A product for killing dandelions on the lawn. How to get rid of dandelions in your garden plot, vegetable garden, or lawn forever? What product is needed to control dandelions in the garden, garden, and lawn? Selective drugs include:

How to get rid of dandelions on your property forever: mechanical, chemical and folk methods. How to remove dandelions: control measures

Dandelion- a well-known medicinal plant used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

At the same time, it is also a weed, causing great inconvenience to gardeners and gardeners, because getting rid of this perennial plant is quite difficult.

This material will be devoted to the question of how to get rid of dandelions on the site forever.

How to get rid of dandelions on your property forever: general information

Most summer residents have often encountered such a problem on their plots as. In fact, this seemingly pleasant plant can cause a lot of trouble. The thing is that the plant is a perennial, it spreads quite quickly and easily, because just a small breeze is enough to spread the seeds to other areas of the earth. And for it to germinate, just slightly moist soil is enough.

At the same time, this plant is quite tenacious, and it is almost impossible to get rid of it using an ordinary hoe, because if even a small piece of the root is left in the ground, next year many more yellow “guests” will appear in your garden.

They also adapt quite easily to any weather conditions. For example, they are absolutely not afraid of frost, because they are able to germinate even in a compost heap, if they are not buried very deeply.

Therefore, most gardeners have long come to terms with this yellow “invasion” on their site, and no longer even try to somehow prevent it. The only thing is that some from time to time break through the bushes that have arisen, trying to destroy them before flowering. However, in most cases, part of the root remains in the ground as usual, and next year new flowers sprout around this place.

It is in the root that lies the “invulnerability” of this outwardly harmless flower; it is quite fragile and long, so it is almost impossible to get it all out or tear it. What should summer residents do and what should they do about this scourge? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

How to remove dandelions, how to deal with dandelions: methods of eliminating the problem

Today there are three ways to combat dandelions:

. chemical;
. folk.

Mechanical methods

Let's start with the simplest thing - mechanical impact on. If you decide to act without “chemistry” or other traditional methods, then you will need a shovel and a lot of patience. Do not forget that the root is long, but also very fragile, so you should proceed with caution. Therefore, when digging up a weed, you need to completely and carefully ensure that not a trace of it remains in the ground, otherwise all your work will be in vain.

Often these flowers grow in tile seams or small asphalt cracks. In this case, you should simply cut the plant lower and cover the cut with table salt, this will not only help stop its growth, but also destroy the dandelion completely.

In addition to a shovel, you can also use a special tool for fighting dandelions, which is shaped like the English letter V made of blades. This device is very effective in the fight against these plants. The principle of its operation is as follows: we place the tool in the ground in the place where the weed grows, press the handle and the plant is already on the surface.

Another option for how to remove dandelions and how to deal with them is to cut them on the lawn. However, this method will not help you completely get rid of the weed, but will only stop its spread.

You can also limit this plant's access to sunlight. To do this, you will need to cover the flowers with pieces of cardboard or plastic bags, and due to lack of sun, they will begin to die in a few days.

Chemical methods

If mechanical methods do not have the desired effect, the plant can also be controlled chemically, in particular, using herbicides. And here, even opponents of “chemistry” are forced to admit that they often use them, since often after mechanical action on the weed, its root breaks, which leads to the appearance of new growth.
(reklama) Herbicides in this case can be either drugs purchased in specialty stores or food vinegar. The latter contains acid, which is a herbicide. However, for maximum effect it is still recommended to use an acid with a higher concentration level.

An important point: to increase the productivity of the fight against dandelions, try to get rid of them in the autumn.

The thing is that it is in the fall that this weed accumulates various nutrients in its roots, while the leaves die off before the winter period. So, if herbicides are applied to the leaves in the fall, the product will reach the roots much faster, killing them. In addition, it is not recommended to mow the lawn before treatment to ensure that the maximum amount of leaves is exposed to the herbicides.

Traditional methods

Many summer residents do not accept the use of chemicals on the site and prefer folk methods, proven by more than one generation. Moreover, each of the options listed below, with the right approach, can give results no worse than after a “chemical attack.”
So, the list of proven folk remedies for combating dandelions is as follows:

  • Boiling water. To eliminate a weed from a site, you need to systematically water it 2-3 times a day with boiling water, this will quickly lead to its death;
  • Alcohol. This method is not as popular, but is no less effective than the previous one. You need to dilute vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10 and pour it over each dandelion. The solution will burn out the root system of the plant, and it will quickly die;
  • Salt. We need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, which we will sprinkle on the yellow weeds. But be careful not to let the salt get on the plants growing nearby, otherwise they will also begin to die;
  • Blowtorch. This option sounds very strange, but many summer residents use it quite productively. Each dandelion should be heated with a lamp for several seconds;
  • Mulching. A very safe and effective way. Vegetables are grown on a dark film, and since there is no light, weeds and other crops do not grow;
  • Gluten corn flour. You can sprinkle the area with it, but until the dandelions appear, for 5-6 weeks.
  • Since this method is productive only during the period of sprinkling with flour, the procedure should be repeated several times during the growing season;
  • Table vinegar. It is necessary to systematically lubricate each weed with vinegar, which will soon lead to its death;
  • Hydrochloric acid. You can buy it at any hardware store. For these purposes, one liter will be enough; by the way, it costs very little. Be sure to wear latex gloves before starting processing. To apply, use a kitchen syringe.
  • Try not to inhale acid fumes, they are harmful to the body. Some time after treatment, the weeds turn brown and die.

Dandelion control, preventive measures

Preventive measures should be carried out regularly, otherwise dandelions will very quickly spread throughout the entire area, and it will be much more difficult to get rid of them. The best prevention is regular monitoring of the condition of the territory and proper care of it.

Many people think about how to get rid of dandelions in their lawn. Even if you carefully care for your lawn, dandelions and other weeds will still appear there after some time. In this case, the main problem is the rapid removal of these plants, and in such a way as not to harm the main crops. By the way, you need to remove dandelions before white fluff appears instead of yellow inflorescences. Otherwise, these seeds will spread throughout the yard, so that the lawn cannot be saved by them. You can completely remove the weed only if you pull it out along with the root.

There are several mechanical methods for removing dandelion or other weeds from your lawn. Moreover, all these methods have already been tested for decades.

  • Dig by hand.

You can carefully dig up the plant by hand, and the root should also be removed. This option is suitable for those who have enough free time to tinker with wildflowers. In addition, unlike the use of chemicals (in particular, herbicides), this technique is considered completely safe.

  • Always cut off only the foliage.

There is another method for removing dandelions from your lawn. It is necessary to constantly tear off its stem and leaves. You don't even have to grab the spine. In such conditions, the plant will quickly die, because It is the leaves and stem that are the main means of obtaining oxygen. If this source is eliminated, the plant simply dies due to constant hunger.

  • Mow the entire lawn, but leave a certain height of grass to create shade.

It is recommended to periodically mow the lawn as weeds and other excess vegetation appear on it. The lawn mower blades must be at least 6 cm in height. In this case, the grass will be high on the lawn, and this creates excellent conditions so that the dandelion simply does not grow. This is because tall blades of grass will create darkness, so that weed sprouts simply cannot break through. As a result, the plant will not receive enough light that it needs, and the flower will die.

  • Cover the dandelion bush with an opaque container.

Another method, similar in effect to this one, is to cover the dandelion itself with a container with opaque darkened walls. As a result, he loses his light source. After a certain time, you can remove this container, and the flower will die from lack of sunlight.

  • Water the soil with plain water or boiling water.

If you decide to simply dig up the plant, so as not to spend too much time and effort on this, it is recommended to simply water it with water. If the soil is soft, it will be easier to pull out the root. In addition, the plant is afraid of boiling water, so the dandelion can be watered with it for several days. As a result, he will die on his own, and you won’t even have to dig up the root, and the nearby grass will not be harmed.

  • Use of domestic herbivores.

Another option is pets. For example, rabbits will do. They really love the succulent foliage of this plant, so you can simply launch them onto the lawn as soon as the first shoots of weeds appear. But this option is not the best, because... Other flowers may also be affected.

Chemical methods of control

It is not always possible to remove dandelions from the lawn using mechanical methods. Very often, weeds grow so quickly throughout the yard that you simply don’t have time to pull them out all the time. In addition, weeding only in certain areas will definitely not help. If the lawn is completely covered with weeds, it is recommended to use chemical methods.

  • Fire.

You can use fire and simply burn the plant. This is a very fast and effective method.

  • Vinegar essence.

You can remove the hated sprouts using vinegar essence. It is enough to spray this liquid on the plants. It is recommended to spray it not only on the leaves, but also near the roots. In this case, you need to try not to get the solution on the main vegetation of the lawn. To make your task easier, you can dig up the ground a little and expose the root, and then spray liquid on it or simply pour a little near the root itself.

  • Salt.

Weeds that grow in the yard can be treated with salt, or rather, fed a little. But this procedure should be carried out with caution so as not to carry out other flowers and herbs, because salt granules will harm them.

Application of herbicide

The best way is to use herbicides. The whole procedure will be easy and quick. However, it is always necessary to remember that such substances are considered toxic, so they can harm not only weeds, but also the main plants. In addition, applying herbicides once will not be enough, so you will have to periodically treat the area.

If the new area is occupied by dandelions, then you can use both general and selective drugs. For example, Roundup, Lontrel and Tornado are considered common remedies. Selective ones include Lintur, Sniper and Killex.

General action drugs will destroy all plants in a row. To use them, simply dilute the product in water. Moreover, you must read the instructions on the packaging and strictly follow them. Then you only need to treat the areas where the weeds have grown with the solution. It is best to carry out this treatment in spring and autumn. In the spring, it is recommended to carry out this procedure before the main crops are planted. The area should be treated very carefully, because... One drop of the solution is enough for a bush or tree to die.

The second group of drugs acts selectively. They only target certain types of weeds.

For example, you can use Lintur. It has a systemic effect. The drug gets on the leaves, and then penetrates through the fibers to the roots. The first symptoms will be noticeable within a week (maximum after 10 days). The weed will completely die within a month. This drug has the main advantage that its active components do not affect many other crops, so it can be safely used. Before cultivating the area, do not mow the weeds. On the contrary, the leaves should be large. In this case, more of the active components of the solution will fall on them, which will speed up obtaining the desired result.

Another popular tool is Sniper. It is used to specifically destroy weeds. The substance must be applied directly to the leaves. They absorb the active components of the solution, which will then quickly penetrate into the very root, so that the plant will die. By the way, it is necessary to take into account that the Sniper will be able to completely destroy the entire weed (all its parts), with the exception of only the seeds. So it is best to carry out the treatment before white fluff with seeds appears instead of the yellow inflorescence. In the future, it is recommended to carry out additional processing, because the seeds remain viable so that the plants will appear again.

Do not use herbicides on a young lawn. He should already be fully strengthened. Otherwise, such treatment will greatly harm him. Moreover, this rule applies to both complex-action drugs and drugs with selective effects. In addition, processing can be carried out when there is no rain or wind. After completing the procedure, be sure to wash your hands.

Fighting dandelions can take a lot of effort. But if you follow the tips described above, then removing weeds, including dandelions, will not be difficult. In addition, you can completely get rid of this plant only if you remove the root. But it is best to carry out prevention in time.

You definitely need to take care of your lawn and follow all the rules.

You cannot leave empty spaces in the yard, because... It is in these areas that weed sprouts will appear. It is recommended to mow the lawn once a week, and the grass should be 6-8 cm high. Then weed sprouts will not be able to develop due to the shadow created. In addition, weeds will not be able to grow if there are enough nutrients and moisture in the soil. If there is a thick layer of turf on the site, this will also prevent the appearance of unwanted vegetation. And it is necessary to create a new lawn only on an area that is completely cleared.

A level lawn with uniform grass is the dream of every lover of beautiful comfort and order, but quite often other plants are sown and sprout in the garden plot, thereby spoiling the overall picture. One of these is dandelion. Fighting dandelions in a garden plot, cottage or lawn is not an easy task, but with the right approach to the matter you will definitely achieve results.

The main thing is to initially decide how exactly you will fight dandelions on your site, because there are 3 ways to destroy this plant, and we’ll talk about them in more detail in the article:

How to get rid of dandelions manually: weeding

We won’t describe much here; most likely, you are familiar with this method. Let's just say that dandelion has a fairly long root system of 20-30 cm, which is quite difficult to remove from the ground, since in addition to being long, the root is also very fragile. To properly get rid of dandelions once and for all, you need to dig up each dandelion bush with a shovel from four sides and pull it to the surface along with a pile of earth. Then the soil needs to be shaken off and returned, and the dandelion should be thrown into the compost heap. Please note that if a root shoot of at least 1 cm remains in the ground, then you can expect this guest on the surface next season, so it is very important to remove the roots entirely.

This method has a fairly strong disadvantage. Especially if there are too many dandelions on the site, you will simply be tired of fighting with them, so, among other things, you are unlikely to be pleased with the result in the form of a dug up lawn, right? Therefore, the most optimal and harmless is the following method of struggle.

How to fight dandelions on the lawn using folk remedies

Fighting dandelions using folk remedies is quite justified, since you will practically not spoil the natural composition of the soil and, with the right approach, will not harm other plants.

Here gardeners most often use a choice of 3 components:

  • vinegar;
  • salt;
  • boiling water.

Dandelion vinegar in the garden

To get rid of the weed, you need to spray each plant with 9% vinegar or vinegar essence. For better results, before spraying, it is better to cut the leaves and stem of the dandelion so that 4-5 cm of the plant is visible above the surface of the ground. Then carefully spray the “residue” of dandelion from a spray bottle and leave. This procedure is best carried out in the fall, then the vinegar will penetrate the root system of the dandelions along with nutrients, and the plant will die.

Fighting dandelions with table salt

The easiest way is to pour 1 tablespoon of salt into the center of the plant. Or again, cut the bush. True, in this case, under the root and pour salt on it. After some time, the dandelion root will die, which will be visible to the naked eye, since a brown spot will form where the salt was sprinkled.

Some gardeners prepare a concentrated saline solution and pour it over the dandelions.

Boiling water - as a method of combating field dandelion

As you understand, everything couldn’t be simpler here either, take boiling water and spill the plant. For optimal effect, salt can be dissolved in water. To get rid of dandelions in your area forever, you need to pour 3-4 liters of boiling water on each dandelion bush.

Well, if these methods do not suit you, there is only one thing left - the use of herbicides!

Herbicides for dandelions on the lawn

Perhaps the simplest measure to combat any weeds is herbicides, but at the same time they are by no means harmless. Therefore, it is better to use them in the most extreme cases.


When using any chemical, you must:

  • Strict adherence to all manufacturer’s recommendations regarding garden processing. Please be aware that improper use of chemicals can be harmful to the health of the gardener and his entire family, as well as pets, plants and the environment.
  • If you use the herbicide in the garden and not on the lawn, apply the product to the soil only after the crop has been completely harvested. Experienced summer residents process the site no earlier than the second half of September - early October.
  • Preparations must be applied to the soil only in dry, windless weather. After treatment, animals should not be allowed into the area for several days.

Currently, there are herbicides of both general (Tornado, Lontrel 300, Roundall) and selective (Sniper, Lintur, Killex) effects.

"Sniper"- a preparation intended for the targeted removal of dandelions from an area. The chemical is applied directly to its foliage, absorbed by them and penetrates into the root, destroying all parts of the weed, except for the seeds, which after treatment remain completely viable, so it is better to apply it in the spring.

"Lintur"- a systemic chemical. Penetrates through leaves to roots. Its effect can be noticed after 1-1.5 weeks. You can see complete destruction of the dandelion within a month. The main advantage of this drug is that it does not affect many crops and can be used on plantings. Before treating the lawn, do not mow the tops so that the growing leaves can take in the optimal amount of the substance.

"Killex"- According to reviews, it ranks third in the fight against perennial plants.

And finally, I would like to note that the full name of dandelion is dandelion officinalis. It’s simply hard to call this plant a weed, since dandelion is a panacea for many diseases. In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used - they are simply priceless, besides, you can make a delicious one from its leaves, and an amazing one from dandelion flowers.

Therefore, before you fight this miraculous plant with particularly aggressive methods, think a hundred times!

Good luck to you, health and well-groomed, beautiful lawns!

Probably every summer resident and amateur gardener has encountered such a problem as dandelion in his garden or lawn. It blooms profusely in the spring, quickly fades and a downy cap forms on the bush of the plant, which the wind easily blows, carrying it with a stream of air to any free space in the garden, further propagating the weed. As a result, an unfavorable environment for allergy sufferers remains. To be on the safe side, many begin to simply remove it, but after a short period of time it appears again in the same place, and the means of control turned out to be ineffective. If your lawn has been ruined by dandelions, then this article will be of interest to you. Here you will find recommendations that will help you get rid of them.

Fighting methods

Your lawn can look beautiful. And dandelions are incredibly easy to get rid of. Few people know that there are a lot of methods, ranging from simple and harmless to complex and harmful for people in the garden. So let's get started:

Mowing dandelions with a lawn mower or trimmer.

The dandelion bush is mowed at the flowering stage. As a result, you need to prevent the dandelion from blooming and flying away. You can also increase the height of the mower cutter to 5 centimeters. The height of the lawn grass will not allow the dandelion to develop.

Digging with a garden trowel.

You need to dig up the bush with a garden shovel, and then remove it along with the roots.


The place where the dandelion grows is covered with a plastic bag or sack, depriving it of a light source, which will result in the burning and death of the weed.


If you decide to find a remedy for dandelions on lawns, then in this article you can find exactly the information that you will use in reality. In a place with abundant dandelion blooms, birds, chickens, geese, and ducks should graze. By using it in their diet, they will remove it themselves.

Using a Burner.

If there is a gas gun, it is aimed at a faded dandelion and it is charred, the remaining root is removed.


Applying fertilizer to areas and preserving moisture with mulch will also prevent the development of dandelions.

Using boiling water.

Scald with boiling water 2-4 times and the plant withers and dries up.

Using vinegar.

In this case, dilute a solution of vinegar essence with a small amount of water in a bottle with a garden sprayer. You can also use 70% vinegar essence. Then they treat the dandelion or its rhizomes with it after removing the top bush. If the treatment was successful, the dandelion can be removed by the roots; if not, then it is worth repeating the treatment with vinegar.

Using corn, gluten, feed flour.

This is a preventative agent that is used to sprinkle the lawn area before the first shoots appear and with subsequent repetitions every month and a half. If the lawn was heavily infested with dandelions, then it is worth repeating more often every month. The product itself does not allow the seeds to germinate and further impedes the growth of the dandelion.

Using salt.

In this case, you need to sprinkle 10-20 grams of salt on the dandelion and after some time it will die

Using hydrochloric acid.

Looking for a good remedy for dandelions in your lawn? Then in this article you can find just such tools. In the next case, you can use hydrochloric acid. But remember that when working with acids you need to follow safety precautions. Rubber gloves are put on your hands. Wear a respirator on your face so as not to inhale the acid vapor, and you also need to watch it so as not to get on open areas of the body. Next, you should take a kitchen syringe to baste the meat with fat in the oven. Next, it is filled with acid and poured over the dandelion from a syringe. After which it will dry out after a while.

Using herbicides.

Currently, there are a large number of solutions and reagents for weed control with full and selective action.

  • The first include: Tornado, Lontrel, Roundal.
  • The second ones include: Linntur, Killex, Sniper.


It is harmless to humans and completely disintegrates in the ground. When working with it, you must follow safety precautions. Since this herbicide, as a result of long-term exposure to the weed, destroys its living cells. As a result, the plant begins to take off, and after two or three days a dried appearance appears. A week later the plant disappears. The spraying process is carried out in clear, dry weather; in rainy weather and morning dew, spraying should not be carried out. The herbicide will be little effective.


Belong to hazard category 3. Does not affect cultivated plants. Effectively removes dicotyledonous grass plants from the lawn. Upon contact with the herbicide, the weed begins to disappear and die after a week. Not recommended for use on Moorish lawns or those lawns where white clover is present.

All specified Substances are dissolved in water according to the application plan. These products are especially effective in the spring and autumn seasons. When pollinating, contact with trees should be avoided; it is harmless to vegetables.

Dandelion as a food product

Now you know how to get rid of dandelions on your lawn. The plant itself is a great source of vitamins, acids and metals. You can cook many different dishes with it. Beekeepers also value it as a honey plant (May honey). Widely used in the treatment of diseases and in cosmetology. Even if you want to, you cannot get rid of dandelion 100% because its seeds will be blown away by the wind or carried by birds. As a result, it will again delight you with its beautiful flower and the buzzing of bees around it.

Dandelion is a well-known medicinal plant used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. At the same time, it is also a weed, causing great inconvenience to gardeners and gardeners, because getting rid of this perennial plant is quite difficult. The following material will be devoted to the question of how to get rid of dandelions on the site forever.

How to get rid of dandelions on your property forever: general information

Most summer residents have often encountered such a problem as dandelion on their plots. In fact, this seemingly pleasant plant can cause a lot of trouble. The thing is that dandelion is a perennial plant, it spreads quite quickly and easily, because just a small breeze is enough to spread the seeds to other parts of the earth. And for it to germinate, just slightly moist soil is enough.

At the same time, this plant is quite tenacious, and it is almost impossible to get rid of it using an ordinary hoe, because if even a small piece of the root is left in the ground, next year many more yellow “guests” will appear in your garden.

Dandelions also adapt quite easily to any weather conditions. For example, they are absolutely not afraid of frost, because they are able to germinate even in a compost heap, if they are not buried very deeply.

Therefore, most gardeners have long come to terms with this yellow “invasion” on their site, and no longer even try to somehow prevent it. The only thing is that some from time to time break through the bushes that have arisen, trying to destroy them before flowering. However, in most cases, part of the root remains in the ground as usual, and next year new flowers sprout around this place.

It is in the root that lies the “invulnerability” of this outwardly harmless flower; it is quite fragile and long, so it is almost impossible to get it all out or tear it. What should summer residents do and what should they do about this scourge? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

How to remove dandelions, how to deal with dandelions: methods of eliminating the problem

Today there are three ways to combat dandelions:




Mechanical methods

Let's start with the simplest thing - mechanical impact on the weed. If you decide to act without “chemistry” or other traditional methods, then you will need a shovel and a lot of patience. Don't forget that the dandelion root is long, but also very fragile, so you should proceed with caution. Therefore, when digging up a weed, you need to completely and carefully ensure that not a trace of it remains in the ground, otherwise all your work will be in vain.

Often these flowers grow in tile seams or small asphalt cracks. In this case, you should simply cut the plant lower and cover the cut with table salt, this will not only help stop its growth, but also destroy the dandelion completely.

In addition to a shovel, you can also use a special tool for fighting dandelions, which is shaped like the English letter V made of blades. This device is very effective in the fight against these plants. The principle of its operation is as follows: we place the tool in the ground in the place where the weed grows, press the handle and the plant is already on the surface.

Another option for how to remove dandelions and how to deal with dandelions is to cut them on the lawn. However, this method will not help you completely get rid of the weed, but will only stop its spread.

You can also limit this plant's access to sunlight. To do this, you will need to cover the flowers with pieces of cardboard or plastic bags, and due to lack of sun, the dandelions will begin to die in a few days.

Chemical methods

If mechanical methods do not have the desired effect, the plant can also be controlled chemically, in particular, using herbicides. And here, even opponents of “chemistry” are forced to admit that they often use them, since often after mechanical action on the weed, its root breaks, which leads to the appearance of new growth.

Herbicides in this case can be either drugs purchased in specialty stores or food vinegar. The latter contains acid, which is a herbicide. However, for maximum effect it is still recommended to use an acid with a higher concentration level.

An important point: to increase the productivity of the fight against dandelions, try to get rid of them in the autumn.

The thing is that it is in the fall that this weed accumulates various nutrients in its roots, while the leaves die off before the winter period. So, if herbicides are applied to the leaves in the fall, the product will reach the roots much faster, killing them. In addition, it is not recommended to mow the lawn before treatment to ensure that the maximum amount of leaves is exposed to the herbicides.

Traditional methods

Many summer residents do not accept the use of chemicals on the site and prefer folk methods, proven by more than one generation. Moreover, each of the options listed below, with the right approach, can give results no worse than after a “chemical attack.”

So, the list of proven folk remedies for combating dandelions is as follows:

Boiling water. To eliminate a weed from a site, you need to systematically water it 2-3 times a day with boiling water, this will quickly lead to its death;

Alcohol. This method is not as popular, but is no less effective than the previous one. You need to dilute vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10 and pour it over each dandelion. The solution will burn out the root system of the plant, and it will quickly die;

Salt. We need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, which we will sprinkle on the yellow weeds. But be careful not to let the salt get on the plants growing nearby, otherwise they will also begin to die;

Blowtorch. This option sounds very strange, but many summer residents use it quite productively. Each dandelion should be heated with a lamp for several seconds;

Mulching. A very safe and effective way. Vegetables are grown on a dark film, and since there is no light, weeds and other crops do not grow;

Gluten corn flour. You can sprinkle the area with it, but until the dandelions appear, for 5-6 weeks. Since this method is productive only during the period of sprinkling with flour, the procedure should be repeated several times during the growing season;

Table vinegar. It is necessary to systematically lubricate each weed with vinegar, which will soon lead to its death;

Hydrochloric acid. You can buy it at any hardware store. For these purposes, one liter will be enough; by the way, it costs very little. Be sure to wear latex gloves before starting processing. To apply, use a kitchen syringe. Try not to inhale acid fumes, they are harmful to the body. Some time after treatment, the weeds turn brown and die.

Dandelion control, preventive measures

Preventive measures should be carried out regularly, otherwise dandelions will very quickly spread throughout the entire area, and it will be much more difficult to get rid of them. The best prevention is regular monitoring of the condition of the territory and proper care of it.

To avoid clogging the area with dandelions, it is recommended to follow simple preventive rules:

1) try to remove the grass from the area after cutting to avoid the spread of weeds;

2) monitor the presence of “bald spots” on the ground, because emptiness is the best place for the germination of these flowers. If empty spaces appear, it is recommended to re-seed them with grass in the fall;

3) the height of the cut grass should be approximately 8 cm. This will allow it to give the soil the necessary protection.

These are all the methods and recommendations that will help you get rid of such a problem in your area as dandelions. Remember that this plant, despite its external beauty and harmlessness, is a malicious weed, and you need to take all measures to eliminate it from the site in a timely manner in order to avoid worsening the situation in the future.