Bet on poverty ruin. Stavy - a way out of difficult situations. Becoming a Money Swastika

If you know how to make a runic bet on money, the signs will attract wealth and success. Runic formulas will allow you to say goodbye to poverty.

In the article:

Runic becoming money - runes to attract wealth

Runes are unique signs that will attract wealth. Before starting to create your own money rates, they study popular symbols to attract prosperity.

The leading place is a force that can change life for the better, contributes to the accumulation of energy and wealth. The rune is used as an amulet (wooden, leather, bone, copper) and in combinations (applied to the surface).

Runic becoming I want a job and money

The symbol allows you to activate cash flows. The sign allows you to keep energy flows and financial benefits. A symbol is often used to protect fortune, wealth.

Symbolizes the reaping of fruits. If a person simply hopes that magic will help achieve a dream, nothing will work. Only effort is rewarded.

The sign symbolizes everything that money can buy. It attracts patrons, strong authoritative personalities who will become patrons and provide support.

Responsible for prosperity, growth, well-being. Often interpreted as a symbol that gives unlimited possibilities. Means victory, achievement of the goal.

Runic formulas to attract money

The formula for financial well-being consists of three Fehu. The symbol not only attracts good luck and finances, but also expands the possibilities.

The runogram will help increase income, protect already accumulated benefits from thieves, ill-wishers, and will not allow savings to be spent on trinkets:

  • otal- symbolizes the accumulated wealth, property, in combination with Fehu - making a profit;
  • Fehu- fertility, prosperity, property;
  • Hyères- activates the work of the inscribed.

Runescript, which is applied to a bank card, wallet, will increase the average income:

  • Fehu- profit, money;
  • otal- help to acquire property;
  • Berkana- used to implement ideas, protect against enemies;
  • soulo- personifies victory in endeavors.

Disputes do not subside, whether it is worth turning and sacrificing to the gods, speaking symbols. Each master works according to his own methodology: for some it is enough to depict symbols, others enlist the help of the gods.

Becoming for money

If a patron is not chosen for help in a particular situation, they appeal to Odin. When it comes to finances, it is recommended to contact Njord or Freyr.

As an offering, wine, fruits, sea fish are suitable. On the working surface, in addition to the sacrifice, there are candles (Fire), incense (Air), salt (Earth) and a container of water. In the middle of the symbols of the elements they put a thing on which they write a runic formula, or an amulet. Candles and incense, when slandered, are lit, pronounce the phrase:

Oh great (aya) (name of the deity), help me conduct the ritual of consecrating the runic formula / amulet / runescript.

If the amulet is not ready, they begin to depict runes, specifying each symbol. For example:

I draw a rune (such and such) to attract (such and such).

When the manipulations are finished, they say what they expect from the script. The speech is prepared (written on a piece of paper). Pronounce:

I illuminate the formula / amulet / runescript (with fire, water, earth, air - for each element in turn).

They thank God who helped illuminate the runescript. Until the candles and incense burn out, you cannot remove the attribute from the work surface.

What do they write rune formulas for money on? This is either a sheet of paper that is carried in a wallet, or a bill. Apply the inscription with a marker in red or green. Do not choose the black marker that is used for harmful magic.

Can blood be used? If the gods want a sacrifice with blood, during the manipulations you need to cut yourself, prick yourself.

How long will it take for it to work? The period depends on the personal energy of the person. The stronger the rune bearer, the faster the magic will work. Some symbols "eat up" a lot of energy. If the script is not "looped", the attribute will be lost after the task is implemented.

Becoming "Cash Flow"

A popular runic formula for attracting money. Welfare increases gradually, without sudden transitions.

Becoming "Cash Flow"

Unplanned expenses will disappear, it will be possible to get out of loans and debts. The situation is stabilizing for freelancers - the number of clients will grow. The runescript must be consecrated by the elements. Working runes:

  • Raido- moving towards the goal, approaching the dream;
  • Fehu- money, material goods;
  • Manaz- the individual who made becoming;
  • Vunyo- joy, happiness from received;
  • Hyères- reaping the fruits.

The use of symbols is not limited in time: Yer makes the formula cyclic. A rune is applied to a bill that is carried with them.

If you urgently need finance for some business, getting a large amount of money will help bring the appropriate opportunities to life. This method helps to get out of the black stripe and end poverty.

For example, the Fehu-Fehu-Fehu combination triples the power of the most powerful money rune, and also helps to move to a new stage of financial development. Attracts the luck necessary for enrichment, multiplies the number of favorable opportunities.

The meaning of the characters in this combination:

  • - a symbol of profit and material wealth that can be measured in money.
  • Otal - helps to attract the amount necessary for the acquisition of large property.
  • - protects acquired property from thieves and swindlers.
  • - helps to achieve victory and achieve goals.

Depending on your goals, choose the most suitable combination.

There are certain rules that you need to follow if you want the becoming to work correctly and completely. The tips and tricks are as follows:

  • Be sure to make a request in the process of working with runes to the ancient pagan deity Odin. You can also call on Freyr or Njord to help.
  • Make a sacrifice to the ancient deities. It can be fruits, wine, fish. Prepare an impromptu altar for the sacrifice. Put the necessary runes in the center, place candles around, light incense, put a container with clean water and salt.

During the sacrifice, it is important to say a magic spell that activates the power of the runes:

Above each rune, which you will alternately install at the altar, say these words:

After all the magical manipulations, relax and concentrate your mind on the thought of what you want to receive. Visualize - draw in your imagination images of how you got the right amount of money, plan what you will spend on.

At the end of the magical ritual, thank the deity that was addressed for help and assistance. Wait for the candles to burn out, and leave the altar untouched for several days.

Important: you can draw runic staves on a blank sheet of paper or banknotes. Don't use dark colors, especially black. Shades of red or green are best suited.

Watch a video about the use of money runes:

To enhance the effect of runic magic, you can add your own sacrifice - put a few drops of blood on paper with the image of runes. But this is optional.

The running time of the runes depends on your energy. The more powerful it is, the sooner you will get the result. Be patient if there is not enough vitality - it will take time for the right amount of money to come into your life.

You can repeat this ritual an infinite number of times. But start the next one only after you get the results from the previous one. The magic of the ancient runes is very powerful - if you follow all the nuances and subtleties of the process, it will definitely work, although the result will not be instantaneous.

Do not forget to thank the higher powers after you get what you want. Gratitude also attracts good luck and financial opportunities into a person's life, this tool is no less powerful.

As evidenced by numerous finds left over from ancient civilizations, our distant ancestors were very smart people, possessed all sorts of secret knowledge that is not available to us today. This knowledge concerned almost all spheres of human life - power, love, wealth and other things. Including they used runes and runic staves. So, what is a quick money bet and how to use it?

What is becoming?

Ancient secret signs that were used, among other things, to attract cash flows and everything that can be associated with them, are called runes. In turn, the runic becoming is a wooden plate (or plank), on which runes of a certain value are cut.

But runes can be applied not only to a tree. Them also worn as amulets, where the symbols are inscribed on bone, leather, copper, or other material. It is important that this material be natural, but wood is mainly used, since it carries a “living” energy.

Moreover, the ancient sages always took into account the fact that each tree carries all the special power and energy, so the same tree was not taken for different purposes. For example:

  • Birch brings peace and strengthens the connection with the ancestors.
  • Oak symbolizes the power of the stave.
  • Ash- feeds information, gives stamina and strength to attack.
  • Alder prolongs the action of the stav, strengthens it, so it was used for protection.
  • Pine– also strong for defense.
  • Spruce symbolizes the circle of life - birth and death.
  • Rowan– active protection.
  • Willow widely used in female magical love spells to induce negative energy, it is a symbol of sorrow (obviously, because "weeping").
  • Hawthorn good for love and lapel staves.
  • Heather- clears the senses.
  • Holly- a tree that brings balance and balance.
  • Apple tree- well-being, love, peace.

Runes for prosperity

Before you start working with any runic stav and generally with runes, you need to study the symbolism of signs well. In addition, you need to understand that, in fact, you are dealing with what is called “subtle matter”.

It should be understood that runes are not just symbols that mean something. Their various combinations are able to activate energy that carries a certain charge., and if you make a mistake, you can activate , which is completely opposite to the one that was supposed.

As for the rates for attracting cash flows, there are also several of them that affect their areas of organization of monetary energy. The 5 most famous and powerful runes that are responsible for material well-being have survived to this day: Otal, Fehu, Yer, Berkana, Soulo.

In order to quickly receive a large amount of money, the Yer symbol must be present in the stave.. This becoming is able to work for a very long time, it constantly activates energy, since it contains the symbol of the ring.

Otal is a symbol of accumulated wealth, property, and in combination with Fehu, a symbol of material wealth, profit, money, it symbolizes profit, fertility, prosperity, property. If you combine these two runes with Hyeres, then such a becoming will not only contribute to obtaining material profit, but will also be able to increase income in general.

Generally speaking, to attract money, you can use various combinations of runes that are responsible for some material wealth. The most important thing in this case is to understand what they symbolize, because when compiling staves, not only the symbols themselves are of great importance, but also the energy of a person and the thoughts with which he makes this stave.

You can also add to the "material" runes such as Berkana and Soul. Berkana was usually used to implement ideas and protect against enemies, and Soul personified success in endeavors.

Effective formulas

To attract finance and clients

Many modern professions are associated with attracting customers, the number of which determines the profit. For such people, there are also some combinations of runes that will help organize the right circle of people around them - potential customers. To do this, you need to use a combination of the following runes:

  • Mannaz- this is a symbol of the person to whom the becoming will belong.
  • Evaz- the movement of customers to the entrepreneur. These two signs alone will greatly enhance your ability to attract customers.
  • You can add another rune Fehu, which means attracting precisely cash customers and the movement of money in itself.
  • The rune has a similar meaning. Laguz- it's luck, bringing the right customers. This symbol will be useful to those people who do not have sufficient strength to retain a large number of customers, and the symbol will strengthen them in this. Rune Aira provides a constant circulation of money and customers.

In addition to these runes, there are also so-called "protective" ones, which are not so directly related to attracting and retaining customers. For example, Teyvaz means supporting oneself in entrepreneurial activities; Algiz is the protection of physical health, which goes into constant and exhausting work.

To attract good luck in business, they use a rune in staves Petro.

If the work is more related to various kinds of partnership agreements, then you can use rune Gebo, which symbolizes reliable partnerships, understanding of the obligations and rights of the parties.

To repay a debt

Sometimes you need to somehow influence a person who has borrowed money, but does not return it for a long time. As you know, not always requests for a refund, even the most persistent ones, affect the borrower. Then you can resort to the use of rune staves.

For this, signs symbolizing the consciousness of the debtor are suitable. (Ansuz), coercion (Nautiz), thoughts of debt that hangs over a man (Teyvaz). The rune will help to strengthen these signs Evaz, symbolizing acceleration, and the already mentioned rune Hyères as a triggering mechanism for the impact of the composed stav.

The combination of the already mentioned runes also has great power. Fehu and Otal meaning "return of one's own".


It is considered very strong to attract fast money from the sky by becoming the “Mill”, it is also the “Money Mill”. To compile such a stav, you can use three Fehu runes, drawn in the form of mill blades emanating from a single center.

This is a classic option and, as they say, a win-win. But it can be supplemented with any strengthening runes. This becoming will not only help to make the cash flow constant, but will also be able to increase it.

"I am a magnet"

The runic formula "Money Magnet" is energetically strong. Its essence lies in the fact that the person who activates this becoming will be like a magnet, not just the money itself will be attracted (after all, it can go as easily as it can come), but the opportunities to make money will also be attracted.

This stave is made up of the following runes: Evaz, Laguz, Perth, Kenaz, Dagaz, Fehu, Otal, Gebo, Soulo, Vunyo,- most of which have already been mentioned. This becoming is quite complicated, however, according to the testimonies of people who have experienced its power, it is very effective.

urgent money

In order to quickly and easily receive a large amount, you must use a stav that combines runes Fehu, Ansuz, Dagaz, Algiz. This becoming is applied to some kind of carrier, and then burned and the ashes are blown from the hand into the wind.


In addition to the fact that you need to draw a certain becoming for yourself, its strength is enhanced by slander- this is something like spells that activate the power of the stav. For example, to attract customers, you can use this:

“With the power of the Runes, I conjure the flows of money. Let not the income of my clients, let my income not run out. May my clients always bring me profit and prosperity. Let each transaction be better for me than the previous one. I am in full control of my own business, I am able (bna) to regulate any external influences. Runes support me at all levels, I always have enough physical, mental, energy, mental and magical resources and skills for the prosperity of my business.

Naturally, each person can adjust this clause for themselves, or independently come up with something similar. In addition, becoming money should be worn near money - in a wallet, wallet, put in a piggy bank. Alternatively, you can draw it immediately on your wallet. This will enhance its effect.

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