Emergency contraceptives. Emergency contraception after intercourse. Emergency protection options

Contraception saves women from unwanted pregnancy. These are special creams, and aerosols, and candles, and tablets, and caps, and condoms. Some remedies are used before intimacy, while others - during it. But none of them will help if intercourse has already occurred. What to do in such a situation? Emergency contraception (EC) can be used to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Let's consider what means exist, how to use them, whether there are contraindications and possible linear negative consequences.

Means related to this type of contraception can be used within a short period of time after intercourse. Before intimacy, they are not applied, since in this case they will not give the desired effect. However, you should not abuse them after sex, as they can cause serious harm to health.

The essence of the action of emergency contraception is that the components of the drugs, influencing the female body, prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the lining of the uterus, that is, pregnancy does not occur.

The result depends on when the woman took the remedy. It can have a positive effect within 3 days. Some methods give the proper result if they were used by a woman within 5 days after sex. The use of EC after this is meaningless. Pregnancy will come and the methods will be powerless.

The effectiveness of such funds ranges from 75 to 98%... No one will give guarantees that an unwanted pregnancy will definitely not occur. Medicine knows cases when a fertilized egg, despite the effect of the drug, is attached to the walls of the uterus. No adverse effects on the fetus were recorded. Developmental deviations in children due to the fact that a woman resorted to one of the methods of emergency contraception do not arise.

When can EC be applied?

Anyone of reproductive age may need EC at some point. It can be used when the following situations occur:

  • after voluntary sex in which the partners did not use any means of contraception;
  • in those moments when the usual means of contraception fail, for example:
    • due to a break or slip of a condom;
    • due to improper use of the calendar method to prevent unwanted pregnancy (partners could incorrectly identify "dangerous" and "safe" days);
    • the man could not interrupt sexual intercourse in time, and the sperm entered the vagina;
    • skipping the use of oral contraceptives (more than 3 days);
  • with involuntary intercourse.

Any woman can use emergency contraception. Means can be used when breastfeeding a baby. Hormonal drugs that prevent pregnancy are undesirable for young girls, adolescents who have not yet formed hormonal levels.

Emergency contraceptive groups

There are 4 groups of contraceptives that prevent unwanted pregnancy after intercourse took place. Let's analyze each of them in detail.

1. Hormonal drugs with progestogen

High-dose progestogen post-coin emergency contraceptive pills are taken in different ways. In some cases, a pill is required, and in others, a couple of pills. It depends on the drug used. Some funds are accepted according to the following scheme:

  • the first tablet containing a high dose of the hormone is consumed within 3 days after intercourse, and the second tablet is not needed at all;
  • the woman drinks the first pill within 3 days after intimacy, and the second one - half a day after using the first.

Postinor (levonorgestrel is the international name) can be cited as an example of hormonal emergency contraceptive drugs containing a progestogen. This synthetic agent prevents fertilization, causes significant changes in the endometrium, making the implantation of an egg impossible.

Postinor is effective in 85% of cases (efficiency on the first day after intercourse is 95%, on the second day - 85%, and on the third day - 58%). Postinor is called the drug of the "last century", as it causes quite serious consequences.

2. Hormonal drugs with an antigestagenic substance

The methods of emergency contraception include the use of tablets containing an antigestagenic substance. These are also hormonal agents. You will need to take one tablet. A woman must do this within 3 days from the moment of unprotected sexual intercourse.

An example of a hormonal agent with an antigestagenic substance is ginepristone. This modern drug is safer than postinor, but there are also contraindications and side effects. The agent inhibits ovulation, causes changes in the endometrium, prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus.

3. Combined oral contraceptives

These hormonal agents, which contain estrogens and progestins, can prevent unwanted pregnancies. They are used according to the following scheme:

  • within 3 days after intercourse, take pills so that the total dose of ethinyl estradiol is 100 μg;
  • after half a day, take the pills again in the same dose;

The total dose of ethinyl estradiol consumed should be 200 mcg.

Emergency contraception for hepatitis B (breastfeeding) in the form of combined oral agents containing estrogen and progestogen is undesirable. A woman may have a shortened lactation period. Deterioration and decrease in the quantity of milk is also possible.

4. Non-hormonal copper-containing intrauterine devices

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy, you can resort to non-hormonal emergency contraception - the introduction of an intrauterine device. To carry out this procedure, you need to consult a doctor and this should be done as soon as possible after intercourse has occurred. Typically, the period during which you can resort to this EC tool is 5 days.

An intrauterine device is a small device made of plastic and copper. It reduces the lifetime of the egg and prevents it from attaching to the walls of the uterus after fertilization. The spiral efficiency is 99%.

Contraindications and possible consequences

Emergency contraception also has contraindications. They should be clarified with the attending physician or read in the instructions attached to the drugs. Contraindications may include:

  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • the presence of serious hereditary diseases;
  • hypersensitivity in a woman to the components that make up the funds;
  • severe liver failure.

Some drugs are advised to be used with caution in diseases of the liver and biliary tract, Crohn's disease, lactation, chronic heart failure, severe arterial hypertension, prolonged use of GCS.

Experts do not recommend using EC too often. The funds are contraindicated for regular use. In no case should they be used as permanent contraception. The drugs are advised to be used no more than 1-2 times a year.

When using hormonal EC, the following side effects occur:

  • dizziness (in 11-17% of cases);
  • nausea (in 23-50% of cases);
  • vomiting (in 6-19% of the fair sex);
  • general weakness (in 17–29% of women).

Among the most common consequences of emergency contraception is uterine bleeding. It starts a few days after the receipt of funds. In some women, on the contrary, there is a delay (5-7 days).

Unprotected sex can happen ... for every woman. This is known to lead to inappropriate pregnancy, which can be a real pain for both partners. What birth control pills can I use after intercourse within 72 hours?

Emergency contraception

"SOS" -funds contain a "horse" portion of a synthetic female hormone - gestagen, which suppresses ovulation by acting on a part of the brain (anterior pituitary gland), which is responsible for stimulating the development of the dominant follicle in the ovary and the maturation of the female reproductive cell in it. In addition, the synthetic hormone significantly thickens the cervical mucus, so sperm cannot penetrate into the uterine cavity.

If, nevertheless, conception has occurred, then the fertilized egg is faced with another destructive obstacle. Emergency contraception regresses the endometrial layer, thereby creating unfavorable conditions for the attachment of the zygote to the uterine membrane, which is an important condition for the existence of the ovum.

How to take pills for unprotected sex

After intercourse, birth control pills are recommended to be taken within 72 hours. Emergency medications often cause an imbalance of hormonal origin, so it is not recommended to use them more often than once a quarter and in no case - twice in one cycle. If vomiting occurs within four hours after taking a hormonal contraceptive, then the woman needs to take a second dosage.

Despite the fact that the instruction indicates the use of contraceptive pills after the act within 72 hours, it is recommended that hormonal contraception be carried out as early as possible. Ideally, this is best done immediately after an unprotected intimate relationship.

It should be remembered that birth control pills are taken after sex - their effectiveness during the first day is 85-95%, second and third - 80%, fourth - 65.

Today, pharmaceutical companies provide the pharmacy market with a wide range of modern means for emergency contraception. To your attention a table with a brief description of the drugs.

Name of the medicine Method of using tablets Price in dollars (at the time of writing)
Postinor After the “romantic” act, the contraceptive pill should be drunk within 72 hours (the next pill in the package - after 12 hours) 7
Ovidon Twelve hours after PA, the second - after the same period of time 5 – 7
Escapel Tab. inside, after intercourse in the first 72 hours 8
Ginepristone Tab. applied 4 days after PA 4,8 – 6,5
Zhenale 1 tab. inside the next four days after "open" intimate relationship 6,4

See also the section ““

Every woman should first of all worry about her health, because if unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred, then she will need to drink the drug, and not her partner. However, even a prudent girl can find herself in an unforeseen situation, for example, if a condom breaks during a close relationship. There are also criminal cases - rape, which can also lead to the fertilization of an egg.

In other words, emergency contraception should be treated as a last resort. Many women admit that they only used them in their youth. However, there are those girls who have never in their life found themselves in situations when taking pills was extremely necessary.

Emergency “pregnancy prevention” is not for everyone. There are certain contraindications that should be taken into account, since pills may not work and even cause significant harm to health:

  • Impaired hepatic and renal function;
  • Taking coagulating drugs, the presence of physiological disorders of blood clotting;
  • The period of gestation and lactation feeding;
  • Decrease in iron-containing protein with a concomitant decrease in the number of red blood cells;
  • History of ectopic pregnancy;
  • Violation of the production of hormones by the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland;
  • Taking synthetic hormones (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone), as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Malignant tumors, especially affecting the female reproductive system (breast, ovarian, uterine cancer), benign neoplasms (mastopathy, fibroma, fibroids);
  • Dysfunctions of the digestive system associated with absorption;
  • Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory process that affects all parts of the alimentary tract - from the oral cavity to the anal canal.

Before using the funds, you need to consult with a specialist!

Women of Balzac's age should remember that they are taken with great caution, since by this age, serious diseases of the reproductive system associated with hormonal imbalance are often diagnosed.

7 dangers of birth control pills 72 hours after intercourse

Even in the absence of contraindications, SOS preparations can cause a side effect. Symptoms and conditions, in some cases developing as a result of taking medication:

  1. Soreness of the mammary glands and their swelling;
  2. Headache, dizziness, in rare cases - fainting;
  3. Drawing pains over the pubis, as before menses;
  4. Increased nervousness, rapid mood swings;
  5. Allergic reaction, manifested in the form of focal redness of the skin and small rash;
  6. Nausea, epigastric pain, vomiting;
  7. Menstrual delay after birth control pills.

Sometimes complications affect fertility. So, hormonal imbalance can cause a tubal pregnancy after taking birth control pills - a fertilized egg will not attach to the wall of the uterus, but it will perfectly “take root” in the fallopian tube (if there is a tendency to do so).

Also, regular (sometimes one-time) use of emergency contraception leads to serious and sometimes difficult to respond to violations in the organs of the reproductive system. Often this causes infertility, miscarriages in the first trimester, uterine bleeding.

Don't forget to visit a doctor

As mentioned above, emergency pills are not a panacea for an unplanned pregnancy, so a woman needs to visit a doctor in a few weeks to exclude a possible conception. Also, the gynecologist will send for examination (especially if the patient has complaints after taking the pill), which consists in a visual examination on the gynecological chair, taking a smear on the microflora, undergoing ultrasound diagnostics and donating blood to the level of hormones of each phase.

If a woman has had sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar partner, the specialist will prescribe a series of tests to exclude diseases transmitted due to close sexual intercourse.

Many girls are wondering if it is possible to get pregnant after stopping the contraceptive pill? If we talk about drugs that "turn off" the function of the ovaries (they are taken daily), then conception will occur when hormonal medications are stopped. When canceling "SOS" contraceptives, you should be careful about the methods of contraception.

  • Emergency remedies do not protect against pregnancy in the cycle of taking them if unprotected sexual intercourse occurs again after a few days.

Despite the fact that "urgent" contraceptives are freely available at the pharmacy without a prescription, the girl should consult a doctor before deciding to use them. Each medication has a certain effect and hormonal saturation, therefore, depending on the age of the woman and the diseases she has, the gynecologist will individually prescribe the remedy that, in his opinion, will be the most effective.

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Hello! From this article you will learn about what emergency contraception is, how it works, in what cases and how to use it correctly, what methods there are, what the consequences of this method can be.

Emergency contraception: what it is and when it is used

Prescribing emergency contraception (EC) consists in preventing pregnancy in "fire cases" after unprotected traditional sex in the first three days. The overuse of post-coital medications causes significant harm to women's health, so they are not intended for regular use.

The essence of the protection of EC drugs is inhibition of ovulation, and in the case of fertilization of the egg, the impossibility of its consolidation and development.

How emergency contraception works

First, on its way, sperm cells encounter an obstacle in the form of thick cervical mucus located at the cervix. The acid-base balance of the vaginal environment changes in an unfavorable direction. An alkaline pH decreases the activity of the semen.

The main action of EC is to inhibit the development, release of the egg by hormonal components contained in the preparations. If fertilization does happen, then the changed endometrium will not allow the egg to gain a foothold on the inner lining of the uterus.

The intrauterine device, acting as an EC after intercourse without protection from possible pregnancy, has a toxic, destructive effect on sperm due to its copper content. During fertilization, the activity of the fallopian tubes increases. The egg is quickly delivered to the uterus and dies there. This is facilitated by non-infectious inflammation, endometrial atrophy.

The use of alternative means of emergency contraception at home is possible, but gynecologists oppose their use. Lemon, boric acid, and potassium permanganate used as contraceptives are ineffective and harmful. Douching disrupts the vaginal microflora, changes the acid-base balance, which is unsafe for the health of the genitals.

After unprotected intercourse, see your gynecologist as soon as possible. The doctor will select a drug suitable for the specific case.

First, calculate on what day of the cycle the sex occurred. If intercourse occurred in the first or last week of the cycle, then emergency contraception is not needed at all, since during these periods ovulation does not occur, which means that conception is impossible.

In what cases are emergency contraceptives used?

Consider the cases when EC is used:

  • vaginal rape;
  • traditional sex without the use of contraception;
  • prolapse or removal before the term of the vaginal cap, shift of the diaphragm, rupture of the male or female condom;
  • skipping the time of taking two or more contraceptive pills, taken in a planned manner, hormonal injection;
  • prolapse of the intrauterine device;
  • interrupted intercourse;
  • peeling off the plaster.

Various EC products are presented on the pharmacological market. Depending on the species, they are available in pharmacies with or without a prescription. Emergency contraception has been tested for decades and proven to be effective.

Emergency contraception

EC methods include: taking combined oral contraceptives (COCs) according to a certain scheme (Yuzpe method), hormonal pills specially designed for taking after intercourse, installing copper-containing intrauterine devices.

Method 1 - Yuzpe method

The Yuzpe method is used within three days after unprotected sexual intercourse. Combined hormonal preparations containing estradiol and levonorgestrel are taken at intervals of 12 hours.

The shorter the period between unprotected vaginal sex and the use of pills, the higher the effectiveness of contraception.

Ways of using the drugs most popular in our country:

  1. Four tablets are taken to choose from - Femoden, Mikroginon, Regulon or Rigevidon ... Repeated use of the drug in the same dose occurs after 12 hours.
  2. Combined oral contraceptives Logest, Novinet, Marsilon are used according to the same scheme, only in this case, a single dose is 5 pills.

The dose of active ingredients per dose is 1 mg of levonorgestrel, 200 mcg of estradiol.

The maximum effect is achieved with the first use of COCs no later than 12 hours after ejaculation. The effectiveness is noticeably reduced if coitus happened before ovulation.

The Yuzpe method has side reactions and contraindications. To minimize the negative consequences, consult a doctor for the selection of a medicine and dosage. If this method of protection does not work and pregnancy has occurred, it is better to terminate it, since there is a high risk of developing an abnormal fetus.

Method 2 - hormonal contraceptives

The modern EC method is the prevention of conception after unprotected intercourse with the help of specially designed pills. They are divided into containing gestagens, antiprogestins.


Progestogen analogs, in turn, are divided into synthetic levonorgestrel and norethisterone, which are similar in effect to natural progesterone. These substances actively inhibit the maturation and release of the egg from the ovary, thereby preventing pregnancy.

A common drug of this type is Postinor containing two tablets, taken one at 12 hour intervals. The effectiveness remains 90% when used in the first 24 hours after coitus. The pills taken after 3 days reduce the effectiveness to 55%.

Postinor has side effects, expressed in nausea, impaired intestinal motility, headaches, lower abdomen, and blood discharge.

A more modern drug containing levonorgestrel twice as much - Escapel ... It is taken once within three days after unprotected sex. The side effects are the same.

Proven to be effective: Nordiol, Neogest, Mikroval, accepted according to the same scheme as Postinor.

Artificial antiprogestin

Mifepristone known as a short term abortion and as a drug for emergency contraception in the presence of contraindications to other methods of protection against pregnancy.

Antigestagens act throughout the cycle. If sexual intercourse occurred before the maturation and release of the egg, then the substance mifepristone suppresses ovulation, if after that it does not allow the endometrium to increase in volume, to fix the egg on the wall of the uterus.

The drug is used in a single dose of 600 mg.

Headache, tension of the mammary glands, nausea, vomiting after application pass quickly. A more distant side effect is the failure of menstruation after emergency contraception. To restore the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to take hormonal drugs regularly after the first menstruation.

The best among emergency contraceptioncontaining mifepristone are considered Zhenale, Ginepristone ... These tablets are available with a prescription at the pharmacy.

Ginepristone delays the maturation and release of the egg, atrophies the endometrium. One tablet is taken once on an empty stomach. In addition to the negative consequences inherent in all medicated emergency contraceptives, allergic reactions may occur.

Zhenale - an antiprogestogen agent containing 1 tablet in a package, slows down the ovulation process, changes the endometrium. Taking a contraceptive can provoke an exacerbation of the inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs.

Both drugs work for three days after ejaculation.

If we compare the safety and efficacy of hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptives, then both indicators are higher for drugs containing 10 mg mifepristone.

In women who used drugs with levonorgestrel 1.5 mg, the consequences are more severe - one and a half times more cases of uterine bleeding, menstrual irregularities, twice the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Method 3 - intrauterine device

Safe emergency contraception includes intrauterine device ... A foreign body made of plastic and copper, placed in the uterine cavity, causes non-infectious inflammation, leading to the death of sperm and ovum. The spiral acts as a "fire-fighting" agent if it is installed 5 days after unprotected coitus.

At first, pulling pains in the lower abdomen are felt. Menses become profuse, painful.

Three weeks later, a visit is made to the doctor who examines the patient for pregnancy, checks the correct setting of the remedy. If in the future you are going to use other contraceptives in a planned manner, then the spiral is removed.

More often it is left as a long-term protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Installation, extraction of an intrauterine contraceptive takes place in a gynecological office.

Emergency contraception methods do not reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. If unprotected intercourse happened with a one-time partner, then sexually transmitted diseases must be excluded by passing the appropriate tests at a medical institution.

When and how to take emergency contraceptives

To get the result from the use of emergency contraception follow simple rules:

  • consult with your gynecologist before purchasing an emergency contraceptive;
  • read the instructions for use;
  • COCs, Postinor are applied twice with an interval of 12 hours in the first three days after ejaculation;
  • Escapel and mifepristone tablets are taken once in the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse;
  • pills taken in the first 12 hours after the act are more effective;
  • it is important to use Ginepristone, Zhenale on an empty stomach and after taking it not to eat for at least 2 hours;
  • in case of vomiting after using an oral contraceptive in the first 2-3 hours, the pill is duplicated.

Consequences of taking emergency contraceptives

To side effects the body for emergency contraception include:

  • abdominal pain, migraines;
  • dizziness, general weakness;
  • nausea, less often vomiting;
  • violation of the stool;
  • allergy;
  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • tension of the mammary glands;
  • delay in the next menstruation.

Untimely onset of menstruation, accompanied by bleeding, soreness of the lower abdomen, can be caused by an ectopic pregnancy. This case requires a visit to a doctor.

Consequences of taking drugs:

  1. The risk of uterine bleeding increases with repeated use of emergency contraceptives.
  2. Vomiting is more common after the use of combined oral agents; rarely, this side effect is observed in women using levonorgestrel.
  3. Medicines for "fire" protection against unplanned pregnancy harm children who are breastfed. Active substances can partially penetrate into breast milk.
  4. Emergency contraception hits the hormonal system. This is especially true in the case of frequent use of EC drugs. The constant suppression of follicular maturation over time leads to infertility.
  5. A decrease in the level of estrogen and testosterone in the female body reduces bone density. Menopause starts early. Against the background of developing osteoporosis, the risk of fractures increases.
  6. Changes in ovarian function, hormonal imbalance lead to weight gain, an increase in blood sugar, and an increase in blood pressure.
  7. Women with varicose veins are more likely to form blood clots.
  8. An intrauterine device can cause significant harm to women's health. The tool can be perforated into the endometrium, cause gynecological diseases.

To prevent irreversible consequences, use long-term remedies, and use emergency contraceptives no more than once every six months.

Contraindications to taking emergency contraceptives

Taking emergency contraceptive medications is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer;
  • renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to active substances;
  • long-term nicotine addiction;
  • thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, hereditary tendency to form blood clots;
  • young age due to the possible development of infertility;
  • tumors of the oncogenic nature of the endometrium, mammary glands;
  • bleeding from the uterus of unknown origin;
  • irregular periods;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • persistent migraines.

Installation of an intrauterine contraceptive is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • changes in the shape of the uterus caused by abnormal development, fibroids, cancer;
  • a history of ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammation of the endometrium, ovaries.

Emergency contraception is a high-risk drug. To avoid possible complications, you should observe the dosage, time of admission, and be observed by a doctor.

Even with a list of side effects, pills and coils used after unprotected intercourse are less harmful to women's health than abortion.

  1. EC can be used while breastfeeding, but take precautions. Before taking the drug, feed the baby, and after that, express and pour out the milk for six hours. This is the minimum period of abstinence from breastfeeding. Optimal - up to one and a half days.
  2. If 5 days have passed after unprotected intercourse, then the best emergency contraception is an intrauterine device.
  3. Possible pregnancy with multiple sexual intercourse within three days is prevented by a single dose of the drug. Take it after your first unprotected intercourse.
  4. Do not use EC more than once every six months.
  5. Take the tablets before bedtime, drink plenty of water to prevent vomiting.
  6. Use emergency contraception exactly as instructed. Failure to comply with the interval between taking the pills reduces the effectiveness.
  7. If, after using the drug, the next menstruation is delayed, purchase a pregnancy test, double-check the result by visiting your doctor. It is possible to fix the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, since the funds are not 100% effective.
  8. Protect yourself with barrier methods of protection before starting a new cycle.

Emergency contraception will not replace routine contraception.

Consult a gynecologist, who will select funds in accordance with your health, the number of pregnancies, childbirth, age and physiological characteristics.

The child in the family must be desired, so every pregnancy must be carefully planned. But situations often occur when you need to use emergency contraception. This method is a good way to prevent unwanted conception. How does it work? Is emergency contraception safe for the female body?

Emergency contraception can help prevent unplanned conception. The effect of such techniques is to suppress the ovulatory process in the female body, that is, they do not allow the meeting of the sperm with the egg.

Appropriate techniques are used even if conception has already occurred, but it is urgent to prevent further development of the fetus. In this variant, it is impossible to attach a fertilized egg to the uterine wall.

Situations when a woman can use contraception:

  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • improper use of contraceptives (breakage, slipping of a condom during sex);
  • skipping oral contraception;
  • incorrect counting of "safe" days;
  • unsuccessfully interrupted intercourse;
  • rape.

In all these situations, there is a high risk of unwanted fertilization. And if a woman does not plan to become a mother in the near future, then she needs to use contraceptives as soon as possible (after sex).

The effectiveness of the technique depends on the period of admission. A greater effect will be observed if the reception occurred in the period from 1 to 5 days.

Frequent use of such methods is prohibited. This can negatively affect a woman's health and, especially, the functionality of the reproductive system. It is allowed to use emergency contraceptive methods twice a year.


Some women believe that douching can protect them from unwanted conception. In fact, this is a myth. Active sperm (after ejaculation) reach the cervix within 1 minute. Sperm are present in the lubricant, which is able to penetrate the female genitals, which can also result in fertilization. Douching is not able to "eliminate" sperm from the reproductive organs of a woman.

It is necessary to point out one more important aspect. Douching negatively affects the microflora of the vagina. The solutions injected into the genitals change the vaginal pH and acidic environment to alkaline. It is the alkaline environment of the vagina that provokes the development of various gynecological diseases.

Which remedies are better?

If we compare the installation of an IUD and the use of tablets, then the first method is the safest for the female body. The effectiveness of the coil has also been established by numerous medical studies. In the event that a woman has contraindications to the installation of an IUD, she will have to use pills.

The use of antigestogens is safer. Such funds are effective and not so aggressive for the female body when compared with gestagens.

But when choosing emergency contraception, it should be borne in mind that the effectiveness and safety of the drug depends on the time of administration and the phase of the menstrual cycle. Scientific and medical studies have proven that if unprotected sexual contact occurs before the ovulation period, then drugs based on gestagens can be used. In this case, they will be both safe and effective for the female body.

We will take antigestogens regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle. They will always be as effective as possible and relatively safe.

There are also cases when methods of emergency contraception become completely ineffective. You can determine the onset of conception (after taking the appropriate funds) by the following signs:

  • delay (by 1 or more weeks) menstruation;
  • the past menstruation was accompanied by scant bloody discharge and lasted less than usual.


IUD insertion is one of the most common and most effective methods of emergency contraception.

According to its external parameters, the spiral is a special tool of small dimensions, made of plastic with the presence of alloys of gold, copper or silver.

The introduction of the IUD is performed no later than 5 days after unprotected sexual contact. The procedure for installing the spiral is carried out by a gynecologist in a medical institution. The establishment of a spiral is allowed only for women who have no contraindications to the corresponding procedure.

The IUD effectively prevents the onset of unwanted fertilization, but it is not able to protect the female body from the invasion of various kinds of infections (including sexually transmitted infections).

Your periods after IUD insertion always become more abundant, last longer than usual, and are accompanied by physical discomfort.

If the IUD was used only in the form of an emergency contraception, then one month after installation it must be removed. The spiral is removed by a gynecologist. It is forbidden to independently remove the IUD, as this may result in adverse consequences for the female body.


This group includes pills that contain a large dosage of hormonal substances.

Depending on the active hormone that is part of the product, there are several methods of using emergency contraception:

  • Yuzpe method - taking twice during the day (after 12 hours) equal dosages of drugs based on Ethinylestradiol (200 mg) and Levonorgestrel (1.5 mg).
  • Acceptance of funds based on Levonorgestrel (1.5 mg). It is allowed to take twice a day, and the total dosage is divided into 2 equal parts. Another way is to take a high dosage once.
  • Taking pills based on Mifepristone or a progesterone hormone antagonist. It is taken once in a dosage of 10 mg.

Comparing the methods, it is necessary to point out that the Yuzpe method is less effective.

The use of Levonorgestrel is aimed at suppressing ovulation, but it does not affect the process of introducing a fertilized egg to the uterine wall. This feature must be taken into account when using the drug after the ovulation period. If you do not follow these nuances, then pills based on Levonorgestrel become completely ineffective and do not protect a woman from unwanted conception in any way.

Preparations based on Mifepristone inhibit the ovulation process and prevent the introduction of a fertilized egg to the uterine lining. Scientific studies have also proven that they are able to "delay" the onset of ovulation by 4 or more days.

This feature of Mifepristone is very important, since the vital activity of sperm in the female genital organs is 3-5 days. If taking tablets based on Mifepristone fell on the date of ovulation, then the drug will be effective and will continue to work actively for another 3-5 days.

Side effects

All medications can cause a number of side effects:

  • aching headache;
  • urge to vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • discomfort or sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discharge with impurities of blood;
  • allergic reactions (nasal congestion, skin rash, choking, etc.).

Menstruation after pill emergency contraception is slightly modified. Often there is a change in the date of the onset of menstruation (up or down). Some women note that after taking medications, there is a slight spotting between periods. This feature is not a pathology or cause for panic.

After using the chosen method of contraception, a visit to the gynecologist is recommended. This is necessary to confirm the effectiveness of the drug and eliminate the risk of pregnancy.

Interaction with other medications

The concurrent use of certain medicines and emergency contraceptive medicines is unacceptable. In order not to provoke the onset of side effects:

  • Simultaneous reception with Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Barbiturates, Tacrolimus, and Griseofulvin reduces the effectiveness of contraceptive action.
  • Taking contraceptives simultaneously with means for normalizing glucose levels, as well as anticoagulants, reduces the effectiveness of the latter.
  • The combined use of contraceptives and glucocorticosteroids leads to the accumulation of the contraceptive effect of the corresponding drugs in the blood.
  • The simultaneous use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and Mifepristone is prohibited.
  • It is not recommended to take Mifepristone and Levonorgestrel before responsible work.

Pregnancy after taking

No contraceptive drug gives a 100% guarantee against unwanted conception. And if, after taking the appropriate means, pregnancy still occurs, then gynecologists advise women to terminate it.

The effect of hormonal agents on the fetus is not fully understood, therefore, abortion is necessary to avoid negative consequences.

Ectopic pregnancy

It is important to clarify that the risk of an ectopic pregnancy occurs only after taking levonorgestrel-based tablets. This feature is explained by the fact that the hormone inhibits the "movement" of the egg after the period of ovulation through the fallopian tube. On the one hand, this feature provides protection against unwanted conception, but on the other hand, it contributes to the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

When taking drugs based on Mifepristone, the risk of ectopic pregnancy is reduced to 2%. On the contrary, it accelerates the "movement" of the egg through the fallopian tube. Moreover, scientific studies have proven that Mifepristone can be used as a complex agent in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy.

Emergency contraceptive pills

Emergency contraceptive pills are classified according to the active ingredient into several forms:

  • Levonorgestrel-based drugs - Postinor, Escapel, Levonelle.
  • Based on Mifepristone - Agesta, Ginepristone, Zhenale.
  • Oral contraceptives - Ovidon, Marvelon, Ovret, Mikroginon.


One of the most famous emergency contraceptives contains 0.75 mg. Levonorgestrel.

Reception method:

  • the total dosage is divided into 2 doses;
  • take the first pill no later than 3 days after unprotected sexual contact;
  • the second - no later than 12 hours after taking the first pill.

The effectiveness is 94%, if the reception is carried out within the first day after unprotected sex. The effect will be 86% if Postinor is taken on the 2nd day and 57% - on the 3rd after unprotected intercourse.


It is analogous to Postinor. Escapel contains 1.5 mg of active Levonorgestrel.

Method of administration: single use of 1 tablet no later than 4 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

The efficiency of Escapel (subject to the principles of application) reaches 98.9%.

Ginepristone (Agesta)

The base contains 10 mg. Mifepristone.

Method of administration: a single dose of 1 tablet of the appropriate agent no later than 3 days after sexual contact.

Numerous studies have proven that it is drugs based on Mifepristone that most effectively protect against unwanted conception.

Oral contraceptives

The active ingredient in such funds is Ethinylestradiol. Oral contraceptives can replace emergency contraceptives. They perform the same function and have roughly the same effect.

Reception method:

  • the total dosage of the product is divided into 2 parts;
  • take the first pill no later than 3 days after unprotected sex;
  • the second - 12 hours after taking the first pill.

Depending on the name of the drug, the content of the active hormone may vary. This is important to consider when formulating the dosage of the oral contraceptive.

For example, if you use Mikroginon or Marvelon as an emergency contraceptive drug, the total dosage of pills will be 8 pcs., Respectively, a single dose will be 4 tablets, and the remaining 4 of the total dose will need to be taken in 12 hours.

When using Ovidon or Ovulen, the total dosage of tablets is 4 pcs., Respectively, 2 tablets for each dose.


Included in the group of new generation products. Can be used as an abortifacient.

Method of application: one-time, no later than 5 days after sexual intercourse.


  1. Before taking the drug, carefully study the instructions for use, especially contraindications.
  2. Strictly follow the recommendations specified in the instructions.
  3. The tablets are recommended to be taken on an empty stomach (or 2 hours after a meal). Thus, the maximum contraceptive effect is achieved.
  4. The tablets must be taken with plenty of cool water.
  5. If the instructions say to divide the total dose of the drug into 2 parts, then you need to do so. Ignoring this point can result in the development of serious side effects.

Only well-protected sex can protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy.

In a woman's life, unprotected intimacy happens, after which emergency contraception is needed to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. In gynecological practice, they are used pills for unwanted pregnancy,folk remedies of a similar action, spirals.

Many women know about these methods, but not everyone knows how to take them correctly. Most women believe that emergency contraceptive pillsare a panacea for unwanted pregnancy. The use of these funds is obvious, but so is the harm. Therefore, when using them, it is worth assessing the pros and cons of the action, assess the degree of risk and provide possible dangerous consequences.

Indications for emergency contraception

For about thirty years, emergency contraception methods have been studied by physicians, many of them have been proven to be effective and are tolerated by women. Their gynecologists recommend after intercourse, the consequences of which can lead to unwanted pregnancy, namely the following situations:

  • there was no planned protection;
  • there was a displacement of devices for barrier contraception;
  • the condom burst;
  • oral contraceptives have not been taken for at least two days;
  • long-acting injection is not done;
  • the spermicidal tablet did not have time to dissolve;
  • ejaculation (with interruption of intercourse) partially occurred in the vagina;
  • incorrect definition of the "safe" period, if the calendar method of protection was used;
  • rape occurred.

Types of emergency contraception

If a woman does not plan pregnancy and childbirth, she should know types of emergency contraception... These include:

  • intrauterine devices;
  • folk methods;
  • hormonal drugs, pills.

Timely emergency postcoital contraception will help avoid fertilization of the egg. It is enough to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of each of the possible protection options and be able to use them.

Intrauterine devices

There are reliable non-drug methods of contraception. You can protect a woman from pregnancy that she does not plan with the help. This procedure is performed by a doctor within 5 days after proximity, during which there were no remedies.

The mechanical device provides 99% protective effect. IUD for emergency contraception is used for women with children, victims of rape, for adolescent girls.

Folk methods

Alternative to traditional (medical) methods are alternative means of emergency contraception. It should be noted that they do not give a guaranteed result. They are used when there is no way to use medication.

The most effective among the "grandmother's recipes" are:

  • Douching using a weak solution of fresh lemon juice. To do this, 200 ml of water is mixed with the juice of one large lemon and the vagina is washed. To avoid disturbance of microflora, mucous membranes must be thoroughly rinsed after douching.
  • Douching with a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. The protective effect of this procedure is about 60%, but this method must be used with extreme caution. With the wrong concentration of the solution, you can only harm. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1:18. After douching, the genitals should be washed using a mild intimate soap.
  • A slice of peeled lemon inserted into the vagina immediately after intimacy is a dangerous but effective method. Under the influence of acid, emergency contraception will take place in a few seconds. Next, the pulp is removed, the genitals must be washed with warm water and soap.
  • Dangerous methods of protection include inserting a small piece of laundry soap into the vagina. After 15-20 seconds, it is removed, the mucous membranes must be rinsed well. After that, it is advisable to treat them with a special moisturizer.
  • For urgent protection, an aspirin tablet is used. The effectiveness of its protection is about 60%.

All of the above methods of emergency influence have a certain effect only within 5-7 minutes after intercourse... They disrupt the acid-base balance in the vagina, which has a detrimental effect on sperm, they lose the ability to fertilize.

Popular methods have the same destructive effect on the mucous membranes of the female genital organs. They can be used extremely rarely, not to combine them for protection purposes. After using them, you need to contact a gynecologist and talk about contraception carried out in a similar way.

Emergency contraception with hormonal pills

Emergency contraception is effective with the help of hormonal drugs... In their composition, they contain hormones that have a suppressive effect on the maturation of the egg, inhibit the penetration of the fertilized egg into the uterus, reject it from the uterus, disrupting the implantation processes.

Hormonal pills work in different ways. They cannot be used constantly, these are emergency contraceptive drugs.

If there is a risk of becoming pregnant after intercourse, it is important take pills right away after him. Their effectiveness in the first hours of admission is 94%, by the end of the third day, the probability of protecting everything 57% ... When resorting to emergency contraceptive measures using pills, you need to take into account the rules of admission and possible contraindications.

By applying hormonal drugs at home,you need to know that there are drug options:

  • only 1 tablet is needed to protect against possible pregnancy;
  • requires taking the drug according to the scheme for 3 days up to 6 tablets.

The choice of emergency contraceptive measures depends on the length of time after the act.

All contraceptive pills after an act that may have consequences must be taken strictly according to the instructions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and possible complications.

Taking a hormonal contraceptive during the day

There are medications that will provide reliable protection if taken immediately after intimacy or within twelve hours after it. A list of the names of such drugs:

  • Ovidon - 2 tablets;
  • Non-Ovlon - 2 tablets;
  • Ministizone - 3 tablets;
  • Rigevidon - 3 tablets;
  • Marvelon - 4 tablets.

They reliably protect pills that contain an artificial analog of progesterone - levonorgestrel. These are the medicines Eskinor F, Eskapel, Postinor. The action of these drugs is based on decreased egg activity after ovulation, reducing the speed of movement of the fallopian tubes.

The egg cell dies under the influence of these hormonal contraceptives before reaching the uterine cavity. Even if the egg has entered the uterus, the mucous membrane is rejected, and it is not able to implant.

Protection after the act for 72 hours

This group includes combined oral preparations that contain a high concentration of hormones (estrogen, gestagen). They should be used according to the scheme in a certain dosage. They cause endometrial rejection and bleeding.

Non-hormonal pills as a remedy

Emergency contraception is possible with the latest hormone-free drugs. Mifepristone is used as an active ingredient. These are drugs: Zhenale, Mifolian, Mifetin, Ginepristone.

Their action is based on changing the inner lining of the uterus, enhancing its contractile activity. As a result of these processes, the fertilized egg is unable to implant and is rejected. It is enough to drink one contraceptive capsule at any phase of the cycle.

Emergency contraception during lactation

After childbirth, the female reproductive system does not recover immediately. With the onset of lactation, she works in a special mode, contraception during lactation is difficult due to the absence of menstruation. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, which is not uncommon during breastfeeding, emergency contraception is used.

A reliable method of contraception while breastfeeding is introduction of an intrauterine device... There is no need to stop feeding the newborn for this. It is important to establish a contraceptive no later than the fifth day after unprotected sex, it will protect the woman in the future.

When breastfeeding you can use hormonal contraceptives after the act, but in this case, you should adhere to strict rules:

  • when taking the first protective pill, feeding stops for 36 hours;
  • in order not to disrupt the lactation process during the forced break, breast milk must be expressed, and the child must be fed with the recommended milk formulas;
  • you can start feeding only 36 hours after the last hormonal pill.

The names of drugs that are prescribed for lactating women:

  • Postinor, Escapel (contain gestagens - progesterone analogues);
  • Mifegin, Mifepristone, Agesta, Zhenale (contain antigestagens - substances that block the production of progesterone).

It is very popular with breastfeeding Escapel, since it is taken once within 72-96 hours after sexual intercourse.

Of the antigestagenic drugs, Zhenale, Agesta, Ginepristone are more often preferred. The concentration of the active substance is only 10 mg in one tablet. This amount is quite enough for emergency protection, and adverse side reactions occur much less.

Conventional birth control pills are not suitable for emergency contraception

Despite the fact that today hormonal contraception is the most effective method of protection, the action conventional birth control pills and the means for "fire" contraception are different. Although both are developed on the basis of hormones.

Conventional contraceptive pills are individually selected and used by the woman daily throughout her menstrual cycle. Their action is aimed at suppressing the ovulation process, changing the mucous membrane of the uterus, thickening of cervical mucus. When asked if regular birth control pills will help after intercourse, the answer is unequivocal - no, if the woman did not accept them before.

Emergency contraception with hormonal drugs taken immediately after unprotected sex once, according to the instructions for the drug. The effect of such contraceptives based on egg rejection, a decrease in peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, changes in the endothelium.

Danger of emergency contraception

Emergency contraception is best used only when absolutely necessary, the consequences of such protection can become irreversible:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • bleeding;
  • infertility;
  • thrombus formation;
  • crohn's disease.

These drugs have many side effects:

  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • severe headaches;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increased emotionality;
  • allergic reactions.

Modern medicine helps a woman to plan a pregnancy. In case of unforeseen situations, you should not trust the advice, only a specialist will tell you the most effective and safest way to prevent unwanted pregnancy.