A stylistically neutral synonym for online. Synonymizer - a program for online text rewriting

I don’t know which is easier - to rewrite or write a text from scratch. The very process of increasing the uniqueness of the text is a dubious thing. Search engines are more advanced in morphology than, but for a stingy customer, that's it. Therefore, let's talk about online sinomizers.

  1. - paid
  2. - paid

As part of the proposed review, you will not only learn about the most popular and "live" synonymizers online, but also get acquainted with their chips, as well as the results of my texts. For this I used an article consisting of 5 569 characters, 859 words and having readability - 70.0 ... Readability was checked by means of MS Word, and uniqueness in the best at the moment online anti-plagiarism service text.ru/antiplagiat.

1. Synonymizer SeoGenerator

Was created Sergey Predvoditelev, CTO of SEMANTICA, in 2007. But then it was abandoned and in 2009 the project got to Maxim Mzhelsky, the creator of CMS LiveStreet. The main task of the service is to generate high-quality anchors, texts and titles, but there is also a synonymizer.

Synonymizer SeoGenerator

There are settings here: " Database», « the main"(Method of substitution of synonyms) and" additionally»(Highlighting synonyms). The test text was processed entirely, there was no limitation. It will still be optimal to use the base " Small one"(Default), she picked up synonyms for 370 words, but retained readability at the level - 65.8 , while the base " Big one»Picked up synonyms for 576 words, but readability dropped to - 59.4 ... At the same time, the uniqueness of the test text run through the database “ Small one", Was 55% .

2. SeoBuilder - paid

And this is an advanced and paid version of SeoGenerator, the main tools of which are a synonymizer and a text generator by template. There is already a limit on the number of characters. For example, for the tariff “ Standard»It is 8 000 characters. The same tariff can be connected for free testing during 10 days. Then you have to pay - RUB 300 / month But there are a number of additional features here: own bases, blacklists, check for uniqueness, morphology support etc.


The difference from the free version can be seen immediately, in the interface. Plus, a database of synonyms is available " Middle one"And the function" consider morphology". According to the base " Small one»Synonyms have already been matched to 440 words. Readability dropped to 65.2 (morphology clearly helped). The uniqueness of the text was 67.38% .

3. Online synonym USyn

The project was created in 2009 Alexander Burdenko and has both an online version and a synonymizer program.

Synonymizer online USyn

The service itself has 4 databases: " Default РУ», « Dictionary RU 2», « Dictionary RU 3" and " Glossary EN", As well as the ability to specify stop words in a separate field, separated by commas. During testing, we used the base " Dictionary RU 3"(Average). There were no restrictions on the number of characters. From 859 words, synonyms are matched to 312 words. With this option, readability fell slightly - from 70.0 before 66.8 , and the uniqueness was 45.98% .

4. Online Sinonim

Was established in 2013 Maxim Semeikin as a section of the sweet211.ru portal, but a year later it was moved to a separate domain.

Online sinonim

The service has a limitation in 5 000 symbols and just one auxiliary function - " highlighting words"(Those that have been replaced by synonyms). As a result, it was processed 764 words, and synonyms are matched for 248 words. Fragment readability dropped from 66.6 before 64.2 , and the uniqueness was 44.76% (according to the service itself - 31.5% ).

5. Online synonym raskruty.ru

If I'm not mistaken, this is a resource Nikita Senkov, was created in 2008, but the online synonymizer appeared here only in 2013.

Online synonym raskruty.ru

The service has 4 databases: " Glossary 1», « Glossary 3», « Glossary 4" and " Manual base". It is possible to specify stop words in the hotel field, separated by commas. There is a limitation in 5 000 characters. For testing, we used the base " Glossary 3". From 764 words synonyms have been chosen for 262 ... With this option, readability did not drop much - with 66.6 before 62.6 , and the uniqueness was 41.01% .

6. Synonymizer.ru

Online synonymizer of the exchange textsale.ru, created in 2008.


Has three modes of operation: " work out the text"(With a choice of synonyms from the lists)," synonymize all text"(Randomly on the machine) and" prepare a template with synonyms"(Template generation). Apparently, there is a limit on the number of characters ( 3 089 ) or words ( 459 ). From 459 the service has selected synonyms for 83 ... At the same time, the readability of the test fragment fell from 65.2 before 44.0 , and the uniqueness was 18.66% .

7. XDan Synonymizer

Project Valeria Chupurnova was created in 2009, but the synonymizer appeared only in 2013.

XDan Synonymizer

The service uses Ajax, but does not have a visualization of the process execution, which is somewhat confusing. XDan substitutes the first or random synonym for a word. By default, synonyms are brought back to their original form, but this can be disabled, since the feature works with errors. You can also specify the percentage of synonymization. The default settings were used for testing. There was no limit on the length of the text. As a result, the readability of the text dropped from 70.0 before 55.4 ... By the way, some archaic synonyms can be traced, but the uniqueness was 100% .

It is also worth noting the delay in processing the request and the non-obviousness of the process. For work

8. TopWriter - paid

The service was created by someone Bor-ka and started back in 2008, but has changed little, if any, since then.


The service is paid, but after registration, your balance is credited RUB 100, so you can spend them on a trial of the author. There is a limitation in 1 000 characters, the processing of which will cost RUB 2 and will take about 50 sec. As a result, 10 replacements with preservation readability text - as it was, it remains 50.4 ... But it also added a little uniqueness - 8.17% .

Uniqueness of texts, synonyms and synonymizers

Uniqueness of the text- a characteristic by which the presence on the Internet of partial or full copies or duplicates of the text is determined. The fewer fragments in it that are found on other sites, the higher its percentage of uniqueness.

The uniqueness of the text is one of the key ranking factors in search engines. If Yandex or Google find copies or duplicates of text, then the page is significantly lower in the search results. To avoid this and increase the uniqueness of the text, synonyms are often used.

Synonyms(English synonyms) - words that are different in spelling, but have a similar or identical meaning. Examples of a synonym for "beautiful" are "beautiful, gorgeous, luxurious."

The process of finding synonyms can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Therefore, it is convenient to use special online services - synonymizers.

Synonymizer is a script program, thanks to which you can make a lot of unique texts. For this, the techniques of synonymous replacement and rearrangement of words in a sentence are used.

This article presents the results of the texts of 8 online synonymizers, both paid and free. If you think the article is useful - share it with your friends.

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Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

Ed. prof. L. G. Babenko

From the editor

The "Dictionary of Russian Synonyms" offered to the attention of a wide user is an invaluable publication designed to promote the development of their thinking, writing and speaking, the ability to use all the lexical riches of the language in it, to express their thoughts accurately, vividly and figuratively.

This Dictionary differs significantly from previously published dictionaries of synonyms, since it belongs to the category of dictionaries of a new type, to such dictionaries that began to be actively developed at the end of the 20th century. Their difference from traditional explanatory dictionaries is that the words in them are not arranged alphabetically from A before I AM, but are served as part of groups into which they are united by meaning based on a common expressed concept. For example, color vocabulary ( blue, amethyst,bloody,turn yellow,turn blue,redness,whiteness, etc.), movements ( run,flight,go,crawl,rush, etc.), kinship ( mother,brother,grandson,grandmother,sister,daddy and others.). Such groups are called differently: conceptual, semantic, semantic, thematic, ideographic. According to these designations, similar dictionaries are called in a new way: semantic dictionaries, ideographic dictionaries. There is also such a name for them: thesaurus dictionaries. As you can see, they are called by different authors-compilers of similar dictionaries so far differently due to their novelty, but they have the same essence: in them the vocabulary is distributed on the basis of semantic similarity of words. After such a verbal arrangement, their interpretation follows. We can say that in traditional explanatory dictionaries, the logic of the lexicographic description of a word goes from form to meaning. In semantic (ideographic) dictionaries, the opposite logic of the lexicographic description of a word is observed: from meaning to form. Let's take, for example, a few words from the semantic group "Weather": heat,frosts,drought,blizzard,windless,rainy, clear up / clear up,brighten / brighten and many others. etc. As you can see, in this group all words are close in meaning: they are associated with the designation of weather and various weather phenomena. At the same time, they differ in form and words belonging to different parts of speech are included in one semantic group: nouns, adjectives, verbs. Such an arrangement of vocabulary in the Dictionary contributes to its active development, study, helps the development and enrichment of speech. That is why such dictionaries are also called active dictionaries. As an active-type dictionary, this Dictionary gives an idea of ​​the systemic organization of synonyms of the Russian language and is aimed at their functional and semantic study, mastering: from the general meaning to the form of embodiment in synonyms.

The dictionary is intended primarily for those who study Russian as a native and foreign language - schoolchildren, students, therefore it includes the main synonymous series, consisting of the words of the literary Russian language. Colloquially reduced, slang, abusive vocabulary is not included in the Dictionary, and obsolete words are presented in it minimally. The Dictionary provides a general interpretation for the entire synonymous series, each word of the synonymous series is not separately interpreted. If readers are interested in a deeper study of Russian synonymy, you can refer to other publications of our group of authors: to Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms for Russian speech(M., AST-PRESS, 2007), in which the entire corpus of synonymy, including non-literary vocabulary, is reflected in full, as well as to Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of Synonyms for Russian Speech(M., AST-PRESS, 2008), where both the general meaning of the entire synonymous series of words and the meaning of each word of this series are interpreted in detail, semantic, stylistic differences of words are indicated, antonyms correlating with them, as well as phraseological units similar in meaning, are given.

All members of the team of authors worked on the preparation of dictionary entries:

Babenko L.G.– 1.5., 4.1.–4.3., Babenko L.G., Kazarin Yu.V.– 15.1.–15.3., Dyachkova N.A.– 1.7., 10.5., 14.9., Kusova M.L.– 1.1., 1.8., 7.1.–7.2., 14.10., Plotnikova A.M.– 1.10., 2.1., 5.1.–5.2., 11.1.–11.3., 11.6.–11.7., Voronina T.M.– 6.1.–6.5., 10.1., 14.4., Dudorova M.V.– 1.6., 2.2.3., 2.2.5., 2.2.7.–2.2.11., 10.3., 12.2.–12.6., 14.8., Mukhin M.Yu.– 9.1.–9.4., 10.6., 10.12., 10.13., Mukhina I.K.– 2.2.1., 2.2.2., 2.2.4., 2.2.6., 3.1.–3.2., 10.7., 10.9., 10.14., 12.1., 14.5., Slautina M.V.– 1.3.–1.4., 10.2., 10.4., 10.8., Gulyaeva G.E.– 1.9., 1.11., 11.5., 12.7., Leshcheva A.N.– 10.15., 11.4., Molchanova O.V.– 1.2., 8.1.–8.6., 10.10., 10.11, 11.8., 13.1–13.4., 14.1.–14.3., 14.6., 14.7.

Young scientists-lexicographers G.E. Gulyaeva and A.N. Leshcheva. Computer work with dictionary data was carried out in the laboratory of computer lexicography by associate professors M.Yu. Mukhin and M.V. Dudorova; she also made a preliminary layout of the dictionary.

We are sure that this Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language will contribute to the development of students' speech, deepen their knowledge of the Russian language and Russian culture, will allow everyone using the dictionary to express their thoughts more accurately and expressively.

The team of authors will be grateful to everyone who will express wishes and comments to the address: 620073, Yekaterinburg, Lenin Ave., 51, Faculty of Philology, Laboratory of Computer Lexicography (e-mail: [email protected]).

About the dictionary

Composition of the vocabulary of the dictionary

Glossary of the Dictionary consists of the vocabulary identified from the composition of the synonymous series presented in it. The dictionary is focused primarily on the current vocabulary of the modern Russian language. Considering that the users of this dictionary are students, the authors-compilers considered it necessary to exclude colloquially reduced, slang and abusive vocabulary from the synonymous series. As for the outdated vocabulary, it was partially included in the Dictionary: only those words are presented that have retained their cultural significance, were actively used in classical literature and continue to be used in an expressive function in artistic, publicistic speech. So, outdated words such as fat (fat),get rid of (experience),strangulation (resentment),friendliness (affectionateness),respect,respect (respect) and many others. At the same time left lukomorye,mouth,face,brow,food,prosperity,autocracy, disfavor and etc.

In addition, we have removed most of the derivatives from adjectives, adverbs and nouns from the synonymous series. -ost,-enie, which differ from the words that produce them only in grammatical semantics. In the Dictionary, only those synonymous series are left that differ from the productive ones in composition, have additional semantic differences, as well as those that are formed from different meanings of a polysemantic word. For example, in a semantic group "Passion" for these reasons includes synonymous series with dominants PASSIONATE, PASSIONATE:


PASSION, passion, passion, ardor, ardor, passion, temperament, temperament, colloquial fuse.

Passionate infatuation with something, accompanied by intense excitement.

PASSION, heat, fire, flame, ardor, ardor, passion, colloquial fever.

Strong enthusiasm for something, giving all your mental strength to any business, occupation, etc.

PASSION, love.

Strong feeling of heart inclination, attraction to a person of the opposite sex, hardly controlled by reason.


PASSIONATE, hot, hot, burning, sultry, fiery, fiery, ardent.

Acutely and strongly perceiving and deeply experiencing everything (about a person); characteristic of such a person (about the mind, character).

PASSIONATE, passionate, hot, perky, seething, fiery, fiery, temperamental, addicted.

Passionate about something; indicating a strong arousal caused by enthusiasm for something.


PASSIONATE, hot, hot, hot, hot, fiery, ardent.

With passion, passion.

PASSIONATE, passionate, temperamental.

With delight, enthusiasm.

In full, such derivational-correlative synonymous series are contained in the Thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech.

Thus, the basis of the vocabulary of the Dictionary is primarily neutral common vocabulary, along with which stylistically marked and emotionally expressive ones are presented. In total, the vocabulary of the Dictionary is about 30,000 (29,914 words).

The structure of the vocabulary and vocabulary entry

The dictionary consists of two parts: explanatory-ideographic (semantic-classification), which is a description of the semantics of synonymous series, and an alphabetical index. Each part is structured in its own way.

First part is the basis of the Dictionary. In it, all synonymous series are distributed according to semantic (ideographic) groups that have their own headings, and the main unit of description is a separate synonymous series, the subject of description is the general, typical semantics of the synonymous series.

In the second part there is an alphabetical list of all synonyms described in the explanatory-ideographic part with an indication of the group number in the general heading of the Dictionary. This part facilitates the search for that synonymous series and synonymous series of the same semantic group that are close in meaning, which include this or that word.

The presence of these two parts will allow you to use the Dictionary in different ways and search for the necessary synonymous series: from a concept, meaning - to the search for a synonymous series of words expressing this meaning (1 part) or from a separate word - to the search for a synonymous series, which includes this word along with other synonyms and expresses a meaning similar to them (part 2).

The dictionary is built on the conceptual principle of the arrangement of synonymous rows. In the first part of the dictionary, all 5010 synonymous series of words are distributed, taking into account the expressed meaning, into semantic groups of different sizes. These groups are organized hierarchically. The top of the classification, its basis is made up of the largest groups, which we call semantic spheres (the first highest level of the hierarchy). In total, 15 such volumetric semantic spheres have been identified: "Inanimate nature" (1), "Wildlife" (2), "Man as a living being" (3), "Emotions" (4), "Evaluation" (5), "Speech "(6)," Intelligence "(7)," Supernatural "(8)," Specific physical activity "(9)," Social activity "(10)," Social sphere of human life "(11)," Life "( 12), “Settlement” (13), “Perception of the surrounding world” (14), “Universal ideas, meanings and relationships” (15). Within these semantic spheres - supervolume associations of synonymous series - semantic classes are first distinguished (level 2 of the hierarchy), within them - semantic groups (level 3 of the hierarchy) and semantic subgroups (level 4 of the hierarchy). In total, 84 classes, 255 groups and 185 subgroups were sequentially identified in this way.

It should be noted that all these semantic associations of synonymous series have their own quantitative, structural and content features. So, most of the synonymous series in such areas as "Emotions", "Speech", "Intellect". They make up more than thirty percent of the total volume of synonymous series presented in the Dictionary. In turn, there are very few synonymous series in such areas as "Life", "Settlement", "Number". Features of the structural organization of spheres are manifested in the degree and parameters of concretization of the general concept expressed by synonyms, meaning, which determine a different number of fields, groups, subgroups in their composition, which leads to the fact that the semantic spheres do not coincide in terms of the set of groups and subgroups of synonyms that make up them. On the one hand, there are very simple semantic spheres in terms of their structural organization, when they include a small number of groups of the same hierarchy level. So, in the sphere of "Settlement" there are only four semantic groups: 1. Type of settlement; 2. Location of the settlement; 3. Part of the settlement; 4. The person in the habitat, in relation to the settlement. These groups on various aspects concretize the concept of "Settlement". As you can see, this sphere is very simply organized in a structural sense (see also the spheres "Inanimate", "Supernatural"). On the other hand, there are structurally very complex spheres (see "Wildlife", "Emotions", "Concrete physical activity", "Social activity", "Social sphere of human life." "Perception of the surrounding world", "Universal representations , meanings and relationships "). In such areas, there are usually several semantic fields, groups and subgroups that clarify each other. Let's take, for example, the sphere of "Social activity" (10), which includes 15 semantic fields: 10.1. Science and education; 10.2. Religion; 10.3. Art; 10.4. Economy; 10.5. Right; 10.6. Military service; 10.7. Hunting and fishing; 10.8. Agriculture; 10.9. Building; 10.10 Medicine; 10.11. Service sector; 10.12. Transport; 10.13. Technics; 10.14. Sport; 10.15. Entertainment and recreation. All of the above semantic fields, in turn, include semantic groups and subgroups. For example, in the semantic field 10.10 "Medicine" 11 groups are distinguished (10.10.1. The process of the disease; 10.10.2. The name of the disease; 10.10.3. Characteristics of the disease and infection; 10.10.4. Symptoms of the disease; 10.10.5. Painful condition, its causes and manifestations; 10. 10.6. Treatment process; 10.10.7. Treatment methods, medicines and their qualities; 10.10.8. Fixtures and fittings; 10.10.9. Preventive actions; 10.10.10. Institutions; 10.10.11. Man), many of which have subgroups in their composition. For example, in the last group 10.10.11. these are subgroups Healing person; The person is sick.

As you can see from the above examples, the hierarchy of the above associations of synonyms of different ranks is reflected in the corresponding heading. So, initially, semantic spheres are allocated on the basis of 15 basic categories, which are indicated by Arabic numerals. Further, within the spheres, semantic classes are specified by the introduction of new headings, the indicators of which are the second additional digits in the headings. Accordingly, groups and subgroups of synonyms are distinguished by extension numbers in the general heading.

Within the semantic group, synonymous series of words are arranged, taking into account their grammatical nature, by parts of speech: first, nouns are given, then adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

Let us give as an example the arrangement of synonymous word rows in the group Kindness:



IMPORTANCE, altruism.

Caring for the welfare of others, the willingness to sacrifice one's own interests for others.

CHARITY, philanthropy.

The ability to take care of someone, something, providing material and other assistance.

HOSPITALITY, hospitality, cordiality, hospitality.

A cordial, affectionate attitude towards people, friendliness, openness, readiness and ability to warmly and generously receive guests, treat them.

KIND, kindheartedness, kindheartedness, sincerity, kindheartedness, kindheartedness, softness, heartiness, book. bliss.

Sincere disposition towards people, benevolence, responsiveness, the desire to do good to others.

KIND, kindness, complacency, kindness.

The quality, property of a person, which consists in kindness, kindness, absence of anger.

WELL-WISHER, well-wisher, outdated. kindness.

Anyone who wishes well for others is full of disposition, participation.

GOOD WILL, benevolence, benevolence, benevolence, friendliness, outdated.,colloquial kindness.

The quality of a person, which consists in gentleness, meekness of his character, good-naturedness, a sincere desire for good to others.

RESPONSIBILITY, sincerity, heartiness, sympathy, sensitivity.

Ability to be attentive, sympathetic to others, willingness to help.

Descent, mercy, favor.

A tolerant and gentle attitude towards someone, something, someone's shortcomings, weaknesses; generous, not too strict attitude to the offense, guilt of someone.

LITTLE, liberalism, liberality, mildness, undemanding, undemanding, indulgence, tolerance, book. tolerance.

Ability to be gentle and tolerant of mistakes, mistakes, weaknesses, shortcomings, etc. others.


DISCONTINUED, platonic, altruistic, altruistic.

Based on altruism, selflessness.

BENEVOLENT, outdated. well-disposed, outdated. gracious.

Treating someone with sympathy, sympathy, condescension; expressing these feelings; full of benevolence.

CHARITY, philanthropic.

Aiming to provide material and other assistance to those in need.

HOSPITAL, cordial, hospitable.

Loving to receive guests; characterized by a cordial, affectionate attitude towards people, friendliness.

KIND, heartless, soft-hearted, non-affectionate, book. gentle, good-natured.

Filled with good nature (about a person); expressing it (about a look, facial expressions, gestures, etc.).

KIND, benevolent, benevolent, supportive, friendly, friendly, friendly, disposed, compassionate, outdated. agreeable, outdated., colloquial good-natured.

Who wishes well to others, full of disposition, participation.

KIND, kind-hearted, friendly, sincere, soft-hearted, responsive, heartfelt, warm, outdated. gracious, outdated. admirable.

Filled with kindness, evoking and expressing this feeling.

RESPONSIBLE, sincere, hearty, sympathetic, sensitive.

Shows attention, compassion to others, ready to help.

PASSIVE, liberal, mild, undemanding, undemanding, tolerant, book. tolerant.

Gently and tolerant of mistakes, mistakes, weaknesses, shortcomings, etc. others.


REQUEST / REQUEST someone what what, colloquial scribble / scribble whom than, colloquial madden / maddened whom than.

Gifts, favors, courtesy, etc. dispose / win over someone, make them supportive, kind, condescending.

SOFTEN / SOFTEN, thaw / thaw, appease / appease, outdated.,owls. have mercy colloquial, move away / move away, colloquial, owls. get angry.

Become / become more benevolent, less dry, withdrawn, harsh, strict, etc.


KINDLY, benevolently, friendly, friendly, friendly, outdated. gratefully.

With a feeling of affection, sympathy for others.

It should be noted that each semantic group of synonyms has its own characteristics of a set of synonyms for different parts of speech. There are groups consisting of only words of one part of speech. For example, group 2.1.1. The "set of plants" consists only of synonyms-nouns:



Overgrown, wilderness, thick, debri, more, more often, colloquial deaf man, colloquial gushchina, colloquial thicket.

Part of the forest, garden, densely overgrown with trees, shrubs, grass and therefore difficult to pass.

VEGETATION, greenery, book. Flora.

A set of plants, the territorial distribution of which is subject to climatic conditions; vegetation cover of the Earth.

GRASS, decrease-caress. travushka, trad. poet. murava, trad. poet.,decrease-caress. ant, outdated. true story.

The green cover of the earth is made of short plants with soft and thin green stems.

The Dictionary includes, first of all, synonymous series consisting of the above-mentioned parts of speech. At the same time, synonyms are minimally represented in it, consisting of service parts of speech (prepositions, conjunctions, particles), which in the structure of a dictionary entry follow full-nominal words. For example, in group 15.3.10. "Compliance" is the following synonymous series:



HOWEVER, exactly, directly, exactly.

Expresses the meaning of complete correspondence of something to something.


RESPECTIVELY what, according with what, according to what, accordingly what.

Depending on something, expressing consistency, equality in some respect.

In some (very rare) cases, synonymous series may consist only of service words, while there may be those that may include synonyms of different parts of speech, as, for example, in the group of synonyms 15.3.1. "Temporal conditionality":



SOMETIMES, from time to time, from time to time, from case to case, from time to time, occasionally, sometimes, on occasion, episodically, colloquial another time colloquial when, colloquial sometime, colloquial another time, colloquial no, no, yes and ...

At an unspecified time, in some cases, irregularly.

WHEN, bye, outdated. until, outdated. dokol, colloquial show, colloquial peace, colloquial peace, colloquial while colloquial every day.

At any time, limited by the time of simultaneous action or state.

THEN, in the farther, after that, more, more, then, later, later, after a while, after, after that, after that, over the years, over the course of time, then, over and over again , trad. poet. How long is it short, colloquial and there, colloquial a little later, colloquial a little later, colloquial there.

Some time later.

BEFORE, earlier, earlier.

In the past, in the old time, before this time.


FRONT how before someone what, before someone what.

For any time before anything.


BEFORE, until then, until then, until.

Any time before something that is a consequence of something.

Adverbs and prepositions

THEN, then, later, after, after, after, later, later, later, after someone what, after all, book. post factum.

At the end, completion, expiration of something; on the disappearance, departure of someone; following any events, phenomena, actions.

Another rare case is synonymous series, consisting of various kinds of stable combinations, which we conventionally designated "speech formulas", given that they are used mainly in oral speech. For example, in group "Consent" is the following synonymous word series:


Speech formulas

REALLY, in fact, in fact, I agree, it is so, outdated. long, high. truly, colloquial your truth, colloquial true, colloquial really, colloquial and then say colloquial nothing to say, colloquial you won't say anything, colloquial truth, colloquial just, colloquial what is true is true, colloquial what to say colloquial what is true is true.

Expresses the truth of what is happening; in fact, in fact.

I AGREE, be it your way, be it your way, ready, agreed wherever it went, let it be so, so be it, colloquial so be it high. May it be so, outdated. so be it, outdated. be so colloquial Izvol, colloquial please, colloquial OK, colloquial deal, colloquial please, colloquial well .

Expresses solidarity with anyone who expresses an opinion.

Within the grammatical groupings, synonymous series are arranged alphabetically, according to the headword, which is usually called the dominant of the synonymous series. This word is a heading unit of a dictionary entry, it begins a synonymous row and is given in bold. Mainly the most common, stylistically neutral word is chosen as the dominant. In synonymous series, consisting mainly of stylistically marked and emotionally colored words, the semantic factor is taken into account when choosing a dominant. In such series, the dominant is the word with a more general meaning for the series. For example, the following synonymous series consists entirely of stylistically labeled words:


colloquial COSMAS, colloquial kudles, colloquial shit, colloquial pasmas, colloquial,disapproved patla and colloquial,disapproved patles.

Strands of matted, disheveled human hair or thick shaggy animal hair.

Nouns and adjectives are given in the nominative case, verbs in the infinitive.

The words included in the synonymous series are given alphabetically, taking into account the presence or absence of marks.

The Dictionary adopted the following order of arrangement of synonyms within a synonymous row of words: neutral word, high, bookish, special, traditionally poetic, obsolete, colloquial, For example:


HEAD, decrease-caress. head, high. chapter, trad. poet.,caress. head, outdated. heady, colloquial,joke.,caress. pumpkin, colloquial scull.

The upper part of the human body, or the front part of the body of an animal, consisting of the skull and face (or muzzle).

Labels in the Dictionary do not perform a prohibitive function, they are introduced to show the features of the use of synonymous words in various spheres of speech, their relevance to one or another layer of vocabulary.

Stylistic and emotionally expressive marks are placed before a synonym word. Two types of stylistic characteristics of a word that have become traditional in lexicography are given: emotional-expressive and functional-stylistic - and, accordingly, the traditional system of labels.

The Dictionary uses functional and stylistic labels traditional for lexicography: high.,book., trad. poet.,outdated. specialist.,colloquial These labels carry information about the limitation of the scope and environment of the functioning of synonyms.

Litter high. used for words of high style, used mainly in poetic, oratory and other solemnly uplifted speech. For instance:


SPEAKER, high. vitya, high. tribune, book. Demosthenes, book. zlatoust, book. Cicero.

One who has the gift of eloquence.

Litter book. is put in words that are not widespread and characteristic mainly of written speech, especially scientific and journalistic. For instance:


REDUCED, high-steamy, puffy, stilted, book. rhetorical, book. rhetorical, outdated. eloquent, colloquial crackling colloquial noisy.

Deprived of simplicity, florid, overly solemn, arrogant (about the style, style, speech, etc.).

Litter trad. poet. marks words traditionally used in poetry. For instance:


HAND, brush, metacarpus, trad. poet. right hand, trad. poet. hand, trad. poet. shuytsa, colloquial,joke. claw, colloquial,joke. crab, colloquial paw.

A part of a person's body, from shoulder to fingertips, designed to perform complex movements of different purposefulness (serving physiological needs, producing material goods, artistic values, etc.), which only a creature with higher mental functions is capable of.

Litter specialist. used for words used in a particular field of science, technology, art, etc. For instance:


UNCENSORED, specialist. abnormal, specialist. obscene, specialist. taboo colloquial obscene, colloquial foul, colloquial unprintable.

Forbidden to be pronounced in a public place or to be published in any form for cultural, ethical and other reasons (about words, expressions or utterance, text containing such words); extremely obscene, absolutely unacceptable in literary speech.

Litter colloquial used for words that are mainly used as a means of live, easy communication. For instance:


colloquial CHATTERBOX, joke. babble, colloquial balabol, colloquial balabolka, colloquial balalaika, colloquial chatterbox, colloquial talker, colloquial magpie, colloquial chirr, colloquial tarator, colloquial chatterbox, colloquial cod, colloquial ratchet.

Anyone who speaks a lot and quickly is often meaningless.

Litter outdated. accompanied by words that have already gone out of active use, as well as words that are outdated. For instance:


outdated. WALK, petitioner.

One who intercedes for someone.

Emotionally expressive labels express the speaker's stable evaluative attitude towards what is designated by the synonym. Litter caress. indicates that the word expresses tenderness, love, good attitude. For instance:


NOSE, caress. nose, colloquial,caress.,joke. nasopair, colloquial,joke. nozzle, colloquial, iron. trunk.

The protruding part of a person's face or an animal's muzzle between the mouth and eyes; respiratory and smelling organ.

Litter joke. speaks of the expression of a word of cheerful kind ridicule in order to have fun. For instance:


colloquial,joke. VERZILA, colloquial,joke. or neglected verst, colloquial,joke. watchtower.

A very tall man.

Litter iron. used when the word expresses a subtle stinging mockery. For instance:


SENSITIVE, sentimental, melodramatic, sentimental, tearful, touching, colloquial,iron. heart-plumping.

Characterized by excessive touchingness, forcing to be moved (about speech, music, poetry, etc.).

Litter disapproved speaks of a negative attitude towards someone, something. For instance:


owls. TO BE Touched, touched / touched, colloquial,owls. disagree colloquial,owls. melt colloquial,owls. feel good colloquial, disapproved,owls. go limp colloquial, disapproved,owls. soften.

Come / come into a state of excitement, tenderness from the impact of something.

Litter neglected used when the word expresses a disrespectful, arrogant attitude towards someone, something. For instance:


colloquial FAT, colloquial,disapproved barrel, colloquial cubicle, colloquial,joke. pampuha, colloquial,joke. pampushka, colloquial dusty, colloquial,caress. fatty, colloquial, disapproved tumba.

Fat woman or girl.

Litter contempt. put in the case when the word expresses deep disdain, contempt for something. For instance:


Inconspicuous, inconspicuous, unattractive, inconspicuous, inconspicuous, iron. unpresentable, colloquial invisible colloquial ugly, colloquial,contempt. shabby.

Unattractive in appearance, does not stand out in any way, does not draw attention to itself (about a person, his appearance or any objects).

All of the above labels of different types can be combined in one dictionary entry. For instance:


FACE, outdated.,high. face, colloquial,joke. poster, colloquial,iron. personality, colloquial, neglected muzzle, colloquial,neglected mosque, colloquial,iron. face, colloquial, iron. the photo.

The front of the human head, where the organs of perception are located - the eyes, nose, as well as the forehead, eyebrows, mouth, cheeks, cheekbones and chin.

As we noted above, this part of the Dictionary is called explanatory-ideographic, since along with the presented semantic classification of synonyms and their stylistic coloration, it provides an interpretation of the general meaning expressed by synonyms of one synonymous series. The general interpretation is given after the list of synonyms of one series, it applies to all its members, expresses the general meaning, the general idea of ​​this synonymous series.

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