sports corner for children that meets first of all safety requirements, so that the structure is as safe and durable as possible. And, of course, to make it convenient for the child to play physical exercises, this is the same toy, only big and strong.

Sports corner for children: basic requirements for the design and equipment of the set

An understanding of why, and most importantly, for whom it is planned to be built, will help to choose the best option for sports equipment and elements for completing the construction of a sports corner for children. The child's age, physical data, height and weight allow you to design a structure and develop a set of exercises for training in the future.

Indoor sports corners can be classified as follows:

  • play equipment for a child from 1 to 3 years old;
  • construction for children 3-7 years old for initial physical development with play elements;
  • a classic gymnastic corner for children aged 8 to 14;
  • a corner for keeping fit and doing sports with sports and rehabilitation equipment.

It is quite possible to create a similar structure yourself in a small area of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bthe children's room, especially when you consider that with self-assembly, the cost will be 2-3 times less than the finished corner from the store.

The second important point in the decision to build everything with your own hands is the ability to control the child during his classes, gradually giving him the opportunity to study independently.

When starting the construction, you need to clearly understand and see all the nuances of the location of the shells, their configuration and availability for the child. Having assembled an entry-level structure, over time, you can remake the sports corner in accordance with the age and height of the child.

In the summer, when hot days come, most city dwellers tend to spend their weekends at the dacha. After all, here you can comfortably sit in a hammock, hide under the crowns of trees or in a gazebo and have a great rest. Adults will definitely find something to do at their summer cottage. But the kids need to create special conditions. In order for the baby to fully rest, it is recommended to build a platform for him. Children's sports complexes for summer cottages allow you to have fun in your free time. In this case, the child develops physically.

Planning phase

Children's sports complexes for the street and summer cottages can be very diverse. They can be easily purchased at the store. But the greatest pleasure will be delivered by a self-assembled structure. Initially, you should consider the functionality of such a site.

For older children, children's sports complexes for summer cottages are preferable, containing:

  • small football field;
  • power trainers;

If the child is still small, he will be delighted with the complex, which will be equipped with:

  • sandbox;
  • slide;
  • swing;
  • small strength training equipment;
  • a small house (hut).

All these elements are easy to create with your own hands. But initially it is necessary to carefully plan the drawings of all fixtures.

Territory selection

This is another important point that needs to be given the utmost attention. Of course, outdoor children's sports complexes for summer cottages can be located in any area of \u200b\u200bthe garden. However, on such a site, the child should feel comfortable.

  1. The sports complex should be in the shade. But you should not choose the north side for him. Otherwise, rays of light will not enter the territory at all. The best option is considered to be such a direction as southwest. A canopy can be used to create shade. It is a good idea to place the area under a spreading tree. However, in this case, to avoid injury, it is necessary to cut off the interfering branches.
  2. It is recommended to choose a place for the site near the house. In this case, you can easily observe the playing children from the mansion.
  3. You should not have flower beds or a vegetable garden near the site. By following this rule, you will protect your child from injury, and plants and flowers from damage.
  4. Be sure to consider the direction of the wind. Outdoor children's sports complexes for summer cottages are not placed in drafts.
  5. Consider the size of the site carefully. Some swings, exercise equipment must be at a certain distance for safety reasons. This will help prevent injury in the future.

Sandbox equipment

If the children are young, do not forget about an important element for play. When planning to competently equip a children's sports complex for a summer residence with your own hands, be sure to take a place under the sandbox.

It's easy to build it:

  1. Dig a hole 40 centimeters deep.
  2. Create a drainage system. It is recommended to use a layer of pebbles. You can use fine gravel or rubble.
  3. Determine the area for the sandbox. Drive 4 blocks in the corners.
  4. Nail 4 sanded boards to them.
  5. Place 2 or 4 more horizontally on the resulting vertical edges. They should be smooth boards. After all, they will become seats.
  6. It remains to fill the sandbox with sand.

To protect it from debris and uninvited "guests" (cats, dogs), it is recommended to think over a cover. In this case, the sandbox will always be clean. And you won't have the hassle of cleaning.

How to make a slide?

It is difficult to imagine a children's sports complex for a summer residence without this element. The photos posted in the article allow you to get acquainted with the original and successful options for arranging sites.

So, building a slide for children is not difficult. The ladder and frame can be made by hand. A stingray is best purchased at a store. Choose from straight, helical or tube-like. Do not forget that it is the stingray that will protect the baby from injury.

Consider how to make a slide:

  1. For the frame, use a beam with a section of 10x10 cm.
  2. Be sure to smooth the surface.
  3. Use hardwood boards (2.5x10 cm) to connect the timber from below and above.
  4. To make a ladder, 2 bars should be attached to the frame at an angle (approximately 45 degrees).
  5. Steps are nailed to these boards. They are made from support bars.
  6. We pass to the mount of the slide. Install the guide bars at an angle.
  7. In parallel, we put and fix boards on them. It is on them that the ramp will be laid.
  8. All wooden components must be treated with a protective compound.

The structure should not contain sharp corners. If it is tall, it must be equipped with a handrail.

Vertical swing

Children's metal sports complexes for summer cottages benefit significantly. You can of course use wood as well. But it is better to prefer metal. After all, it is the most reliable and durable material that can withstand any stress. In addition, the child will never drive a splinter on such structures.

You can make a vertical swing as follows:

  1. Support pillars must be dug, approximately 60 centimeters, into 2 holes.
  2. The crossbar can be a wooden bar or a galvanized water pipe, the diameter of which is 5-8 cm. It should be firmly fixed on the supports.
  3. Ropes are tied to the crossbar. It is recommended to use synthetic ones.
  4. The seat is fixed between the ropes. Make a back for babies. An original option can be a seat made from an old car tire.
  5. Be sure to check that the swing has a streamlined shape. Smooth all the corners.

Exercise machine "Rings"

Take a closer look at your child. What machines do he enjoy the most? It is they who should organically fit into children's sports complexes for the street and summer cottages.

The Ring trainer is very popular among kids. They will need strong chains. It is desirable that the height of the rings can be adjusted.

"Rukokhody" for children

The guys really like this simulator. To create it, you can use shovel cuttings. The main thing is to choose the required diameter. Place them at a low height.

Wave-like structures will delight the children.

Exercise machine "Climbing"

You can perfectly diversify children's sports complexes for summer cottages using original ideas. Climbing the hill is usually equipped with a simple ladder. But it is very interesting to equip it in the form of a "climbing wall".

For this you need boards. Cut holes in them for the legs and arms, randomly located. It is desirable that such a "Climbing wall" be tilted.

Be sure to consider a knotted safety rope.

Simulator "Log"

This is another good idea for creating unique and delightful children's sports complexes for the dacha. Create the perfect balance trainer. It's very easy to make.

Take a regular log, peel it of the bark. After sanding, cover with a protective compound.

The log is installed on metal or wooden supports. It should not be lifted high above the ground.

"Rope" for guys

This is a favorite trainer for older children.

Tie the end of the rope into a large knot. In this case, the child will be comfortable to lean on.

You can knot knots throughout the entire rope (after 50-70 cm). This will provide additional support for your legs and arms.

It is not difficult to create an original design. The main thing is to correctly plan and select the most interesting simulators.

The second point in creating a developing environment for a child (and in our article) is sports complex. It takes more time and effort to manufacture than previously described, but it will also last much longer.

At the sports complex, you can start practicing even when the baby is not crawling yet, but, frankly, there is no need for him at such an early age. There are many alternatives to how you can work with your child before the SC appears in your home. But after 8 months, when the weight of the baby is weighty enough, a sports center for exercising is the very thing.

He appeared in our apartment at about this age. My husband and I "hatched" the idea for a long time, plus I spent a lot of time to make it "Domanovsky", but I managed to collect it from my husband in just three days, which, to tell the truth, surprised me a lot. By the way, you will find the instructions for assembling our sports complex itself, but you can deviate from some of its points and make the sports complex the way you see it. And with this, I hope this article will help you.

It does not matter whether you want to buy a ready-made sports complex or make it yourself, before starting to take action, the main thing is to determine your requirements and expectations. So, we will expand on the points that need to be foreseen and calculate taking into account the recommendations of Glenn Doman.

1. Dimensions.

Decide how much space you are willing to allocate in the apartment for this object, so that it does not interfere with your life and does not threaten anyone's safety.
The minimum size, the starting point from which it is worth starting the countdown, is 1m2 (1mx1m). There is no less sense, but if there is an opportunity, it is better to make it bigger.

Ours is about 1m wide and 1, 2m long.

2. Model.

Needless to say, there are a lot of configurations and options. But, as a rule, they can all be divided into Swedish walls and sports complexes-teremki. For a child under 3 years old, the first version of the wall will be of little use, although this wall can also be adapted to the needs and requirements of the baby. It is quite difficult to make one at home. Therefore, this article focuses on the teremkom complexes. They are quite versatile and will serve you for a long time - up to 4 years it will be quite enough.

3. Dimensions and distances.

The diameter of the steps and the distance between them depend on the age of your child. You can suggest the following:

We originally made crossbars with a diameter of 20mm to provide the necessary strength, because they are wooden.
We planned to make the distance between them 10 cm on one ladder, and 15 cm on the other, which is quite convenient, because it is not so difficult to remove the crossbars as the child grows.

4. Height.

When choosing the height of the future structure, we were also guided by the recommendations for the height of the handle, which we placed on the "roof".

We made a height of 1.2 m to get something in between for all ages. Of course, this height is hardly enough for a child of 4 years old, but we also found a way out of this situation. We made the handle removable, so it can be removed, tilted or raised.

5. The last one.

Functional content or what to place on the side walls. There are even more options. Below I will give in my opinion the most successful SK for inspiration.
What must be required: a staircase to the top and an empty space for attachments (swing, rings, trapezoid). The rest is at your discretion.





In my opinion, the most successful option is No. 2. It is small in area and it just has everything, everything, everything.
We made a prototype of sports complex # 3, and you will see the result below.

A couple more important points.

! The sports complex must be additionally fixed from the ends, otherwise it will stagger very much. Plywood plays the role of an additional fixer. But if the plywood will not be recommended to install the "staples" as shown.
! Materials for the sports complex can be bought already sanded or sanded by yourself. The difference in the price of consumables is almost two times. But we are lazy. We bought polished ones.
! If you very carefully grind all the boards and blocks included in the sports complex, then you don't have to bother with the coating. We have everything carefully processed so that for a year of use, not a single splinter. But if you decide to additionally cover with varnish or paint, then buy special ones for children's rooms (not a cheap pleasure).
! Make the width of the stairs slightly larger than the width of the track, and then in the future the track can be used as a slide. To make the surface slippery, fix a piece of linoleum there.

We made the slide separately. on its back, we made a kind of ladder. Therefore, if you do not have a track, do not worry, after the construction of the sports complex itself, it will seem like a task for a second grader to make a small slide). You can do it anatogically yourself.
! On the side surface of the bars, between which you decided to make an empty space, you can make recesses for the horizontal bar, the height of which can be adjusted in accordance with the child's height. (see Fig.)
The distance between the grooves in the book "hormonal development" by G. Doman is recommended to be 7.5 cm.

Setting up a sports space in most standard living spaces using commercial equipment presents a number of challenges. Firstly, not everyone is satisfied with the rather high price of kits for an apartment. Secondly, despite the variety of their linear parameters, it is not a fact that they will successfully fit into the overall interior in the segment that is reserved for these purposes.

The best option is to equip a home children's sports corner by making all its elements with your own hands. For those who choose just such a solution to the problem for their apartment, this article will be a good hint.

There can be no single instruction on the complete set and procedure for making a sports corner for a child. Therefore, the author believes that it is sufficient to give only general recommendations for its arrangement, and everything else is at the discretion of the parents, depending on the living conditions and their own capabilities, including in the “do-it-yourself” plan.

There are many different devices with which, even in an apartment, you can develop strength, dexterity, "swing" the press and so on. But if we are talking about a sports corner for children, then it hardly makes sense to install various exercise machines such as block machines, place a bench for the bench in the room, and the like. For a child, the simplest shells are enough. Such "equipment" as rocking horses and hanging swings in the apartment does not count - this is more a play area, not a sports one.

  • Crossbars (horizontal bars). One is at least.
  • Swedish wall. In the apartment it is advisable to install 2 - "P" or "G" type (corner).
  • Stairs. They are mounted horizontally, and the child can move along it in his arms. In addition to the horizontal bar, this sports equipment helps to develop agility and endurance.
  • Inclined boards. Younger children use them as a roller coaster when playing. An older child will be able to "swing" the press.
  • Rope.
  • Rings (gymnastic).
  • Basket (basketball).

Sports corner materials


It reduces the cost of equipping the corner, simplifies the manufacturing process and reduces the load on the floor of the apartment. Where is it advisable to use it? There are various options for sports mini-complexes, but from the point of view of injury safety and sanitation, it is undesirable to mount crossbars from wooden blanks.

Firstly, the strength is clearly insufficient, since the child's fingers simply cannot completely cover the thick "stick". Secondly, the wood will have to be processed with special / compounds, paints and varnishes. Will the baby wash his hands all the time? Therefore, it is advisable to make only racks, boards, benches from wood.


The material is universal, and almost any element of a children's sports complex in an apartment can be made from it. But taking into account the susceptibility of "iron" to corrosion (), either "stainless steel" or coated metal is more suitable. This primarily concerns the crossbars. If the racks can still be painted with the same acrylic paint, then the jumpers of the stairs or horizontal bar are not processed in this way. It is much easier to buy a chrome pipe.

Many electrolytic plating service providers offer ready-made samples. For example, a blank for "25" (with a wall thickness of 1 mm and a length of 3 m) will cost about 145 rubles. How much will it take for a children's corner in an apartment, if you cut it into pieces? On the strength of 3 - 4 pieces. Not that much money.

Basic sizes of elements

  • Rope - 11.
  • Treads of stairs: length - 350, distance between them - 20.

What to consider

It is better to make a sports corner in an apartment stationary. Its portable version is suitable only for kids, and in a year and a half it will no longer be needed.

When deciding on a complete set, dimensions, design features of the corner, you need to count on the future. Children grow up, and some of the shells will eventually have to be removed and replaced with others that are more suitable in age. It is necessary to provide how to fasten all the elements together so that in the future the dismantling / installation process does not turn into great difficulties.

On the floor, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment where the children's corner is located, there must be a soft covering. What to use - to lay a carpet, to specially buy a mat - is not important, but it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a child getting injured.

The fixation of the main, bearing part of the entire complex should be as reliable as possible. Vertical racks are attached to the walls and ceiling of the apartment, this is understandable. But what about their lower parts? First, in order not to damage the flooring and to avoid displacement of the support, you should think about "shoes". For example, from RTI. Secondly, the racks that are spaced from the walls of the apartment need additional fastening from below. And here dad also has something to think about.

If the support is fixed only at 1 point, then it is not a fact that over time, with constant dynamic loads, the floorboard will not start to "play". And if the corner is assembled so that there are several racks spaced from the walls? Alternatively, fix a metal strip on the floor, perpendicular to its boards, "fastening" it along its entire length. This will allow you to fix the racks on such an improvised platform, and not on the wood. Even under heavy loads, the flooring will withstand them, unlike a single floorboard, not to mention laminate or block parquet.

The author only outlined one of the problems that most often have to be faced with a stationary installation of a corner in an apartment, and how best to solve it, the master will have to think for himself, focusing on local conditions.

Do not forget about the interior of the entire home and a single room. When equipping a sports corner, it is useful to think about how to organically "fit" it. And here it is not only about the choice of paints and varnishes, but also about the engineering solution and design features.

The all-round development of a child at every stage of his life is the main task for each of the parents. And physical education in this case is not in the last place. Sports sections and dance lessons are becoming an integral part of the life of almost every kid. But what should those parents do who do not have enough free time and the necessary "arsenal" of grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and nannies. There is an exit. You can equip a small sports section directly in the apartment!

Home gym: pros and cons

Uncomplicated design in a minimal area will greatly help in the development of the child

By offering your child his own sports corner in the apartment, you provide him with the opportunity to actively move, regardless of the weather conditions outside the window. Rest assured: it is worth giving the fidget room to move, something, and his imagination will be enough for funny and useful games. Think for yourself, you occupy only 2-3 sq.m. baby's room, and the benefits of it for the rest of your life.

Significant factors in favor of creating a sports corner in the house are:

  • The possibility of active movement of the child at any time convenient for him (in the intervals between preparing lessons, in the morning instead of charging).
  • A great option for a fun pastime and work on fitness with friends or relatives.
  • Excellent preparation of the body for future loads at school in physical education (for a preschooler) or additional activities for a student.
  • Confident coordination of movements and a well-developed vestibular apparatus and cardiovascular system.

Perhaps the only argument against installing such a house structure is the possible injury due to a fall. But this problem is solved by equipping the site with a high-quality mat. Plus dad's support during classes with a very young athlete.

Note that today you can buy a children's playground for the home ready-made and in any configuration. But if you have the material at hand and the desire to tinker with the instrument, then it's time to save family money and please the child with a homemade Swedish wall.

Construction requirements

In almost all models, the main elements are the same

Equipping a gym with your own hands at home is not difficult at all. The main thing is to choose the right place in the child's room for its location. Please note that you will need at least 2 square meters for the structure itself and at least 1 square meters around the sports ground. This is necessary for the child's free movement.

The main items included in the sports corner set are:

  • Swedish wall;
  • Small horizontal bar / bars;
  • Gymnastic rings;
  • Rope ladder or swing (optional);
  • Soft sports flooring.

It is this set of sports equipment that will allow your little one to fully realize the potential of his physical activity at any time convenient for him.

Swedish wall

One of the main elements of a home gym

To make a wall bars (or simply a sports ladder) you will need:

  • Sidewall bars made of wood. The height of the material can be arbitrary (depending on the height of the ceilings in the children's room), but, as a rule, the height of the finished staircase is 2.5 m.In our case, the finished structure will be installed on spacers, and therefore accurately measure the distance between the floor and the ceiling minus 10 cm. This figure will be optimal for your stairs. The width of the beams should be from 10 to 15 cm, and their thickness should be 2 cm or more.

When choosing wooden blocks, do not save money - buy the highest quality wood

  • Wooden round slats (diameter - 2.5 cm; length - 40 cm; the number is calculated based on the height of the sidewalls divided by 30. In this case, the number 30 is the length of the step of the steps of the stairs).
  • Sandpaper.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Drill driver for drilling holes in the sidewalls.
  • Construction or simple pencil.
  • Self-tapping screws (optional for fixing the steps of the stairs in the sidewalls).
  • Roulette.
  • Varnish for wood surface treatment.

Stages of making stairs

  1. After the wooden blanks have been carefully processed, using a tape measure and a pencil, mark the places on the sidewalls for drilling holes for the crossbars.
  2. With a drill-screwdriver, using a special nozzle, we form the joints of the crossbars with the sidewalls.

    Drilling holes for steps using a special nozzle

  3. We coat the finished round slats-steps well with wood glue and drive them into the resulting grooves.

    Fixing steps with glue

  4. Thus, we collect the entire structure and leave it to dry completely.
  5. If desired, you can additionally fix the steps in the stairs with self-tapping screws from the outside of the sidewalls.
  6. After two or three days, cover the entire staircase with a thin layer of varnish. This will add color and extra smoothness to the design.

    We coat the finished structure with varnish

Horizontal bar

While the finished staircase dries up, it's time to start preparing the horizontal bar. He will be part of the construction of the Swedish wall.

We will need:

  • Wooden boards measuring 60x25x5 cm (if desired, the parameters can be changed in a direction convenient for you) - 2 pcs. They will play the role of side bars for attaching the horizontal bar.
  • The crossbar itself, the length of which should be 60 cm, and the diameter 3-4 cm (for children's hands - the most convenient option). We calculate the length of the crossbar as follows: the width of the finished staircase \u003d 50 cm + 10 cm (which fall on the two side crossbars of the horizontal bar).
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Bolts, nuts and washers - 12 pcs.
  • Drill screwdriver.
  • Wrench for fixing bolts and nuts.

Stages of work on the manufacture of a horizontal bar

  1. We carefully grind the wooden sides of the horizontal bar. If desired, on the sawmill, you can give the details a rounded shape on one side.
  2. We apply markings on the inside of the sidewalls and use a drill to form holes for the horizontal bar.
  3. We coat the crossbar with carpentry glue on both sides and drive it securely into the formed grooves.
  4. Now you need to mark the sides of the stairs and the sides of the horizontal bar in such a way as to form symmetrical holes for fasteners. Try to place six bolts on each side and at the same time evenly distribute the load of the horizontal bar sides on the ladder structure by rational arrangement of hardware. Let's say there are three of them on each side of the staircase. In total - six bolts on each side of the ladder for reliable fixation of the horizontal bar walls.
  5. With a drill we make holes for the bolts and securely connect the ladder with the horizontal bar in the upper part of the wall bars.
  6. After the finished structure has dried, cover the horizontal bar with varnish and leave it aside for now.

Ideally, we should have something like this:

After finishing the work, the horizontal bar should look like this


To make the Swedish wall for a child as complete and functional as possible, it remains to equip it with rings and a rope ladder. Creating a sports complex for the baby step by step, while we move on to making rings.

For this we need:

  • Plywood sheet 75x75 cm - 2 pcs.
  • Construction compasses.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Press or bolts.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Milling machine.
  • Rafters.
  • Drill screwdriver.

Step by step manufacturing

  1. We line each plywood sheet into six equal squares and cut it with a jigsaw.

    Production of plywood blanks

  2. We glue each of the six squares together with wood glue, putting one on one like a sandwich. You should get two such plywood "sandwiches".

    Bonding plywood blanks

  3. We send both constructions under the press or reliably tighten them in the corners and in the center with bolts, leaving them for a couple of days until they dry completely.

    For maximum contraction of the workpieces when gluing, it is best to use bolts or self-tapping screws.

  4. As soon as the tree dries up, draw rings on the plywood, the inner diameter of which will be 18 cm, and along the outer edge - 20.5 cm.
  5. Cut out the rings with a jigsaw.

    Cut the rings with a jigsaw

  6. By the way, in the same place (if there is no milling machine), you can ask your friends to give the rings a circular cross-section along the entire perimeter of the workpiece.
  7. All that remains is to grind the rings and varnish them.
  8. Now in one of the sides of the horizontal bar we make holes with a drill at a distance of 40 cm from each other.
  9. We pass the rafters through them and hang the rings at the desired height. By the way, good rafters are best purchased at a sports store. After all, it is they who play an important role in training on the rings, taking on the entire load. If you can't afford it, then limit yourself to any rope that is convenient for you. It is inexpensive for you, and it is fun for the baby to be a monkey.

Video: how to make wooden gymnastic rings


The last step is a ladder made of rope and wooden beams. Such a projectile perfectly develops coordination, strengthens the spine and shoulder girdle. So you can't do without it.

You will need:

  • Round wooden slats. Mop handles are great.
  • Rope - at least 6 m (or depending on the height of your ladder).
  • Drill screwdriver.
  • Brass or duralumin rings (optional) for fixing at the ends of the rungs.

In fact, you only need wooden sticks and a strong rope to create a rope ladder.

Work stages

  1. We cut the sticks into pieces, the length of which will correspond to the future steps.

    We cut steps from wooden sticks

  2. So, we carefully grind each piece of wood and use a drill to form holes along the edges of the steps. The diameter of the holes should correspond to the diameter of the rope, but not exceed it.

    Painting steps

  3. Now we start stringing the steps. Divide the rope in half (these will be the sides of the rope ladder). We tie one piece of rope at one end with a knot and pass the other through the hole in the steps. We do the same with another piece of rope, passing it through the second hole of the same step. We have the first finished stair step.
  4. We measure 25-30 cm up from it and tie knots on both pieces of rope. We string the step again. We already have two steps of the staircase. In order for the distance between all steps to be the same, a fairly simple device can be made.

    Two bars stuffed onto a bar will help make all steps the same

  5. Thus, we put all the slats on the rope, fixing them from below with strong rope knots.
  6. We also fix the last step with a knot. At the end of the ladder, at least 30 cm of rope should remain for reliable installation of the rope projectile to the general structure of the wall bars.
  7. If desired, the edges of the steps can be trimmed with duralumin or brass rings.
  8. With a drill in the second side of the horizontal bar, we form two holes at a distance identical to the width of your ladder. And with the help of a rope, we securely attach the projectile to the general sports facility.

This is what the finished staircase should look like.

Installation and assembly of the finished Swedish wall

So, the whole structure is ready. It remains to install it on the spacers. To do this, we screw the spacers into the upper and lower parts of the sidewalls of the Swedish wall, install the structure in the desired place and already unscrew the spacers to the limit, ensuring absolute immobility of the structure.

It is important to remember that it is advisable to periodically check the spacers and, if necessary, tighten the nuts.

And for those who still want to install a ready-made corner by attaching to the wall, we inform you:

  • Installation of the structure to a brick wall is best done using dowels;
  • To a concrete wall - on anchors;
  • Plasterboard walls - spacers only.

And be sure to equip the children's sports corner with soft mats. You do not have to worry about possible injury to your baby and his friends.

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