Silva Evening Meditation Technique: Features and Sequences. Silva method - the development of intuition and psychic abilities according to the Silva method

The Silva Method has helped millions of people succeed, discover hidden brain reserves and make them work for them. Try it too!

Psychology, as a science, does not stand still.

New methods are constantly emerging, interesting practices are developing, theoretical studies are appearing.

Yet unique discoveries such as Jose Silva method that revolutionize psychological science do not appear so often.

This method has already helped millions of people around the world discover the hidden reserves of their brains and make them work for themselves.

Perhaps you will also be interested in this practice, and you will become one of the followers of Jose Silva.

The author of the Silva method - Jose Silva

On August 11, 1914, in a small town in the state of Texas, a boy was born into a Mexican family Silva, who was christened by the name Jose, traditional for this nationality.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Mexicans were considered second-class people, so no one was surprised that the youngest child in the family did not attend school, but from early childhood worked: distributing newspapers, cleaning shoes. Mexicans, they say, are savages - what to take from them.

However, Jose, who later gave the world Silva method, was not a savage. Moreover, the bright, out-of-school boy learned to read and write on his own by overseeing the preparation of his brother and sister's homework.

Starting from adolescence, Jose discovered remarkable talent for radio engineering and began repairing radios for everyone.

His life turned upside down with the outbreak of World War II. Jose Silva wished to serve in the army and went to the medical board.

One of the doctors who had to go through turned out to be a psychiatrist.

It would seem that nothing special happened: a couple of standard questions from the doctor, the verdict "fit for service", but Jose was simply fascinated by psychology and decided to get acquainted with this science in more detail.

After the war, he got married, resumed his lucrative business: repairing radios.

In his house, children sounded laughter (in fact, every year his wife gave birth to a baby for him), the money was quite enough for a decent life.

In the eyes of those around him, Jose Silva looked like a happy and successful person.

But he knew that he was capable of more, that he could make a revolution in the field of psychology.

And it took a little time to prove to everyone: he was not wrong.

How did Jose Silva come to discover his method?

Jose Silva read a lot of psychological research already existing at that time, but his favorite authors were Freud, Adler and Jung. He understood that human consciousness contains many secrets and is capable of expansion.

And yet his main specialty was physics, he knew its laws perfectly.

And then Jose came up with an idea why not combine the laws of physics and psychology.

If Ohm's law (a decrease in the resistance of an electrical circuit leads to an increase in current strength) works, then why not use a similar method in psychology: not to reduce the resistance of the brain in order to improve its abilities.

How can you reduce brain resistance?

Immerse him in a semi-conscious state: a cross between sleep and wakefulness.

Remember if it happened to you that it was in a light half-asleep, before you finally fell asleep, that the most useful ideas begin to arise in your head, or you remember something important.

Many scientists, writers, musicians use this ability of the human brain by keeping a notebook and pen near the bed so as not to lose valuable ideas.

Jose Silva took action.

The first "guinea pigs" were his kids.

With the help of meditation, he taught them to plunge into those levels of their consciousness that contribute to the most efficient work of the brain, polish knowledge.

The results were immediate: the children from the Silva family began to study much better.

How so: a dropout who has not even graduated from high school will teach them ?! This should not happen!

The US government, to which Jose Silva offered to adopt his developments, was also stupidly dismissed from him.

Fortunately, José had followers who helped bring Silva's method to the people and scientifically explain its genius.

What is the Silva Method and how does it help people?

It is believed that human consciousness has 4 levels:

    This is complete wakefulness in which you are throughout the day, when your senses are heightened, you normally perceive space and time.

    This level of consciousness occurs when a person is in a state of light sleep. His intuition is sharpened, but the temporal and spatial boundaries are erased.

    Immersion in deep sleep compared to alpha level, in which psychic abilities develop, intuition and memory are incredibly sharpened.

    A deep sleep in which you fall at night and in which you lose the ability to control your body and mind.

Jose Silva determined that with the help of meditation and various psychological exercises, one can independently dive into alpha and theta levels in order to reduce the brain's resistance, reprogram it to:

  • mastering new information;
  • remembering something important that you forgot about;
  • achieving a specific goal;
  • relaxation and stress relief;
  • success and.

For example, one of Jose Silva's students came to him with obesity and an unbridled desire to lose weight.

The teacher taught her to meditate every day like this: to imagine a table covered with a black cloth, lined with all kinds of junk food: cakes, hamburgers, etc.

As soon as she clearly saw the picture, she had to paint over it with red paint.

And then imagine another table, covered with a clean white tablecloth filled with wholesome food: fish, herbs, fruits.

All this is illuminated by golden rays and looks incredibly delicious.

After this table, she had to imagine herself, looking in the mirror, slim and beautiful, without a gram of excess weight.

The student claims that after two weeks of daily meditation, she completely lost her love for cakes and other junk food, but she fell in love with herbs, dairy and fish products.

And after another 3 months she found the figure of her dreams.

I offer you a video for viewing,

which contains the reviews of the lucky ones,

practicing the Silva method in daily life.

Try and you use Silva method to achieve your goal.

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Designed by Jose Silva mind control method is a set of simple meditation techniques, intended for development of intuition, control over emotions and the formation of creative imagination... Anyone who has mastered it is able to recall in detail the events of any prescription, subdue pain, self-heal, it is easy to get rid of bad habits, and develop extrasensory abilities. The Silva Method tunes the inner world to an optimistic wave, convincing a person that he is in control of his life.

The Silva method works in alpha rhythm wave radiation of the brain, a characteristic state of falling asleep or waking up, bordering between sleep and wakefulness. The Silva Method teaches you to enter alpha state arbitrarily and keep it as necessary in any situations, opening up wide possibilities for using the brain in a special way, awakening amazing abilities in a person.

Entering the Alpha State by the Silva Method - Through Meditation... In addition to the fact that meditation has a calming and relaxing effect, it neutralizes all negative feelings and experiences, and with them psychosomatic diseases. " By clearing"mind, one can take up solving urgent problems and modeling the desired reality.

The central point of the mind control method is visualization - the creation of visual images on an imaginary screen.

So if you need to solve some problem, you need to go through three stages in the alpha state:

  • mentally reconstruct the event that led to the occurrence of this problem;
  • move this picture to the right;
  • vividly imagine the situation of resolving the problem, feeling the consequences of its resolution.

Visualize with feeling, live all the emotions from a positive result in paints. Stay in this state for a while and try to fix your happy image in your mind. The result will not be long in coming! Belief in the effectiveness of such a practice is the key to the embodiment of the desired event.

A meditative brain state is the key to guided dreams... Programming yourself in a meditative state, you must first learn to memorize your dreams, and then move on to solving life problems, interpreting the most vivid moments of sleep from the point of view of the designated problem.

The Silva method is effective in combating bad habits... The decision to get rid of them in the alpha state will be the hardest, it requires colorfully visualize the benefits getting rid of " unwanted"habits, involving all five senses in the process of creating images... By following this method, it is possible to get rid of overeating, smoking and other addictions.

With the help of the Silva method, you can master the so-called extrasensory perception (ESP)... In this case, consciousness is taken out of the body. First, you can try to mentally walk inside a wall, tree, stone, again actively using the five senses. After that, you can transfer consciousness to the pet, carefully studying its internal organs. And over time, start practicing in public.

You can endlessly talk about the possibilities of the Silva Method! Go through training and from the very first workouts, having received results, you will feel like the master of your life. Extrasensory perception, self-healing without drugs, reality control - for people who are not familiar with the Silva method, this may seem like superpowers, for the initiated - these are the results of successful control of their minds.

Silva Method named after its creator - the famous American parapsychologist Jose Silva, who devoted himself entirely to the development of psychological methods for the development of the latent intellectual and psychological abilities of a person.

Jose Silva

His work was criticized by adherents of traditional sciences, but many years of practice and the results of his students testify to the effectiveness of this unique method.

Jose Silva is originally from Mexico and could not even get a school education. But in his life experience he proved that nothing is impossible.

So, by the age of thirty he is already a successful businessman and family man. In a desire to help his children in learning to have high results, he begins work on the study of thinking. It took him 22 (!) Years to create an effective method.

Famous followers of the Silva Method: Madonna, Margaret Thatcher and Richard Bach.

The main goal of the method is to find harmony with oneself, and this is the path to success. With the help of simple exercises, combining the work of the 3 components of thinking: intuition, imagination and emotion, you can achieve noticeable results.

Brief definition of the Silva method

The method is based on a certain mindset that controls the work of intuition. These exercises are designed to develop a "sixth sense" or "inner voice", which guides a person when making vital decisions. He also explains the loss of "happy accidents" in our life, which are realized thanks to the same intuition.

"Intuition" according to the Silva method Is an unshakable conviction, an inexplicable premonition that arises outside the boundaries of consciousness. A person from birth has intuition, but developing or suppressing it is a long-term experience.

What is the use of intuition?

When making decisions, we often do not think about the facts, but decide spontaneously, trusting only the "inner voice". The main achievement of the "sixth sense" is the moments of "hitting the target", but the benefit from bliss will be only on condition of awareness.

To use such a psychological tool in practice, you need to renounce problems and unnecessary information that clogs your mind. In this state, a person is more sensitive and receptive to the new, incomprehensible, which will become a source of intuition.

Jose Silva argued that, having received the skill of referring to inner experience, a person will be able to quickly and effectively orient themselves in life issues.

Special exercises will be needed to activate this mental tool. Let's consider some of them.

Exercise "Glass of water" according to the Silva method

Before going to bed, fill a glass of water and, closing your eyes, raise them, drink half, while repeating to yourself: "This is all I have to do to get an answer to my question." Go to bed, and in the morning finish the rest of the water, saying the same phrase.

As a result of this procedure, you may receive an answer in a dream, be attentive to the details of the next day.

However, certain conditions must be met:

  • positive wording (without the "not" particle),
  • clarity (just one question).

Emotional Management by the Silva Method

The Silva Method provides skills for managing your own emotions.

When things get out of hand, use the three-finger method: bring your thumb, middle, and forefinger together and say to yourself, “I'm sorry” or “Calm down.”

Another technique for self-control: transforming negative thoughts into positive ones.

Working with the imagination: basic techniques

Imagination- the engine of the entire civilization, it is limitless. But the ability to use it must be developed.

Our subconscious is so arranged that everything imagined by us recognizes as reality (for example, by closing our eyes and imagining a lemon, increased salivation is caused).

Here are some techniques for developing and controlling imagination.

Entering the alpha state according to the Silva method

Jose Silva believed that a person makes full use of the left (logical) hemisphere of the brain, and the right (creative) one remains unclaimed. Only by making both hemispheres work can you succeed in life and think at the alpha level.

There are several levels of brain waves: beta- during wakefulness and vigorous activity, alpha- ideal waves, but are achieved when a person falls asleep.

To enter, you have to perform a simple procedure: wake up, go to the bathroom and return to bed again. Close your eyes, raise a little and count to yourself from 100 to 1. At the end, imagine yourself at the moment when you achieved success, what feelings and emotions overwhelmed you. Say to yourself an inspiring "I will succeed", counting from 1 to 5 in your mind, open your eyes and feel the inner upsurge and readiness for exploits.

To develop this skill, a special 40-day program has been developed.

Relaxation state according to the Silva method

Relaxation is a relaxation of the human body, in which the tension of the muscles and the nervous system is completely relieved. Helps to reach alpha frequencies.

There are several ways to achieve a state of relaxation.

  1. In a comfortable lying / sitting position, close your eyes. Tighten your body parts alternately with all your strength and relax, then the whole body, remembering the sensations. Several repetitions.
  2. Take a lying position, close your eyes, deep, even breathing. By inhaling (strong, filling the whole body) and exhaling (tension leaves through the feet), drive out the tightness. Repeat the procedure until complete relaxation.
  3. While lying on your back with your eyes closed, breathe as if your body is a mattress to be inflated, and then mentally pull out the valve and deflate it. By analogy with a mattress, relaxation occurs after the air has completely deflated.

These exercises also help relieve stress and fatigue.

Silva Visualization Basics

To acquire the skill of creating vivid images, we recommend this technique (important: start each exercise with an alpha state).

1st day. Imagine a green watermelon being cut in half, and you put it back together, everything disappears. After the exercise, describe all the details of the presentation.

2nd day. Recall all the details of your face.

3rd day. Visualize the face of a loved one.

4th day. Transfer yourself mentally to a comfortable place for you and feel all the pleasant emotions associated with it.

We connect all the senses. For a significant breakthrough in the process of creating vivid images, all the senses should be involved. So, for example, you can imagine a lemon with its fruity aroma and sour taste.

Increase the challenge every day and as a result, these visualizations can positively change your life.

Silva meditation

Jose Silva came up with his own technique for entering the alpha state through meditation.

The procedure begins with a comfortable position (sitting with a straight back). Close your eyes, deep, even breathing. Say the numbers to yourself in turn and imagine what the number looks like to the smallest detail, so repeat with two and one. Then you can start from 10 to 1, the main thing is slow relaxation with each number.

The Silva Method is very effective for healing. With its help, you can create an image of ideal health, which penetrates the subconscious and magically begins to influence all life processes in the human body, healing and revitalizing it.

For these purposes, a special meditation has been developed. If you like it, you can download it for free by sharing the article on social networks.

Friends, application Silva method is an effective tool in self-realization and self-improvement of a person.

This method is useful for everyone who strives to become successful, healthy and happy!

Apply and develop!

Arthur Golovin


Silva meditation is very popular. This is one of the techniques of working with thinking, which helps to get rid of negative attitudes in the subconscious and replace them with positive ones. The author, Jose Silva, was convinced that it is our thoughts that shape life, which is why it is so important to change them to positive ones.

According to the author of the meditation, in order to become a successful person, one must learn to feel satisfaction not only from achieving the goal, but also from the process of action itself. And most of all, it is influenced by presentiment and creativity. If you develop intuition and imagination, you can achieve success in absolutely everything.

The Silva Method is for those people who dream of changing their lives for the better, finding harmony and happiness. Practicing techniques can be applied in almost any area of ​​life. You will learn to solve absolutely any problem using the power of thought. Give up the struggle and enjoy life.

The features of the technique are as follows:

  1. You develop intuition, which helps to notice the signs that the Universe sends to your subconscious
  2. You get rid of everything that gets in the way of living happily, successfully, and achieving your goals.
  3. You get answers to your questions, improve yourself, develop your inner flair
  4. You activate the energy potential of your own personality and direct the energy of thought to achieve goals

Plunging into a certain level of consciousness, you influence the attitudes and beliefs inherent in it. This allows you to remove negative beliefs and form truly positive thinking, sincere, not put on.

Creative thinking and intuition are the main factors for success.


Jose Silva believed that the strength of a person lies in his imagination. It is thanks to him that you can manage absolutely all events in life. And because imagination is inconceivable without creativity, the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for creativity, should be involved in its meditation.

The basis of the technique is entering the alpha state of consciousness. To do this, you will need morning meditation:

  • As soon as you wake up, turn off the alarm and go to the bathroom.
  • After the necessary morning routines, return to bed and set the alarm every 15 minutes
  • Sit back, close your eyes. Try to raise your eyeballs twenty degrees and start counting to a hundred.
  • After the end of the count, "catch" the feeling of success. Try to fully experience this state, fill it with it from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head. In this case, color associations should arise, and you will also smell the smells that you associate with a state of success.
  • Then open your eyes and count to five. This concludes the meditation.

After your morning meditation with the Jose Silva Method, you will feel great and recharged with a state of success for the rest of the day. All problems will seem solvable, all goals will be within reach.

The Universe itself will guide you and your thoughts along the right path. With this simple meditation, you activate the power of your own subconscious mind and tune in to a positive wave of success.

What gives the alpha state

Entering the alpha state is a prerequisite for meditation. It is at this level that the visualization of the desired is carried out. By practicing meditation daily, you will learn to recreate in your subconscious the images of what you dream of, what you strive to get out of life.

This allows you to achieve goals in the shortest possible ways. You develop creativity, learn to think outside the box, find original ways to solve problems.

For a clearer understanding of the meditation technique, watch the basics tutorial video:

Difficult level

The meditation technique we described above is the simplest level of difficulty. Once you've learned how to enter alpha in the morning, you can try doing it at any other time.

Step-by-step technique:

  • Sit on a chair so that your back remains level and your feet rest on the floor. An alternative is the lotus position. But only use it if you feel comfortable.
  • Place your hands on your knees, relax your palms. Try to keep your head straight, it should not fall down
  • Close your eyes and, as if from the side, start looking at your body. Concentrate on every part of it - from the feet to the crown. When you walk with your inner gaze over a certain part of the body, mentally relax it.
  • Then imagine that there is a luminous point in front of your eyes, focus all your attention on it. You should feel how extraneous thoughts leave your consciousness, and your eyelids become heavy.
  • Start counting down from one hundred to one. At the end, you will enter the alpha state and can start rendering

Gradually, you will learn how to reduce the number of bills. Aerobatics is the ability to enter the alpha state for five counts. The key is to practice regularly.


Entering the alpha state is necessary in order to then recreate the images of the desired in it. To do this, you need to learn to visualize. Not everyone is able to turn on their imaginations right away. Simple techniques will help you learn:

  1. Imagine seeing a lemon in front of you. You will immediately begin to actively salivate as if you have tasted citrus
  2. Then imagine a black screen in front of you and mentally draw the desired picture on it.
  3. Try not only to see it, but also to see it in colors, to feel associative smells, to hear sounds

Happened? This means that you have achieved success and can visualize anything you want without difficulty. Gradually learn to paint more complex pictures in your imagination. With regular practice, success is inevitable.

How can you use this in practice? Very simple. For example, you can find a lost item. Just enter the alpha state, and then imagine yourself with this thing in hand. The subconscious mind will tell you where she is now.

Jose Silva (August 11, 1914, Laredo, Texas, USA - February 7, 1999, Laredo) - American parapsychologist, founder of the Silva Method and the ESP system - non-traditional, from the point of view of science, techniques designed to help people increase their IQ, develop mental skills; and develop the ability to heal yourself and others.

Jose Silva, his older sister and younger brother were raised by their grandmother. Silva worked from an early age selling newspapers, shining shoes, and other low-paying jobs. He never went to school, but learned to read and write by watching his sister and brother do their homework. At the age of fifteen, Silva learned how to repair radios and built a successful business out of it. He has invested over one and a half million dollars in his research over 25 years.

During World War II, Silva joined the US Army Liaison Corps. At the conscription medical board, he was examined by an army psychiatrist. Jose was intrigued by the psychiatrist's questions, which inspired him to study psychology.

After completing his service, he resumed his radio repair business. Five years later, with the spread of television, his repair business began to flourish.

In 1966, the results of Silva's work were formalized into the Silva Method - a system for controlling thinking and managing emotions. After some time, a network of centers around the world was organized (according to some sources - in 20 countries in 37 languages), in which certified teachers taught the Silva Method. The number of those who attended the courses is estimated at millions.

Books (4)

Reader Comments

Andrey/ 24.11.2018 Who needs meditations according to the Silva method in Russian, there are the following materials:

Live to the rhythm
Healer within
Right choice
Creating New Beliefs
Conversation with the mind
Money Magnet
Cleaning up Cash Blocks
Energy Source Drop
Embodying Desires by the Silva Method
Getting rid of feelings of separation or loss
Perfect sleep
Healing spirit and body
Chumakova Irina - 6 hours Custom marathon according to the Silva method

Video trainings:
Keys to a new life
Best Techniques from the Silva Method
Silva Method Money Magnet
Video course "Silva 360"

Contact - [email protected]

Leela/ 31.08.2017 Guys in the books everything is stated, those who have no time to read go to seminars! And to each according to his ability. If you do not have the strength to change your life on the physical plane, do not expect a miracle!

Irina/ 02/29/2016 With the help of this book, 16 years ago I met a wonderful person - and we got married, but, unfortunately, some fairy tales come to an end, and now my husband goes to a young and beautiful one to give birth to a child with her. He adopted my daughter, adored her to the point of shivering until she grew up and wanted to start living her life (we live in Italy and here before 30 years old children do not grow up, my daughter also became unbearable to sit with her parents on the couch and go on vacation at about And my husband decided that the emptiness in the house did not suit him and responded to the call of a young seeker of other people's husbands at work, she had a worse option at that time, but she quickly reoriented to a better position. And now, when he is in the process leaving, I remembered about Silva's method and out of despair I want to try again.

Sergey/ 27.02.2016 Dear, who has the book "You are a healer" ... upload it here please. Or tell me where to find it.
Everything to everyone! Thanks!

Vladimir/ 17.01.2016 I have been doing this method for 4 years now. And I don’t regret it. I was twice at the seminar of Laura Silva herself, twice I listened to Justin's father (Franciscan monk), since Ken Kosiya. Everyone has their own approach, their own techniques, but everything is in within the Silva method. Everything is unique! Who wants to change himself, for him this is the best tool, but you need to practice!

Alexey/ 09/23/2015 Answer for Volond. He wrote that Jose Silva developed his method for children. It's right. Further, the friend asked the question: where are his children now? I inform you: Laura Silva (daughter of Jose) now teaches his method all over the world.

the guest/ 5.07.2015 In the General and the Whole, the whole method is a clear example of the Acquisition of the Active and Controlled ALPHA state. An excellent development of the scientific direction about the Rhythms of Brain Activity. Everything looks very convincing and intriguing.

Dmitry Q./ 05/13/2015 A good method of auto-training, at least. There is no need to wait for miracles, all at once and now, but the method completely "functions" :) In this case, the main thing is what? If a person suffers and does nothing, then only a miracle will help him. But if you start to do at least something to correct the situation, then the countdown from 100 to 1, but at least "Our Father", at least "Om mani padme hum" can be useful :)

the guest/ 11/30/2014 "Thought is material" many agree, and so the Eto method works, this is serious, the air is saturated with it now, many listen, but not everyone can hear. Silva, namely the book "Getting Help from the Other Side by the Silva Method" is a technique for materializing misli.

Andrey/ 10.11.2014 Quite by accident I ran into this author. And I was not surprised by what was written there. Because he himself decided to change his life for the better. What was written by this author superimposed on my thoughts. Not that I got richer or anything like that I just started feeling better and more confident. Now I am at the beginning of my journey, and then I will evaluate my results, Guys, change your life.

Volond/ 4.10.2014 There is one serious dark spot in all this. He developed a method for his children. But something is not heard about his children. Has one become a genius? Well, or did he succeed in business?

Stas/ 1.09.2014 I wonder which is better for relaxation, auto-training or the Silva method?

Dinara/ 4.06.2014 The answer for Sambo and everyone who wants to take a seminar on the Silva method in Kazakhstan: the seminar is conducted by the only certified instructor in Kazakhstan, Karimova Gulzhanat. You can write to her at [email protected]

ilyas/ 05/11/2014 really very panyatlivy, all the books have been written. Jose Silva I am them. creep works but this sense depends on persuasion itself and faith.