Do-it-yourself construction of a mansard roof. We make a beautiful attic floor with our own hands How to build an attic

Each owner uses the space under the roof in different ways, depending on the goals. Someone arranges a bedroom here, someone - a spacious living room, someone - a hall designed for playing table tennis or billiards. Some owners have quite successfully equipped a children's room in this area. And some are sure that the best option for this space is a winter garden. How many people, so many decisions. But everyone comes to the same conclusion: the view that opens from the windows of the top floor is unambiguously amazing.

Scheme of installation of insulation.

Who was the first to use the attic for residential purposes?

The load on the "attic" floor, compared to the floors below, is too small, so there is a minimum number of load-bearing structures. This contributes to the creation of the most spacious, even "airy" rooms. - This is a living space located in the attic space. She received this name by the name of the French architect F. Mansart. It was he who first began to use the attic for residential and household purposes.

Attic insulation

In order for the attic to turn into an attic, you will need to perform some complex fairly simple work. First you need to think about the important question of how to make sure that daylight enters the room. Before equipping the attic, the owner needs to decide whether this space will be used with benefit during the cold period of time. If you need a warm attic, then you need to properly insulate the attic.

We create a reliable protective screen

Since the attic, as a rule, has a large enough total area for contact with the external environment, its heat loss, especially during the winter months, is too large and represents somewhere between 20 - 25% of the heat loss of the entire building. The goal of a true host will be to minimize the leakage of costly energy. Achieving such an effect will become quite possible if the most reliable protective screen is created from high-quality material intended for thermal insulation.

Maintaining insulation technologies

However, an equally important condition for its achievement is its application in the most exact accordance with seasoned insulation technologies. A warm screen will also perform a rescue function for the attic in the summer in case of possible overheating.

Consequences of poor insulation

  • excessively high humidity inside the attic;
  • icing over hanging roof eaves;
  • freezing of window junctions;
  • constant occurrence of leaks and the formation of icicles.

Thermal insulation of the attic is an extremely important and necessary construction process. In many ways, the durability and reliability of this room depends on it, so the option of saving money spent on the purchase of materials for insulation is completely inappropriate here.

Choosing the right heater

The modern market of thermal insulation materials is rich and diverse. Attic construction will require, first of all, heaters with such properties as high environmental friendliness, fire safety, minimal hygroscopicity, and also very high water resistance.

In this case, an important point is the mandatory presence of absolutely all of the above characteristics. The absence of any of the listed qualities in this heat-insulating material, for example, not very good water resistance or not being highly hygroscopic, worsens its thermal resistance and, as a result, leads to a serious change not only in its dimensions, but also in the deterioration of its strength characteristics. . All these shortcomings will manifest themselves in the loss of heat and a significant deterioration in living conditions.

What to remember when creating thermal protection for the attic?

When creating the thermal protection of the attic, it is necessary to join the insulation plates as carefully as possible, always remembering that even the smallest gap will manifest itself and will serve as a source through which precious heat leaks from the room. Remember that the thermal insulation material is placed both under and above the rafters, and not just between them. The combined method is also not excluded. At the same time, the plates are mounted at a distance between the rafters, as well as above (under) them in the crate of the attic itself.

We protect the heater from water ingress

When installing insulation boards, it becomes necessary to protect it from the possibility of ingress and leakage of water, the penetration of wind and steam drops that form inside the room. For this purpose, reliable hydro and wind protection, as well as vapor barriers (vapor barrier and waterproof films, ISOROK superdiffusion membrane, etc.) are used.

Insulating attic windows

Another important point to keep in mind when constructing a roof is the need for ventilation. Speaking of, it must be recalled that special attention should be paid to the implementation of the insulation of roof windows. It is especially important to ensure the calculated thickness of the insulation is absolutely the same along the entire contour of the window opening, otherwise freezing is quite possible in those places where a lower thickness of the insulation will be observed.

We warm the gables of the attic

We do it with the help of insulation in layered masonry, located between the outer protective decorative layer of the finish and the load-bearing wall. In order to prevent the possible accumulation of moisture in the insulation, it is recommended to use a vapor barrier.

We insulate the walls of the attic

If, however, a system called “ventilated facade” has been used in the construction of the walls of this room, when there is a gap of approximately 40–150 mm between the insulation and the protective and decorative cladding, then in order to maximize the protection of such thermal insulation from blowing heat out of the gap and moisture, as a rule, a hydrowind-protective membrane is used. it is not at all necessary to insulate if the roof of this room has been insulated, starting from the top and continuing to the very bottom. we produce only after floor insulation.

The thermal insulation of the walls is done as follows: from the back side of the racks, which are the supports of the future wall, wooden slats are stuffed after 30 - 40 cm. It is on them that you need to make the laying of thermal insulation. Sheets of thermal insulation, pre-cut to the desired size, are very tightly laid between the supports. From above, the entire surface of the future wall is covered with a vapor barrier and, in the same way as the ceiling is formed, is hemmed with slats.

Paying attention to joints

The attic vapor barrier can provide maximum tightness, and its joints must be glued with adhesive tape. Ceiling insulation is usually performed by laying the following layers: vapor barrier, insulation, hydro barrier, floor, floor covering. Such a “layer cake” will 100% prevent the exit of warm air from the rooms located below. Usually, either mineral wool or polystyrene is used as a heater.

We warm the attic with mineral wool

If you decide to insulate the attic room with mineral wool, a more advantageous option would be to use mineral wool mats. They do not settle over time and keep their shape much better. It is necessary to lay the mineral wool in two layers.

We insulate the attic with foam

Option, in comparison with the use of mineral wool, is an option less desirable. Definitely, the foam retains heat well, but, in turn, it does not prevent the penetration and appearance of mice. However, the use of polystyrene is quite acceptable. It is advisable to lay the foam sheets in two layers. Therefore, it turns out that you need to purchase sheets with a thickness of 50 mm. And then they are laid between the rafters so that the joints belonging to the sheets of the first layer do not coincide with the joints of the sheets from another layer.

There is the only real opportunity to inexpensively increase the living square meters of a private house. It is in the attic to organize an attic. In this article we will talk about how to properly build an attic so that it is inexpensive. We will analyze two options: when a house with an attic is already in operation, when a house is just being built. Let's consider the entire technological chain: from the choice of materials to the finishing of new premises.


Rules for organizing an attic in an old house

What is an attic. This is under the roof of the house. That is, there is nothing above it, except for the roof structure. Therefore, the attic can be organized in any attic, regardless of what type of roof it is located under. The main task is to create all the conditions for a comfortable stay in the attic room. That is, it should be not only beautiful and comfortable, but warm in winter and cool in summer, not to mention the presence of the necessary communication networks.

To make an attic on an old wooden or brick house, you need to think carefully about everything. Firstly, it is necessary to solve the issue of constructing a solid floor with laying a floor base. Secondly, the issue of roof insulation. These are the two main tasks. After that, you can engage in the laying of heating systems, plumbing and sewerage, install air conditioning, and carry out the finishing of new premises.


Floors in the attic

If we are talking about a wooden house, then the floors in it are formed by load-bearing beams from timber, on which boards are stuffed. Wooden flooring must be insulated. The same design is often found in brick houses. But in most cases, concrete floor slabs are used with brick buildings, which are also insulated.

How to quickly make floors in the attic along the floor beams.

    On the laid beams along their lower edges, the so-called tiled bars.

    across at them stacking boards close to each other.

    Laying waterproofing film, which will perform the functions of protecting the insulation from moist air vapor emanating from the rooms of a private house.

    Between the beams on the waterproofing layer lay insulation(mineral wool or polystyrene foam boards).

    over the beams lay the vapor barrier.

    Top across installing plank floor from grooved boards. You can use plywood or OSB boards, on which the flooring (laminate, linoleum, tile, etc.) will subsequently be laid.

The main task of the manufacturer of works is to make the floor even, durable, and heat-resistant.


If the floor of the house is reinforced concrete slabs, then the insulation is carried out in the following order. It all depends on what thermal insulation material will be used. For example, expanded clay:

    overlap leveled with concrete screed small thickness (3-5 cm);

    after drying of the latter, the entire area of ​​​​the floor base covered with waterproofing film in the form of strips, which I overlap with each other with an offset of 10-15 cm and are closed with adhesive tape;

    around the perimeter of the attic stack the bars section 70x70 or 100x100 mm, they are attached to the concrete floor with anchors;

    in the longitudinal or transverse direction stack the same bars with a step of 1-1.5 m;

    into the resulting cellular structure expanded clay falls asleep medium or fine fraction;

    on top the crate is covered vapor barrier membrane;

    on top of the heat-insulating cake along the laid bars boarded floor or slab, sheet material.

If slab heat-insulating materials are used as a heater, then everything is done in exactly the same way. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the tight pressing of the insulation boards to the elements of the floor crate so that there are no cold bridges.


Roof insulation

If the roof truss system, the crate and the roofing material itself are in good technical condition, then the issue of building an attic in the country is simplified to a minimum. What do I need to do:

    first of all, all wooden elements of the roof structure processed first antiseptic composition after drying flame retardant;

    on rafter legs vapor barrier film is laid so that it exactly repeats the configuration of the rafter legs, as shown in the photo below;

    then between the rafters lay insulation, in the photo below this is also clearly visible, the main thing is the tight pressing of the material to the ends of the rafter legs;


    over two stacked materials stretch waterproofing film;

    after which the whole structure covered with slab or sheet material, for example, it can be drywall, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, OSB and so on.

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Construction of an attic superstructure

So, if a new house is being built or the roof of the old one does not meet modern operating requirements, then it is possible to build an attic superstructure, as they say, “from scratch”. What does that require. First of all, the project. You can't just buy building materials and start building. The attic is not a heavy structure, but this does not mean that it should be treated with a lesser degree of responsibility.

It is better to order the project to professionals who will take into account the bearing capacity of the walls of the building, foundation and other building structures. And on the basis of this, they will create a project that will guarantee that the old or new house with an attic will serve faithfully for more than a dozen years.

Installation of the attic begins with laying the mauerlat on the walls of the house. This is a beam with a section of 150x200 or 200x200 mm. It is attached to the walls with anchors that were previously installed in the reinforcing belt. The latter is poured along the outer walls of a private house. How it turns out in the end result is very clearly visible in the photo below.


Attic projects

The first construction work has been completed. It is carried out regardless of what configuration the attic was planned by the project. As mentioned above, living quarters can be organized under any roof. For example, the photo below shows an attic under a pitched roof. It would seem that this is not a very good example, but such projects exist, which means that this confirms that you can live under roofs of any configuration.


And yet there is one design, which is called the attic. She has a broken roof, which you will not confuse with any other.


Construction of a classic mansard roof

This type of roof has two slopes, divided into two parts. The first upper part is with a small angle of inclination, that is, sloping, the other lower part is with a large inclination, that is, steep. This is the main difficulty in building an attic superstructure on an old house or a new one.

This problem is solved like this:

    The project must have exactly stated fracture site.

    It is in this place that it is laid from wall to wall roof beam. There will be two of them for each kink.

    Along every beam vertical racks are installed, which determine the useful height of the attic room. Usually it is within 2.5-3.0 m. The cross section of the beams is at least 100x100 m, the installation step is within 1.5-2.0 m. Two beams are installed along the Mauerlat between the floor beams.

    Along the top of the beams a strapping is made from a beam section 100x100 mm. Strapping is done not only around the perimeter of the installed racks, but also between them in the transverse direction. The frame of the attic was formed in the form of a box of racks.

    In the middle of the transverse elements of the upper trim install short poles, forming the upper slopes of the roof. The longer the racks, the steeper the slopes.

    Installed on racks horizontal ridge run.

    Mount rafter legs gentle slopes. With their upper edges they rest against the ridge beam, with their lower edges against the upper trim of the structure.

    form steep lower attic slopes. Rafters are also installed here, which with their upper edges abut against the upper trim of the attic structure, and with the lower edges against the Mauerlat.

Video description

The video shows in detail how to build a classic mansard roof:

So, the frame of the attic structure is ready. It remains to form the floors of the room, conduct insulation and cover the roof with roofing material. And then move on to the finishing touches.

How to make insulated floors - has already been described above. How to insulate a mansard roof too. But there is one point here that facilitates the implementation of thermal insulation measures for the roof structure. The thing is that the roof has not yet been covered, which means that it is better to lay the vapor barrier membrane on top of the truss system.

The photo below shows this very well:

    across the rafters install vapor barrier strips, which are attached to them with small nails or steel staples using a stapler;

    over insulation and rafters mount rails, which will perform the functions of a counter-lattice. Its task is to create a ventilated gap between the heat-insulating cake and the roofing material in order to remove moist air vapors that have leaked through the insulation;

    along the counter-lattice across the rafters lay the crate;

    carry out installation of roofing material.

Other operations: laying insulation and waterproofing is carried out from the inside of the attic.

Scheme of assembly of insulated mansard roof Source

Formation of gables

This is an important part of the design of the mansard roof. In fact, two pediments are the walls of the new premises. And they must meet the strict requirements of living rooms. It is in them that windows and doors are installed. The latter only if a balcony or terrace is attached to the attic.

With insulation, everything is simple. It's like in a frame house:

    from the outside install a vapor barrier;

    do the outer lining sheet or panel materials: lining, plywood, OSB, etc.;

    from within lay insulation;

    close the gables waterproofing membrane;

    carry out inner lining.


In principle, the attic is ready. It remains to finish the interior space. There are no strict restrictions here. The attic is a living space, so any design projects and finishing materials are used. In this case, you can build a horizontal ceiling, you can leave everything as it is, that is, with slopes going up. Everything is at the discretion of the customer. As one of the options - a project in a modern style in the photo below.


Advantages and disadvantages of the attic

The main advantage is to get additional residential square meters for small capital investments. The attic is a frame structure, which means it is not heavy. And if it is erected on an old house, then in most cases this does not affect the strengthening of the foundation and load-bearing walls of the building. If you think carefully about the exterior decoration of the entire building, it will not be noticeable that the superstructure was built later than the main house.

As for the disadvantages, according to the method of construction, the classic mansard roof is more complicated than a single or gable roof. It uses a large number of different elements that will have to be cut, adjusted to the required dimensions, which leads to the formation of a large amount of waste.

Video description

In the video, the specialist discusses the advantages and disadvantages of houses with attic add-ons:

Conclusion on the topic

So, we tried to deal with the construction of attics on an old house (with attic projects, indicating some important nuances of the structure). Houses with such superstructures today grow like mushrooms after rain. They are popular, they provide an opportunity to save on construction. The main thing is the project, which takes into account all the construction moments in accordance with the rules and regulations.

Many male people, finding a family, sooner or later think about purchasing their own home. Someone takes an apartment on a mortgage, and someone saves money for. But not many people manage to save up for a big house, and the alternative would be to build a house with.

What is a mansard roof

The attic can be built from or from a suitable material for you.

It will not be difficult to build an attic, but patience, diligence, suitable materials and the availability of a tool are necessary.

The shape and design of the roof must be included in the design of the house in order to avoid incidents during further operation.

You can take a typical project for building a house or order it from professionals. In such documentation, you will be able to understand where to start and choose the right materials for construction.

Now you can buy everything you need, but first equip a place to store building materials and tools. The storage area must be dry and free from rain or snow to damage the building material.

Also, under a canopy, it will be possible to equip a small workshop for the manufacture of some parts of the house or roof. For a house from or who does not have the opportunity to build a full-fledged second floor, choosing a mansard roof would be the best option. House from will be a budget option. Next, we will consider the attic device.

Structural elements of the attic in design are practically no different from gable roofs.

Materials required for the construction of a mansard roof

The roof is the outer covering of the roof, it protects the inside of the attic and can be made of various materials.

For roofing, as a rule, such materials are used:

Stages of building a mansard roof with your own hands

After getting acquainted with the names of the roof device, we can continue to further disassemble the construction in stages.

First stage

The construction of the attic always begins with Mauerlat mounting.

When building on a stone box, you need to think about fixing with studs or anchors at a distance of no more than two meters.

At the locations of the anchors, the timber is marked, a hole is made in it and put on the anchor, then the Mauerlat is fixed with nuts to the wall.

To simplify the marking, it is necessary to put the beam on the anchor and lightly walk with a hammer on top, after these manipulations there should be traces, they will be places for drilling holes.

Second phase

The second stage in the construction of the attic will be the installation of floor beams.

Actions must be consistent.

First of all, the extreme beams from the ends are installed, then the intermediate ones. Between the intermediate and extreme beams, it is necessary to pull a nylon cord or scaffolding, or you can still use a level. These devices are needed to indicate the plane.

Third stage

We install, align in a vertical position and fix the support posts.

We strengthen with jibs and make horizontal runs.

It should be borne in mind that the racks are placed in equal numbers with the floor beams on two parallel sides of the attic.

The rigidity of the supporting structure is provided by horizontal runs.

Fourth stage (truss system)

The details of the truss structure prepared according to the template are installed according to and fixed to the vertical supports.

Elements can be fixed using boards or metal plates with holes.

Fifth stage (pediments and crate)

we sew the gables, leaving room for, we attach the sheathing boards all over the roof. This is the easiest work in the construction of the attic.

Sixth stage

So we have almost come to the end of construction and this is the insulation of the mansard roof with our own hands.

In modern construction, a variety of materials are used for insulation and you can purchase them at any hardware store.

final stage

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The attic design of the attic space allows not only to increase the living space of the house, but also to make the structure unusual and beautiful. Moreover, a building with this type of roof can be made in almost any style. A mansard-type roof, the variants of which can be very different, is found both in urban areas and in rural areas. Consider how to create such a design yourself, and find out what its features are.

Mansard roof - options

Such a roof has a special design of slopes, usually consisting of an upper sloping part and a steeper lower one. Thanks to this shape, a fairly spacious room appears inside, which can be used as an attic or even turn into a very cozy living room.

The history of mansards began in the 17th century, such a design of roofs was invented by the architect Francois Mansart - such a roof was named after his last name. But this Frenchman was far from being the first to implement the idea of ​​economical use of the attic floor of the house. The mansard roof was first built by Pierre Lescaut, also a Frenchman who worked on the construction of such famous buildings as the Louvre and Notre Dame de Paris.

On a note! In the 19th century, poor people usually lived on the attic floors, but now this floor can appear in housing and is quite wealthy.

Now attics are quite often built during the construction of country houses or small two-story cottages, but the idea may well be implemented when creating other types of buildings. The attic has several advantages:

  • building a house with an attic is cheaper than with two full floors and a roof;
  • foundation costs during the construction of such a structure are also reduced;
  • the attic can significantly increase the living space of any building;
  • it gives the house an unusual and beautiful look;
  • it is not difficult to build a structure, the work can be completed quite quickly;
  • the attic is always associated with comfort;
  • a house with an attic is warmer by reducing heat loss through the roof.

But lofts also have several disadvantages. This type of attic space has sloping ceilings, which results in a small wall height, which makes it difficult to choose furniture. Also, the roof must be well mounted so as not to leak and release heat from the house - you will have to spend money on good hydro- and heat-insulating materials. Yes, and building attics is still more difficult than, for example, the usual gable roof.

Design features

The attic is a universal element. It was used both for ordinary houses and for the construction of country houses, often this type of attic space was chosen even for the construction of palaces. Of course, it could decorate workshops, commercial buildings, etc. And despite the fact that different materials were used for its construction, different styles were chosen, the attic still remained an attic - it has certain design features.

So, this building can have a different geometric shape - triangular, broken, have symmetrical or, conversely, geometrically complex and non-standard slopes. It can be located both along the entire width of the building, and only on one side of it relative to the longitudinal axis.

Bar prices

On a note! If the roof is broken, then the lower part will have very steep slopes with an angle of inclination of about 60-70 degrees, and on the top slopes, on the contrary, will be gentle (about 15-30 degrees).

But whatever the attic, it will be located within the walls of the main building. Relative to the outer walls, the attic may be somewhat wider, but then it relies on the extensions of the ceilings. If the offset is large, then you will have to install additional supports (for example, columns, walls, etc.).

The height of the attic roof cannot be less than 2.5 m, otherwise it will not work to make a spacious room under it. Windows, which also need to be provided here, will be manufactured using special technologies using tempered durable glass and a reliable frame. They will cost several times more than usual. And load-bearing structures can be made of reinforced concrete, metal or wood. But in the case of the latter, it is important to carefully consider fire safety measures.

The mansard roof is a multilayer structure, which complicates installation. It can be insulated completely or only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe presence of a living room - where there is heating. But in any case, the design of the attic implies the presence of rafters, a ridge, directly roofing material, heat and waterproofing, and a vapor barrier layer. An interfloor overlap will act as a base under the roof.

Mansard roof rafters must have good bearing capacity. The cross section of the materials used will depend on the angle of the roof slope and cannot be less than 5x15 cm at a step of 100 cm. If the slope angle is 45 degrees, then a step of 140 cm is maintained.

Attention! In areas where it often snows and the amount of precipitation is high, it is recommended to install rafters with a step of no more than 80 cm.

If the attic is to be used as a living space, it is important to consider that in this case there is a risk of a large amount of condensate forming under the roof. Because of this, foci of mold may appear inside the structure, a fungus may develop, etc. The presence of a large amount of moisture will also negatively affect the insulating properties of the material. That is why it is important to follow all the rules for installing a mansard roof, and the heat-insulating material must be reliably protected from moisture ingress, not only from the outside, but also from the inside, that is, a layer of vapor barrier material is also located on this side.

Important! Do not forget about the creation of roofing products that will allow air to circulate calmly inside the roof structure and help remove condensate.

Types of mansard roofs

There are 4 main types of mansard roofs, which differ from each other in design features. They can be divided into single-level and two-level. The former are the simplest in execution, usually combined with a broken or gable roof with a slope angle of 35-45 degrees. The second ones involve the arrangement of two rooms at different levels. Here a system of mixed supports is used.

On a note! When building an attic under a gable roof, the height of the walls can be no more than 1.5 m, followed by sloping ceilings. With a broken roof, the height of the ceiling along the perimeter near the walls is up to 2.5 m.

When building a house, you can stop at one of the types of attics - a single-level attic when arranging a gable roof, single-level with a broken roof, with remote consoles, or a two-level with a special mixed type of support.

Table. The main types of attics.

Type ofDescription

In this case, the attic has one level and is equipped under a conventional gable roof. The simplest option, in the design of which you can not use complex calculations. Precipitation with a gable simple roof comes off on its own, there is no need to equip any additional elements.

In this case, the attic also has one level, but the truss system is performed differently. Formed, as it were, four slopes of the roof. A much more spacious room can fit under it, but creating such a roof is more difficult.

Of the single-level attics, this is the most difficult option. Here the room under the roof is even more spacious. Usually in this case, the attic room is shifted to one of the edges of the house. This design allows you to make large vertical windows on one side. The main disadvantages are the complex shape, the complexity of construction. But on the other hand, under the edge of such an attic, you can make a functional canopy, where a terrace, garage or other extension can be located.

The most difficult option is the attic, since at least two rooms under the roof are located here, located at different levels. Such a design, when designing a house, immediately enters into its structure.

The mansard roof can also have a balcony. It is created on the principle of building a window. The main thing is that the bearing capacity of the walls allows you to equip it. By the way, columns can also support the balcony, but in this case it is built above the entrance.

Types of rafters for attics

Roof trusses can be of two types - and layered. You will have to choose between them depending on the method of attachment to the walls of the house. Hanging ones are simpler and are usually used for houses that do not have an average load-bearing wall. The rafters rest only on the main walls of the house, without intermediate supports. The width of the span between the walls cannot be large - usually it does not exceed 6 m. If the span is larger (over 9 m), then the arrangement of struts and attendants will be required.

Rafter rafters are usually used when creating houses with two spans, that is, those that have a load-bearing wall in the middle. In this case, the rafters have three points of support - directly this wall, as well as the main ones along the perimeter of the house.

Material for the manufacture of the truss system

Rafters can be made of metal, reinforced concrete or wood. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Wooden rafters are environmentally friendly, they are easy to work with, easily adjusted to the desired size. But wooden structures are afraid of excess moisture and are prone to the formation of mold and fungus on them.

On a note! Before construction, wooden materials are recommended to be treated with protective compounds that will extend their service life.

Metal and reinforced concrete structures can not be covered with such compounds - fungus and mold do not appear on them. Due to this, they are considered more reliable and durable. But the main disadvantage is that, if necessary, it will be difficult to adjust them to the desired dimensions on the spot, and the slightest error in the calculations can lead to the roof being skewed. Also, a master working with reinforced concrete or metal rafters may face other difficulties - this is a large mass of products, which forces the use of special equipment even to lift elements.

Difficulties and features of the arrangement of the attic roof

When designing and building a mansard roof, a number of design features should be taken into account, on the basis of which a number of work rules are formed. For example, the Mauerlat must be fixed very securely with anchor bolts. It is he who will experience the maximum load, which means that he will hold the entire roof on himself. Anchors are additionally recommended to be walled up with a cement mixture if the main walls of the house are made of stone, brick and other similar materials.

It is also important to remember about the correct design and layers of the roof. For example, mansard roofs cannot be covered with metal roofing materials. They get very hot and it will be too hot on the top floor in summer, there can simply be no question of any comfort of living. It is not recommended to use roofing material as a waterproofing material - when heated, it begins to smell specifically. It is best to cover the mansard roof with slate or soft tiles. For thermal insulation, it is usually recommended to purchase mineral wool, which is laid with a waterproofing film on both sides.

More and more people are turning to self-construction of a house.

There are many reasons for this, and everyone is guided by their own motives.

But the main thing is savings, of course, subject to knowledge of the matter.

Building a house for every man should be a mandatory attribute of success.

Investing in real estate is the best thing to do. The house will stand for decades and over time its value will only increase.

Of course, much depends on the design of both the internal and external parts of the residential building.

For a quality construction, you will need to study the technology of erecting a mansard roof. Another important skill is knowledge of carpentry. Or you can study the instructions yourself, which describe in detail the entire project of work. You should also pay attention to the fact that there are various.

When starting construction, you need to be puzzled by the following questions:

  • What are the best materials to use when building a mansard roof?
  • How many work steps are to be completed?
  • How many people will be needed to help with the construction?
  • What attic do you want to build?

It is best to plan the construction of the attic, installing a gable roof with a broken line, so you can get the largest possible area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future room.

Before starting any construction should be developed. When working through it, take the figures indicated in the calculations seriously, even the slightest mistake can lead to future damage to both the roof itself and the walls of the house.

So how to make a mansard roof? This article will help you answer this question.

  • For soft roofs solid;
  • Discharged for slate.

Naturally there are certain rules for installing a soft roof, here they are:

  • If the pitched angle of the roof is located in the range from 5 to 10 °, then the roof has the form of a continuous flooring, special waterproof plywood or boards are used;
  • When the slope of the roof is between 10 and 15°, in this case the roof is made of timber with dimensions of 45 × 50 millimeters and in increments of 45 cm;
  • If the value of the oblique angle is greater than 15° for the crate a beam of 45 × 50 mm is used, but with a step of 600 mm;
  • For the skate attachment area install an additional beam.

Lathing under a soft roof

Installation of Mauerlat and truss system

Mauerlat is laid after work has been done to level the attic and place the flooring.

Due to the placement around the perimeter of the attic Mauerlat all non-straight corners can be corrected.

Beams are used as material.. The thickness is selected under the edge of the walls.

When you put the Mauerlat under the edge of the eaves, you should be especially careful.

Ensure that the structure is non-distorting, because it is impossible to enclose additional elements. You will have to disassemble part of the outer masonry of the wall and raise the inner part of the wall.

Mauerlat installation

Insulation installation

You need to insulate the attic if you are going to settle in it. First of all, it is worth deciding on the material used as. The best solution would be special basalt slabs.

The density of the insulation is needed at least 30-40 km per cubic meter otherwise, its subsidence in the future is inevitable. And the thickness is 150 mm. Also, a special film is installed in the roof to protect it from getting wet.

Step-by-step installation of insulation

Installation of battens and counter battens

After the base is installed, it is necessary to install to strengthen the structure. This is necessary if the slope angle is large..

The counter-lattice is installed from small bars, which are superimposed on top of the main crate, already laid waterproofing layer. When installing a counter-lattice between the roof and the base, a ventilation space is formed, which allows to increase the service life.

Lathing installation

Installation of waterproofing and vapor barrier

Do-it-yourself sloping roof requires the installation of waterproofing. To protect the roof from moisture penetration between the roof and the base a special layer of roofing felt or film is laid. The counter grille helps better ventilation to get rid of the effect of vaporization.

The most common evaporative protection system is a three-layer design - a hydrobarrier.

  1. Reinforced lattice. It is woven from polyethylene fibers.
  2. Anticondensate or barrier barrier.

Waterproofing is installed on the rafters or crate.

Installation of waterproofing

Types of roofing materials and their installation

The market offers a wide range of roofing materials for every taste. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Any builder first of all looks at the cost of the roof, then at its quality and service life.

roofing material


The construction of a mansard roof requires special diligence and painstaking work if you want to get a high-quality and final result. We will have to invest a lot of effort, not only physical, but also moral.

It will take a smart approach to work so that it ends without problems. Encountering a number of obstacles, most owners turn to the help of hired workers. But on the other hand, what can bring more pleasure as not done high-quality work with your own hands.

Useful video

In this video you will learn how to assemble a mansard roof:

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