Strict ambition and home comfort: good examples of choosing wallpaper for the office. What photomurals are suitable for the office? Advantages and features of using photo wallpaper

They approach the choice of photo wallpaper with great care, since the walls in the office are always open, and what is on them immediately attracts attention. The first impression of visitors depends on the quality and nature of the drawing.

What color is suitable for the office

Photo wallpaper for the office should not be too "home", it is better to prefer abstraction or landscape. They choose warm, neutral colors. Milk, blue, beige or cream colors are the most optimal for the premises where employees spend most of their time.

Premises within one office are usually divided into three types:

  • ordinary workers' offices- wallpapers of calm colors with unobtrusive, neutral plots are used for them;
  • senior managers' offices or meeting rooms- here the walls are finished based on the general style of the decor, so that the pattern and tone of the wallpaper are in harmony with the colors of the furniture and the rest of the interior;
  • Head office- here you can show your imagination and embody interesting design ideas.

It is advisable to decorate office premises with high-quality photo wallpaper, since the materials must be resistant to various external influences and be durable. It is best if they are made to order - the large size of the premises can lead to the fact that the joints will be visible on the walls.

Photo Wallpaper Studio offers high quality, environmentally friendly materials. A large selection of images will allow you to choose the perfect option for any room.

Before choosing wallpaper for the office, let's figure out in which cases certain textures and materials, prints and colors are used. As a rule, each organization has a reception area, platforms for rank-and-file employees, and executive offices. Depending on the type of room, wall coverings should be selected.

1. Reception or reception.
This is the "face" of any company. In this case, photomurals in the interior of the office serve to attract the attention of visitors, create a favorable impression, or even are a kind of symbol of the company, in combination with the brand and name, from the first steps give an idea of ​​what kind of activity the institution is engaged in.
2. Rooms for employees.
The business spirit depends on many factors, including the surrounding details and the overall design of the room. The environment should appropriately affect the staff, not distract, but, on the contrary, promote concentration and serve as an incentive to work. In addition, you can use photo wallpaper for zoning space.
3. Premises for negotiations.
In such rooms, they usually try to create a comfortable environment, calm and restrained, so that discussions and discussions are conducted in a positive manner and as efficiently as possible.
4. Offices of management.
In the premises intended for the authorities, the type of wallpaper depends, first of all, on the taste preferences of the owner of the office. At the same time, of course, the choice is consistent with the designer so as not to get out of the general style of the office.

Varieties of photowall-paper

These modern materials for wall decoration are classified according to strength and texture. There are paper, vinyl, fabric photo wallpapers. The first are the most affordable and easy to stick, but also the thinnest. Vinyl wallpaper is not so easy to stick, but it is dense and durable. Photomurals made of fabric fibers are quite expensive, it is the most reliable and practical material.

Also, the wall decoration of this plan differs in style. For example, a high-tech wallpaper is perfect for a progressive-looking office. High technology, functionality, rigor and minimalism - these are the main features of this direction. The predominant colors are metallic and white.
Loft-style photo wallpapers will be appropriate in organizations related to industry or who want to emphasize their daring, rude character, striving for simplicity and clarity.

Graffiti and other paintings of this kind look great against the background of plain walls.

5 reasons why you should buy photomurals from us

  1. Our online store contains a variety of photo wallpaper collections. You can choose any texture and color scheme, the most fashionable prints or classic designs. The sizes of the canvases are also variable. A wide assortment allows each customer to make an ideal choice;
  2. The cost of our products is democratic. There are budget options and exclusive expensive photo wallpapers for office and home;
  3. All finishing materials presented in the store are made by reliable manufacturers in accordance with modern technologies. You get the highest quality at the lowest price;
  4. Thanks to the convenient catalog, the process of choosing and buying photowall-paper is very simple and pleasant. Each product is supplied with a photo, detailed description and instructions;
  5. A few clicks - and the order is sent for processing. Put the selected wallpaper in the basket, indicate the number of rolls, pay and in the near future we will deliver the purchase to any region of the Russian Federation.

Did you know that office wallpaper directly affects the workflow? After all, it is often on them that the mood and, accordingly, the productivity of employees depend. To raise the corporate spirit, it is recommended to buy original photomurals for the office. Many managers have realized this for a long time and are actively using this opportunity.

Photo wallpaper for any office space

What kind of wallpaper is better to buy? It all depends on what kind of room they are chosen for. However, professional designers are advised to choose bright and stylish photo wallpaper for the office. After all, they not only improve the mood of the team, but also create a positive opinion of the company among customers.

Since there is a wide assortment of wallpapers for the office, it is sometimes very difficult to choose them. But this is on the one hand. On the other hand, you are free to purchase absolutely any office wallpaper. And this is great!

So that the process of choosing wallpaper for finishing offices does not turn into an insoluble task, you should take into account a few simple recommendations:

  1. Backgrounds and textures, abstraction, backgrounds and textures, black and white images are best suited for decorating a workspace. Recently, urban landscapes are increasingly used to decorate the interior of the office,
  2. Photos of nature look great in relaxation rooms, and mouth-watering images on culinary themes in the dining room.
  3. In reception areas, it is best to stick wallpaper on the wall in corporate colors. Also, a great option would be to use prints with your company logo.

To get an interesting idea, you can see the photo of the interior with wallpaper for the office on the Internet. Perhaps on one of them you will find what you wanted. Then it remains only to find the same wallpaper for the office in the catalog or purchase them on order.

Also, do not forget to study the reviews of other buyers. If a lot of people liked a certain image, perhaps you should glue such photo wallpaper on the wall in your office? After all, the opinion of the majority is rarely wrong.

Create a unique atmosphere!

If you decide to change the atmosphere in the office - study our first. We offer a huge selection of images on any topic, so in this regard, you are given complete freedom.

If the wallpapers for the office, the photos of which are presented in the catalog, do not suit you, it does not matter. Indeed, in our company you can buy wallpaper on order. Just contact us in any convenient way and explain what exactly interests you. We will make any of your wishes come true.

The list of services provided by the company includes:

  • sketch development;
  • color proofing;
  • visualization of the image.

Before gluing the wallpaper in the office, you can see how it will look. To do this, select the image you like and send us a photo of the room - the designers will do the rest. In a couple of days, you will see how harmoniously the customized wallpaper looks, and you will be able to decide whether to leave it or choose others.

You can contact our specialists at any time. They will definitely help you choose wallpaper for the office that will look harmonious in the interior and create an appropriate environment for work.

Many photos of wallpaper for an office in an apartment demonstrate how colors and different types of images on the walls affect the perception of this room. Insofar as in such an interior there is no need to focus on the practical properties of materials(there is no threat of moisture ingress, the appearance of dirt and scuffs), it remains to choose wallpaper that would perfectly fulfill the aesthetic functions assigned to them.

Principles for choosing wallpaper for the office

Wallpaper in the office should help create a strict, calm atmosphere, help to concentrate and tune in to work.

Wallpaper for wall decoration should be chosen taking into account their impact on health, relying on the parameters of the room, observing the chosen one.

Any materials can be used to decorate the walls in the study. The stronger the wallpaper, the longer you can keep the original appearance of the walls after renovation.... But, since there are no obvious threats of loss of quality or appearance of coatings, you can stop at simple wallpaper for walls, for example, paper.

Do not assume that this type of wallpaper does not have positive properties. First, the materials are considered some of the most sustainable among the entire range of wallcoverings.

In addition, this type of wallpaper is characterized by a wide variety of shades and patterns, and materials that include several layers of paper at once are also characterized by durability.

Higher quality coatings are referred to. They are able to withstand moisture, are more resistant to mechanical damage, but in the office they are popular not because of these properties, but due to their original aesthetic parameters. Many non-woven wallpapers have or overflows that transform the room.

Advice: a study room decorated with non-woven wallpaper is recommended to be ventilated at least once a day.

Is another popular consumer choice. In addition to strength, practicality and resistance to external influences, such materials have the ability to simulate other coatings... Wallpaper, stylized, wood, leather and other materials, will ennoble your office and make it more comfortable and luxurious.

For those who value practicality and do not plan to use patterned materials, liquid wallpapers of different shades are suitable. They are applied to the wall like plaster and spread evenly over the surface.

The aesthetic effect will be provided by the embossed structure of the material, as well as the rich or light shade on which you stop.

In the interior of the study, you can also glue other types of wallpaper. No less popular are heavy-duty glass wallpaper, as well as wallpaper on a textile basis, decorated with silk or other types of fabric. In any case, the choice of coatings for such a finish should depend not only on their quality characteristics.

Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the principles of choosing wallpaper for your office:

The choice of wallpaper for the walls of the office should not be done hastily. Necessarily consider the style of the interior: for example, requirements are imposed on design in the style of classics, or art deco, which do not correspond to the principles of interior design in the style of high-tech or minimalism.

It is preferable to decorate old styles with wallpaper of warm colors with patterns, and modern ones - with coverings of cold or saturated colors with a minimum of images.

This room should be perceived as strict and calm, but not look too gloomy and boring, so even bright accents will not interfere with the design. Since they are created using the appropriate shades, let's figure out which color scheme of the study is considered successful.

How to choose a shade

The challenge for the office is that such materials should tune into the workflow and at the same time ensure the creation of an inspiring atmosphere. This approach requires a harmonious combination of bright and light and cold tones.

It will be difficult to choose a suitable tone among bright shades: catchy and obtrusive colors will create discomfort in the interior of the office. For example, a summer yellow, orange or green palette is not suitable for such a design. But pale yellow tones, combined with brown, gray, olive and other colors that balance the bright effect, will harmoniously fit into the study.

Remember! Any bright accents in the interior of the office should be complemented by light shades, moreover, the light palette in the design should prevail.

An exception to the use of rich colors can be considered only old classic wallpaper: a study with, or decoration, complemented by stylized furniture, will not cause controversy.

Among the cold shades, you can choose, pale brown,. Such tones have a beneficial effect on vision, promote concentration and mental activity, and do not distort the perception of the interior.

Important! Decorating all walls in cold colors is undesirable if your office is limited in size.

Wallpaper in the office at home can also have a pastel palette. Light shades are especially useful in confined spaces: they not only visually expand the small interior, but also make it lighter, which is important during the working process. In addition, with the help of light and delicate colors, it is easiest to emphasize home comfort.

Light shades go well with bright and dark accents, are suitable for almost every style direction, do not look contradictory even if all other decor elements differ in tonality from the background of the walls.

Wall decoration options

In the process of decorating a study, you should pay attention to its decorative features. First of all, make sure that the wallpaper for the walls has a suitable surface.

Wallpaper with sparkles, overflows, spectacular inserts or are rarely used in such interiors. And this is easy to explain: the study is not designed to maintain a festive atmosphere. Therefore, leave such wallpaper for the hall or living room.

The only option that can make a room brighter and more sophisticated without violating its purpose is with elegant patterns. The textile texture of such wallpaper will create additional comfort., and unobtrusive shades will create accents, but will not interfere with the workflow.

Are one of the few materials that can create calm accents in rooms. light or warm colors with pronounced embossed patterns (as a rule), will make the office less boring.

An excellent option for creating an original design of a study can be considered imitation materials.

As a decoration for such a room, you can choose wallpaper of several varieties:

Patterns are one of the main elements of any style, therefore patterned materials in the office, designed to create accents or a cozy background, should be chosen carefully. To make it easier for you to grasp fashion trends, we will give examples of some of the thematic decor options.

And may include wallpaper with abstract compositions or subtle patterns in vibrant colors. usually does not contain patterned materials.

Despite the fact that we do not always spend a long period of time in the office, the design of this room must be perfect.