Ways to find out the amount payable for the Internet and home phone Rostelecom. How to find out the balance, payment date and details

This is relevant if the Network is disabled for non-payment.

  • In your personal account, you can not only find out the current debt, but also the history of operations - debiting and accruing funds.
  • Possibility of online payment. There are several ways to replenish the balance: using a bank card, money transfer, WebMoney or Yandex Money payment systems.
  • Advisory services. To do this, you can use the feedback form or online chat with the operator.

The function of receiving SMS alerts is also available. Their setting is carried out according to certain parameters - time, balance amounts, etc. The user can set the criteria himself. However, if for some reason the Internet was disconnected, you will have to use other options for controlling MGTS debt. You should also be guided by the recommendations of the organization for the protection of personal information.

How to check the debt for the phone mgts

Everything is written in it: both the current financial condition of the account and past payments.

You can view the history of telephone conversations both local and long-distance. Managing your personal account MGTST The amount payable is indicated before the 20th. Single contact center MGTS: 8 495 636-0-636 through the eyes of the entire history of payments, it is easiest to understand at what point the “debt” arose and through whose fault.

It is likely that the bank delayed the payment, and the money came to MGTS after the 20th, so the penalties “turned on”2.
Pay from home with your bank card for the service for the phone directly on the MGTS website in the "Communication" section https://pay.mts.ru/webportal/payments/248 without commission.

You also ask about the radio. All normal people turned off these wired telephones a long time ago.

Find out MGTS debt for a phone by phone number

You can clarify this by calling the hotline or using an ATM card on the Sberbank website.

Ways to pay off debt MGTS has developed several ways to pay off debt for its services.

The choice depends on access to the Network, the remoteness of payment terminals and the conditions for using the Client-Bank system.
Current methods of repayment of MGTS debt:

How to find out the debt by phone MGTS

And actually why are they if it is cheaper to call from a mobile? Of course there is Yes, but I haven't used it for a long time) Do you want to call?) MGTS launched the Personal Account Balance service, which allows subscribers to receive real-time information about their account status by phone.

This was reported by the press service of the company. To check your account balance...

There are two radiotelephone lines. There is. But no mobile. There is. We hardly use it. Oh sure. One of the phone numbers on the personal account.
six or seven digits.

This request form allows you to check the status of the account for subscribers of telephone numbers built using a copper network.

Yes, call if something happens ... Yes. Internet through a telephone line.
Neither me nor my daughter. The daughter does not want, she thinks that she is not needed. Naturally - because through it the Internet ..

Check payment for landline phone MGTS

Tools of justice Housing Utilities How to correctly recognize the debt As improvised means you will need a phone, passport dataFor example, in the MGTS service you can register at any time convenient for you ... Only through cards. something like “call cheaper” 100% 8952 times repeat “HARI KRISHNA HARI RAMA” Well, if it didn’t work out, then it’s not destiny. Krishna does not favor you, alas. Intercity phone card With the Intercity phone card, intercity bills and queues at the cash desks are a thing of the past. 8.* A single support service number throughout Russia - 8-800-700-5060.* View call details on our website. Purchase a card with a face value of 100, 200, 300 or 500 rubles.

How to find out the debt for a home phone via the Internet: Rostelecom and MGTS

As there was a communication center with a boorish attitude towards subscribers, everything remained so. For the Internet, cable providers - by the way, for 150-200 rubles, they have ip phones with unlimited citywide and city number.

Well, in general, there is a mobile connection. Write a complaint to MGTS To find out how to get on the map to the MGTS organization from anywhere in Moscow, call up the map by clicking on the desired address and enter the address of the beginning of the route in the location map field, for example, directions to Search for enterprises in Moscow and the region by phone numbers and names.

Write a claim to MGTS. Rostelecom landline phone They will turn off and that's all ... The composition of the register for the phone is the debt to find out the MGTS phone as always.

If the claims against the debtor in general amount to at least 500 times the minimum amount of labor indebtedness.

They will accrue a subscriber and threaten all the time - we will terminate it unilaterally ..

How to find out the debt for the phone by number or personal account in order to avoid disconnection from the MTS or MGTS network.

In the life of any person there was such a situation when the telephone connection was disconnected, and it was necessary to pay off the debt in order to restore it.
Different telecom operators have their own ways to inform the user about the debt.

Debt Rostelecom

The Rostelecom operator disables access if the subscriber's arrears are very large. This company used to send invoices to its users. Now you need to look for information about the account yourself.

There are five main ways to check non-payment by Rostelecom:

  • by phone;
  • through the site;
  • through the Rostelecom service center;
  • at the post office;
  • through the Sberbank terminal.

To get information by phone, you need to call the technical service at multi-channel numbers: 8-800-100-0800 and 8-800-181-1830. The operator will ask the subscriber to name a personal account, address, and then provide information. Calling the service is free.

It is very convenient to find out on the Rostelecom website - lk.rt.ru. To do this, you need to go to your account, having previously registered. This is available to users even with a negative balance. If you agree to receive a subscription to the company's news, the subscriber will receive information about the status of the account.

The user can find out the amount of his non-payment by going to the Rostelecom service center, if issued to him. To do this, you need a passport and the numbers of the subscriber's personal account.

You can find out the amount for a stationary device at the post office. Having named the operator details and phone number, you can pay. Documents are not required.

The last way to find out about the amount in your account is using the Sberbank terminal. The subscriber needs to go to the "payments" section and write his account number. The amount will be displayed on the ATM screen.

We determine the arrears on MGTS

You can find out the debt of the Moscow City Telephone Network as follows:

  • on the MGTS website;
  • through the MGTS technical support group on the Internet;
  • by telephone hotline;
  • through the Sberbank terminal.

You can call the MGTS phone number by looking at your balance on the official website lk.mgts.ru. You need to go to your office and see all the necessary information. Registration on the site occurs automatically when a new user connects.

"In contact" there is a MGTS technical support group - https://vk.com/topic-44345402_30204552, where you can find out the amount of your debt. You must join the group and write to the moderator, wait for a response.

You can find out what arrears need to be paid off by calling the local phone - 8 495 636-0-636. You should tell the operator the subscriber account, address of residence and phone number. The call is free.

You can find out about your debt through the Sberbank terminal. It is required to enter the number of the subscriber's personal account in the "payments" tab. The ATM screen will display the amount of the debt, which can be paid immediately.

We pay for home Beltelecom

It is possible to find out the amount of debt from the national operator of the Republic of Belarus in several ways:

  • by the number of the service dealing with the payment of communication services;
  • through the site.

By dialing 164, you can not only find out the amount of debt, but also the amount of the subscription fee, charges for providing local, international and long-distance communications.

On the company's website beltelecom.by, by filling out a special form, it is also quite simple to get information about your debt. To do this, you need to enter information about the subscriber: last name and number.

A Beltelecom subscriber needs to quickly pay off the debt, because a penalty is charged for non-payment.


Find out your debt on MTS

There are several ways to find out the debt for the MTS home phone by the front one:

  • by phone;
  • on the MTS website in the subscriber's office;
  • at the MTS service center.

MTS operators on the hotline 8 800 250 0890 will answer all the subscriber's questions about the debt. To do this, you need to dictate your personal account number to the operator.

You can find out the amount of debt for a home phone on the official website of MTS spb.mts.ru. To do this, go to the "home Internet and TV" tab, and enter your username and password. Once in your personal account, you should look at the balance.

If the 2 listed methods are not suitable for the subscriber, then he can find out the debt at the MTS user service center in person by presenting his passport.

How to determine the payment to Ukrtelecom

It is possible to find out the debt to the Ukrainian telecom operator Ukrtelecom as follows:

  • through the site;
  • in the help desk;
  • in the post office;
  • through the Privatbank terminal.

By dialing the multi-channel telephone number 0-800-506-800, the user will receive complete information about his debt. The operator needs to tell the number of the subscriber's agreement.

On the company's website www.ukrtelecom.ua there is an opportunity to find out about the amount of debt in your personal account, but there may be delays in updating by about 7 days.

Usually telephone and Internet connection disappears at the wrong time, and not so often the reason for this is a malfunction on the line. There are frequent cases when the subscriber himself simply forgets to pay for these services on time and when an impressive debt is formed, they are turned off. To prevent this from happening, it is important to keep all payments under control and not be late with payment. If this nevertheless happened, it is equally important to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to find out the debt by telephone from Rostelecom. This will be discussed a little below.

Here are the main ways to do it:

  1. Visit to Rostelecom office.
  2. Sberbank ATM.
  3. Visit to the nearest post office.


A quick and easy way to find out how much you owe. To call there, use your mobile phone and one of two free numbers: 8-800-100-0800 or 8-800-181-1830. After connecting, you will find yourself in the voice menu, where you will be asked to select the information of interest and press the number corresponding to it. Usually this is a deuce - information about the state of personal accounts is attached to it. Click it, and the operator will call you back shortly.

To save time in a conversation with the operator, prepare in advance the information that he may need - your personal account number, address and phone number.

Personal Area

A great way for those who normally navigate the Internet and want to control all their accounts and connected services without leaving home.

If you are already registered in your Rostelecom personal account, then to check your account balance, you just need to log in there, select the connected service (home phone or Internet), and all the information will be displayed in the window that opens, including the account status.

If there is a debt, the amount will be displayed with a minus sign. In the same place, below, the “pay” function is provided, which will allow you to immediately eliminate the debt.

A huge plus of a personal account is that you can go there even with a negative balance.


In order not to look for information about the balance every time, you can subscribe to the newsletter from Rostelecom. Once a month, you will receive emails with payment notifications, details and account information. The service is absolutely free.

Visit to Rostelecom office

Also as an option, especially for those who do not have a personal account or who live near the service center. A competent employee will gladly and clearly provide you with all the necessary information about the state of the account and help you pay off the debt.

It is the one for whom the contract for the provision of communication services (Internet or home phone) has been issued that must go to the Rostelecom office. If you are going to visit it, do not forget your identity document.

Sberbank ATM

A fairly simple way to find out the debt by phone by Rostelecom and immediately pay it off. To find out about the debt, go to the ATM menu in the "payments" section and enter the account number or home phone number. After that, the information you are interested in will be displayed on the screen.

Postal office

This method is only suitable for finding out the debt on the home phone. It will not work to find out or pay the debt for Internet services.

Visit the nearest post office, taking with you the phone number, account or agreement, and call it to the operator. He will check it in the system and report on the status of the account. There you can also pay the resulting debt.

These were the most convenient and simple ways find out the debt on phone Rostelecom from which you can choose the most suitable for you.

It is very pleasant to use high-quality services from Rostelecom. We are used to getting a stable high-speed connection to the network or making a call from a home device at any time. But suddenly the services stop working. What's the matter? And the reason is most often in the resulting minus on the account. How to find out the debt of Rostelecom and whether it is possible to do this without contacting the company for Internet or landline phone users, we will find out in the article.

Debt check for Internet users Rostelecom

We go to the website www.rt.ru in the personal account of Rostelecom to find out the debt on the personal account in this service:

You can access the service page from any device that has access to the network, including a cell phone. In the upper right corner there is a tab Personal account. When clicked, a window appears where you should enter your username and password. If you have not used this service before, registration is carried out here and takes less than a minute. The identifier will be a mobile number or e-mail.

Directly in your personal account, you need to add the desired service and in the displayed field we see the debt for the Internet.

We find out the debt on the personal account in the subscriber's personal account.

Registration and use of a personal account will save you from many questions about cooperation with the provider. In addition to viewing current functions, it allows you to change tariffs and options, as well as pay for any services with a bank card.

Video: about payment methods in your personal account.

Hotline call

If the Rostelecom Internet is not available, then you can determine the debt by calling 8 800 1000 800. This is a 24-hour free reference service. You can find out the status of the account without connecting to the operator, listening to the prompts of the auto-informer and pressing the buttons in tone mode. If it is more pleasant to talk with a live person, then you should wait for the operator, but then you need to tune in to a long wait for an answer.

Information about the state of the account is confidential and the specialist will request the data of the owner's passport.

Checking the debt on the Rostelecom hotline

Debt check at the Rostelecom office

Another option is to visit the service center. At the Rostelecom office, a specialist at the counter will help you check the debt. He will require a passport, so you should keep in mind that he will provide data only to the owner under the contract.

Checking through a Sberbank ATM or Internet banking

A useful function for us from the bank to find out the debt for Rostelecom Internet will be the opportunity hidden in the "Replenishment of services" button. You can find information by the account number.

Payments for the phone or the Internet through Sberbank are not subject to commission.

Find out the debt by home phone number

All of the above options can also be used to determine the debt for Rostelecom's home phone. In addition, there are other ways:

  1. Post office. In a conveniently located branch, the operator will find the history of the personal account by phone number. He will be able to create and carry out payment.

Postal payments are received 72 hours after they were made.

  1. Dial the allocated number according to automatic settlements. It is worth clarifying it on the company's website, it differs depending on the region of connection.

All ways to check debt on an account or by phone number.

These are the most famous ways to find out the amount of debt on the Internet and by phone by Rostelecom. It is most convenient to use a personal account or the help of an answering machine, because waiting for the help of another person significantly increases the decision time. If you have forgotten your account number with Rostelecom, it can be done in several ways. In order not to go into the red, you should make payments in advance or use auto payments from bank cards, which are provided by almost all banks.