Urgent measures if gas smell is detected. "Fire safety. Road safety"

Gas is a source of increased danger, which can not only harm property, but also become a serious threat to human health. To avoid trouble, you should know what to do if you smell gas in your apartment.

Signs of a gas leak

The most common gases in use are hydrocarbon gases, which are delivered to consumers in cylinders, as well as methane supplied through gas pipelines. In nature, methane has no odor at all, but for use in everyday life, synthetic additives are added to it, the consumer could immediately determine the leak. Therefore, the first sign of gas spreading is the appearance of a characteristic pungent odor.

Gas can also be detected by ear. All gas supply systems, including stoves and ovens, operate under pressure, so a characteristic hiss or whistle will be heard when leaking. Although the gas is invisible, the leak can be visually identified. If soapy water is applied to the expected place of methane release, it will begin to actively bubble.

Inhalation of gas vapors causes a headache, dry mouth, suffocation in a person, so if the state of health suddenly worsens, all gas appliances in the living area should be checked for leaks.

Rules of conduct in various situations.

What to do if a gas leak is detected?

If you notice a smell of gas in an apartment, do not panic in order to avoid rash actions. It is important to stop the gas supply as soon as possible. To do this, close the valve on the gas pipe. Each family member should know the location of the valve, as this will save time searching for it, thereby reducing the level of threat to life and health.

After the pipe is closed, all windows and balcony doors should be opened, ensuring the maximum flow of fresh air into the room. Regardless of the time of day, it is necessary to call the emergency service and leave the premises before the arrival of specialists.

If you smell gas, open all windows immediately.

Important! In the event that the gas valve is closed, but methane continues to flow, it is strictly forbidden to return to the room until the malfunction is corrected by a special service.

Where to call if you smell gas? There are several options for calling a special service: from a landline phone - 104, and from a mobile phone, depending on the operator, the combination of numbers will be as follows:

  • MTS and Megafon - 040;
  • Beeline - 004;
  • Sky Link - 904.

The emergency telephone is free of charge.

If you smell gas in the room, it is prohibited:

  1. Light matches, smoke, turn on lights and electrical appliances, since the slightest spark can lead to sad consequences. By the way, many people, through ignorance or negligence, light a match and try to locate the gas leak. Such actions are extremely dangerous, with a high concentration of methane, an explosion is inevitable.
  2. Try to eliminate the cause of the leak yourself. Only specialists with special skills and knowledge in this area can work with sources of increased danger.

Attention! Natural gas has explosive properties and can cause damage tens of times greater than losses in a fire. There are cases when, due to the careless behavior of one person, entire apartment buildings collapsed.

Causes of gas leaks

The exit of gas from the pipes is due to several factors, which can be roughly divided into domestic and professional defects. Domestic reasons caused by accidents:

  • incomplete closing of the gas burner;
  • extinguishing fire on gas appliances in a draft or strong gusts of air.

Professional miscalculations mainly arise when installing gas equipment. For example, leaking pipes, faulty gas stoves and columns. An improperly loose fit of the gas supply hose is a common cause.

Normal operation of gas equipment can be determined by fire. If the flame is blue, then everything is working properly. In the event that the fire is yellow or has a reddish tint, you should seek the help of specialists, as this indicates a malfunction.

Prevention of causes and consequences

Rules for handling gas appliances.

Any situation is easier to prevent than to eliminate the consequences. For prevention purposes, general safety rules must be observed:

  1. Regularly conduct a conversation with children about what gas is, how it can be dangerous.
  2. Purchase only serviceable gas appliances that have a warranty period and corresponding certificates. At the same time, do not engage in self-installation, but invite professionals in this field who have special permissions for such types of work.
  3. Store gas cylinders only in an upright position away from heaters. The cylinder should not be located in a room with high humidity, as well as in direct sunlight. After replacing the cylinder, it is imperative to check the tightness of the connections.
  4. Constantly monitor the position of the gas taps.
  5. Prevent burners from clogging, clean them regularly.
  6. When leaving the apartment, it is recommended to turn off the gas valve and disconnect all electrical appliances from the network.
  7. Do not go far from the stove while cooking.

A specialized gas service should systematically inspect the operation of the equipment. So, in apartments with gas stoves, where a centralized gas supply is carried out, an inspection is carried out once every 5 years, and in houses where there is gas, once every 3 years.

There is a special equipment on sale that signals the presence of a gas leak. It is inexpensive, and its installation will help save life.

How to deal with a domestic gas leak

If you smell gas in the room, immediately shut off the gas supply to the stove. At the same time, do not smoke, do not light matches, do not turn on the lights and electrical appliances (it is best to de-energize the entire apartment by turning off the power supply on the switchboard), so that the spark cannot ignite the gas accumulated in the apartment and cause an explosion.

Thoroughly ventilate the entire apartment, not just the polluted room, by opening all doors and windows. Leave the room and do not enter it until the gas smell disappears. If the surrounding area shows signs of gas poisoning, remove them to fresh air and place them so that their head is higher than their feet. Call an ambulance.

If the smell of gas persists, call the emergency gas service (phone 04), which works 24 hours a day.

If there is a GAS LEAK in the apartment then:

- immediately warn your neighbors and call the emergency gas service from them by phone 04, avoiding any actions that cause sparks and increase the air temperature in the apartment;

- ventilate the apartment by opening the windows and removing everyone present from it. Do not smoke, light matches, press the electric bell button, switch keys, make phone calls (unplug the power cord so that you cannot be called), walk on a hard floor wearing shoes with nails or horseshoes (to avoid sparks). Sometimes a spark appears when some electrical appliance is turned on (very often a refrigerator) and it is enough to cause an explosion, despite the precautions taken;

- stop, if possible, the gas supply, leave the apartment, closing the door behind you, and wait for the arrival of the gas service specialists on the street.


- immediately remove all people from the apartment and call the emergency gas service and fire brigade from neighbors;

- while the gas is burning, there is no danger of explosion; therefore, never try to extinguish a flame, as this will lead to a disaster: gas and air together form an explosive mixture and in the presence of a fire source (overheated metal, burning coals, sparks, electric arc), an explosion is inevitable;

- try to shut off the gas supply, make sure that objects located close to the fire (curtains, towels, etc.) do not catch fire.

If the flame in the burner is extinguished:

- if you notice an extinguished burner, do not try to ignite it again - this will lead to an explosion of the accumulated gas. Turn off the gas supply tap, open the windows and ventilate the kitchen;

wait until the burner has cooled down (if necessary, clean it of food and fat residues, blow out the gas supply holes) and then re-ignite the gas, having previously closed

windows and eliminating the draft;

- if a lot of gas has accumulated in the kitchen, in order to avoid poisoning, wet a handkerchief with water, press it against your face and, breathing through it, enter the kitchen and turn off the gas supply valve. If this fails, immediately evacuate all neighbors on the staircase and call the emergency gas service and fire brigade;

- provide assistance to victims of gas poisoning.


- immediately call the emergency gas service and, together with your neighbors, take the cylinder out into the street, protecting it from impacts. Keep children away from the balloon and cover it with a wet dense cloth;

- as a rule, a leak occurs at the junction of the cylinder with a flexible hose. If the cylinder cannot be taken outside, you can temporarily block the leak with a wet rag. Ventilate the kitchen, do not use lighting and electrical appliances;

- if the arriving gas service specialists determine that it is dangerous to use this cylinder, take their opinion and, having called the representatives of the regional gas service, demand to replace the faulty cylinder at their expense.

If there is a FIRE ON A GAS CYLINDER then:

- ask your home or neighbors to immediately call the fire brigade and emergency gas service, remove everyone from the apartment;

- try to close the valve on the cylinder by wrapping your hands with a wet rag. If this is not possible (fire on the gasket, the valve is deformed as a result of heating, etc.), do not blow out the flame - an explosion is possible;

- do not try to take out or rearrange the compressed gas cylinder until it has cooled down: it may explode from the slightest shock.

If you find an SMELL OF GAS IN THE ENTRANCE then:

- call the emergency gas service immediately. Work with your neighbors to identify the location and source of the gas leak. If you need to get into the apartment where the gas is coming from, break the door;

announce the danger to all residents of the house, convince them not to use electric bells and open fire. Inform the dispatcher about the incident and ask to temporarily turn off the elevator at the entrance (after taking people out of there);

- evacuate residents from the apartments closest to the source of the gas leak, take children and the elderly outside, breathing through a wet handkerchief;

- open the windows and doors at the entrance, thoroughly ventilate it.

When gas service personnel arrive, point out the source of the gas leak and follow their instructions.

If there is a GAS EXPLOSION then:

- immediately call the emergency gas service, fire brigade, police and ambulance, if possible, save neighbors from under the rubble of walls and ceilings, using improvised means (crowbars, hooks, shovels, car jacks, etc.), extinguish the fire ... Be extremely careful: explosions may repeat;

- if during the explosion at your neighbors' apartment you were in the apartment, turn off the gas supply and turn off the electricity, immediately leave the apartment, closing the door behind you;

- if you are not engaged in extinguishing a fire or rescuing people, go outside and, staying there until the arrival of the fire brigade, call an ambulance; provide first aid to the injured.

Gas leak detection methods:

- by eye: bubbles form on the surface of gas pipes moistened with soapy water;

- by ear: in the event of a strong leak, gas escapes with a whistle;

- by smell: the characteristic odor that the gas possesses becomes stronger near the leak. Do not search for a leak with an open flame!



Arrange for the evacuation of people and property before the arrival of the fire department; start extinguishing with the available means (water, sand, fire extinguisher, blanket or other thick cloth).

In the event of a fire in the insulation of electrical wires, you must first turn off the network, and then start extinguishing.

Kerosene, gasoline and other flammable liquids cannot be extinguished with water: they are lighter than water and, floating to the surface, will continue to burn. When burning these fluids, you can use a blanket, thick cloth, or sand to extinguish.

Failure to comply with fire safety rules entails administrative liability, and in the event of a fire, administrative and criminal liability. If the basic rules of fire safety are observed, incidents of fire are reduced to zero.

REMEMBER!Unconditional implementation of fire safety measures will eliminate the risk of fire in your home.

Solnechnogorsk Department of Supervision

Many city apartments are equipped with gas stoves. Gas is supplied to them centrally. In some cases, residents of private houses use gas cylinders or boilers. Whatever equipment is used for domestic purposes, the main principle of its operation is compliance with safety measures. It is extremely important to understand how to check for a gas leak in order to take timely action to correct it. This knowledge can save lives.

Causes of gas leaks

There are several main problems in which there is a smell of gas in a living room:

  • improper installation or operation of equipment;
  • the presence of cracks, kinks in the gas hose, its rupture;
  • poor threaded connection on the hose nut, inside the gas stove;
  • wear of the gas hose gasket;
  • wear of sealing materials on the gas valve;
  • wear of the gas valve, its loose closure;
  • improper operation of the burner;
  • extinguished fire when the burner is on.

Leak detection methods

Sometimes there is a need for urgent diagnostics before the arrival of gas service specialists. In order to take the necessary measures in a timely manner, the question arises of how to check a gas leak at home using available methods. There are several simple methods to find the cause or locate the damage.

The main signals by which one can suspect the spread of gas throughout the apartment:

  • the fact of the leak is not in doubt when it periodically smells of gas. If you smell a smell when the burners are lit or after turning off the equipment, this is the first signal that a leak is occurring somewhere. Under normal conditions, natural gas does not smell. When it is used for household needs in order to timely detect a leak, it includes a substance that has a specific pungent odor;
  • another signal that is easy to detect is a change in the color of a burning gas flame. If the equipment is functioning correctly, the flame will have a solid blue color. Otherwise, it will be yellow, it will take on red shades;
  • when a whistling sound is heard at the place of depressurization, this indicates that gas is escaping at the site of damage.

How to check for a domestic gas leak to make sure it exists?

Sometimes the pipes or gas faucet are located in such a way that they are hidden by kitchen furniture. How to check for gas leaks in such hard-to-reach places? The residual pressure test method can be applied. First you need to open the burners to let gas pass through them. Then turn them off and close the valve on the pipe. Thus, the remaining gas that has not been completely burnt out will appear in the gas pipeline. In order to understand if there is a leak, you only need to wait a few minutes. Then you need to open any burner, turn it on to the maximum position and try to light it up. When there is no leak, the rest of the gas will ignite and burn out to the end. If nothing happens and the gas does not ignite, it means that its remainder has managed to escape at the site of damage.

If the gas pipes are not closed by the kitchen set and there is access to them, then there is a technique for checking gas leaks simply by touch. It is enough to run your hand along all the connections on the gas pipe. The leak can be felt as a thin, cold jet.

You should know how to check with soapy water. Gas leaks can be detected with soap suds or shaving foam. It must be applied to the gas pipe, as well as all joints. Soap bubbles will appear in the gas outlet areas. The soap solution is best applied with a brush or shaving brush.

Special gas analyzers are capable of helping to identify a leak. Such sensors can be installed together with sound detectors. If the permissible level of gas concentration is exceeded, the sensor is triggered, an alarm is triggered.

It is important to know how to check for gas leaks safely for yourself and others. It is strictly forbidden to use a burning match or a lighter for this! It threatens to explode.

Leakage Procedure and Safety Measures

If the leak is clear, proceed as follows:

  • turn off the stove;
  • turn off the gas pipeline valve;
  • open windows to let in fresh air and ventilate the room;
  • notify the emergency gas service;
  • refrain from smoking, do not switch on electrical appliances to avoid sparks. It is better to completely de-energize the apartment by turning off the machines on the electrical panel.

If you suspect that the equipment is not working properly, as well as in case of self-discovery of a leak, you should contact a professional for troubleshooting.

Troubleshooting Techniques

Gas leaks can occur in different sections of the pipeline. The ways to eliminate it depend on the place of damage.

In the event of gas escaping at threaded connections, you should:

  • untwist the connection;
  • remove worn-out winding, sealing and sealing materials;
  • check the condition of the thread;
  • if it is in order, then re-seal the connection and install the seals;
  • collect the connection and tighten tightly to avoid gas escape;
  • check the seal with soapy water.

In case of leakage due to deteriorated sealing materials:

  • untwist the connection;
  • remove worn-out sealing materials;
  • install new gaskets;
  • collect the connection and tighten it tightly;
  • check the sealing with soapy water.

If the gas hose is worn out, there are kinks and cracks on it, it must be completely replaced.

If all connections are in order and the gas hose is also in good condition, then the cause of the leak may be hidden in more complex problems:

  • some burner is damaged and needs to be replaced;
  • the valve on the gas pipe is faulty and needs to be replaced;
  • the leakage occurs from under the knob, which regulates the gas supply to the burner. In this case, it is necessary to remove the handle, remove the old dried grease, clean, apply a new one and reinstall the burner handle;
  • gas escapes under the burner nut. It is required to tighten the nut neatly more tightly, being careful not to break the thread.

In these cases, it is better to seek help from qualified specialists who have access to work with gas equipment.

Gas leak in a car with LPG

With the correct functioning of a car with LPG equipment - gas equipment - no smell of gas should be present. If you smell gas, there is a gas fuel leak. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • the equipment is installed incorrectly;
  • connections are leaking;
  • fuel hoses or other components of poor quality or worn out.

The techniques for checking for gas leaks in a car are the same as for home gas equipment. It is convenient to use gas analyzers in the passenger compartment or check the fuel system with soapy water.

To prevent leakage and in order to properly operate HBO, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • do not use plastic or wire ties when installing LPG in a car. It is better to install spring-loaded ones that do not require tightening;
  • use only copper or PVC pipes as gas hoses, as they are more durable;
  • regularly change or clean the air filter;
  • timely carry out maintenance and adjustment of equipment.

Gas leak detection

The technical condition of external gas pipelines and structures should be monitored by periodic inspection. When bypassing above-ground gas pipelines, gas leaks, damage to disconnecting devices, loosening of pipes and sagging should be detected. The bypass should be carried out at least once every three months.

Bypassing the routes of underground gas pipelines must be carried out by a team of at least two people. Bypassing gas pipelines in the undeveloped part of the city (village), as well as outside the carriageway, in the absence of wells and other underground communications in the 15-meter zone from the gas pipelines, is allowed to be performed by one worker.

Gas leaks on gas pipelines must be eliminated in an emergency manner. If a dangerous concentration of gas is detected in basements, underground buildings, collectors, underground passages, galleries, gas pipelines must be immediately disconnected. Until leaks are eliminated, their operation is prohibited.

To temporarily eliminate gas leaks on external gas pipelines, it is allowed to apply a bandage, a bandage with chamotte clay or a clamp, subject to their daily inspection.

Timely detection of gas in the air, quick and accurate determination of its leak points with the aim of immediate elimination are the most important prerequisites for safety when working with gases. The simplest and most affordable way to control the appearance of gas in the air is to determine by smell. Some gases, such as untreated artificial gases, especially those containing large amounts of organic sulfur compounds and heavy hydrocarbons, have a rather strong characteristic odor. Other gases do not have a noticeable odor.

To detect gas leaks and its presence in the air, strongly smelling substances are introduced - odorants. As an odorant, substances with a pungent unpleasant odor are currently used. Gas odorization is carried out at the outlet pipeline from the GDS. Gas supplied to domestic consumers must be odorized, while gas supplied to industrial plants may not be odorized. The signal rate for the gas concentration in the room should be 1/5 of the lower explosive limit. The minimum amount of odorant in the gas should be such that the odor of the odorant is felt in the room at the signal gas concentration. From these conditions, the rate of consumption of odorants was calculated. For ethyl mercaptan, it is 16 g per 1000 m 3 of gas. Odorization should be carried out by automatic injection of an odorant, the amount of which is proportional to the gas consumption.

There are the following ways to find gas leaks:

  • gas analyzer;
  • soaping;
  • by smells;
  • by noise;
  • in winter by the color of snow, in summer by the color of the grass.

Most commonly used leak detection method

indoors - soaping of fittings, welded seams and pipe seams.

In the gas industry, the gas content in the air is checked using portable indicator devices, also called gas detectors. There are many types and designs of gas indicators. Their action is based on various physical or chemical reactions that occur when gas appears in controlled air. Gas indicators are diffusion, electrical, optical and calorimetric.

Performing gas hazardous work

Gas hazardous work must be carried out under the guidance of a specialist or supervisor. The management of the works specified as an exception may be entrusted to the most qualified worker. Gas hazardous work must be carried out by a team of at least two workers.

Each enterprise must develop and approve a list of gas hazardous works performed without supervision by specialists and without issuing a work permit according to the production instructions and instructions on safe working methods approved for each type of work.

Repair work in wells, tunnels, trenches and pits with a depth of more than 1 m, in collectors and reservoirs must be carried out by a team of at least three workers.

A work permit is issued for carrying out hazardous work.

Persons entitled to issue orders are determined by an order for a gas utility company or an enterprise that operates a gas supply system with its own gas service. These persons are appointed from among managers and specialists who have passed the exams in accordance with the requirements of the Rules.

Work on the localization and elimination of accidents is carried out without a work permit until a direct threat to human life and damage to material assets is eliminated. After eliminating the threat, work on bringing gas pipelines and gas equipment to a technically sound condition must be carried out according to a permit.

Work permits for gas hazardous work should be issued in advance to carry out the necessary preparation for work. The work permit specifies the period of its validity, the start and end time of work. If it is impossible to complete the work within the prescribed time limit, the permit for gas hazardous work must be extended by the person who issued it.

Before starting gas-hazardous work, the person responsible for carrying it out is obliged to instruct all workers on the necessary safety measures. After that, each worker who received the instructions must sign a work permit.

In the process of carrying out gas hazardous work, all orders must be issued by the person responsible for the work. Other officials and managers present during the work can give instructions to the workers only through the person responsible for the work.

Gas-hazardous work should be performed, as a rule, during the day. Works on localization and elimination of accidents are carried out at any time in the presence and under the direct supervision of a specialist or manager.

During repair work in a gas-polluted environment, tools made of non-ferrous metal should be used to exclude the possibility of sparking. The working part of ferrous metal tools should be abundantly lubricated with grease or other grease. The use of electric tools that generate sparks in a gassed environment is prohibited.

When starting gas, gas pipelines must be purged with gas until all air is displaced. The end of the blowdown is determined by analyzing or burning the samples taken. The volume fraction of oxygen in the gas sample should not exceed 1%, and the combustion of the gas should proceed calmly, without popping.

In wells and pits with an unplugged gas pipeline, no more than two people are allowed to stay at the same time, while the work must be performed by them in rescue belts, and in the event of a possible gas escape - in gas masks (Fig. 9.5).

Figure: 9.5. Gas masks: a - self-priming hose type PSh-1: 1 - signal rope; 2 - pin; 3 - filter; 4 - hose; 5 - clutch, 6 - helmet-mask; 7 - belt; b - filtering: 1 - helmet-mask; 2 - breathing valve; 3 - corrugated tube; 4 - gas mask box; в - insulating grade АС В-2: 1 - helmet-mask; 2 - lung valve; 3 - manometer; 4 - shut-off valve; 5 - reducer; 6 - charging connection with a plug; 7 - compressed air cylinder

On the surface of the earth from the windward side, as well as at the tank hatch, there must be two people who are obliged to keep the ends of the ropes from the life belts of workers inside the listed structures, to continuously monitor them and the air intake pipes of hose gas masks, and not to allow unauthorized persons to the place of work ...

During repair work on gas pipelines and equipment in gas-polluted rooms, there must be a person outside who supervises those working in the room, who must also make sure that there are no sources of fire nearby. The external doors of a gas-contaminated room must be constantly open.

The provision of personal protective equipment and their serviceability are determined when issuing a permit for gas hazardous work. When organizing a workplace, the work manager must ensure that workers can be quickly withdrawn from the danger zone.

Everyone who works according to the permit must have a hose or insulating gas mask. The use of filtering gas masks is not allowed. The need for workers to have gas masks when they perform work on internal gas pipelines is determined on a nearby admission to these works.

Permission to use an oxygen-isolating gas mask in each case must be issued by the work manager to persons who have passed a medical examination and special instructions on the rules for using such a gas mask.

When working in an oxygen-insulating gas mask, it is necessary to ensure that the residual oxygen pressure in the gas mask cylinder ensures the return of the worker from the place of work to a non-gassed area. The duration of work in a gas mask without interruption should not exceed 30 minutes. The time of work in an oxygen-insulating gas mask should be recorded in the gas mask passport.

During operation, the air intake nozzles of hose gas masks should be located on the windward side of the place of gas emission and should be fixed. If there is no forced air supply from the fan, the length of the hose should not exceed 15 m. The hose should not have sharp bends or be pinched by anything.

Rescue harnesses should have shoulder straps with a ring on the back at the intersection to secure the rope. The belt should be adjusted so that the rings are not below the shoulder blades. The use of belts without shoulder straps is prohibited.

1. Prioritize what to do if you smell gas:

a) wait for adults;

b) do not turn on the light;

c) check and close the valve;

d) ventilate the room;

e) call the gas service;

f) leave the premises.

Answer: b), c), d), e), f), a)

2. How to shoot down a flame on a person:

a) run quickly;

b) cover the burning one with a blanket;

c) knock down the flame with a branch.

3. How can two people cross the street:

a) holding hands;

b) making sure that there is no transport;

4. What you need to do if you witness a case when a car hit a pedestrian and fled the scene:

a) shout and call adults for help;

b) go home and tell friends about the incident;

c) remember the license plates of the car and report the incident to the police.

5. Where can I cross the road outside the village if there is no pedestrian crossing:

a) at the turn of the road to the left;

b) behind the rise of the road;

c) where the road is clearly visible in all directions.

6. Which side of the pedestrian crossing should a pedestrian walk:

a) on the side, where there is more space;

b) on its left half;

c) along its right half.

7. Where can you wait for the bus:

a) at the landing site;

b) on the side of the road;

c) anywhere on the roadway.

8. The bike equipped with an additional seat and footrests can carry:

a) an adult;

b) one child;

c) two children.

9. What does the term "accident" mean:

a) a dangerous man-made incident that creates a threat to human life and health at an object, a certain territory or water area and leads to the destruction of buildings, structures, equipment and vehicles, disruption of the production or transport process, as well as damage to the environment;

b) a situation in which the damaging factors and the impact of such a situation go beyond the boundaries of one state;

c) the largest accident that resulted in human casualties, significant material damage and other serious consequences.

10. Select the types of transport accidents (disasters) from the list provided:

a) failure of transport electrical contact networks;

b) loss of biologically hazardous substances;

c) accidents on main pipelines;

d) accidents of freight trains;

e) collapse of industrial buildings and structures;

f) accidents on power grids with a long-term interruption of power supply to the main consumers.

Answer: c), d)

11. What are the most dangerous fire and explosion hazardous enterprises:

a) enterprises of the gas industry;

b) enterprises of the fishing industry;

c) enterprises of the pulp and paper industry;

d) enterprises producing pyrotechnics;

e) enterprises for the production of mineral water;

f) enterprises for the production of asbestos boards.

Answer: a), c), d)

12. What are the characteristic features of the explosion:

a) the presence of a flammable substance;

b) high rate of chemical transformation;

c) the presence of an oxidizing agent;

d) the presence of an ignition source;

e) a large amount of gaseous products;

f) strong sound effect;

g) powerful crushing action.