Vamp style in clothes for girls. Vamp style in clothes, main features, photos of stars. Makeup and hairstyle femme fatale vamp

Vamp style in clothes is preferred by beautiful, cancerous and self-confident, “vamp women”. The "vamp woman" is desired by everyone and, at the same time, impregnable, with hints in her movements and a mystery in her eyes. A woman wearing vamp-style clothes is arrogant and obstinate in character, she attracts and drives men crazy, this style will not suit shy natures, because this is not just an image created with the help of clothes and various accessories, it is charisma and energy. The Vamp style is not only a beautiful image, but also habits, eloquence, and some bitchiness in character. In this image, you need to live and feel comfortable, and not try it on according to your mood, which, in principle, we teach on the pages.

"Woman vamp" - desirable, impregnable, obstinate, with a mystery in her eyes and arrogance ...

The founder of the Vamp style is the incomparable Theodosio Barr Goodman

For the first time this image was presented by Theodosia Barr Goodman, she was considered a sex symbol of the 20s, in this image she appeared on the screen of silent films. It was Teodosiou Barr Goodman who brought the term "vamp woman" into our lives and is considered the pioneer of this image in the style of the vamp. In 1915, she starred in the movie It Was a Fool as a female vampire.

The main features of the Vamp style in women's wardrobe

The main features of the Vamp style impeccability and chic are considered in everything, cheap fabrics are never used for clothes in this style, any models of clothes in the Vamp style should radiate luxury and brilliance. All clothing must be one of a kind or made to order. The main colors of this style are black and red, as well as gold, silver, white and beige. Fabrics also play an important role, so that the clothes emphasize the female silhouette, the best materials will be: knitwear, silk, satin or natural leather products.

The main colors of the Vamp style are black and red.

Vamp clothes should be tight-fitting, with transparent elements or deep cutouts. The Vamp style wardrobe includes: mini, midi or floor-length dresses, without frank cutouts, but with elements of transparent fabrics, under which chic lace underwear will be slightly visible. Or the dress will be with a deep neckline or a sexy slit on the leg.

Trouser suits, they should be selected, focusing on your figure, they should highlight the dignity of a woman and hide flaws, it is desirable that they be tight-fitting trousers and a feminine tight-fitting jacket, and, of course, a transparent blouse in snow-white tones. For the Vamp style, tight, skinny trousers are considered the most acceptable model. They can be with various inserts, pockets, but certainly satin.

Skirt - pencil, shoes, accessories and make-up in Vamp style

Pencil skirt a common detail in the “office” style, but such a pencil skirt is also relevant for the Vamp style. Also, such a skirt will help to hide or emphasize the peculiarity of the figure. For example, models of a pencil skirt with a high waist visually lengthen the legs, and models with wide belts have the opportunity to focus on a thin waist. A good addition to a pencil skirt will be graceful shoes with thin, high heels.

Corset it can be laced at the back and insets or embellished with pleats and bows, a narrow waist combined with wide hips looks very sexy in it. In this style, the corset can be worn as a top, or as an addition to a dress or blouse, which will certainly emphasize the figure.
Vamp style shoes it can be anything, but with high heels or wedges, all possible sandals, shoes, etc., and in the cold season, high boots that fit the leg tightly will do, and, of course, an easy and confident walk.
Accessories always complement the image in the style of Vamp. It may not be the usual retro jewelry and eye-catching jewelry with rhinestones and accessories such as a clutch bag, long satin gloves, a chiffon scarf, furs and, of course, expensive lace lingerie and stockings.
Vamp Makeup should be expressive. Eyes underlined with black pencil and bright lips on a pale face, the perfect contrast. With eye makeup, you should not overdo it so that there is no excessive blackness. Lipstick is worth choosing juicy, rich shades, cherry, scarlet, red, burgundy are ideal and complete the image in the style of Vamp.

Do you prefer vamp style? Then you are a confident girl. Creating a charismatic image requires that everything in you corresponds to a single direction - clothes, shoes, makeup and hair.

Vamp style: where does the wind blow from?

Now it seems to us that this style has always been. But in fact, Hollywood gave him a start. Namely, the film adaptation of the novel "Count Dracula".

A bold and mysterious woman who is the embodiment of sexuality - this is she, an admirer of the vamp style. As you understand, the very name "vamp" is focused on aggressive sexuality, which is emphasized by severity and defiance. Sensual bright red lips, pale skin ... and what kind of hairstyle should such a woman have?

Hairstyle for a femme fatale

There is a stereotype that a fatal beauty must be a brunette. But it's not. Hair color can be light or even red.

The same is true with hairstyles - their choice is quite wide. Both short and long hair can be styled as required by the vamp style.

Vamp Hairstyles: Smooth, Very Smooth

Such hairstyles will look especially impressive on dark hair. Can be applied to long or short hair.


1. Clearly mark the parting.

2. Apply a styling agent to your hair and stretch the strands with an iron. Do not leave frivolous playful bangs. If the bangs are long, then comb it to the side and fix it with an invisibility.

3. Fix the hairstyle with varnish. And, if necessary, secure with invisibility.

If the hair is long, then you can collect them in a ponytail or a bun. To emphasize the image, one of the strands near the face is allowed to be decorated with a wave.

Bouffant: a woman on the hunt

For the image of a vamp, it is typical to open your face, removing your hair. Bouffant allows you to do this. Comb your hair from the forehead to the crown, laying it back. At the temples, fix the strands with invisibility so that the volume prevails only from above. Be sure to fix your hair with varnish, even if the hair is short enough - after all, a vamp woman should always have her hair in order!

Vamp style: not just curls

The "vampire girlfriend" can have styling with waves and curls. Only these are not at all such curls as those of lovely romantic young ladies in lace and ruffles. Here the ball is ruled by rigor and graphics.

Divide clean hair into separate strands and wind it, having previously applied a styling agent. When creating a hairstyle, style the strands, without brushing them. Fix invisible. Pay special attention to those curls that will frame the face. They should be clearly designed and have some graphics.

Tail: to be or not to be?

Hair gathered in a high ponytail is one of the characteristic hairstyles of the style. Bangs, if any, should be straight or angular. And long enough.

Pay attention to the elastic band or hairpin with which you fix the tail. It should not be cheerful colors with bears or butterflies. A solid elastic band is suitable: dark or matching the clothes. Or scarlet, like your lipstick.

Vamp hairstyles: bob

This strict graphic hairstyle will accentuate your features and highlight your eyes. For short or medium length hair, this is what you need.

The simplest hairstyle

If you have straight long hair, then going through it with an iron, you will quite match the loud style.

With thin and fluffy hair, you will have to use styling products that will make the strands heavier. To prevent hair from shaggy from the wind, treat it with varnish.


A simple (or not so) bun can transform your image. Strict, or formed from curls, a bun is one of the most elegant hairstyles. If it looks boring to you in its usual form, add some retro-style curls.

When choosing a hairstyle for your style, do not forget that a vamp woman always stands out from the crowd and attracts attention. Even if this style is not peculiar to you, be creative, try to apply the image of a fatal lady who drives men crazy. All men, by the way.

A vamp woman is not the kind of female who always quarrels with her husband and punishes her children, collects gossip about neighbors and colleagues.

This is not a swindler and not a brawler. She is a woman of the highest standard, which is completely different from others. It takes a lot of effort to find it.

If kissing your girlfriend makes your knees weak, she might be a vampire.

Richard Brautigan

The style of a vamp woman: how to recognize her

In the crowd, a vamp woman can be recognized immediately. And not by external beauty and by the train of exquisite perfumes. It will be issued:
  • posture,
  • gait,
  • demeanor,
  • sight.
All this distinguishes her from ordinary women.

And its main difference is that under no circumstances will she show others what she really feels, what experiences she has in her soul.

This woman is not one of those who will shake her own "I" in front of relatives, colleagues, girlfriends, boss or lover.

Absolutely for all the people around her, she will forever remain a mystery. And don't even try to figure it out! Isn't that why in life such women are often accompanied by loneliness?

Love of a vamp woman for herself

First of all, a vamp woman loves and appreciates herself. And not because there are no people in her environment who could give her their attention, affection and love. The thing is, if she stops loving herself, if she lets the sparkle in her eyes fade, she won't be a vamp anymore.

Therefore, vamp ladies are always trying to make a cult out of love for themselves. They constantly cherish and cherish such an attitude towards their personality, nurture their own "I". This allows them not to turn into an ordinary woman.

Where does the love of a vamp woman for herself begin?

The love of a vamp woman for herself does not begin with an abundance of beautiful clothes and expensive cosmetics, not with the number of broken male hearts. It originates from such phrases that she said to herself: “I once and for all forbid you to disregard yourself. Do you hear, I forbid!

To become a vamp, you need to start somewhere. Surely, you are wondering why, how and when? The answer is simple: you should start with elementary things, everything is easier than it might seem, but you can start right now!

How to love yourself?

Throw all your daily routine and prepare for yourself a favorite ... fragrant bath. Use essential oils, foam, incense sticks with your favorite scent, candles. A glass of good wine will also be useful. Soak in the bath, relax, pamper yourself.

Place a small bouquet or just one flower on the bedside table. Even the most unpretentious, he will be able to cheer you up immediately after waking up. It is from such trifles that this woman's love for herself originates.

It is necessary to learn a simple truth: a woman who treats herself badly, a priori, cannot be truly loved by others.

Primarily learn to truly love yourself. You should not treat this feeling as nonsense or another woman's whim. And don't let others think like that!

How to "wear" the face of a vamp woman?

Many women know how to wear hats, handbags, high-heeled shoes, jewelry, but their face is not. And from this they seem not cute, unattractive, uncharismatic. And sometimes the appearance of such a woman can simply “repel”. As a result, the surrounding men are corny afraid of them and prefer to remain at a distance.

A vamp woman prefers to "wear" her face in a special way. Calmness and dignity are read on her face, even a shade of some coldness.

The facial features of a vamp woman do not betray any of the feelings she is experiencing. Under no circumstances will she show that she is uncomfortable or suffering.

bewitching voice

Women with deep voices that vibrate softly tend to be successful in love. Usually they have a huge number of admirers. People subconsciously trust them more than the owners of a thin high voice. Such women seem more seductive. And it's all about their magical timbre of voice.

Representatives of the stronger sex feel a secret in a low female voice, it bewitches and fascinates them. In addition, it contains exciting notes and sexual overtones.

However, there are not so many women who naturally have intriguing "cold" voices. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to “sculpt” what we need from what is given to us by nature.

Before the voice acquires the desired timbre, it is necessary to work with it. The first steps that a vamp woman takes in this direction is to record a short monologue on any topic using a voice recorder, and then evaluate her voice.

The monologue needs to be recorded many times, pronouncing it differently:

  • slow and fast
  • low and high
  • cold and soft.
A vamp woman will need to put her voice in place, fill it, polish it, make it sound deeper, more beautiful and intriguing. Make your voice sexier and lower.

From the options heard, you must choose the register that is most suitable for communication. In this case, you should not strain your vocal cords. The selected voice timbre should become a standard. And then your new voice will turn into one of the main instruments, the main thing is to learn how to use it skillfully.

Easy gait in ... "Mercedes"

A vamp woman is distinguished not only by resourcefulness, subtlety, intelligence and cunning, she is also very attractive. And first of all, this is manifested not in external beauty, not in the sophistication of outfits, and in skill:
  • keep posture;
  • hug a man
  • smoke a cigarette;
  • get into the car;
  • give a hand;
  • unshoe;
  • sink into a chair and much more.

Is it possible to acquire the skills to “present” yourself so tasty?

In order to learn such manners, you should follow some recommendations:
  1. If you are heading towards a car that you are about to get into, do not open its door yourself. Wait for the driver or your man to do this. If none of them think to open the door for you, stand still and do nothing. After all, the "title" of a vamp woman obliges!
  2. When landing in the car, do not bend your head too much and slouch. You should act smarter. First, turn sideways to the car and sit in it, and then it will be possible to tidy up the legs in the interior of the car.
  3. You need to leave the car interior in the same way - with the grace of a panther. First, turn sideways and put your feet on the asphalt, and then, leaning lightly on the man’s hand or on the seat, get out of the car.
  4. It is worth constantly making sure that your movements look as natural as possible, not fussy. Keep yourself relaxed and free, as if all you do is drive around in expensive cars all day long. However, beware of mannerisms, because it will give your behavior unnaturalness, which from the outside will look ugly and even funny.
Clumsy gait is a problem for many women. But vamp women do not just walk, they "float", presenting themselves as something exquisite, unique and priceless.

They know for sure that lightness, ease and grace in walking is their trump card, their weapon!

You need to try as quickly as possible to learn beautiful and graceful movements. First of all, the royal step is amazingly beautiful. Secondly, a woman who has a dignified walk will be noticed (noted) by a much larger number of people.

After all, the owners of such a walk are seen by others not only as beauties, but also as successful, prosperous, strong and self-confident individuals.

To become a vamp, you must permanently give up habits such as hiding your eyes on the floor, slouching, shuffling your legs and waving your arms when walking. The art of the royal walk will require a lot of patience and diligence from you. But the game is worth the candle!

Where to start learning?

It is recommended to start by learning to keep the correct posture. Approach the wall so that the back of your head and back are in full contact with its surface.

Stay in this position for a few minutes so that your body remembers the position. In this case, it is desirable to strain all the muscles of the body. You need to try to keep this posture wherever you are, especially on the street.

As a result of such exercises, your body will remember the correct position and it will become a habit. You will not need to constantly control yourself.

In addition, do not forget about the following rules:

  • do not wave your arms and do not keep them in the pockets of your clothes - this is a sign of bad taste;
  • make sure that the heels of your shoes do not knock much when walking;
  • do not bend your knees too much when walking. From the outside it looks unattractive and rather comical;
  • when you are at home alone, put on any high-heeled shoes, put a stack of books on your head and boldly start your promenade.
Such regular training will allow you to quickly master the skills of graceful gait.
A divinely beautiful woman often has a diabolical character.
Eduard Aleksandrovich Sevrus (Borokhov)

The image of a vamp woman (4 photos)

Almost all women like to use cosmetics, including lipstick. And there are reasons for this. First of all, lipstick is a sail of sensuality and beauty, under which you can soar on the waves of life, delighting, intriguing, seductive...

It should be noted that the vamp lady will not keep an unscented and “tasteless” lipstick in her purse. After all, her lipstick is not only high quality, but also has exquisite packaging. Such a cute case that is nice to get out of your purse and hold in your hands. Such trifles, first of all, give out an “expensive” luxurious woman and “work” for the image of a vamp woman.

Recommendations regarding the choice and use of cosmetics:

  1. You should not buy lipstick on a tray that is located on the street. Also, you do not need to buy lipstick in the market. Buy it only in the company store.
  2. If a vamp has brown eyes, she will never get purple, lilac and pink lipstick. She will opt for a red-brown lipstick, which is able to emphasize the expressiveness of the face and the depth of the eyes.
  3. If a vamp woman has blue, gray, blue or green eyes, she will choose lipstick for herself, which has shades of pink and beige. Cold shades of lilac and purple flowers are also suitable.
  4. If a vamp is wearing light-colored clothes, she will certainly choose a soft lipstick in muted tones. If she decides to wear a red blouse, she will make up her lips with the same red lipstick. The inconsistency of shades is inappropriate here, the red color is painfully capricious.
  5. If she is wearing predominantly dark clothes, she will make her mouth brighter by applying the appropriate color of lipstick to her lips.
  6. A vamp woman always uses a lip pencil. Without it, it is impossible to make lips sensual and expressive. It is also impossible to achieve clarity of the contour of the lips. Lip pencil, in addition to the listed advantages, also does not allow lipstick to blur. It is recommended to choose a lip pencil, the tone of which, unlike lipstick, is brighter and more saturated.
  7. It is also not recommended to sharpen the lip pencil too sharply. However, it doesn't have to be stupid either. Otherwise, the contour cannot be drawn perfectly, and the lips will lose their attractiveness.
  8. When applying lipstick on the lips, do not overdo it and remember that it tends to roll in the corners of the mouth. And it looks extremely unaesthetic.
  9. Remove the old layer of lipstick applied to the lips a few hours ago with a cotton swab soaked in cream or a special liquid.
  10. And finally, the final tip: lipstick should always be with you. Even if you go to the bath or pool. After all, nothing can transform a woman's face like a high-quality and well-chosen lipstick!

Poems about a vamp woman

Beautiful woman. Vamp woman.
Desirable and inaccessible to you.
In her burning eyes - an eternal secret,
In movements - hints, in a smile - desire.
A little arrogant, a little stubborn
Like a cat, she is gracefully lazy.
Sometimes sly, sometimes vicious,
Resting during the day. Hunt at night.
In bed - crazy, in caresses - plentiful,
Smokes - beautifully, swears - stylishly,
Riddle - a luxurious vamp woman,
Desirable and inaccessible to you.
Olga Shmal

Previously, they were called fatal, now these girls are simply called bitches, and they are just vamps. Vamp style in clothing originated with the advent of the famous Count Dracula, created by Bram Stoker. The beauties of Hollywood immediately caught the nuances of a mysterious image that still does not leave men all over the world indifferent.

A vamp woman is not only a manner of dressing elegantly and visiting expensive establishments. This is something more, a whole philosophy, a certain way of life and knowledge of psychology. The most famous female vamp can be called, perhaps, Snow White, who has pale skin, black as soot hair and scarlet lips. And notice, this dead beauty drove the seven dwarfs who were under the control of her beauty crazy. What can we say about the prince who woke her with a passionate kiss!

A true vamp woman has the following qualities and abilities:

  • Confidence in your abilities and yourself. This confidence is unshakable, no one can “break” a vampire. She is always confident in her beauty, rightness and thoughts. Even if the vampire is wrong about something, she will find the strength to convince you that she is right.
  • Purposefulness. This lady knows what she wants from this life. She cannot know the exact road, but she will always find the right way, how to turn onto it. Goals for a vamp are more than achievable.
  • Creation of a unique extraordinary image. This woman knows how to emphasize her beauty. Even if she has an ugly long nose, you will never notice it. A vampire will always find a way to emphasize its beauty, making it a "highlight" of its image. Men will never find flaws in a vampire, they will only beckon them. The uniqueness of the image is manifested in the accents and small secrets created by the woman herself, which she will never reveal to anyone.
  • The ability to chic and be luxurious. A vamp woman cannot be found in a roadside cafe or a cheap restaurant. Such ladies "live" only in expensive establishments and buy clothes only in expensive stores. Moreover, it is not necessary that the vampire pays for all her purchases and expenses, often men remain the authors of expensive gifts.
  • Determination. This person does not have to think for a long time, she is always ready to make a decision both for herself and for other people.
  • Conciseness. Having said just a couple of words, you will be surprised by the meaning that they carry. There is absolutely nothing to say after such a woman.
  • Sexuality. All outfits emphasize the beauty of the female body, which must be flawless. The line between sexuality. And vulgarity is very subtle, but vamp ladies don't go over it.

As you already understand, in the wardrobe of a vamp woman there is no place for cheap and ineffective things. Let's analyze the wardrobe of a vamp woman in more detail. What will we see there?

  • The dress. In the closet there are always dresses that fit the figure. Vampires deny hoodies, and all those styles that cannot show the world their beauty. The length can be very diverse, from mini to long evening dresses. However, if this is the maximum length, then there is always a sexy cut, from under which graceful legs look out. If the vampire refused the incision, then you should look at the open shoulders and back, which is probably as open as possible to prying eyes. In a word, a vampire will always be able to keep the mystery, and find an elegant way to demonstrate the figure. The sexiest colors and tones are common:
  1. unique black which is relevant for dresses of any length and style
  2. seductive red which is sure to grab attention.
  3. extravagant purple from which it is impossible to "take your eyes off"
  4. predatory leopard, which will allow you to lure the victim into your networks without much effort.

Also, vampires can wear calmer tones that allow them to disguise themselves in society - cream, milky, creamy white. Lace models, dresses made of transparent and translucent materials, as well as satin and silk are common among vampires.

  • Skirts. They can also be worn by a vampire, skillfully combined with translucent blouses and light blouses. The length is most often mini or midi, but skirts to the floor have also been relevant lately. The style of the skirt and its decoration gracefully present the figure and long legs. Traditional colors - black, burgundy, cherry, bright red, purple. With a midi length, a sexy slit can be located both in front and behind or on the sides. The cut in front looks especially attractive, almost completely opening one of the legs when walking.
  • Blouses. By tradition, they open the neckline or shoulders. The material is translucent. Hands can be open and in this case, the outfit is often complemented by long gloves. Blouses and dresses may contain contrasting inserts from other materials.
  • Furs. Fur coats, short fur coats, long fur coats, boas - it is difficult for a vamp woman to live without them, because they look so impressive and not cheap!
  • Trousers. Tight-fitting models are relevant. The outfit can complement a plain top or blouse, a contrasting belt and a jacket, for example, in leopard print.
  • Tops. They may not have straps or their style contains a sexy slit.
  • Lace underwear, stockings and corsets. This is an integral part of the style of an insidious and femme fatale.

Vamp style shoes

It certainly emphasizes the sexuality of women's legs and gracefulness while walking. There is always a thin hairpin or an elegant heel, which the vampire wants to plunge into the chest of a male vampire. Shoes may include:

  • Closed or open shoes
  • Light sandals
  • High boots, tight-fitting legs

The image of a vampire will be incomplete if you do not use accessories in it. They should emphasize the piquancy of the image. The image may contain:

  • Lightweight balloons
  • Precious jewelry with large stones. They can be made in both modern and antique style.
  • Long fitting gloves
  • designer handbags
  • Cigarette case and mouthpiece, etc.

Hair and makeup

Hair and make-up will allow you to finally create the image of a fatal temptress and plunderer of men's hearts.

  • Makeup. The main focus is the eyes and lips. The eyelashes are thickly made up, and the eyes are lined with black eyeliner, the line of which extends far beyond the corners of the eyes, visually expanding them. Smoky-eye make-up is relevant. The color of lipstick can be red, cherry or otherwise, but certainly bright. The use of lip gloss is acceptable. The vampire's skin is pale and smooth. Do not forget that the manicure matches the tone of the lipstick.
  • Hairstyle. Hair can be long or short, both loose and neatly styled in a smooth hairstyle. Hair color does not have to be black. Vampires wear both brown and even white hair.

You have a great chance to become a femme fatale by trying on the vamp style. Try a new look for at least one evening. If the effect pleases you, you can safely continue to make outfits in this stylistic direction.

I am sure that every woman, at least once in her life, “tryes on” the image of a woman - a vamp. After all, the image of a fatal, passionate, impregnable and at the same time alluring and mysterious woman drives men crazy. It is impossible not to notice such a woman. She always evokes strong and conflicting emotions: she is either passionately loved or madly hated, but there is no place for indifference here.

The image of a woman - a vamp

The image of a woman - a vamp, like any other female image, consists of many components: these are manners, clothing style, makeup, and hairstyle. But, of course, first of all, it is an inner readiness to be a woman - a vamp. Because “trying on” the image of a “vamp” from time to time and living in it are two different things. In this image, as in any other, it should be comfortable, harmonious to exist, it must correspond to the character, attitude and energy. After all, it is the internal energy of a woman - a vamp that drives men crazy.

The image of the "vamp" choose for themselves decisive women, confident in their beauty, irresistibility and sexuality, such as Renata Litvinova, Monica Bellucci, Nina Dobrev.

The manners of a woman are a vamp.

The manners of a woman - a vamp are a slight shade of negligence. Vanity and concern are alien to her. She is confident in herself, and it is impossible to embarrass her. A vamp woman is laconic, but everything she says makes sense. The movements are smooth, graceful, the gait is confident, but not swift. A vamp woman can be compared to a panther on the hunt, here beauty and grace border on danger.

Style of clothes

Vamp style in clothes is, first of all, contrast in everything. Clothing should attract attention and arouse the interest of others. At the same time, brightness and sexuality border on exquisite taste and irresistible appearance. All clothes are beautiful, harmonious and sexy, but by no means vulgar.

Preference should be given to fitted and tight-fitting silhouettes. Clothing should emphasize the dignity of the figure as much as possible - beautiful breasts, magnificent shoulders, arms or legs, while hiding the smallest flaws. Be sure to focus on a thin waist, using wide belts or narrow bright belts for this.


Outfits must be made of thin, tight-fitting fabrics, such as satin, silk, knitwear, thin leather, so that the clothes better emphasize the curves of the female body.


It is very important that the clothes have bright, but natural tones - black, maroon, bright red, scarlet, dazzling white. Of the prints, leopard, tiger, reptile skin are best suited for style.


It is very important that the lingerie of a woman who prefers the vamp style be luxurious, lacy and expensive. This gives confidence in its irresistibility. Black stockings and a push-up bra also add a sexy touch, while a corset top and sheer blouse show off audacity and aggressiveness.

Wardrobe option:

  • Ankle-length dress with a deep cleavage or high side slit, or completely closed, but showing beautiful arms and shoulders;
  • Short, fitted dress in sparkling weave;

  • Sets of red and black lace underwear;


Vamp style accessories do not complement, but seduce. Long gloves, a flowing wide chiffon scarf, luxurious and elegant jewelry with precious stones or rhinestones, small elegant handbags and sophisticated clutches.


Shoes - extraordinary and elegant. It is best to make a choice in favor of light and open sandals or shoes with a fairly high and thin heel. When it comes to boots, high heels and a perfect fit are a must. Excessive bulkiness and baggy should be avoided.


Doing makeup in style vamp the main focus should be on the eyes and lips. The eyes are outlined with a black contour pencil, and the line should extend as far as possible beyond the outer borders of the eyelid. In turn, for lips, you need to use bright and rich colors of lipstick with gloss. Best suited red, dark red, burgundy or maroon. Another important point. For a vamp girl, the manicure should perfectly match the lipstick. Mandatory and pedicure, which must be perfect.

Despite the fact that most people associate a vamp with a dark-haired beauty, if you have light curls, this does not mean at all that you cannot act as a fatal temptress. Just take care of your hair so that it can serve as a worthy face frame.

To create a vamp-style hairstyle, both long hair and a bob hairstyle are quite suitable. You can curl the strands, leaving them loose, or collect your hair in a high hairstyle.

Combinations of the components of the image

The vamp style is daring and bright, sexy, just like the woman herself, who prefers this look. If you like it - feel free to choose it!

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