Light in design. Dazzling recessed lighting for warm and welcoming modern interiors: completed projects by renowned designers. Multiple lighting levels for perfect designs

Lighting devices are capable of changing any room beyond recognition when using their functionality in combination with the overall design. The right light in the interior can create a unique atmosphere and, if necessary, visually expand the space.

Electricity should not be wasted. The main requirement for chandeliers is their functionality. They are used to evenly distribute the rays throughout the entire volume, as well as individual, point lighting of the necessary areas. Modern technologies make it possible to illuminate any corner of the room by combining the energy of several lamps.

Types of light in the interior

Chandeliers and lighting fixtures are used throughout the house. There are four main types of lighting that, when combined correctly, will create a cozy and comfortable home. These include basic, working, spot and decorative. It is also important to correctly distribute the light in the interior of the apartment at different levels, highlighting the necessary areas with a large number of directional sources.

Basic sources are used to evenly distribute artificial rays. They should be as neutral as possible and not attract attention. Workers are deployed in a separate area where specific tasks are performed. Spotlights are used to highlight essential details. Decorative has no functional tasks, but serves as separate decorative elements.

Interior with a second light

Modern projects of private houses very often imply no overlap between floors. With such a layout, it will be effective to use two sources. Interiors of houses with a second light look more solid, while maintaining natural comfort. This option is especially suitable for the living room, disposed to receive guests and create a pleasant atmosphere for communication.

The advantages of this design also include the ability to focus on the dimensions of the apartment and the size of the pieces of furniture, increasing them visually. It also facilitates the creation of distinct areas with columns, stairs and partitions. An excellent solution for them would be to use a non-standard chandelier, which will emphasize the scale of the apartment and will be a good source of lighting.

Reflected light in the interior

The reflected illumination is the most comfortable and harmless to the eyes. This effect is achieved by installing special reflectors in the shades, onto which the rays are initially directed, after which, reflecting from the walls and ceiling, they are scattered over the entire area. Using this role of light in the interior, you can create both general lighting and local lighting. For the main one, small ceiling spotlights are used, placed around the perimeter. For localization, reflectors are used in floor lamps and bedside lamps.

Directional light in the interior

The use of concentrated rays makes individual objects more expressive. This way you can direct the rays to specific areas in the kitchen, office or bedroom. In addition, the targeted use of light in the interior allows you to equip various illumination images to form a unique perception of space.

Cornices located along the perimeter of the ceiling with lamps directed to the wall will visually expand the room. This method is effective when the walls are decorated in light colors. By directing the rays upward, you can visually increase the height of the ceiling. And to reduce it, it is necessary to create intense illumination on the walls, leaving the ceiling itself a little darkened.

Spot light in the interior

Point light sources in the interior can be used in any room. Their popularity is due to the ability to highlight individual areas in the room or to focus on unusual design solutions or furniture. Thanks to their various configurations, they are able to visually change the size of the space and create additional lighting for various surfaces - kitchen countertops, household niches, cupboards or shelves with decorative elements.

Frosted glass, recessed into the ceiling, will allow you to equip a cozy seating area in the living room. In a country house, they can be used to illuminate stair railings, paths in the yard or in the outdoor pool. By installing such sources into stretch ceilings, you can create a certain pattern or image of the starry sky. With a tiered ceiling, point sources emphasize the overall design, visually highlighting each level.

Cold light in the interior

In any living space, lighting creates the right mood. Cold light in the loft interior will focus on unusual, modern design solutions for spacious rooms with light walls. In addition, it is recommended to use it during problem solving when concentration and concentration is necessary, as it contributes to the creation of a work atmosphere. Due to their characteristics, directed cold rays are able to change the color gamut of the entire space or its individual parts.

Downlight in the interior

The use of low light is optional. In most cases, it is used as an additional night time or for the implementation of original design projects. Such light in a classic interior can also be used for convenience and safety. Luminaires placed at the level of the baseboard illuminate a dark corridor or staircase.

Also, such lamps allow you to change the image of a room, creating a mysterious aura in it. Light fixtures placed in the floor will enhance the illumination of individual design elements or vertical surfaces. Thanks to this method, another visual tier appears, and the direction of the rays from bottom to top creates an unusual visual picture. To do this, use bright LEDs that do not heat up during operation.

Double light - interior

Double lighting is organized in country houses in which the living room or dining room does not have ceilings. As a result of such architectural solutions, a unique interior of the house with double light is obtained and the visible space is increased. The second source is natural light that enters the house through large panoramic windows. For artificial lighting, use large ceiling chandeliers or table lamps with large lampshades.

Light in interior design

Lighting in modern house projects is created using various complex solutions. The main task is to create a bright room at any time of the day. Proper lighting should meet the following basic requirements: emphasizing all design features, and combining soft and diffused rays in an optimal ratio.

Each room may have work areas that need additional lighting to create more convenience and comfort. In parallel with this, decorative light is used in the interior, which brings additional decorative elements. Such lamps emphasize the overall design, focusing on particularly significant details, and also visually divide the space into several zones, and visually adjust its dimensions.

Light in the living room interior

Since the living room performs a number of functions, it is necessary to provide for several types of lighting. The overall light is responsible for the illumination of the entire room, which should spread well and not be too bright. To do this, use a chandelier, which is located in the central part of the ceiling. They also equip the interior of the living room with a second light. Local springs in the living room create comfortable spaces for quiet rest and relaxation.

Light in the hallway in the interior

Natural rays often do not penetrate into the hallway, so you need to carefully consider its lighting. Using light in the interior, it is necessary to equip two sources: local and general. For local light, lamps are used that are placed near the mirror. And for general - matte lamps that create diffused streams. The level of illumination in the hallway should be the same as in the rest of the rooms.

Bedroom interior decoration with light

Ceiling lamps in the bedroom should not be bright. Soft and diffused lighting, reminiscent of daylight in the interior, will create a pleasant and calm atmosphere. For this, it is recommended to use hidden lamps, experiments with which make it possible to obtain unusual lighting options. Local lighting sources at the head of the bed should have the same properties.

Chandeliers play an important role in any design. Modern ideas are aimed at solving complex problems in which the light in the interior should be sufficient at any time of the day. Designers identify three main tasks for the correct use of lamps: functionality, aesthetics and emotionality. They will highlight all design features and highlight individual elements.

Niche lighting

Indoor niches are far from today's invention. They found wide application thousands of years ago. Their main function was to decorate the walls.
If there are recesses of different shapes and sizes in the wall, this gives the living space an elegance. And the lighting in the niches forms an original three-dimensional picture, which in this place will be the source of lighting.

Cabinet lighting

In many countries, furniture without built-in lighting is no longer produced or, at least, they offer to build in lamps as an additional option!
Cabinet lighting performs two functions at once: practical and decorative. Therefore, products with illumination have significant advantages: lighting of the filling and contents of the cabinet allows you to quickly find the necessary things in it; lighting in the area in front of the mirror increases the usability of furniture; lighting elements allow you to diversify the design of furniture and make the interior of the room more interesting. The best option is cabinet lighting with a motion sensor!

Illuminated mirrors

The illuminated mirror in the bathroom is not only beautiful, but also comfortable. With it, you can comfortably perform all the necessary hygiene procedures. Today on sale you can find mirrors with built-in illumination, they are very convenient and practical, have a stylish and modern appearance.
Backlit mirrors have a number of advantages, namely: small size, which saves space; they complement and emphasize the modern style of the bathroom interior;
very convenient to use and also easy to clean;
easy to install.

Highlighting pictures

Pictures in themselves are a significant decorative element, which in one way or another attracts a lot of attention. But fashion trends bring a new vision of a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment. Today, illumination and illumination for paintings, in particular, is becoming an actual component of the interior.
On the one hand, the light directed at the canvases draws attention to them even more, on the other, it changes their perception.

This floor lamp not only boasts a rich history but also a solid position in the list of topical home furnishings. The French word "torche" means "torch". It is he who is a distant relative of the modern floor lamp. In the Middle Ages, torches were attached to the walls. A little later, such a light began to be installed on special stands, which were popular until the 17th century. In the 18-19th centuries, floor lamps were an integral part of the most luxurious interiors. They decorated the palace halls and were available only to representatives of the nobility and wealthy estates. Changing over several centuries, the floor lamp continues its rich life in the 21st century. And, despite the variety of shapes and design solutions, the purpose of the floor lamp has remained unchanged - to illuminate the space, filling it with soft and cozy light.

The organization of lighting in an apartment is one of the primary tasks that must be solved even at the stage of interior planning. When choosing lighting devices, you need to think not only about aesthetic appeal. Remember that the health of people, pets and even flowers directly depends on the level of illumination of the home.

Correct lighting

Lighting efficiency is influenced by two factors:

  • Lamp power
  • Number of light sources

By varying the number of luminaires, you can successfully reflect the lighting scenario of the room.

For the arrangement of functional areas, for example, for recreation, eating, working, playing, etc., lighting devices of different brightness are combined. Skillful use of light and shadow emphasizes all the advantages and hides the flaws of the room.

Living room

This room needs bright general light (200-250 W). Based on the area, the number of local sources is determined. For example, if the living room also includes a workplace, then it is additionally illuminated with a table lamp.


Here it is appropriate to use a lamp with a matte shade or a short chandelier (100-150 W). At the head of the bed, sconces (60-100 W) are placed on both sides.

On the contrary, you can put a floor lamp or a pair of less powerful lamps (40-60 W). This combination helps to create a calm environment.


If the size of the room is small, then general lighting is not necessary. It is recommended to move the lamp closer to the dining table. You can additionally illuminate the kitchen set with LEDs.


General lighting is required. The local source can be hung over the mirror. Since this is a room with high humidity, lamps should be fitted with shades.


In this room, lighting is best created using multi-point lights. They do not emit bright directional light, thus avoiding negative effects on vision.

Equip a study or computer desk with a table lamp. Use a wall lamp or floor lamp to light up the area for handicrafts, painting or reading.

Corridor and hallway

Since these are often small and narrow rooms, the light here needs bright and versatile. Install lamps around the perimeter of the walls. Additionally, a mirror can be highlighted with soft natural light.

For modern apartment lighting, it is important to take into account the color rendition of sources. This will allow you to comfortably equip all rooms and prevent color distortion of interior items. It is optimal to use lamps with the Ra-100 index. Such light allows the most accurate color display. The lower the value of the indicator, the worse the color rendering.

If you still have not decided how exactly to make lighting in the apartment, look at the photos on the network and you will surely have ideas. Otherwise, you can hire a designer, and he will solve this problem.

In case of problems with the lighting scheme, you can consult a lighting technician, he will tell you how to calculate the lighting correctly and give practical advice. Remember that with the help of light, you can turn an inconspicuous home into a masterpiece. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Photo of lighting in the apartment

The role of light in shaping space can hardly be overestimated. Correctly built lighting can visually transform the volume of space without affecting the structure and architecture. Incorrect lighting can completely destroy the entire idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer.

Lighting design - the art of controlling light. The task of a lighting designer is to create an attractive and comfortable space, take into account the interaction with the environment, and think over the impact on a person's emotions and mood. This art is based on a scientific understanding of the physical aspects of light, the principles of the design and operation of light sources.

In his work, a lighting designer relies on 3 bases: aesthetic perception, ergonomic aspect and energy efficiency.

Today, lighting design is a popular trend. Until the 18th century, only sunlight, moonlight and firelight were at the disposal of people. And this did not stop us from creating stunning pieces of architecture and interior design. Nowadays, lighting designers have solutions for almost any task.

Modern lighting designers are able to create amazing illusions, change the perception of space, and enhance and emphasize details. They care about the beauty and style of interiors and exteriors, take into account the safety and energy efficiency of projects.

Lighting design - a complex and multifaceted science, which is always in conjunction with creativity and art. Let's try to understand the basics of this direction and the features of the correct planning of light in the interior.

Lighting types

Type 1: basic (general) lighting. The goal is to provide a sufficient amount of light in the room, to display the general concept of the room design. Basic lighting can be realized with the help of chandeliers, pendant, surface-mounted and built-in lighting fixtures.

Type 2: accent lighting. It creates an atmosphere and a finished look in the room. Accent light is used when it is necessary to show the viewer the "content" of the interior, to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe spatial arrangement of objects. With its help, objects are emphasized: vases, figurines and other objects worthy of emphasis.

Type 3: localized lighting. Such light is used for solving functional tasks: creating comfortable conditions for reading, working or cooking. For this, lamps, table lamps, sconces or floor lamps built in above the working area.

Luminous flux distribution types

Direct light. The luminous flux comes from the emitter and is directed to the place to be illuminated. An example of direct light fixtures are spotlights, spots, downlights, pendant lights, the luminous flux of which is directed in a certain direction (for example, in loft and minimalist interiors) or ceiling. They provide the required level of illumination on the surface, without overexposing the rest of the space.

Diffused light. Soft and even, it lowers contrast and minimizes shadows. The light that has no direction or source fits the definition of diffused light, but in the real world there cannot be such light. Therefore, absent-minded is called dim, unsharp lighting. Some types of chandeliers, ceiling and wall lamps will help to create such light in the room.

Reflected light. Reflected light is obtained by refracting a beam that is directed at a wall, floor or ceiling. This kind of light is the most natural and soft. Manufacturers create luminaires that only shine with reflected light, but there are models that combine direct and indirect light. Depending on the task, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Lighting types

Natural light. Its sources are the rays of the sun and the diffused light of the firmament. The spectral composition of the sun's rays has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person. Using this type of lighting when working on a room project is one of the tasks of a lighting designer.

Artificial light. The main task of artificial light sources in the design of a room is to create a comfortable level of illumination with a shortage of sunlight. Lamps are the most modern sources of artificial light. Lamps direct the light. Using certain light sources can create a semblance of natural lighting.

Combined light. An option when natural lighting is complemented by artificial light sources. This will increase the illumination in the desired areas of the room and create a comfortable environment.

Use natural light wherever possible. Combine lighting for beauty and comfort.

Key rules of interior lighting design

So, we figured out the basic concepts of light design in an apartment and types of lighting. But how can they be properly organized and applied in practice?

Professional interior lighting designers have developed a general concept, where the fundamental concept is light and its meaning in human life.

Light to live. Light is vital for everyone. It supports the body's abilities and the course of physiological processes. This role is played by natural light, which is why it stands at the top of the pyramid of light.

Light to see. We need light to orient ourselves in space at night - not to collide with each other in the corridor, not to step on the dog's paw and safely move around the house. This is where artificial light comes into play.

Light to work. It is about the light that is needed for reading, writing, cooking and other daily activities, without which a person cannot imagine his life.

Light to feel. Lighting acts as a decorative element of the interior. With the help of light in the interior, it becomes possible to focus attention on details, change the space and bring to life bold design decisions. A pleasant atmosphere of the room and a favorable emotional state are the merit of well-designed lighting.

Recently, it has become fashionable and convenient to create light scenarios. This has become possible thanks to modern technologies that allow you to control lighting, customize various scenarios for specific tasks or required conditions (watching TV, reading books, receiving guests, parties, etc.). This is a separate and interesting topic.

The article identifies general concepts related to the issue of lighting design. to stay up to date on lighting planning features.

Interior lighting is one of the most important elements in the design of every room. Undoubtedly, it is considered correct when you do not notice it. It does not create discomfort, does not irritate, but helps to relax and have a good rest.

With the help of well-chosen light, you can make a real masterpiece from the simplest room.

We have prepared for our readers a unique selection of photos of the best interior designs with well-constructed lighting. We hope they inspire you.

If you approach this issue with all responsibility, then you can make the space of any room much more attractive. Proper lighting can transform a dark and gloomy room into a warm and welcoming abode.

If you decide to add an extravagant floor lamp or a dazzling chandelier to your interior, keep in mind that this radiance will attract attention to itself, without giving the opportunity to be distracted by something else.

When it comes to combining functionality and understated furnishings, nothing is more effective than recessed lamps. Sleek, stylish and discreet, they are the perfect addition to a modern home.

Create a dreamy and romantic atmosphere in your bedroom with smart recessed lighting. Project design by Stotler Design Group

Recessed lamps are a much more important part of the interior than sculptural floor lamps or stylish modern fixtures. They may not explicitly showcase their surroundings, but they are absolutely essential to simulate gorgeous and well-lit spaces.

Contemporary living room with recessed lighting creating soft hues on the wall with art by Utopia Projects

Kitchen lighting as the art of seamlessly combining form and function from the Chr DAUER group of architects

Minimalist bedroom style with recessed lights highlighting colorful contemporary art by Ian Engberg

Custom ceiling lighting looks amazing with recessed lights by Griffin Enright Architects

Dim lights above the bed create a soothing atmosphere from Best Builders

Contemporary living room with recessed vaulted ceiling lamps by Hartman-Baldwin Design

Distance plays an important role in ensuring the perfect recessed lighting from Marilza Tavanielli

Relaxed and serene bedroom ambience with built-in lights

Covert, focused and functional ...

Recessed lights, or lanterns (as they are sometimes called), bring with them many features. Duplication of lamps from above can provide smooth, smooth lighting on one side and targeted and focused lighting on the other.

It is irreplaceable as an excellent addition to modern ergonomic kitchens.

Since this is one of those spaces in the home where function takes priority over form and elegance, recessed lamps will work great here. The area above the bathroom and above the headboard in the bedroom are also two popular places where lights create special magic and charm!

Light up your favorite objects and precious works of art with discreet recessed lights

Ergonomic white kitchen with green accents and great lighting

Smart design of light and shade and appropriate lighting is essential in modern interior design. This tends to make a great impression and makes the interiors look sterile and impractical.

Therefore, it is important to balance bombast, humility and minimalism. This is exactly the need that must be met in the organization of recessed lighting in modern homes.

An interesting combination of pendant and recessed lighting in the bedroom

The kitchen is one of the areas in the home that usually requires a lot of lighting fixtures.

Orange and yellow panels used in conjunction with recessed lamps to create a unique interior by Peter A. Sellar

Patio space illuminated in warm and fabulous colors. Interior design by Brown "s

Recessed lighting is used instead of hanging lamps in the kitchen. Design by Cameron C. Habel Construction

Small spaces are ideal for recessed lights

Elegantly built-in lamps can offer focused lighting in the kitchen. Designed by Bunker Workshop

Multiple lighting levels for perfect designs

The world's best interior designers argue that lighting is more important for creating the perfect indoor ambience, especially when it comes to color and style.

A range of recessed lamp levels combined with graceful natural daylight is the perfect way to achieve this goal.

It must be remembered that no type of light source does its job in full. These inline elements are often used as backlighting. But they cannot be the only ones in most rooms.

Combine them with hanging chandeliers and floor lamps to achieve the desired result and create an original approach to interior design.

Ceiling lighting can be used to divide a common space that blends seamlessly into the living area

Clean dining room with recessed lamps and large pendant light from the Arnold Schulman design group

Lighting organization has become much more difficult in the modern era. For designers and clients who gravitate towards subdued colors and subdued shades, it takes on more importance than ever. Properly equipped, it can ennoble even the simplest shades in the interior.

If you do it wrong, you can get dark corners along with dark shadows that will prevail in the setting. Several different light sources can be combined to eliminate this problem.

Combined natural lighting with recessed lamps for a finished look by Mark English Architects

Gray interior with stylish ceiling and recessed lights. Design by Arnal Photography

Dressing table with built-in lighting. Sullivan Design Studio

Place recessed bulbs to get even lighting

Bathroom in white with a peaceful atmosphere

Use multiple lighting levels to crowd out any dark areas. Designed by Ed Ritger Photography

Proper lighting is paramount for a comfortable workspace

When it comes to determining the optimal distance between recessed lamps, there is no exact and universal rule here. However, the simplest solution would be to place 12 cm luminaires at a distance of about one and a half meters between rows and about 90 centimeters from each other.

Their placement will determine the intensity of lighting that you want to receive and the emphasis on those areas that you want to highlight.

Built-in lights are great for illuminating contemporary paintings on the walls or a small sculpture in the corner. The choice of the right finish also largely depends on the existing color scheme of the room and the surrounding interior.

Correct lighting combined with hidden recessed lamps to create artistic interiors. Designed by Joie Wilson

Simple recessed functional kitchen lighting by Cynthia Lynn

Well-placed built-in lamps bring out the finest details in the room while the light itself remains invisible! It's like a real litmus test in room decoration. By creating a warm, inviting and pleasant aura, they give open spaces a whole new life of radiance.

Wooden beams allow you to add recessed lighting with ease and elegance

Eliminate all dark corners with evenly spaced lights. Design by Revealing Assets

Recessed lighting is a popular choice in modern kitchen design. Interior by CORE Architects

The rearview mirror lights look even more beautiful with tiny recessed bulbs. Scott Haig interior design

Tropical style bedroom interiors with recessed lighting accents from Causa Design Groupp

Track lighting and recessed lamps sparkle in this sleek kitchen. De Anza interior

Veranda and cornices with recessed façade lighting by Stelle Lomont Rouhani Architects create a soft and inviting aura