Comparison of Canon and Nikon cameras. Nikon D-System Test & Compare SLR Cameras

This article is a continuation of the topic of choosing a DSLR camera for amateur photography. The previous article was devoted to Canon EOS SLR cameras, now it's time to consider another equally worthy manufacturer - Nikon.

When it comes to choosing an amateur DSLR, the price range is likely to range from 25 to 50 thousand rubles. In this price range, you can find no less than 7 models of Nikon SLR cameras of classes from the initial amateur to semi-professional, and the differences between the characteristics of the "neighboring" models in the lineup can be negligible, and the price difference is quite noticeable. To understand all this diversity, you need to shovel a lot of sites with reviews or comparisons. To save you time, I have done all this work and am sharing the results in this article.

I did not set myself the goal of comparing absolutely all the characteristics of cameras and, moreover, to hang some labels like "model A much cooler model B, since it has 15% more focusing sensors. "I once met similar things on one site, which automatically evaluated one model in comparison with another (I do not remember the address), stupidly comparing the numerical characteristics.

Let's start by looking at the Nikon DSLR classes:

  • "3000th family" (D3000, D3100, D3200, D3300) - cameras for novice amateur photographers. The simplest and cheapest. They have a basic minimum of "bells and whistles", some characteristics are limited by software, so as not to compete with older models.
  • "5000th family" (D5000, D5100, D5200, D5300, D5500) - cameras for advanced amateurs. The quality of the pictures does not differ from the 3000th family, since the filling in them is the same (if we consider devices of the same generation), but burst shooting is a little faster, the screen is not ordinary, but on a swivel bracket, in the most modern models there is a touchscreen, yes and in general, the functionality of these cameras is richer than that of the 3000s.
  • "7000th family" (D7000, D7100, D7200) - equipment for advanced amateurs, allowing professional use. Robust dust / moisture-proof housing, well-thought-out ergonomics, powerful battery and much more - all this puts these devices 1-2 heads higher than amateur cameras. But they also cost accordingly - only the D7100 model falls into our price category (up to 50,000 rubles) from more or less modern ones with a stretch.
  • "Three-digit family" (D610, D750, D800, D810) - full-frame cameras of different series (600th, 700th, 800th). Each series has its own main purpose, but we will talk about this in more detail later.
  • "Unambiguous Family" (D3 *, D4 *) - professional reportage DSLRs, Nikon flagships.

In this article, we will focus on models with a 4-digit index, since they are the most massive and popular in view of their good characteristics for their class and relative affordability.

First of all, let's pay attention to the 3000th family

Nikon D3000, D3100, D3200, D3300 Amateur DSLRs

The 3000th Nikon family represents the simplest DSLRs, which are primarily targeted at novice amateur photographers, and simply at those who buy a camera "for home, for family." Now on sale there are mainly models D3200, D3300, a little less often the outdated D3100. The very first device in the D3000 family has not been sold in stores for a long time, but they can be found in huge quantities at flea markets.

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The differences between the "neighbors" in the 3000th family are not very large and at first glance are not even noticeable, but if you compare the "extreme" ones, there are still differences. A short list of the main differences is shown in the table:

As for the resolution of the matrix, 10 megapixels are more than enough for amateur shooting. A further increase in megapixels does not bring a noticeable improvement in the quality of photos when viewed on a monitor and printed in a small format.

The D3300 has no low-pass filter on the matrix. What does it do? The low-pass filter is a "glass" that covers the matrix and the purpose of this "glass" is to smooth the picture in order to exclude the formation of pixel "steps" on oblique lines, as well as to remove moiré from photographs. Modern models of cameras often do not have a low-pass filter, since these problems can be corrected by software "on the fly", fortunately, the increased processor power allows you to do this without a visible decrease in operating speed. The absence of a low-pass filter is theoretically capable of making photos sharper, but this advantage is fully manifested only when using good expensive optics.

High speed burst shooting is important for the most part in reportage, but it can also be useful for amateur shooting. For example, someone jumps from a tower into the water (with a bomb! :). If you shoot this in burst mode, you can clearly trace all the phases of the jump - from the moment of separation from the tower to entering the water. At the same time, it is interesting to observe the change in facial expression and posture of a person :) The higher the burst shooting speed, the more detailed the picture of the event we will get and the more chances to choose the "best" photos.

The screen resolution is in demand mainly when focusing manually in LiveView - when shooting video and when taking photos with manual focus. The screen resolution has nothing to do with the technical quality of photos, but it is easier and more pleasant to work with a high-resolution screen.

Nikon DSLRs have become capable of filming starting with the D3100, the D3200 is a transitional version, on which everything was "perfected and perfected", but video filming is implemented in the best way in the D3300 (of those listed). It allows you to shoot at a frame rate of 60 fps in FullHD resolution, and then make a smooth slow-motion video out of it. Also, the D3300 model has the ability to connect an external microphone. However, the devices of the 3000th family do not have "hybrid" focusing, which will allow to automatically keep focus on the subject when shooting video - this is a serious disadvantage that makes it impossible to fully recommend Nikon D3 *** DSLRs for those who like to shoot video.

Despite the characteristics "on paper" as in professional cameras of 5 years ago, Nikon 3000 cameras are primarily designed for ordinary amateurs who take the lion's share of shots in auto mode and subject programs. Naturally, the Nikon D3000-3300 has manual and RAW modes, which theoretically allow us to achieve professional-quality photos, but we face a number of limitations when shooting.

  • Few functional buttons, many important settings have been moved to the OSD
  • The settings lack such things as mirror pre-raising and exposure bracketing - this is not critical for amateur photography, but for experienced landscape lovers these things will be lacking.
  • There is no aperture repeater - this thing is useful for controlling depth of field in macro photography and other situations when you need to ensure that the subject is in depth of field
  • There is no "screwdriver" autofocus - this means that old (does not mean that bad!) Lenses will be able to focus only in manual mode.

If you dig around, there are probably some other restrictions, but this will already be nit-picking. The disadvantages listed above make it clear that the Nikon D3000-3300 is not worth buying for professional photography. This is a purely amateur camera.

Compared to Canon, the 3000 family falls somewhere between the four-digit and three-digit series. Roughly speaking, the Nikon D3300 is better than the Canon EOS 1200D, but in some features it is inferior to the Canon EOS 700D.

Nikon D5000, D5100, D5200, D5300, D5500 Advanced Amateur DSLRs

The 5000th family is not much different in its basic characteristics from the cameras of the 3000th family comparable in generation, but they are positioned a class higher. The main consumers in this case are amateurs who already have some experience and the requirements for the functionality of the device are higher than those of ordinary amateurs.

Nikon D5500 is currently the flagship of the 5000th family

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The most important advantages of the devices of the 5000th family over the 3000th:

  • Swivel screen makes it possible to more comfortably photograph from low and high points. The rotary screen is also useful when shooting with a tripod, macro photography, and video shooting. In principle, you can easily live without a rotating screen, but in those situations where it would really be useful, we scold ourselves for saving money and buying a camera with a fixed screen :)
  • Exposure bracketing useful for landscape photography when there is a large difference in brightness between highlights and shadows in the frame. Using the exposure bracketing function combined with burst shooting, you can quickly and easily "snap" the source materials (even without a tripod).
  • White balance bracketing allows you to shoot a series of shots with smoothly changing white balance, so that later you can choose the one where the color rendition is optimal. This mode has value only when shooting in Jpeg, since in RAW, you can set the balance of any white balance in the editor program during processing.
  • Wider ISO range theoretically, it makes it possible to take pictures without shaking in the worst lighting, but in practice, the real working ISO for cameras of the 3000th and 5000th families is the same, since the matrices and processors in them are the same. For modern cameras this is approximately ISO1600, with a big stretch of 3200. Anything above will noticeably reduce the image quality.
  • Wi-Fi module starting with the D5300 model, it makes it more convenient to transfer photos to a computer, and also allows you to control the camera remotely using a smartphone or tablet with Wi-Fi.
  • GPS module(D5300 only) allows you to write the coordinates of the place where it was taken to EXIF ​​photos. This feature will be highly appreciated by "itinerant bloggers", since the photos posted on the network will be immediately linked to the map. For home use, this feature is useless.
  • Microphone input(starting with D5100) - a big plus if the device will be used for video recording. The built-in microphone records the sound of the autofocus and stabilizer, as well as the sound of the wind when shooting outdoors. An external microphone provides better sound recording.
  • Touch screen with focus and shooting function(starting with D5500) is another great innovation that makes LiveView shooting more comfortable. Also, the touch screen is useful when shooting video.

As you can see, the list of differences is quite significant. This makes the Nikon 5000 family the perfect choice (from Nikon) when you need a versatile camera for all occasions. Of course, it will take some time to learn all the possibilities and features of the camera, and it will take more time and effort than mastering the D3000 camera family.

Inside the class, the cameras do not differ as dramatically as compared to the 3000th family. New models have a sensor of higher resolution (24 megapixels), they have new opportunities in terms of video shooting. Almost all innovations look like "polishing" of an already quite perfect camera. In terms of photography, there is no fundamental difference between the last three models, especially if the optics park is limited to budget lens models. Based on this, it is worth making a decision - is it worth overpaying 10-15 thousand rubles for the "novelty" of the carcass or spending them, say, on a high-aperture fix or an external flash? I would choose the latter ...

Semi-professional DSLRs Nikon D7000, D7100, D7200

Nikon 7000 series cameras are positioned as semi-professional. Their functionality includes everything that is in the 5000th series, but at the same time there are functions and capabilities that are not in the lower grades. The 7000th family is a serious camera that can do a lot. Another thing is that this "much" is practically not in demand in the amateur niche.

Nikon D7200 - currently the flagship of the 7000th family

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The main advantage regarding the quality of photos is that the D7000 + family devices have a range of about 1.5 workers ISO versus 5000 family models. It seems strange - the matrices are the same, the processors are the same. However, nobody has canceled the capabilities of the built-in software that is used for signal processing. Apparently, in the 3000 and 5000 families, processing is carried out according to a more "cut" program.

The relatively low noise level is not the only advantage of the devices of the 7000th family. Below I will simply list the main things that are in the 7000th series and not in the younger ones, and I will explain why this is needed.

  • Minimum shutter speed 1/8000 second It will be useful if we are photographing in very bright light with an ultra-fast lens (for example, Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.4), so that the background is blurred at the same time (i.e. at wide open aperture). Cameras from the D3000 and D5000 families have a minimum shutter speed of 1/4000 second, at which overexposure is likely in such conditions. To avoid it, you have to close the aperture, sacrificing the degree of background blur.
  • X-sync speed 1/320 second(instead of 1/250) will allow you to get sharper photos of fast-moving subjects when shooting with flash. The D3000 and D5000 families can do this only if the flash supports fast synchronization, and then with a number of limitations - a decrease in the guide number and the likelihood of temporal parallax in the frame (distortion of the shape of fast moving objects).
  • The presence of a "screwdriver" allows full use of lenses that do not have a built-in autofocus (AF) motor. Now they are on sale less and less, but they are cheaper than "motorized" counterparts (AF-S). A lot of high-quality "screwdriver" optics are sold second-hand.
  • Dust and moisture resistant metal housing provides greater mechanical strength of the structure and its "all-weather". However, this advantage is fully manifested if the lens also has such protection. The whale lens (18-105mm), which usually comes with the camera, does not have such protection. The strength of the case is really in demand if you need to hang a heavy lens on the device - in this case, the device will not outweigh and peck with the lens down, and the additional strength will not interfere with the mount, since the loads on it can be significant. With ordinary amateur lenses, the body of which is made of plastic, these advantages come to naught.
  • High burst speed allows you to capture fast events in more detail. In truth, the difference in burst speed between the 7000 and 5000 series is not very great - for example, the D5300 has a burst speed of 5 frames per second, while the D7100 has 6 frames per second. The flagship model in the 7000th family (D7200 at the time of writing) has a burst rate of 7 frames per second.
  • 2 slots for memory cards allow you to either increase the number of frames, or ensure duplication of footage on two flash drives at once, thereby reducing the likelihood of data loss to zero if something happens to the flash drive. This is a very useful function for performing some super-important tasks.

There are other differences in terms of support for GPS, Wi-Fi, microphone input, recording audio comments for photos and other secondary functions that few use.

Summing up, I can only say one thing - Nikon D7100, D7200 cameras for amateur use are not worth buying (at least I would not). Not because they are "bad" - by no means! It's just that those advantages that cause a rise in price by at least 50% in comparison with the 5000th series in everyday life will be used at best by 1%. Arithmetic is clearly not in favor of a simple amateur photographer.

If the device is purchased as a means of production and the photographer knows exactly what he needs a shutter speed of 1/8000, an X-sync time of 1/320 second, etc. (see above), the 7000-series camera looks like a very smart solution. In terms of picture quality, these devices are comparable to full-frame ones for the same price, and in some parameters they surpass them.

Nikon SLR and compact cameras are one of the most popular photographic equipment on the domestic market. The manufacturer pays great attention to the quality of pictures and reverently approaches any detail, which has managed to win the love of professionals and photo enthusiasts. On a number of characteristics, Nikon outperforms its closest competitors - Canon (Canon) and Sony (Sony).

So, for example, according to user reviews, Nikon DSLRs are distinguished by the best quality of photography in low light levels. Also, the brand holds the palm in terms of the number of light points in comparison with analogues. Nikon DSLRs continue to lead the way in flash control. Experts often prefer this brand due to the larger sensor size, which is responsible for creating the sharpest image at low pixel values.

  1. Matrix type... DSLRs are traditionally considered more advanced than digital (compact) devices.
  2. Megapixels... Accordingly, the higher this criterion, the higher the quality of the images.
  3. Equipment... In particular, it is necessary to clarify whether an interchangeable lens is provided and whether it is included in the kit.
  4. Weight and dimensions... Shooting can take several hours, and therefore the lightness and compactness of the camera will play a truly good service.
  5. Functionality... Before buying, you need to carefully study the list of modes and options provided by the device - Time Lapse, Zoom, GPS, etc.
  • user reviews;
  • expert recommendations;
  • price.

Best Nikon DSLRs for Beginners

Nikon cameras with simplified controls are preferable for beginner photographers. Affordable cost also plays an important role. The devices presented in this category are the best representatives of photographic equipment for beginners with an up-to-date set of functions.

3 Nikon D3400 Kit

Training material right in the camera. Transfer pictures via Bluetooth in the background
Country: Japan
Average price: 29,990 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Cool and inexpensive DSLR for beginners. Nikon, having studied its target audience, has packed this model with lots of tips and a training program, making it ideal for beginners. Technical characteristics will not please a professional photographer, but will not leave an amateur indifferent: 24.7 megapixels, shooting in 6000x4000 resolution, ISO settings ranging from 100 to 3200, hybrid autofocus and Full HD video recording.

In the reviews, users are advised to immediately change the whale lens to something more serious, although its capabilities are enough for everyday photo and video shooting of decent quality. The shots come out juicy, detailed. Cherry on a cake - after turning off the camera, the camera in the background transmits the footage via bluetooth to a smartphone or tablet.

2 Nikon D5300 Kit

Rich equipment. Silent shutter
Country: Japan
Average price: 39,990 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

This model is one of the best cameras for beginners. An amateur DSLR from Nikon is equipped with a 24.78 MP matrix. Video filming takes place in the format Full HD. Comes with a lens. The maximum resolution is6000 * 4000. A matrix cleaning function is provided to remove dust from the matrix sensor. For those who are just learning photography will be interesting Time- lapse mode, phase detection autofocus, electronic rangefinder. The battery is rated for 600 shots.

Users are satisfied with the quality of video and photography. Reviews include a built-in stereo microphone and a silent shutter. The camera is comfortable to hold in hands, intuitive control, the cost is quite affordable. This is a worthy rating nominee and a representative of the manufacturer.

1 Nikon D3300 Kit

The best amateur Nikon camera. Quality focusing
Country: Japan
Average price: 28 180 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The budget hobbyist camera with a 24.7 MP sensor is the leader in devices for aspiring photographers. The battery capacity is up to 700 shots. Users notice color depth and high sensitivity in reviews. The built-in flash is rated for up to 12 meters. There is a matrix cleaning function. Much attention is paid to focusing - phase detection autofocus, backlight, manual focus, electronic rangefinder, face focusing.

Even in inept hands with the help of this model of the camera it is possible to create high-quality images and videos. It will not be difficult to understand the settings. The device is lightweight and compact.

The best Nikon DSLRs for professionals

Professional SLR devices from Nikon are replete with all kinds of photo and video modes. Depending on the style preferences, it is worth making a choice in favor of one or another model, having competently studied the functionality. The category describes the cameras that are most in demand among professionals, and have received the largest number of positive reviews from experts.

4 Nikon D850 Body

Swivel screen. Silent shutter. 4K video
Country: Japan
Average price: 206,040 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

A professional SLR camera from Nikon with many nice features. The swivel screen greatly facilitates the task of sequential shooting, the fast silent shutter allows you to remain invisible, the 46.9 megapixel matrix surprises with detailed photos and rich pleasant colors. Image stabilization works flawlessly.

In the reviews they write that at high ISO the camera produces a picture with almost no noise. The ergonomics are impressive - Nikon did a great job on this, changing the position of the buttons and function wheels and adjusting the shape for a more comfortable grip. The manufacturer also gives customers an annual subscription to Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom packages. Perhaps the gift should neutralize the fact that RAW is visible in the mentioned editor only in the latest version.

3 Nikon D7100 Kit

The lightest and smallest Nikon professional DSLR camera
Country: Japan
Average price: 63,990 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Nikon's 24.7-megapixel advanced SLR camera is the choice of those who rely on the functionality of the device. The dimensions and weight are pleasing - 756 grams, 136 * 107 * 76 mm. Benefits include flash bracketing, AF correction, and RAW + JPEG shooting. Users note that recording of sound comments for pictures is available. This is especially useful for capturing information about who is in photographs, under what circumstances the photo was taken, etc.

The video is saved in the formatMOV. A distinctive feature of the DSLR is two memory cards. There is a second screen on the body of the device, which displays information about sensitivity, shutter speed, aperture, etc. Capturing high-quality sound provides a microphone input, which makes it possible to connect an external microphone to prevent extraneous noise.

2 Nikon D610 Body

Excellent functionality. Syncrocontact
Country: Japan
Average price: 86 600 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

This professional SLR camera from Nikon is distinguished by the presence of a sync contact - a special connector on the body of the device for connecting an external flash. This is a key parameter for those interested in studio photography. Another current mode is Time- lapse to create short clips that accommodate a long process like sunrise, changing weather, etc. The battery capacity can hold up to 900 images.

Another unique DSLR effect is shootingHDR, which is the automatic stitching of multiple frames taken with different settings to improve quality in difficult lighting conditions. Users highly appreciate the functionality of the 24.7-megapixel device and recommend it for purchase.

1 Nikon D750 Body

Best professional Nikon camera
Country: Japan
Average price: 119,500 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

According to experts, this model is the best professional SLR camera from Nikon. The high cost of the device is more than offset by the rich functionality of the device. Image quality is provided by a 24.93MP sensor and a full-frame sensor ( Full Frame). The camera demonstrates one of the best indicators in terms of fast shooting - 6.5 frames per second. Special attention is paid to the rotary screen, as well as the presence of an additional monitor at the top of the case with data about the shooting.

Users emphasize that the DSLR can be connected to a computer or other devices through Wi- Fi-interface for mobile and convenient operation of the device. The battery capacity is a record 1,230 shots.

Best Nikon digital (compact) cameras

Compact cameras are easy to handle and cheaper. The quality of video and photo shooting with the devices presented below is assessed by experts as high, however, it is still slightly inferior to mirror counterparts.

3 Nikon Coolpix W100

Best price. The most suitable for travel
Country: Japan
Average price: 9 590 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The best compact camera from Nikon for travel, according to the votes of users, this model is recognized. The first thing that catches your eye is the nautical design of the device. The device has a waterproof casing, so you can not be afraid to drop the camera into the pool or sea. Moreover, it is possible to dive to a depth of 10 meters - this option is especially liked by divers and all lovers of the underwater world.

The digital camera is equipped with 14.17 MP, which allows you to capture high-quality trips through photo and video shooting. Videos are recorded in full screen format Full HD. For clear and detailed shots, the manufacturer provides a 3x optical ZOOM. The battery capacity allows you to take up to 220 photos. The reviews emphasize that the device is lightweight, compact and functional.

2 Nikon Coolpix P1000

Optical zoom 125x
Country: Japan
Average price: 77,500 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

One of the largest compact cameras model. The filling here is very balanced and will delight professional photographers, and amateurs and beginners will be absolutely delighted. The power of the zoom is surprising - it zooms in as much as 125 times optically. Nikon also offered users the opportunity to shoot in 4K, however, in the reviews they write that this is more of a marketing ploy than a full-fledged resolution of 4096 × 3072.

The viewfinder is one of the best, the screen is good, the stabilization is commendable. Light sensitivity is also a strong point of this model. Noise appears almost completely in the resulting photos. 4K video looks like a slightly improved Full HD, so it makes sense to go back to the good old 1920 × 1080 and get a smoother picture at a higher frame rate. Happy owners of this camera call it the best ultrazoom. Indeed, if you compare it with other Nikon creations, you will not find a competitor to Coolpix P1000.

1 Nikon Coolpix B700

The best combination of price and functionality. 60's optical zoom
Country: Japan
Average price: 28 959 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Nikon's compact superzoom camera has earned customer recognition for its outstanding performance. Pictures taken with a digital camera are crisp and vivid. Responsible for this is a 24-megapixel matrix, 60x optical zoom, built-in flash with red-eye reduction. The battery capacity is 350 photos. In addition, this Nikon camera captures video perfectly. The recording is made in the format MP4 with 1920 * 1080 resolution. Time- lapse mode will allow you to create short videos that, using an accelerated frame rate, cover a large time period, effectively capturing the sunrise or the process of opening the buds.

Users consider the model to be successful in every sense - cost, functionality, ease of use. By the way, the camera assumes the ability to control the operation of the device from a computer and a remote control, which in the reviews are called incredibly convenient and relevant.

In this article, we'll compare three very popular APS-C type DSLRs - the Nikon D7100, D5200 and Canon EOS 700D. If you are planning to update your photographic technique in the near future and do not know which of these models to choose, then this article is what you need. We will look at the strengths and weaknesses of each model, after which it will be much easier to make a choice.

The Nikon D7100 is the most interesting of the three, and the most expensive at the same time. The camera costs about $ 1200 (body only). Canon 700D can be purchased for $ 750. The Nikon D5200 is an entry-level model that costs $ 700.

When buying new photographic equipment, there is always a desire to buy something good right away. You can easily get carried away and purchase a more advanced camera, in this case, the D7100. The difference between the D7100 and other models is very significant, around $ 500. For that amount, you can buy a very good lens to replace the Kit lens, or buy a second lens for creative photography. At the same time, there will be those photographers who, by paying extra money, seek to get more opportunities. Everything is very individual!

If you already have Canon or Nikon optics, you should make your choice more carefully. For example, if you already own a Nikon lens, think twice before switching to Canon, as your old lenses will not work with a new camera. As a result, you will have to sell old lenses and lose money anyway. If you do, make sure the Canon EOS 700D has features that the D5200 or D7100 lacks. Also, if you already own lenses and plan to take photography more seriously, you might be tempted to buy the D7100.

In this comparison, we will make every effort to provide you with all the information you need to help you make the right decision.

We'll start, as always, with a quick overview of each camera, so that you have a better idea of ​​each candidate. Then we will compare the technical and functional features of the cameras in the table, so you can better appreciate the differences between the D7100, D5200 and 700D.

Nikon D7100

The camera was announced on February 21, 2013. Despite such a short period of time on sale, it has already won a gold DPReview award. The DSLR offers simple controls and a wide arsenal of customization options to help photographers maximize their potential and create creative photographic works. The most prominent feature of the D7100 is the lack of an optical low-pass filter. This results in higher image resolution, better frame clarity and the risk of moiré effects.

The Nikon D7100 is weather-sealed and waterproof. The camera is made of magnesium alloy, therefore it is very strong, relatively light in weight and offers a high degree of protection against moisture and dust. The camera inherits the high-performance 51-point autofocus system from the Nikon D300 range and uses algorithms developed for the D4. This makes the D7100 focusing almost instantaneous and very accurate. The best camera performance will be provided by a combination with a powerful fast lens.

Nikon D7100 is a DX format camera. The DSLR is equipped with a 24.1 megapixel DX sensor. The D7100 is capable of 1.3x crop mode for better focus and frame coverage. It is not recommended to use this mode for video recording as it results in oversampling the video.

The camera is capable of shooting Full HD video at 60i, 30p, or 24p. The most enticing feature for videographers will be the ability to output uncompressed video to an external recording device. This will help professional video enthusiasts gain more control over their workflow during post-production. You can also enjoy high quality stereo sound thanks to the standard 3.5mm jack. In addition, the camera has a headphone jack.

This is only a fraction of what the D7100 is capable of. Nikon has gone to great lengths to create a stunning camera for professionals and hobbyists alike.

Nikon D5200

The camera was announced on November 6, 2013. The Nikon D5200 is an updated version of the D5100. The camera is designed for beginner photographers and hobbyists. The camera was created to satisfy the needs of consumers who care about the performance of photo and video images. The Nikon D5200 has some additional features over the D3200 and D3100. As a result, the Nikon D5200 can be safely called a worthy replacement for the entry-level Nikon D3200 and D3100 DSLRs.

The D5200 is equipped with the latest 24.1-megapixel DX-format CMOS architecture sensor. This is a very high resolution for an APS-C sensor today and is most commonly found in full frame cameras. The camera is equipped with a 39-point Multi-CAM 4800DX focusing system, as well as a 2016 pixel RGB sensor. This combination provides very accurate and fast object tracking.

The D5200 is capable of recording Full HD video with stereo sound and also has a 921k-dot tilting display. The camera is designed for beginners and therefore has features that will appeal to this audience.

The camera has some interesting features that will be useful for beginners. These features include special effects for photography, video, and image editing. They will help you get the most out of your images without using a photo editing program. The Nikon D5200 is energy efficient and can shoot up to 500 images (CIPA) on a single battery charge.

Canon EOS 700D

The camera was announced on March 21, 2013. The Canon EOS 700D has a stunning design, many features and great technical capabilities. Unfortunately, the new model does not differ much from its predecessor, the EOS 650D, but it still has interesting innovations. The EOS 700D features updated Live View, a higher digital zoom ratio (10 instead of 3), and the top dial button rotates 360 degrees and has 8 parameters instead of 10. The new model comes with an improved 18-55mm STM lens.

When it comes to pricing, according to the latest figures, the 650D costs $ 800 and the 700D costs $ 750. On Amazon, the 650D costs about $ 735, and its updated version is $ 750. Judging by the prices and performance of the cameras, the EOS 700D cannot be said to replace the previous model. The camera is rather a good alternative for the EOS 650D. Either way, the Canon EOS 700D is a great entry-level camera aimed at the aspiring photography enthusiast and hobbyist.

The 700D features an 18-megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor and Canon's latest DIGIC 5 image processor. In addition, the EOS 700D features an updated hybrid focusing system.

On the back of the camera is a 3-inch, variable-angle Clear View II touchscreen display. With a combination of stunning hybrid focusing, a tilting display and an advanced STM lens, the EOS 700D is capable of producing not only great photos, but movies as well.

The 700D is equipped with a 9-point focusing system, advanced metering system, high burst speed of 5fps, original modes including Basic + mode, Intelligent Auto mode and Full HD 1080p movie shooting. It has a built-in Speedlite transmitter for external flash control.

According to those who have already worked with the camera, the 700D is capable of producing stunning photos. The image is clear, with excellent detail and color reproduction. Users appreciated the high burst speed and noise reduction capabilities, which allow you to get high-quality images even in low light conditions at high ISO settings.

Thus, despite the fact that the 700D is in many ways similar to its predecessor, this camera will be a godsend for videographers and will not disappoint amateur photographers.

Canon EOS 700D vs. Nikon D7100 vs. D5200 Specs Comparison

At this point, you have already gotten enough information about each camera. It is difficult now to make a choice and give preference to one of them. In this section, we will compare the Canon EOS 700D, Nikon D7100 and D5200 to give a deeper understanding of the differences between the three DSLRs.

Nikon D7100 Nikon D5200 Canon 700D

Announced 21 February 2013 November 6, 2012 March 21, 2013
Matrix 24.1 MP (effective)
23.5 x 15.6 mm
24.1 MP (effective)
23.5 x 15.6 mm
18.5 MP (effective)
22.3 x 14.9 mm
Low pass filter No There is There is
The D7100 and D5200 have the same sensor resolution, but the D7100 lacks a low pass filter. This is the only camera in the group that does not have this filter. In theory, the D7100 should create clearer and more detailed footage. In practice, it is not very noticeable, except when the image is fully zoomed in. At the same time, images with the D7100 are more likely to have moiré.
ISO ISO 100 - 6400 (expandable to 25600) 100 - 6400 (with extension 25600) 100 - 12800 (with extension 25600)
Autofocus sensor

Nikon Multi-CAM 3500DX

51 focus points (15 cross-type)

Nikon Multi-CAM 4800DX

39 focusing points (9 cross type)

9-point AF system (all 9 cross-type) Hybrid CMOS AF (including phase detection)

AF working range (ISO 100) -2 up to 19 EV -1 to +19 EV -0.5 - 18 EV
When creating the D7100 focusing system, the same detection algorithms were used as in the D4. The D7100 has the best focusing module in this group, offering 51 focusing points, of which 15 are cross type, and the camera has a very wide working range. Focusing in the D5200 is just as fast and accurate. The 700D has less impressive specs and only 9 AF points, all of which are cross type. The D7100 will focus better in difficult situations such as low light and fast moving subjects. The EOS 700D is the only camera in the group that offers both Hybrid AF and Contrast AF. This will be especially useful for videographers.
Exposure metering sensor RGB sensor 2016 pixels RGB sensor 2016 pixels 63-zone double layer metering sensor
Electronic sensors are more sensitive to red colors. Canon used a dual layer sensor with a first layer sensitive to red and green color spectrum, a second layer sensitive to blue and green. The Nikon D7100 and D5200 metering systems are more advanced. They provide not only analysis of color information, but also fine-tuning for optimal exposure. It also helps the camera to accurately set the white balance.

Diagonal 3.2 inches

1228k points

Rotate 170 degrees

Diagonal 3 inches

921k points

Diagonal 3 inches

1040 thousand points

Swivel display


The Canon 700D has the most impressive high-resolution screen ever, it's not just a tilt-and-pan, but also a touchscreen. The touchscreen display will be especially appreciated by novice photographers. Videographers will need to display not only the 700D, but the D5200 as well, as they are both tilt-and-pan, which helps them work from different shooting angles.
Build quality Magnesium alloy Plastic Plastic
Weather seal There is No No


approximation 0.94


approximation 0.78


approximation 0.85

The D7100 has the best viewfinder in the group, is larger and has 100% field of view. The D5200 has the smallest viewfinder ever, the pentaprism viewfinder is made from a single piece of glass that reflects light coming from the mirrors onto the other side of the viewfinder. Light loss will be minimal. The pentamirror is made of several mirrors with an air gap between them. The result can be significant loss of light. Images under the same shooting conditions will be slightly darker.
Excerpt 30 - 1/8000 sec 30 - 1/4000 sec 30 - 1/4000 sec
The D7100 offers twice the shutter speed of the 700D or D5200. This gives the photographer more control over exposure, especially useful with fast lenses. The shutter speed can help you slow down the movement of fast moving objects better, which is useful when shooting sports, children playing, flying birds, wild animals, etc.
Built-in flash Yes (12m) Yes (12m) Yes (13m)
External Flash hot shoe hot shoe hot shoe
Wireless flash control Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps
Flash sync 1/250 sec FP High speed sync: up to 1/8000 sec 1/200 sec 1/200 sec
Continuous shooting 6 frames per second 3 or 5 frames per second 5 frames per second
Exposure compensation ± 5 (in steps of 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV) ± 5 (in steps of 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV) ± 5 (in steps of 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV)
AE bracketing (2, 3, 5 frames in steps of 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV, 2/3 EV, 1 EV, +2 EV) ± 2 (3 frames in steps of 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV)
White balance bracketing There is There is There is
Video recording

1920 x 1080 (60i, 50i, 25p, 24p), 1280 x 720 (60p, 50p), 640 x 424 (30, 24 fps)

Stereo sound

1920 x 1080 (60i, 50i, 30p, 25p, 24p), 1280 x 720 (60p, 50p), 640 x 424 (30, 25 fps)

Stereo sound

1920 x 1080 (30p, 25p, 24p), 1280 x 720 (60p, 50p), 640 x 480 (30, 25fps)

Stereo sound

External microphone jack There is There is There is
Headphone jack There is No No
The D7100 has microphone and headphone jacks that will appeal to more experienced photographers. The 700D and D5200 have pan / tilt displays which are great for video recording, although they do not have the above connectors. It is not known how many users will use these connectors, but you pay a lot for them. One of the big disadvantages of the D7100 is that you cannot change the aperture value while recording video. Advantages of the D5200 and D7100 are the ability to record time-lapse video using the built-in timer function
Wireless connection optional (via WU-1a) optional (via WU-1a) optional (via Eye-Fi)
Battery life
(CIPA standard)
950 frames 500 frames 440 shots
The most powerful battery is in the D7100, much worse in the D5200. The 700D has the least amount of shots on a single charge.
Gps optional (GP-1) optional (GP-1) optional (GP-E2)
Dimensions (edit) 136 x 107 x 76 mm 129 x 98 x 78 mm 133 x 100 x 79 mm
The weight 765 g 555 g 580 g

Judging by the results of the comparison, it is simply impossible not to fall in love with the Nikon D7100. It is made of magnesium alloy, has a weather seal and better ergonomics, and features a 51-point focusing system with the same algorithms as the D4. Leveraging Nikon's cutting-edge exposure metering technology, this model features a large 1228K-dot display, pentaprism viewfinder, 1/8000 sec shutter speed, 6fps burst speed and excellent battery life. The D7100 is really impressive, and despite the high price tag, there is a lot to pay for. Of course, if some of the above functions are not of interest to you, then pay attention to the 700D or D5200, which will not only allow you to save money, but also will not disappoint with the quality of the photos you create.

Of course, all the extras like the high-point focusing system, 6fps continuous shooting, weather seal and rugged construction cost extra money. Therefore, think carefully about which of the above you need. You may decide to abandon the idea of ​​acquiring such expensive photographic equipment altogether.

The absence of an optical low-pass filter does not significantly improve image quality. In fact, there is a lot of information on the internet that the difference is barely noticeable. Check out some sample images and see for yourself! Yes, it is noticeable that the pictures are sharper, especially in RAW format and at 100% zoom, but the difference is small.

The Canon EOS 700D is packed with technical features. The camera is equipped with good hybrid focusing, a tilt-and-turn touchscreen display and a microphone. All this contributes to the fact that with this camera you can create beautiful videos. It is not for nothing that cameras such as the EOS 600D, 650D and 700D are among the preferred cameras for hobbyist videographers.

The differences between the 700D and the D5200 are not big, but the D5200 lacks a touchscreen display, it also has a smaller viewfinder, but a better focusing system and a more advanced metering sensor. Other advantages of the D5200 include the ability to record 60i uncompressed video, the presence of an HDMI connector, a more powerful battery and a smaller size compared to the 700D.

ISO sensitivity performance

Now that we know the differences between the three cameras, it's time to analyze the performance of the cameras and see which model performs better at high ISOs. High ISO performance is very important for many photographers because it helps to shoot at slow shutter speeds and in low light. Not everyone can afford to buy a fast lens, and if your lens doesn't have a large aperture, you can increase your ISO and hope for a good result.

Sample images from each camera were analyzed.

ISO 100/200 - Photos are clean and sharp. Exceptionally high image quality on all cameras. The D7100 and D5200 have a resolution advantage, so these images appear sharper.
ISO 400 - There is a little noise in Nikon photos, the 700D is very sharp, but this difference is only visible when viewed at 100% and in dark areas. Images from the D7100 and D5200 look the same.
ISO 800 - Noise, noticeable in dark places in photographs taken with the D7100 and D5200. Compared to the competition, the 700D's results are more impressive. All images retain good detail.
ISO 1600 - noise becomes more and more noticeable, it is not very visible in the midtones and highlights. Small details start to get lost in pictures. The photos of the D7100 are sharper and better than those of the D5200. The 700D's advantage is becoming more evident.
ISO 3200/6400 - Very noisy images on all cameras. On the 700D, the loss of detail is more noticeable.

It is difficult to come to a definite conclusion and decide who is the winner. The D7100 and D5200 have high ISO performance. The 700D's results are impressive, with less noise in these shots. On the other hand, the Nikon D7100's lack of a low-pass filter helped in maintaining detail. Canon has a slight advantage in terms of ISO performance, but not much of a difference. All cameras do a good job of shooting in low light conditions.

Let's take a look at some sample videos before moving on to the final section.

Sample video shot with Nikon D7100 and 16-85mm f / 3.5-5.6G VR lens by Paul Van Allen

Sample video captured with Nikon D5200 and Nikkor 24-85mm f / 3.5-4.5G ED VR lens

Sample video shot with Canon EOS 700D and STM 18-55mm lens


Today we took a close look at the capabilities of three great DSLRs. Nikon D7100 certainly deserves the attention of enthusiasts who would like to take advantage of all the additional features. The main advantages of the model include a magnesium alloy body, weather seal, improved ergonomics (especially when using large and heavy lenses), 1/8000 sec shutter speed, improved focusing system, improved exposure metering system, continuous shooting at 6 frames per second, large pentaprism viewfinder and much more.

As you can see, the list of options is quite long and the D7100 is the best option for amateur photographers, and it can also serve as an excellent additional camera for professional photographers. Keep in mind, too, that the D7100 costs significantly more than the other two cameras. If you are not interested in the additional features of this model, then feel free to choose between the D5200 and EOS D700. It may be more profitable for you to give the difference in price to get a good lens.

The Canon EOS D700 and D5200 are excellent cameras. The 700D performs better at high ISOs than the D5200, however some artisans may appreciate the added benefit of the D5200 resolution. Both of these cameras are better suited for beginner photographers. Many people may be attracted by the presence of a touchscreen display in the D700. The D5200 has its advantages, the main one being the 39-point focusing system.

If you can't afford the D7100, or are just taking your first steps in the world of DSLR photography, choose the EOS D700 or D5200. It's worth noting that the D5200 does not have a built-in autofocus motor. This means that autofocus will not work in combination with older lenses. When purchasing a lens for this camera, make sure that autofocus is available.

In 2017, Nikon celebrated its 100th anniversary. During this time, the company has collected millions of fans, and the lineup today includes hundreds of different cameras from miniature action cameras to large professional cameras. And for all the past years, only one thing has not changed - the quality of the devices. The most loyal Nikon fans do not change their taste and always choose the equipment of this particular brand. Therefore, today, especially for such confident Nikon connoisseurs, we have selected the best Nikon cameras that you can buy in 2018.

Nikon D500 - Best of the Best

When you combine the technicality of today's FX series cameras with the ruggedness and convenience of the more amateur DX series, the result is a camera like the Nikon D500. The camera body is made of magnesium alloy and traditionally has a soft streamlined shape. An almost classic Nikon design with a slightly elongated body remains unchanged as always. Inside the device is an EXCEED 5 image processor and a 20.9 megapixel CMOS matrix. Already on this it becomes clear that we are dealing with an excellent professional camera. Add to that the ISO range of 100-51.200 and you will notice that the quality of photos in any lighting condition is simply excellent.

Nikon COOLPIX P900 - Best Zoom

We won't elaborate on why, but if zoom is the most important thing for you in a camera, then you shouldn't go far. The Nikon COOLPIX P900 offers 83x optical zoom and 166x dynamic zoom, all in a small body. With the Nikon COOLPIX P900, you get a true camera with a powerful telephoto lens. The camera body strongly resembles a DSLR, but there are reasons for that: to make the design more convenient and to work with the camera easier. This is why the Nikon COOLPIX P900 features an ergonomic body with a comfortable side grip. Again, a high-resolution electronic viewfinder has been added for convenience.

What is working inside this chamber? It is a 16MP CMOS sensor that helps you capture every detail. The camera also has built-in Wi-Fi and GPS for easy synchronization.

As for the shooting process itself, the Nikon COOLPIX P900 offers a wide range of creative control and adjustment options, all of which are made even easier and more convenient thanks to the swivel display on the back of the body.

Nikon COOLPIX B500 - Budget counterpart for large zoom

If you are looking for a quality camera with good zoom at an affordable price, then the Nikon COOLPIX B500 is a sure-fire option. Equipped with a 16-megapixel sensor and Full HD video capabilities, plus a convenient flip-down LCD, this camera weighs very little while offering great features. The main attention-grabbing feature is, of course, 40x optical zoom and 80x dynamic zoom. This means you can easily film performances, sporting events and nature. Nikon also took care of lens stabilization with vibration reduction. So the footage will be clear.

The camera is compatible with the Snapbridge app and has built-in Wi-Fi, NFC and Bluetooth. At the same time, it maintains constant communication with the application and allows you to instantly receive the taken photos directly to your smartphone.

Nikon D3400 - DSLR for Beginners

If you are just starting your photography journey and want to try shooting with a real DSLR, if only to learn how to work with all the settings, then the Nikon D3400 is just the perfect option. At its low price, it is definitely an order of magnitude higher than a smartphone camera or pocket camera. The Nikon D3400 is equipped with a 24.2 megapixel sensor without an optical low pass filter, so it can capture rich and rich colors that look almost lifelike.

Inside the camera is an EXPEED 4 image processor, Nikon D3400's native ISO range of 100 - 25,600 will cope with a variety of shooting conditions. Plus, you'll definitely get the full DSLR experience with an optical viewfinder, sharp autofocus and of course Snapbridge for easy syncing with smart devices.

It's safe to say that if you are looking for a great DSLR for beginners, then the Nikon D3400 is just it.

Nikon COOLPIX W100 - Waterproof Camera

Not so often, but it still happens that we are looking for a waterproof camera that is capable of capturing the underwater world. This question is especially familiar to fans of outdoor activities and travel. Nikon COOLPIX W100 is ready to cope with your requests and shoot as if nothing had happened, even at a depth of 10 meters. That is, whether you are scuba diving or simply snorkeling, Nikon COOLPIX W100 will help you capture moments in photos and videos. The camera has a hardened body, and is capable of operating at temperatures down to -10 ° C, and you can drop it from a height of up to 2 meters, and it will also have nothing. Nikon COOLPIX W100 can be given to children or used for the most extreme recreation. The camera will handle everything.

A 13.1 megapixel CMOS matrix works inside, the NIKKOR lens is equipped with a 3x optical zoom. Shots are sharp in a variety of lighting conditions, and you can capture your underwater adventures in Full HD.

If you're already planning a vacation, don't forget the Nikon COOLPIX W100!

Nikon COOLPIX A300 Best Compact Camera

This tiny camera will easily fit into your pocket, so you can carry it with you anytime, anywhere. The Nikon COOLPIX W100 is a great alternative if you need something better than a smartphone but lighter than a professional camera. Inside is a 20.1 megapixel CCD matrix, plus the camera is equipped with a four-axis vibration reduction function, which will allow you to always get excellent and clear images, even when you are taking a photo on the go.

Of course, there is something that significantly distinguishes the Nikon COOLPIX W100 from the same cameras on smartphones and distinguishes it for the better - an 8x optical zoom, which allows you to shoot from afar and get the same excellent quality. Thanks to the possibility of retouching right in the camera and the presence of special effects, you can always process the photo and, of course, send it to your smartphone using Snapbridge.

The two Japanese tech giants, Canon and Nikon, have been competing in the photographic market for years to win the favor of the discerning consumer.

Canon is a kind of monopolist in its field. This company makes almost all office equipment plus high quality modern cameras.

Nikon focused exclusively on developing photographic equipment. But such different strategies of these firms do not spoil the quality of either the former or the latter.

Nowadays, almost every family has a camera, regardless of whether it is necessary for work or leisure. But who, in the end, should you give preference to? What should a beginner photographer choose? Which is better Canon or Nikon? Which camera is best for creating a family photo archive? Let's try to figure it out.

Comparison of advantages


  1. Let's start with the essentials - the price of cameras.

During the entire existence of the photographic equipment of these two companies on the market, lenses and cameras have Canon has always been a little cheaper than the competitor.

For example, Nikon lenses with similar characteristics have always been and remain about 10% more expensive than Canon. At the same time, the quality is the same. It can be assumed that this is just a certain pricing policy of both firms, which has been established for years.

  1. There is also a difference between Canon and Nikon - all new items released by the company appear in stores almost instantly... As soon as the manufacturers announce the release of a new camera or lens, you can safely count on the fact that within a month you will become the proud owner of this new item. With Nikon, things are a little more complicated, because all the latest developments appear on the shelves in a few months. And if we are talking about a camera of an expensive price line, then you will have to wait about six months.
  2. Another definite plus for Canon cameras is video quality... As Nikon does not try, it still cannot catch up with its competitor on this point. True, the newest Nikon models improve performance on this point, but the frame rate, which is very important when shooting video, remains higher in Canon cameras.
  3. If it is important to you number of megapixels then you need Canon. According to this indicator, it ranks first.


Now we can discuss the advantages of Nikon photography equipment:

  1. The first and indisputable plus is the ability to take pictures in a poorly lit room and still get good quality photos. If there is not enough light, then with no Canon camera you will not get such a high-quality shot as with Nikon. It is with him that an excellent picture is obtained with a very small amount of noise.
  2. Nikon's APS-C sensor is larger than Canon.
  3. Nikon cameras receive the next prize in the nomination autofocus... And in this section it is possible to find even two advantages.
  • The first is that Nikon is, in principle, better at focusing than Canon. With the latter, sometimes you have to switch to manual focus - and for this you need to have experienced eyes and not shaking hands.
  • The second advantage at this point is the autofocus points, or rather the prevailing number of them in Nikon. This plus cannot be ignored either, since sometimes Canon's rather limited number of AF points also limit your actions, and it becomes a problem to focus on the intended subject.


A variety of adapters, which, for example, will allow you to put an old Soviet lens on a modern camera, are much easier to find from Canon and are much cheaper than Nikon.

But the latter company is very attentive to the various additional options with which it stuffs its cameras. More often than not, all these seemingly insignificant details can greatly simplify the photographer's work.


In terms of quality and management, both Nikon and Canon are the same.

In order to compare Nikon and Canon cameras, and compare models from different companies that correspond to each other, you must first go through the main points.

Matrix and resolution

These parameters are crucial for a high-quality image. The matrix affects the quality of color rendition, the amount of noise, sharpness.

All matrices, without exception, on Canon cameras are made using the new CMOS technology. The competitors still have some cameras with a CCD matrix, which, even in terms of power consumption, is very inferior to the young progressive development of CMOS.

Canon wins overall megapixel race: On average, when comparing the same models, Nikon has 0.3 fewer pixels - for some this may be crucial. Although the manufacturer compensates for the lack of pixels with an additional noise reduction function.

For a good high-quality photo, you need not only a good matrix, but also a resolution. High resolution will allow you to take large format photos without losing detail.


Optics, in simpler terms, the lens is also an important consideration when choosing a camera. Most often, the "carcass" camera itself is sold together with a standard lens that comes with the camera itself. But you can purchase everything separately, and choose the lens exactly for your needs.

To compare Canon and Nikon lenses, it is worth remembering that Canon optics are only suitable for cameras of this brand, and the same rule applies accordingly for Nikon. But there are many old lenses such as "Helios" or "Jupiter", which give an interesting picture and can diversify your photo-leisure.

Such lenses, with the help of an adapter, can be used on the devices of both companies, but it should be noted that Canon provides a wide range of adapters and is easier to buy than the corresponding adapter for Nikon.

As for the "native" lenses, there is no limit to the variety of both manufacturers. From portrait optics (no zoom), that is, lenses with a fixed focal length to the so-called telephoto lenses.

Although Canon is slightly ahead of the competition in this variety, while showing more flexible pricing. A lens of the same specifications, Canon will cost an average of $ 50 less.


The electronics are pretty much the same from both manufacturers, supports all possible formats. Both Nikon and Canon spare no expense on quality electronics.

Many agree that Nikon has a slightly better autofocus and metering system than Canon's. It is worth noting that Nikon in the current generation did not have photographic equipment with really bad autofocus. Even with the D40 or D60, which had only three focus points, auto-sharpness did not become a weak link in this case. Canon, on the other hand, had models where automatic focus control was an important claim. As an example -350D, several of the first 5D lines, where the focus rate in absolutely did not correspond to the class and price of the camera.

I must admit that Canon, if necessary, will do a strong autofocus. Reporting cameras like the 7D, 1D are equipped with systems that are not inferior to Nikon's counterparts in the D300 and D4, but Canon cameras, which are not declared as professional by the company itself, are even more deprived. Depending on the price and class of the Nikon camera, the level of autofocus control decreases (the lower the price, the worse the quality), but there is not much difference between expensive and low-cost models.

But it is also impossible to objectively single out the best and worst electronics in these cameras, both manufacturers use electronics with their pros and cons.

Exposure modes

Nikon's camera measures exposure better and better. while achieving maximum naturalness of the image. Canon of course has convenient exposure metering, but they are suitable for some specific situations (dark background, backlight, etc.)


Almost all cameras from both companies have a built-in flash, which allows you to take good pictures in the evening. Though Nikon is confidently leading on this point.- everything related to night shooting or shooting in a poorly lit room, where you need a flash - Nikon will be indispensable here.

Plus, the level of noise cancellation will be very important - and this feature Nikon does better too. Another plus is that Nikon's built-in flash can be controlled manually.

The ability to change settings manually

Both Nikon and Canon provide the ability to change all settings in manual mode, as well as adjust the white balance.


Here it is worth considering only your personal preferences. Externally, Canon and Nikon cameras are almost the same- they diverge only to the control system. As for weight - almost all Canon models are lighter on average by 300 grams, as they are made of plastic.

Do not think that it crumbles in a few days - the plastic is of high quality and can tolerate shock and shock painlessly. Although Nikon is still made of a more durable material, almost all models are marketed as waterproof.

Comparison of models

Let's take Canon 60D and Nikon D7000 cameras for comparison. Both cameras are from an inexpensive line of manufacturers and their price is approximately the same - about $ 1000.

Canon EOS 60D

  1. 18-pixel matrix, ISO can go up to 6400;
  2. The camera allows you to shoot Full HD video;
  3. A big plus - a large rotating screen, as well as a built-in pop-up flash;
  4. The battery holds for quite a long time and allows you to take about 1000 photos at a time;
  5. The body is made of plastic (like most Canon brand models);
  6. For its price, the camera takes fairly high quality pictures and videos.

Nikon D7000

  1. Matrix resolution 16.2-pixel, ISO is exactly the same as that of the competitor;
  2. It is possible to shoot HD video;
  3. The body is made of magnesium alloy;
  4. Battery characteristics, like Canon - allows you to take about 1000 shots;
  5. Large user-friendly display (3 inches);
  6. Very good autofocus system.

For comparison: Nikon has a slightly larger sensor, but Canon's sensor is of higher resolution. The Nikon D700 has 39 focusing points, the Canon 60D has 9. The latter camera is positioned as suitable for absolutely all weather conditions (rain, snow, heat), and the instructions also indicate that the camera is waterproof.

The maximum shooting time for one video is half an hour for Canon, and 20 minutes for Nikon. When shooting video, the frame rate is also higher with Canon.

Canon is slightly larger, but the Nikon camera is heavier.

If the previous two cameras are of the amateur class, then the following cameras represent the elite and pride of the two companies.

So, the main advantages of Nikon D800:

  1. better noise reduction;
  2. more pixels;
  3. better autofocus performance (especially when the aperture is closed), as well as the presence of autofocus when shooting video;
  4. best flash sync rate
  5. the presence of a built-in flash, which means there is the possibility of internal control of an external flash;
  6. Compatible with all Nikon lenses.
  1. the screen resolution is better;
  2. ISO reaches the border of 25,600 (three times lower for Nikon);
  3. more autofocus points;
  4. the battery lasts longer;
  5. the camera is light enough;
  6. more video customization options.

Every DSLR Canon or Nikon has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, even the technical characteristics of each of the cameras should suit you individually, based on your needs and specific wishes.

The facts are that Canon is better suited for video shooting, while Nikon is better for focusing effortlessly.

The modern world has presented amateurs and professionals with a whole klondike of various cameras, which exacerbated the "war" between Canon and Nikon. To finally answer this question of a universal scale, you can go to the LiveJournal blog of Anton Martynov (honored master of his craft), where his answer is substantiated by graphs and calculations: