Standard dimensions of the door frame of the interior door and self-measurements. Door frame - dimensions, designs, installation features The thickness of the box for an interior door

Repair, especially major, is a complex process. It is necessary to think over many points in advance, so that later you do not have to redo, customize. One of the important elements in the installation of the door unit of the apartment is the width of the door frame of the interior door. To do this, in order to install the door, you need to prepare the right size opening in the wall. Let us dwell on the question of how to correctly calculate the width of the opening, box and door leaf. This is important from the point of view of the normal functioning of the door as a whole.

Scheme with the dimensions of the door frame of the interior door

Most manufacturers in the serial production of doors, frames, platbands are guided by the standards adopted in a given country. They are reflected in GOSTs (GOST 6629-88) and building codes and regulations (SNiP). The standard is suitable for houses that are built based on these standards. But they are more of a general recommendation.

Among the variety of design solutions, it is far from always possible to maintain standard wall thickness dimensions, this is especially true for monolithic-frame construction. With the now fashionable free layout, the customer himself chooses which door, respectively, the width of the opening, he wants to make.

In this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that if the selected width does not meet the standards, the door block will have to be ordered individually. Naturally, it will cost more, the choice of ready-made door blocks is narrowing.

Drawing and sketch of the door frame

The problem of non-standard openings often arises during the reconstruction of old houses, especially with high ceilings, for example, in "stalinkas". It will be necessary to either adjust the opening to the standards, or also order the doors individually.

Read also

Design of openings without doors

Standard width of the opening, frame, door leaf

Uninformed people often confuse the concepts of “doorway width” and “box width”. At this point, you need to pay attention, as this may lead to the fact that you have to change the purchased door block kit.

Door leaf size table

Basic terms and notation:

  • Width - the distance between the sides of the hole cut in the wall for installing the box.
  • Height - measured from the floor to the end of this opening.
  • Depth - the thickness of the wall in the opening.

It is a frame structure in which the door is mounted.

  • Width - the distance between the posts.
  • Height - the length of the racks.
  • Depth - the width of the beam racks.

Door leaf.

The standard canvas has a rectangular shape. Accordingly, the dimensions of the rectangle will be the width and height, and the depth will be the thickness of the door.

Standard sizes

There are several standards that builders try to adhere to. If they are observed, there will be no problems with the installation of the door block.

Standard door leaf sizes

Basic standards:

When installing the box, it is leveled and wedged with the help of spacers made of timber chips. Then the gap is foamed. Spacers are also placed inside the box, since the foam, expanding, can squeeze out the racks and lintels.

The basis for the calculation will be the door leaf. Standard door size width: 600; 700; 800; 900 mm.

Here is an example of box calculations:

Door leaf 80 cm / 800 mm in width and 200 cm / 2 thousand mm in height.

Door frame width: 800 + 70 = 870 mm

Height: 2000 + 80 / 50 = 2080 / 2050 mm

Using such a simple calculation, you can easily get the correct dimensions of all components of the door block. Such a simple formula is used in the calculation of non-standard sizes of canvases.

Table of typical sizes of doorways

When calculating a metal entrance door, the same rules are used, only the minimum distance from the box to the opening should be at least 150 to 200 mm, given the width of the box. The same parameters are recommended for the installation of double doors. When installing heavy armored doors, it is necessary to reinforce the opening with metal. The calculation in this case must be especially careful.

Project and drawing with dimensions of double doors

Separately, it is worth dwelling on wooden canvases, standard and custom-made. Most of the solid wood door blocks have thicker box walls. This is especially true for wide doors at 800; 900 mm, double-leaf designs. Masters make massive boxes to strengthen the frame. In addition, such a box is harmoniously combined with a heavy solid wood. This point should be taken into account when calculating the doorway.

Perhaps there is little that can be changed in the repair of the interior of an apartment or a private house without causing global devastation and without spending significant effort or financial resources so that it has such a practical and aesthetic effect as if you change interior doors.

After all, no matter how beautiful the wallpaper or flooring, leaving the room, the last thing that captures our consciousness is the decor and quality of the alignment (canvas) with its frame. Therefore, such a final touch largely affects our perception of the design and comfort of the room as a whole.

Marking of door products

With the marking, which is the passport of the product, not everything is so simple. On the one hand, there are certain GOST recommendations for designations, and on the other hand, the abundance of manufacturers sometimes confuses the general standards. It is not uncommon that doors made using the same technologies and having a visual identity can be named and marked in different ways.

To begin with, consider the state standard, which no one has canceled. So the manufacture of wooden interior doors for residential and public buildings is still valid GOST 6629-88, according to which it is indicated (in order of positions in the marking):

Product type: D- complete door P- door leaf.

Canvas type: G- deaf, O- glazed, TO- glazed oscillating, At- reinforced with continuous filling.

Door height with frame, in dm.

Door width with frame, in dm. Additional letter indexes: L- left door H- with a float, P- with threshold.

Index of the state standard.

for instance: DG20-10L GOST 6629-88 or PO19-7LN GOST 6629-88.

Despite the fact that any self-respecting manufacturer of door products still adheres to state standards, along with official model designations, entrances and individual factory codes. For example, one of the Russian brands uses this identification, releasing doors 40 mm thick and 2000 mm high:

Model name.

Canvas type. DG- deaf, DOP- with cut glass DOOF- with two milled glasses.

Opening width, cm.

Veneer color.

opening direction.

For a variant of such products on the packaging, you can read: "Stella" DG 60 Oak lion.

Ultimately, no matter how any factory marking differs from the Gostov one, the appearance, device and operational properties of the door are more important to us, which you will need to ask the seller in detail and carefully examine the company passport with its specifications and installation instructions.

What do you have to deal with or what are the doors?

Doors to an apartment or a country house are classified according to the following parameters:

Location in the building:

Input (external)

Interroom (internal)

Number of canvases:

single floor

Double field

One and a half

Opening method:

Door leaf filling:


Functional purpose:

For residential buildings

For public


By material:





The market does not let you relax in search of a suitable model, offering a huge variety of door products. However, upon closer examination, several main types of products can be distinguished:

For painting

They allow you to achieve a complete color combination with the surrounding design. Supplied primed, ready to be coated with decorative interior compounds.

In this group of products, two subspecies should be distinguished - elite and budgetary orientation. The expensive segment of doors for painting is produced for the so-called concealed installation. After installing and tinting such a product, only a protruding handle can indicate the presence of a passage in the wall.

Budget models can be found in many public institutions, they are also widely used in "economy" apartment renovations and as temporary options. Represent the textured MDF covering on a bar framework. Their main advantage is the lowest price among all door structures.


They arrive at the distribution network ready for installation. In many ways, the device resembles the previous budget class. However, they have a stain-resistant coating laminated with a polymer film that can imitate any decorative material.

They can be filled with heat and sound insulating materials: corrugated cardboard, mineral wool, polyurethane foam or foam plastic. There are models with smooth or textured surfaces, as well as with profiled overlays made of pressed MDF.


They are the next higher level in quality and appearance. The basis for them is the same frame MDF with fillers of different types. The thinnest sections (0.7 mm) of precious wood - veneer - are glued on top of the base, which are then varnished. The result is a complete imitation of a product made of massive material, but with less weight and an acceptable price.

From solid wood

Probably it is not necessary to praise products from completely natural material once again. In addition to all its advantages, such a door will add sophistication and comfort to any interior, if you are ready to pay its high cost. However, one should not forget that wood is very sensitive to moisture changes, therefore, for a long service life of such elite products, mandatory control of the microclimate in the room is required.


They also belong to the high price segment in the market offers of door products. They help in the implementation of special design delights, and are also ideal for installation at the entrances to bathrooms, showers, saunas and other places with high humidity. They are transparent, translucent, frosted, made of colored glass and with surface milling.


They serve as a good solution for exits to loggias, terraces, as well as for damp rooms, as a cheap alternative to glass doors. They have excellent sound insulation and heat retention properties. Surfaces of products can be laminated with films for any natural material

About dimensions and not only. Standard dimensions of interior doors

If we do not take into account non-standard approaches of some private customers, for whom the binding of door dimensions is based on subjective requests and desires, then most manufacturers are guided by standard openings of typical buildings of the Soviet period. And why reinvent the wheel - from the point of view of the ergonomics of door products, designed for the physiology of the human body, everything has long been invented and thought out.

At the same time, the share of individual requests (regarding the dimensions of products) on the market is small, therefore, it is successfully replenished by the efforts of small private manufacturers, although they cost much more than standard models.

The ratio of the dimensions of doorways and doors (door frame + leaf) according to domestic SNiP. From the tables below you can find out the size of the doorway for a door with a width of, for example, 80 cm.

Door dimensions, mm Opening dimensions, mm
Width height Width Height
600*2000 680-710 2050-2070
700*2000 780-810 2050-2070
800*2000 880-910 2050-2070
900x2000 980-1010 2050-2070
600*1900 680-710 1950-1970
550*1900 630-660 1950-1970
600+600*2000 1280-1310 2050-2070

Ratio defined by DIN standard:

Door dimensions, mm Opening dimensions, mm
Width height Width Height
600x2000 700-740 2060-2080
700*2000 800-840 2060-2080
800x2000 900-940 2060-2080
900x2000 1000-1040 2060-2080
600+600*2000 1340-1400 2060-2080


The very first, speaking about the size of doors, both hinged and sliding, any of us means the width of the canvas, which we will use daily. Somewhere you need and want to be wider, but somewhere a narrow alignment is enough. Guest verified recommendations offer the following options:

For bathrooms - 600 mm,

For kitchens - 700 mm,

For living rooms 800 mm.

If we consider real market products, then its range (adjusted for the needs of modern consumers) is somewhat wider:

For bathrooms - 550 mm and 600 mm,

For kitchens - 700 mm,

For living rooms 800 mm and 900 mm.

Let's not undeservedly forget the double doors, because they often emphasize the special status of living rooms or passages to the terraces. Usually they are made up of the same standard canvases in equal and unequal combinations, for example: 600+600=1200 mm or 600+800=1400 mm. Also for the "kopeck piece" are used and narrowed segments along 400 mm - 400+400=800 mm or 400+800=1200 mm.

Height standards

If we start from the domestic "classics", then it has been preserved in the proposals 1900 mm and 2000 mm, although now the European standard is also often found - 2100 mm. Higher products can also be installed - 2300 mm and even to the ceiling. It is clear that such "giants" are more convenient to use in a sliding version.

The thicker the canvas, the better?

Is it always like this? What does this setting affect? Of course, massive thick sashes perfectly emphasize the interiors of living rooms, especially those made in the Empire, Baroque, Renaissance styles, but thin screens and sliding partitions will be a great addition to passages to pantries or dressing rooms.

The thicker the door, the heavier it is (in its group of design solutions and type of materials), therefore, the requirements for its hinged fittings will be higher, it may be necessary to install additional hinges, which together will lead to an increase in the cost of the entire product. Therefore, the choice of canvas according to the criterion of massiveness, as well as according to other parameters, should be based on rationality and optimality.

The typical products prevailing on the market have a thickness in the range of sizes 30-40 mm. Already in this fork of parameters, most often you can find doors 35 mm and 40 mm, as well as with intermediate values 36 mm and 38 mm.

In addition to the indicated running dimensions, sliding MDF partition doors can be very thin - from 20 mm, but the products of enterprises from solid wood are unlikely to be produced with a base cross section of less than 40 mm(can reach up to 50 or more on special orders). It should be noted that came to private interiors relatively recently, but gaining popularity, tempered glass doors, the thickness of which starts from 8 mm.

What else is good to know when choosing an interior door?

When making measurements of the opening, for the purchase of a new door, please note that it must be at least 30 mm more dimensions of the box along the top edge and in width. The installation gap will be required to adjust the product with wedges, followed by fixation with mounting foam. Of course, this value is relevant for the correct opening in relation to the vertical and horizontal.

Most boxes are made thick 35 mm. Those. overall width of the product assembled with the canvas 800 mm will 870 mm (+35 mm*2). Similarly, the height size increases, though you still need to consider whether there is or is not a threshold.

Thick sashes retain heat better and counteract noise from adjacent rooms.

When installing the box, before installing floor coverings, carefully calculate the level of the finished surface. If the door starts to rest against the floor, then it is very difficult to cut it perfectly on your own, and it will not work with every model.

In conclusion, we can say that the interior door structure, with the apparent simplicity of the device, is quite sensitive to installation errors. Therefore, either its installation and configuration will take you a lot of time, or you will have to involve highly specialized specialists.

This article provides an example of calculating a doorway and a table of the main doorways. Based on this example, you will learn how to calculate any doorway.

To learn how to calculate a doorway, you need to know the standard dimensions of doors.
Main door sizes: 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 mm.
The width of the most common interior door is 800 millimeters. Doors to the kitchen 700 mm (600 mm may not be enough for modern furniture). Double-leaf doors to the living room are assembled from two 600 mm each or two 700 mm each.

Calculate the doorway

We calculate the doorway for a door with a width of 800 mm. Add the width of the door frame, the gaps between the frame and the door. The width of the gap is from two to four millimeters. We need an average value - 3 mm. The leaf of door frames is made from natural wood, or from pressed sawdust. Therefore, the thickness may vary slightly. The difference is five to ten millimeters. To calculate the doorway, we will take the maximum thickness of the box - 40 mm. Subtract a quarter. (40 - 10 = 30)

Dimensions taken into account when calculating the doorway:
30 - the thickness of the door frame leaf.
3 - the gap between the door and the frame.
15 - void for mounting foam.
800 - the width of the door leaf.
2000 - the height of the door leaf.

Calculate the width of the doorway:
30 + 30 + 3 + 3 + 15 + 15 + 800 = 896 (round up to 900 mm).

Calculate the height of the doorway with the threshold:
It is important to remember that for doors with and without a threshold, the difference in the height of the doorway is 10 millimeters, since we will leave the standard gap under the door - 20 mm.
30 + 30 + 3 + 3 + 15 + 2000 = 2081 (round up to 2080 mm).
For a door 800 mm wide, a doorway 2080 mm high and 900 mm wide is needed.

Let's check whether the platbands will block the doorway:
The minimum width of the casing is 60 mm. Let's add a platband on each side, taking into account the minimum distance from the door to the platband (5 mm).
60 + 5 + 60 + 5 + 800 = 930 millimeters.
30 + 3 + 60 + 5 + 2000 = 2098 millimeters.
Therefore, taking into account the maximum thickness of the door frame and the minimum width of the casing, our doorway will close.

When building a house or repairing an existing room, you either have to arrange an entrance opening in accordance with a pre-selected door model, or order and install new canvases in those that already exist. In both cases, it is important to know what size both entrances and interior doors have with and without a box).

Let's define concepts

A doorway is an opening in the wall, which is intended for the installation (mounting) of the input unit. It can be external or internal (interior). The so-called box for the door is its fixed part, fixed in the opening. A canvas is attached to it by means of loops.

When calculating the size of any opening, you need to know the dimensions of the interior doors, i.e. their height and width, the dimensions of the platbands. You will also have to take into account the thickness of the box and the presence of a threshold. When calculating, you will have to add the dimensions of the box on both sides to the width of the canvas, and also provide for the gap between it and the wall panel necessary for installation. Usually it is from 15 to 30 mm.

Standard heights of doorways are 2100 and 2400 mm. And they can be from 700 to 1900 mm wide, and those whose width does not exceed 1200 mm are intended for single-leaf doors, and wider ones for double-leaf doors. There are, in addition, the so-called. half-panel doors - having two wings of different widths.

How to measure a doorway

The width of the opening is measured in its narrowest part, most often at the top. For greater accuracy, it is recommended to measure it in three different places. Height - from the floor to the top of the opening at the lowest point. If such a place of decrease is not detected by eye, it is worth measuring twice - on the right and on the left. The depth of the box is determined by measuring the width of all slopes in at least three places.

For quality work, it is best to call a professional measurer. This service is provided by most companies that supply and install doors. If you measure yourself, if you submit inaccurate data, you will have to pay for the return of the door that did not fit to the warehouse and the delivery of a new one. In the case of calling a professional, the manufacturer assumes all the risk.

How not to get into trouble

In order not to find yourself in a situation where the dimensions of the boxes do not correspond to the openings, you should accurately determine your parameters. Most doors from various manufacturers have a universal size - a width of 60, 70 or 80 centimeters with a height of 2 m. Some manufacturers use a standard combination of a height of 190 cm with a width of 55 cm. The thickness of the boxes usually varies from 15 to 40 mm.

If an unsuccessfully sized door block does not fit into the opening, the latter will have to be expanded. Sometimes this is not possible due to the peculiarities of the layout. In this case, the only way out is to order a custom-sized door, which is not economically viable. As a rule, the cost of such atypical blocks is 30-50 percent more expensive than usual ones.

When the door does not fit the opening, in most cases it is impossible to change its dimensions. An exception is structures with sliding canvases. They are sold with a set of parts that allows you to set the desired size of the guides, and the height of the canvases can be slightly reduced with a small hacksaw or jigsaw. The width is adjusted by the degree of web tension.

When are the changes coming?

It happens that the opening is somewhat wider than the purchased door, then it will need to be narrowed, which will also take a lot of effort and money. In addition to the need to build up walls on both sides of the canvas, a situation may arise when the casing does not completely cover the embedment space between the panel and the box. In this case, there will be an additional amount of work on gluing wallpaper or laying tiles. And most often you have to do it yourself, since it is not easy to find a master for such a meager front of work.

In addition, remember the thickness of the walls. In standard houses, this is 750 mm, and most manufacturers try to make door frames of the appropriate size. If the thickness of the panel and the input block do not match, it may be necessary either to expand the box (in the form of an extension or a slope), or to cut off in the shared direction. Without such a refinement, the installation of the casing is impossible, which drops the appearance of the structure.

The second ones (i.e. double doors) are wide, comfortable and have a decorative function. They are placed in spacious rooms and usually consist of two halves.

Their sizes in height - from 2 meters, in width - 1-1.8 meters, you can choose other parameters.

Interior sliding doors can be made of glass, accordion-type folding doors (made of different materials, from aluminum to wood), compartment- or case-type doors, and can also be a system of sliding partitions.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying interior or metal doors is their size. Its choice depends on the purpose of the structure and the existing opening in which it will be installed. In this case, not only the dimensions of the canvas, but also the door frame are important.

Standard dimensions of interior doors

Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer many different sizes of interior doors. The most common widths are:

  • 600 mm;
  • 700 mm;
  • 800 mm.

However, on sale there are doors whose width differs from accepted standards. So, you can see canvases in 50 and 55 cm.

For sliding and double leaf doors, the width of the door will be larger. It can be from 90 centimeters to 1 meter 80 centimeters. Doors of the big sizes are made to order.

The standard door leaf height is:

  • 2 meters;
  • 2 meters 30 centimeters.

But you can often find doors 1 meter 90 centimeters in height, as well as 2 meters 10 centimeters and 2 meters 20 centimeters.

Standard sizes of metal doors

Entrance metal doors are considered an emergency exit, so they are subject to certain requirements regarding dimensions. They are set out in SNiP and GOST. But their implementation in the manufacture of doors is not necessary, therefore, deviations up or down are possible.

The width of steel entrance doors cannot be less than:

  • 80 cm in private houses and apartments;
  • 120 cm in rooms where the number of people exceeds 15 people.

The height of metal doors must be at least 1 meter 90 centimeters. Standard indicators, as for interior doors, are:

  • 2 meters;
  • 2 meters 30 centimeters.

By individual order, non-standard metal doors can be made. Their height and width will correspond to the size of the opening. But this will affect the weight of the structure, and, consequently, the load on the walls. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the dimensions of the metal door, taking into account these features.

Width and height of door with frame

Usually doors and a frame for them are sold as a set. They fit true to size and won't cause problems when installed.

The width of the door together with the frame depends on the width of the leaf:

  • for a canvas of 800 mm it will be 87 cm;
  • for a canvas of 700 mm, the width with a box will be 77 cm;
  • the value for a 600 mm door will be 67 cm.

When calculating, regardless of the size of the canvas 550, 600, 700 or 800 mm, the size of the gaps between the box and the door is taken into account, which will be the same everywhere. It is equal to 6-8 millimeters, on each side 3-4 millimeters.

The standard height of the door with the frame will also depend on the height of the door leaf:

  • with a value of 2 meters, it will be 2 meters and 7 centimeters;
  • with a value of 2 meters 30 centimeters, it will be 2 meters and 37 centimeters.

The calculations take into account the dimensions of the gaps and the threshold. The gap is a constant value, it does not depend on the height of the door.

The threshold height must be considered for entrance and interior doors installed at the entrance to the bathrooms. For other doors, there must be a gap between the floor and the leaf. It is 15-20 mm for kitchen doors if liquefied gas is used in the house and 5-10 mm in all other cases. The horizontal gap in the upper part of the door, like the vertical ones, is 3-4 mm.

The thickness of the door frame can vary from 15 to 45 mm depending on the material and manufacturer. This indicator should be sufficient to ensure reliable fastening and operation of the door.

Purpose of the door depending on the size

The size of the door largely depends on its purpose. A width of 50, 60, 70 or 80 centimeters depends on the room at the entrance to which it will be installed.

The door is 50 cm wide and very narrow. It is usually placed at the entrance to utility rooms, such as a pantry or dressing room. For interior doors, 50 centimeters is too narrow a passage. It will not be enough for the free movement and movement of furniture. Therefore, they are made wider than 50 centimeters.

The door, whose width is 600 millimeters, is suitable for installation in the bathroom and toilet in small apartments. It can also be installed at the entrance to the kitchen.

The canvas, the size of which is 70 centimeters wide, is used to separate bedrooms, offices and other rooms. 70 cm is usually enough to comfortably move around the apartment. This width allows you to carry furniture and other items that are large. Sometimes you can find interior doors 80 centimeters wide.

The opening at the entrance to the living room is wide enough. It is often equipped with single and double doors or sliding systems, the width of which can be 90 centimeters or more. However, in small apartments, the opening to the living room can be small, designed for a door of 700 or 800 mm.

Being engaged in repair or construction, think in advance what size the entrance metal and interior doors will be. Making an opening for standard widths of 600, 700, 800 mm or more and heights of 2 and 2.3 m, you do not have to redo the opening or make doors to order.