Topics on nutrition for schoolchildren. Healthy meals for schoolchildren and a healthy menu for the week. Loss of appetite due to stress

Healthy eating for schoolchildren: learning without suffering

Preschool is a great time, but it doesn't last long. Very soon your baby will be a schoolboy. This, you see, is an important event, a big change in life. School uniforms, textbooks, lessons, new friends... And also greater independence, a new diet and a new diet, which should take into account the increased workload. And it’s good if you start preparing for “food” changes in advance: it will be easier for the child to rebuild.

The beginning of school hours is the time when the child especially needs a balanced healthy diet, including the necessary vitamins and minerals (iodine, iron, fluorine, cobalt, selenium, copper, etc.). If they are not enough, immunity suffers, fatigue increases, it becomes more difficult for the child to learn the school curriculum. The need for milk protein and calcium does not disappear anywhere, so the schoolchildren's diet should include milk and dairy products. Doctors recommend giving your child yogurt or cottage cheese in small packages, because this is an excellent “snack” suitable for a break. It is good if food for schoolchildren is specially enriched with calcium and vitamin D necessary for its absorption - these are exactly the yoghurts, curds and milkshakes included in the Rastishka series from Danone. They are made from fresh milk and fruit puree, do not contain artificial preservatives and colors, and most importantly, children like them. If your child is accustomed outside the home and between main meals to satisfy hunger not with a chocolate bar or a sweet bun, but with “Rastishka”, with admission to school this useful habit will serve him well more than once and will help him quickly adapt to a healthy diet of schoolchildren.

Remember that younger students are recommended five meals a day: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. You will not be able to follow all meals, because the second breakfast is held after the second or third lesson, and many students have lunch at school. But to provide the child with the right first breakfast is in your power. The best food option for schoolchildren is cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet) containing complex carbohydrates that provide energy for a long time. Vegetables (carrots, boiled pumpkin), fruits, berries can be added to cereals. But children do not always like this diet. Not every schoolchild is easy to feed with porridge in the morning: it happens that it is already time to go to classes, and the child’s appetite has not yet “woke up”. And this means that the baby will get hungry long before the second breakfast - and will hardly be able to concentrate on the lessons. This problem can be avoided if the child is accustomed to the schoolchild's diet in advance: the habit of having breakfast early is a matter of time. Before the first meal, it is advisable to give the child some water, as this helps the stomach prepare for the digestion process.

Second breakfast kids usually eat at school - and here, when choosing a diet for children, you can rely on the school cafeteria or on yourself. Many experts, to put it mildly, are not enthusiastic about what they feed children at school: somewhere there is too much sugar, somewhere there are dubious semi-finished products, somewhere there are not enough vegetables and fruits, etc. Yes, school breakfasts are not good for children either. always to your taste ... And, although hot meals for schoolchildren are certainly a good thing, in practice it often turns out that it is better to give a child a sandwich with you, which, unlike the "canteen" pasta, will be eaten. Only a sandwich should be right: make it on whole grain bread, put a piece of boiled chicken, turkey or beef instead of sausage, do not forget the salad leaf, you can add soft cheese. A student can be given nuts or dried fruits, tangerines or bananas. Hot drink (tea, cocoa) children can get in the school cafeteria.

The basis of a healthy student's diet is lunch, which traditionally consists of several dishes: salad, soup (cooked in chicken, meat or fish broths, dairy or vegetarian - do not forget that the diet of a healthy child should be varied), second course and drink. It is advisable to boil or bake meat (beef, veal, lean pork), after cutting off visible fat; it is recommended to remove the skin from poultry before cooking. Fish should be given to a student at least once a week, and preferably more often, because it is rich in vitamins, minerals, and useful fatty acids. However, canned, dried, smoked fish is not suitable for schoolchildren, because it contains a lot of sodium.

When compiling a schoolchild's daily diet, it is necessary to keep in mind this: it is advisable to give meat, fish, and egg products in the morning, since they are digested for a long time. If a child eats lunch at school somehow, you should not compensate for this with a more hearty dinner, it is better to deviate from the usual regimen and feed the baby early, and limit yourself to dairy dishes or vegetables in the evening.

As already mentioned, the diet of children of primary school age involves one more meal between lunch and dinner. For an afternoon snack, schoolchildren are not recommended to give sweet buns, buns made from whole grains are much more useful. When choosing a drink for an afternoon snack, do not forget what was said above about healthy eating - younger students need a lot of milk and dairy products. Choose from drinks the one that suits your child's taste.

Dinner, as we have already noted, speaking about the diet of schoolchildren, should not be as dense as lunch. Limit yourself to a vegetable dish, cottage cheese (or cottage cheese dish), porridge. Milk, kefir or weak tea are suitable as a drink.

In total, a student needs 150–200 g of meat or fish, 200–400 g of vegetables, and at least 200 g of fruit per day for a healthy diet. The total number of calories recommended for primary school children is 1900 to 2000.

Both the well-being and the state of health of the child as a whole directly depend on the correct organization of the diet of the student. If you want your kid to be cheerful, active, strong, resilient, stress-resistant and bring good grades, then pay close attention to his menu throughout the day.

We often forget that food is the only complete source of energy and nutrients, moreover, it is food that ensures the growth and development of a young organism, directly affects the concentration of attention and the ability to remember the necessary amounts of information. In the article below we will try to figure out how to properly feed school-age children.

The foundations of a healthy balanced diet are laid in the school years, and a well-designed diet is the key to physical and psychological health for life. Studying at school is quite energy-consuming. The school day of the average student is equated to many hours of sports training or competitions. The child constantly consumes energy and is in an active mode: cramming poetry, solving mathematical equations, memorizing foreign words, passing standards for long jumps, writing essays, etc.

And so day after day, for a whole week. That is why it is important that with the food eaten the child receives the entire set of biologically active substances and a sufficient level of energy, which goes to restore the expended strength. The student needs many compounds, but first of all, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements, especially iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium.

Nutritionists identify three main principles for organizing school meals:

- variety of diet;

- balance;

- moderation.

In order to achieve this, let us dwell on the main points of organizing a rational healthy diet.

Breakfast before school

The morning meal when organizing school meals must necessarily include a hot dish, preferably containing starch, for example, pasta, whole grains, potatoes. Starch and fiber have a long period of breakdown in the digestive system, due to which the glucose formed during digestion enters the bloodstream in small portions, and this leads to a long-term maintenance of the optimal level of energy in the body. An ideal addition to a plate of porridge or noodles are fresh or fruits (fruits, vegetables, berries) and a handful of nuts. Tea is considered morning drinks, weak coffee is always with whole, juices.


Packed 200-gram natural juices with a straw are good for a quick snack for a schoolboy, plus add crackers, fruits, vegetables, a whole grain bread sandwich with a slice of boiled beef, turkey or veal, greens to the juice. When choosing juice, carefully read the labels on the package - in no case do not take nectar, look for a note that it is 100% natural juice without sugar and preservatives.

Meals during break

In order to prevent stagnation of bile, the interval between meals in children should not exceed 3.5-4 hours (in adults - 5 hours). If your school organizes hot meals, then it is enough to take care of small snacks, which are suitable for a few pieces of biscuit cookies, an apple, a pear, a juice bag. If, for some reason, school meals are not organized and there will be no opportunity to fully eat, then the child will need to be given a more substantial set of products with him.

How to organize a child's nutrition so that the diet can meet all the energy needs at this age. During the period when the child goes to school, he has an increased psychological and physical stress, so the food should be healthy, nutritious and as useful as possible. - this is a guarantee of his strong immunity, good academic performance and. Much attention has been paid to this topic, but some questions have remained unsolved. What foods should be limited in the diet? What diet should you choose? What is the best way to cook food?

Recommendations for organizing proper nutrition for schoolchildren

Pediatricians and nutritionists around the world generally agree on the following principles of healthy eating for schoolchildren:

  • Calorie content. When creating a diet for every day, it is necessary to take into account the energy consumption of the child.
  • Diversity. This is one of the main principles of creating a menu, the only way to provide the body with essential amino acids.
  • Mode. The child should eat regularly, the intervals between meals should be regulated.
  • Balanced Diet. The presence of proteins of animal origin is considered mandatory. Carbohydrates, which are quickly broken down, should be no more than 20%.
  • vitamins. The diet should include vegetables and fruits.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. It is extremely important that children eat fish at least once or twice a week. Every day you need to consume dairy products, especially yogurt, milk, cheese. All kinds of sweet goodies and fatty foods are allowed in the diet, but they should not replace healthy food.

His Majesty - Diet

School-age children should be taught to be independent. Breakfast can be scheduled for 7-8 am. Snack falls at 10-11 o'clock, at school, at recess. Lunch can be held either at home or at school. Dinner is planned for 19-20 pm. Proper nutrition for school children provides that breakfast and lunch should be the most energy-intensive, but it is better to have dinner two hours before bedtime.

As for the method of preparation, there are no special recommendations here. If the child is prone to gaining excess weight, then it is worth excluding fried foods, as well as sweets and carbonated drinks from the diet.

A few words about calories

  • Primary school students have their own calorie intake, which is no more than 2400 calories.
  • Schoolchildren who study in secondary school should receive - 2500 kcal.
  • High school students are allowed up to 2800 kcal.
  • Children who are actively engaged need energy-intensive nutrition, so they should consume 300 kcal more.

If you don’t have time to choose the calorie content of the diet for yourself and your family members, you can use ready-made menus from.

What should be instilled in children?

Summing up everything on the topic “Proper nutrition for schoolchildren”, I would like to say that food culture is of tremendous importance, and it is necessary to learn to eat the right food from childhood. Encourage children to eat a variety of nutritious foods. Do not deny yourself fresh vegetables and fruits. Foods high in starch deserve special attention, and the benefits of whole milk, yogurt and cheeses are generally incomparable. The main source of fluid intake in the body should be water, not sweet soda.

Healthy school food.

September is the start of a new school year.Your child is no longer an amusing toddler, but an “adult” first-grader, on whose shoulders an unusual burden of responsibility falls. Now he has to learn for an eternity - 45 minutes - to sit at his desk, listen carefully to the teacher and get good grades.

Secondary school students also feel the same pressure. Graduation from elementary school, where yesterday's kids were under the caring care of the first teacher, the problems of adolescence - all this creates additional stress and interferes with the full development of educational material.

What can we say about high school students with their colossal study loads and preparation for entrance exams!

How can we, parents, help our children in their hard work of learning about the world around them? First of all, we must provide them with an optimal daily routine and healthy, nutritious nutrition.

Basic principles of healthy eating for schoolchildren.

The nutrition of the student must be balanced.The right balance of nutrients is essential for children's health. The student's menu must include products containing not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also essential amino acids, vitamins, some fatty acids, minerals and trace elements. These components are not independently synthesized in the body, but are necessary for the full development of the child's body.The ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:4.

The nutrition of the student should be optimal.When compiling the menu, the needs of the body associated with its growth and development, with changes in environmental conditions, with increased physical or emotional stress, are necessarily taken into account. With an optimal nutrition system, a balance is maintained between the intake and expenditure of essential nutrients.

The calorie content of the student's diet should be as follows:

    7-10 years - 2400 kcal

    14-17 years old - 2600-3000 kcal

    if a child goes in for sports, he should receive 300-500 kcal more.

Necessary products for good nutrition of schoolchildren.

The most valuable for a child are fish and milk protein, which is best absorbed by the child's body. In second place in terms of quality is meat protein, in third place is vegetable protein.

Every day, a student should receive 75-90 g of protein, of which 40-55 g of animal origin.

The following foods must be present in the diet of a school-age child:

    or ;

A sufficient amount of fat must also be included in the student's daily diet.

The necessary fats are found not only in the “fatty” foods familiar to us - butter, sour cream, lard, etc. Meat, milk and fish are sources of hidden fats. Animal fats are absorbed worse than vegetable fats and do not contain essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.

The rate of fat consumption for schoolchildren is 80-90 g per day, 30% of the daily diet.

Every day a school-age child should receive:

Carbohydrates are needed to replenish the energy reserves of the body. The most useful are complex carbohydrates containing indigestible dietary fiber.
The daily norm of carbohydrates in the diet of a schoolchild is 300-400 g, of which no more than 100 g should fall on the share of simple carbohydrates.

Necessary products in the student's menu:

Vitamins and minerals.

Foods rich in vitamin A:

    Bell pepper;

    green onions;



    fruits of chokeberry, wild rose and sea buckthorn.

Food sources of vitamin C:

    red bell pepper;


Vitamin E is found in the following foods:

    germinated grains of wheat;

    Table of contents [Show]

    What is this for

    Proper nutrition of children is a determining factor in their full development, good health, high mental and physical abilities. is to follow the rules of a healthy diet, increasing mental activity, physical activity and reducing fatigue.

    Many parents are often faced with the problem of compiling the right diet for a student, not knowing which foods will bring maximum benefit to their child.

    Principles of proper nutrition for schoolchildren:

    1. School-age children need a balanced diet. Children's health mainly depends on the ratio of nutrients. The child should receive not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements.

    2. Nutrition should be optimal. When choosing a menu for a child, you need to take into account the needs of his body.

    3. Products used by the child must be natural and healthy.

    4. The student's menu should include hot meals that have a beneficial effect on the organs of the digestive system.

    It is not recommended to overfeed a student, since the child's body also has the ability to turn unused calories into body fat. Being overweight in childhood can lead to many diseases.

    Schoolchildren's diet

    The correct nutrition regimen for a student is closely related to the student's daily routine. During particularly intense classes and mental stress at school, the child's nutrition should be fractional and easily digestible. A hearty lunch with proteins and fats that require long digestion is best postponed for a period of rest from work.

    Based on the fact that the feeling of hunger appears after 4 hours after eating, it is important to adhere to just such intervals between meals. Usually a student should eat 5 times a day. For weak children, this number of meals can be increased.

    Proper nutrition menu for schoolchildren

    The diet of the student should be made up of products necessary for their vigorous activity and well-being. The child should eat the following foods:

    1. Milk and dairy products. Proteins are indispensable substances in the structure of the child's body. School-age children should eat milk, butter and sour cream daily.

    2. Meat. Lamb, beef, poultry, lean pork should be eaten at least once a week.

    3. Fats. Fatty acids and vitamins are an indispensable source of energy and calories.

    4. Fish. Calcium and phosphorus present in fish are involved in the development of a child's bones.

    6. Fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins and fiber, promote energy production and improve the digestive process.

    7. Porridge, potatoes and pasta with their complex carbohydrates contribute to the proper development of a growing organism.

    A school-age child should drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day.

    Proper nutrition for schoolchildren, based on the observance of the basic principles and rules of food hygiene, will allow the child to grow up healthy and well developed.

    The arrival of autumn marks the return of school days, rainy autumn weather and mental stress. That is why nutritionists advise paying attention to the proper nutrition of a student during this difficult period of their life. In addition to school, many children attend additional classes in dancing, drawing, and go to sports sections.

    The importance of proper and healthy nutrition for a student cannot be overestimated. A growing organism needs to receive a maximum of useful microelements and minerals for its normal development. So what is important to include in a teenager's diet? We study the advice of nutritionists and make the right menu.

    Useful and harmful

    Rational nutrition of a student can only be made by parents. Healthy foods activate brain activity, give strength and energy, while junk food will create discomfort in the stomach and problems with the digestive tract.

    Nutritionists advise introducing the following nutritional components into the correct menu for a student:

    • dairy products, as they contribute to the strengthening and growth of bones;
    • vegetable fats that favorably affect nails and hair;
    • vegetables and fruits, because they contain a storehouse of vitamins;
    • protein foods that will help restore energy after a hard day at school.

    It is also important for a child to observe a drinking regimen, because water activates metabolic processes. Especially to listen to the recommendation is necessary for those parents whose child is engaged in active sports.

    Nutritionists have compiled a list of harmful foods that harm the body and cause the development of gastric diseases. Therefore, if you want to provide a healthy diet for a student, exclude this category from the diet:

    • sausages, sausages and other soy protein products;
    • shop crackers with various additives;
    • crisps;
    • sweet soda;
    • fast food and various spicy foods;
    • sausages;
    • coffee and products containing caffeine;
    • various sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup.

    It is not necessary to introduce a ban on sweets if they do not replace, but complement the main dishes. The ideal way to cook food for schoolchildren is to steam or bake in the oven.

    These are the basic nutritional rules that parents of teenagers should follow.

    food schedule

    The change in the child's education has a great influence on the time of eating. If a student attends classes on the first shift, then the best option for a meal would be the following hours:

    • breakfast 7:00 - 8:00;
    • lunch 10:00 - 11:00;
    • lunch 13:00 - 14:00;
    • dinner 18:00 - 19:00.

    For those who go to school on the second shift, you need to eat at such times:

    • breakfast 8:00 - 9:00;
    • lunch 12:00 - 13:00;
    • afternoon snack 16:00 - 17:00;
    • dinner 19:00 - 20:00.

    Do not forget about the basic rules of nutrition, lunch and breakfast together make up about 60% of the total daily calories. Evening meals are taken no later than two hours before bedtime.

    We compose the menu

    The student's menu for the week should consist of nutritious and energy-rich dishes. Such proper food will provide the child with energy, increase brain activity. So, what is recommended to include in the weekly diet.


    One of the main meals that will energize you for the whole day.

    • oatmeal with apple or berries, green tea;
    • buckwheat porridge cooked with milk, chicory;
    • omelette with cheese, sweet tea;
    • cheesecakes, cocoa;
    • rice porridge with pieces of pumpkin, tea;
    • pancakes, cocoa;
    • cottage cheese with berries or honey, sweet tea.


    Lunch is the most energetically valuable element of nutrition for a student. The lunch meal must necessarily include the first liquid dishes to ensure the normal functioning of the intestines. For the second, it is advisable to eat a meat or fish dish that will saturate the body with protein.

    • red borsch, mashed chicken cutlet, vegetable salad;
    • pickle, beetroot salad, beef stroganoff with stewed vegetables;
    • chicken noodle soup, fish cake with rice, vegetable salad;
    • potato soup, liver with rice, eggplant caviar;
    • beetroot, beef patty, carrot salad;
    • vegetable soup, baked fish with pasta, cauliflower;
    • seafood cream soup, chicken chop with vegetables.

    Don't forget to complement the student's lunch with drinks. Compotes, jelly, herbal decoctions and natural juices are suitable for nutrition.

    afternoon tea

    This meal can be considered a snack before dinner. A child can have an afternoon snack both at home and at school. Options:

    • oatmeal cookies, apple, kefir;
    • cottage cheese bun, pear, milk;
    • bun with raisins, orange, curdled milk;
    • biscuit cookies, apple, fermented baked milk;
    • biscuit, orange, tea;
    • cottage cheese cookies, pear, kefir.


    The evening meal of the student should be as light as possible and carried out no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Do not give the child meat, otherwise there will be a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which will make it difficult to sleep. For dinner, you need to prepare the main course and drinks.

    • potato zrazy, cranberry juice;
    • omelet with green peas, tea;
    • pancakes with curd filling, cocoa;
    • rice pudding, fermented baked milk;
    • omelet with tomatoes, milk;
    • cottage cheese with candied fruits, cocoa;
    • cauliflower casserole, green tea.

    This correct menu allows the student to eat rationally every day, without harming the body and ensuring the maximum intake of useful substances. Using this diet, you can independently create a suitable menu. Remember that for breakfast and lunch you need to give dishes with a higher calorie content.

    Preparing food for school

    Nutrition for schoolchildren during school hours is no less important than at home. What can you cook for your child if there is no dining room in the institution or you do not trust the local catering?

    To get started, ask your child what he would like to see in his lunch box for lunch. Perhaps it will be dried fruits and nuts breakfast cereals, or perhaps he will want a casserole. Don't box your teen's least favorite dish, as there's a good chance they won't want to eat it.

    Based on the opinion of nutritionists, the right lunch (or afternoon snack) for a student may consist of:

    • pieces of fresh fruits, nuts, dried fruits - this is a dry loose breakfast;
    • yogurt, curds, cheese mass;
    • healthy sandwiches based on cereal bread, butter, fresh vegetables, meat slices;
    • nutritious rolls made from pita bread, fresh herbs and meat;
    • eggs, slices of cheese, vegetables;
    • cottage cheese or berry casseroles;
    • Japanese snack.

    The last nutritional option is optimal for a growing body, since in a bento lunch or a dry snack, there are various dishes that are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. As you can see, preparing lunches for school does not take much time. It is enough just to find your recipe and follow the wishes of the child.

    It is very important to package food nicely for your student to want to eat it. Lunch boxes will help you with this. The color palette of products is very bright, and the child can decorate it with stickers or drawings.

    How much to eat

    Nutritionists have calculated the optimal amount of food consumed for a student:

    A drink in the amount of 200 ml is added to all meals. It can be teas, jelly, berry fruit drinks, cocoa. Do not give your teenager coffee, as the drink is quite high in caffeine.

    Proper nutrition of schoolchildren depends entirely on the parents. Teaching a child to healthy food is possible only by personal example. Exclude from the diet all products with artificial additives and dyes, diversify the menu with meat and fish dishes, add vegetables. Healthy eating is the key to success in school.

    • Minerals, mg
    • vitamins
    • Breakfast at home
    • Breakfast to go
    • hot lunch
    • home packaging
    • Diet

    The basic principles of the organization of rational nutrition remain relevant for people of all ages. Let's call them again:

    1. Adequate energy value of the diet, corresponding to the energy consumption of the child.
    2. A balanced diet for all interchangeable and irreplaceable nutritional factors.
    3. The maximum variety of the diet, which is the main condition for ensuring its balance.
    4. Optimal diet.
    5. Adequate technological and culinary processing of products and dishes, ensuring their high taste and preservation of the original nutritional value.
    6. Accounting for the individual characteristics of children.
    7. Ensuring food safety, including compliance with all sanitary requirements for the state of the catering unit, supplied food products, their transportation, storage, preparation and distribution of dishes.

    However, catering teenagers, schoolchildren 10-17 years old has its own characteristics, consisting in taking into account all the changes that occur in the child's body at this age. During this period, special attention should be paid to the following points:

    • There is an intensive growth of the whole organism, comparable to the rate of human development in the first year of life.
    • All the main systems are developing: the musculoskeletal (especially the skeleton), there is an increase in muscle mass (taking into account gender characteristics), the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and there is also a radical hormonal restructuring of the body associated with the puberty of a teenager.
    • Against the background of all physical restructuring, the load on the psycho-emotional sphere increases.
    • Not only school workloads are increasing, but also the tension caused by the social adaptation of a teenager.

    Proper nutrition of schoolchildren can help in solving so many problems that arise precisely in adolescence. Now it is especially important to provide the body with all the resources not only for growth and development, but also for the ever-increasing stress at school and puberty.

    It is during these years - in fact, starting from the age of 10 - that the child becomes an adult. And this also applies to his physical development, and psycho-emotional, and intellectual. The child learns new rules of adult life. He learns responsibility and independence, learns to build his relationships with people in a new way.

    It is also important that it is during this period of growing up that the child learns to independently observe a diet, eat rationally, regardless of adult supervision. Firstly, to help your body in hard work right now, and secondly, to develop a habit that will come in handy in an independent life. After all, our health depends on how we eat.

    When compiling a diet for schoolchildren aged 10-17, changes in the physiological needs for nutrients and energy are taken into account, depending on the age and gender of the child.

    Average daily norms of physiological needs for nutrients and energy for children and adolescents of school age

    Minerals, mg


    Substances 7-10 years old 11-13 boys 11-13 girls 14-17, boys 14-17 girls
    C, mg 60 70 70 70 70
    A, mcg 700 1000 800 1000 800
    E, mg 10 12 10 15 12
    D, µg 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5
    B1, mg 1,2 1,4 1,3 1,5 1,3
    B2, mg 1,4 1,7 1,5 1,8 1,5
    B6, mg 1,6 1,8 1,6 2 1,6
    PP, mg 15 18 17 20 17
    Folate, mcg 200 200 200 200 200
    B12, mcg 2 3 3 3 3

    The approximate weight of the daily diet (net) of adolescents aged 14-17 is about 2.5 kg.

    Based on these data, it is possible to form an average daily set of products necessary for schoolchildren.

    Products Student age
    7-10 years old 11-13 years old 14-17 years old Youth 14-17 years Girls
    wheat bread 150 200 250 200
    Rye bread 70 100 150 100
    Wheat flour 25 30 35 30
    Cereals, legumes, pasta 45 50 60 50
    Potato 200 250 300 250
    Vegetables are different 275 300 350 320
    Fresh fruits 150-300 150-300 150-300 150-300
    Dry fruits 15 20 25 20
    Sugar 60 65 80 65
    Confectionery 10 15 20 15
    Butter 25 30 40 30
    Vegetable oil 10 15 20 15
    Egg, pcs. 1 1 1 1
    Milk, KMPr 500 500 600 500
    Cottage cheese 40 45 60 60
    Sour cream 10 10 20 15
    Cheese 10 10 20 15
    Meat, poultry, sausages 140 170 220 200
    A fish 40 50 70 60

    The student's diet is directly related to his daily routine. Most of the time teenagers spend at school. In this regard, the alternation of mental stress and periods of rest should be taken into account. During a period of significant mental stress, food should be fractional and easily digestible. The solid part of the diet, a hearty meal that supplies proteins and fats and requires a long digestion, should be transferred to a period of more or less long rest.

    Typical diets for schoolchildren during training in the first and second shifts.

    First shift

    • 7.30 - 8.00 Breakfast at home
    • 10.00 - 11.00 Hot breakfast at school
    • 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch at home or at school
    • 19.00 - 19.30 Dinner at home

    Second shift

    • 8.00 - 8.30 Breakfast at home
    • 12.30 - 13.00 Lunch at home (before going to school)
    • 16.00 - 16.30 Hot meals at school
    • 19.30 - 20.00 Dinner at home

    When organizing meals in schools, one should keep in mind the basic medical and biological requirements:

    1. The school ration should consist of breakfast and lunch and provide 25% and 35% of the daily requirement, respectively, and in terms of the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, breakfast and lunch in total should provide 55-60% of the recommended daily physiological requirements .
    2. Rations should be distributed according to their energy value, content of proteins, fats, etc. depending on age.
    3. It is necessary to observe the diet - breakfast before leaving for school, second breakfast at school (10-11 a.m.), necessary to replenish energy costs and food reserves intensively consumed in the learning process; lunch (at home or at school) and dinner (no later than 2 hours before bedtime).
    4. School meals should be sparing both in terms of the method of preparation (limitation of fried foods) and in terms of their chemical composition (limitation of synthetic food additives, salt, spices, etc.).

    Unfortunately, it is not necessary to wait for the fulfillment of all the requirements by a modern school. In addition, it is completely impossible to take into account the individual characteristics of each teenager. Therefore, children and their parents must do a lot in this direction themselves.

    Breakfast at home

    Often children have a poor breakfast before school or refuse to eat at all. This can be bad for their health. On the other hand, at this difficult age, it is impossible to forcefully solve the problem, and it is not worth it. How can a child get the full nutrition that he simply needs?

    Adults should observe the taste preferences of a teenager and try to offer the student something healthy and tasty for breakfast. Explain to him why it is so important to eat before school.

    Breakfast food should not be "heavy", oversaturated with fats. It can be fish, boiled egg or scrambled eggs, cutlet, cottage cheese, porridge. And, of course, some vegetables. You can supplement the menu with tea, cocoa with milk or juice.

    Breakfast to go

    You can give a sandwich with boiled meat or cheese with you to school. You can offer your child to take yogurt, bagels, pies, buns. If possible, you can cook cheesecakes, casseroles for your child. In autumn, apples, pears, cucumbers or carrots are especially good. A student can take juice, compote or tea with him in a carefully washed flask or bottle.

    It is very important to keep in mind that some foods can spoil quickly at room temperature. Meat products spoil especially quickly. Stale boiled sausage will only harm the stomach. This topic is especially relevant for the cold season, when heating is turned on in schools, and food spoils faster.

    hot lunch

    A "school sandwich" cannot replace a full meal. Therefore, it is important to explain to the child, especially if he stays after classes for an “extension”, that it is very important and useful to eat “hot”. If the child is in class until an hour or two, and then goes home, adults should make sure that a full meal is waiting for him there.

    home packaging

    Of great importance is how the school breakfast is packaged, and in what conditions the child will eat it. You can use plastic bowls or cling film. In vessels, food will not lose its primary form, it will not stain textbooks. On the other hand, breakfast packed in film is safer and more convenient from the point of view of food hygiene. It's no secret that students don't always wash their hands before eating. In such a package, you can bite a sandwich and not touch it, holding on only to the film. True, this does not mean that the child does not need to take care of the cleanliness of his hands. Parents should teach the student about the importance of personal hygiene for his health.


    In connection with the restructuring of the whole organism, many adolescents often have problems with metabolism and, as a result, problems with excess weight and skin condition. Sometimes these troubles seem insignificant to adults, but for the teenager himself they are very painful. It is important not to leave the child alone with these problems, especially since many of them are corrected with the help of a properly selected diet.

    In this case, in no case should you form this diet on your own, without the help of a nutritionist. Because in any case, the child must receive all the necessary substances and trace elements. Any fasting, "fasting days", diets with a strict calorie restriction, which are difficult even for an adult body, are categorically excluded.

    All of these problems are usually temporary and are eliminated through a balanced diet, daily routine and exercise. However, if the violations are more serious, then treatment issues should be resolved by specialists.

    Article courtesy of the Danone Institute


    As a specialist related to the health of schoolchildren, a valeologist, as well as a psychophysiologist, I can note that the value of this article is very high both in terms of information content and in terms of accessibility and clarity of the content of the text.

    10/31/2007 05:34:25 PM, Olga

    Comment on the article "Nutrition for schoolchildren"

    Healthy eating is important at any age. But in childhood and adolescence, this is especially important.
    During this period, the growth of the child is very active, almost, as in the first years of life: the skeleton is actively formed, muscle mass is built up, all systems and organs are intensively developing, an intensive hormonal restructuring of the body occurs.

    It is very important that there are at least 4 meals. The last time is no later than 2 hours before going to bed.

    A full breakfast is recommended in the morning. But not every child can eat at such an early time. Therefore, the wishes of the child must also be taken into account.
    Breakfast should not be too heavy. Boiled egg, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, porridge. It is better to cook porridge from whole grains, and not flakes or instant porridges that have undergone numerous heat treatments. Add a little butter (not vegetable oil) to the porridge. From drinks tea or cocoa in milk.

    Since it will take a long time from breakfast to lunch, you need to give the child something as a snack. Sandwich with cheese or boiled meat, cheesecake or casserole.
    Vegetables or fruits are also suitable. Also nuts and cookies. Fast carbohydrates will make up for the lack of energy. Do not give perishable foods, such as boiled sausage. If possible, pack the second breakfast in cling film and put it in a plastic container. Mineral water, juice are suitable for drinks.

    At lunch, the child should receive hot food. At home or in the school canteen, lunch should consist of soup, meat or fish. Garnish with boiled or stewed vegetables, cabbage, potatoes, occasionally pasta or legumes.

    Dinner should also be hot. It can be a bird or fish with vegetables or rice. Drinks milk, kefir. A child needs milk protein, the norm for a schoolchild is 500 ml of milk per day.

    The calorie content of the student's diet
    A child 7 - 10 years old should consume 2400 calories per day;
    14 - 17 teenager - 2600 - 3000 kcal. If a student goes in for sports, then the calorie content needs to be increased by another 500 calories.

    If a child is concerned about being overweight, you should not choose a diet on your own, it is better to consult a nutritionist, an endocrinologist. And lose weight according to the recommendations of doctors.

    The nutrition of the student should be well balanced. The body must receive all the necessary nutrients from all major food groups.

    • Bread, pasta;
    • fruits and vegetables (berries);
    • Poultry meat, fish, nuts, legumes;
    • eggs, 4 dairy products;
    • cheese, 5 butter, fats, sweet

    From proteins, the body builds new cells, fats give the body energy, some fat-soluble vitamins and minerals are absorbed only with fatty foods. Carbohydrates also provide energy, dietary fiber helps in better digestion of food.

    It has been proven that between the ages of 7 and 18, the most intensive growth of the human body occurs. It is accompanied by increased mental and physical stress, a lot of strength in children is taken away by classes at school. How to eat right for a student in order to successfully study and maintain his health? This is our today's "Good advice".

    Vladimir FURTSEV, nutritionist, associate professor of KrasSMU:

    Of course, students should not use any fast food as snacks or lunches. But if there is a choice between hunger and fast food, it is better to choose the second option. But in no case should you turn it into a permanent dish on the child's menu.

    In general, parents of schoolchildren should familiarize themselves in advance with the assortment that the children are offered in the school canteen and buffet. I note that today in most school canteens a competent menu has been compiled.

    A good option for a snack is milk, which is given to schoolchildren in Krasnoyarsk. In no case should you snack on chips, purchased crackers, sweets. It is better to put some fruit in the child's briefcase: an apple, a banana, an orange. Sometimes you can snack on chocolate, but it should be a natural product, and not a mixture of vegetable oils and sugar.

    As for soup, students do not have to eat it every day. I'll explain why. Firstly, it is not customary in all families to cook soups on a secondary broth. And the primary broth contains many toxic substances. Secondly, soup is not a panacea for all diseases. Its calorie content is small. It is better to give preference to second courses - cereals, meat, fish, cottage cheese.

    Don't forget to drink!

    Experts of the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education remind: a full, balanced diet is the most important condition for the normal functioning of the human body, especially during the period of growth and development.

    The organization of nutrition for schoolchildren of different ages has its own characteristics, since it is necessary to take into account the changes that occur in the child's body at each stage of growing up. Specialists conditionally divide the school period into three age groups: 7-11 years old, 11-14 years old, 14-18 years old.

    7 to 11

    Inadequate or unbalanced nutrition at primary school age leads to a lag in physical and mental development, which, according to experts, is almost impossible to correct in the future.

    One of the most important components of food for schoolchildren is protein. Its deficiency, and even more so protein starvation, leads to growth retardation, disorders of not only physical, but also mental development, a decrease in disease resistance, academic performance and working capacity. Excess protein leads to disruption of metabolic processes and loss of appetite.

    During the period of growth, the need for fluid is especially great, due to which there is a better absorption of nutrients, as well as the removal of decay products from the body. A student should drink about two liters of fluid per day. Its deficiency can lead to a violation of thermoregulation and the digestive process, cause poor health, which in children often manifests itself in the form of disinhibition, inability to concentrate. A constant lack of fluid can lead to kidney and liver disease.

    11 to 14

    Nutrition of adolescent children has its own characteristics. In high school, puberty begins, preceded by a pre-pubertal growth spurt. Of particular importance is the sufficient intake of proteins necessary for the formation of new structural components of the body. That is why the lack or even complete exclusion of protein foods from the diet (which happens when teenagers use different diets) affects not only well-being, but can lead to disruption of the natural course of development.

    Also in the diet of adolescents must be present sources of calcium, which is necessary for normal growth and development of bone tissue. A lack of calcium leads to diseases of the musculoskeletal system: scoliosis and impaired posture. Natural sources of calcium are milk and dairy products.

    In connection with the increase in blood volume and muscle mass, the body's need for iron in adolescents increases significantly (iron-containing foods - meat, buckwheat, pomegranates, etc.). Malnutrition during this period can lead to chronic diseases and developmental delays.

    14 to 18

    Nutrition for high school students should be organized taking into account a significant increase in the energy needs of the body associated with an increase in intellectual, emotional and physical stress. It is important to note that the daily energy expenditure of boys and girls is higher than that of adult men and women (the difference is about 15 percent).

    According to recent studies, every sixth inhabitant of the planet is overweight. It has already been proven that excess weight appears primarily due to lifestyle, that is, it depends not so much on genes as on the ability to implement the programmed program. Girls should not get carried away with diets, and boys should not use anabolics for an unnatural increase in muscle mass. Remember that supplying the body with the necessary substances is possible only with a varied diet, the basis of the diet should be familiar products.


    Alimentary-dependent diseases are diseases that depend on a person's diet. These include anemia, diseases of the digestive system, gallbladder and biliary tract, pancreas, endocrine system (thyrotoxicosis (hypothyroidism)), metabolic disorders (obesity).

    What are the benefits of vitamins

    Vitamin A - ensures the normal condition of the mucous membranes and skin, improves the body's resistance, is responsible for the normal state of vision. It is found in fish and seafood, liver, apricots, carrots.

    Vitamin B1 - improves digestion, strengthens the nervous system and memory. This vitamin is found in vegetables, rice, poultry meat.

    Vitamin B2 - strengthens nails and hair and has a positive effect on the condition of the nerves. Vitamin B2 is found in eggs, milk, broccoli.

    Vitamin B6 - is responsible for the normal functioning of the liver, improves hematopoiesis, and has a beneficial effect on the functions of the nervous system. This vitamin is found in egg yolk, brewer's yeast, legumes, and whole grains.

    Vitamin B12 - stimulates growth, promotes hematopoiesis, improves the condition of the central and peripheral nervous system. Found in meat, cheese, seafood.

    Vitamin PP - regulates cholesterol levels and improves blood circulation. Vitamin PP is found in fish, meat, nuts, vegetables, wholemeal bread.

    Pantothenic acid - has a beneficial effect on the functions of the nervous system and intestinal motility. Contained in egg yolk, meat, beans, cauliflower.

    Folic acid - is necessary for growth and normal hematopoiesis. This is a “green” vitamin, there is a lot of folic acid in spinach, green peas, savoy cabbage, etc.

    Biotin - is responsible for the condition of the skin, nails and hair, regulates blood sugar levels. Biotin is found in egg yolk, brown rice, soybeans, and tomatoes.

    Vitamin C - useful for the immune system, connective tissue and bones, accelerates wound healing. There is a lot of vitamin C in rose hips, sea buckthorn, sweet pepper, black currant, lemon.

    Vitamin D - strengthens teeth and bones. Vitamin D is found in the liver, caviar, eggs, and milk.

    Vitamin E - fights against the destructive effects of free radicals, affects the functions of the endocrine and gonads, slows down aging. Found in nuts and vegetable oils.

    Keep track of time

    Regular food intake (about every 4-5 hours) is also an important component of proper nutrition, as it contributes to the best absorption of food. Typical diets may vary depending on the lifestyle of the child, the organization of his educational, sports and other loads. But in any case, it is important to strive to ensure that the child develops the habit of eating at strictly defined hours.

    Breakfast and dinner (1st and 5th meals) should be 25 percent of the daily calorie content. If the child is engaged in the first shift, then at 11.30-12.00 hours, during a big break, he should receive a full second breakfast (15 percent of the daily calorie content), and lunch at home at 15.30-16.00 hours (35 percent of the daily calorie content). If the child is engaged in the second shift, then he receives lunch at home at 12.30-13.00, and at 16.00 he has an afternoon snack at school.

    Soup, second course and compote

    A student's breakfast at school, according to the "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education," should consist of a snack, a hot meal and a hot drink. It is also recommended to include vegetables and fruits in the morning menu.

    A student's lunch should include an appetizer, first, second (the main hot dish of meat, fish or poultry) and a sweet dish. As an appetizer, you should use a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh or sauerkraut, carrots, beets, etc., with the addition of fresh herbs. To improve the taste, you can add fresh or dry fruits to the salad: apples, prunes, raisins and nuts.

    Dinner should consist of a vegetable (curd) dish or porridge; the main second course (meat, fish or poultry), a drink (tea, juice, jelly).


    Every tenth student eats twice a day, although four is required. 15 percent of students do not eat breakfast at all. About 80 percent of schoolchildren eat vegetables and fruits mainly only on holidays.

    Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for children and adolescents of different ages

    Name of products

    Number of products depending on age in g, ml, net

    Rye bread (rye-wheat)

    wheat bread

    Wheat flour

    Cereals, legumes



    Fresh vegetables, herbs

    Fruits (fruits) fresh

    Dry fruits, including rose hips

    Fruit juices, fortified drinks

    fillet fish


    Milk (2.5% and 3.2% fat)

    Dairy products (2.5% and 3.2% fat)

    Cottage cheese (no more than 9% fat)

    Sour cream (no more than 15% fat)


    Vegetable oil


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    Hello dear readers and guests of the blog about a healthy lifestyle! Today I ask you to pay more attention to this article, especially those parents whose children have gone to school! Indeed, with the beginning of the school year, all mothers and fathers of schoolchildren have a lot of trouble. There are such questions - how to keep the health of the child? What should be the proper nutrition of a student so that his immunity does not decrease?

    Photos of schoolchildren

    Which of the products should be given to a student so that he has the strength to study? This problem, unfortunately, is very relevant today! Therefore, I will try to give exhaustive answers to all the proposed questions. But for starters, as promised in the past, I am enclosing our photos of children from the first school line, especially since this year my youngest son went to first grade.

    This year all our children went to a new school, as the nearest school was closed due to a small number of students. To compare the number of children last year in different schools, you can see the photos from the article. The new school is located in the village of Bulanikha, about 9 km from our village where we live.

    In general, the children liked the school, the classes are large, everything is basically divided into "A" and "B". I hope they will also study with great interest and desire.

    And here is my son:

    Well, now let's get down to our main topic.

    How to keep a child healthy?

    First of all, at school, children face many infections. In summer, they do not communicate with such a large circle of peers, and their body resistance decreases. And there are hundreds of children in the school. It is important that the immune system does not fail. Weakened children sometimes get involved in the educational process for a long time, get sick.

    It has been noticed that children who have vacationed at sea or in camps in the summer have less colds and flu. But if the summer passed in our latitudes, then you should not despair. Parents themselves can harden the child, accustom him to a cool shower, dousing with cold water. Just don't overdo it.

    A classic mistake many parents make is that they immediately start with “drastic” measures. Immediately put the baby under a cold shower or a bucket of ice water. You can not do it this way. It's not far from a runny nose, or a cold. Start by wiping down with a wet towel, airing out the room before bed and in the morning. I have already written in more detail and step by step.

    After school, before starting homework, the child should be at least a little distracted, take a walk, work out in the fresh air. Walk, even if it's raining outside - it tempers, just dress for the season. Do not arrange a "training marathon" - it will only tire you, but will not lead to an increase in academic performance.

    Be sure to take breaks in class. If at school lessons last 40-45 minutes, then at home you need to arrange a rest every 20 minutes. So a good effect will be achieved in the assimilation of the material. There is no need to intersperse the lessons with snacks and teas if the child is not really hungry or it is not time for an afternoon snack or dinner.

    As for the daily routine, many children find it difficult to adapt to an early rise. In order not to sleep later in the first lessons, you need to go to bed on time in the evening. If the rise is scheduled for 7 in the morning, then you should go to bed already at 8.30, in extreme cases - at 9 pm. And parents should not distract the child. It is clear that if you watch TV in the evening, and there is an interesting movie, then the baby wants to join you, just for the sake of communication. But it will hurt him later. Adults are easier to tolerate lack of sleep, and the children's body is very fragile.

    Nutrition for schoolchildren

    The daily routine of schoolchildren should be sufficiently saturated and dynamic. They are constantly learning something, reading, drawing, playing sports and so on. And such classes for schoolchildren take place every day, five days in a row.

    Parents to maintain the remarkable well-being of their children can provide them with good nutrition. Earlier in the article, we already considered what should be the right healthy one. But now let's take a closer look at what the student's menu should be.

    Menu for the student

    Between the ages of seven and seventeen, children are actively developing both mentally and physically. Therefore, they must fully eat in order for the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and nervous systems to develop normally. Children should receive in sufficient quantities all vitamins and microelements, with the help of which children's health is formed.

    What do we have for breakfast?

    Firstly, it must be rich in vitamins, and secondly, it is easily digestible. No fried foods and smoked meats, or keep them to a minimum. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After all, it charges the body with the necessary energy for the whole day, stimulates mental activity and brain activity. Breakfast should include hearty foods, but not heavy and without excess fat.

    For breakfast, the student can offer:

    1. Whole grain products that contain vitamins A, D and group B. These vitamins help the child to be more efficient, resistant to nervous overload. Cereals contain starch, which is slowly broken down. Therefore, the child receives a charge of energy gradually, which has a good effect on his cheerfulness, throughout the day.
    2. Calcium is very important for a growing body. It is found in dairy products. Therefore, if a child drinks a little yogurt or milk in the morning, eats a few tablespoons of cottage cheese with honey, natural yogurt or hard cheese, he will be charged with calcium for the whole day. But remember that it is absorbed only with vitamin A, C and D.
    3. To get the required amount of fiber, the child must eat muffins. It promotes better digestion and circulation. Have your child take a bagel to school to eat during recess after the first or second period as a second breakfast.

    School Lunch

    For lunch, the student should eat high-calorie foods. After all, learning and thinking, children lose a lot of energy. For lunch, students can offer:

    1. Hot liquid dishes that excite the gastric juice and thus help the body to better digest and assimilate food. For example, a student can dine with milk soup or meat broth.
    2. For high physical and mental performance, children should eat fish and meat. From these products you can cook delicious meatballs. You can also cook boiled fish or chicken and serve it with stewed or fresh vegetables.
    3. The berries contain a lot of glucose and vitamin C. You can make jelly, compote or a delicious decoction from the berries.

    What will the student have for dinner?

    School-age children should have dinner no later than two hours before going to bed. At the same time, meals for dinner should be prepared light. Before going to bed, you should drink a herbal decoction or a glass of kefir, or eat sour cream with sugar. Some children do not like kefir or sour cream, they can be replaced with baked milk.

    The reason is also that kefir or sour cream is taken out of the refrigerator, and they are unpleasant because of their temperature. Children do not realize this, but they are uncomfortable, and dislike is developed. Try holding kefir in a saucepan of warm water. Perhaps after that, he will drink with great desire.

    Fresh juices, fruits and vegetables should be your assistants in the process of vitaminization of the child's body. Just be sure to keep the fruits clean. Today you can find special devices on sale - fruit washers that clean fruits, vegetables and berries not only with water, but also with ozone. After all, at night the body also rests and releases less gastric juice. Yes, and with a full stomach, sleep will be disturbing. Therefore, vegetables and fruits are great for dinner.

    Vegetables contain vitamin A, which is responsible for vision, and folic acid, which is responsible for favorable growth and excellent digestion. Vegetables can be offered to a student in the form of vegetable stew or vegetable salads.

    Fruits contain many different vitamins and fiber, which help to strengthen the immune system. Fruit can be used to make a casserole. In addition to her, let the child eat fresh fruit, bananas, apples or pears will do.

    This is how proper nutrition should be for a student, where we have compiled an approximate menu. If we follow these tips, then our children will develop well and grow up to the joy of everyone. This is where I end the article and invite all parents to listen to additional advice from experts on the preparation of proper nutrition for schoolchildren of any age:

    How to feed a child in the morning and what food to put in a satchel are questions that almost every mother puzzles over. Not all schools have canteens with an impeccable menu. And replacing lunch with crackers or chocolate bars is not very useful. In this case, one thing remains - to think over a full homemade breakfast and takeaway food.

    homemade breakfast

    The school year has just begun, the child has not departed from the summer vacation regime and simply cannot wake up early. Bottom line: barely dressed, not in the mood and does not want to have breakfast. You don't have to be angry with him.

    If the stomach does not wake up, you need to wake it up. First, let the child drink, and then choose what he likes. Surely he has preferences among healthy food.

    In the morning, you can offer porridge, muesli, yogurt, sweet cheese mass with pieces of fruit, pudding or a beautifully decorated cheese sandwich. If the child prefers meat dishes, you can cook meatballs or meatloaf.

    Let him eat as much as he can. No need to turn breakfast into torture.

    Important to remember

    The most important thing in the nutrition of children is the established regimen, which depends not on the whim of the child or his parents, but on the educational process and workload. In schools with a mathematical, foreign or physical bias, the total caloric content of the diet should be 10% more than the age norm. In ordinary educational institutions, the following standards are adhered to:

    • the first breakfast and dinner must be 25% of the daily calorie content;
    • second breakfast (from 11:30 to 12:00) - 15%;
    • O bedtime and afternoon snack (from 15:30 to 16:00) - 35% of the daily calorie content.

    Every meal of the child at school should include:

    • protein foods (fish, meat);
    • cereals (porridge, flakes);
    • dairy or dairy products;
    • fruits or vegetables;
    • drinking (water, juice, compote, milk drinks).

    Nutrition control and correction

    Power control is easy to achieve. It is enough to ask the child what he ate at school. And, given this menu, try not to repeat it.

    You will never go wrong if you cook something from vegetables or fruits at home. Moreover, fortified food in schools was canceled due to bursts of food allergies.

    It is worth explaining to the child what kind of food is harmful and why, develop a food culture, become an example for your children, and, if necessary, limit pocket money.

    Food to go

    The interval between meals should not be more than 3-4 hours. Lunch is served between hot breakfast and lunch. It is most convenient to cook it yourself: this will give confidence in the freshness and usefulness of the products. For lunch, sandwiches, fruits, vegetables are suitable.

    • Fruits - apples, pears, grapes, tangerines - are rich in vitamins and healthy fiber.
    • Dried fruits (dried apricots, apple slices, raisins) are a healthy alternative to fresh fruits. Assorted nuts can be added.
    • Bread is the carbs that will help your baby get through most of the day without feeling hungry. You can make sandwiches. Protein products (tuna, ham, chicken or cheese) are suitable as fillings. Sandwiches are best stored in food foil or film.
    • Put vegetables in your lunch container. If the child does not like greens, add them to salads or toppings.
    • Beverages. You can give your child water, tea, compote or natural juice with you. The ideal option is a milk drink or yogurt. This will add a portion of calcium to the child's diet. Under no circumstances should carbonated drinks be allowed.

    Do not give chocolate or sweets as a snack. These foods will provide the daily amount of calories, but the body will not receive the necessary nutrients.

    Finally, proper packaging is very important. Some foods (especially meats) can spoil quickly at room temperature. So, everyone's favorite boiled sausage will go bad in a bag in a few hours and can cause an intestinal upset in a child.

    To keep lunch fresh and healthy for at least a few hours, try to put all meat, dairy, fish and egg products separately. Explain to your child the importance of washing hands before eating. And just in case, put wet antiseptic wipes in your lunch bag.

    Taking a cue from the Japanese

    Children do not like food that is healthy from the point of view of adults. Put a little surprise in a container of homemade food: any souvenir or toy. Interest in lunch will increase many times over.

    And the Japanese came up with a special lunch for children - bento. Adult Japanese have collected the most common products for bento - boiled rice, scrambled eggs, vegetables, fruits, sausages. Figures of animals, cartoon characters are cut out of products. Rice is tinted with harmless dyes. All this is beautifully placed in a special box and decorated.

    It may be a bit tiring to make bento every morning, but it works.

    And every parent dreams that his schoolchildren have enough energy and desire to learn new material and get good grades, while attending some other sections and circles, paying attention to reading the right books, watching the right programs and communicating with friends and family.

    Proper nutrition in childhood forms healthy eating habits and guarantees the absence of stomach problems in adulthood.

    Where can a student get energy for all this and how to maintain good health throughout the school year? Proper nutrition with great mental and physical stress is the key to both excellent health and high academic performance. Our 10 tips will help you avoid mistakes in the question of how and what to eat for a student.

    How to eat a student?

    1. Students must have breakfast! Charging the body in the morning with the right amount of calories will favorably affect its condition throughout the day.
    2. It is better to make a student's meals 5 times a day: with a mandatory breakfast, lunch and dinner, there should be snacks between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner. The snack may be small, but it should be.
    3. Watch the water balance of the student's body, because the lack of fluid leads to headaches and premature fatigue. The child should get used to drinking at least 1 liter of pure non-carbonated water per day.
    4. A sufficient amount of protein should be included in the schoolchildren's diet, because its lack leads to stunting, reduced resistance to disease, academic failure and disability. Therefore, if you are raising a vegetarian, then introduce more protein plant foods into his diet.
    5. Schoolchildren, especially those in elementary grades, should eat at least 3 servings of dairy products daily: milk, natural sugar-free yoghurts, hard cheese.
    6. Try to completely exclude from the diet of the student all fried, fatty and smoked, as well as sausage, sausages and other factory-processed meat products. Natural meat, fish and poultry can be steamed, boiled or stewed.
    7. The calorie content of a student's diet from 7 to 10 years old should be at least 2400 kcal, from 10 to 14 years old - 2400-2600 kcal, and from 14 to 17 years old - 2600-3000 kcal per day. If your child goes in for sports, then the calorie content of his menu should increase by 300-500 kcal.
    8. Sweets provide a significant amount of calories, but do not have vitamins and spoil the teeth. Therefore, never replace sweet wholesome meals. Give sweets in limited quantities and only as a dessert.
    9. Try to find time to go to the school cafeteria and try what the children are fed there. You may be lucky and the school lunch will replace your home one. Or vice versa - the child will have to be given more sandwiches and forbidden to eat school food.
    10. Good sleep is just as important as nutrition. Do not give children caffeinated drinks in the afternoon (coffee, cocoa, strong tea, chocolate), try to have the child go to bed no later than 22.00 and sleep at least 8-9 hours a day.

    And now let's talk about the menu for the student, which will fill him with energy and essential vitamins without overloading the stomach.


    Breakfast has always been considered the most important meal of the day. In order for the child to eat normally in the morning, you need to wake him up an hour before leaving the house. It would be good to teach him not only to wash his face and brush his teeth, but also to do a little exercise and pour cold water on him. Morning activity will immediately drive away sleep and wake up your appetite. You need to have a high-calorie breakfast so that you have enough energy for 3-4 hours.

    It can be a variety of cereals with milk or water, with butter or fruit, mashed potatoes or pasta, large scrambled eggs or a steam omelette. You can drink everything in the morning - coffee, cocoa, juice, tea, milk.

    Second breakfast ("big break")

    If the school canteen is well fed, then the question of a second breakfast disappears by itself. But if the food there is disgusting, then you should think about an additional bag of sandwiches.

    First, replace white wheat bread with any whole grain or dark flour. Flour products made from white flour are extremely unhealthy for a young growing organism.

    Secondly, replace the sausage with chicken or turkey meat. And instead of butter, which is used to smear a sandwich, put a lettuce leaf, fresh cucumber or tomato.

    You can also drink whatever you want. It will not be a mistake to stop at plain clean water.


    At lunch, the child must definitely eat something liquid and hot (soup or borscht) and carbohydrate-protein (meat or fish with vegetables). Dessert can be sweet.

    It is better to cook the first courses for a student not in broths, but in water. Prepare small pots of soup or borscht to last 2-3 days. The child should have fresh food. Meat, fish or poultry for second courses is best stewed, boiled or baked in the oven, rather than fried. Completely exclude instant soups, cereals, mashed potatoes and other "substitutes" for food containing a bunch of preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers and other inedible "E-shek" from the student's diet.

    A sweet dessert should be in moderation and not immediately after a meal, but after at least half an hour.

    afternoon tea

    A light snack will help the student to wait for dinner without getting hungry, and not to overeat during dinner. Therefore, 2 hours after dinner, you can drink weak tea, milk, compote or juice with cookies. Or natural yogurt with fruit. Or just eat fresh fruit.


    Dinner should be light and no later than 2 hours before bedtime. For dinner, a student can be offered an omelet, cottage cheese, stewed or baked fish, stewed vegetables or porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal). It is best to drink herbal tea, milk or compote.

    Prohibited Products

    There are foods that are so harmful to the growing body that it is better to completely exclude them from the diet of the student. In addition to harm, they do nothing, especially since they are all produced in a factory way, and, as we said above, factory processing of products is harmful for a child's body.

    And the last thing - I want to turn to the parents of schoolchildren: you don’t want your child to be sick, unsuccessful and backward? Then do not buy him all the listed "goodies". After all, his future, his career, his personal life, the foundation of which is laid by you, depends on the health of your child, today!