Secondary general education in English. Higher education in English. About education in English

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «SEVERAGE GENERAL EDUCATION» in dictionaries.

  • EDUCATION - n. formation, education; formation of groups of numbers, number grouping; formation rule
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  • GENERAL - Total
    Russian-American English Dictionary
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    Russian-American English Dictionary
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  • MEDIUM - c. : something ~ something in between; in ~em on an average; compile in ~em average, come* to; higher lower) …
  • GENERAL - cf .; skl. as adj. common
    Russian-English Dictionary of General Subjects
  • EDUCATION - p. 1. (action) formation; ~ water vapor formation of steam; ~ state formation of a state; 2. (what is formed) ...
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  • AVERAGE - I biome .; - arithmetic mean average II biome.; - mean value
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  • MEAN
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
  • mean
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
  • EDUCATION - 1. p. (action) formation word formation - word formation steam formation - generation / production of steam 2. p. (enlightenment) ...
    Russian-English dictionary
  • EDUCATION - 1. p. (action) formation word formation - word formation steam formation - generation / production of steam 2. p. (enlightenment) ...
    Russian-English Smirnitsky abbreviations dictionary
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  • EDUCATION - I cf. (action and what was formed) formation; constitution karst formation - cave geol. cell formation - rejuvenescence ...
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  • mean
  • EDUCATION - accomplishment, (pair) generation, education, formation, formation
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    Russian-English Economic Dictionary
  • MEDIUM - c. : something ~ something in between; in ~em on an average; compile in ~em average, come* to; above (below) ~its above (below) ...
  • EDUCATION - p. 1. (action) formation; ~ water vapor formation of steam; ~ state formation of a state; 2. (what is formed) formation; mountainous ~i hill …
    Russian-English Dictionary - QD
    Russian-English Law Dictionary
  • AVERAGE - . The encounter rate that we should expect can be written as the mean (or average) of these …
  • EDUCATION - see also. lead to education break up with ~m; s ~m; creation. The displacement process leads to …
    Russian-English Scientific and Technical Translator's Dictionary
    Modern Russian-English dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation
  • EDUCATION - p. formation formation of blisters on the paintwork - paint blistering; paint eruption formation of a layer of water in the contact area of ​​the tire with the road while driving ...
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  • AVERAGE - average, AVG
    Russian-English explanatory dictionary of terms and abbreviations on BT, Internet and programming
  • EDUCATION - EDUCATION see also HIGHER SCHOOL, INTELLECTUALS, SCHOOL Education is what remains when we have already forgotten everything that ...
    English-Russian aphorisms, Russian aphorisms
  • AVERAGE - cf. skl. as adj. average above average average - c. : something ~ something in between in ~em ...
    Big Russian-English Dictionary
  • GENERAL - cf. skl. as adj. common a
    Big Russian-English Dictionary
  • EDUCATION - I cf. (action and what was formed) formation constitution kidney formation - gemmation pupal formation - pupation cell formation - ...
    Big Russian-English Dictionary
  • GENERAL - general a see also general
    Russian-English Dictionary Socrates
  • TREND - 1. noun 1) course, direction 2) general direction, trend to create, set, start a trend ≈ set the direction discernible, noticeable ...
  • TIME - 1. noun 1) a) time in / on one "s own time ≈ in free time on time Amer. ≈ exactly, on time make ...
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  • SCHOOL - I 1. n. 1) She works at/in a school. - She works at the school. Their son is still at …
    Big English-Russian Dictionary
  • REPUTE - 1. noun. general opinion, reputation to be held in low reputation ≈ to have a bad reputation authors of reputation ≈ well-known, ...
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  • MUSTER - 1. noun. 1) a) collection, review b) inspection, examination; roll call c) military; = muster-roll stand muster Syn: review, parade …
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  • MULTIPLE - 1. adj. 1) composite; with a complex structure multiple office bank ≈ a bank with an extensive system of branches multiple classification ≈ multifactor ...
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  • MIDDLE - 1. noun 1) middle a) the central part of smth. in the middle of Syn: centre, midst, center b) middle state, ...
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  • MEETING - noun 1) meeting, meeting, meeting to arrange, hold, organize a meeting ≈ organize a meeting, meeting to chair, conduct, preside over ...
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  • MEAN - I adj. 1) a) miserable, miserable, seedy, neglected mean city streets ≈ seedy city streets Syn: shabby b) insignificant, ...
    Big English-Russian Dictionary
  • LIBERAL - 1. adj. 1) open-minded, open-minded, without prejudice She is known to have liberal views on divorce and contraception. …
    Big English-Russian Dictionary

The topic "Education" includes the study of words and expressions associated with any education - school, university, courses, etc. "Education" in English sounds like "education". Education is divided into several types:

1. Incomplete secondary education - Junior secondary education
2. Complete secondary education - High education, high-school education.
3. Higher education - The higher education.

In addition, higher education itself is divided into undergraduate (baccalaureate) and magistracy (magistracy).

The first step in the education of each student is the school. The school is divided into two types: primary (elementary school) and secondary (secondary school).

In addition, schools have several more types:

  • Gymnasium - Gymnasium
  • Lyceum - Lyceum
  • Boarding school
  • State (maintained) school
  • Private school - Private school
  • School with in-depth study of English / mathematics - an English language / mathematic's school

When asked about activities, students can respond as follows:

I study in school./I go to school. – I study at school.

I am pupil. - I am a student.

To clarify which school your child is studying in, you can use the following:
I study in the elementary/secondary school. I am in elementary/high school.

In order to say in which class (form) the student is studying, you need to use ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.):
I study in the first form. - I'm in first grade.

The headmaster is in charge of the school, and the teacher leads the lessons. At the end of the course, students receive a certificate - the sertisicate.

At the end of schooling, there are final exams and a graduation party (farewell party).

After leaving school and receiving a full / incomplete education, a schoolchild enters a university / college:

to enter the university/college - go to university/college
I study in college/university. – I study at a college/university.
I am a student. - I am a student.
I'd like to enter the linguistic university. – I want to enter a linguistic university.

Attention! The particle to is not used in the combination to enter the .... Be careful.

It is worth noting that when asked "Where do you study?" answer briefly, without the verb to study:

Where do you study? – I'm at the University of Moscow. Where are you studying? – I study at Moscow University.

Ordinal numbers are used to indicate the course (year) in the same way as the class:

Which year are you in? – I'm in my fourth/final year. What course are you in? I am in my fourth/final year.

In addition, in colloquial speech, such a word as freshman is used - a freshman.

After graduation, students receive a bachelor's or master's degree.

I have the higher education. - I have a higher education.
I have a bachelor's/master's degree. – I have a bachelor's/master's degree.
I graduated from University. - I graduated from the university.

Attention! You can not use the combination "I'm graduated." There are only two options "I have graduated" / "I graduated".

A story about education in English

Hello, my name is Nina. I am 21 years old.

In 2000, I went to primary school in Moscow. After 4 years I went to high school. It was the gymnasium. At school I liked to study literature and the English language. I passed all final exams perfectly. We celebrated a beautiful farewell party. I got complete higher education because I studied 11 forms. The school gave me a lot of knowledge about the world.

Then I entered the Moscow State Linguistic University on specialty "Tourism". When I was in the second year, I started to learn French and Chinese.
In 2016 I graduated from University. And now I have a bachelor's degree. On next year I'd like to enter the Moscow State University. After 2 years I will have a master's degree. And I will have the higher education.

Today I work in a large international hotel. My education helps me on my work every day.

I think that education is the most important thing in my life. Through education at school and university, I have many friends, knowledge and good experience of life.

In the Russian Federation, the stage in obtaining a completed secondary education; knowledge gained in junior high school. Those who have graduated from grade 9 continue their education in the upper grades of secondary school or in vocational institutions ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

INCOMPLETE SECONDARY EDUCATION of the Russian Federation- INCOMPLETE SECONDARY education in the Russian Federation is a step in obtaining a completed secondary education; knowledge gained in junior high school. Those who graduate from grade 8 (9) continue their education in the upper grades of secondary school, or in ... ...

SECONDARY EDUCATION- the level of general or vocational education obtained as a result of mastering the relevant curricula. In general education, incomplete secondary is distinguished (7 9 years of study in a general education program; opens the way to obtaining ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

secondary education- the level of general or vocational education obtained as a result of mastering the relevant curricula. In general education, incomplete secondary is distinguished (7-9 years of study in general education programs; opens the way to obtaining ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Education in Togliatti- The inhabitants of modern Togliatti have a fairly high level of education. In 1989, among the employed population, per 1000 people, there were 366 people with higher, incomplete higher and special secondary education among men, among ... ... Wikipedia

EDUCATION- EDUCATION, a purposeful process of training and education in the interests of the individual, society and the state. Leads to the mastery of the values ​​of culture and moral and emotional attitude to the world, the experience of professional and creative activity, ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

Education- EDUCATION, a purposeful process of training and education in the interests of the individual, society and the state. Leads to mastering the values ​​of culture and moral and emotional attitude to the world, the experience of professional and creative activity, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

ADULTS EDUCATION- direction in education, providing satisfaction to education. needs of persons employed by independent prof. activity. Taking into account education. interests and age characteristics of adults, a system of specializations is created and operates. ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

Education in Ukraine- This article should be wikified. Please, format it according to the rules for formatting articles. Education in Ukraine, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Education", is based on the principles of humanism, democracy, national ... ... Wikipedia

School education in Russia- The query "School education" is redirected here. This topic needs a separate article. School education is an important element of education in modern society, which forms the child's basic knowledge and skills. Each person studies for about ten years ... Wikipedia

Women's education- an independent branch of education that arose in connection with the unequal social status of women. In the ancient world, girls were brought up in the family. In the Middle Ages, starting from the 8th century, schools were opened at convents that gave ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

During the period of graduation, diploma defenses, passing exams and entering educational institutions, vocabulary on the topic of education becomes relevant. I will write about this.

How time flies! In less than two weeks, I will be defending my final thesis at the university. It seems that quite recently he began to study ... And the time for defense has already come.

I think that many students will have to do the same this month. So good luck guys! We can do this!

In this article I would like to talk about education in English. This is a very common topic of conversation. And I think that the post will be useful to everyone.

About education in English.

"Education" in English education.

As you know, the first step on this long journey is school. As a rule, at the age of 7-8 years, we begin to study there. So, if you are a student, you can say:

I study in school.

(I study at school)

Usually, the first four grades are elementary school. (elementary school):

I study in the elementary school.

(I am in elementary school)

Begins in fifth grade secondary school- secondary school. In it we study for 5-7 years. There are 11 classes in total. But some guys leave after the ninth with an incomplete secondary education - junior secondary education. And they go to college.

I study in the fifth form.

(I'm in fifth grade)

I have the junior secondary education.

(I have an incomplete secondary education)

I study in college.

(I'm in college)

After 11 classes at school, we get a complete secondary education - high education, high school education.

I have the high education.

(I have a secondary education)

The next step after high school is usually going to university − entering the university. Note that "to" is not used in this case. You can read more about the use of this particle in the article -

I'd like to enter the engineering university.

(I want to go to technical university)

By the way, if you are a freshman, then there is a cool word - a freshman.

I'm a freshman.

(I'm a freshman)

At the university we get higher education - the higher education.

Do you have higher education?

(Do you have a higher education?)

Currently, many institutions have switched to the Western education system. After four years, students receive a bachelor's degree − a bachelor's degree. After that, they can either unlearn two more years in the master's program and receive a master's degree - a master's degree or graduate with a bachelor's degree.

I have a bachelor's degree.

(I have a bachelor's degree)

(I study in a magistracy)

I'm a master of science.

(I'm M.Sc.)

I graduated from University.

(I graduated from university)

Many say "I'm graduated ...". It is not right. Either "I have graduated", or "I graduated".

After graduating from a university, we can also get a PhD degree - Candidate of Science. Or often they say PhD - PhD. To do this, you need to complete a graduate school - finish postgraduate studies.

I do postgraduate studies.

(I'm in graduate school)

I am a candidate of engineering science.

(I am a candidate of technical sciences)

(I am a PhD)

Well, the most recent and respected academic degree is the Doctor of Science - Doctor of Science or DSc.

I am a doctor of engineering science.

(I am a doctor of technical sciences)

I am a doctor of medical science.

(I am MD)

(I'm PhD)

That's it, friends. I hope the article was helpful. Keep going and take care of yourself!

Words and phrases on the topic of education.

education education
elementary school Primary School
secondary school secondary school
undergraduate education incomplete higher education
final exams final exams
farewell party prom
high education, high school education secondary education
to enter the university go to university
a freshman. freshman, freshman
higher education higher education
bachelor's degree bachelor degree
master's degree master's degree
do a masters study for a master's degree
to graduate finish school
Candidate of Science, PhD PhD
finish postgraduate studies finish graduate school
do postgraduate studies study at graduate school
Doctor of Science, DSC Ph.D

Level of foreign language proficiency.

For international companies, for vacancies related to the use of a foreign language, we recommend indicating proficiency levels in the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) format - a system of foreign language proficiency levels used in the European Union, from A1 to C2.

If divided by competencies, the section with detailed information about English proficiency will look like this:

  • Listening-C1
  • Reading-C1
  • Writing-B2
  • Speaking - B2

How to assess your level from A1 to C2 can be found in the article on wikipedia

Another option is to send a resume to non-English-speaking companies (the vacancy does not involve the main activity with a foreign language). If it is known that the level of English proficiency is secondary information, it is enough to indicate the level:

Beginner (beginner)

Elementary (basic)

Pre-Intermediate (below average)

Intermediate (medium)

Upper-Intermediate (above average)

Advanced (high)

Proficiency (native speaker level)

Therefore, for a resume, we recommend not trying to take the name of the level of education from another country, but taking understandable definitions in English. This will give an idea of ​​the level of education for an employee of an international company who is not familiar with the education system.

Levels of education in English. The Resume Builder provides a complete list of possible levels of education (translation is provided).

Primary education (grade 4) Primary School
Secondary general education (9 classes) Basic General Education
Secondary complete education (11 classes) secondary school
Secondary vocational education Lower post-secondary vocational education
Incomplete higher education Incomplete Higher Education
Bachelor of Higher Education (4 years) Bachelor's Degree
Higher Education Specialist Specialist degree
Master of Higher Education Master's degree
PhD Postgraduate Degree or PhD
Doctorate Postgraduate Degree or PhD
Two or more higher educations Second Higher Degree

For your resume, for the driving license information section, we recommend using the UK version - Driving License. We will use it in