The technology of gluing transparent pvc on the boat. Glue for the repair of rubber boats. Collect all the wool in the house

They are made of rubber and PVC, enthusiasts build boats from plastic bottles, plywood and other materials.

But, this article is about making a boat out of scotch tape!

Scotch tape has high tensile strength and is waterproof, so it can be used to make a homemade boat.

The scotch boat is built in several stages.

The first stage in the manufacture of a boat is to build a frame made of reinforcing iron or steel rods, which is the base of the future boat. Without such a steel frame, the boat will be very flexible and unreliable on the water. It is on it that the adhesive tape will subsequently be applied.

This is very similar to the way the boats were made by the American Indians. They pulled animal skins over a light wooden frame.

But, in our case, the materials are much more efficient. Steel, unlike wood, does not rot and is very durable. And scotch tape is water-repellent, and is much better suited for making boats than animal skins.

Steel rods must be joined by welding. Of course, without knowledge of welding technology, a high-quality frame will not work. If you are not a professional in this activity, invite a specialist who understands welding and drawing.

Because manufacturing, fastening and all folds in the boat must be done strictly according to the drawings. The frame must be perfectly symmetrical, streamlined, and have equal spacing between the individual steel bars.

The mast, keel and rudder are also made of steel rods. They are attached last. After welding the necessary parts, proceed to the manufacture and installation of the mast.

The mast is installed on the deck. Our homemade boat has already taken shape. Now the turn of the longest and most important process has come - the tension of the tape on the steel frame, this can take a long time from six to ten hours, it all depends on the intensity of the work and on the number of people involved in building the boat.

Construction tape is used, which has a high density. It takes about three hundred skeins of duct tape to build a boat. This material is waterproof and has good durability. When pulling it, the layers should fit snugly against each other and not have holes, even the smallest ones.

When making a homemade boat, adhesive tape is applied in two layers, first across, and the second layer along the frame. This allows you to avoid leaks and increase the strength of the "skin" of the homemade boat.

The first layer is applied with the adhesive side outward and the second with the adhesive side inward. The bonded layers will be very difficult to separate, so the adhesive tape should be applied neatly, this is a very responsible procedure. The success of future construction will depend on it.

Upon completion of construction, install wooden seats. Attach them with wire loops to the sides of the future boat, in the most convenient places.

The boat is ready! It looks like a modern sailboat.

It remains only to transfer the boat to the water, raise the sail and set sail.

And here is an option for making a kayak from scotch tape, bamboo is used as a frame.

A rubber or PVC boat is a very useful and important attribute in the economy of a fisherman or hunter. It is compact and small-sized when deflated, quickly inflates and folds just as quickly. PVC boats are much more comfortable than ordinary boats made of wood or metal.

Their only drawback is the tendency to mechanical damage, especially punctures. If such a nuisance occurs, the violation of the integrity of the rubber coating can be eliminated by yourself by gluing it with a patch.

First of all, you need to understand the basic properties of the adhesive solution so as not to make the wrong choice:

  • To carry out repairs at a high level, you cannot use cyanoacrylate-based substances, that is, superglues. They stick firmly, but unfortunately, not for long,
  • If a dry film of glue sticks to your fingers, then the product is not very good,
  • Universal glue, despite its versatility, is almost always worse than special glue,
  • Heat resistance is a clear example of the quality of an adhesive solution,
  • The cheaper the product, the more likely it is of poor quality. Such an acquisition is impractical, since it will not bring the desired result,
  • Polyurethane preparations, like chloroprene, are susceptible to the negative effects of moisture.

So how to glue PVC and rubber boat?

It should be understood that when choosing a mixture, you need to pay attention to the type of material from which the floating inflatable device is made.

Tears on PVC boats are repaired only with polyurethane glue options, and for example on rubber ones - polychloroprene ones.

Most manufacturers supply the adhesive along with the patches. If for some reason it is not in the repair kit, you can always visit a specialized store.

  1. Bostick adhesive for PVC 50 ml.
  2. Desmocoll 300 ml.

Options for rubber:

  1. Russian rubber glue 88n.
  2. Glue 4508.

We glue a PVC boat with our own hands - puncture detection

It is quite simple to work with polyvinyl chloride, despite its artificial origin.

Initially, it is required to detect all damage - punctures and tears. At the same time, you do not need to ignore even the smallest holes - under air pressure, they will eventually turn into large ones.

It is easy to find the resulting holes. If the boat is inflated to be placed under water, then air bubbles will come out of each puncture or crack.

  • You can fix them with tape or chalk.
  • Scuffs, peeling and other changes in the appearance of the PVC surface are also taken into account.

After finding all the defects and determining the severity of the damage, you can proceed directly to the repair.

The punctures are closed with special patches - small pieces of a round or rectangular shape. It is desirable to cut them from the same material from which the boat is made.

The size of the patches should be such as to completely cover the damage, but not too much.


How to glue a PVC boat - applying glue to a boat

One of the most common methods is described.

  • Degreasing surfaces.

The adhesive will perform much better if the surfaces to be bonded are initially treated with a degreasing agent. It can be acetone or alcohol, but never gasoline or thinner.

  • Glue application.

The adhesive solution is applied in a uniform thin layer to both bonded surfaces. This procedure must be repeated twice. Allow the glue to dry thoroughly for 6-10 minutes between each layer. Next, we put a patch on the place of the hole.

  • Compound.

Before joining the surfaces to be bonded, you must carefully make sure that not a single air bubble remains between them. Immediately after pressing, they grip firmly. The final stage is rolling the freshly glued surfaces with a spatula. This will increase adhesion and improve the quality of the bond.

  • Exploitation.

PVC glue dries completely within a day after use.


How to properly glue the seams of a rubber inflatable boat

For repairs you need:

  • skin,
  • gasoline "Galosha",
  • White Spirit,
  • toluene,
  • boat repair glue,
  • roller,
  • collagen-containing soil (dichloroethane),
  • clamp,
  • roller.


Stages of work:

  1. We sand the damaged area.
  2. We wipe the surface with gasoline "Galosha", and then with white spirit. This will remove dirt and dust after sanding.
  3. We wash the rubber surface with a cloth soaked in toluene. We wait a few minutes until the surface dries.
  4. It is also recommended to walk with a rag soaked in collagen-containing soil.
  5. We prepare the glue with the addition of polyisocyanate to increase the strength of the seam.
  6. Apply glue to the damaged area and leave to dry for 20 minutes. Then we apply another layer of glue.
  7. We connect the edges of the material, smooth out the folds.
  8. We heat the material with a hairdryer and roll it with a roller.
  9. We put the glued material between two planks, squeeze with a clamp and leave for a day.

Do you need an urgent repair of your rubber boat? In this case, glue, which is designed specifically for gluing rubberized things, will become an excellent helper.

Today, there are a huge number of adhesives on the market, but it can be difficult to choose a really high-quality one among them.

Each glue has a number of features and, of course, disadvantages. Many are accustomed to argue on this topic, because they are extremely convinced that with the help of glue it is almost impossible to seal all the tears and punctures in a rubber boat.

What glue to glue the rubber boat?

Before answering the main question, some important features of rubber boat glue should be noted, which will help determine the right choice of the right product.

So, some tips, following which, you can choose a really high-quality glue:

  • Do not pay attention to too cheap glue options, after all, there is a great chance that instead of such a necessary assistant, you will get an incomprehensible mixture. Such a substance not only does not glue cracks, but can even harm rubber.
  • If you want to glue your rubber boat permanently or even permanently, then you should never buy superglue (cyanoacrylate glue). Of course, it will glue all the tears on the boat within a few minutes, however, believe that you will not enjoy the integrity of the boat for long.
  • An adhesive with a high temperature resistance should be chosen.
  • If you have a choice between special and universal glue, feel free to give your preference to the first option.
  • When gluing the boat, remember that water and moisture are bad.
  • The main criterion when choosing a suitable glue will be its non-stickiness. It is believed that the higher the stickiness of the glue, the less durable it is.
An excellent option for gluing boats is rubber glue, most often provided with the boat. If this was not the case, in this case, you can purchase black glue with the name "Radical".

Such glue is characterized by availability, strength and good water resistance. When choosing glue for a rubber boat, many also prefer polychloroprene adhesives.

And most importantly: when buying a special glue, always pay attention to its composition, which is indicated directly on the package.

Pay particular attention to the heat resistance of the adhesive. The higher the heat resistance, the better the product sold.

Repair of rubber boats

Repairing a rubber boat is a rather complicated process, but as practice shows, only for beginners.

If you have previously found yourself face to face with a perforated boat, then the repeated repair of the waterfowl will not be a big problem for you.

First of all, you need to understand exactly where exactly you need to start repairing rubber boats. So, first, you should prepare additional materials and devices that will definitely help you when gluing cracks or tears.

You will need:

  1. Small (crack size) pieces of rubber that are suitable for patches;
  2. Specialized rubber adhesive.

Before repairing, first you need to find out exactly where the leak formed. And for this, it is necessary to pump up the boat with air and go down into the water.

Why do this? These simple steps will help you quickly find the leak and all puncture sites. They will definitely show themselves with small bubbles.

When the places of punctures and cracks are found, it is necessary to blow off the boat and you can safely proceed to the direct repair. To begin with, a high-quality material is selected, which in all respects is suitable for patches.

It is from this material that small pieces will be cut. An interesting tip from experienced craftsmen: the pieces of rubber should be slightly larger than the main hole to cover it completely.

Moreover, the edges need to be rounded. This will help further protect the boat from any loose material from the adhesive.

For strong adhesion, the surface of the boat is rubbed with fine-grained emery paper. Such a simple technique is needed so that the surface of the rubber boat becomes a little rough.

In this case, you will be able to ensure a strong enough adhesion of the rubber piece directly to the boat. The best way to repair a rubber boat is to use the glue that came with the boat.

If this is not the case, then you can safely buy glue called "Radical" or any other polychloroprene glue.

There are a few simple tips to keep in mind to bond rubber surfaces more firmly.

  1. In order for the rubber patch to adhere more firmly to the boat, it is necessary to degrease them using any method.... Gasoline, acitone, solvent are best suited.
  2. Notice that the cracks on the boat are too big? In this case, tighten the breaks with strong nylon threads. This will provide good enough protection.
  3. When gluing rubber surfaces, different adhesives can be used. Many of them require additional drying during work, with which a regular hair dryer can easily help you.
  4. When working with glue, it is strongly recommended to ventilate the room well, or work directly outside. However, there are several other important factors to consider. For example, one of these is the air humidity, which should not exceed 60%.

Ignoring these rules can lead to a very sad result.

Moreover, if you are gluing in the sun, at temperatures over 16 degrees, or with greasy hands, then you may not even count on a well-glued boat.

How to glue the bottom?

The bottom is the main part of the boat. It is it that is most often exposed to mechanical damage.

In order to glue the bottom back to the boat, some rules must also be followed.

First of all, the damaged bottom must be completely torn away from the body of the boat, then heated with a hairdryer and cleaned with sandpaper.

Your next step will be to apply the sealing tape.

And only then the bottom is attached back. Experienced craftsmen recommend performing all these actions strictly on a very tightly inflated rubber boat.

Now you need to lower the boat and roll all the places that were previously glued, and leave everything in this state for 48 hours.

When working with the bottom, it is worth considering all the basic rules that have already been mentioned.

Popular brands of glue for rubber boats

One of the most popular adhesives today is rubber adhesive 4508. It is made on the basis of natural rubber.

The main features of this glue:

  • good stickiness;
  • elasticity of joints;

There is also a polyurethane glue, which has rather strong adhesion properties. Gummy glue is made on the basis of rubber and provides excellent water resistance.


Glue "Radical" is popular among many owners of inflatable rubber boats. It can withstand fairly low temperatures, heavy loads and even salty seawater.

It is based on a solution of rubbers mixed with other solvents.

Frequently asked Questions

When repairing rubber boats, owners often face difficult moments in the process of work.

To resolve controversial situations and to find answers to extraordinary questions, most beginners, and even professional fishermen, turn to specialists for help or are looking for answers on the Internet.

Is it possible to use Moment glue in the repair of rubber boats?

One of the most exciting issues is the possibility of using Moment glue when repairing a rubber boat.

In fact, the answer to this question is quite simple.

It is possible to use Moment glue when repairing rubber boats.

The main advantages of such a tool are as follows:

  • fast bonding of two surfaces;
  • ease of use.

However, when choosing Moment glue, be prepared for the fact that it is sensitive to high temperatures. Also, it dries instantly when exposed to direct sunlight.

Working with him, you will need to perform all gluing actions very quickly. Moreover, the final effect will also be poor.

The boat, glued with Moment glue, will not serve you for long, and, most likely, after a while, it will fall apart and become unstuck again. It is for these reasons that more experienced fishermen do not recommend using it.

How to wash old glue from a rubber boat?

It is quite difficult to wash old glue from a rubber boat. It should be borne in mind that when gluing two surfaces, rubber glue is quickly absorbed into the rubberized surface of the boat itself.

You should also not remove old dried glue with aggressive solvents or other substances, if you do not want to permanently ruin the fabric of your own boat.

Shoe glue for rubber boat repair

Some specialists use shoe (nairite) glue to repair a rubber boat. It is mainly used for bonding not only rubber, but also leather, wood, fabric and other materials. It is used for repairs, like the others.

The thought of an upcoming fishing trip haunts you? In this case, quickly check your boat for mechanical damage.

If you accidentally find a small crack or gap, do not be upset. Believe me, together with rubber boat glue, you can get your boat in order in a short period of time, and at the same time, without much effort.

One of the main components of a modern fisherman's outfit is considered to be a reliable floating device, in particular a boat made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It is quite convenient, practical, resistant to ultraviolet rays, aggressive substances and does not create additional difficulties during transportation; with proper care and timely repair, the product can last for a decade.

No matter how carefully the owner treats his craft, breakdowns and various damage to the vessel often occur. And then the problem arises, which adhesive to choose and how to put the patch correctly. To deal with this issue, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the types of glue and the features of their application.

Choosing the best glue

Not only the comfort of passengers, but also, most importantly, their safety on the water depends on competently carried out repair work on an inflatable craft. With the wrong approach, the patch can be depressurized, the boat will begin to deflate or fill with water, which will lead to negative consequences.

A high-quality adhesive must meet the following requirements:

Types of glue used, features, advantages and disadvantages

Based on the numerous observations of experienced anglers, the following types of adhesives have proven themselves well:

Ideal for bonding most types of rubber, in particular for repairing PVC products. Advantages: high degree of resistance to water, atmospheric changes, forms a reliable elastic seam.

From a German manufacturer, made on the basis of Desmocoll rubbers, it is positioned as a professional universal and waterproof product. "Master" is intended for gluing products from leather, plexiglass, rubber, PVC, paper, cardboard, fibrous fabrics.

"UR - mono" from the category of one-component compounds, it is used without additional hardeners, it has a high degree of water resistance, has good resistance to ultraviolet rays, and has low toxicity. Most often, it is used to repair PVC coatings.

"Vinikol - 1520" from a series of polyurethane compounds, the main purpose is gluing surfaces made of synthetic materials, including PVC boats. The product has a fairly high resistance to hydrolysis.

"From polyvinyl chloride 900I"- polyurethane glue, its area of ​​application is extensive: balls, plastic awnings, air mattresses, swimming pools, rubber soles, PVC fabrics. The composition has good resistance to various oils, gasoline, water and acids.

"Penosil Fix Go" positioned as cold welding, based on two epoxy substances. Advantages: instantly hardens, easy to process, ideal as an emergency aid for gluing PVC surfaces. Penosil Fix Go has a very strong binding capacity.

It is very popular among consumers, the positive qualities of the glue include: super strength, reusable use, can withstand loads up to 250 kg / cm2, firmly glues dissimilar surfaces.

The choice of glue, which is better to use

In order to qualitatively eliminate various damages on the surface of a floating craft made of PVC material, it is recommended to use glue 4508. The presence of natural components (rubber and resin) allows achieving the required elasticity of the seam and protecting the bonding site from the negative effects of moisture.

The use of rubber glue and glue based on polyurethane also gives good results, the main thing is to comply with all the requirements for the use of this composition.

Application of glue

Before proceeding with the repair work of the swimming facility, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface:

  1. on a damaged inflatable boat, it is necessary to deflate;
  2. wash and dry the problem area well;
  3. in order to avoid the formation of subsequent folds in the working area, it is recommended to put a flat board under it and level the fabric cover;
  4. degrease the problem area with any solvent, acetone.

This concludes the preparatory work.

What materials for repairs will be required

After a thorough examination of the PVC inflatable boat, and having identified the problem area, we proceed to the preparation of the accessories appropriate for the repair:

  • a repair kit, it was installed by the manufacturer and is included in the package for the boat;
  • construction knife, scissors;
  • roller or metal plate;
  • pencil, marker;
  • small brush;
  • water, soap, rags;
  • any solvent, the use of alcohol is allowed;
  • special glue for rubber products.

The above list of tools will be required when carrying out repair work at home or on the shore of a reservoir. If the damage needs to be repaired directly on fishing, then it is more effective to use a repair kit and a lighter.

The standard repair kit includes materials that make it possible to eliminate the cause of the vessel's depressurization in a short time in field conditions. The set consists of a tube of special glue, a set of PVC fabrics with a diameter of 40 mm and 80 mm (6 pieces).

A special adhesive is used to lubricate the inside of the patch and the place of gluing on the boat.

Instructions for use

  1. The problem area must be cleaned from various contaminants. The use of sandpaper is inappropriate here, there is a high probability of damage to the fabric. This option is more suitable for heavily ingrained dirt.
  2. Degrease the work surface with either solvent or acetone. The main thing is to observe the measure in everything, otherwise the rubber fabric may corrode.
  3. Based on the size of the defect, a patch of the desired configuration is cut out. In size, it should be several centimeters larger than the actual size of the hole. The cut out patch is applied to the damaged area and the contours are drawn with a pencil.
  4. The inner side of the patch and the place of gluing on the boat are lubricated with a special adhesive. Allow the glue to dry a little (10 minutes) and once again apply a layer of glue to the work surfaces. Withstand a couple of minutes.
  5. Bonding surfaces... Using a hair dryer, you need to slightly heat the problem area and apply the prepared patch to it. The main condition is to check the site for the presence of an air gap. In order for the glued place to "grab" better, it must be well rolled with a roller. It is better to operate the repaired watercraft after 2 - 3 days.

For minor damages (scratches) it will be enough to fill them with glue, but it is better to apply a patch.

To eliminate holes with a diameter over 5 cm, it is recommended to use two patches: both on the inside and on the outside. The inner patch should be glued first, and after the second.


It is recommended to store adhesives in a tightly closed package, in a tube at a temperature of +15 - +25 degrees. The storage area should be dry, protected from fire and freezing. You should not use, store and transport the adhesive at low temperatures, its working qualities are lost.

  • PVC boat repair glue should be of high quality and special purpose.
  • The use of cheaper options does not guarantee the reliability of the seam.
  • When carrying out repair work to eliminate various damage to the boat, it is recommended to adhere to the clear instructions described above.