Structural paint. Textured paint for walls how to apply video. CPI: Construction of a pilot plant for the production of high quality nano-structured powders

Long gone are the days when wall decoration consisted only of wallpapering or covering with oil paints. Now construction companies are ready to provide a wide range of products, which occupies a leading position in the list of interior and exterior decor. Textured wall paint is versatile and suitable for many surfaces.

Features of structural paint

This paint can even be applied to wood or brickwork... No special preparation is required before applying the composition. Any novice master is able to cope with the task, creating the perfect interior in his home. You can embody many ideas using textured paint, just look on the Internet for photos with ready-made interior solutions.

The textured paint contains a structuring filler. First you need to familiarize yourself with the types of paint in order to know their differences. Hardware stores are ready to offer a range of structural mixtures of the following types:

  • silicone;
  • mineral;
  • acrylic;
  • silicate.

Depending on the filler, the paint has the following properties:

  1. The mineral version is dry. The base is lime and cement. The mixture is diluted with plain water to the desired consistency. Suitable for outdoor applications.
  2. The silicone mixture is practical due to the presence of silicone resins in the composition.
  3. Acrylic binder is considered to be the most wear-resistant to any external factors. It is not diluted in any way, it is sold in the form of ready-to-use mixtures. It can be applied to any surface, subject to the basic rules.
  4. Silicate filler is the most expensive. It is used only on mineral surfaces and silicate primers.

The paint is selected individually. The following varieties of this coloring composition can be distinguished:

Advantages and disadvantages

Although this decorating material is called paint, outwardly it looks like a white mass with a rather viscous structure, so it looks more like plaster than the usual liquid coloring compositions. After application, it is given the desired texture. For this, structuring rollers are sold in hardware stores.

Advantages of finishing material:

Do not forget that every building material has its drawbacks - textured paint is no exception. The main disadvantages can only be attributed to its high cost, but it pays off with durability and increased surface wear resistance, so its price is fully justified. This option is ideal for those who do not want to re-glue the wallpaper every few years, but want to make repairs for a rather long period.

Surface preparation

If a novice master decided to make an interesting design on his own, then he needs to prepare the walls before painting.

The finishing decorative coating may be with slight errors, but if the walls are very crooked, then you will have to plaster them first, and also apply a suitable primer in several layers.

If there are no visible flaws on the wall, then it is enough just to clean it from dust and dirt with a special brush.

Application technique

To make the walls beautiful and even, you should do the work in stages. Sequencing:

  1. First, a thin layer of plaster is applied. It is necessary to wait for it to dry completely, then a primer coat is applied on top of it with an even layer. For this, a roller is used. Excessive smudges, accumulation of solution on certain areas of the working surface should be avoided. After applying the primer, you need to wait a day. After complete drying, you can proceed to applying the decorative mass.
  2. To prepare the mixture, water is used in compliance with a ratio of 1: 100 of the total mass.
  3. The paint is applied to small areas of less than 2 m². This is easily explained: the paint cures quickly and takes about 15 minutes. But complete drying will come only in a day.
  4. After applying the mass to a small section of the wall, you need to immediately proceed to creating a relief pattern.

Relief tools

A structural roller is used to create the relief. You can try to create an interesting and unique design using available tools. They can be a regular roller, brushes, spatulas. Even a piece of crumpled newspaper wrapped in several layers of cling film or a damp cloth can be a suitable tool for the craftsman. Using an ordinary newspaper, a pattern is created that resembles a floral ornament..

There is a little trick with which you can create an effect that resembles bamboo stalks in texture: you need to wind a thick rope around an ordinary roller. It is enough to run the prepared roller over the surface on which the textured composition is applied.

A conventional pneumatic spray can help decorate the walls. It is required to set a suitable pressure level on it at 5 atmospheres. A nozzle diameter of 3 mm or more is selected. With a spray gun, you can quickly spray the entire surface. Interesting streaks and patterns form on the walls, which will look intricate and even mysterious, resembling sand in the desert or waves at sea.

High-quality and luxury repairs in an apartment are very easy to do with textured paint. It is so easy to create fantastic interior options with her. You just need to be patient, prepare everything you need and show your imagination. For any repair work, the main condition is accuracy.

Structural paint is an excellent finishing material that has recently been actively used in renovations along with wallpaper and other finishing materials. Its application is quite simple and does not require any professional skills, however, you should still familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of the work.

What is structural paint

First of all, let's figure out what is a structural or, as it is also called, textured paint. So, outwardly, it is a thick and viscous white mass. Despite the fact that the material is called paint, in its structure it looks more like plaster.

After applying this composition to the wall, it is given a certain structure using a roller or other tools.

Coating advantages

I must say that the increasing popularity of this finishing material is fully justified by its many advantages:

  • The coating has good vapor permeability, so that the natural moisture exchange is not disturbed in the room.
  • The dense structure of the coating allows you to hide minor flaws in, so there is no need to bring the base to perfect condition.
  • Since structural plaster is initially white, it can be given any desired shade with the help of special colors.
  • The coating is highly moisture resistant, which makes the material suitable for use in rooms with high humidity levels. And if the walls are dirty, they can be cleaned using water without fear of damaging the surface.
  • High wear resistance.
  • Resistant to ultraviolet rays.
  • Elasticity.
  • Environmental friendliness and harmlessness in the process of painting surfaces.
  • If necessary, you can change the color of the finish at any time by covering it with acrylic paint.
  • Versatility - the coating can be used not only indoors, but also outdoors. It is allowed to apply the paint on concrete, brick, plasterboard, plastered and putty surfaces.

When painting the composition, it is advisable to use the color scheme of the same manufacturer as the textured paint itself.
This will allow you to get the best quality result.


Of the shortcomings of the material, it can only be noted that the price for it is quite high. However, given the durability of this finish and its durability, the end result is savings.

Structural paint on the wall

Surface preparation

Like any other type of topcoat, applying textured plaster requires preparation of the substrate. True, there is no need to level the walls to an ideal state, as we have already discussed above.

However, if not dispensed with. You can find out how this is done on our construction portal.

After . For these purposes, Betonokontakt is most often used.

The primer should be applied in an even layer using a roller, while avoiding drips of mortar and its accumulation on separate sections of the walls. You can start painting only after the surface is completely dry. This usually takes about 24 hours.


Before you start applying paint to the walls, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Wide spatula.
  • Paint roller. In order for the surface to really be structural, the paint roller must be patterned. The roller structure is matched to the desired pattern on the wall.

Paint application

Now you can go directly to painting.

The instruction looks like this:

  • First of all, you need to get the desired color of the composition. To do this, you need to take a small part of the mass and gradually add color to it until the desired color is obtained. In this case, remember the proportions in order to dilute all the paint in the bucket in the same way.
  • Then the composition must be mixed well. If the manufacturer permits, a little sand can be added to the paint, which will make the surface rough.
  • Then a small amount of the mixture is applied to a spatula and rubbed over the surface of the walls. Thus, this process resembles a conventional filling.
  • Next, you need to moisten the structural wall paint roller with water and then roll it over the surface treated with the composition. It is more convenient to do this work together, so that one master applies the composition to the wall, and the second then gives the surface a structure using a roller.

Of course, drawing on the surface can be done not only with a roller, but also by hand or using a stencil. For example, to get the effect of a scratched surface, you can use floats or combs. However, using a roller is the simplest method.

Since the coating will begin to set after 20-30 minutes after application, the work must be done quickly enough.

  • To prevent color variations on one wall, finish from corner to corner in one go.
  • After 48 hours, when the coating hardens well, it can be treated with decorative wax, varnish or acrylic enamel.

You can apply paint in only one layer.

The complete drying period of the paint is 8 to 12 days. After that, the surface can be subjected to various mechanical stress and washed with water.

In the photo - applying the structure with a roller

Before you start applying paint to the walls, it is necessary to eliminate drafts in the room, as well as protect the wall from direct sunlight.
In addition, the temperature in the room should be between + 25 - +30 degrees Celsius.


Having familiarized yourself with the technology of applying textured paint, it will not be difficult to complete this procedure yourself. The main thing is to adhere to all of the above recommendations and a certain sequence of actions.

This will ultimately result in a beautiful and durable wall covering. For more information on this topic, see the video in this article.

Article about. Advantages, disadvantages, varieties and application technologies.

Texture paint for walls - differences and application rules

Today, textured wall paints are gaining special popularity. Thanks to this coating, a unique design is created. Textured paints with imitations of different materials create harmony and comfort in the house.

The difference between texture paint and ordinary paint

The difference between textured paint and traditional acrylic and latex paint is its composition and appearance.

Thanks to the structuring filler, it is possible to reproduce relief patterns, imitate materials: under moiré coating, velvet, leather and others.


The texture suspension has a lot of positive factors. The main feature is the combination of a large number of functions aimed at maintaining the quality of the wall surface and material. Due to its positive properties, it is used more often than other finishing materials.

Benefits of textural dyes:

  • do not absorb or transmit foreign odors;
  • resistant to UV rays;
  • differ in wear resistance;
  • safe for people and animals;
  • frost-resistant;
  • resistant to temperature extremes and fire;
  • certain types of paints (with an antifungal base) are not afraid of moisture;
  • presented in assortment;
  • create unique designs.


  • Cost (large expense attracts considerable costs).
  • Re-staining requires complete removal of the previous layer.
  • Requires some application skills.

Characteristics and differences

Textured suspension is a dispersed mixture with the addition of acrylic. It is used both for external work and for internal work. Creates a resistant layer to damage. With proper surface preparation, the paint will adhere well.

It has the following technical features:

  • water is used as a solvent;
  • as part of the coloring matter - acrylic latex;
  • one square meter will require 1.5 kg of material;
  • stored closed, at 5 ° C (not higher);
  • dries for 2 hours at 23 ° C indoors.

The viscosity of the material allows you to create a variety of decorations. All you need for this is to arm yourself with a special or spatula. Textured paint has a wide palette of colors, thanks to which it is possible to bring to life any design you like.

The material is suitable for surfaces that need protection from negative influences (rain, snow, wind gusts). Thanks to this, the surface of the walls after finishing serves faithfully for 5 years.

Varieties of texture paint

Textured suspension differs in type:

  • front;
  • for interior work;
  • coarse-grained;
  • fine-grained.

Five types are distinguished depending on the composition and application.

  1. Mineral - is a dry mix, lime and cement base. Most often used for the facade.
  2. - in the composition of silicone resins, which are extremely durable and versatile. Used for all surfaces except furniture.
  3. Acrylic - the mixture is sold ready-made and is suitable for all surfaces.
  4. Silicate - this type of paint is used only on a mineral surface with a silicate primer. Overpriced compared to the rest.
  5. Marseilles wax - thanks to this type it is possible to imitate stone, oak bark, wood. The material is resistant to moisture and harmful influences.

Embossed under the stone

Such a coating creates a complete illusion of a stone. Perfectly fits the walls, gives originality to the design, is practical and convenient. This paint is resistant to negative external influences, and is suitable for internal and external work.

Concrete effect

The material simulates a concrete surface.


  • originality;
  • variety of interior solutions;
  • water resistance;
  • wide range of shades;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of additional decoration.

The disadvantages include the high cost of the material and long drying time.

After the concrete paint has dried, the diamond drilling method must be used to make the necessary holes.

Rough effect or shagreen texture

Popular with modern designers.


  • hides the smallest surface imperfections;
  • presented in the chassis range;
  • easy to use and apply - does not require filling and additional leveling of the surface;
  • resistant to sunlight;
  • durable;
  • the coating gives warmth and comfort.

The disadvantage of the coating is that if the work result is unsatisfactory, it cannot be corrected.

Bulky flakes or flock paint

Flocks are blotches in a consistency that resemble flakes or chips. With the help of paint, it is possible to achieve a different effect. Flock imitates suede, leather and velor.

This interior solution looks modern and unusual.


  • resistant to sunlight;
  • protects against mold;
  • does not require special care;
  • presented in assortment;
  • resistant to fire.

The disadvantages of flock coating include its high cost and complexity of work.

Smooth with the effect of wax, marble, granite

Looks impressive and noble in the design of an apartment or house. Perfectly replaces wallpaper.


  • durability;
  • strength;
  • does not require careful maintenance;

The disadvantages of coverage are the cost and complexity of the work.

Phased application technology

When working with a textured dye, it is necessary to follow the correct application technology.


The textured suspension is applied in a thick layer.

Therefore, you should carefully treat the surface: make it dry, without deposits and dust, remove defects that break adhesion (old whitewash, paint layers).

If there is oil paint on the surface, sand it and make it matte for better adhesion. Not only the appearance of the finished surface, but also its service life depends on the quality of the preparatory work.

When the old coating has been removed, the wall should be putty to correct any unevenness. If there are large cracks, they can be reinforced with mesh. The surface to be painted must be dry, clean and free of mold.

What do you need

To work you need the following tools:

  • drill;
  • trowel or spatula;
  • preference rollers: smooth, rubber, foam;
  • flat brush;
  • masking tape.

The next step is to putty the walls. For this job it is advisable to use a water-based acrylic mixture.

For coatings that peel off easily, special strengthening primers have been developed. Areas with mold and fungus are dried and treated with a special primer.

After the primer dries, a film forms on the surface, which fills and evens out the pores at the base of the wall. This process improves the application of the topcoat and contributes to durability. The primer dries on average within 6 hours. After that, they start finishing.

Is it possible with your own hands

With some skills, you can prepare the surface for painting yourself. But, it is important to consider the complexity of the work. Some surfaces can only be prepared with professional tools and means, as well as with the appropriate knowledge.

If you are not sure about your building capabilities, trust the specialists.

Paint application: methods and techniques

When the surface is prepared, textured is applied. Different techniques are used depending on the desired result.

  1. When using a brush. Suitable for dyes with fine fillers. Not suitable for drawing. Better to use a stiff brush or brush to create waves or streaks.
  2. With a sponge. You can use stencils and apply the drawing yourself. A layer of paint is processed with a sponge and patterns are obtained, depending on the direction and force of pressing.
  3. The spatula allows you to apply geometric patterns from lines. Perpendicular passages and the bark beetle pattern are popular. The spatula can be regular, notched or even.
  4. The use of a roller gives a unique pattern. For imitations, various rollers are used: leather for the effect of marble, rubber for imitation of masonry, pile for creating shagreen.

Phased application of textured paint

  1. Use masking tape to define clear boundaries for the top, bottom and width of the coverage area.
  2. Apply paint from the corner of the plane to the opposite corner.
  3. If necessary, apply the paint in two layers. The second layer is applied when the first is dry. During breaks, the container with paint must be tightly closed.
  4. To avoid joints, paint is applied to the surface in one go.
  5. At the end of the work, the tools must be washed.
  6. The paint dries up within 24 hours. Acquires hardness and uniform polymerization in 14 days.

Application features:

  • you cannot mix or add impurities to the paint for other purposes;
  • paint is not applied to the facade in rainy or hot weather;
  • when working indoors, ventilation must be provided.

Painting walls with water-based or decorative paint

Today the market offers the widest selection of paints and wallpapers.

To decorate apartments and houses, they also use water-based paint, which has a wide range of colors, dries quickly, is easy to apply, suitable for renovation and repainting.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to detergents;
  • ease of application.


  • shelf life - 24 months;
  • susceptible to mold and bacteria;
  • not suitable for all surfaces.

Textured suspension outperforms water-based suspension. With the help of it, it is possible to create a variety of interior solutions that will decorate a house or apartment for a long time. Water-based paint is more suitable for temporary room design.

Worth considering

When deciding to use texture paint in the interior, you need to take into account the functionality of the room where it will be applied. For example, for a kitchen and a nursery, such paint is not the best solution. It is also necessary to use special materials for external finishing.

In general, texture paint will complement and make the design of the room unique and cozy.

Thanks to textured paint, it is possible to create a unique interior of an apartment or house. The main thing is to approach this issue responsibly and study the nuances.

Useful video

Walls don't have to be smooth and monotonous! The desire for originality and individuality has manifested itself in human nature for many centuries. This applies to all aspects of his life and is the driving force behind development and progress. Over the past few years, this trend has become especially evident in the field of interior decoration. After a period of gray monotony, people increasingly began to use different colors, textures, original ways of decorating their homes.

Painting walls with structural paint perfectly hides irregularities and defects. At the same time, the surface is stable, resistant to abrasion and mechanical damage. What is structural wall paint, how to apply it, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this type of finish, we will consider in this article.

Structural paint advantages and disadvantages

The constantly expanding offer of popular finishing materials, which allow us to organize a unique interior, allows us to choose from their huge assortment. Finishing methods that have emerged on the market: structural pastes, plasters and paints, special effect masses provide unlimited possibilities for creative interior design, which is a modern alternative to wallpaper and smooth walls. Most of these products can be used by hobbyists on their own, but some (such as Venetian plaster and travertine) require sufficient interior decorating experience to be applied by professionals.

A modern product that combines great decorative possibilities and uncomplicated use - these are undoubtedly decorative structural paints. They are available in different types of structures, differing in the degree of dispersion. The color palette includes modern tones, allowing you to match colors in accordance with the latest trends and features of interior design. Structural paints are acrylic paints with special fillers. The use of this type of finish requires appropriate experience, so if you are not confident in your skills, then it is better to entrust this work to a professional. This type of coating has its advantages and disadvantages that are worth considering before purchasing structural wall paint.


  • Structural materials can be easily applied to almost any surface. These can be plastered and unplastered walls, drywall, concrete, or painted walls that do not need to be cleaned of old coating.
  • The surface should not be perfectly smooth.
  • Structural paints mask almost any wall imperfection.
  • The application of this coating is similar to the application of structural plaster. But paint is much cheaper than plaster.


  • The disadvantages include primarily the prices of structural wall paint. It is 10 times more expensive than a regular one.
  • Some users also claim that it is difficult to remove it from the wall if necessary. This usually requires sanding.
  • It is also difficult to maintain such a wall as the sponge or cloth clings to uneven surfaces.
  • This surface can have sharp edges in places that can scratch or damage things.

Wall preparation - work order

  1. Before applying structural paint to walls, it is generally not necessary to fill small voids and cracks, or to putty and level up, only large defects should be repaired. However, some options for such a coating still require an optimal surface, so in this case the wall must be prepared.
  2. Surface cleaning. Then you should wipe off the dust and degrease. Instead of a special preparation, you can use a liquid dishwashing detergent.
  3. Treat the walls thus cleaned with a primer. It is advisable to choose primers recommended by the manufacturer - thanks to them, the coating will adhere better to the surface. Leave the primer to dry.

Applying structural paint to the wall with a brush and roller

When painting, do not dip the brush into a bucket, it is better to pour paint into a painting tray, and dip the brush in it. In addition, structural wall paint can be applied with a roller or trowel. When painting, be sure to regularly stir the paint, otherwise particles of sand or other types of fillers quickly fall to the bottom and the work will not give the desired decorative effect. Dyeing should be done at temperatures above 5 degrees Celsius.

Structural coatings are a great idea for room design. With them, the interior acquires nobility and individual character.

Application steps

Before use, be sure to read the instructions indicated by the manufacturer on the product packaging.

  1. Structural paint can be immediately ready for use, it only needs to be mixed. If this is done poorly, then the structure will turn out to be uneven, since the filler particles will be unevenly distributed over the surface.
  2. Prepare your tools:
    • brushes;
    • painting tray;
    • rollers;
    • rollers;
    • spatula;
    • sponges;
    • templates.

Structural paint for walls - video

As they say, it is better to see once than to hear or read a hundred times. Therefore, before starting work, it is worth looking at what options for using this finishing material are offered to us by manufacturers. Below are the options for how structural wall paint can be applied, methods of application, video examples of application.

Structural paint covers uneven walls and has a complex structure. This type of coating allows you to decorate walls with color, giving the design extraordinary structures.

The textured finish can appear like shadows on the wall. The pattern depends on the method of application - it can be imitation of cracks, dots, lumps or spiral relief bulges.

You can come up with different patterns and combinations of colors and patterns. Thus, you can decorate part of the apartment or the selected wall.

This decorative finish will look elegant in every room.

First of all, such a coating will match very well in modern interiors.

How to calculate consumption?

Consumption can be assumed from the calculation: a liter per 3 square meters, while the consumption of ordinary paint is: a liter per 9-15 square meters. When the mass is dry, you can still apply a protective matte varnish on it, or to emphasize the effect - a varnish with gloss. The second option will lead to the fact that the illuminated wall will sparkle with relief.

Structural wall paints can be a real interior decoration. They look similar to using decorative plaster, but this product is cheaper than plaster but more expensive than conventional paints. It is also a great way to mask wall imperfections, plaster irregularities. An interesting and unique surface can be obtained by using this coating. To cover the walls, it is better to resort to the help of a professional, but with enough experience, you can try to apply structural paint with your own hands.

Today, an increasing number of people prefer to use various types of decorative paints when decorating facades or walls from inside the premises. One of them is structural, or, as it is also called, textured paint. As the name implies, there is a certain texture, relief and even patterns on the surface. All this allows the use of such paint as an alternative to decorative plaster, creating similar effects with less work.

In general, there are no big differences in terms of composition with conventional paints. One of the few differences that makes a structural paint so attractive is the filler. The latter is decisive in the appearance of the applied paint and varnish coating.

Structural color types

First of all, the paint differs in the types of fillers. There are currently four options here:

  • Mineral filler. The latter is played by lime or cement. The composition is sold in dry form, and is diluted with water to the consistency required for work. It is mainly used in outdoor works such as facade decoration;
  • Acrylic filler. It is sold ready-to-use and is distinguished by its ability to firmly adhere to any surface;
  • Silicate filler. It is mainly used for finishing mineral surfaces such as brick and concrete. Before use, it is necessary to finish the surface with a silicate primer. The price is superior to other options;
  • Silicone filler. Silicone resins give practicality to this composition. Differs in ease of application.

In addition, textured paint differs in the finished products on the market:

  • Marseilles wax. The paint imitates the relief of a stone, cork or bark. Suitable for use in both residential and public areas. After application, it is necessary to cover with wax, which provides the composition with a branded moisture resistance;
  • Relief. Silicone composition with quartz chips or other natural materials. It is applied on a wide variety of surfaces to achieve a variety of visual effects. When applying, you can use a textured roller and use other tools. In general, the work is fairly simple;
  • Misuri. Unlike the relief options described above, this method, on the contrary, implies a smooth surface. The main difference is that it contains modified starch.

Structural paint benefits

  • Widest design possibilities. The base of this paint is usually white, which means that it can be tinted in a variety of ways. As a result, you can get a spectacular embossed wall without the need to cover it with decorative plaster;

Important! If it is necessary to change the color on an already painted surface, this can be done using ordinary acrylic paint.

  • Water vapor permeability. You can paint walls in which this parameter is at a high level and not be afraid that a layer of paint will delay natural air exchange in the wall;
  • An opportunity not to waste time and money on the ideal preparation of the wall for painting. Structural paint is quite dense and can be applied in a fairly thick layer. This makes it possible to mask the unevenness of the painted surface, if they are not too large;
  • High moisture resistance. This quality makes it possible to use the paint in places with high levels of humidity, as well as successfully remove dirt from the painted surface. The surface does not absorb water, which means that dirt does not eat into it either;
  • Suitable for external use. Textured paint is resistant to external influences, ultraviolet radiation and temperature extremes;
  • Complete environmental friendliness. The paint does not contain harmful substances, and they are not emitted into the atmosphere under any conditions. Moreover, the composition is hypoallergenic.


This paint does not have any serious technical drawbacks. And the only drawback can be considered a rather high price. However, for a composition intended for use in designer renovation and designed to achieve a certain visual effect, the high cost is not such a serious disadvantage. In addition, when working with paint, unlike decorative plaster, it is quite possible to cope on your own.

Structural paint tinting

Since this product is available in white, you may need to give it a specific shade. This is usually done at the point of purchase or in tinting centers, but you can do it yourself if necessary. To do this, first try to paint a test amount of paint and apply it to a non-critical surface. Remember that the paint darkens slightly after it dries. Therefore, the correct proportions should be used only after such a color check.

Having calculated the necessary proportions, we pour the color into the paint, constantly mixing the composition. If there are no strict rules for the shade, then you can simply pour out the color gradually until the desired shade is achieved.

Step-by-step instructions for painting walls with structural paint

  • Preparing the walls. In this case, there are no differences with other types of staining - we still have to clean the walls, make sure the base is strong. In this case, perfect alignment, as we said above, is not required. For best adhesion, the walls should be primed;
  • It is necessary to carry out work at a temperature of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius with a low level of humidity. If the work is outdoors, then the weather should be calm. At the same time, study additional requirements for conditions on the package;
  • The choice of painting and shading tool depends on the amount of work, the shape of the surface and the desired pattern. It can be a brush, a comb, a textured roller (like a regular one), and even a spray gun. The brush can move in different directions, achieving different directions and patterns. When using a roller, the final pattern depends on the type of coat and the length of the fibers. A regular sponge shows good results when using structural paint. And even a spatula is suitable for this role;
  • Some types of paint already have their own structure, so no further processing is required.

Important! The pattern is created on a freshly applied layer of paint. In this case, you can give free rein to imagination, combining various types of tools, patterns and degrees of pressure. The only thing is that you cannot push the paint layer to the end, so that the painted surface does not shine through. To do this, the layer itself should not be made too thin, since in this case it will be problematic to create a pattern.