Abilities - individual psychological characteristics that are a condition for successful implementation. The set of psychological characteristics of a woman’s personal qualities that affect her success in professional activities

Individuality is a combination of a person’s psychological characteristics that make up his identity, his difference from other people. It manifests itself in character traits, temperament, habits, interests, in the qualities of cognitive processes. A person’s personality is unique in its individuality. If personality traits are not represented in the system of interpersonal relationships, then they do not turn out to be essential for assessing the personality of an individual and do not receive conditions for development. As personal characteristics, only those individual qualities appear that are most “drawn into” the activity leading for a given social community.

Temperament - a characteristic of an individual from the side of its dynamic characteristics: intensity, speed, pace, rhythm of mental processes and conditions. Two components of temperament - activity and emotionality are present in most classifications and theories of temperament. Behavior activity characterizes the degree of energy, swiftness, speed, and, conversely, slowness, inertia, and emotionality - features of the flow of emotions, feelings, moods and their quality: sign (positive, negative) and modality (joy, grief, fear, sadness, anger, etc. . d.).

Character - a set of stable individual personality characteristics that develops and manifests itself in activity and communication, causing typical behaviors. Cognition of the character of an individual makes it possible to predict his behavior with a considerable degree of probability and thereby correct the expected actions and actions. The character is determined by the social being of the personality, the assimilation of social experience, which gives rise to typical character traits, determined by the typical circumstances of the life path of people in specific historical conditions. Among the many personality traits of the individual, some appear to be leading. Character is manifested in the human system to the surrounding reality: in relation to other people (sociability or isolation, truthfulness or deceit, tactfulness or rudeness, etc.); in relation to the case (responsibility or dishonesty, hard work or laziness, etc.); in relation to oneself (modesty or narcissism, self-criticism or self-confidence, pride or humiliation); in relation to property (generosity or greed, frugality or wastefulness, accuracy or sloppiness). For the formation of character, social education and the inclusion of individuals in collectives are crucial.

27. The problem of ability in psychology.Makings andabilities. General and special abilities.

The makings are the innate anatomical and physiological characteristics of the nervous system, brain, which form the natural basis for the development of abilities. The makings are nonspecific with respect to the specific content and specific forms of activity; they are ambiguous. Individual inclinations are somewhat selective, unequal in relation to different types of activity.

Abilities - individual psychological characteristics of a person, which are a condition for the successful implementation of a productive activity. They are closely related to the general orientation of the individual, with how stable are the person’s tendencies to this or that activity. A qualitative analysis of the ability is aimed at identifying such individual characteristics of a person that are necessary for the effective implementation of any particular type of activity. Quantitative measurements of ability characterize the measure of their severity. The most common form of assessing the severity of an ability is tests. The level and degree of development of the ability express the concepts of talent and genius.

Special abilities are the psychological abilities of an individual, which are the possibilities for him to successfully perform a certain type of activity (musically, stage, literary, etc.). The development of a special ability relies on appropriate inclinations, for example, musical ear and memory.

28. The methodology of psychology.Theories, method, technique.

Methodology psychology - a system of philosophical knowledge regarding the description and justification of scientific research methods used in psychology, from the point of view of the possibility of obtaining accurate and reliable knowledge of mental phenomena using these methods. Part of the methodology of psychology concerns key scientific concepts with which theoretical descriptions and explanations of psychic phenomena are built. Methodology as a science is called upon to consider the methods that underlie activity, to study the foundations of the choice of methods, and to solve the questions of the legitimacy of these methods.

The methodology is a system of levels: upper level - general methodology - a set of general principles, methods and standards; second level - general scientific principles (systems approach); third level - specific scientific principles ( private methodology); fourth level - specific methodology.

Psychological theories do not have logical rigor and certainty. The role of theory in psychology is significant. Three levels of theories are distinguished: general - all-encompassing; mid-level theories - a set of experimentally tested provisions and hypotheses (eg, frustration-aggression); empirical generalizations.

The method - in the broad sense - any concept governing the formulation and implementation of a task, any representation, an instrument of empirical, theoretical study of an object; in the narrow sense - the regulator of data collection, construction of output. The principle is also a method of posing a problem, interpreting, generalizing, transferring conclusions to other areas.

29. The basic principles of psychology: activity, development,determinism, systematic.

The basic principle of psychology is the principle determinismand. It involves the study of the causation of the psyche from various factors. An important step in the implementation of the principle of determinism was the creation of L.S. Vygotsky cultural and historical concept. The next stage is the idea that the outside world was opposed by an active person, actively perceiving objective reality and transforming it. Next, the problem of mental development, training and education was solved. Determinism acted as an application of physiological laws to the understanding of mental phenomena.

Principle activity based on the fact that the perception of social influences, the assimilation of culture is carried out by a person in the process of active interaction with the outside world, in the process of his activity.

Idea development entered psychology under the influence of the evolutionary theory of C. Darwin. Development has become a general principle of the methodology of psychology (Rubinstein). The laws of all phenomena are known only in development, in the process of movement and change. Development is the main way of a person's existence throughout its individual path.

In psychology, the principle systematic associated with the specifics of the subject of the psyche. A systematic approach in psychology was developed by gestalt psychologists, in the domestic - V.P. Kuzmin and B.F. Lomov. The psyche is presented as a system that does not split into components, expressing a complex structure in which individual properties and elements acquire new characteristics that they did not have before being included in the system. The principle of consistency is closely linked fromthe principle of determinism.

Characteristics of an individual depend on his ability to think, feel and motivate, and therefore are closely related to social conditions and specific circumstances.

Which are repeated in typical situations are character traits. People differ among themselves with courage or cowardice in moments of danger, isolation or sociability in relationships and the like. Scientists have developed many classifications that describe the psychological. The Patriotic School shares two directions of systematizing character properties.

1. Mental processes form personality traits

The volitional sphere is responsible for the level of perseverance, determination, independence, organization, discipline, self-control.

Emotional internal processes make a person impressionable, responsive, inert, indifferent, hot-tempered and sharp.

The level of intellectual development determines intelligence, curiosity, resourcefulness, thoughtfulness.

In the system of character orientation they share the category of properties in relation to oneself, to people, to the world around and to activities.

For example, a person refers to the world around him, according to his own convictions or absolute unprincipledness. The belief system is based on one’s own experience and upbringing.

The psychological characteristics of the character in relation to the activity are determined by vital goals. Character traits are shown in priority interests. The instability of inclinations is visible against the background of a broken integrity of the personality and lack of independence. On the contrary, people with constant attachments and interests are simultaneously characterized as purposeful and persistent.

The psychological characteristics of the character differ in two people with the same interests. After all, they can differently relate to themselves or to others. Therefore, one is cheerful, and the second is sad, one is modest, and the second is obsessive, selfish or altruist. Two individuals with the same orientation differently understand the ways to achieve the goal, choose different models of behavior, because they have different motivations. The need for success determines the psychological characteristics of actions aimed either at the desire to simply avoid failure, or in an active struggle for victory. Therefore, someone takes the initiative, and someone deviates from the slightest responsibility.

In relation to people, there is a lie or honesty, sociability, politeness, responsiveness.

Self-esteem is based on a healthy level of egoism, while low or high self-esteem can be observed.

Psychological features of perception

In humans, visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, olfactory, and with the help of which the process of perception, are developed to varying degrees.

The perception of space is to determine the remoteness of an object from an observer, from objects, its parameters and shape. Visual analyzers, hearing, skin and motor receptors work. Perception provides a person with a special organ called it located in the inner ear.

To perceive time, a person has to use analyzers of internal organic sensations, in addition to auditory, visual and motor sensations. Some individuals wake up at the right time without an alarm. They say about such people that in the process of life they developed a sense of time.

Not all types of perception have been completely studied yet, scientists are actively exploring this area of \u200b\u200bthe human psyche.

Throughout his life, each person manifests his individual characteristics, which are displayed not only in his behavior or the specifics of communication, but also determine the attitude to the activity, himself and other people. All these features, manifested in life, both in scientific everyday life and in everyday life, are called character.

Definition of the concept of “character”

In psychology, character is understood as a certain set of human traits that are pronounced and are relatively stable. Character traits always leave an imprint on human behavior, and also affect his actions.

In psychological dictionaries you can find a fairly large number of definitions of character, but they all boil down to the fact that character is a combination of the most persistent individual psychological characteristics of a person, which are always manifested in its activity and social behavior, as well as in the system of relations:

  • to the team;
  • to other people;
  • to work;
  • to the surrounding reality (to the world);
  • to myself.

The term " character» ( in per. with Greek. character - chasing or stamp) was introduced by the ancient Greek philosopher and natural scientist, student Plato and Aristotle's closest friend Theofrastom. And here it is worth paying special attention to the translation of the word - coinage or seal. Indeed, the character, as it were, appears in the form of a peculiar drawing on the personality of a person, thereby creating a unique seal that distinguishes its owner from other individuals. A similar pattern, as well as a coat of arms or an emblem on the personal seal of the medieval nobility, looms on a specific basis with the help of specific signs and letters. The basis for the engraving of an individual personality is temperament, and a unique pattern - bright and individual character traits .

Character traits as a tool for psychological assessment and understanding of a person

Under psychology, character traits are understood as individual, rather complex features that are most indicative for a person and allow with a high degree of probability to predict his manner of behavior in a particular situation. That is, knowing that a particular person has certain features, one can predict his subsequent actions and possible actions in a particular case. For example, if a person has a pronounced responsiveness, then there is a high probability that he will come to the rescue at a difficult moment in his life.

A trait is one of the most important and essential parts of a person, his stable quality and an established way of interacting with the surrounding reality. The personality crystallizes within the character line and reflects its integrity. A character trait of a person is a real way to solve many life situations (both activity and communicative) and therefore they must be considered from the point of view of the future. So, character traits are a prediction of actions and actions of the person, since they are persistent and make human behavior predictable and more obvious. Due to the fact that each person is unique, there is a huge variety of unique character traits.

Each person acquires special traits of his character throughout his life in society, and all individual signs (traits) cannot be considered characterological. Such will be only those that, regardless of the life situation and circumstances, will always manifest themselves in an identical way of behavior and the same attitude in the surrounding reality.

Thus, in order to assess the psychologists of the personality (to characterize it) as an individual, it is necessary to determine not the entire sum of the individual qualities of a person, but to highlight those traits and qualities of character that are distinctive from other people. Despite the fact that these traits are individual and different, they should constitute structural integrity.

Character traits of a person are priority in the study of his personality, as well as for understanding and predicting his action, actions and behavior. Indeed, we perceive and understand any kind of human activity as a manifestation of certain traits of his character. But, characterizing the personality as a social being, it becomes important not so much the manifestation of traits in the activity as what exactly this activity is aimed at (and also what the human will serves). In this case, one should pay attention to the substantive side of character, and more specifically, to those personality traits of the personality that make up the general structure as its mental structure. They are expressed in: integrity, inconsistency, unity-fragmentation, static-dynamism, breadth-narrowness, strength-weakness.

List of human character traits

Human character - this is not only a certain set of certain traits (or a random set of them), but a very complex mental formation, which is a certain system. This system consists of many of the most stable personality traits, as well as its properties, manifested in various systems of human relations (to work, to one’s business, to the world around, to things, to oneself and to other people). In these relations, the structural character, its content and individuality of identity finds its expression. The table below describes the main character traits (their groups), which find their manifestation in various systems of human relations.

Persistent traits (symptom complexes) of a character, manifested in personality relationships

In addition to the traits that appear in the system of relationships, psychologists identified features of a person’s character, which can be attributed to the cognitive and emotional-volitional sphere. So character traits are divided into:

  • cognitive (or intellectual) - curiosity, theory, criticality, resourcefulness, analyticity, thoughtfulness, practicality, flexibility, frivolity;
  • emotional (impressionability, passion, emotionality, cheerfulness, sentimentality, etc.);
  • strong-willed traits (perseverance, determination, independence, etc.);
  • moral traits (kindness, honesty, justice, humanity, cruelty, responsiveness, patriotism, etc.).
Some psychologists suggest highlighting motivational (or productive) and instrumental character traits. Under the motivational traits understand those that move a person, that is, they encourage him to certain actions and actions. (they can also be called traits-goals). Instrumental features give a person a peculiar style and personality. They relate to the manner and method of performing activities (they can also be called traits-ways).

The representative of the humanistic direction in psychologists Gordon Allport character traits combined into three main categories:

  • dominant (those that most determine all forms of human behavior, his actions and actions, such as selfishness or kindness);
  • ordinary (which are manifested equally in all spheres of life, for example, parity and humanity);
  • minor (they do not have the same influences as dominant or ordinary, for example, it can be diligence or love of music).

So, the main character traits are manifested in various areas of mental activity and the system of personality relations. All these relations are fixed in different modes of action and forms of human behavior that are most familiar to him. Between existing features, certain regular relationships are always established that allow you to create a structural character. She, in turn, helps to predict, according to the already known trait of a person’s character, others that are hidden from us, which makes it possible to predict his subsequent actions and actions.

Any structure, including character, has its own hierarchy. Thus, character traits also have a certain hierarchy, therefore, there are main (leading) and secondary traits that are subordinate to the leading. It is possible to predict the actions of a person and his behavior, relying not only on the main features, but also secondary ones (despite the fact that they are less significant and are not so pronounced).

Typical and individual in character

A person is always a character carrier, and his traits are manifested in activities, relationships, actions, behavior, ways of acting in the family, in the team, at work, among friends, etc. This manifestation always reflects the typical and the individual in character, because they exist in organic unity (thus, the typical is always the basis for an individual manifestation of character).

What is meant by a typical character? The character is called typical in the presence of a set of essential features that are common to a specific group of people. This set of traits reflects the general living conditions of a particular group. In addition, these features should be manifested (to a greater or lesser extent) in each representative of this group. The combination of distinctive typical features is a condition for the emergence of a certain.

Typical and individual in character is most clearly expressed in the relationship of a person to other people, because interpersonal contacts are always determined by certain social conditions of life, the corresponding level of cultural and historical development of society and from the formed spiritual world of the person himself. Attitude to other people is always evaluative and manifests itself in different ways (approval-condemnation, support-misunderstanding) depending on existing circumstances. This manifestation is expressed depending on the person’s assessment of the actions and behavior of others, or rather their positive and negative character traits.

Typical character traits of a person in terms of their intensity are manifested individually in each. For example, individual features can reveal themselves so strongly and vividly that they become unique in their own way. It is in this case that it is typical in character to pass into the individual.

Positive traits and their manifestation

Both typical and individual in character, finds its manifestation in the systems of relations of personality. This is due to the presence in the character of a person of certain traits (both positive and negative). So, for example, in relation to work or their business, such positive character traits as industriousness, discipline and organization are manifested.

As for interpersonal communication and attitudes towards other people, here are good character traits as follows: honesty, openness, justice, integrity, humanity, etc. All these features allow you to build constructive communication and quickly establish contacts with people around you.

It should be noted that there are a great many individual character traits. But among them it is necessary to single out, first of all, those that have the greatest influence on the formation of the spirituality of a person and him (it is in this context that the best feature of a person's character finds its manifestation - humanity). These traits are even more important in the process of upbringing and development of the younger generation, because the same traits are formed differently depending on situations, the presence of other traits of character and orientation of the personality itself.

Highlighting the good qualities of character, one should not forget about their possible curvature, or about the presence of obvious negative traits that a person needs to fight. Only in this case will a harmonious and holistic development of personality be observed.

Negative traits and their manifestation

In relation to the behavior, actions and activities of other people, a person always forms traits of a certain nature - positive and negative. This happens according to the principle of analogy (that is, identification occurs with what is acceptable) and opposition (by what is included in the list of unacceptable and incorrect). Attitude to oneself can be positive or negative, which primarily depends on the level of development and the ability to adequately evaluate oneself ( that is, from the formed level) The presence of the following positive features testifies to a high level of self-awareness: high demands on oneself, and self-esteem, as well as responsibility. And, on the contrary, such negative character traits as self-confidence, egoism, immodesty and others speak of the insufficient level of development of self-consciousness.

Negative character traits (in principle, as well as positive ones appear) in the four main systems of human relations. For example, in the system “attitude to work” among the negative traits are called irresponsibility, carelessness and formality. And among the negative traits manifested in interpersonal communication, it is worth highlighting isolation, stinginess, boastfulness and disrespect.

It should be noted that negative character traits that are manifested in the system of human relations with other people almost always contribute to the emergence of conflicts, misunderstanding and aggression, which subsequently leads to the emergence of destructive forms of communication. That is why, every person who wants to live in harmony with others and with himself, should think about educating in his character positive traits and getting rid of destructive, negative traits.




V. A. Gansen "System Descriptions in Psychology" (1984).

· Subject (communication, cognition, labor):

o volitional properties

o affect (emotional-sensual sphere),

o perception (perception based on experience),


o neurodynamics,

o age features

o gender (gender) differences,

o human constitution,

· Personality:

o focus

o character

o temperament

o abilities

· Personality:

o productivity

o history of development,

o individual experience

o individual characteristics (a set of qualities that distinguish one person from another).

A person, developing in the society of other people, gradually becomes personality (the subject of knowledge and active transformation of the surrounding material world, society and himself). Man from birth is “man” (we are talking about the genetic predetermination of natural prerequisites for the development of human traits and qualities).

Human features are associated with:

Brain structure

The ability of upright posture,

· Ability to master speech.

Baby is individual. This concept distinguishes it, for example, from a baby monkey (individual). Essentially, the individual is potentially a person in any form. Personality - refers to the social qualities that an individual acquires by living in human society. The system of social relations and forms a personality.

Personality in Psychology - systemic social quality acquired by an individual in subject activity and communication and characterizing the qualitative level of representation of social relations in the individual.

Personality is the quality of the individual.

Personality is the totality of all social relations. The essence of a specific person is the totality of specific social ties and relationships into which an individual is included as a subject. These connections and relationships initially exist outside of it (in society). Therefore, they are impersonal and objective.

Individuality - a combination of psychological characteristics of a person, making up its originality and difference from other people. Individuality is manifested in character traits, habits, interests, cognitive abilities, etc. Individuality is unique.

Temperament associated with dynamic manifestations of the psyche. They have an individual identity and are naturally conditioned. At the heart of temperament is the neurodynamic properties of the nervous system.

Differences in the dynamic characteristics of temperament are manifested in the general activity of the individual, in his motility, in his emotionality, that is, in vintensity and speed of the course of mental processes.

Modern ideas about the types of temperament are associated with the research of Pavlov and his doctrine of the types of the nervous system. According to Pavlov, temperament is based on various types of higher nervous activity. He highlighted 3 main properties of excitation processes and inhibition (these are 2 main processes of the nervous system):

· The strength of these processes,

· Their balance,

· Their mobility (rate of transition from one to another).

Correlation of the classification of temperaments of Hippocrates and Pavlov's theory:

1. Sanguine. The most common type (23%). Strong nervous system, balanced and mobile.

2. Phlegmatic person. Strong, balanced and inert type. Braking processes prevail.

3. Choleric. Strong, unbalanced type. Excitation processes predominate.

4. Melancholic. Weak type of nervous system.

The type of nervous system is an innate property. Over the course of life, it does not change much.


Individual psychological characteristics of a person ………………… 3

1. Temperament …………………………………………………………………… ... 3

2. The nature of ………………………………………………………………………… ..5

3. Abilities ……………………………………………………………………… 7

4. Feelings and emotions …………………………………………………………… 9

5. Will ……………………………………………………………………………… .10

References ……………………………………………………… 13

Individual psychological characteristics of personality.

The individual psychological characteristics are called the peculiar properties of the mental activity of the personality, which are expressed in temperament, character, abilities, feelings and emotions, as well as the manifestation of will. They are formed as a result of a systematic generalization of individual biological and socially acquired properties involved in the functioning of the human behavior system, as well as its activities and communication. They are associated with all mental processes: motivational-demanding, cognitive, emotional-volitional. It is believed that temperament and character designate dynamic and substantial aspects of behavior, emotional and volitional stability of a person is an integral part of a person’s character, and abilities are personality traits that are a condition for performing a particular productive activity.

1. Temperament

The history of the doctrine of temperament dates back to the 5th century. BC, when the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates put forward the idea that life and human health depend on four main body juices: blood, lymph, bile and black bile. Based on these ideas, the ancient Roman physician Galen (2nd century AD) formulated a humoral theory, according to which a different ratio of these fluids affects not only health, but also determines the mental state, human behavior. Galen proposed the first classification of types of temperament. Depending on the predominance of a particular fluid in the body, people, according to his theory, differ from each other in strength, speed, pace, rhythm of movements, expressiveness of expression of feelings. From here came the names of four types of temperament: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic.

Behavior depends not only on social conditions, but also on the characteristics of the natural organization of the individual. Temperament is precisely due to the biological organization of the individual, and therefore is detected quite early and clearly in children in the game, activities, communication.

Consider the characteristics of the four types of temperament.

Choleric. Representatives of this type are characterized by increased excitability, and as a result of this, unbalanced behavior. Choleric is quick-tempered, aggressive, straightforward in relationships, energetic in activity. Choleric is characterized by cyclical work. They passionately surrender to the business, get carried away with it. But then strengths were exhausted, faith in their abilities fell, a depressed mood came, and they did nothing. Such cyclicality is one of the consequences of the imbalance of their nervous activity.

Sanguine . A person with a strong, balanced, mobile nervous system. He has a fast reaction rate, his actions are deliberate. Sanguine cheerful, due to which he is characterized by high resistance to the difficulties of life. He is a productive figure, but only when there are many interesting things for him. Otherwise, he becomes lethargic, boring, distracted.

Phlegmatic person. He is solid, does not waste his energy: having calculated them, he brings the matter to an end. He is even in relations, moderately sociable, does not like to talk in vain. The disadvantages of phlegmatic are its inertness, inactivity. He needs time to swing, to focus, to switch it to another object, etc.

Melancholic. A person with a weak nervous system, who is hypersensitive even to mild irritants. He is often sad, depressed, insecure, anxious; he may have neurotic disorders.

Properties such as sensitivity, emotionality, impulsivity and anxiety depend on temperament.

In their pure form, these four types of temperament are extremely rare, since the various properties of the human nervous system in their various combinations determine a large number of intermediate types. Thus, when analyzing the individual psychological characteristics of a person, it is necessary to establish the degree of prevalence of certain characteristics of the traditionally distinguished four types of temperament.

2. Character

Character - this is a set of stable individual psychological properties, manifested in life, human behavior in the form of his relationship to people around him, to himself, to business, and various other circumstances of life. Character is formed, as a rule, gradually in the process of cognition and practical activity.

Character is manifested in activities, communication, in the manner of human behavior. It expresses the attitude of the subject to the phenomena of social labor, personal life in various situations in which the subject manifests himself as a whole as a person. These relationships form an individual style of behavior.

Character, unlike temperament, is caused not only by the properties of the nervous system, hereditary factors, but it is also formed under the conditions of the active influence of a person on the socio-cultural environment, depends on the upbringing, social, interpersonal relationships in which he is involved and in which he actively participates.

There are various approaches to the description, classification of properties, character traits. Conventionally, they can be grouped as follows.

Traits that reflect a person’s attitude to other people (to relatives, friends, acquaintances and strangers, to people of the opposite sex, to people who treat him well or are hostile).

Traits in which a person’s attitude to himself is manifested (to his social status, his appearance, his own health, etc.). They are closely intertwined with character traits that manifest themselves in relationships with people.

Traits expressing attitude to business, work, official, professional activity (hard work, conscientiousness, accuracy, laziness, irresponsibility, etc.). These character traits influence the authority, social prestige of a person. Among them, it is also necessary to single out character traits expressing attitudes toward discipline and the rule of law: diligence, punctuality.

Traits that reflect the attitude to things, material well-being (generosity, greed, greed, thrift and some others).

Most researchers single out two aspects in the structure of their established character: content and form. They are inseparable from each other and constitute organic unity. The content of character is the life orientation of the personality, i.e. her material and spiritual needs, interests, ideals and social attitudes. The content of the character manifests itself in the form of certain individual-unique relations that speak of the selective activity of a person. In different forms of character, various ways of manifesting relationships, temperament, and entrenched emotional-volitional behavioral expressions are expressed.

3. Abilities

In the most general form of ability, these are individual psychological characteristics of a person that ensure success in activity, in communication, and ease of mastery of them. Abilities cannot be reduced to the knowledge, skills and abilities that a person possesses, but abilities provide their quick acquisition, fixation and effective practical application. Success in activity and communication is determined not by one, but by a system of various abilities, while they can be mutually compensated. There are a number of ability classifications. Let's play one of them, the most significant:

1) natural (or natural abilities basically biologically determined, associated with congenital inclinations, formed on their basis, in the presence of elementary life experience through learning mechanisms such as conditioned reflex connections);

2) specific human abilities that have a socio-historical origin and ensure life and development in the social environment (general and special higher intellectual abilities, which are based on the use of speech, logic, theoretical and practical, educational and creative). Specific human abilities, in turn, are divided into:

a) general, which determines the success of a person in a wide variety of activities and communication (mental abilities, accuracy and subtlety of hand movements, etc.), and special, determining the success of a person in certain types of activity and communication, where a special kind of makings is necessary and their development (mathematical, technical, artistic, creative, sports, etc.).

b) theoretical ones that determine a person’s tendency to abstract logical thinking, and practical ones that underlie a tendency to concrete practical actions. The combination of these abilities is characteristic only of versatile gifted people;