Scary stories and mystical stories

1) a feeling that reflects a person's high assessment of their own or others (another person, group, country, etc.) achievements and merits, awareness of their compliance with high morals. values \u200b\u200band models; G.'s regulatory role is determined by the fact that it orients a person towards these values \u200b\u200band patterns; 2) a moral feeling that reflects one's own. dignity, self-respect and independence of the individual. In case of loss by a person, it is critical. G.'s attitude towards himself turns into conceit, self-confidence, arrogance, arrogance, and other qualities, turns into pride - exorbitant G. R. G. Apresyan.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


a character trait expressed in an extremely high assessment of a person's own merits. G. can be interpreted as a virtue and as a vice. The ethical aspects of vicious G. were revealed in the ancient Greek tragedy. Aristotle, in his theory of vices and virtues, touches upon purely moral manifestations of vicious G., associated with an overestimated self-esteem. In Eastern Christian ascetic literature, G. and the vanity that preceded it crown the list of eight vicious thoughts and are understood as two successive stages of striving for their own exaltation. In contrast to the virtue of "humility" that opposes them, these vices are characterized by an irresistible need to show, firstly, one's superiority over others and, secondly, independence from the Deities. A proud person does not recognize the weakness of his sinful nature and perceives himself as an unconditional being; he strives for complete "humiliation" of his neighbor or for unlimited dominion over him. The turn towards anthropocentrism, the secularization of the ideas about the place of man in the world, which have defined the appearance of European philosophy since the Renaissance, led to the formation of a new European positive interpretation of G. According to this interpretation, G. began to be understood as one of the synonyms of human dignity, self-respect, and independence.

In the modern world, the concepts of pride and pride are often confused with each other. They are perceived by people as the same or something very similar. Meanwhile, these two entities have completely different meanings. If the first concept indicates self-esteem, self-sufficiency, then the second speaks of a complex nature, internal unsolved problems of the individual. Signs of pride are often feelings of injustice and irritation. Such a person always believes that he was wrongly wronged. This article focuses on the issue of pride and explains how it differs from pride. We will look at the components of each of the concepts in order to understand what is the danger of cultivating this feeling in ourselves and how it can be overcome.

Pride and pride. Differences

Both concepts have the same root, which means that they are derivatives of vanity, narcissism and arrogance. However, in the case of pride, the manifestation of a sense of false superiority over others is not as pronounced as with pride. In the modern world, you can be proud of your homeland, your own achievements, loved ones. And pride comes from pathological self-doubt.


It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that it is necessary to respect and value one's own personality. Without healthy self-love, there is no development, just as it is impossible to fully move forward, reveal talents and personal capabilities. A person should have a sense of pride. Otherwise, anyone can manipulate and use it for their own purposes. But at the same time, any should be moderate. You cannot see a catch in everything, and in people - the worst enemies or deceivers. Unfortunately, the realities of modern reality are such that many of us have to go through many trials, which are accompanied by pain, resentment and disappointment. But this is not at all a reason to become a weak, embittered person? On the contrary, you need to collect all your will and a good beginning in order to maintain faith in the best and in people.

Trust in the world

The more a person is disposed towards others, the more he is open towards himself, the easier it becomes for him to accept new things. Trust in the world consists of several components, such as: the situation in the family where the person lives, the attitude of the people around him, his own desires and dreams, character, temperament. Pride, more often than not, subjugates people, makes them unfree, hostages of their fears. One who is proud cannot really be happy. He does not know how to truly trust, open up to meet relationships. It's just that a proud person is able to recognize the feelings of another, he empathizes, helps others, but at the same time does not lose himself.


Pride always makes a person an egoist. With no exceptions. Concentrating only on your own experiences, it is impossible to think about others, to bring real help to others. A person who has failed to curb his pride will not be able to truly imbue with the feelings of his loved ones, will remain deaf to spiritual impulses. Pride sometimes adds strength to a person, helps to understand the essence of what is happening, while pride sometimes deprives one of his sanity.


For full-fledged progress along the path of life, a person constantly needs to develop. The essence of development is not only about learning new things. It is extremely important to work on your own shortcomings, learn from what is happening, and let go of the past in time. Pride can cope with this, pride, more often than not, makes a person suffer extra.


People who are overly proud are often accused of not being attentive to the needs of others. Meanwhile, if a proud person simply does not allow himself to be offended and therefore gives the impression of an unapproachable loner, then the one who is led by genuine pride tries to subordinate those around him to his own worldview, to impose his point of view on them. Narcissism, or, in this case, should be considered as a psychological defense of the individual from the feeling of his own inferiority.

The essence of pride

Pride, like any characteristic of personality, includes several structural components. Simply put, pride has three main components that keep it going.

Pride is a deadly sin

In Christianity, like any religion, pride is considered a great sin. The fact is that, according to religious beliefs, there is no particular difference between pride and pride. Pride should be condemned as well as pride, and therefore the observance of the divine commandments is an integral part of religious canons. It is believed that the one who is proud cannot truly open his heart to true love. Such a person cares, first of all, about himself and his interests. He only cares that his needs are met.

Deposition of pride occurs through deep repentance and overcoming negative qualities of character in oneself. It is impossible to overcome pride in oneself if a person does not consciously go for it. “Pride is a sin,” says the Bible, and all spiritual teachers of the past and present agree with this statement.

How to get rid of pride?

Often people, having experienced serious difficulties in life through the fault of their own character, ask themselves the question: how to deal with pride? After all, it interferes with leading a full life, with pride, you are likely to lose old friends, and not gain new ones.

Pride makes both the person himself and his environment suffer. To overcome this quality of character in yourself, you need to work long and hard, work on yourself. The following tips can be described as constructive ways to overcome pride.

Respect others

Show a genuine interest in the needs of others. If you respect their dreams, then no one will judge yours either. Respect for others begins with the acceptance of your relatives. It is imperative to accept loved ones as they are, and not try to remake them. Vanity and pride cannot help with this. You need to completely reconsider your feelings and attitude towards loved ones.

Pride dulls the feeling of closeness of souls, kinship of relations, patience and humility. It is known that a proud person is not able to retreat from his own aspirations, he goes to the end, reaches the goal at any cost. To overcome this quality in yourself, try to just at least sometimes think how the other person is feeling. Imagine yourself in the shoes of your acquaintance, to whom you did not understand why you were rude, or your father. Do you think it was pleasant for these people to hear from you sharp remarks or unfair accusations? Analyze your own actions more often, then the feelings of other people will gradually begin to open to you, you will understand their experiences.

be careful

If you want to be useful to people, then be more attentive to them. As soon as you start noticing even small ones, you will see how much easier life has become. It is important that the level of trust between you and your family members increases day by day. Even if they haven't noticed such expressions of concern for you before, don't worry: your efforts will be objectively evaluated someday. You shouldn't admire your pride and consider it your main one. Warm, trusting relationships between people sometimes take years to build, but it's worth it.

Pay attention to your own feelings as well. If you note in detail what is happening inside you, you will understand that you feel much better when you give joy to others, even if it is fleeting, short-lived. Take time to take care of your parents, sisters, brothers, friends. Take a closer look, maybe some of them need your help at the moment? Don't miss this opportunity to improve and overcome your pride.

Don't be afraid to break stereotypes

Most people act in a certain way all their lives, completely without assuming that they can do otherwise. For every event in life, a normal action has already been "invented" that would reflect the essence. Just think how much we ourselves schematize and turn everything into a routine, and meanwhile, each event is unique and inimitable in itself. For example, it is customary to congratulate young parents at the birth of a child, to give gifts for the New Year. Perhaps someone does not celebrate everyone's favorite holiday and he does not want to make a feast just because it is so customary.

Remember, every event, even if it has been repeated millions of times on earth, is unique. Accordingly, for each situation you need to look for your own individual approach, the most acceptable for a given case. Pride cannot be admired; pride must be overcome and released. Allow yourself to experience feelings, even if they are negative. Just start taking any action from the moment when you understand the mistakes and focus on a constructive solution. When you overcome pride, you will feel incredible lightness and mature self-esteem.

Love yourself

Usually, a person is able to hurt another only when he himself experiences severe dissatisfaction with life. Otherwise, there would be no need to offend a loved one. In fact, everything that is said in a fit of anger is not addressed to the person to whom everything is expressed, but to himself. If each of us had the ability to listen to our words, there would be no need for pride. After all, pride cannot achieve anything.

Fall in love with yourself and you will see how you will no longer want to use pride. Self-love awakens harmony in the human soul and gives rise to contentment. No trace of pride will remain.

Find your purpose

Note to yourself, are you living your life? After all, how often does it happen that a person follows the opinion of the majority, succumbs to outside influence and chooses a completely different path. Destination should be understood as the purpose with which we come into this physical world. And it depends only on us how we carry it out. Pride has no place among those who strive for a whole, fulfilling life. The search for a purpose, of course, is an important part of a person's life, and therefore it is important to approach this process with all responsibility.

If you, despite your mature age, have not yet found your own unique path, it's time to decide on a direction. Listen to yourself, remember your youthful dreams. Maybe it's time to fulfill your most cherished desire? There will be no trace of your former pride when you find yourself. It is a long and exhausting work that requires maximum honesty and complete dedication. Anyone who is dissatisfied with their pride and intends to replace it with a more positive feeling should be especially careful about their emotional state. Emotions tell us what is going on in our soul. Pride is not a feeling to be cherished.

Accept your own shortcomings

As strange as it sounds, you need to learn to accept yourself for who you are. Long-term work on oneself, negative always implies significant changes. But it's just as important to learn to accept flaws that you can't do anything about. Forgive yourself for minor mistakes, understand that no one is perfect, and stop blaming yourself for the past. You can even thank yourself for the mistakes and mistakes that you once made. Without them, you would not have known that you could be a completely different person. In other words, thanks to shortcomings, we move forward, develop and improve.

Thus, the concept of pride is closely related to the emotional sphere of a person, his character, habits, and lifestyle. In small quantities, manifestations of this quality of character are characteristic of all people. What matters is how the person is going to work with pride.

Pride and pride are the same root words, but they have different meanings. Positive self-esteem, self-esteem is called pride. You can be proud not only of your own successes and achievements. For example, you can feel pride for your son, for your country, team, parents, etc. How is pride different from pride? Pride has a negative color and is considered the cause of all sins in different religions. A proud person is arrogant, has an unreasonably high self-esteem, and is unable to rejoice at the success of others.

Let's turn to the interpretation of words

Not knowing the lexical meaning of the words pride and pride, a person can invest in them a completely different, wrong meaning. But it's never too late to clarify the situation. Let's turn to 3 well-known explanatory dictionaries - S.I. Ozhegova, D.N. Ushakov and V.I. Dahl.

What is pride, Ozhegov's definition:

Definition of pride from Ushakov's dictionary:

  1. "Abstract noun. to the proud (pride of step, character).
  2. The character or behavior of a proud person (his pride did not allow him to forgive meanness).
  3. What (the one who) are proud of (warships are the pride of Soviet shipbuilding) "

Now let's move on to the question of what pride is. The definition of this word in all dictionaries is the same, and is interpreted as "excessive pride, arrogance" by V.I. Dahl did not see the difference between pride and pride at all, and he defined both words as follows: “Pride, pride, pride is a quality, a property of the proud. To be proud, to be reputed to be stupid. Proud - arrogant, arrogant, arrogant; inflated; who puts himself above others "

Indeed, the line between pride and pride is very thin. Pride often grows into pride. Remarkably, it happens unnoticed. A proud person does not notice guilt or sin behind him. It really seems to him that he is better than others, more worthy, higher.

Where is the line?

Many people try to eradicate pride in themselves, believing that this is the beginning of pride. However, they forget that there is a benefit from it. So, pride protects a person from harming himself and others, it is not allowed to slide to the bottom. A proud person will never stoop to theft, gossip, rudeness, immoral behavior. Synonyms characterize pride in the best possible way: honor, dignity, self-respect. In relation to someone, it can be replaced by the word joy. For example, "I am happy about my son's success."

Pride itself is not a sin, but it can very quickly lead to it. Take other passions, for example. Food can be used to satisfy hunger, or you can overeat, and then it will be a sin of gluttony; sexuality can be used to strengthen love with a husband (wife), or you can fall into the sin of fornication. In other words, excessive pride grows into sin - pride:

“Pride ... Pride ... they have one root.

The shades in behavior are countless ...

And, if in Pride vices are conquered,

Pride is unfamiliar with the word "honor."

Pride in the Bible

To answer the question of what pride is, let's turn to the Bible. God hates pride. The proud are so blinded by their pride that they think they do not need God, attribute his merits to themselves and worship themselves. They stop seeing their flaws. Pride is the sin of the soul, in all Christian teachings it is considered mortal.

To understand how deeply a man possessed by pride falls, consider the story of Satan. Before his exile, he was one of the most beautiful and chosen angels. He was called the shining star and the son of the dawn. But his heart was proud of his beauty, and arrogance destroyed wisdom. And God cast him to the ground as an unclean one. Pride was inherent in Adam and Eve. Imagining that they themselves would become gods, they ate the forbidden fruit and were punished. The synonym for proud according to the Bible is sinful, unclean, godless, hypocrite.

“The one who is filled with pride does not know anything, but is only struck by a passion for arguments and verbiage. All of this gives rise to quarrels, malicious speech, malicious suspicions. ”- 1 Timothy 6: 4.

Signs of pride

To finally understand the definition of pride, what it is and how it manifests itself, we suggest studying its signs. We list only the most basic ones:

Proud people also have other negative qualities. Pride breaks moral norms. A proud person can resort to hypocrisy, vanity, revenge, just to elevate himself even more. It is impossible to hide pride. Even if a person is silent, it is read in his cold, arrogant gaze, gestures, head held high.

Pride for a woman

The preservation of chastity is traditionally considered a woman's pride. And this is not so much about virginity as about spiritual purity and prudence. Pride protects a woman from dubious connections and relationships. A proud woman does not tolerate disrespect, rudeness and rudeness, both in relation to herself and others.

Some understand under female pride inaccessibility: "a woman should not get acquainted first", "a man should seek a woman, win her heart." However, inaccessibility and coldness are more characteristic of pride. Only an arrogant person can indulge her vanity with the courtship of a man. A proud woman is simple and straightforward.

Author's opinion. Pride is the desire to rise above others. This desire is especially strong in people who consider themselves somewhat flawed and depend on the opinions of others. Pride comes from self-dislike, rejection.

“The boys at school used to tease me 'fat.' I dreamed of becoming petite and slender, like other girls in the class, and hated myself. When I grew up, I finally managed to lose weight. But this was not enough. I wanted to prove to everyone how wrong they were, that I am better than others. I won several beauty contests and, completely imperceptibly for myself, began to be arrogant towards plump rivals. I was incredibly proud of myself. This is probably why friendship with the girls did not go well. Only after a few years did I realize my mistake, fell in love with myself and began to treat everything easier. Now my soul is light and pleasant "

Pride and pride are very similar, yet different qualities. To distinguish one from the other, it is enough to look a person in the eye. For a proud man they will be cold, full of contempt and arrogance. The eyes of a proud person shine with joy, he is calm and not at all rude.

Snezhana, Taganrog

Pride or pride is an inflated opinion of oneself, prompting to look at others as inferior. This is a trait of character that is displeasing to God, the opposite of humility. The Bible calls pride a sin (see Proverbs 21: 4). Pride is not from God and the Lord hates it (see 1 John 2:16; Prov. 8:13).

It is stupid when people are proud of their face, of their body, even more stupid is when people are proud of their parents, ancestors, their friends, their class, their people. Most of the world's evil comes from this stupid pride. From it and quarrels of people with people and families with families and wars of nations with nations.

It is bad and stupid to consider oneself to be the best. We all know that. To consider your family better than all others is even worse and stupider, but we often not only do not know this, but we see a special dignity in this. To consider your people better than all others is already the stupidest thing that can be. But this is not only not considered bad, but is considered a great virtue.

If only proud people could know what those people who use their pride for their own benefit think of them, then they would cease to be proud.

People are at enmity with each other and know that this is not good, and so, in order to deceive themselves, drown out their conscience, they come up with excuses for their hostility.

One of these excuses is that I am better than other people, but they do not understand this, and this is why I cannot agree with them. Another excuse is that my family is better than other families. Third, that my class is better than other classes. Fourth, that my people are better than other nations.

Nothing separates people as much as pride, both personal, and family, and class, and national.

There are several terms close to the concept of "pride", for example: honor, vanity, pride.

Listen to the voice of truth, O Pers, and fear pride! Pride is disastrous for small people. And for those who are taller, it is not easy to live with her; she will fall heavily on her shoulders, Only grief will happen. Another road is safer: Be righteous! In the end, the Righteous will certainly put the proud man to shame. Late, having already suffered, the fool learns this.

Pride and pride[ | ]

V. Vasilenko, “A Brief Religious and Philosophical Dictionary” (1996), notes: “Eastern asceticism equates pride and pride, which is reflected in the practice of the Russian language. In the Western tradition, pride is distinguished from pride and is interpreted in a morally neutral or positive sense - as a natural sense of self-respect, knowledge of one's own worth, as creative daring, as the consciousness of being adopted by God. "

V. Vasilenko also notes that in ancient thought, Pride (Greek hybris) is "an impudent going beyond the limits determined by fate." In Herodotus, the Persian Artabanus says to Xerxes: “You see that God strikes living creatures with lightning in size and strength, trying to destroy them, but he does not notice small ones. You see how he always strikes the tallest buildings and trees with his lightning: God loves to humble everything outstanding ”.

In "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" this word is synonymous with arrogance, pride, vanity, the fact that it is of the same origin with pride, indicates the word "grief", meaning "up" (middle of the chapter "Hotilov").

Christianity [ | ]

In Christianity, pride is considered the first sin to appear in the universe. It is argued that pride is the main sin, the root cause of many other sins. Bible [Synodal Translation] Book of the Prophet

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excessive self-esteem. All the great technical creations (Xerxes' bridge over the Bosphorus in antiquity, the Tower of Babel) were at first perceived as a proud challenge to God and Nature by man. In reality, the universe is infinite, and there is no such wonderful technology among the created by man that it does not seem insignificant from the point of view of the universe. Consequently, pride is not so much a theological sin as a psychological and social flaw: here it forms an obstacle to relations with another and is distinguished by a certain cult of inner peace and mystery, as well as an invariable tendency to regard the other as pure nothing. Pride, therefore, is a social defiance position, entailing the same catastrophes that the ancient Greeks naively attributed to the revenge of the gods.

Excellent definition

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social and moral feeling, a form of manifestation of self-awareness of the human personality. Like dignity, G. directs and regulates people's behavior in a certain way; demands from a person such actions, to-rye correspond to his idea of \u200b\u200bhimself, and does not allow him to do what could belittle his dignity, his respect for himself. Feelings of G. are usually associated with personal merit, with belonging to a special social group (nation, class, profession), with the possession of certain property, etc. The subject of G. reveals the moral character of a person (or a group of persons) and predetermines the nature of his behavior. G. with his homeland, which is one of the most important moments of the national self-awareness of the people, encourages people to take patriotic actions (Patriotism). G., associated with class, directs the feelings and actions of people in different ways. The moral consciousness of the exploiting classes has always associated the feeling of G. with a privileged social position. So, the feudal and slave-owning nobility was proud of their idle way of life and considered labor, especially physical, humiliating for themselves. The measure D of the bourgeois is the size of his capital and the income he receives. The worker is proud of the fact that he lives by his own labor and creates material wealth for the whole society. Communist morality, placing a high value on the dignity of the human person, considers it completely legitimate to state people for their achievements, for their work, for their people. However, she considers unacceptable the excessive exaltation of an individual person, when a critical attitude towards oneself is lost and G. turns into complacency, arrogance, arrogance, and a disdainful attitude towards other people. She demands humility from people when it comes to recognizing their merits.