Cesspool tablets: modern manufacturers and instructions for use. Means for country toilets and cesspools How to destroy feces

Using biological preparations for cesspools and septic tanks, it is possible to significantly increase the time interval between waste pumping. This undoubted plus is not the only advantage of natural remedies, in more detail we will consider the features of their use below. It is also important to understand what types of biologics exist and how to choose them in order to achieve maximum effectiveness.

With any volume of a cesspool, sooner or later it will need cleaning, that is, the elimination of accumulated waste.

  • The easiest way to recycle is pumping out. The option is quite simple in execution - it is enough to provide a convenient access for special vehicles to the cesspool and promptly call the sewers. A significant drawback of the option is that each call must be paid, so frequent visits by a sewage truck can burden the budget.
  • Chemicals differ in speed. Many of them are able to very effectively decompose waste and kill pathogenic microflora. A significant drawback of the method is the toxicity of the compounds. The existence of absolutely safe "chemistry" is, by and large, a myth. There are more dangerous drugs, including those prohibited for use by sanitary services, and less dangerous ones (for example, nitrate agents). The latter are much more expensive.
  • Biologicals for latrines and toilets are effective and safe, but their use requires certain conditions to be met to support the vital activity of bacteria.

Note: The use of biological products will not completely relieve you of the need to clean, but will significantly reduce its frequency.

Types of bacteria

Biological products for septic tanks and cesspools may have a different composition. They are classified according to the type of bacteria used.

  • Anaerobic bacteria can function without oxygen. They are characterized by high performance, therefore they can be used not only in local sewers of private houses, but also in campsites, mini-hotels, etc. The use of preparations based on anaerobic bacteria has a significant advantage - there is no need for additional equipment, such as a compressor, the septic tank remains non-volatile, its efficiency does not decrease when the power is turned off. Facultative saprophytic microorganisms are used in modern preparations.
  • Aerobic bacteria live and multiply only in the presence of oxygen, so plants or VOCs using biological products to treat wastewater with aerobic bacteria must have equipment for forced air injection. The degree of cleaning of the contents of the sewer by anaerobic bacteria is higher, but the efficiency of installations is significantly reduced in the absence of electricity.

Benefits of using biologics

The use of biological products ensures more efficient operation of the local sewage system.

  • Biological preparations for cesspools not only decompose waste, reducing the need for pumping, but also form a fertile sludge suitable for use as an organic fertilizer that does not contain harmful substances.
  • When using compositions based on microorganisms and enzymes, the waste is separated into liquid and silty fractions. Depending on the type of utilizer, the liquid part (clarified water) can be drained into the soil, reducing the amount of waste in the pit, or used to water plants.
  • When using biological products, unpleasant the smell is almost invisible. The bacteria that make up such products displace putrefactive microorganisms, prevent the occurrence of biochemical processes with the release of unpleasantly smelling gases. Therefore, even during the operation of the vacuum trucks, the smell will not be so sharp.
  • In biological waste treatment pathogenic microflora is eliminated (displaced) including pathogenic bacteria.
  • Bacteria act exclusively on organic matter (some of them are able to “recycle” toilet paper as well) and are safe for any material (plastic, metal, concrete) from which treatment facilities and communications are made.
  • The presence of bacteria does not adversely affect the human body and is safe for animals present in the house or on the site. Biopreparations are non-toxic, do not cause irritation and allergies.

Release form

There are different forms of release of biological products for cesspools and toilets - reviews show that none of them has a clear advantage. In most cases, effectiveness is determined by the correct selection and compliance with the instructions for use. Therefore, it makes sense to consider all the options offered by the industry.

Biological preparations for the toilet in the country in dry form can be powder, granules or tablets. A clear advantage is the convenience of storage and transportation. Feature of application - before use, you should carefully read the instructions. Some drugs (most often tablets) can simply be flushed into the local sewer system through the toilet, others require preliminary dilution with water and “infusion” for some time. This is due to the fact that in dry preparations, the bacteria are in a “sleeping” state; in order to start active life, they need to be “awakened”.

Liquid preparations are completely ready for use, do not require any preparatory operations. They take up more space than dry "concentrate".

Choice and its nuances

Before moving on to the specifics of the use of biological products in various forms, it should be emphasized that the price difference between powder, concentrated liquid, etc. of one manufacturer is insignificant. Any package is designed for a certain operating time, which is indicated on it. In this regard, biological products have another advantage - when bacteria enter the nutrient medium for them, they multiply on their own. If unforeseen situations do not occur (a sharp sudden drop in temperature below +5 ° C, a long blackout of installations with aerobic microorganisms, etc.), the addition of the drug is not required. Chemical agents cease their action after all active components have reacted.

  • Liquid concentrates are suitable for processing large volumes. Firstly, the solution is distributed faster and more evenly in large pits and capacious septic tanks. Secondly, a liter of such a composition is sufficient for the efficient and safe processing of two tons of wastewater.
  • Powders almost always require dilution with water (a similar procedure may be required when using granules).
  • Tablets are universal because they have a more complex composition and provide complex cleaning, including biological and chemical processes. The tablets are easy to use and are often used in toilets.

When buying biological products, it is advisable to consider their scope. Some species are universal and can also be used to purify water and remove silt in pools and artificial reservoirs and for. If there is a need for sanitation of this kind, it is better to prefer broad-spectrum biocompositions.

Important: Biological latrine preparations are sensitive to chlorine, concentrated acids and alkalis, as well as aldehydes, which are often present in detergents.

From our separate article you can learn more about chemical and their features.

If instead of a cesspool you plan to install a more advanced sewer facility, then we will help you figure out whether to choose a private house.

And a review of popular models of heated country washbasins you.

Popular brands

Among the variety of imported and domestic biological products for cesspools, the leaders of sales stand out favorably.


The full name of the biological product is Microzim Septi-Trit. As a result of its impact on fecal waste, sludge is formed (no more than 20% of the initial mass of the solid component of wastewater). Decomposition by-products are harmless CO2 and H2O. Microzyme almost completely eliminates unpleasant odors. The drug works in a complex way, bacteria process not only organic matter, but phosphorus and nitrogen compounds. The basis is cornmeal.

Microzim is produced in packs of 250, 500 and 1000 grams, designed respectively for 4, 8 and 16 months of continuous operation of a septic tank, VOC or cesspool with a volume of 2 cubic meters. m.

Robik 106A

The original name of the US-made biological product is Roebic, RoeTech 106A. The tool is a complex of bacterial cultures that activate the natural decomposition of organic matter. A significant advantage is the ability to utilize fats, phenol-containing drugs, detergents, toilet paper and even fabrics. For other biological products, it is recommended to install grinders, do not use household chemicals. The packaging is designed for the functioning of the utilizer with a capacity of 2 cubes for 1 month.


Bioforce Septic includes not only a bacterial complex, but also enzymes, as well as nutrients for biocultures. Effectively promotes the breakdown of organic matter, eliminates unpleasant odors. One package of Bioforce is enough to operate a septic tank of 2 cubic meters. m. within 4 months.

Every person dreams of a country house, but in order to make living in it comfortable, you need to equip an autonomous sewer system. It is necessary in order for waste water to be discharged outside the dwelling.

Considering that summer cottages are not connected to centralized sewerage systems, a cesspool or septic tank is being built to accumulate wastewater. And they, in turn, need regular cleaning. To make this process less laborious and more enjoyable, you need to choose the right tool for this.

It looks like a country septic tank

The principle of the bacterial method, its pros and cons

There are several methods of pollution control, but cesspool bioremediation is the most practical.

It lies in the fact that specially grown microorganisms are immersed in the system.

Such a preparation is able to grind solid and liquid sewage, as well as transform them into sludge and water.

It contains enzymes and live bacteria.

Biopreparation for cleaning septic tanks

Biological agents are considered to be quite effective agents, but, like other agents and methods, they have their advantages and disadvantages.

An effective means of cleaning cesspools in the form of biological products works according to the following principle: bacteria that are activated in a humid environment break down organic substances into simpler ones - water, carbon dioxide and nitrates.

Their method of application depends on the type of bacteria that make up the drug.

This is what bacterial cleaning looks like

It is worth noting that, when used correctly, live bacteria prevent the sewer from overflowing, while at the same time reducing the frequency of necessary pumping. Waste water is disinfected and liquefied.

Modern manufacturers of biological products

It's hard to name the most effective biological product for latrines because it depends on what you plan to do with the waste.

Dispose of them or use them.

To date, the most popular are cesspool tablets of brands such as:

To choose the right sewer construction pollution control agent, pay attention to its functional affiliation, because many of them are able not only to purify, but also to disinfect wastewater, as well as eliminate unpleasant odors.

How to use correctly?

I would like to consider how to use tablets for sewer pits using the example of a biocleaner Dr. Robik.

You can always read detailed instructions on the packaging.

The tablet is a potent mixture of 6 bacteria that are capable of utilizing bowel movements, fats, paper, detergents and even fabrics.

To achieve a positive effect, you must first dissolve the tablet in a bucket of water and only then pour the biologically active mixture into the pit.

If the container is completely dehydrated, more water can be added to increase the cleaning efficiency. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated after 30 days.

Instructions for use of the biopurifier "Doctor Robik"

You should be aware that under some circumstances, biologics may not justify their purpose.

If certain conditions of existence are not created for living bacteria, then they will simply die without fulfilling their main function.

A tool for a country toilet and cesspools allows you to get rid of many of the hassles associated with their maintenance. On the modern market there are many drugs with various functionalities, ranging from disinfection to the removal of unpleasant odors.

Note that it is strongly not recommended to use household chemicals, such as biola or bref (bref), for this purpose, since in this case the biological balance in the septic tank or cesspool can be disturbed.


Commercially available cleaning products allow you to quickly and effectively remove waste. However, they do not harm the structure. Some drugs wrap the walls of the tank or cesspool with a film, so that feces do not stick to them.

Depending on the type of composition, toilet products can be:

  • liquid;
  • powder.

The latter are considered more effective, their dosage is carried out by special measurements, which, as a rule, are completed with drugs. The measured capacity allows you to spend the substance more rationally.

Liquid products are as common as powder ones, they are multifunctional. For example, they help to get rid of the smell, providing a deodorizing effect, promote disinfection, and also facilitate the cleaning procedure. In addition, liquid formulations are an effective means of reducing waste.

Powder and liquid products do not pollute the environment, but the latter have a significant drawback (regardless of composition) - high consumption.

Toilet products can also differ in the composition of the substances they contain. Conditionally accepted divide into three groups:

  • containing biologically active additives;
  • with the addition of ammonium compounds;
  • formaldehyde additives.

Biologically active additives are special enzymes that accelerate the decomposition of fecal matter. The resulting sediment is absolutely harmless to the environment, it is easy to dispose of. This sediment can act as fertilizer for plants and trees.

Ammonium compounds after dissolution work perfectly in an environment where there is not enough oxygen. Therefore, such solutions are widely used in small structures, for example, dry closets. Means with ammonium compounds are distinguished by fast and efficient waste processing, they are also completely safe for both the environment and humans.

Means containing formaldehyde are the most effective, but they are highly toxic, which greatly complicates disposal. Disposal of effluents containing such substances is allowed only through the central sewerage system.

What to look for when choosing

Before you buy a tool for a cesspool or country toilet, it is advisable to read the reviews of those who used it. In addition, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions, for example, it indicates the temperature at which the drug retains its properties.

If you are going to purchase a product for use in the winter, make sure that it is rated for this temperature range.

We recommend paying attention to bioactivators, this is the best and completely safe way to clean the toilet in the country. The biological organisms that are part of such preparations effectively cope with the processing of fecal matter, while they are absolutely harmless.

The following qualities can be safely attributed to the number of advantages of such funds:

  • the drug is enough for a long time;
  • a significant increase in the rate at which waste decomposes;
  • no unpleasant odor.

It should be emphasized that it is necessary to observe the dosage of the substance based on the volume of the cesspool or toilet tank. If there are not enough biological microorganisms for the volume, the effectiveness of the drug will decrease significantly. The dosage for certain volumes is indicated in the instructions.

Overview of popular tools

Given the huge selection of products for cesspools and toilets on the Russian market, we will talk about the drugs that are in the greatest demand.

Bio Favorite, this imported liquid product is highly effective and absolutely safe. A distinctive feature is that it can process not only organics, but also cellulose and fats. Ensures the absence of unpleasant odors.

Microzim SEPTI TREAT is a domestic product containing microorganisms that accelerate the decomposition of organic matter. Residues after decomposition can be used as fertilizers. This drug prefers moisture, it is recommended to pour at least a bucket of water into the septic tank or tank before adding.

Atmosbio is a French remedy for the processing of fecal matter. The bacteria included in the composition are able to process the bottom sediment and the resulting crust. It is an excellent compost activator. The only drawback is the short shelf life, the drug must be used no later than six months after manufacture.

Saneks is a Polish-made powder product. The drug has a characteristic red color. Effectively destroys microorganisms and an unpleasant smell. Before adding it is necessary to dissolve in water at a temperature not more than 40 °C. This product can also be used to clean the sink or toilet.

Tamir, the microorganisms included in the product (about 80 different species) make it possible to process fecal matter into fertilizers within two weeks. It is considered one of the best drugs.

Bioactivator Green Pine is an excellent Belgian remedy, consisting of freeze-dried bacteria. Promotes the decomposition of fats and feces. The sludge after processing can be used as fertilizer.

ARGUS GARDEN is a Canadian bioactive septic tank and cesspool care product. Supplied in two bags of 18 grams each. One package is enough for a volume of 2 cubic meters.

System Septic Mainteiner DVT-360 is a preparation (made in the USA) that serves for the complete cleaning of local sewers of any type. Promotes the breakdown of organics, oils, fats, tissues, cellulose, hydrocarbons and other elements.

BIOFORCE Septic is a concentrate of bacteria and their essential nutrients. Breaks down organic waste and reduces sludge volume. Significantly reduces odor.

Biodom is a biological agent for individual sewer systems that allows you to restore the processing processes after the use of chemically active preparations. Accelerates the decomposition of organics, fats, cellulose and starch. Can be used at low temperature.

Roetech - restores biological processes, promotes the decomposition of solid fractions, reduces silting.

One Flush - refers to universal products, neutralizes soap and phenols. The microorganisms included in the composition, in addition to organic substances, break down cotton and cellulose.

Devon-N - destroys an unpleasant smell and accelerates the decomposition of organic matter.

Dr. Robik is a simple and effective bioactivator. Decomposes almost any organic matter, as well as fabric, phenols and detergents.

Gorynych is a fast-acting binary bioactivator, helps to reduce the amount of sludge, promotes the decomposition of fats and organic matter.

Primus (Primus) - a liquid agent for a country toilet, the microorganisms included in the composition contribute to the decomposition of organic substances.

The tool for the toilet in the country helps the owner to solve the issue of waste disposal. Sewage processed by bacteria decreases in volume and can be used for composting. A big plus is the disappearance of the bad smell that spreads throughout the country house in the hot summer.

How toilet bacteria work

To understand the principle of operation of all biological products, you need to know which bacteria are included in their composition. Organic waste is processed by 2 types of living organisms:

  1. Aerobic bacteria are completely dependent on the availability of oxygen. When settling such organisms inside the storage pit of the toilet, it is important to provide active air access. Inside a hermetically sealed tank, bacteria live for a maximum of 2 weeks, after which they die. Aerobic living organisms in the process of life process organic waste into silt and water. The final product is suitable for use in place of fertilizer. Trees are watered with liquid.
  2. Anaerobic bacteria do not depend on oxygen. They will work even inside a hermetically sealed tank. When the organic waste runs out, the microorganisms do not die, but wait in the calm stage for the arrival of a new portion. Anaerobic living organisms similarly break down sewage into silt and liquid. However, during processing, methane and large impurities of hydrogen sulfide are released. Due to the presence of toxic substances, the final product cannot be used for fertilizer.

When releasing any product, manufacturers always use 2 types of bacteria. Such a drug is guaranteed to work inside a septic tank and a conventional cesspool. The resulting end product is safe and can be used by the dacha owner to prepare fertilizer.

Advice! The owners of the dacha use the recycled liquid for watering garden trees and shrubs.

Sludge is placed in a compost heap. 1-2 years after overheating, compost is used in the country to feed garden and horticultural crops.

Variety of forms

The owner of the dacha is provided with a wide selection of products from different manufacturers for the care of the toilet. All preparations contain the same bacteria. The difference is the release form, which affects the preparation of the product before its use.

Live bacteria for the toilet in the country in tablets

One of the most convenient means used by cottage owners is available in tablets. The bacteria compressed by the disc are dissolved in water. The solution is poured into the pit and the effect is expected. Tablets are produced with a protective film, which is removed before making the drug. If the dacha is not a street, but an internal bathroom, the product is thrown into the toilet and, after dissolution, simply washed off with water.

Powder antiseptic for a toilet in the country

The second most popular product is available in powder or granules. Packaging is made in sachets, which creates ease of use. Bacteria will not work if the agent is simply poured into sewage. The powder is first dissolved in warm water. Dosage according to instructions. The owner of the dacha pours the prepared liquid into the waste pit.

Liquid toilet cleaner in the country from the smell

The agent in the form of a liquid concentrate of bacteria is convenient for use in the country, since it does not need to be diluted. The contents of the bottle are simply poured into the sewage according to the instructions.

Attention! Storage of any product with live bacteria is carried out only at a positive temperature.

Overheating also has a bad effect on living organisms. Upper limit + 45 o C.

Application rules

Before buying a product, the owner of the cottage should read the instructions. It is necessary to find out whether it is convenient to use this drug or it is better to find bacteria with a different form of release.

Means in the form of a powder or granules are dissolved with water before use. The amount of liquid depends on the dosage of the sachet. The proportions reflect the instruction. Usually, small bags of powder preparations are designed for a pit with a volume of 2-3 m 3. The dry product is diluted with 5-10 liters of clean, non-chlorinated water. The solution is usually infused for about 1 hour. There are powders that the manufacturer recommends to infuse for 12-24 hours for complete dissolution. The prepared solution with bacteria is poured into sewage.

The liquid form of funds is a concentrated solution or gel. Toilet preparations are sold in vials, plastic bottles, capsules. Bacteria are already dissolved, but are in a state of calm. When the owner of the dacha pours out the contents of the container, living organisms immediately wake up from contact with a favorable habitat. The use of a liquid agent is always more relevant. When dissolving powders, a person can make a mistake, which threatens to kill microorganisms. With a liquid remedy, there is no such problem, you just need to follow the dosage for a certain volume of the pit.

Tablets are produced for large cesspools up to 5 m 3 in volume. In the country, they usually put outdoor toilets with a storage tank with a capacity of about 2.5 m 3. To populate the optimal number of microorganisms in a small pit, only half a tablet is used. The pressed disc is dissolved according to the instructions with water, poured into the waste storage tank.

Attention! There are toilet products available in soluble packages. An example is the popular drug Septifos.

Bacteria are considered resistant even to detergents. When they come into contact, living organisms do not die, but slow down the action.

Why bacteria don't help

In the reviews, there are often indignations that the purchased product does not work in an outdoor toilet. There are many reasons. The most common:

  1. The expiration date has expired. Microorganisms cannot be revived in an old preparation. Even if some of the organisms awaken, their number is not enough.
  2. Violation of storage conditions. Often a common problem is not only the fault of the buyer. Funds wander through the hands of resellers, stored in unknown conditions. It is better to buy drugs in specialized stores.
  3. Fake. Often such a product is found on the market. Usually expensive products of foreign manufacturers are faked.
  4. Lack of water in the toilet pit. Bacteria only live in liquid. If the toilet has been used in the country for more than 5 years, the water has soaked into the ground. Microorganisms will never process solid masses unless they are covered with a layer of liquid at least 3 cm thick on top.
  5. Temperature mismatch. Bacteria live at temperatures from + 5 ° C to + 45 ° C. The best time for settling is spring. Favorable temperature for living organisms in early autumn. In summer, the air rarely warms up to the upper limit. However, working bacteria generate a lot of heat. If it is + 35 ° C outside, then inside the thick mass of waste the temperature can rise above 45 ° C, and the bacteria will die.
  6. The presence of chemical impurities. During the care of the toilet, cleaning products are used. Many of them contain chlorine. When a toxic substance gets into organic waste, living organisms die.
  7. Formation of a crust on waste. The bacteria in the toilet live as long as there is oxygen and there is liquid inside the pit. With a rare visit to the dacha, the toilet is little used. Water in the hot summer gradually evaporates, the waste from above dries up with a crust. If it has reached such a state, you will have to destroy a solid formation with a shovel. Water is added to the pit, a new portion of the product is poured.
  8. Alkaline environment. Such formation is observed inside the pits, where sewage has not been treated with biological preparations for more than 3 years. Living organisms love neutral or high acidity. Before bringing the product into the toilet, 1-2 bottles of vinegar are poured into the pit.

In order for any of the drugs to work effectively, it must be applied the next season after the toilet is installed in the country.

The video tells about the use of biological products for rural sewerage:

Do-it-yourself antiseptic for a toilet in the country

Now it is fashionable to buy an antiseptic toilet for a summer residence, from which bad smells do not come, and the contents are processed into compost. His work is based on sprinkling peat on waste. This is done after every visit to the toilet.

By a similar principle, you can prepare your own antiseptic for an outdoor toilet. Peat is bought or mined on their own, if there are peat bogs near the cottage. Dry matter is poured into the pit. Peat absorbs liquid, smells, processes waste into compost. At the end of the season, the contents of the toilet are cleaned and stored on a heap for overheating.

Sooner or later, all owners of country houses are faced with the problem of processing wastewater, waste, and feces. A properly selected antiseptic for a toilet in the country will help solve this problem by getting rid of harmful microorganisms and stench.

The article provides a detailed overview of different types of antiseptics, describes their application features, advantages and disadvantages. To facilitate the task of choosing the right drug, we have listed the main criteria for a competent purchase, as well as identified the best manufacturers of biological and chemical agents.

The accumulation of sewage and faeces not only emits an unpleasant odor, but can cause contamination of soils with toxic substances or become a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

Various types of modern antiseptics allow you to effectively solve the problems of servicing a cesspool or a local sewer network of a country house

To get rid of them, various methods of disinfection and waste processing are used, which can be used in different types of sewer systems.

Cesspools and septic tanks

For a long time, residents of small settlements used street closets equipped with drain pits, which require periodic pumping with the help of sewage trucks. Antiseptics can greatly facilitate this process by reducing the frequency of waste disposal.

Now dwellings are often equipped with local sewer systems with septic tanks - special modules where waste is accumulated and disposed of.

  • anaerobic bacteria that thrive in the absence of oxygen. They are distinguished by high productivity, which allows them to be used both for cleaning drains of cottages and country houses, and in local sewer systems of guest houses, campsites.
  • Aerobic microbes. Since they are able to exist and multiply only in the presence of oxygen, the sewer system should be equipped with means of forced ventilation. With constant air injection, such bacteria do an excellent job of cleaning pits / septic tanks, however, in the event of technical failures, their performance drops sharply.

As a rule, several types of microflora belonging to both aerobic and anaerobic groups are simultaneously used in modern biological products. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of the funds, contributes to the uniform cleaning of the entire volume of the sewer system.

In this case, bacteria, which need oxygen, process the wastes on the surface, while anaerobic microorganisms corrode the compacted bottom masses.

In addition to bacteria, biopreparations for a toilet in the country house include enzymes that accelerate the processes of fermentation and decomposition, as well as enzymes that enhance the effect of microflora on organic matter, and excipients.

Types of bioactivators for toilets and septic tanks

Biological products can be produced in different forms: in the form of liquid, powder, capsules, tablets, granules.