Holy mother matron of prayer. thoughts on “Strong Prayers to Matrona of Moscow”. Everyday Appeal to the patron saints of Heaven

Matrona of Moscow is one of the most revered saints in Russia. Thousands of people every year come to the relics of St. Matrona, come to her grave, to the icons.

Shortly before her death, Matrona of Moscow said: “Everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me, as if alive, about your sorrows. I will see you, I will hear you, I will help you. "

They turn to Saint Matrona of Moscow with various requests - they pray her for healing, for overcoming difficulties, for successful studies, for happiness, for having children, for marriage, and so on. And here are the prayers with which they turn to her.

Prayer to Saint Matrona for help

“Holy righteous woman, Matrona Matrona! You are an assistant to all people, help me in my trouble (...). Do not leave me for help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow, helping to solve problems and direct them on the right path

“Blessed Eldress Matrona, our intercessor and supplicant before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. Enlighten the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solving the problem (....) I thank you for your saint's help. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for healing and health

“Blessed Eldress, Matrona of Moscow. Have mercy and deliver me from scabs and ulcers, from scars and exhaustion, and add Orthodox patience to me. Cast aside sinful diseases and teach me spiritual strength. Protect me from damage and curses, from the evil eye and hunchback writhing. Send down faithful intercession from heaven and deliver me from an evil deed. Thy will be done. Amen."

Orthodox people believe that Saint Matrona of Moscow helps everyone who turns to her for help in their thoughts and prayers. During her lifetime, she gave advice, healed, helped in word and deed. And today believers feel her support. Good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

24.06.2015 09:03

Every person wants his plan to come true and any business to succeed well. Choosing the right prayer will help ...

Orthodox Christians especially value and revere the Holy Matrona of Moscow. During his lifetime and after his death, the eldress ...

Traditional medicine can help cure many diseases. In life, there are such diseases when both doctors and scientists give up and urge to wait for the appointed hour or accept the diagnosis. Someone does this, gives up before the disease, and then the disease completely absorbs the human body. But conventional medicine appeared much later than traditional methods of treatment.

In addition to diseases, a person has enough other problems that he can tell relatives and friends. But the solution can come only by turning to God or his guide. Most often this is an appeal to holy places or relics.

A human word or prayer to the Almighty brought unexpected results. Such facts are known from the history of the church. How it happened is not so important, in fact. But it strengthened the strength of other believers. And a person's faith in a miracle, as you know, is a force that copes with any problems.

Reaching out to the saints when nothing else helps

One of the methods for curing the most terrible diseases, helping people to believe in themselves and their capabilities, is to turn to the relics or icons of saints.

Matronushka of Moscow is a saint who is addressed with completely different problems. During her lifetime, Matrona of Moscow helped everyone who came to her. Despite the fact that she herself was deprived of sight at birth, and then of legs, the blessed one did not refuse anyone. Her gift was very powerful. During her lifetime, she left an appeal so that everyone in need would come to her and ask. She will hear everyone and help. It was so during life and after death.

If you feel bad, if there is no hope, if you are desperate, then contact Matronushka. She helps everyone.

How to ask for help or intercession from Saint Matrona of Moscow?

The situations of people in need of help are completely different. Grief, illness, worries about loved ones do not choose people of the same category. Before God and at birth, we are all equal. Neither money, nor status, nor nationality, or other traits give an advantage over illness and unhappiness. Therefore, everyone has one request - to receive help and intercession.

At the grave of Matrona of Moscow and near her relics in the Intercession Monastery, there are always many people who are waiting for help from the saint. You don't have to go there. You can pray in any church where there is a saint's face. But even this option cannot always be used. Pray where you live, address mentally or aloud. The patron saint hears everyone, everywhere.

Only thoughts and words should come from the soul, without guile. But what deceit can be if a person needs help. It can ask not only the one who is in need, but also the one who loves this person and wishes him all the best.

If there is an icon with the image of Matrona in the house, then refer to it. Light a candle, discard all unnecessary thoughts and focus on the problem. You can pray in your own words if you do not know the words of the prayer. The appeal of the needy contains a special energy that reaches a certain level. Help, healing, problem solving always comes.

But it would be nice to memorize the prayer of help to Saint Matrona. Prayers to mother can be very different: about healing, about getting a job, about studying, about pregnancy, an incurable disease of the very last stage and many other problems, because there are as many of them - as there are people.

The text of the prayer can be found in the prayer book or on the back of the icon with the image of the saint. For those who did not find these words, we present the text of the prayer, which will help to turn to the old woman.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for help

Oh, blessed-mother-Matrona, -the-soul-in-heaven-before-the-Throne-of-God-appeared, -but with-body-on-earth-you-rest, -and, given-to-you-from above-a good-gift- various-miracles-you-work. -Look-now-with-your-merciful-eye-at-me-sin-in-sorrow-sick-and-sins-your-days-living-comfort-me-desperate , -heal-our-cruel diseases-from-God-us-for-our-sins-sent, -reave-us-from-many-troubles-and-circumstances, -pray-our-Lord-forgive-me -all-my-sins, -crimes, -which-have-done-since-my-young-age-now-this-day-and-hour-thanks-to-your-prayers-for-us-received-grace-and-great-mercy. //

You can make a request to the saint in writing, by writing an electronic appeal or a letter in an envelope. Send your request to the Intercession Monastery if there is no money for a long trip. The saint will hear any of your words and requests and help you. But one must not despair. Despair is the worst sin and weakness in the face of circumstances. Only strength, faith, spirit and prayer help a person. And may the Almighty and Matronushka keep you!

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Blessed Matrona is one of the most famous and revered Russian saints. During her lifetime she was famous throughout Russia as a great ascetic of the glory of the Lord and a prayer book of the word of God. The blessed one acquired the gift of miracles in childhood. And her life became an example of spiritual feat for the sake of compassion, self-denial, patience and love for God. Today, many believers cry out with prayers to Matrona of Moscow, in money, in conceiving a child, in love, in family problems or for healing from various diseases.

The story of a blissful life

An amazing girl was born in a small village in the Tula province, which was located not far from the famous Kulikov field. The girl's family was very poor, her parents were simple peasants. And although they lived their whole lives honestly and worked hard, they were always poor. The saint's family had four children; little Matrona was the youngest.

The girl's life did not work out from the very beginning - the girl was born blind. Before the birth of the girl, the mother of the saint saw a prophetic dream with a bird. It was only thanks to this dream that the girl was not sent to an orphanage. From childhood, the girl loved worship. When her parents were not at home, the girl always played with icons. The gift of a little girl opened at the age of seven. At this age, Matronushka could predict the future of a person, as well as heal sick people.

With her sagacity, the girl could amaze anyone. Once a visitor came to her, and Matronushka was able to see her in secret sin. The woman sold stale and unclean milk to orphans and the poor. Also Matronushka predicted that there was no need to build a bell tower, because the revolution would prevent them. It all happened. And when people neglected the advice of the Blessed One, bitter events made them regret what they had done.

She also helped to find peace of mind, heal the disease, recognize the offender and forgive him without committing sins in return. This brave girl changed the worldview of many men and women. The saint's faith gave her extraordinary strength, which she shared with those in need.

And before her death, mother said: “Come to me, talk to me about your troubles, sorrows, as if from a living. I will hear and see you. I will help you. "

Prayers to Matrona of Moscow for health

If you are grieving about a sick child, parent, spouse, relative, acquaintance, or you yourself are very sick, then you need to hurry up to read the prayer to Matrona of Moscow about healing from the disease. Of course, there is no need to refuse doctor's prescriptions. Simply, with the help of sacred words, you can cleanse yourself or loved ones from demonic contamination.

Today, many believers turn to the saints for help, when no medicine or treatment is of any help. How can prayer help? She is able to relieve suffering by soothing pain. In addition, an appeal to the Blessed One can heal not only the body, but also the soul. After all, complete harmony is always important for a person in this.

How you can turn to Mother and ask for healing:

  1. The best action would be to visit the nearest church, which houses the icon of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow;
  2. You can write a note to the Intercession Church. The ministers of the church will soon take her to the relics of the saint;
  3. One can pray in front of a list of house icons.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for help in family and love

In almost every family there are times when the relationship comes to an end or it seems that they are already on the verge. There is even one spoken word or action and a once loving couple breaks up. Such quarrels can occur for various reasons: betrayal of one of the spouses, someone's reproaches, promoted by someone on the side, not being able to have children, etc.

Useful articles:

There are plenty of reasons for divorce. At every step in life, the family is always in wait for danger and obstacles that young couples, unfortunately, do not know how to pass together. As a result, a divorce.

But believers know that in this case you can turn to the saints who will definitely help. If your words are honest, sincere and come from your heart, then the prayer for the preservation of the family will be answered.

Also, in our time, a very large number of married couples have problems with conceiving a child. Quite often, modern medicine simply throws up its hands and turns out to be powerless in the face of this problem. After all, you need to pass an endless number of tests, undergo expensive treatments, take a variety of hormonal drugs. A lot of couples just get discouraged. But you can never lose hope. One has only to ask a prayer to Matrona of Moscow for the conception of a child.

Not everyone believes in divine power that can work miracles. But when faced with a weighty problem, finding no way out, they seek help from the Almighty and the Saints. After all, living a life without the joy of motherhood is very difficult. Even just looking at families around with little fidgets can be unbearable. Every woman wants her child. And when she cannot have it, then turning to higher powers is sometimes the only chance for hope.

Find strength in yourself and ask your mother for help with the following words:

“Oh, blessed mother Matrona, we resort to your intercession and we pray to you in tears. As if one who has great boldness in the Lord, pour out a warm prayer for your servants, who are in deep sorrow and who ask for help from you. Truly, the word of the Lord is: ask and it is given to you and packs: as if you are consulting two of you, on earth about every thing that you even ask, it will be from My Father, like in Heaven. Hear our woeful breaths and convey to the Lord's throne, and you stand before us, as the prayer of a righteous man can do much before God. May the Lord not completely forget us, but look down from heaven on the sorrow of His servants and grant the fruit of the womb for what is useful. Truly, Bogidete wants, so do the Lord to Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elizabeth, Joachim and Anna, pray with him. May the Lord God do this to us as well, according to his mercy and unspeakable love for mankind. May the name of the Lord be blessed from now and to everlasting. Amen".

Also, quite often unmarried and young girls who are looking for love or blessing turn to the Blessed. It is even believed that the Saint is the patroness of suffering virgins. This is because she always helps girls with their problems. It helps young people find love and a successful marriage, and helps mature married couples in pregnancy. One has only to remember that it is worth asking a prayer to Matrona of Moscow for help in love sincerely, from a pure heart, and only about a free, unmarried man.

Prayer for the work of Matrona of Moscow

Many people often have periods in their lives when a lot of problems and misfortunes fall on a person. Trouble with work, business, a constant lack of funds can lead a person to despondency and apathy. After all, we live in the modern world, when money is extremely necessary for life. The Saints also understand this. Therefore, Mother never refused to help people with work or money, if asked.

You can ask a prayer to Matrona of Moscow for help with money if you have the following problems:

  • Chronic lack of money;
  • Meager pay (if you are committed to the job)
  • Scandalous team;
  • There is no way to rise higher on the career ladder;
  • Inadequate leader;
  • Constant failures when looking for a new job;
  • Loss of a job.

If you are desperate to deal with such problems, Blessed Matrona will certainly help if you turn to her with the following prayer:

“O blessed one, Mati Matrono, hear and accept now us, sinners, who pray to you, having learned in all your life to accept and listen to all those who are suffering and grieving, with faith and hope to your intercession and help, who are resorting to quick help and miraculous healing to all; May your mercy towards us, unworthy, restless in this world of vain and nowhere find consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses, will not fail even now; heal our diseases. Deliver from the temptations and torment of the devil, who is passionately at war, help bring down your everyday Cross, endure all the burdens of life and not lose the image of God in it, preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for your neighbors; help us, after our departure from this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all who have pleased God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

How the Saint prays at home

In order to ask mother about something you need:

  1. Stand in front of the icon of the Blessed Matrona;
  2. Light a candle (it is better to buy it in the temple);
  3. Cross yourself, bow;
  4. It is worth dropping all your thoughts;
  5. We read a prayer;
  6. Cross yourself again and pray;
  7. The duration of the prayer should last until the candle burns out.
  8. During this time, no one should bother you.

God bless you!

See also the video about the blessed Matrona of Moscow:

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22 thoughts on “ Strong prayers to Matrona of Moscow

Prayers to Blessed Matrona of Moscow

Prayer No. 1 to Blessed Matrona of Moscow

O blessed mother Matrona, hear us sinners and heed our prayers to you!

Throughout your life, you received and listened to all those suffering and sick, with faith and hope of your protection and help, those who ask, and you gave ambulance and miraculous healing to everyone!

May your mercy towards us, unworthy, rushing about in the vanity of life and nowhere find solace, compassion in troubles and help in bodily diseases, will not become scarce even now!

Heal our diseases, deliver us from the temptations and wiles of the devil, who attacks us with great malice, help us to carry our life's cross to the end and not lose the image of God, to firmly confess the Orthodox faith to the end of our days, to trust God and love our neighbors!

Help us, after our departure from earthly life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all who have pleased God, glorifying the mercy and great kindness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer No. 2 to Blessed Matrona of Moscow

O blessed mother Matrona, standing in heaven in front of the Throne of God in her soul, resting in her body on earth and doing many miracles with the grace given to you from above!

Turn your merciful gaze on us, sinners, who are living out their days in troubles, illnesses and temptations of sinful ones!

Console us, desperate ones, heal our grave illnesses, for our sins allowed by God, deliver us from troubles and demonic siege, beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins and iniquities that we have created from youth to the present day!

May we receive, through your prayers, grace and great mercy from the Lord and glorify in the Trinity the One God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Blessed Matrona of Moscow will help you from the book author Chudnova Anna

Appendix 1 Akathist and Service to the Holy Blessed Matrona

From the book Real help in difficult times. Help from those who have always helped people! Encyclopedia of the Most Revered Saints author Chudnova Anna

Prayers to the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow Oh blessed mother Matrono, your soul is in heaven before the Throne of God, but your body is resting on the earth, and with the grace given from above, various miracles emanate from you. Consider now your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrow,

From the book Matrona Moskovskaya will definitely help everyone! author Chudnova Anna

You can pray to the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow using this book. And now I want to tell you one more very important thing. You can pray to Saint Matrona of Moscow using this book. Here you will find an image of Mother Matrona, and prayers to her, and an akathist. Prayers are ours

From the book of Prayer to Matrona of Moscow the author Lagutina Tatiana Vladimirovna

From the book Matrona of Moscow. Prayers and appeals to the Saint author Chudnova Anna

Application. Akathist and service to the holy blessed Matrona

From the book On the Life and Miracles of Blessed Matrona. Akathist author Malyagin V. Yu.

From the Publishing House In Russia, they have always loved and revered the sick, crippled, poor, carrying their infirmity without a murmur, but with gratitude to God. Their humble "lying" or "sitting" was perceived by the popular consciousness as asceticism or foolishness for Christ's sake. It was so in the days

From the book Orthodox Elders. Ask, and it will be given! the author Karpukhina Victoria

From the book Thanks to Matrona of Moscow the author Elena Vladimirova

Akathist to the blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow Kontak 1Chosen by God from infantile veils and the gift of perspicacity, miracles and healing by the grace of the Holy Spirit, the gifted, blessed Eldress Matrona, an incorruptible crown from the Lord crowned in Heaven, we also weave,

From the book of Prayers to Matronushka. God's help for all occasions the author Izmailov Vladimir Alexandrovich

Prayers to the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow

From the book The Miraculous Power of Mother's Prayer the author Mikhalitsyn Pavel Evgenievich

Akathist to the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow Kontakion 1 Chosen by God from infantile veils and the gift of perspicacity, miracles and healing by the grace of the Holy Spirit, the gifted, blessed Eldress Matrona, an incorruptible crown from the Lord crowned in Heaven, we also weave,

From the book of Prayer in Russian by the author

Kontakion to the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow To the service of Christ from the womb of the mother chosen, righteous Matrono, marching along the path of sorrows and sorrows, having shown firm faith and piety, you pleased God. However, honoring your memory, we pray thee: help us in the love of God

From the author's book

Prayers to the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow Oh blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept now us, sinners, who pray to you, accustomed in all your life to accept and listen to all those who suffer and grieve, with faith and hope to your intercession and help who come running, soon

From the author's book

Canon of the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow Troparion, voice 2 God-wise blessed eldress Matrona, the land of Tula prosperity and the city of Moscow are glorious adornments, we praise this day, faithful. Without knowing this light of the day, enlightened by the light of Christ and the gift

From the author's book

Akathist to the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow Kontakion 1 Chosen by God from infantile veils and the gift of perspicacity, miracles and healing by the grace of the Holy Spirit, the gifted, blessed Elder Matrona, an incorruptible crown from the Lord crowned in heaven, we will snuffle too,

From the author's book

Troparion and prayers to the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow Troparion, voice 2 God-wise blessed eldress Matrona, the land of Tula prosperity and the city of Moscow are glorious adornments, we praise this day, faithful. This bo, not knowing the light of day, enlightened with the light of Christ and

From the author's book

Akathist to the blessed eldress Matrona of Moscow

Even those who are far from religion heard about the holy Orthodox Church - Matrona of Moscow, many resorted to her help, a large number of cases of her miraculous help are known. Matrona of Moscow is also called blessed, because, despite her innate weakness and sorrow in life, she felt happy, benefiting people who turn to her and pleasing God with her work.

Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova was born on November 22, 1881 in the village of Sebino, Tula province, the blind girl was named Matrona in honor of the 5th century saint - Matrona of Constantinople. In addition to Matronushka, the family had three more children, due to material difficulties, the mother wanted to give the child to an orphanage even before birth, but the prophetic dream stopped the God-fearing woman.

Already when the girl was baptized in the local Dormition church, it became clear that the Lord had chosen her for a special service. On her chest, Matrona had a bulge in the shape of a cross - a kind of miraculous cross; from early childhood she spent a lot of time next to the icons, talking with them. They replaced her communication with the surrounding children, who often mocked her, taking advantage of the fact that she was blind. The parents felt sorry for Matrona, but she felt sorry for them that they had a hard time with the rest of the children. From about seven to eight years old, Matronushka was already able to predict the future and heal ailments.

Blessed Matrona's parents often attended church, taking their daughter with them, later she began to walk alone, she even had her own favorite place there. The Nikonovs' house was often full of people - people came to see Matrona, ask her for advice, ask her to pray, she knew how to read their thoughts, somehow she warned relatives about the fire.

At the age of fourteen, Matrona had a significant meeting with John of Kronstadt in Kronstadt - he predicted that she would replace him. Three years later, Saint Matrona was overtaken by misfortune - she lost the ability to walk, and began to spend most of her time sitting. However, Matronushka did not murmur against God, but patiently endured the difficulties of her position.

Saint Matrona predicted many events that changed the course of world history - the revolution of 1917, the Great Patriotic War. At the request of Matronushka, an icon of the Mother of God "Seeking the Lost" was painted for the native village church, the money for which was collected by the whole world. Nowadays, they often pray in front of this icon simultaneously with prayers to Matrona of Moscow.

The matrona was illiterate and blind, but those around her were amazed by her outlook and ideas about the outside world. So, she helped Zinaida Zhdanova defend her diploma, in whose house she lived for several years in Moscow. She always paid with good for good, and in her declining years she had to wander. And even in other people's homes, she accepted everyone, among whom there were many famous people of that time, helped them, gave them water to drink, over which she read prayers.

Glorification of Matrona of Moscow

In the last years of her life, Matushka Matrona lived on Skhodnya, she learned about her impending death in three days, and prepared herself properly. On May 2, 1952, she died, according to her will, she was buried in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe and was buried at the Danilovskoye cemetery in the capital. And almost immediately, people began to come there, who addressed their troubles and problems to the old woman, asked for prayers. Even during her lifetime, Matrona urged believers to come to her.

Such popular reverence for Matrona did not go unnoticed - on March 8, 1998, a commission began to work to examine her remains, as a result, her relics were acquired. On May 2, 1999, Matrona of Moscow was canonized, now her relics rest in the Intercession Convent in Moscow.

Prayers to Matrona of Moscow for help

You can pray to Blessed Matrona everywhere - she hears us everywhere: at home, on the street, in the temple, the closeness to the saint is especially felt in the monastery where her relics are located, the flow of people there does not dry out at any time of the year. There you can not only pray, but also order a prayer service to St. Matrona, in many other churches where there is an icon of the blessed Matronushka, you can also serve a prayer service.

You can pray to Matrona of Moscow in your own words, but it is better to refer to a specially compiled text. There is a short prayer, there is an akathist for those who have time to pray a little longer.

Prayers to Matrona are used in different cases when you need help. Most often these are:

  • search for the second half;
  • birth of children;
  • family conflicts;
  • healing from diseases
  • getting rid of harmful addictions;
  • job search;
  • material difficulties;
  • everyday problems that require resolution.

In all these cases, Saint Matrona repeatedly provided concrete assistance to people during her lifetime, the main thing is to believe in her power. As she said, "my strength is made perfect in weakness."

O blessed mother Matrono, with a soul in heaven before the Throne of God, they are coming, in their bodies they rest on the earth, and with the grace given from above, various miracles exuding. Consider now your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, sicknesses and sinful temptations your days are dependent, console us, desperate, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are tolerated by our sin, save us from many troubles and situations, pray our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, lawlessness and fall, we have sinned from our youth even to the present day and hour, and through your prayers we have received grace and great mercy, we will glorify in the Trinity of the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

Short prayers

"Holy righteous old lady Matrono, pray to God for us!"

“Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me too in my trouble (… ..). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

“Blessed Eldress Matrona, our intercessor and supplicant before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. Enlighten the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solving the problem (….) I thank you for your saint's help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayers to Matrona of Moscow for help

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