Belly dance for husband at home. Dance for a beloved man - how to overcome embarrassment for a private dance. What are the benefits for the female body is oriental dance

Why not treat your loved one to an exquisite pleasure. After all, only the most tender, loving and chic men deserve such a gift. Is your lover like this? Romantic evening, flickering candles, oriental fragrance, sensual music, sexy outfit, smooth movements of the hips, a playful look from under - your man is smitten on the spot. And you do not stop: tease beckon, admire. You have turned into a charming oriental beauty, but so dear and beloved. He is intrigued, discouraged, intoxicated, in love again.

Afraid you don't have the courage and skill? No problems. All you need is a desire and a few rehearsals. For your attention, here are a few video tutorials for beginners absolutely free.

How to learn to dance oriental dance

Two good news:

  1. Oriental dances are suitable for all women, no matter your age, body size, or nationality, only your passionate desire to become sensual, erotic desired.
  2. You can study at home, completely free of charge with video lessons. Bookmark this page, at a convenient time for you, you can prepare for a surprise for your man at home.

Belly dance lessons

To your attention 9 Belly Dance training videos for beginners, 14 minutes each. The first 5-7 minutes is a warm-up, the next 7-9 minutes are learning a new movement. At the last lesson - the combination of all movements into a dance. For convenience, the numbering of lessons as in the video. Valeria Putitskaya helps to master.

Video 1. Warm up. Introduction to basic movements.

Bella dance - awakens the feminine in us, teaches plasticity and awakens self-confidence. , learn to move beautifully and harmoniously. If suddenly you can't watch the video, click on the link.

Video lesson 2. Hands.

Due to the great popularity of this article, a large load falls on it and the videos take a long time to load, so I divided them for your convenience and transferred them to the article and. There you will find tips for beginners on how to look confident, relaxed and bewitch your favorite audience and much more.

To view the following videos

  • lessons 4, 5, 6. go to please.
  • lessons 8, 10, 16

Professional oriental belly dance.

Overcome shyness in yourself, listen to your body, let it testify you into the world of oriental dance, so exotic, mysterious, sensual. Do not be afraid of awkward movements, intuition will tell you body language. Let go of all your thoughts and feelings, immerse yourself in music. Feel like a fabulous Scheherazade, confident and desirable. Dance in your own way, adjusting the movements to the features of your body. This also applies to the outfit, give yourself the freedom of personal choice. A few learned movements, peeped ligaments from professionals and you can put on your private dance, watch the video of a professional dance. There is something to strive for. link


  • endurance is developed
  • heart training,
  • increased joint flexibility,
  • feeling better,
  • the mood rises.

As you can see, not only beautiful and erotic, but also useful.

What benefits does oriental dance bring to the female body?

They don't call it belly dancing for nothing. All dance movements are concentrated in the abdomen, waist, hips. The created load

Have you heard about such an erotic act as belly dancing?

And if you try to fuck your missus man the other day or for his birthday? I think that the darling will not refuse.

Here the question immediately arises: what if you don’t know a single movement at all? It's OK. The main thing is smoothness, eroticism, a beautiful and spectacular costume, oriental music.

Oriental belly dance at home - surprise your beloved man

Any man will be flattered by such attention from his beloved. If you want to become a pro in belly dancing, then sign up for special courses, in a week you will be able to make it easy in front of your partner with a beautiful performance with erotic swaying of the hips.

You can buy a CD or an educational book, ask a friend who knows this oriental art to teach you a couple of interesting movements. Or you can simply, relying on your own associations and listening to music, perform an excellent belly dance. Your own, not like the others, distinguished by ingenuity.

belly dance costume do it yourself

But first you need to prepare. Of course, no belly dance is complete without a costume. The abdomen must be open. The attire consists of a top (a bra trimmed with sequins, beads or a short erotic blouse, a topic) and a bottom (a skirt or chiffon trousers). You can hang a chain or beads on your waist. The stores have jingling belts, various pendants and jewelry. Create an image of an oriental woman.

You can do everything with your own hands. Plain bra with bling, make a sheer skirt with wedges, held at the hips. Let your hair down, weave various jewelry, put on a lot of bracelets on your hand, beads around your neck, long earrings or clip-on earrings in an oriental style. Follow your imagination here.

The image should be sexy and harmonious. You can sprinkle your body with glitter, apply a drop of sweet perfume with musk and other oriental notes to intimate places. Your suit should ring, rustle to the beat of the music.

Pick a tune, try to move to it. Actively move your hips and shoulders. Not only these parts of the body are involved in the dance. Absolutely everything dances: arms, legs, buttocks, and stomach. After all, it is not for nothing that dance is credited with healing functions for the female body.

If the opportunity arises, be sure to sign up for the course. So you will not only improve your figure, but also gain health. After all, instructors often talk about the dance of the vagina in order to strengthen and improve it.

Let's continue our preparations for the event. Set a date for the performance of the cherished dance for your partner and do not tell in advance. Make a surprise. It is better to dance barefoot, you can also wear jewelry on your feet. Make a beautiful make-up by lengthening the arrows on the eyes like the women of the East.

In the dance, you can use a scarf, candles (better not take risks until you have completed special training). When dancing, you can lean back, moving your arms erotically, swing your hips from side to side, make a figure eight with them, spin. Apply all your erotic tricks and transform the dance.

Be sure to learn how to move your arms smoothly, this is very important for dancing. Flirt, lure, create a riddle. Every movement symbolizes something.

Believe me, not a single man can resist your charms in the form of an oriental woman! I am sure that after the home debut, the beloved will be pleasantly surprised and will insist on your attending belly dance classes for further similar spectacles. Good luck to you!

Belly dance video

Have you decided to perform a sensual dance in front of the only spectator, your beloved man? Do you want to give a gift to your beloved, husband? Show yourself in a new way? Try something new for yourself and in a relationship? Great idea! But maybe you are stopped by a lot of doubts, lack of confidence in yourself or your actions, fear of seeming ridiculous. Let's analyze the different aspects of this show for the chosen one, think about where difficult moments can lie in wait for you and how to get around all obstacles of any kind.

Correct music.

Music should inspire you. It is not enough to take music that your loved one likes but does not inspire you to dance. The reverse option is also bad: to dance to your favorite song, which is “not very good” for your man. Find a point of contact. Often a couple has "our song" or even a whole playlist of music you both like.

Not lethargy.

Avoid melancholic music and dull imagery. They will make you, as it were, “withdraw into yourself” in the dance, emotionally move away from the viewer, and this is out of place in this situation.
This does not mean that I suggest you avoid slow music. Not at all! There is slow music in a suitable key: enticing, languid, festively magical, mystical, stalking like a cat, playful, etc. There are so many interesting and vivid images in strip dancing that we often observe in the Divadance dance studio.

Impromptu dancing or its imitation - if you don't want to be serious.

Many people are afraid to look too serious. They are afraid to feel like they are on an exam or a casting. Yes, and the viewer can feel like a judge at a pre-planned casting and involuntarily be stricter and more serious. Let's imagine dance as an unexpected natural moment in life. Impromptu - performance without prior preparation.

Imagine you watch a movie together on the couch. When it ends, you say with a playful intonation "I can do that too" or "let me continue the movie for you." You type the name of the movie right there on the Internet - you can easily find the soundtrack (maybe you will bookmark it in advance). Plus, you put on some kind of object that will be a playful reference to the movie you watched. Then your dance and watching it by your viewer will be just a fun pastime, wonderful, including due to the naturalness of the situation. How often do we appreciate unexpected moments in our lives that break into it and remain in memory!

You can really navigate the situation. Or you can imitate the binding of the dance to the situation. That is, knowing about such a film in advance, you can decide for yourself in advance that after its completion you will arrange a show as if spontaneously, dancing as if impromptu.

In addition to the variant with the film, there may be another natural link. Recently visited restaurant national cuisine. This does not mean that you need to prepare a national costume and folk dance, of course. After a Mexican restaurant and cafe, it is enough to put on a bright bolero over the bodice, and a straw hat on your head. Plus a short skirt and modern music, where there is a Latin American flavor. And if the music cannot be matched to the color (the cuisine of the nationality, which is difficult to adapt to), then we stylize only with the help of clothes. And all this is accompanied by a "slogan": And now for dessert...

Come up and their bindings. Maybe you will be able to make up your mind at the right time and it will be a real impromptu. Or maybe you will calculate the situation ahead and present it as an impromptu dance. That is, you will estimate that the dance that you know will fit the situation and use it as clearly as possible by fitting it into reality. If you are tormented by thoughts of falsehood, then after the dance you can say something like “I have long wanted to dance this for you” and remove an unpleasant burden from your soul, if any.

The binding can be giving a gift to a loved one. Or an expression of love for the gift they gave, if that can be beaten in your dance show.

improvisation or not

In private, you can perform both a ready-made dance and improvise. What to choose - you decide. About improvisation - .

Not only dance

Some people think that to perform a dance for a beloved means to ride a whole dance number right in front of him for 3-5 minutes. Your performance itself may well last only five minutes, but the purely dance part should be short - only half of that time.

First, make a "delicious" unhurried entry - exit. It is on the stage that everyone is in a hurry to start and show the viewer what they can. And now you need to tease the viewer well. Let him tune in, tormented by curiosity. Pass slowly, play with the expectations of the viewer. But I am not suggesting that you walk in circles like a caged tiger.

There are many steps to start a lap dance:
- move your fingers along the furniture, door jamb - the main thing is to do it sensually and mysteriously or coquettishly
- take off a cape, bolero, jacket, etc.
- take a flower (especially if it was given to you before) - smell it slowly, stroke its petals
- approach the viewer, straighten his hair (or make other physical contact) and move away again, shaking his finger as a sign that you need to wait to continue physical contact
- give something to the viewer to eat from your hand (if strawberries in cream seem to you to be something too hackneyed and trivial option, then choose what you think is necessary)
- Connect your imagination and do what will be most natural.

Last third of the dance

Let's sketch a diagram. Just do not rest too hard on the implementation of the temporary scheme (this or another of your own). It is necessary to allow the possibility of moving away from it by dancing the BE plan or even the CE plan.

So, for example, the song is five minutes long.
40 -60 seconds - intro - exit, teasing.
2-2.5 minutes "pure dance" itself
1.5-2 minutes of play after the dance

The last part of the number is what will most decisively separate your show from the situation of "casting", "exam", etc. And this is exactly what will make your lap dance part of your relationship, part of love games, part of communication and great time. It can be a game without dancing or a game with a dance move that you have used before and that you like the most.

In fact it's the same one you chose to start the show with, just develop it further.
They removed the cape at the beginning - which means that now take on the removal of the rest.
Treated with a berry - continue this process.

Smelling a flower - take it again at the end of the dance, smell it again with bliss on your face. Come with it in your hands to your viewer. Stroke the flower on your face or hair like a puff.

You want a gift dance gave me something new your relationship, so do not isolate the dance like a completely separate number, after which you have to stay in the middle of the room, feel out of place, waiting for applause and approval.

You must finish your number in the immediate vicinity of the viewer.

If his face is too serious

Men do not always freely and openly greet a private dance with a joyfully relaxed face. You can see the tense face and the same tense posture. Let this not discourage you. A tense face does not mean that your actions are not approved or undesirable. It's just that the viewer feels a little out of his element and does not know how to show his reaction. This does not mean at all that he does not like the show and he is not happy. Treat with understanding, and let it not cool your ardor and do not bring down your courage. Give him time and don't forget to end the show as described above rather than bowing in the middle of the room.

Dance Studio Divadance (Divadance) - dance school in St. Petersburg.
Designers: Zhuzha
© 2005 by Zhuzha Divo Dance

East Dance reveals all the power and beauty of the mysterious female soul. This is the most powerful weapon in the hands of a woman to tame an obstinate man. Do you want to surprise your man, give him a holiday of an oriental fairy tale? The point is small - the main thing is to learn to dance and at the same time, in the oriental way ...
Oriental dances are the most ancient art. Many legends, poems and paintings are dedicated to oriental dancers. In ancient times, there were two types of belly dance. One kind was allowed to dance by ordinary girls-dancers, for amusement. The second could only be danced by priestesses of temples and girls from very wealthy families. For such a dance, it was necessary to study long and hard. This dance the girl could dance either in the temple, or only for one man. The grace of oriental dance movements is inherent in every woman. You just need to work a little so that all movements merge into a single beauty of temptation.

Learn oriental dance at home simple enough. To start training, you need a bright room, a little desire and oriental music. Just turn on the music and start moving. This, of course, is still far from ideal. But you are already dancing oriental dance at home. To improve your technique, you can download free lessons or take a few online lessons. Just a little practice and you will be able to charm your beloved man.

Traditionally oriental dance costume the woman does it herself. In this case, for starters, you can buy an oriental dance costume at home in a specialized store or simply in the market.
It is impossible to imagine the delight of a man when you appear in front of him to the accompaniment of oriental music in chic oriental clothes and ... just start dancing a delightful belly dance.
The oriental craft of seduction has been proven by hundreds of years of practice on men. They just can't resist the sight of the woman they love swaying her hips in delight, arching her back in a sexy way, and beckoning him with her arms, all to the rhythm of mesmerizing Arabic music.
Every woman should have her own little secret. This secret lies in a woman's awareness of herself as sexy, special and significant. And when such a woman puts on a dance dress, the whole world will envy her beauty.

Also dancing oriental dance at home, you can easily find an excellent toned figure, as well as cheer up and become more confident. When a woman dances, she becomes simply beautiful, and when such a dance is a belly dance, the woman immediately turns into a desirable and forbidden fruit that you just want to eat. No man in the world can resist a woman who skillfully performs a belly dance.
Often, belly dancing will say a lot more than words. Learn to represent your thoughts and desires with your body, and your man will forever be at your feet.

Do not forget to cook in oriental style, buy red wine, decorate the room with fine fabrics, light

As Bernard Shaw said, dancing is nothing but the vertical expression of horizontal desires. At all times, girls have been looking for new ways to charm a man. Our mothers adopted Sophia Loren's fatal looks, Marilyn Monroe's gait, and today your girlfriends are mastering Thai massage and Indian ritual dances together. The most courageous went to strip plastic courses. So you yourself decided to learn belly dancing.

All these efforts are intended not for the general public, but for one, the most important viewer - a loved one. Almost none of the visitors to the schools of Arabic dance or strip dance is planning a concert activity. Each hopes that, having learned a few movements, she will become unique for her man. Remember: experiments are good at the right time and in the right place.

Situations where body language is needed:

Make an impression

Oriental dance is still at the height of fashion. Everyone will be delighted when you offer to perform real bellydance at a party. And if the company has the one you dream of, you can be sure that he will not resist. When dancing for everyone, be sure to give him a couple of special looks.

Refresh relationships

You've been together for quite some time, and your sweetheart imagines that he knows everything about you, so it's time to master the exciting dance. And when he tunes in to a traditional and already a bit boring evening, give him a show for adults. Believe me, he will be extremely happy with such a surprise.

Enjoy it

Even if you are not trying to win over anyone, but just "break away" in a nightclub, you can get a lot of new fans. Elements of strip dancing or belly dancing look very exciting. The main thing is to enjoy the movement and think less about how you look from the outside!

Dmitry worked with Marina for a whole year and practically did not notice her - plump, short, not at all to his taste. On the birthday of the company, the employees arranged a skit, and the girls prepared a belly dance. They came out in monists, bright oriental dresses. And suddenly Dmitry realized that girls with forms admire him! And when he met Marina's eyes, he immediately decided to make an appointment with her. Now she dances only for him.

Debutante Rules

For the first time arranging a "performance" for his companion. Try to avoid common mistakes.

Get ready in advance!

Sometimes a girl believes that by rehearsing a few candid poses in front of a mirror, she will be able to show her beloved a first-class show. However, strip plastic is a very demanding dance, all movements must be carefully worked out. It is not surprising that beginners often turn out not so much erotic as funny. Therefore, it is better to learn a few dance sequences well than to simply try to portray passionate steps "like in a movie."

Create twilight in the room, turn on the music, and tell your loved one that an incredible temptation awaits him. However, he himself will understand everything.

Forget about your shyness and stiffness, because it will only spoil everything. The spectator is your beloved man who loves you any - dressed and undressed, who knows every mole on your body, who longs for adventures with YOU! You are the one and only for him.


When a girl performs a sultry belly dance with a tense, focused face, the opposite effect is obtained. You might think that you are seducing your own lover through force. Eyes and lips should also dance: flirt, give smiles! And then your darling will never notice the inaccuracies in the plastic. Think of your favorite movies like Striptease, True Lies, or 9 and a Half Weeks - it's good to have someone to learn from!

Observe the measure!

The dance should last no more than two or three minutes and end when the man is ready to eagerly watch more and more. You can limit yourself to a few hints of striptease, for example, depict a couple of bold movements. Or once again beckon him with your hand. This will inspire the partner more than a full-fledged "performance". You don't even have to turn on the music.

Andrei invited Lena on a first date: he arranged a candlelit dinner in his apartment ... After finishing a glass of wine, the girl suddenly turned on the music and began to “give out” an intricate oriental dance. For about 15 minutes. She tried so hard that it was a pity to stop her. Andrey puzzled over what to do: start dancing around her, clapping his hands or catching her around the room. In general, they both experienced nothing but awkwardness.

A few pluses:

Erotic dance classes are useful not only for relationships in a couple. You will learn the capabilities of your body, improve coordination and, of course, get rid of complexes about the figure.

Unusual steps are also an intense load on many muscle groups. Keep in mind: half an hour of belly dancing is minus 160 calories.

Surely, after your efforts, your loved one will also think about how to add variety to your life. Expect surprises!

Fashion is changeable. Today everyone is studying strip plastic, and tomorrow variations on the rumba theme will become popular. Dance without words will tell about the feelings that you have for a person. So live by dancing!