Degradation stages. Social degradation

Degradation is a disease and is by no means rare. Many of us are already on our way to this personal "grace" without realizing it. Degradation of personality is nothing more than a loss of working capacity, will, interests, feelings, principles. In a word, the global primitivism of man, which comes not by the will of God, but is being built brick by brick by itself.

The best examples of complete personality degradation are alcoholics (we will not touch drug addicts, there are still less of them than those who like to rinse their throats). Their thoughts are surface, ideals are unshakable, phrases and words are all similar in simplicity and unpretentiousness. The brain works only in the name of extracting the main vital need - alcohol. But we'll talk about them in more detail.

Degradation reasons

In the world you can find a lot of reasons for giving up and losing faith in yourself. That is why the reasons for personality degradation are innumerable, each has its own, each is similar.

People often begin to degrade as a result of the loss of a loved one, a series of failures, the collapse of hopes. A person commits a slow and sure suicide, as he takes revenge on life for the fact that she did so mean and dishonorable to him. “On the evil” of life, he sinks, ceases to follow himself and events in the world, does not develop intellectually, forgets about his once interests. Often - goes into a binge, because with the degradation of personality it can be not only a cause, but also a consequence.

Degradation after retirement is also characteristic. Young employees see off on a "well-deserved rest", which is psychologically equivalent to a commemoration. Spiritual death comes: there are no more duties and no responsibility, no worries and deeds, no headaches and the brain does not overwork - but for some reason life is not beautiful.

Psychologists say that retirement is actually very harmful. Only a few manage to avoid the spiritual degradation of the personality, having retired, but only if a person always finds a job without work. A well-deserved rest is useful only for those who are a versatile person, whose life does not end after leaving work, but on the contrary, free space opens up for a lot of new things. There are only a few of them.


Personality degradation has a number of characteristic stages, which were described by the psychologist Maslow.

  1. A person perceives himself as a pawn, on which nothing depends, either globally or personally.
  2. The main primary needs of a person come to the fore.
  3. The world is divided into "friends" and "aliens". The patient protects himself from "strangers".
  4. The person is overcome by feelings of guilt and shame. The patient blames himself for all mortal sins, even those to which he has nothing to do.
  5. The ideology of the degrading is unshakable; it is not subject to discussion, criticism and debate.
  6. Simple language, elementary, easy to pronounce and memorized turns. When degraded, the brain does not want to waste energy even on verbal functions.

There is only one way to save yourself from degradation - to develop, between the new experience and the comfortable old, always choose a new one, make decisions independently, regardless of the stereotypes of society.

Degradation is the process of deterioration of the characteristics of an object or phenomenon over time, a gradual decrease in quality, decline, destruction of matter due to external influence according to the laws of nature and time.

There is ecological, telecommunication, biogender, chemical degradation, personality, society and culture degradation.

The phenomenon of personality degradation is studied in psychology. This is an urgent problem closely related to the degradation of society as a whole.

As a psychological phenomenon, personality degradation includes the following processes:

  • narrowing of intellectual abilities,
  • deterioration in mental activity, ability to think critically,
  • decreased quality of mental processes and functions (problems with attention, perception, memory, speech),
  • decrease in social and physical activity,
  • disability,
  • loss of acquired abilities and skills,
  • lack of manifestation of positive properties and personality traits,
  • the appearance of negative properties and personality traits,
  • impoverishment of the sphere of feelings and emotions, deterioration in the ability to understand others, to communicate.

Thus, personality degradation is the process of destruction of its structure, qualities and properties.

The people say about the degraded that he “sank”, “lost his human appearance”, “disappeared”, “took a step back in development”. Such definitions capaciously characterize the process of personality degradation.

Forms and causes of personality destruction

Degradation of personality is a process opposite to its growth and development, opposite to progress.

He is noticeable to the environment of a person more than to himself. Degradation is visible in the behavior and appearance of the individual. A person ceases to take care of himself, his speech becomes scarce, the circle of communication and interests is narrowed, emotional intemperance manifests itself in combination with and indifference to the feelings and opinions of loved ones.

Degradation can be expressed in the form:

  • frivolity, carelessness, irresponsibility;
  • infantilism, lack of will, cowardice, chronic laziness;
  • indifference to society, loss of connections with the outside world;
  • disregard for social requirements, rules of conduct, morality and ethics;
  • addictions (alcoholic, drug, gambling and others);
  • illegal behavior (misconduct and crime);
  • dementia, insanity, mental illness.

It becomes clear what degradation is, and why it is not uncommon in our time, when understanding the causes of its occurrence. The reasons are closely related to the forms of degradation:

  • When life seems meaningless to a person, he neglects it. Apathy, boredom, laziness, lack of initiative appear.
  • A person who does not know how to set and achieve goals, has no aspirations and desires, is passive and pessimistic. If there is a choice to act or not to act, he chooses the latter: why do something, if you can rest?
  • Work on oneself is daily work, personality degradation is a consequence of a stop in development, refusal of self-realization.

Loneliness, depression, grief, psychological trauma, guilt and similar suffering can become the causes of personality degradation:

  • In depression, the person does not accept life and himself in it, engages in psychological "suicide".
  • When a person is lonely and is not needed by anyone, his strongest need is not satisfied - the need for love and belonging. A person does not understand why, for what, for the sake of whom to try to be better and develop.
  • Guilt pushes a person to the realization of his insignificance, generates self-hatred and many other negative experiences that "corrode" the psyche.
  • The feeling of one's own powerlessness, self-doubt, low self-esteem can also be the reasons for personality regression.
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction and all other types of deviant behavior are, as well as forms and causes of degradation.

The degradation of the personality of an elderly person is often due to the characteristics of age, age-related changes in the structure of the brain; retirement, deprivation of the opportunity to work and be an active member of society.

Reversibility of degradation and its prevention

To prevent the process of personality destruction, you need to engage in self-education, self-development, self-affirmation. This is sometimes difficult, but interesting everyday work.

No matter how hard it is to overcome shortcomings, it is easier than reversing the process of "extinction" of the personality. Those people who managed to do this deserve great respect. One should not hesitate to ask for help and support from loved ones and turn to professional psychologists.

When a person copes with grief and suffering, does not forget about humanity in inhuman conditions and in other similar difficult situations, he fights for the right to be himself, for his “I”, for the integrity and harmony of his personality and for the right to be a happy person. He chooses the path of development, not decline, life in every sense of the word, and not social death.

The degradation of personality must at least be stopped. You need to recognize it as a problem in time and stop it by eliminating the causes of its occurrence, correcting behavior, changing your worldview.

You need to be able to accept life as it is in cases where it is impossible to change it, in all other cases, a person is the creator of his own history and happiness.

Getting rid of degradation

To regain a sense of the value of life, increase self-confidence, learn to set and achieve goals, return the desire to develop, grow above oneself, can help:

  • Cultural development

You can endlessly talk about the benefits of cultural development. Culture and art are the source of wisdom. There are many works that tell about the formation and development of personality.

The main characters of books and films often have to face and successfully overcome significant life difficulties, perform feats, change for the better as a result of working on themselves. There are many such outstanding people. A relative or ancestor can become an example to follow.

  • Love and altruism

When a person helps others, takes care of them as of himself, does good deeds, is disinterestedly friends, he gets pleasure and joy from this, self-esteem grows, confidence in his abilities, in his value and importance for people is added.

Love is a healing, life-affirming feeling. It gives a sense of the fullness of life, fills it with meaning. True, valueless and selfless love brings happiness.

  • Active life position and work

You need to love life, live actively, work, work for the good of society, strive to make the world a better place, benefit those around you, close people, help yourself become a Human.
All of the above at the same time and prevention of personality degradation can stop its progression.

Each person is given the opportunity to become an integral and harmonious person. To use it or miss this only chance is the choice of every person.

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Personal degradation is the inability of a person to control his animal instincts and needs of the physical body, these are unconscious and uncontrolled thoughts and actions to satisfy insatiable feelings

Degradation manifestations

Life is always movement. Upward movement is development, or downward movement is degradation. progresses or regresses. There are no many paths in life. There is always one road: either up or down. A person begins to degrade when he falls under the influence of the energy of ignorance. The concept of choosing the direction of the path and the Sense of life is very close here. This is the correct choice of the direction of human movement and development.

A person can have many virtues, but if he goes to the wrong place, if his goals are ignorant, he in the presence of many positive qualities will inevitably slide into the abyss of degradation. life is the main sign!

One of the serious signs of the beginning of the Degradation is unbridled Lust

Here are the main signs and typical behavior for identifying a degraded personality:

A person's own perception of himself as a person, on whom nothing depends, either globally or in a personal sense.

When the basic primary needs of a person come to the fore.

The world is divided into "Friends" and "Strangers"

Large material goals are completely absent. There is no desire to acquire any valuable things.

Constantly overcome by feelings of guilt and shame. Man blames himself for all seven deadly sins, even those to which he has nothing to do.

Deep mistaken beliefs and cockroaches in the head, when the ideology of the degrading is unshakable. It does not lend itself to discussion, criticism and discussion.

Simple language, elementary, easy to pronounce and memorized phrases, the same phrases. With degradation, the brain does not want to waste energy on development.

Degradation on unbridled Feelings, etc.

Degradation is also based on an unbridled desire to satisfy them. When the senses are not controlled by the brain, only animal primitive desires and reactions work. Here feelings prevail with their exorbitant desires, whims and whims. When these feelings cannot be satisfied. They are by nature insatiable.

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Personal degradation is the loss of human appearance, the ability to think logically and soberly.

Changes occur in the character trait of the person himself: passivity, increased irritability, then it can turn into aggressiveness.

Degradation of personality signs: the ability to concentrate on the main thing is lost, which eventually fades, feelings are inhibited, a person lives apart, his own life. Dementia can be a severe consequence of personality degradation.

It is important to notice changes in time in actions and help your close relative, which can manifest themselves in either an external or an internal state.

Conversational speech becomes primitive, unconnected, while entrepreneurial employment is reduced. The circle of universal communication is narrowing. Apathy sets in, think about something and take care. Gradually there is a process of wilting and immersion in oneself.

Degradation is personality, in the words of Abraham Maslow

An American psychologist managed to note the qualities inherent in people with personality degradation:

  • The subject calls himself a "pawn". According to him, his actions depend on external forces. "Learned helplessness" is called such a phenomenon.
  • The priority in life for them is food, survival.
  • Society is divided into two categories: “strangers” are bad; “Friends” are good. Sometimes he is ashamed of himself.
  • He reads that his opinion is not subject to discussion and criticism, they are unshakable.
  • The word is a poor dictum. The brain does not expend any effort on verbal function.

What is personality degradation

this is a loss of mental stability, balance, lack of efficiency and activity.

Degradation of personality is characterized by increased nervousness, impaired memory and attention, decreased interests, lack of will and carelessness.
His inherent skills and qualities are accompanied by a narrowing of feelings and gifts.

Senile insanity refers to a particularly hopeless type of personality degradation. The evolution of the disease is gradual. At first, the patient becomes unassembled, inattentive, greedy, grumpy and selfish. Symptoms are brighter. There are no previous events in memory, fictitious memories arise. Then he doesn't recognize native people well. Self-care skills are lost. Requires daily support and supervision.

Insanity refers to a progressive disease, due to a psychological irreversible disorder, atrophy of the brain, changes in blood vessels.

Continuity plays an important role.

Degradation of personality due to alcoholism... This disease is acquired, but heredity is not excluded.

Deep contempt for the environment and loss of contact with it, maintains a carefree and indifferent life. The main need of a drunkard is alcoholic beverages.

Symptoms in a sick person appear immediately. The person becomes emotionally unstable, touchy, whiny. The perception of the world clearly turns into excitability, fury and irritability. Unexpected and abnormal actions, feelings of understanding and guilt are absent. Life difficulties are not assessed.

Signs of personality degradation

  • Loss of human appearance;
  • Lack of desire: to wash, change clothes, get a haircut;
  • Constant use of alcohol, drugs;
  • Loss of vital interest;
  • Disregard for the laws of morality;
  • Inability to give up base instincts;
  • Loss of place in society, unwillingness to restore your “I”;
  • Lack of understanding of decent behavior.

In the process of personality degradation, a healthy young (age) personality can turn into a humanoid creepy animal.

Only strong personalities survive, do not undergo personality degradation, and weak ones vegetate or die out.

Undoubtedly, the environment, the environment, has a great impact on the human body. Rotation with the descended personalities will pull you with it, and personality degradation will be ensured.

A parable about a fresh cucumber is appropriate.

The cucumber was placed in a jar containing pickles. He really didn’t want to be like them, he wanted to look green, preserving his freshness. But the brine played its role, the fresh green cucumber became like its fellows. He fell in love with pickle, pickles nearby cucumbers. And I told myself how convenient it is not to be different from others.

The reasons for the degradation of personality are allowed to include: gambling addiction, cocainism, drunkenness, ferocity, abulia, ruthlessness.

What is personality degradation? In what cases does it appear?

A process is observed - personality degradation, usually in a mature person.

Normally the person has a retirement age... He was escorted to rest, the so-called "well-deserved". But what is going on in the soul of a pensioner is not clear. Some believe that life is over and no one needs him. Relaxation of the personality occurs. Sometimes an amorphous position is equal to training for physical death (death). But this does not happen to everyone. Only more active, purposeful elderly people are bypassed by degradation.

Single people or who have experienced the loss of a loved oneare also subject to the problem of personality degradation. Subjects plunge into decay, lightning-fast individual weakening sets in, and a slow, peculiar suicide occurs.

Feelings of guilt, laziness can cause personality degradation. A person who is superfluous in a society, in a family, or in a person, is characterized by personality collapse. Defeat after defeat pursues a person for a long time. The opportunity is immeasurable, degradation will overtake suddenly.

Is it possible to avoid personality degradation

Of course it is. You need your desire, efforts and work on yourself:

1. Read more often.

In books you will find clever advice, wisdom. The brain develops in the process of reading, and does not dry out. If you feel that your memory is fading, study poetry.

2. Love yourself, your appearance.

Do not give in to provoke yourself to all sorts of troubles, failures, bad habits.
Watch your body cleanliness, figure. Wear trendy clothes.

3. The best is yet to come.

Everything in life is wonderful. The first candidates in the line of personality degradation are pessimists, sad ones.
Remember, any mother gave birth to a child for joy, for the continuation of the human race. But in no way in order to be foolishly guided by your own life, to expose yourself to personality degradation.

4. Love comes first.

Love life, friends, loved ones, parents, spouse, animals. Only lovers are not subject to signs of personality degradation.

5. Self-development.

Trainings, video courses, educational institutions, will give you the opportunity to keep abreast of all events and increase self-development.

6. Do not speak evil.

Not censorship words, mats ruin the soul. The worst thing is they kick money out of the wallet. Remember, mats, when used frequently, turn your personality into a humanoid ape.

7. The rule of decency.

Loud yawning, scratching of the genitals, chomping, cleaning the nose is a sign of personality degradation.

8. Calm response.

Be calm about other people's tragedies. If you can, help. But do not perceive everything in dark colors, that everything in the world is bad, the high cost chokes.

Stages of development of personality degradation

Degradation is caused by complete depression, constant anxiety. The subject loses ideals, forgets about goals in life. Morals and norms are lost. He is no longer able to overcome obstacles, difficulties. Hostility, envy, indifference appear. He loses the ability to think and work enterprisingly, listen carefully to others. The subject copies other people's actions and ideas. Finally, the feeling of real life is lost. Disputes for the achievement of their own goals, even the smallest, is the main argument.

It is important to timely detect the prerequisites for personality degradation, find the reasons for their occurrence. It may not be too late to fix everything and live a fulfilling healthy life.

Degradation is the opposite of progress. This term is used in various fields, and psychology is no exception. person, personality? For what reasons does it happen?

Degradation is ...

The term "degradation" is not recognized by all psychologists and psychiatrists. It is commonly used to indicate noticeable deterioration in the quality of an object. Using this concept in relation to a person, one can distinguish intellectual, social, professional, spiritual degradation, as well as some other types of regression.

Degradation is synonymous with deterioration. If a person has begun to cope with his work worse, he degrades. Loss of interest in life in general can also be called degradation. In a normal mental state, each of us should be cheerful and active. With degradation, a person feels completely different. This condition can be a symptom or complication of a variety of mental illnesses. How does degradation manifest itself?

Signs of degradation

It is not difficult to understand that a person is degrading, just by talking to him. If the situation is not entirely critical, you can notice the symptoms of this process on your own. One of the most alarming signals is mental decline. This is the very state when it is difficult to think and even solving simple problems requires serious stress. Slowing down of thought processes and loss of the ability to think critically are also common.

The most striking signs of degradation are a noticeable deterioration in appearance, the individual ceases to take care of himself. Untidiness, neglect of basic rules of personal hygiene, unwillingness to take care of oneself is a sign of a depressed moral state. Against the background of degradation, many people develop bad habits, cravings for gambling and other psychological addictions. If you find at least 1-2 of the listed signs in the object under study, it's time to think about helping him.

Reasons for personality degradation

One of the most common causes of degradation in modern world is loneliness. Curiously, even a person surrounded by caring relatives and friends can be lonely. With a deficit of productive communication and positive emotions, without having like-minded people, each of us feels like no one is needed. Such a state is an ideal soil for degradation.

Loss of interest in life is also the cause of degradation. Strong emotional upheavals, prolonged depression, or significant negative changes in life can be the starting point for the beginning of personality regression. No less common causes of degradation: alcoholism, drug addiction, craving for gambling and other types of addictions. Quite successful people sometimes begin to degrade, often it begins at the moment of achieving "absolute" success. Continuing development is difficult without goals and the right motivation. Symptoms of degradation are observed during age-related crises, as well as when the rhythm of life changes, for example, in young mothers on maternity leave or elderly people at retirement.

How to understand that a person is degrading?

Many of the symptoms listed above are noticeable even with superficial communication. If you want to be convinced of the degradation of a person, just talk to him. Remember that in this state, people have a negative attitude towards outside intervention. Being involved and willing to help can be extremely negative. Having noticed the symptoms of degradation in oneself, one should try to rationally assess the degree of the problem. It is helpful to make your own list of symptoms. This checklist will help you identify the most problematic aspects and create a quality rehabilitation plan.

Self-medication or professional help?

"Am I not degrading?" - if you think about it, the situation is not entirely hopeless. Carefully re-read the list of symptoms suggested above and identify the most obvious for yourself. The best and only effective remedy for degradation is self-development and self-education. If you want to become better and not allow yourself to regress, you should constantly work on yourself. The degradation process usually proceeds with a decrease in interest in life, a loss of activity and a complete breakdown. It is for this reason that it is not always easy to overcome degradation alone.

Try to communicate more often with successful and active people, you can sign up for some kind of self-development training. If you think that there is a spiritual degradation of a person, you can think about seeking help from the church. Philosophical practices can help non-believers to gain faith in their own strengths. When it seems that it is impossible to return to a full life on your own, you should think about turning to a psychologist.

How to act if someone close to you degrades? A person in a similar state can react negatively to open offers of help. Provided that the situation does not seem critical to you, you can try to help in unobtrusive ways. Try to interest the sick person in life: offer to read new books, invite to various events and walks.

Your mind needs training!

The degradation of society is observed today in many countries. You can change the situation by starting with your own life. Try to think and move more - after all, this is the best prevention of degradation. Try to get rid of meaningless entertainment. Limit time for watching TV shows, reading tabloids and other questionable literature. Remember that your mind, like your muscles, needs constant training. Try to solve logic problems, regularly solve crosswords and puzzles.

Why do people degrade when education is more accessible than ever before? With 24/7 access to encyclopedic knowledge, many of us are really not interested in learning. But it is precisely the receipt of new information and the process of memorizing it that is an excellent exercise for the mind. Try to read more, and mindfully memorize what you read. When reading fiction, it is useful to think about the plot, evaluate the personalities of the characters and try to predict events or come up with alternative endings. Such simple intellectual training is incredibly beneficial!

Movement is life!

If you do not want to learn by personal example what human degradation is, try to be active at all times. Regular walks, sports activities - all this will make your life shine with new colors. Remember, maybe you have long wanted to try some unusual kind of fitness or dance? Do not deny yourself this pleasure! Especially positive and cheerful people are people who are easy-going. Train yourself to agree to all interesting spontaneous invitations. Try to be more often in nature, in city parks, as well as visiting cultural and entertainment places.

Degradation is synonymous with regression and deterioration. In order to prevent it, you need to constantly evolve. Go to the theater or cinema, exhibitions and other events. Discover new genres and art trends.

Taking care of yourself and others

It's hard to be happy and content with your own life if you're not used to loving yourself. Take care of yourself regularly and please yourself with pleasant little things. The degradation of society in the modern world is clearly manifested in the untidiness of people, their disregard for themselves and others. If you do not like wasting time on complex cosmetic procedures, do not force yourself. But following the basic rules of personal hygiene should become your habit. Monitor your own mood and condition. Try to optimally distribute mental and physical stress, avoiding overexertion. and a sense of self-worth is given by caring for others. You can do charity work, take care of an old lady neighbor, or a friend in a difficult life situation.

The secret to a happy life is the right motivation

Why do we live? This question has worried humanity since time immemorial. Do not seek to answer it for everyone, but try to find meaning in your own life. Set goals and plans for yourself. It is desirable that your aspirations are varied and diverse. It is unreasonable to wish only material success, expressed in the acquisition of some valuable things. Strive to acquire new knowledge and skills, to achieve professional heights.

It is also helpful to make plans for each day. This will help organize yourself. You will never know what human degradation is if you look forward to a new interesting day.